Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Specials Advertised for Monday in the
Readjustment Sale
Closing Out of the
Grocery Department
will be continued for Tuesday, or
as long as they last, . Many of the
best values are in lots too small to
advertise. Get the habit. Shop ..
early in the day. We close daily
at 5 p. m. Saturdays at 6 p. m.
o cie
Monday, August 4, 1913.
OMAHA musIclanB who oro spondlng tho summer at the lakes and In
. tho mountains aro entertaining tho guests at those places In a, most
Eraclous rnnnnor.
Mrs. Walter Dale, who has a cottago at Qfon Elk, Colo., for
the summer, was the soloist at a delightful symphony concert given at
LaJtouldo, near Denver, last wook. Bbo was given such an enthusiastic re.
ception at that time that Frederick Bwoikor of Denver has engaged Mrs.
Dale to sing at a concert to be given in that city in September before rer
return homo.
Mrs. Bculah Dale Turner Is spending several weeks at Lake Okbbojl,
and gavo a most delightful concert at Tho Inn Sunday evening. Mrs.
Turner sang to a large audience, which includod many Omaha people.
Mrs. Wagner ThomaB will go to Lincoln Thursday, where she wlU sing
at the Sangerfest. Mlsc Helen Sadollk wlU play' her accompaniment oa
that occasloa. Miss Sadellk will not return from' Lincoln with Mrs. Thomas,
hut will go to Kearney to spond a month at tho home of her grandfather
or a farm soar that city. '
Mr. and Mrs. Froemantel, who lwv'o for Minneapolis the latter part of
August, will give a eocg recital at Happy Hollow Wednesday evening,
August 20.
nuh, four; W. B. Whltehorn, two; Stan
ley Ilowiitr. two: W. O. Henrv. four:
J B. M. Ilobertson, two; A. J. MoShatie,
two; W. A. Plel, three; M. C Leary, two;
D. E. Mannlnir, elx; J. Prentiss, two; J.
C. Howard, two; B. A. Wilcox, tour; II.
M. West, three; D. M. Bdgerly, two;
Thomas Fell, four; Kenneth Heed, four,
At the Field OlubT"
Mr. and Mm. R. U Huntley entertained
at dinner Sunday evening at the Held
olub In honor of Mr. and Mra. V.vron
Wheeler and Mr. and Mra. Thomas Mul
ten of Lincoln. Covers were laid for
Mr. and Mra. Myron Wheeler.
Mr. and Mri. Thomas Mullen.
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Wheeler,
Mr. and Mra. Gould Dletz.
Mr. and Mra. E. H. Westbrook.
Mr. and Mr. II. h. Huntley.
Mr. and Mra. O. W. Dunn entertained
at aupper Sunday evening, wnen they
had covera laid for twelve guests.
Mr. and Mra. R. I. Martley had covera
laid for ilght guests.
Other who had guests at aupper Sun
day evening- were: L. B. Quahman, who
had alx guests; Moffet. four; J. A. Hub-
loll, four; Joieph Allen, two; W. O. Yale,
two; C. K. Hutcheson, two; II. V. Neeley,
two; A. IS. Hunt, four; Parrotta, two;
Cohn. four; King, two; A. II. Russelford,
three; Paul Wernher, five; J, q. Adam,
two; C. H, Nelson, four; Jack Hughes,
four; Jack Sharpe. three; Clifford Cat
kin, two; Ilogue, three; Caldwell, threi;
U B. Willi, four.
Motor from Lincoln.
Mr. and Mr. Thomas Mullen and Mr.
and Mr. Myron Wheeler of Llricoln
motored to Omaha 3atUrday and were the
guests for the week-end of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Wheeler.
At the Country Club.
Among thoie who entertained at supper
Sunday evening at the Country club were
Mr. and. Mrs. E. T. Swobe, who had cov
er laid for eight guests.
Other who entertained guests warn Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. McOllton, who had eight
guest; F. W. Lake, two; E. II. Bprague
tlx; W. O. Butler, two) J. L. HUtiter,
three; F. Potter, four; F. W. Clarke, two.
At Carter Lake Country Club.
Mr. J. A. Cullen entertained at dinner
Bunday evening, when his guests were
from Thurman, la. Covers war laid for:
Miasm Mlaies
Margaret Fugltt, June Taul,
Margaret Cullen.
Mr. and Mr. C, H. Taul.
Mr. and Mr. T. W. Cullen.
Mr J. Z Refregler.
Others who entertained guoiti at din
ner Sunday evening' were T. E. Wood,
who had four guests; Ben Marston, four!
T. 23. Whltlock, two; IT. W. Drake, four;
B. Well, eight
Apollo Club Conoert.
A farewell party was siven by the
Apollo club Sunday evening In the nonor
of Mr. Anton Chleborad, UtS South biv
enteenth street, who will leave tonight
for Pulaakl, Wis., where he will Join the
Franolscan Father. The evening wai
spent with music and sung. Lunch wai
served by Mr. Chleborad, Mlis C, Chle
borad and Mils Wachtler. ThOse present
Anton areas,
Fred Oro,
Frank Oro,.
Frank Zeth,
George Oerhard,
J, Knoblc,
Seturns from Michigan,
MUs Luclnda Loomls returned last
week from Michigan, where she went to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Qeorxo Thrall at thtlr
summer home on Grosso Isle, an .aland
In the Detroit river twenty miles from
th city of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Thrall
are old-time residents of Omaha and were
friend of. Miss Loom! thirty years ago
when she was a teacher at Brownsll Hall.
Since leaving Omaha Mr. Thrall has be on
secretary of the Dotrqlt Btoel jcrsw
works. Miss Loomls gvon an enthusl
aatlc account of the beauty of Drone
JeSe and Us homes. The Uland has an
Interesting history. It was sold hy the
Indians to the' French and many of jtha
present residents are descendants of the
original French settlers and are oxceed
Jngly Interesting and Intelligent. Many
city people from Detroit, Ilka the Thralls,
also have summer homos there. Th
Island Is ten mile long and but one an)
a half miles wide. A picture of the Thrall
home brought back by Miss Loomls showji
a large house with extensive screened
verandas, surrounded by big trees and
facing tho river. The main retdhos
street has houses only on on side, as
the road skirts the water all around the
Island. Miss Loomls visited tho Country
club at drosss Isle and watched the mod
ern dances. The tango was seemingly In
at great favor there as elsewhere.
At Happy Hollow.
Among fhosa who had guests at supper
Sunday evening at Hsppy Hollow were
Mr. and Mrs C. H. Matter, who had
eight guests A. a. Elllck, two; Wayne
Shelby, two; Cleorge Ross, two) D. F,
Leary, two; T. i.'Tallson. threat F. n.
the drink the Nation drinks
The great American beverage.
Called for everywhere by everybody for its
bright, sparkling deliciousness tor its sterling
purity and wholesomeness because it is so
Delicious Refreshing
Demand the Otnutnt
Refute Substitute.
UtU lot Trt BmUcC
Egan Kleins,
Anton Chleborad,
Henry Bawatskl.
Stephen Keuohel,
Henry 8chmlU.
For Mite Xatkim. .
Mlsa Viola Morearty entertained at
card Saturday. afternoon, for Ml Helen
Haaklns of Elkhart; Indiana Mlsa Lor
etta Dallsy, who leaves next week (or an
extended eastSrn trip, The prises were
won by Sites Mas Dsllssley and Miss Mar
garet Belknap. The guests were;
Iran Keeney,
ICthel Tlernsy.
Uaule Yeoman,
Amelia Horoberg,
Lvda Wherry.
Oertrude Lynch,
Helen Haekln,
l.uelle McCreary,
Aanes Lynch,
Syelyn Belltsley.
argaret Belknap,
Quito Eddy.
Sdlth Miliar,
Clara Hoffman,
Eileen MIohaeJien,
Mr. Iman Marearty
loulse Htlttellt,
Florno Aegger,
i.oreua uauey,
que Aioreany,
In Bpd Out cf the Bee Hive.
Miss JUlla Nagl left yesterday for Now
Mr. and Mr. R. A. Clantt left Saturday
for a three weeks stay at ates park,
Miss Edith Thomas will spend part tit
the week In Lincoln Visiting Captain and
Mrs. Hubert L Hamilton.
Mrs. George Proudtlt of Lincoln (s
spending a few day with her mother,
Mrs. Rebo Morgan, at HllUlde."
Mis Ruth LlndUy retpmed home Sat-
urday from a alx Vka viitt In New
Tork, Washington and South Bend, Ind.
Miss Jilisabtth Cunningham of Grand
Island Is the guest of hr sister. Miss
Nan Cunningham and Mr. Howard Kennedy,
Mr. and Mrs. P, W. Leonard, who spent
the past few weeks In New Tork, solltd
for Kurope and landed Wednesday at
Dover, England.
Miss Almyra Mills of Osceola, Neb.,
stopped on htr return hqme from Lakt
Okobojl and spent the week-end as
guest of Miss Irma Btap'.as.
Mr. Paul W. Kleser, who was called
here the fore part of laat week by the
death of his mother, returned to his home
In Aberdeen, 8- P. Sunday night
Mrs, Ralph Connell and Miss Reglna
Connell returned Sunday morning front a
stay of three weeks at Lake Ripley, Wis.
On their return they visited friends in
Milwaukee and Chicago.
Mrs. Norrts Brown and two daughters.
Mis Luclle and MUs June Brown, left,
accompanied by their guest, Miss Chase
of Kearney, for Bald Kagle, Minn., where
they have taken a cOttag for the re
mainder of the summer.
Mr, and Mrs. Mel Uhl, Jr.. will leave
the middle of August for an extended
vr,lt at Los Angel and San Francisco.
They will spend some time with Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Uhl. sr. who have recently
built a home ct Santa Monica.
Miss Frances Nash, who arrived In New
York on the Peers Washington after a
stay of ten months abroad, wtl remain
east visiting, her sister, Mrs. Crofoot, In
Maine, and In a month will be Joined by
Mrs. Nash, when they will go to Mack
inac. '
Mrs. Bsntley MsCloud of Chicago, who
has spent several weeks here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Olmsted of
Florence, left Saturday evening for her
home, and was accompanied by Mrs.
Frederick Wing of Chicago! who has been
visiting here for some time with her par
entf. Mr. and Mrs. CJ. P. Moorhead.
Mte Helen Hayden of Washington, d,
C., arrived Uunday and Is the guest of
Mrs. Edward Hayden. Her mother, Mrs.
William Hayden, has been visiting In the
city for several weeks and will leave
Wednesday, accompanied by Miss Helon.
for Lake OkoboJI.
Gives His Version ot the Way He
Was Filled with Shot
Admit II Una Dec In Trouble ne
fore Haa Wife nnd Four Children-
I Iteported to Have
Clinnae nf Itfcorery.
Lvlnr In his bed at the South Omaha
hospital, Tony Mingo, liw back and head
spcoKiea line a trout with tne snot poured
Into him Uunday ntght when he was held
up and robbed Jtt Twenty-eighth and F
streets, told the story of his day's do
ings, Tony, cool and collected, went over
tho story of the night and repeatedly as
serted that ho had been held up by
three men and robbed 'of 170, the savings
of many months. Omaha police, it Is
said, suspect Mingo' statement. The
Bouth Omaha pollco do not take any
lock In hi holdup story, they say.
Mingo, speaking in pretty fair English,
aid ho lived at No. 21 Pacific street,
Omaha, and worked on the street rail
way tracks. Ho ate dinner unday
noon at his home and then having five
itroet car tickets saved up went out' for
a ride. He says he took a croes-tpwn
car to South Omaha and rode for about
twenty-five minutes. He say he met
an Italian and the two went to a house
whero they played card for several
hours. . About t
the place and went walking towards the
car. ho saya he walked about f(vo
blocks and then mot three men who spoko
In English to him. He tried to got away
to go home, but he soya tho men kept
on walking. Tony says they took hlpi
near a bl(t bridce and
at me weeds. He protested, hut one man
waiKcu on eacn siae or mm and the third
one behind him. They offered him a
drink from a bottle, which he says he
refused. Tho men Insisted and Mingo
took a drink. He says the men then
asked him If he had any mbney. The
three then set upon him and took r?0
away from him. He gave up the money,
but thd men kept talking ,"bad" to him
and he tried to run away. Then He says
the gun was fired twice. He lay on
the tracks Until the Union qtnek Yards
train crew going to midnight lunch
picked him up. Tho wdunfied man re
ferred repeatedly to some saloon which
he says he passed,
Tony Mingo says he has been in
trouble before In Omaha, where he shot
a man In an Italian brawl. The shooting
was done In self defense and he was
cleared. He fs .married and has a wife
and four children. Formerly he wprked
for Hugh Murphy, but for the last three
weeks has been emDlova.l .
man by the street car oompany, The tens a connected story, the only
doubtful feature belnp; the presence of
the eun. which he says he did not see.
The section in which he was found, how
ever, has small shacks In which a gun
might be stored.
The wounded man Is not n a serious
condition, according to the. hospital at
tendants. Mingo says he can find tho
house and the place where he was shot
as soon as he is able to be about He
says ths police told hm to corns nnd see
them when he was able.
Police Captain James Seahan spent con
siderable tlmo going over the ground and
Interviewing people living In the neigh
borhood of the shooting. Thp fact that
Mingo was found near Twenty-eighth and
F,Vstr?Ut-,lreUes lhat h mut ave been
slfot aeit- the new V street viaduct o
near the L street viaduct.
Two suits of clothes were called for
Bunday at two different cleanlng'estab
llshments by a man to whpm they did
not belong. One suit, the property of H.
A. Scott, ; Bpruce street, and the
other belonging to 13. II. Martin. JOH
Farnam street, were respectively taken
from the establishments of Sam Hewr
sky. 108 North Fifteenth, and the Frerich
Dry cleaners, J9C3 Farnam street De
scriPUoris of the caller ta!)y and at each
place he said he bad been asked to get
the suit for Its owner. His knowledge ot
the narte, the Initials, and addret pre.
eluded close questioning and the loss ot
the property was not known until th
owners later appeared.
How Fat Folks Get
Sltndar Eating Candy
From Beauty's Mirror.
Every corpulent Person who Is anxious
to possess a slender, symmetrical and sup
ple form and what stout woman Is not.-r
will be gl4 to know that the perfect
obesity treatment seems realty to have
been found. All one need do Is to eat
three or fpur of those delicious little
boranluin Jujubes every day and watch
results. The JUJubcs are palatable and
perfectly harmless,
This method or uslnir In candy form a
vegetable element valuable as a deob
struent and resolvent had Its origin In
Germany, where most people are too
fleshy. It has proved so successful that
most druggist over here now sell boran
lum Jujubes. It's good news, surely, that
fat folks can now reduce themselves with
out starvation dieting, violent exercising
or dlgeetlon-dlsturblng drugs. Adv.
Nadine Face Powder
( In Grtta Hot Only)
Keeps tlift Cotaploxlan Beautifuf
Soft and velvety, snd rei
mains until washed oil.
It is purs, harmless.
Money bock It hot en
tirely pleased. Purified
bj new procwi.
Prevents sunburn and re
turn of dUcolorstioas.
M . , .
I "wstsjex 4 no increasing; popular.
, Ity Is wonderful. Whist, link, Pi.
Srunttti. 50c. by Toilet Counters or MU
r bold by Brauuuis' u . uou'l., jieatoa
I Drug Co , and others.
A Lire problem Solvad
by that great health tonlo. Electric Bit
ters. Is the enrichment of poor, thin
blood, and strengthening the weak. U3c.
For sol by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
Detter he sure ot your Trunk or
Suit Case before you trust It loo
far. We have one of the largest
tacks o( baggage in the oUte.
And each trunk or has Is, wolt
Above the common run. If you are
not sure ot your Judgment, this
ik a tu(e shop to trade In,
We Like Impair Jobs,
1803 Fansaro Ht.
Salson Onfisiimsj
Caress Pepper
Whob Mixed
J ?'
Get the
Real Spice Flavor
Until you've eaten food sea
soned with Tone's 'Spices you
can't imagine what a really
wonderful difference there is in
spices. You'll note the snappy,
delicious, genuine spice taste at
once. That's because
are only the freshest, choicest
spices from the tropics and are
always sold in protective pack
ages which keep dll their
original flavor. Spices sold in
bulk and kept in open sacks are
never at their best, and loss of
strength makes them expensive.
Good grocer tell Tone's Sptemt.
AlwayM 10c a package.
TONE BROS., Des Moines, Iowa
Blender of tha farnam
Old Golden Coffee.
Judge Altstadt rinds He Did Not Sell
Liquor in Nebraska.
Officers of the Boat Olve Tlielr Tes
timony that IV o Sale of Iilqaor
Were Made on This Side
of the IUver.
Booth Baughman, half owner of the
slnaincr Saturn, was given a hearing be
fore Judge William Altstadt on the
charges of selling liquor without a cty
license and with violating the 8 o'clock
closing law. He was discharged.
Baughman, who Was arrested Sunday
night when thoboat anchored at the foot
of Douglas street, was later released on
a cash bond of iWO, appeared In court
with Captain Matthews of the boat and
Harry Williams,, special boat officer, to
testify in. defense of their actions.
Vllllums.hp for four years served as
deputy, game warden, asserted that In
acoordanco with his duties as warden, It
wan his business to know exactly the
slate boundary lines. Bringing forth a
map he explained that all liquor sold on
the boat during the last two nocturnal
Voyages has been dispensed between a
point starting at the foot of Nicholas
street and tho white lead wprks, which
Is entirely Iowa territory. Besides Will
lams' statements, which was substan
tiated by the captain, owner and Officers
Walker and Smith, Attorney Dickinson,
for the defense, brought forward several
like cases in the past which have been
contested and decided In favor of the de
fendant, The Saturn's course had been entirely
in Iowa waters from Start to finish on
the last two voyages, according to the
captain, who says the Iowa shore has
been hugged so close ' that several times
the 'vessel has been In danger of going
aground. Jit 1-1 now up to the - Council
Bluffs authorities.
Death In Blectrlc Chair.
OSSININO. N. T., Aug. 4.-Anthony
draco was put to death by electricity at
Sing Sing prison early today as; the pen
alty for the murder of his brother. Jack.
Ice Oompany Will
Not Sell Ice on Run
of OtherCompany
Pity Building Inspector Brown, Is
wrathy at the Ice companies and has con
ferred with John Grant Pegg, city in
spector of weights and measures, and
with the mayor, relative to proceedings
against at leaat one cqmpany.
Brown say his wife had been aecurins
Ice from one company, but owlr.g to late
deliveries, decided to take It lrom an
other company. When she applied to
this second company she was turned
down, the driver of the wagon from
whom she sought to .purchase Ice giving
her to understand that his company "was
not butting in on the other company's,
Pegg Is looking up the law and may
ask the mayor to revoke the license of
the company which refused to sell Mrs.
Brown the Ice when . money was offered
,for It. In case the mayor has no powet
In the' premises, the city legal department
will be requested to take some action.
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