10 Polly and Her WANT ADS Want ml rewired at any time but to insure proper classification must b . pteycutcd before 1 o'clock noon lur tin' evening edition und before "!.CL p. in. for the morning and Sun As. edition. Want uds received after ttuck hours will nave their first in.crtlon under tlio heading, "Too Lato to Classify." CASH KATES FOR WANT ADS RECJUJiAlt CLASStt'IOATION. One insertion 12 cents per line. Tito or luoro consecutive inser tions 1& cents n word. 'No itdvcr Usemeut tukeu for less tliun -0 ccnti. Two or more consecutive inner lions 1 cents per line. One lino per mo th 91.60. Twenty cents" ft minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons liaviug accounts arc measured by the line, not by the word. C11AKGE HATES. Six words to the line. One insertion 12 cents pe line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 0 cents per line. One' lino per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts arc measured by the line, not by the word. Dealers In Omana are: Lo A. Hoffman, 24th and Dodse. K. U Dodder, 2Jd and Cumins. N, 1. Kwanson, llth and Cumln, Q. II. lirower, 60i North 24th tit, South Omaha. , You can order BAItCOPIbAQI from ths fcllowtnit CEMKTKIUES: Voreat lA'srn, Phone Florence U4. Prospect Hill, Phone Webstar 2W- Wcat Lawn. Phono Douglas !tt!. Mount Hope, Phone Uenson 141-w. Oraccland Park, Phone Douglas 10M. Holy bcpulctier, 3U liarker UMI. Or, order direct from the AAt-uIUCA BAHCOPHAOUri COMPANY, Douglas t4i Oitlco 30 First Nat. Hunk, liiug. B1HTUS A.NW lltATllfc. Dtrths-I. J. andBadl? Shanahan im P nkney, giril J. ana oaiuuin a 27U7 Caldwell, hoy. Kranlc Puladlno, 21U3 Pierce, girl; J. E. and Martha 6'Hare. 27i Cuming, boy; A. II. and Sarah Huston. 25IS V'vi bJi ahd Lydla Kreeland. 1W1 Jatcs, boj, Daniel and He en Travis. jl8 Kort. boy. Deaths-Tohn U. Blouse, a) Tears, hos pital" MwtBlo Johnson. 20 yr, ui rtorth 'iwcnty-seventh. . CA.HU U." 'tllANKb. We dislr to thank our ttni and nXhblira. also Ht. John's DodKe, No. Yndlnt "rce und Accepud Mason; at CamP W Modern Ww"-. America, tor the kindness and sympathy Stendcd to us. during the loss of our Moved husband and father, also for the beautiful floral ortni - ynfay w. p. nicE. I.UDUU NOTlCIS. BniCKIYEitsTATTENTION. lecratary. . MAHHIAOK 1CBNBS. The foltowlnB couples wcro iranttd marriage Vcens today: Age, Namo and llesldenen. . , 23 James Erta. South Oma.-;;; g Carrie Johnson. South Omaha Archie Italley. South Omaha........ g Anna Hoff. Norfolk 33 Peter J. Peterson. ChlcaRo " Ida, M. Ellis. Omaha........ Ksther Clover, aienwood, la Charles U Moore. Omaha Ida i" EHl. Omaha....... ' " Kdwln T. Pterson CourUan 1. Kan..;; g Ella Qurnoy. Cansvllle. ' ttoland P. ?nr?nomaha ? . Prances A. Oabci. Omana. UU1LWINO 1'ISHMITS. Wilson & Warren, 3324.10 North Twen v fourth brick apartments. 316.000. JfranK Uif 'P .SSh dTwe ntyB: una, iw HELP WANTED FEMALE Affettts sunt anlcsTvaiuen. WANTED Lady to travel for old estab hkhrf llneTsalary. commission and ex nePso money is. explained in our offer Kd ftgreement; experience unnecessary. ... .-V,nvp,--ilianWAtrA fnanectors. Ap?ly Buperintenoent. Clerical and Office. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer. State age. experience und salary expected in first letter. Address N id, care Bee. . "ilulUgraPh operator. 343. Add. E-263. Beo. atenographer, $50. Address C-2M. Bee. HoursrkeeptnK Hud Domeetlcs. , WANTED-Competent girl for house work, S in family. Good wages. Apply 8721 Spauldlng St Phone Web. 3080. WANTED Experienced maids. Apply 1-ousekeeper. Hotel Rome. ""WANTED, at once, a girl with good references for general housework. Family of two. Good wages paid. German girl preferred. Call mornings. TsU II. U31. ?1J Park Ave. WANTED A competent girl Tor Eeti--val homework. 4323 Cass fat Telephone Harney 110. GOOD girl for general housework; family of three; no washing; exc'lent place fur the right girl. Phone Jliiruey HI. or call at 2C5 3. SM St Pals--They Liked - I 0 .) Mv6out rr! fiynf (See wwis 1 1 coulo & mm met Tb7(SosmI M -this Summer! J somlOass ccuLofo Voo Villi I ,mk wYsbME sawEo) 1 gLL7 , 3T 1 BELIEVE. ' Orp HAMMERED V SURE-! I I til pcnonv.IT. ILELP WANTED -FEAL1LK. HELP WANTED. i A T" Ji r 1- P.nimATinKAr, nPi'RBRD mn nm. iloimcberperit uitit Komi-lit let. WANTED A second girl. Experience i in.! references necessary. 4M No. atth St. WANTED-A middle nged woman or young girl to assist In general houtewofk. Foreigner preferred. Apply 221U Hurt St WANTKD--A girl for general house woilc Nc washing: gcod pay vjn Ho. ath Harney 1K1. GOOD girl for general hoim-jWotk. Bo. 31th St. Phone Harney C21. 115 WANTED - Good Blrl for general hou. work. Phone Harney CIAS. 1337 Park Ave. GIRL for funeral housework, Ull No. 2Clh. So. Omaha, no. SM WANTHin good W II CDS. Expot'lonceC sutond girl; :005 Ht. Jlary's Ave. WANTUD Qlrl for general housowotk; best of waxes. Tel. Harney THE SKHVANT OlltL. 1'rtOUL.EM SOLVED The liee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad J TIE 13 until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Uluffs. Bring your ad to The lies office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Girl for general house work; tltrnn In fnmllv: trnA.l wip... until. u. onco. Phone Wobstei 3080. VA'TP.ni mMril...i.,l .unmn. housework. H)7 No. 2Jd Ht, lT a vTvn oiLiaKiA ..1 -1 AH 1 housework; good wages. Apply 2408 Duwey Ave. WANTED A rood clrl fnr rmiulnr 3004 Karnam. Good wages. WANTED A clrl for aeneral hou. work, im Woolworth Ht. Tel. Harney 0342. WANTED Qlrl for general housework; good home to right patty. 4912 Dodge. WANTED-Oood girl for general house- worx; email family. Tel. Hnrney 3018. WANTED Uy volinir counle. nlon rlrl between 14 and IS years old for company for wife. Tel. Hod 7409. 10 Florentine Apt WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Harney 4042. 1320 8. 34th Ht. WANTED Good second uirl. lis Rn 34th St Phone Harney C21. factory ad 1 rnfles. TUB Neb. Tel. Co. can use a limited number of girls in the operating depar. ment. Applicants must furnish refer ences. Salary paid while learning. Ap ))' C. F. Lambert, district traffic chief, ilth and Douglas. KlscellnnueAs, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the' young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where thUtf Will lim rllr.nl.il , n mll.til. K ........ I . places or otherwise assisted. Look for our M ump mi. mo uniqn aianon nnVVDVUCVrn nntuminun WOMEN-175 month. Wrlet Immediately 5f 'i...Wa n,tltute. Dcpt WflMI'M tn rfn -lain . -' for a large Philadelphia firm; good money and steady work; no canvassing; send teply envelope tor prices paid. Universal Co., Desk 1, Walnut Bt, Phlla. Pa. HELP WANTED MALE Aarcuts, Halcsmrn sun Solicitor. WANTED 4 nest.appearlnB young men I to travel. ppiy vw uranaeis Tue. uieg. Activjt solicitor, splendid line, quick sales lib. cdm. Sanitary Service Co.. 310 Be Bid WANTED An experienced registered pharmacist Desirable positions and short hours. Apply Superintendent, Brandcis Stores, STEADY position and good pay for a first class salesman; must glvo bond. Apply-at once. Ureat Western Accident, 614 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED High class advertising sales men to soil monthly sign service taietalt dealers. Exceptional opportunity. Ref erences required. Address, Wlndokraft Department, 77 JR. Paul St, Rochester, w i urn. UU VTf?' 'T.nl.. .. .1." ...... ...' o uKciiia. i. vv. Baker. 1114 W. Broadway, council Bluffs. WAKTirnTiiunlu.lli.. .1 ....... ..w- . ..V..I.J-.,.U Idlll-U IIUO salesmen. AoDlV nl hum tn Hun.rlnt.n. dent. Brandels Scores. Olerleat and Office. OFFICE clerk, $40. D-254. Bee. Faetury suit '1'raitea. HARVEST HANDS for South Dakota. Omaha Employment Bureau. 121 N. 16th. WANT A TELEGRAPH JOB? V hM une waning lur you. Vuj can qualify for It In a few short mouths at BOYLES COLLEGE OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC R It TRAININO SCHOOL. We will supply you with a place to work for board wntlo attending and free transpor tation to your post when your course Is lompielvd ncita lor our catalogue today BOYLES COLLEGE, U09 Harney bt, Omaha. Neb GET Into thy most protiUblv business of today, the automobtla business, ahd be come independent. Our large, well equipped slops offer the opportunities of learning tna business by actual ex perience oil different makes of cars, our terms am inoderulc. Wilts or uuil National Auto Tralnlmr association. 2sl4 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb., phone W. HELP call onmha Lmpioyfiwnt Bureau. WANTED Lather to put on metal iuth; out-of-town work. Appiy Mr. W'yait Paxton hotel be I ore 10:30. MEN wanted to learn the barber t'..dr. Best tradu 111 existence for poor man. Machlncr can't kill It. Our grud u.iK-s i;iuli in demand. Top wagvs to holders ot our certificates. Few weeks nompletes. Tools given. Catalogue tree. Moler Barber College. 110 So. llth St ATTEND the ItlUllT SvllooL Larg est, best equipped scnool and repair shop In entire west. Prlve 1.0 itioro than any of thofo-called stnouls. ivjuipment aii-1 faculty not to bw compared In any par Ueular. NEBRASKA AUTOMoBi-U UCHOOL, 1417 Dodge. Phone Doug. 33. Drug stote man; jobs; Knelst. Res Bldg. WANTED d'oupcteut young man In drug department Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. WA NTED Two young men for bottling works. 160d Webster. WANTED first class meat cutter, honest and reliable. Courtney Si Co. Uisceklancuuka , WANTED Railway mall cleiks. J75.00 to J1W month. Details free. Franklin institute. Dcpt 21S Rochester. N. Y. WANTBl-Mrn to. try November ex anilnation for Omah mail earlier; tt'to tlw per month. Apiy Y "U, Bee. WANTBD-uib good farmers to raise peas, pigs and alfalta on (20 to SW land. For full particulars und prices write The Moica Mercantile Co., Mosca. Colo, THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 11)13. the Girl, but They Were EXPERIENCED saleslady for women' gloves and underwear; steady position. Address O 244, cam Dee. WANTED SITUATIONS, MAN of thirty, well educated, with nonio "business experience, desires post Hon during August. Address 8-212, care Hen . POSITION .as hotel porter or bell hop. Tel. Webster 240O. MIDDLE-AGED Getnian lady would like a position as housekeeper In a pri vate family; good cook and laundress; best of city references. Trl. D. 5211; residence- 1721 Dodge. Wanted posit as practical nurse. W. 6230. A BOY or 15 would like some kind of work: call Wob. 420S. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Standard Furn. Hep. 1st CI. rep'g. Red 8831. D. S. Griffith, wig mtr, 12 Frenser Blk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. GET a lucky WEDDING HINO from BHODEGAAHO'S, AT the SIGN of the CROWN, up thu GOLDEN STAIRS, lGth and Douglas HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; COc postpaid; samples free. Sherman St McCounell Drug Co., Omaha. DO YOl'H children llko stories? Send for Miss Dashlell, story teller and chil dren's entertainer at your own home. Terms reasonable. Address 2412 Cass St, Omaha. Neb. ATTRACTIONS. Omaha film exch., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMODLL1S8. DRUMMOND'S Dig new garage at 26th and Farnam. FORE DOORS SEAT COVERS. EXPERT and guaranteed repair work on all kinds of cars; battery charging and magneto repairs; castings welded, bargains in used cars. SCATES MOTOR CAR CO., 1415 Dodgo. FOR BALE One Cadllac, 4-passenger roadster; rear tonneau may be removed and car used for commercial Durooaes! car in first class condition; all new tires-. win sen or irauo ior D-paBsenger car. Address N 207, Uee. RUNABOUT car, almost new, with top ana a 11. p. cyunaer water cool engine, 3323; owner leaving Omaha's -must selt Call at Cartercar Co., 2115 Farnam. 1100 reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll rcpslrlng. Baysdorfer, 210 N, 18, Motorcycles. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKELS' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16TH AND HARNEY. BUB-AOENT3 wanted for the. Yale motorcycle In nearby territory. Also bar gains In all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor H. Roos, "the Motorcycle Man." Har-ley-Davidson and Yale motorcycles. 2701 Leavenworth St, Omaha, Neb. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES ODDS AND .ENDS BARGAINS. Two auto truck bodies, 125, .u 3100 Limousine body, nearly pew..., 300 White Steamer, two new tires 200 Set of I 32x33Vi casings and tubes.... 60 Two-cylinder motor and transmission, 40 Truck chassis, solid rubber tires.,, 60 H. PELTON, 2024 Farnam. Doug. 3301. BUSINESS CHANCES. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE We offer a large selection of first mortgages on farms In Nebraska. Some of these mortgages have been reduced to one third the original amounts, in other words, are now more than one-fourth to oue-elghth of yhat we sold the lands for In 10.10. The beat test In the world ot whether a mortgage Is good Is whether a man nas reuucea ms obligation. Here is a a, sainplo ot what we have on hand: oan Amount. Value No. MortESKOr. ot Loan. Security. 2142 Coy Zltf-Hchlect ....... .11.000 6,400 ,. Z.NX) 800 U30 1,400 3.100 1.10O io.wo 6,000 10,000 6.200 12.000 8,400 4,800 6,1100 12.000 12.000 SiSS-HolIe ttill-Putnani ... Svr-Whlte 214-Fuller 3&37-Hi!dreth SS23 ltllpatnck 790 S!tl Stahl , 400 2144-Suhr "OOO 2126 Eklund S.000 If you aro Interested In first-class 6 per cent mortgages, if you wilt write us, will be Very glad, Indeed to send you a complete description of what we have to offer and any other Information you may delri PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 3d Floor Ware Block. Omaha, Neb. A TIRE and tire repair store carrying a small, but complete line of accessories. Located In the beat automobile city In Colorado. A good, paying business that will stand Investigation, lnquim Boak Rubber Co., 17 80. Cascade, Colorado Spr.ugs. Colo. FOR SALE The best meat market In the North Platte valley. Cash sales over 320,0)0 inr annum. Must sell sixty days. Change of climate only reason for sale. Price J3.000. mostly cash. Brokers get busy. Address Y 222. careOmalia Bee. TO QUICKLY self your business oT mi null, wme iveiineocca to., Omana. I'll ttttt tn i.w .... ft... 1.. . .. OANQESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. HAVE- completely equipped garage for sale at a bargain. R. It, Hd. 3Io Brao. dels Theater WE HAVE SAFE INVESTMENT WITH GOOD PAYING POSITION FOR RIGHT PARTY. ADDRESS A-ixT Brh Itooiulnir Houses tor SoTeT TEN rooms completely furnished; good Income. I9 Farnam. FOR SALIC The best meat market In !J5?NorUl P'"6 valley; cash sales over 120.010 per annum; must sell sixty days: change of cllmato only reason for sale; Price 33.CM). mostly caih. Brokers get busy.' Address Y 222. care Omaha Bee. BUSINESS PBUbOXALS. Abstracters. B. M. Sadler Sc Son. 316 State Blr. o. 134. Amateur Printline and Flnlshlitir. Tm-IT.MV ir- nrlltl. . iM d . ! holm Photo t o , ti: N. 16th., Omilu, Ne ... I ...... ..... ... ...... i l r-v vr I ITT1 J r i J i . i MAKis .inn ri...ii,c i x . V. Ul VyXllCVlXU I Afraid of Her Pa ARKIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands fov quality, quantity & econ omy. 316 S. 15th, middle of block, ZA floor. Empress ANY SEAT 10c, ANY TIME. K ERR Abstract Co., 303 8. 17th St Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., -'Mlckel's.'' ISth and Harney. Douglas 16& We rent, repair, sell needles, parts ot all sewing machines. V ACUUM cleaners sold and rented. vacuum cleaning done In the noma. Sanitary Service Co. Tel. Doug. 2AH BUSINESS PERSONALS. Barber Shops. TEN CENTS shave and -neck shave: B cents ahlno. Elsalser's, 1817 Farnam Bt. llrnna Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 29th and Martha Sts Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1S0S Farnam. Douglas 64K7. Chiropractors, J. C. Lawrence, D. O. 2322 Howard. MSI. Lee W. Edwards, M. P., D. C. 24th ft Far. Mrs. Rosa Bocsen, 1823 Lake. Web. 47SI3. China Pnlntlnir. CHINA painting; outside tiring done Mrs. F. C. Haynea, 1E23 S. 25th Bt D. tW. CollectinK Airencles. WESTERN PROTECTIVE ASSN. We collect bad debts on commission. No results, no pay. Prompt and reliable. Phone D. 7041. Suite UKS W. O. W. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Dressmaking-. Terry Dressmkg. college. 20th & Farnam WANTED Dressmaking by pupil Miss Metzlnger, Klester school. Detectives. , WESTERN PROTECTIVE ASSOCIA TION, formorly with United States gov ernment special agent corps; reliable, and efficient. Men furnished lor all classes of Investigation; fees reasonable: results guaranteed. Suite 1125, W. O. W. Uldajl l-hone Douglas 7041. Omaha Sec. Her. A gey. 42S Paxton. D. 131. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Drinking; Cops. Sanitary paper drinking cups. Tho thing for advertisers' uses. Burkley Envel'e Co. Drags. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. Kverythtnir for Women. OLD plumes made new. California Os trlch Plume Co.. 206 Neville Bldg. Dg. 6010. Florists. A. Donaghuo, 1007 Farnam. D. 1001. HErfS Sc 8WOBODA. 1418 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, lUltf farnam. D. 12)? Fnrnaces, Stoves, Repairs, Free Inspection of your furnace, steam- or hot water heater. If repalis ure needed, we have them in stock. Now is the time to pre pare for winter. Repairs for ull makes, ot stoves. Omaha Stovo Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St. Tel. Tyler 20. Insurance. M. INSURANCE Fire, tornado, auto, Dau It smltn, 32rf Bee Bldg., lol u. Vie. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tyler 102t O'Neill's, 15u Fuinam St Llghtulnif Hods. PURE COPPER LIGHTNING RODS, WHOL8E8ALE AND RETAIL. We keep lightning out ot your honiu. Write or Phone It F. STRUTHERS MFU. CO., Doug. 83S1 Music, Art and LanKunKes. Hethertngton, violin tchr. 1313 Far. W. 732 Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN, 119 N. 16th. MIRACLE WHEAT Hardiest winter wheat grown. One-third busuel seeds an acre. Awarded highest honor at Charleston, W. Va., Vtli state show 33 per bushel. Nlmsht Nuzum, Shlnnston, W. Va. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson. 208-9 Brandels The. Bldg,, Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117. 11. A. Stuigess. Brandels Bldg. D. 3163? Printing. The Raber Priuting Co Zvho BEE BUB., ENTRANCE ON COUR' 1018. RT. WATKHS-UAltNHAKT Ptor. Ca. nual. Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 B. 13th. CENTRAL PRINTING Co., Doug. S76I. Public Striiox-raphers. Ida M. Walters, 815 Om. Nat Bk. D.1430 Minnie Phalen. 613 Brandels Bldg. D. 343H, Pluuiblujr. Plumbing and heating. Fischer & Con nelU 1313 William St. Dou. 3737. J. J. Ostronlc, plumbing, heating, gas flU ting; free estimates, ltll S. IX Tyler 1599. Sheet Metal Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. Trunks mid Sultrases. FRELING & HTKINLE. 1801 Farnam St I lira und Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars. 1 sandwiches. Alex Jttes. ad-38. Wth St iVIRUINA DAItVwUic. 60c u "large bot" Ha Klrln Uuuor .luuse. N Uth St Drawn M0SHBR-LA3HPMAN COLLEGE ' ' Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College, 1816 Far nam St., Omaha, Neb. THE VAN BANT SCHOOL Stenography only. Patronized by the educated and experienced. Day and night school. No solicitors. Telephone or writfe for catalogue. Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready. Call, write or phone for It Hoyles College, 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. Dnnclnir. MACK IE Is at home and will run class ariddances as usual. 1816 Harney, Doug. ' . . LIVE STOCK FOH SALE Horses and Vehicles. CLOSING out all of our high grade Racine runabouts with steel tires for 350, or with rubber tires for IG5; worth up to $123. Johnson-Dunforth Co., south west corner Tenth and Jones. LOST AND IX)UND at UUUINC'IL BLUFFS fc'iiti' RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having- lost some article would lo well to call up the office, of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each jIrv ftrfl tilrnnrl In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. LOST Red cow. weight 760 lbs., short horns. Phone South 2379. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and. no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. -U. TARRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Dr. Baker Medical Offices I ConsulUtlon and examination free. Eight rooms, "ne repair: shade; east home. Going to Kansas City. Will 'trada 210 South 14th Street. Omaha. Neb. front Inquire within. 830 South 29th St, for vacant lot there. Webster 4i93. t ' ' 1 near Mason. -- - Jwner' 2866 Blnney. MONEY TO LOAN. J 310-2710 Shirley St. 6-r., water and gas. FOR PAYING mercantile business, 333 MONEY furnished salar.ed people and JotWtto-' 3Sh"& tiSSS others upon their own names, cheap jmIistS Georgia Ave.. 8-r. mod., good. Denzler. Kearney. Neb. 0 rates, easy payments. D. H. Tolman, 323 jkZimi Parker St. 8-r., mod., good ' 7.pAgqpTni?n : r Board,ot Trade bulld.ng. C0Jg; rK OFFEHBD KOU RENT condition. , , . . -'LhSJ,t0 tT th '?ur houses at the " 350-626 S 17th Ave.. 9-r.. all mod., hot northwest corner of 33d and Burt St., Apartment and flats, water heat: A-l condition . ie"Vns ror H00 a nnth, with large va- 350-31P 8. 26th St. 10-r.. all modern, cant corner large enough to build two frwA-n Moving. Walking distance. oub, brick flats or an apartment house, VjOrGOn V 3.n Packing. d. V. SHOLES CO.. for farm or acreage near Omaha; Doug- VJVAUVii y tlXA J st0Tag ... cltv Nat Bank. Bldg. Doug. 49. las or Sarpy county preferred. 219 N. llth St. or 210 S. 17th St Tel. IX 394. Wat " A." ' HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harnv Bt. pESIRABLE 3-ROOM APARTMENT m 81re" nnd y wCaarort Be. Janitor. Doug 5237. RENT The office on ground floor REAL ESTATE LOANS. 1807 FARNAM 6 rooms completely of The Bee Building occupied by The . , z? : ' . modern; suitable location for offices; Hans-WhUe Coa company. Frontage dea0vneyTtoHIOvritS2 ,mRha, homes' N studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc.. I ?nnm nt and occupying about 1,600 vJfX' ?'", MJ!5en S" Inc- 921 City for tenants wishing homes adjoining "Ji. with extra entrant the lonal Bank Bldg. Douglas 1278. Co- m mEa P' courtf"hebuildlnXgaerge OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms". FpR RENTM-room flat 19th and office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. K?EFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Leavenworth. Call Douglas 3525. Fell. Bee Office. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. ""6-ROOM" APARTMENT, ull modern. MODERN brick stores, trackage, busi. TVWil'TEp-Clty loans and warrants, newly repaired. 2619 N. 20th St. Tel. Web- np Section chtr.p; gcod tenant. G. P. w- Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. ster 6676. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. 6 SFY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co". ,6?uSP' ?6.ra. Avev Six-room flat One m South 16tn. steam heat, ll'oo". L a- .Brandels Theater Bldg. of the best In city. H. S. Mann. iSSS Utn'.treetV brick. 325. GARVIN BROS and up! DESIRABLE 3-ROOM APARTMENT In Basement, 111 8. 15th, barber, printer. mwJ-Omaha Nat. Bank. The California. See Janitor. Doug. 5237. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS f&i- WANTED City loans. Peters Trusted h8' ?ttl A.ve- i'?- lat 13'00' BRICK storeroom, size S3xS5, with small LARGE, loans our specialty Stun nrnV 2710 Parker. 6-r., $17.60. ,tore and s other rooms and with 4-room nToov- " 1 : 6-r., all modern, 335.00. cottage in rear. 1506 Webster: good loca- HARRISON & MORTON. 316 Om. Nat. l1 &pYtfr A. floor. ,22.60. d,e0poUe8taUrant: Cl8e WebSter ' tm,, 2035 Maple. 7-r.. all mod., rec. hall. 335.00. V1 'thoS. W. ILAZEN, E8TATE. 2023 Wirt 9-n,"4000W' WUter nd' ,3iW' Phone Douglas 1300. 207 McCague Bldg. ABSTRACT OF TITLE. 3167 Farnam, a-r., J35'.C0. COZY 6-r. cottage, near street carf 3344 ItED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of- 1126 So. 32d, 9-r., all mod., water and, N. 28th Ave.; 314. Phone Harney 4711. flee in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. aREEr- nn'SLSSLST 1TY 'ALB. 212 So. 17tnT h o EUg. 297. Br,ck flt0r0 Bn fuU bttSement' 1719 TTT 11 . STEAM-HEATED apartments in New CUm,nB' t'HOS. W. HAZEN. W SlKing JJIStSnCe Troy. SUOO Harney, of 4 rooms each; 207 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1300. Seven-mom miTT every mproemet, nteo. --. room c.ttagead Mx-roombun, Phone Douglas 1300. ' m McCague Bid,. OFFEBED FOB SALE. , Wfttott STEAM HEATED flats or 4 rooms; gas Furniture. rooms, cemented basements; guaranteed range. 314 to 116.50, plus heat: 316. winter furnaces; bungalow has beam ceilings months. Thos. W. Hasten. 207 McCague. CHIFFONIER.' library table, child's bookcase pedestals, built-in buffet, pan- Dou- Ml bronxe Iron bed. Phone Web. 879. J Platerail in dining "room; T1.Tmdern,!)r,ck rl"l 7 ro.oma a"." FURNITURE, in six-room house for Btairs. Fine "maptotw?0 iU,P' 2614-10 Dodgo; fine condition. Doug. 440. sale. Apply at ohce. Phone Douglas 7852. close to school? store! street car ' Th. 610 H. 21st -r, flat mod.. 330. Musical Instruments. dwellings ahe both we'll built throughout 65 Pratt, 6-r., mod., 332.60. We furnish lighting fixtures and cement S? rat.t. 6 modH' m . ... ELECTRIC piano. 3125. 119 N. 15th. " ?e,fikf;,?,n l, fa,. l these If at 2624 Bristol, 6-r., mod. ex heat, 322. r all Interested In buying a good home ' BEMIS-CARLBERG CO.. Typevrrlters. QpnTfp jP.ntttt t 310-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. . i3VJ 1 i5S XllLilj. 7, Rebuilt typewriters rented, sold; easy Phone Douglas 1009. 307 McCairtiB tiihp Furnished Iioums. termB. ButtB' Typew'er Ex.. 1805 Farnam. V.TTTTm OTTv7TT3 tta " MRS. M. A. KING deslrts to announce RENT an U C Smith jt Bros, type- OUUJ1 I Uit XUVLi HOHE, that she has opened a large up-to-dats writer, visible, late model, back kpaco Bear CloKPst Tnsnonfinn rooming hou at 170S Cass anoT deslTes key. guaranteed A-l machine. L. C. aJCU1 VIObefai inspection to unnounce to her friends and patrons Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 1819 Far- oeven-room, strictly modern, up-to-dat that all possible comfort and conveniences nam. Phone Douglas 2211 Remember, home; living room, sun room, dining ai provided. this Is new location. room' k.ltcjfn' bedrooms and sewing 233 Dewey, twtf young men in private TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. 35. 3i !5n ?ny.,and ,.rnJodi!rn family; walking distance. Ilamey 3693. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE neighborhood; close to school chuixhe r.imln atTTf.mfi'v- ..m.1 REBUILT and slightly used typewriters nn three car lines. Come and look It blocE ffom sueet car lrf Ha'n'Scom Ttna nnd "0,d on ' Urn1' '"ahtt Pe" 3353 Callforn'a St tr&ToSSi Typewriter Exchange. 411 8. 15th St. GALLAGHER & NELSON class references need answer. Address RENT an Oliver typewriter. 3 months. 4S3 Brandels Bldg. Don- 229. cam Bee. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Doug. 2919. , aranueis uiog. Doug. 33S2. 643 8. 21th Ave. Cool, cleaii rooms, newly Miscellaneous. ini'r0f2,r!l', "ih-nf m,tidrncfottaBe. 60-foot turnUhed; 'strictly modern. Douglas 8i3. jiisceiianeous. iot, fruit. ahadeKK Easy payments. NICELY furnished modern rooms. 723 EMPTY ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee 211 Brandels Theater Bldg.' Web 4n gt Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 83S0. ' DON'T MISS THIS. FOR SALE New and second-hand Wo ni tr ATTRACTIVE, mlsslon-turnSshed. large carom and pocket billiard tables and If (J7 ive Un Uet IOU front room; every modern convenience; bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix- fD suitable for 3 gentlemen. Also furnished tures ofall kinds; easy payments. The On Vrn,- Tr room tor one gentleman; private .family; Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-409 vu iOUr iUOnej close In; unuauatly reasonable. Phone B. 10th St Red 321. 623 8. 26th tve. ,-,.. ; In amounts JJtO to S1.C00; six months to NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat ' KAVKn-ntv 1614 HarneV1fiDEN 1708 Jacl son Bt. Tyler lill oai overstocked; second-hand; all -narney at . ".. Tl .. . . : makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam FOR SALE-Well improved 5.a- irnV ruml.hed Jlo-eepluu- Uoou... HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand, Corey fr"nt' Keystone1 bM' HARNEY ST.. 1323-Nlccly furnished & McKensle Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney. D. 2641. ,Tf?.P''. SELL OR RBNt. FIRST SEM rooms tor light housekeeping. 8x8 air compressor. 612 a 14th. JOHN W. RORniNA mo; FaR.VAM ST. I'urnl.Ucq Houses. BAFE8-2d-hand. American Bupply Co. T20 C?,lh Furnished house In Kountze Place. 3 13 ta mcp r iu-p j,.-- rooms. strictly modern, well furnished; PERSONAL. New modern 1 m i.Si. corner lot. large garage; fine shade and - .. . ' " ew' TfAili 2.ou,e; 2 addlnal shrubbery. One year lease. 3ii per month Miss Fisher, mot., bath, elee. treat. D. 863. h s,ma' xpens n ec. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., TaITRa' ' WILSON Bath Mas T7 S5u.."?S.r. n ooli l r -ff.5,CO "hborbood 1016 Omaha Nafl..Doug. DUI W1LSON- Bath Was' Tel. Price njr oog "gtto 1 for The Bee by iFnrulshcit llnuae. HANDSOMELY furnished house on N. Nth car line for small family six months; 135. Tel. Doug. 30G3. Hotels and iimrtmnnts. PT.AZA House o coolness. 14th and xaa.ua. Howard. Each room modern: electric fan. Special summer rate ti per week and up. Tyler 234. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. lloitic, find Cottaires. FIDELITY cnBoo8 shipped, 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. A COMPLETE list of vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This Is a list complied dally and can be seen free of charge at 309 South 17th St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., packs, moves, stores and ships household Koods and pianos, Douglas 1496. FOUR-ROOM, modern, hot water heat $17. 1311 So. 2Cth Ave. Douglas 8G64. 2310 Douglas, 11 rooms, modern, 350. 2566 Douglas, 6 to 8 rooms. 2773 California, 6 rooms, modern. 3804 No. 24th, modern, 6 rooms, 325. Flat, 2303 Leavenworth, 6 rooms, 320. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 651. FOR RENT Barn, hods 3 horses, or suitable for garage, 1416 Sherwood Ave. Webster SCO. FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling on Cass, near 26th; modern. Cretghton University. Douglas 2320. sVJj 1. Ul bU,t4kf)C lioai vt.k 1 vwa N. 28th Ave.: 314. Phone Harney 4711. 5-ROOM cottage. 1717 Leavenworth. Tel. D. 3S02. 1909 Farnam. 10 rooms. 346. D. 1698. JI"! Roorl Exp. Co., furniture moving. . Vj. xveea Two merii tl hour, w. 274I Rnncoa In all parts of the city. CLOUSeS CreiBu, Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. CENTRAL, all mod. 4 and 7-r. flats and houses unequalled. Tlzard. 2S0 N. an.- For rent 342.60, S-room house. Kountze Plar.o. New plumbing. Hardwood floors. Corner lot Fine shade. Web. 2958. 6-room, modern. H20 Hickory. Red 7223. " FOR RENT Six-room cottage; bath, etc.; in good order; immediate possession. Z435 Houin n hucdl rniTD-RTVT Van & Storage Co., 815., No. JltVlJN at Tvler 1100. "3212 Hamilton St, 6-r., modern cottage 310T Cuming at,, u-r inuu. . Cliff Sterrett PARENTS SEEK INFORMATION. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Trainor, Route 1, Central City, Neb., offer a reward bf 310 for Information revealing the location of their son, Joseph Trainor, who left home the evening of July 3d. It is merely their desire to set their minds at ease regarding him. Description: Ago 19 years, height 6 foet and 9 Inches, sandy complex Ion, red hair; has two or three large scars on back of neck; wore a medium gray suit, B. Kuppenhelmer & Co., make; had John B. Stetson hat, with name Carlson-Nordstcdt, Central City, stamped Inside. MASSAGE MRS. RITTENHOUSE. 308 Boston Store. Eve. and Sun, appont's. ' 207 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO the L. H. Journal, 31.60; the S. E. Post, 31.60; the Country Gentleman, $1.60, by Bept. 30, earns that 13,000 for tho invalids' Pension Asa'n. Your renewal contributes 60c. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. MAGNETIC HEALING 1329 VINTON. Massage, 1st fl.,r.6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. THE SALVATION ARMY solloits cast otf clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. llth St., for cost of collection, to tho worthy poor. Tel. Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. MAGNETIC treatment. B. Brott, m.JlJX- im Vnt0n D (res. MASSAGE gwBedLm?Xf,mfnt'41,s Bee Bldg. Douglas 6372. ,g OJ-UAX REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. MRS J. B. HUTCHINSON-Your daughter, who was born on or about November 17, 1884. and left at my home Nov. 27. 18S4, Is still alive; if you wish to see her, call or write Y 214. Beg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. SALE OH EXCHANGE B. E. SEND tor our largo exchange oook. Shopen & Co.. Dept. B Omaha Neb. I WANT California property tor clear, improved property hero. Phone Websto.' AUTO AS PAYMENT.