Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 8-B, Image 20

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ft li
Growth of Power Farming in Nebraska
August Clearance of
August Gearing Sale
Dress Goods
The Greatest Values Ever Offered Qflo
worth up to $1.50, Monday) QOu
Hundreds of yards of fine wool Dress Goods, to go at
less than cost price 44-Inch Courtald's Imported Voiles;
worth fl.CO English Mohairs, worth $1.00 Serges,
all wool, worth 7Gc all go MonJay OO
at 50C
Scrgo Suitings, 10 pieces, 44-inch, cream with
of Silks
$1.23, 40-inch Crepe Do Chines, nt 88 d
Crepo do Chines 15 pieces, all silk, 40-inch, street and
evening shades; 1.25 values 88d
Foulnrtls 10 pieces, yard wide, water and opot-proof,
brown, Copenhagen, blue with polka dots; $1.25 val
ues, Monday GStf
Tub Silk 20 pieces, 32 and 3C-lnch, all new colorings;
the Ideal summer silks; $1 valu s, Monday, 48S GSd
8,000 Yards Plain and Fancy Silks, Taffetas, Foulards,
Poplins, "Pongees; lengths up to 20 yards, 59c and 75c
5 P. M., Except SATURDAY, 6 P. M.
black stripes; regular $1.00 quality, at... Jsj
values, at 2lc
. y v jl
It will bo demonstrated at the Power
Farming meet held at Fremont, flop tern
bar 1-13, that Nebraska farmer can
grow more bushels of grain per acr and
at a much leas cost per bushel than thay
are doing today worrying along with
horoo iiower. It Is a conceded (act that
there Is a place on the large farms for a
tractor, but much criticism during the
past has been directed at tho armor
with his ICO or 220-acro farm If he vcn
suggest purchasing a tractor. Tho old
fogy notion Is passing away and the
small farmer Is directing his attention
to mora modern agriculture. lie in tho
rrfan who will bo the large buyor of
farm tractors In the future. Ho Is awak
ening to tho fact that every operation on
Ms farm can bo done with tho modern
tractor at a much loss cost than ho has
paid for them during tho past.
Tho demonstration at Fremont will not
bo limited to puowlng, as Is most affairs
of this kind, but will lncludo harrowing,
discing, seeding and rolling all In one
operation. This entire work will be done
at a cost much less than the single plow
ing operation on the average Nebraska
farm. The machines doing the wovlc In
ono operation aro not limited to tho
large tractors, but will bo accomplished
by thoso pulling four plows, seeding fif
teen acres dally as well as those pulling
twelve plowe seeding forty-five acres.
It Is tho plan of the management of ,
this demonstration to have tractois on '
the field performing, every typo of farm
work found on farms varying from
eighty to 8,000 acres. The small farmer
as well as tho large one will bo lookod
after by tho different manufacturers
and each man will be his own Judge as
to tho merits of the different machines
In operation. Tho many manufacturers
of farm tractors aro sparing nothing to
make this the biggest agricultural affair
ever witnessed In this or any other
country, and It Is sincerely hoped that
the entire farming populaco In tho mid
west will tako advantage of this ex
cellent opportunity.
Not a Third of Douglas County In
sane Get Into State Hospital.
FlKarea Complied to Sfeovr Number
of Insane 1'rrcons 1b Nabrasksv
Mil Where They Are
While tho condition of the Insane pooplo
kept at the Douglr county poor farm is
becoming nioro and more acute, the com
plaints of oter-sirowdlng, neglect and Ill-
treatment are by no means new,
Parallel Stretch Across the State is
Now Completed.
Stmt Was Made la JOOO sad Una
Continued Practically Uninter
ruptedly1 Since That
Yosterday was a big day In the history
of the Union Pacific. It marked the date
of the completion of a double track line
across the state of Nobraaka. Tester-
day General Manager Waro received a
any spcclfla county.'
j-ear Mil and m: stxty-eight Insane per
sons were received from Douslnn mi,nv
During four years, 19U7 to 1910. Inr-inLi
there were received from Douglas county
County Attorney Magney has advised
m penT The Unn hospU.l h hlft'' that under the law It
durinir th .i v ..." LTul Is not permissible for the police judge,
Douclas couniv nin.iv . aft"r n" niu sentenced an offender to the
,,TB" l!1! county Jail and the pnson.r has been
.I' - -" .:" "juuuu uci. received Into custody hv th. .rlff.
that the number o r JJT Um -"-Pend the sentence and have the of-
that the number of persons adjudged In fender released.
Following up similar complaints an I telegram from the foreman In chargo of
Inquiry was made a few months ago to I tho double track work between Kimball
ascertain the number of Insane patients I and Bushnell, stating that the last rati
In the state Insane hospitals, and to what I on gap of eleven miles had been laid,
extent additional Inmates could bo re- I the balastlng finished and the switches
eelved from Douglas county. Nebraska set. In reply Mr. Waro wired back!
maintains three state Insane hospitals I "Cut her In."
ono at Lincoln, one at Hastings and one I Immediately the temporary switches at
at Norfolk Omaha being In the Lincoln I the terminals of the eleven miles were
district, so that Insane patients from this I removed and the second track across the
count)' would' properly go there. Tho 1 state became a fact The point where
letter sent to the several superintendents I the connection was made Is TJ miles
made Inquiry as to the number of pa- I west of Omaha, but the double track ex
tlcnts, the number from Douglas county, tends to Pino Bluff, Wye, six miles
the total capacity, and how many more farther west. Trains now are using the
patients, if any, Douglas county would doublo track all tho way from Omaha
bo entitled to rend. The replies, which to Pine lllutf.
were dated last May, gave the following The approximate cost of tho second
Information; track. Including the grading and bridges,
Norfolk asylums Number of In
hospltal. 5j number from Douglas, The first double track on the Union. Pa
county, fifteen; additional canaolty. elirh. Iclflo main line from Denton to Colum.
teen. During six years, from 1MT to ltflS, bus, soven miles, and from Lockwood to
inciusrve, mo noipitai received CCS pa- Alda, fourteen miles, was laid ohd opened
tlents, of which seven came from Doug- for service during 1900. However, as early
im count). I as US4 the old lino from Omaha to Oil-!
osungsj asyiums Total number of In-1 more was double tracked, but this was
sane inmates. 1.10S; number from Doug- abandoned for through eervlco trains
las county, ninety-two: udditinnni ..-.--1 .. n,. t .. i..
VJm ,V. . f.e roUr y9an frora Double track work his been continuous
1V03 to 1912. Inclusive, tha hn.nlt.l ... Li ,m -i.w ... . -u
i, ( " ---., v- i piiivo ww mill uio uuuu ub n Bliui l
". ' which four came I time during 1902. The line from ono side
wumjr. ,t the taU to th olher u proUcUd by
Discrepancy In Pia-nrea. I block signals, Installed at a cost of 13,-
Ltncoln AfivlumTiai . 1 000,000.
rone inmate, cm-. ,'.i " '"'A 'fho oonslnictlon of the second track
only ); number of lmaI7ron, Doug h"W?Xh? w" ' tJ
la. county, 162; "Dougla. county would b t0"' f Ucl, "f 7 t0M !f
entitled to tho admission of any patient 8nerman gravcl thla h&v,n been
Xit subject for custody, i
- o nu
aane by. the Insanity board for Douglai
county. was aa follows:
The sheriff's office has notified Police
Judge Altstadt that hereafter Prisoners
lot when once placed In the Jail will' nbt be
1JJ I released If bis sentence Is suspended.
Total for five years,.., n,
..a. .wu. IUUIIIUI ,
Comparison of the figures show that
leos than a. third of the persons adJudrad
Insane from Douglas county are reettvsu
ana carea tor at any state insane hospital
Improvements at
the Water Station
Water Commissioner Howell has been
authorized by the board of directors of
the Metropolitan Water district to pro
ceed with arrangements to construct a
submerged coal bin at the Sllnnolma sta
tion and to purchase a etaara crane fur
loading and unloading coal C4rs uttJ for
other purposij The total wcpndlture
for these improvements will be between
pa.CCU and ItO.wa The cnal storage ca
pacity will aggregate 5.000 tonx
Buttermil Be utfier
At es9 Than a Cent
lldaldtia lItisp so shrss!. .1
. . . v uttvviiin 111 cleans
SyfiJS"'!re.d. BJ- A.lbL5B. editor
w. .,.u.,ulu uufa uuuemtiiK orrers
perhaps the most economical complexion
iinMiVi' . " , UVJ n"1 feler much to the
fl itl? buy,.n you Pay mostly
v ' vuuuciiimioi rorm or
iivi 1 S! ieautl"f, I" quite Inexpen
sive. This Is worth knowing, for while
mwi iiiiuu paying a koou
price for such aplendid reHults. the sav
i25i.U n con,,rf",l" J"t the am.
Bach time the prMlHtd buttermilk
paste Is rubb! into th face the cost U
etfs thnii cent. The little iiutnlltv I
'"TM urHm s lasts ror months.
"I have fouBrf. t.y the way. the longer
the past U lft on whether on rice
neck, arim ur hands the more thorough
Its beautifying aeilon. I always wash
'be paste off with soapless wuter."
Beautiful Silk Coats
Serge Coats in colors and block; all new
up-to-date models; coats in this clear
ing sale sold at $20.00
to $35.00; Monday,
Now Fall Suits arrlvinK by every express; all
tlio ndvnnco styles at. $10.00, $25.00, $33.00,
9-15 and up. See tho new ones MONDAY.
Sold Up to $25, Monday $4.95
Linen DressesRatine Dresses
Pretty lawn and marquisette
dresBes in colors and white, all
sizes in this sale, sold at $10
to $25, Monday, while they last
Ladies? and Misses' Suits, in linen, serges and fancies, light
and dark' colors; sold at $15.00 to $22.50, Monday. .. .$4.95
Summer Dresses, 95c
1,000 ladies', misses'' and juniors'
dresses in lawns, lingeries, lineues, ging
ham and fancy; all sizes;
worth $2.98 and $3.98,
All ladies' summer Dressing Sacques at
y2 Price Monday.
Ladles' Lawn Dressing Sacques, GOo
values IP.
nt .
Underskirts, - 50o
Ladles' Wash Dresses and Skirts; $2.50
and $2.00 values, 79 C
Ladles' Silk Underskirts; $2.50- and
$3.00 values, EJ
Ladles' Linen Auto and Street Coats;
?5.00 to ?7.50 values, jig gQ
Ladies' pretty Lawn and Vollo Waists;
worth $2.00 and $2.50, qq
Monday 07C
Children's Wash 'Dresses; all bizes;
$1.60 values,
at , 69 c
Visit our Baby Bazar for com
plete Infants Outfits, 2d Fteor.
New Fall Wash
Goods on Sale
Como in and examino the New
Fall Ratines, Taffetas, Bongal
ines, Cords, eto.
Genuine Lorraine Tissues, 25c values;
nt, yard '..12
Wm. Anderson'B Scotch Ginghams, al
ways 25c; on this salo 5
All our 15c French Batisto X$
All our 18o French Batiste. ..
All our 38c and 40a Silk Voiles,. 25c
All our 2Cc PUsses J
Sampson's OOo Silk 35
A hundred, different lines of summer
roods, out equally In order to reduoe them
quick, all orders receive speolal attention.
August Clearance Sale of
Laces and Embroideries
A -wonderful, sacrifice in fine summer
Laces Shadow Laces, Bands and Edges,
Fillet and Cotton Bands and Venlso and
Irish Crochet Bands; values aqtually up
to 60c per yard, on sale in
Monday at lilC
15c Laces, Bo This line Includes ZIon
City, French Val, Linen and Cotton Tor
chon and wldo Cotton Bands; goods
worth to 15c per yard, on sale Mon-
at 1.., OC
A Big Job Lot of Vals and Torchons; worth to 10c per yard, on salo
Monday at
$2.50 Embroideries. 08c
The finest Swlca and St.
Gall embroidered Flounc
ings, 46 inches wldo;
-worth up to $2.50 per
yard, on , sale Monday
at 98i
OOo Embroideries, 25c
Lot consists of 18 and 27
inch Flouncing, Corset
Cover, Embroidery and
wide Swiss Bands; goods
worth to 60c a yard; spe
cial Monday, yard, 25 &
'Loom End Embroideries
Four .blg lots of five
and Blx-yard loom ends
of Edges, Beadings and
Insertions, on sale Mon
day 3WS 5d. 7WS 96
Muslins, Sheetings,
Sheets, Bed Spreads,Ele.
Regular Sale
, Price. Price.
Hope Muslin, 3G-in. wide.. 10c
Muslin, unbleached, 36-in.7c sli
Sheeting, unbleached, 9-4.. 25c
Sheotlng, bleached Aurora,
9-4 280
Sheets, "Slumber Made". AA c
72x90 50o
Pillow Cases, nicely made,
36x42 120
Bed Spreads, hemmed, large
sire . . . , n 75
Diaper Cloth, Puritan (bolt '
10 yards! $1.15
Towels, Turkish or huck 12 c
Table Damask, bleached, 45
inches wide non
.,in"' TOTr.Uns-, Tatle linens nd
'" " wrwiy neauoea Prices.
High Grade LiUeU
Monday Specials
Regular Sale
Price, Price.
Damask, warranua strictly .
pure linen satin, yard $1,60 Si.OO
Dinner- Napkins! to match,
warranted strictly puro linen,
dozen $5.00 S3.50
Damask, double, heavy weight,
22-ln. wide, yard ......$2.00 SI. 25
NapklnB to match, heavy
weight, double damask, 22
ln. wldo, per dozen $6.00 S4.50
Turkish Towels, extra large,
double twlstod throad, oach. ,39c 22W
Huck Towels, honimed, elogant
lino, full size 15o IO&
Bernlar Sale
White Crepe and PliBse Cloth, for underwear 12Vc 7c
Lorraine Tissues, genuine, good patterns 25c 12VfcC
Tjas, good patterns.. ,...10c 5c
Crepe, serpentine, good patterns , 18c 10c
Percales, light and dark colors '. ...12Vsc 7YiC
Silkolines, nice patterns,.... 15c 10c
Voiles, black and white striped '. 18c 12C
Shantung Silks, good colors. 25c 11V&C
Curtain Scrim, fancy borders, 36-inch 15c 10c
Poplins, plain and striped , I2V2C 8C
Ginghams, good dress patterns 12Me SVC
Long Cloth, 40-inch wide 12c 7c
Taffeta, silk finish, fancy dots and stripes 25c 18c
At Less than Cost
New Seasonable
White Goods
.. Price.
Ratine Crepe, a combination of
ratine and crepo, a yard 50c
English Piques and Repps,
strictly new, yard 75o
Automobile Linen, natural
color pure flax, yard 90o
All but linen, resembling
linen in every respect, 3C
inches wide, yard 39C
Lawns, French and Persian,
mammoth assortment 25o
Ratine, snow white, 36 inches
wide; exclusively new, yard $2.00
In The CARFET Department
Vow Is a gooa time to Day ttat r, Vote tae low
IPrtossi Regular BaU
Axmlntser Oxlz, 33 patterns $37.60 81S.M
Tapestry Brussels ltus, 9x12, seam
less, 10 wire 18.50 14.M
Wool Fibre Hugs 8-3x10-1, seamless,
large assortment 10.00 r.M
Velvet Ituga 812, aeamless 22.60 1TM
BniBsels ltugs 27x64 inches, large
assortment 1.25 t
Window Bhades, water color. 7 feet long, at 90a
Window Shades, best opaque, 7 feet long. at. .....aso na wsasnre your hoose for shades, gtrl&r yon aa
estimate as to coat. All material and workmanship
SBAPznT d irr Amxics srr tkxb d txoob
One lot Cable Net Curtains, 3tt yards long, J5.00 value,
sale price v. ..... S2.4S
One lot Nottingham Curtains, 3 yards long, 3.00 value,
cream and white, sale price, pair ..fl.7B
One lot Scrim, hemstitched, with colored border, sale
price, yard aso
One lot plain hemstitched Scrim, sale price, yard . .lBo
nunsalow Net, ecru, white and cream, sale price, per
yard , 35o
Ono lot Barred Scrim, 36 inches lde, cream and white.
ISo value, sale price to
One lot Dotted Curtain Swiss, 18a value, sale price,
per yard lSUo
Sun last Tortlers, all colors, pair 94.89
Don't fail to take advantage of our CLEAR
The most astonishing values ever offered.
Worth to $35.00 choice Dur- Hr AA
Sale at 9I7.UU
Furniture Department Specials
50 ODD ROCKERS from 75 to S2 50
7 BABY BUGGIES, worth $14.60, for SS SO
10 REED GO-OARTS, worth $9.50 and $12.50. 84.50, Sfi OO
LOT OF ODD CHAIRS, 1 to 4 of a kind, worth from $230 to
$4.50, on salo at SI.OO. S1.50 and S52.00
for 81 0 "if)
CANVAS PORCH HAMMOCKS, adjustable head, for .SO SO
ALL OAK OU-OOT PORCH SWINGS, $9.50 value for S750
25 Discount on All Porch Furniture.
Interesting Facts Pertaining to the Light-
Running, Ball-Bearing'
New Home Sewing Machine
It has been before the public for
over a quarter of a century and has
gained for itself a reputation that Is
tho envy of all others. They have
We ask van to Am mint. ih. vnm
Homo before you purchase any
The New Home can be had In
moat any finish of woolwork, and
prices are from, $38.00,
830.00, 840.00, $45.00 to 80.00.
We carry other makes such as the Standard.
Rotary, Eldrege, Chain Stitch, New American, The
Ruby, Singer and White, in new and aocond-hand.
AH needles and repairs for all sewing machines.
Specials, Hardware Dept.
Preserving Utensils.
Preserving Kettles,
enamel, 8-qt . , . . . 29d
Prcsarvlng Kettles,
enamel, 10-qt. ...30b
Preervlng 1C e 1 1 1 o b ,
enamel, 12-qt... .40
Funnels; fruit Jar, alum
lnuni 5(3
Fruit Cans, tin, 1-qt., per
dozen 20
Fruit Presses 19
Wood Spoons, fancy Im
ported, long handles,
regular price 10c, 5 c
Strainers, tin, wire bot
tom, 12-ln 5
Colanders, enamel, Xf6
Either the well known
"Wimams" or "IJeal
fully warranted Electric
Iron 82.0S
Gas Irons, Wliard S2.08
Mrs. Potts' Irons, four
piece sets .' QOd
Medium size, heavy gal
vanized 40
Largo size, heavy gal
vanized 59J
Extra large size, heavy
galvanized (IQ
Any size heavy galvan zed
Closing out our entire
Hue of Rubber Hose at
25 Discount Monday:
Hose Reels G9
Nozzles, genuine Borten
Gem, sold at 40c, 29
Nozzles, "Fountain,"
solid brass, sold at C5c,
for 49
Any "White Mountain"
Refrigerator in the house,
25 Discount.
Special Flour Sale Monday Every Sack Guaranteed
We want every Housekeeper In Omaha to try a sack of our Famous Diamond H
ruu, umuu iiuui mo iiueai Boiecieu wneai. isotning be.ter ror flj-fl ff
Bread, Pies or cakes. It has no equal. Price, per Back PleUU
Money refunded If hot aa
Beatemall, D. C. or Lenox
Soap, 10 bars 25o
Corn Meal, best white or
yellow, 10 pounds ,.17Ho
Soap, Electrlo Spark or
Crystal White. 7 bars 23c
Itlce. Fancy Japan, 10c
quality, 4 pounds . ....aso
Macaroni, venntclllt or
spaghetti, the best domes
tic, per package ...,7!io
Salmon. Alaska, tall cans,
at, can loo
Sardines, oil or mustard, 8
cans for ... 3So
Advo Jell, Ice Cream Pow
der, Jello or Jellycon, at.
per package 74o
Washing Powdr, Star
Naptha. i lb. pkff. 17Ho
Worcester Sauce, large bot
tle Assorted ricklts. Puro
Tomato Catsup, Mustard,
per bottle , ..BVio
Condensed Milk Pet. Carn.
atlon, Columbia or Every
Day, 16 ounce cam, BHo
Navy Beans, the best hand
picked, per pound ...,6a
California Pear Salo Mon
day; put them up now.
Bushel boxes fancy lie
urre Hardy or Russett
Bartlet Pears, dJO OC
per bor .... ipssiiO
The TsratabU and PrtUt
Market of Omasa for
ths Fsoplsi
15 lbs. New Potatoes, per
peck 35a
Demand IS lbs., the law re-
requires It
i bunches fresh Beets, Car
rots for ..,.5o
8 bunches Fresh Onions or
Iladlshes for So
4 bunches fresh Rhubarb
for Se
3 large Green Peppers, loo
tancy Itlp Tomatoes, per
pound 70
Larue Cucumbers, at.
each 7 Ho, 5a
Lare Egg Plant, each 10c
l'ancy Cantaloupes, at,
each ..3 1-3c, So and 7V4o
S large Heads Cabbage, lOo
Large, fancy Juley Lemons.
at, doz. . ,0Oc, 3Sc and 4oa
Regular 40c. 50O and 60o
Bnttsr. Chscss and JSsnra
Prices, Saving as to
SO Per Cent
Fancy No. 1 Country But
ter, per pound 370
Fancy No. I Dairy Butter,
per pound ....35c
Fancy Full Cream Cheese,
per round , i8o
ew York White or Young
America Cheese, lb. ,.30o
Best strictly fresh Eggs, at,
dozen 'VX;
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o