TITO BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1913. SUFFRA6ETTESLCSE PETITION Nebraska Women Not Daunted and See State's Senators. NORMS ONLY ONE TO PLEDGE Dnr Set Attnrt (or Demonstration nnd Cnpltol Killed Trttli Women Who Itexlcgc Their Dele gations. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. l.-(Bpcclal Tele gram.) Minus a petition aliened by about TOO wor.cn of'their state, four Nebraska suffragettes joined the suffrage parade "from Ilyattsvllle to the capltol yesterday and presented to the Nebraska senators their pLa for the ballot. Where the' pe tition was no ono among the suffrage leaders was able to discover. At the last moment It was missing, although It -was at headquarters last night for the purpose of being presented today. " Those representing Nebraska' were Mrs. O. A. Mosshart of Lincoln. Miss Laura Pfelffer. Instructor In the University of. Nebraska; Joy Webster, daughter of General J. R. Weoster, formerly of Lin coln, and Mrs. Raymond B. Morgan of Lincoln. After discovering the loss of the petition at Ilyattsvllle, ono of the . suffrage managers gave Miss Pfelffer a petition containing a few Nebraska rtames and a large number of New Jer sey signers. This Miss l'feli.er, who had been delegated to carry the petition, refusedto accept. Illlflii-ook Syiiiiuittiptlc. Nevertheless, after arriving at the cap ltol the Nebraska delegates summoned the two senators and requested a pledge from them to vote for the proposed con stitutional amendment for women's suf frage. Senator Norrls readily gave this pledge. Senator Hitchcock would not commit himself, but expressed hid atti tude as one of sympathy, at least. delegations from every state In the union presented to each senator on the floor petitions urging the support of the Chamberlain resolution to amend the federal constitution to confer suffrage on women, and practically every senator presented the petitions to the senato. Mnnr fr Movement. Many made speeches declaring their sympathy with the movement and a few announced their Intention to vote against the i resolution. The visit to the senate concluded an automobile parade from Hyattsvllle, Md., a suburb of the capital, where the suf fragists were met and welcomed by mem bers of the senate woman suffrage com mittee, which has voted a favorable re port on the Chamberlain resolution. Tonight tbe suffragists gave a big ban quet,, at which moro than a scoro of mom bers of the house and senate nnd other publlcj men were present." Kuetinrriro 3uf frnarlntn. Senators Thomas, Ransdall, Ashurst and Owen were speakers, and they encourngoa the suffragists with the declaration that the prospects were bright for the adop tion of the resolution. Mrs. James Lees Laldlaw, Mrs. Susan, .Fitzgerald and Mrs. Mary Ware Dennett also made addresses. The women who visited tno senate to day had traveled from every section of Oio country to bring tho petitions. Alto pother the petitions were slgneil by more than 97,000 persons. On their way Ho the capital many of the delegates held Wct I'ngs nnd demonstrations along the roads they, traveled. Tonight's banquet con cluded the demonstration. Holland "Releases- " Pitcher Ohellette ST. JOSEPH, JIo Aug. l.-Manager Holland of tho St Joseph Western league team today released Henry Chellette, Pitcher, to the Waterloo club of tho Cen tral association. Chellette was sold, to tho Omaha Western league club a week ago with, the understanding he was In condition to begin work at once. Hut Manager Rourke refused to accept him after n tryout and Holland consented to his return. Holland still Is fighting with Denver over his purchase of Pitcher Cliff Healy under like conditions. The Detroit American league team, which owns Pitcher Rube Boehler, has notified tho St. Joseph club that tho twMiler has been recalled. Boehler will finish the season here, however. Manager Holland has been unable to coine to terms with Pitcher Gaines, pur chased from the Chicago Americans. Gklnei )s in Bonham, Tex., and has not answered Holland's last letter. Dakota Official " Rejects Ball Bill PIERRE. S. D Aug. L-(Snectal.)-The attorney general, on inquiry ttom the state- auditor, holds that base batl . Is not provided for by law aa one of tho courses of study In the stato normal schools, and that charges of Ht.60 for auto hire and hotel expenses of the team from Spearflsh normal on a trip to Sun dance, Wyo., for a game are not a propor" charge against the state, regard less of the fact that the bill received tho "O. K." of the state Board of Regents of Education. Tho attorney general Is J not oniy an.cnmusiastlc xan, out an old time player himself. Griffin Scores Another Victory CHICAGO, Aug. 1. Clarence Griffin California's tennis marvel, upheld the reputation of his state today by qualify In? for the western championship finals through a victory In his hardest match of the tournament pvor William Blair of Lake Geneva. Wis., 6-2, 7-B, 6-2. Tomorrow In the final round, on which through the absence of Champion Maurice McLovfghlln depends the title, Griffin will meet 'Joseph Armstrong of St. Paul,' who today downed Harry Waldner of. Chicago, 1-6. 6-1, 6-2, 6-3. ' S. ISdtvnril Defeat Mnillann. ST. EDWARD. Neb., Aug. l.-Spec!al.) St. Edward defeated) Madison on their grounds yesterday. Score, 6 to 5. Bono and Cannle for St. Edward pitched great ball. A home run by Bond was a fea ture. Score: R.H.K. Madison 0 1 060302 0- 12 2 St. Edward... 120020000-582 Batteries:- St. Edward, Bono, Cannle and Adams; Madison, Odell, Pickering md Pickering. Umpire: Bates. , lllnomflelil Hluliku I'lnln vler, BLOOMFIELD. Neb., Aug. t.-8pcial.) Blootnltold shut out Plainvlew I'riur flay on the Plainvlew grounds by a score ot S to 0. The feature of the game was the pitching of NUlle, who allowed only two hits. Scoro; Bloomfleld 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-5 Plainvlew 00000000 0-0 Batteries: Bloomfleld, Willie and Hat ttn; Plainvlew, Rouse and Thlen. Tha Persistent ana Jualclnus Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to n 'sr est 8u-ce. Amateur Ball Teams ! Ask .Police to Keep Order at All Games Managers represtntrng ten amateur Class 11 bate ball clubs of Omaha gath ered last night In tho city hall and dis cussed the question of police protection for teams playing on tho home gioundx of their opponents. Several of the man agers complained that their players and themselves had been handled roughly and Insisted on some action being taken ot they would withdraw their clubs from the league, President Jacob Isaacson presided over the meeting and after hearing the com plaints of the various managers appointed a committee of three, including himself, to visit Commissioners Joo Hummel and Jack Ryder In an attempt to secure po lice control over the games. Commis sioner Hummel will be toW ot, the refusal oT the park policemen to keep order at the games. It was asserted at the meet ing that the park policeman at Klmwood park, where many of the games are Played, absolutely refuses to prevent the visiting players b-ing treated roughly by the home club If Commissioner Hummel canndt grant the request of the managers, Commls sloncr Ryder will bo appealed to In tho hope that ho will appoint patrolmen on tho respective beats to keep order , and peaco on the ball grounds. Wife's Unkindness Costs Hurler Job MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. l.-Worry about his wife lost Paul P. Brown hl Job as pitcher for tho Sioux City, la., base ball team of the 'Western league, according to an answer ho filed today In the dlvorco action started by his "wife, Helen W. Brown, In the Hennepin dU trlct court. The couple woro married In August. 1912. Mrs. Brown seeks a divorce on the ground of. cruelty. Her husband says Mrs. Brown was cruel and Inhuman toward him and asks that he be awarded the decree. . llnrtlnurton Detents I.nurel. LAUREL, Neb., Aug. l.-Specla.)-"n,rt'nK,ton defeated Laurel by the score ot 7 to fl, here yesterday. The features ot uie game was a homo run by Balrd with bases full, and pitching of Madden, who went in in the fifth after Balrd was knocked out. Ho held Laurel remainder of tho gumo without a hit or run. Bat 5? .?' .Lttl,l. WllUford nnd Depow; HurtlngJon, Balrd. .Madden and Smith. llolmliL-rn Ilrlenneil. x,Sh ,JPSEJ',r' M- Aug. l.-Manager Hendricks of, the Denver Western league team announced here this afternoon tho unconditional release of Pitchor Holm S LJ1lm,ber Probably will Join the Burlington, la., team of the Central asso nrfe ,?,8alu'' He wns wlth "Lincoln !!?' ..utlle, 8Casn nnd was a free agent at tho time Denver secured him. Ilrnnlnir llents. Sutton. imUNING, Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal.)-An i.5re,8tinfr fc;nme was ,la't'(1 "ere yestor day, when Sutton was defeated, 10 to 7.' This makes a game ouch for these teams nnd tho rubber w.ll bo played here soon. Score: grunlnu 000226 0 -10 Suon 0002 1 40007 Batteries: Brunlng, levin and Robin son; Sutton. Hanson and Meade, Stnnton Keeps Hir Leuil . STANTON. Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal Tele grain.) Today in a slow and uninterest ing game, Stanton defeated tho Council Bluffs Cubs,. 11 to 3. McGulre for Stan ton, struck out fourteen of the Bluffers. The scorer R H B Stanton 6 0 o 0 1 5 o o li 6 4 Council Bluffs 0 000000033 (1 7 Two-base hits: Ray Holsteln, A. Hol steln, Pass. Trenton Out pin) s HnlRler. TRENTON, Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal,Tel-cgrnm.)-The Halgler ball team In their trip across the stato lost to Trenton to day by 9 to 5. Jewett's Lawyers to Apply for Bail BLAIR, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) George S, Jewett, who at his preliminary hearing last Monday on tho charge of murder In the first degree, was bound over to the November term of tho dis trict court, had made application for ball, which was to havo been argued today before County Judge I. C. Eller. Jewett through his attorneys, withdrew his application for a hearing and Judge Eller denied a direct application for bail. It Is thought that his attorneys will go before the district court In an effort to obtain ball. BELATED PETITION REACHES SENATOR IN WASHINGTON cFrom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. l.-(8peclal Tel egram.) An eight months' old petition' for tho appointment of F'. A. Watklns as postmaster at Hastings was received by Senator Hitchcock today. It was for warded by Mr. Watklns upon his re turn from an extended vacation. He hud the petition ready In November and sup. posed It had been sent in at that time. R. B. Wahlqulst and F. A. Pickens are supposed to be the two applicants, one ot whom will be finally be chosen. Four other citizens of Hastings aro being men tioned In this connection. They are E. G. Hammond, D. E. Uosgs, Christopher Koehler and F, C. Wood. Governor Metcalfe and his family are now on their way to Panama. STheyIeft Washington today and will .sail for A neon, tomorrow on the steamer Panama, A civil service examination will bo hdld September 1, at Broken Bow, for post master at Oconto and at Albion for post master at Bradlsh, Neb. TARRED AND FACE PAINTED GREEN BY KANSAS "DRYS" LEAVENWORTH) Kan., Aug. I. Henderson Hasty of Easton, a email town near her, was stripped, plastered with a coat' of warm tar and his face painted green last night by a party of citizens, determined to enforce observ ance of the prohibition law. Hasty 'wis found asleep beside, the road to Easton. That he would sign the pledge is kld to have been his declaratlpn when ho MEN WHO BEAT CONDUCTOR SAW WAY OUT OF JAIL BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 1. (HpecJal. Telegram.) Frank Lemar and Charles Gardner, who were bound over to the Saline county district court recently for beating And stabbing a Burlington con ductor when -be attempted to put them off his train near Dorchester, broke Jail at WJIber early this morning by mak ing a hole through the roof after sawing out of their collr. The Porslstent and Judicious Use ot Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business Success. LANKY BOB'S FIGHTING SCAR Got it When a Boy and Changed His Destination. CHURCH LOST A TREACHER Slum of Toot Unit (Slant Altered Plnn of Life nnd Proroketl Spirit of Revenue. I take little risk of being crltlclied when I say that no living boxer knows moro about the fine points ot the sport than Rob Fltislmmons. It was Rob's marvelous fighting brain as well as the mighty loft fist they used to call the "freckled thunderbolt" that won him tho heavyweight championship of the world when he faced Jim Corbett at Car son at noon, March 17, 1S37. Rob Fltislmmons was a genuine mid dleweight that day. He weighed exactly 1M pounds stripped. Never slnco th boxing glove was Invented have so much fighting fqree and skill been combined with that slight weight. Corbett was the cleverest of the big men ot his time, and Fltislmmons whipped him, wore him down and knocked him out In fourteen round. Wnit.., hl flehtln hrnln was better than Corbett's nnd because clean living had given him endless stamina ana 1 courage and self-confidence. And Fltislmmons was as true a sports man ns ever lived. Almost a novice, he met tho great "Nonpareil," Jack Demp sey, for tho middleweight championship of tho world. In a few rounds he had the mastery. Then, when Dwmpsey'o de feat was sure, freckled Rob held back his blows and pleaded with Dcmpsey to re sign the unequal contest. "You'll havo'to knock mo out: I'll never quit," said tho champion. And Fltislmmons, after ap pealing to Dempscy's seconds and the referee, reluctantly forced tho fight and slipped over tho finishing blow. Then, picking Dempsey up In his arms, he car ried Jack to his corner, with tears streaming down his face, For ,the mo ment Fltislmmons forgot that he had Just won a world's championship title and a fortune He saw only the pathos of tho defeat that ended tho career of a famous champion and a game man. Stnrt llnxpr, The story of Bob Fltislmmon' start as a boxer has never been told. It is gen erally known that lie was a horscshoer In Australia nnd that ho camo to Amor lea an unknown and leaped almost at onco Into world-wldo fame as middle weight champion. But Fltislmmons wns 27 years old when he came here. He must have had some history in Australia before coming to America. World's champions aren't made In a few months. It tnkes years of fight ing nnd hard work to get where Fltislm mons was wheri he beat Dempsey, and later on Corbett, and then Gardner, tak ing the middleweight, heavyweight and light heavyweight "world championships In succession. Bob sat down nnd told the story of his start, and here It Is: "My mother began by training me for tho ministry," said Bob. "Until I was 11 years old I went to church and sang In tho choir twice a week, and to Bible class twice on Sundays. But for a box; of snuff nnd a kicked foot ball I would have been a minister todny. ''We were living In New Zealand, about 1,500 mlieb across the sea from Australia. One day my mother sent mo to buy a box of snuff at a chemist shop near our homo, On the way I passed nn open field where two foot ball teams were playing. I walked slowly, watching the game and wishing that I could get a chanco to kick the ball. I was very curious to !now how It would feel. Just whllo I was wish ing somebody kicked It over the fenco and It rolled right to my feet. So I kicked it back again as hard as I could. "A second later the captain of ono of tho teams, a big fellow over six feet tall, leaped the fence and ran straight at me. Before I had any idea what he meant to do 'he struck mo a terrific blow on the nose, smashing it and cutting a gash across tho brldcp that Is the onlv mf t carry today aftor,fuindreds of ring 'bat- ties. The blow khocked me senseless. I was? unconscious for threo hours and a half, and the blood that ran down my throat strangled me so that I camo very near dyng. At last they brought mo to. Tho coin I was carrying had flown out of my hand when I was struck. I re membered that I had started for some Bnuff, but I had nothing to buy It with. so I staggered home In tho dark empty- nanuca. The Home Trouncing;. "When I slipped In through tho door my mother only saw that I had a bloodv nose. My training for the ministry hadn't mciuaed fighting. I'd often been warned that I must not fight. " 'You'vo been fighting, have your nsked my mother. And without anothei word she turned and took a stout whip down from its nail on tho wall and pro ceeded to give me the worst whipping 1 ever had in my life. Then alio sent rot to bed. "Next morning sho came to my room. My eyes had swollen over night and were closed tight, and my nde was a sight. When my mother saw for the first time how badly I was. hurt sho cried over me und told me again and again how sorry she was shhad whipped me, and I told her how it all happened. Then she sent for a doctor. I was hurt Friday after noon. Saturday there was no school, and on Sunday my eyes wcru still closed, so for the first time I was let out of going to' church. But Monday I was made to go to school. There the scholars laughed ut me so much that I ran home, and I rn-ver went to either a school or a church afterward. My mother used to send mt to church, but I'd He on the grass out side and listen to the hymns, because I loved tho singing, nnd then ask some, body tho minister's text, so I could tell what It was when they abked mo at home. "The trouble was that all this time 1 could only think of tho man who had beaten me. Week after week the desire for revenge grew. But I was a slim little fellow, onlv 11. nnd I ln l'i v,n,. , .'chance to fight If I met him. Brooding over it put an idea Into my head. I'n work und grow as strong as I could, ana Itarn how to fight, so that I'd bo ready when I was big enough to tackle him. Pructlcliiir for Itprriiire. "I went to my brother's blacksmith shop and Induced him to give mc two old leather aprons. I out these up Into pat terns for boxing gloves. I'd never seen any, but I'd heard about thorn. I sewed tho gloves with string and, stuffed them with leather clippings and cotton, ana then got the other boys of the neighbor hood together and boxed with them every day. "Ill a couple of years I could outbox any. of tbem eailly, and I was growing tall. Kvery night before I went to nlep I thought of what I'd do to that foot bait player when I giew a little bigger. I We were right by the sea and I heard about what great fighters -sailors were. I So I made up my mind to run awuy and be a sailor for a year or two. I had fixed It up with the captain of a bark called tho Isabella Ridley, and was about to skip out the next morning, when up came a terrlblo storm In the night and wrecked the Isabella Ridley and' nine or ten vessels, driving them high on the shore. I gave up the sea and got a job as a carriage painter at seven shillings a week. In a few month I was a good painter, having n very steady hand for tho fine striping. But that wasn't mak. Ing me strong fnst enough, nnd I got another Job as a striker In Parson & An drew's foundry, swinging a heavy sledge. This was great work, but after threo yearn I threw a hot tire over the fore man one day and I got fired. "While I was working there, 15 years old, I had my first ring fights, to a fin ish with bare knuckles, London prlin ring rules. I won them all with knock outs. My next Job after leaving the foundry was as a painter, then as a paper hanger. I could do three men's work, and did It. Next I went to'work as a horseshocr for my brother. I stuck to that Job five years. "All this time I never forgot about the foot ball captain. By the time I was 17 I concluded I could whip him. and the " " years i spent all my iDare t time " " , "". "rollnn tno root ball traveling " """"n '"S lor mm. But he had , .1."' al.H' 10 " I'v never set eyes on him He knocked me out of being a min ister, and If I'd ever, found him I'd hayo knocked him out of being a foot ball Player. But I don't hold the grudge any more. Ho punched me from poverty Into a, bunch of fortunes. Rut for him I'd blow. I'd have been a horscshoer today Word tt- WPck"-N Vork Evening Five-Year-Old Boy Shot to Death CHICAGO. Aug. Wamea Paullllo. P year.old son of Paul Paullllo. was shot while standing on tho doorstop of his home today. He died while being taken to a hospital. Gepars Raffaello. 6 years old, living In the same house as Paullllo and who was the child's playmate before a quarrel a day or so ago, has disap peared. Tho father of the slain boy accused Mrs. Adeline Raffaelle of shoot Ing his son. Joseph raullllo. 9 years old brother of tho victim, declared that the Raffaelle boy and his mother appeared In the doorway with a gun and that one of them shot his brother, but said that he could not see which one. Chinese Revolt Is On Its Last Legs WASHINGTOnTauT" l.-Stato depart ment reports today indicated that tha rebellion In China la nearly ended. Gen eral Hslng fled on Monday from Nanking, which has returned to the allegiance of tho north, as have the cities of Soo Chow. ChlnlClang and other districts In Klnng Su province. Tho southern forces north of tho Vangtse river aro reported to havo resumed allegiance to tho Teklhg govern ment. MAIL ORDER, PRICES FOR LUMBER ARE LOWER CHICAGO, July 31,-Purchaeers of lum ber from mall order houses testified to day in the feCural government's suit against the alleged lumber trusC E. G. Gilbert, a contractor of Cleve Why The Gas Company ' Those -who wish to study the subject without prejudice may easily understund why a gas company must continue making costly enlargements and ox- to in n rrrowimr citv evGii thouirh the sales of tcnsions m a growing city, even though the sn os 01 gas per family are already as large as can bo ox- 3?ected- Assuming that Omaha will continue to grow as fast in the next five years as it has in the past five years, our enginoers estimate construction expen- dihiros of moro than $1,000,000 will be necessary to maintain tho present standard of service, and supply gas to newly settled outlying districts. v This statement has been ridiculed by tho objec t !, ,in; f.nT,ni,;Qn cnftinmnnt iif. , , , , tno facts given to show wherein our statements aro b false. "When it is staged that the sales of gas per meter in Omaha are nearly us high as cun bo reached, wo merely repeat tile statement of experienced gas oper ators, based upon exact information nnd observation. The averago sales of gas per consumer for com panies with annual output comparable to that of tho Omaha Gas Company, The annual gas 1912 were 30,279 feet There is one gas meter in service for every 5,8 people in this city, showing a high development of tho possible gas field, or market. Notwithstanding the fact that gas development in Omnha'is close to tho "saturation point," wo an ticipate that the gas business will continue to grow, nnd that tho need for enlargements and extensions will continue. j In our table estimating tho saving which the rate-reduction franchise will moan to Omaha during the next 5V6 years, first published two weeks ago, land, O., said the mall order houses were always ready to fill lumber orders at short notice and that In price and quality they were far aheal ot tho ool yards at Cleveland. PITY THE TRIALS OF BARBERS Hand of Tonsorlnl Artist la Stomp Trnreler In Course of n Year's WorU. A New Yorker who dotes on mathe matical calculations has rrsasoned out that the barber Is about the hardest dlrven man In the city. He seta forth his observations for the edification of barber shop patrons as follows: For a clean shave Chin, cheeks and upper Up tho number of strokes was 236, and tho time occupied, Including tho preliminary lathering and tho final pow dering, was exactly ten minutes. Taking tho average rator stroke ns bring, say, one inch In length, the dis tance traveled by the blade In removing superflous hair from tho face Is six yard one fool and eight Inches. Consider the barber's shop hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Deduct one. and a half hours for meals, and It leaves nine and a half hours. Assume half of thU Urns to be taken up with hnlr cutting, shampooing, waiting for customers, etc.. and It leaves four nnd three-quarters for shaving. As not every customer Is clean-shaven, we must also mako an allowance on tho number of strokes and on the time ccu pled. Suppose wo take tho averago num ber of strokes at 160, and the average time for each shave as eelght minutes. This w6uld BlVo time for tho scraping of about thirty-six customers, and the dls tance traveled by the raxor would be 6,400 Inches or 160 yards. T.he number of customers shaved per week will be about 1W. Allow a fort, night for the summer holiday, and you have a total of 9.S00 customers a year, with a raior stroko distance of 1,470,000 Inches, which Is equal to twenty-threo miles 353 yards and ono foot. Further Investigation revealed tho fact that when tho statistician shaved him self about 696 strokes aro required to pro duce a result equal to that obtained by the barber with his 23fi.-New York Press. AST0R INHERITANCE TAX NEARLY THREE MILLIONS NEW YORK, Aug. l.-Wllllam Vincent Astor will pay tho slato of New York a .tax of J2.741.S33 on his Inheritance of :S8,. 009,599 from the estate of his father, tho late John Jacob Astor. The tax was fixed by the surrogate today. HYMENEAL Crnitn-Monfort. RANDOLPH. Neb., Aug. 1. (Speclal.) A. Crago of Central City, Neb., was mar ried to Miss Laura Monfort yesterday at the homo of the bride's parents. Tho 'marriage Is the culmination of an ac quaintance, began whllo Mr. Crago was superintendent 6f schools and Miss Mon fort wns employed at grade teacher. Both are very popular In Randolph. After a short visit In Estes Park, Colo., they will maek their home In Ctntral City, whero Mr. Crago Is superintendent of schools. Fire nt Slonroe, 8. D. MONROE, 8. D Aug l.-Flro In the business section early today caused a loss of SGO.OOO. Among tho heaviest losers were those of the Oneal Lumber com pany and the Monroe News. Key to the Situation Boe Advertising. NO. r Should Invest More Capital In Five Years aro 29,000 cubic feet sales per consumer in Omaha in OMAHA GAS COMPANY WONDERS OF THE BIG SHIP I.erlnthan of the Sen Itiiutppetl Tvltti AalonlnlitnK nnd IntrrrMlns; Keatnre. A flower garden, with a largo mint bed. A candy and toy store for children. A notion store. A running track. An elaborate Roman hath, two stories high, 65x11 feet, mado ot bronia and marble. A swimming tank 31x21 feet, with n maximum depth of nlho feet Turkish, Russian and tntiv h. 22 In number. A photographlo dark room. The largest floating ballroom In thi world, lOJxOOxlK feet. A rudder that weighs ninety tons. A winter garden, filled with rloh trop ical vegetation. A Rltx-Cnrllon restaurant! with a vrr. nnda cafe. A roof garden. A gymnasium, with electrically driven Zander apparatus, A millionaire's apartment, tho alio ot n twelve-room New York flat, it has n private garden and deck and would per haps bring 30, a year on Manhattan. A public stenographer. A florist. Six barbers. j A manicurist. A gardenor. A printing department, with three printers. A hospital, with flvo physicians. A cabinet mnkcr. Four elevators, running through flv decks. . The Imperator Is nearly one-fifth of a mile long. It can carry 6,000 persons. It has flvo captains. It carries elghty-thrco lifeboats.. Its wireless Is powerful enough to reach land when It Is In mldocoan. It has eight kitchens. Two chief chefs and 11 assistant chefs For a seven-day voyage tho following quantities of food are carried": tt.600 -pounds of freh meats. S.000 eggs. 121.000 pounds of potatoes, 27,600 pounds of fresh vegetables. 10,600 pounds of fowl nnd game. 9.0O3 pounds of fish and shellfish. 12,600 quarts of milk and cream. ICO pounds of tea. 600 pounds of chocolate and cocoa. 7,000 pounds of coffee. Now York American. The Persistent and Judicious Use ot Newspaper Advertising is tho Road to Business Success. (re FAMILY TRADE . South Omaha: Wm. Jetter,' 2502 N Streot. Phone, So. 863. 18 .$1,000,000 allowance is mado for an increaso in 'gas sales of 5 per cent a year. MOST OF THIS ANTICIPATED INCREASE WILL COME FROM THE SETTLING UP OF OUT- RESIDENCE DISTRICTS, AND WILL RE- exTENSions, SERVIC CON- . NECTTONS AND METERS TO REACH. Qf thQ ostimuto of ,23,500 for con- ruction expenditures during tho next fivo years, moro than 83, or .$857,000, is for enlargements and extensions of tho distributing system," including' a new gas holder. v The present gas-property is highly efficient, "but in respect to gas holder or storage capucity it is approaching its limit. -A new holder must bo do- s fined with the future in mind. ;. . , , sufficient for only two or threo economy for tho company and gas users. To reach additional customers, new street mains, service connections and meters aro unavoidable. Certain high pressure foedcr mains and dis tributing governing stations will be necessary to maintain gas pressure standards. A number of additions to tho manufacturing plant und purifying apparatus must bo mado if tho output grows ot tho rate of 5 ivu oi uiese eiiuirgeuiuius una ujiiuuhiiuh muoi have excess capacity in ordpr to properly anticipate futuro demands. j V To secure and invest more than $1,000,000 dur ing the next five years the company requires a rea sonable franchise extension. t Anyone, without knowing anything at all about tho facts, may dispute these statements The fact remains that they aro correct. THE DATE OF THE RATE-REDUCTION GAS FRANCHISE ELECTION IS AUGUST 19TH; VOTERS MUST BE REGISTERED TEN DAYS, IN ADVANCE. Obstinate Acne Quickly Yields Fine Remedy that Clears Skin of Pimples on Cheeks, Temples, Sides of Nose and Chin. Acno attacks the glandular structure of tho skin, more particularly those tiny glands thnt secreto fat. And It is hero that a S. 8., tho famous blood puriller Is most active In Us Influence Thoro is ono Ingredient In 8. 8. 8., tho purpose of which 'It la to stimulate the cells In the tissues that they select from tho blood the nutriment that makes new skin and thus eliminates all Irritants, acids and parasites that Inflame' the frlands. Thcro Is a natural tendency ot tho fine notwork of blood vessels in tho skin to throw oft Impuri ties, but whore a persistent. Inflamma tory process has Invaded tho skin, tho natural repair work ot tho blood Is In terfered with. It requires tho stimu lating activity of y. 8. 8. to overcome such morbid conditions. If you have been troubled with acno, do not despair of a cvro. You can jrot 8. S. 8. in any drurr store, but Insist upon having It Tho great Swift Laboratory In Atlanta, Ga., prepares, this famous blood purifier, and youshould taka no chapco by per mitting anyono to recommend a sub stitute. And if you blood condition is such that you would like to consult n. specialist freely, address tho Medical Dept., Thn Swift Bpocino Company, 181 Hwlft Bldg., Atlanta, Go. Office For Een-1 Tho largo room on ground floor of Beo Building, oc cupied by tho Havens White Coal Co. Nico Farnam. street front' ago. About 1,500 square feet of floor space with large , vault. Extra en trance from court of the building. Fine office fixtures are of fered for sale. Apply to N. P. Foil, Bee office. n ei. i. ii k. Old. SUPPLIED BY Omaha; Hugo F. Bilz, 1324 Douglas St Phone Doug. 3040. ; , -' ,j An additional holder u - years would bo poor per cent a year. . v:"