Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Saturday Closing at 6 P. M.
During August
While early closing in Omaha is in the nature
of an experiment, it has proven so successful in
other cities that it is worthy of continuance here.
So many people are directly benefited that
this movement is worthy of your support,
Early closing in Omaha will be a success if
you help to make it so.
Special Sale
of Men's Superior
Union Suits
The balance of our stock will
be closed out at the following
$1.00 Superior. Union Suits,
at 79c
$1.50 Superior Union Suits,
at ?1.15
$2.00 Superior Union Suits,
at $1.35
$2.50 Superior Union Suits,
at $1.75
B. V. D. Union Suits, $1.00
qualities reduced to, eu., 79c
B. V. D. Union Suits, $1.50
qualities reduced to,
each $1.15
Porosknit Union Suits, $1.00
values reduced to 75c
Mens Two-Piece
Garments sd
All $1.00 values, garment, 75c
All 75c values, garment, 50c
All 50c values, garment, 39c
President of Venezuela Given Su-preme-Power
by Counoil.
Report from Caracas' Say Rebels
Were Defeated la Battle Near
the Eastern and "West
ern Frontier.
CARACA8, Aug;. t-In conaquenc of
outbroak of the revolution In Venesuela
ana the Invasion of the country by force
under the leadership of former President
Clprlano Caatro, the federal council to
day constitutionally authorised I'reslaent
Juan Vlncente Gomel to assume dictator
ial powers until the movement la crushed.
President Gomes on "Wednesday nlffht
sent the following telegram to the gov
ernon of all the Venesuelan statea:
"General Clprlano' Castro, Impelled by
ambition .and the erase for power, baa
provoked, a revolution In thta republic by
ordering his partisans to arm themselves
against the ronatltuUonal government.
"Already robel 'force In several local
ities have disturbed' tha public order.
"Jt Is necessary to be alert and to act
raptdly jnd energetically In assisting tile
government to crush the rebels.
The' peace of the country", which con-
clentous Venezuelans, are obliged to
nourish, cannot be left at the mercy of
adventurers who possess no Idea of de
corum. -I trust you will fulfill your duty."
The governors In reply promised un
qualified 'support; of Uie government
Borne of ihem requested tha dispatch cf
additional arms and ammunition.
Revolutionists Defeated.
Official dispatches state that an In
vading force from Colombia under the
command of General Rosarto Gonxales
has been driven back ateadlly on the
frontier of tha atata of Tachlra, where
Colonel Itomero, In. command of the ito.Se
troops, has forced the rebels to abandon
their positions
On the other aide of Venezuela revolu
tlonlata commanded by a nephew of
Castro attacked tha city of Maeuro on
Tuesday and were defeated, It Is claimed,
by government troops led by General
Zarago. .
No troops have yet been aent from
Caracas to meet the rebels, as the gov
(lament believes the state troops strong
enough to deal with them.
The president announced that all newa
of hostilities would be published, whether
tvorabla or Unfavorable to the govern
ment He aaya he feels he can safely do
tola because of Mi splendid army and
ilso because public opinion 1 with the
Telegraphic -communication between th
capital and the res; of the republic la
Caatro Land at Coro.
WIUJCMBTAb, Curacao, Aug. 1. -Cor
roboration of tha report of Clprlano
; aatro'a landing at Coro. Venezuela, waa
-ecelved here today from Puerto Cabello.
Oenirat dlmon Cello. Castro" a brother-in-law,
with a number of adherents, left
ieru last night In a sloop for Venesuela.
'uesuela Kzlle Cull on dryan.
"WASHINGTON. Aug. L-Gentral Jose
Manuel Hernande. Venesuelan National
ist leader, now a political exile, arrived
In Washington today and. called on Act
ing Secretary Roosevelt of the navy.
1 call was unofficial and after
brltf visit with Mr. Roosevelt he weut
Annual August Clearance of High Grade
Late Spring and Summer Suits
Saturday, 9 A. M
As is our regular custom, we make a
thorough clearance of all apparel towards
the close of each season. Saturday we place
all of our exclusive, hand tailored suits on
sale in three different lots:
$37.60 $45.00, $50.00 and up to $05.00 Suits, incuding
Silks, Bedford Cords, Imported French Serges, Pop-
linn and many novelty
weavos in bluo, black, gray,
tan and white. . . . ,
$25.00, $30.00 and $35,00
Epongc, Bedford Cord, Poplin, Sorgo, in plain tail
ored and novelty stylos
all colors, including
Vve mako no alterations during
Fine Linen Suits
selling from
$13.50 to $25, at
to the State department to pay his re
spects to secretary Bryan.
Tha Venesulan exile, popularly known
as "El Mooho,' Is opposed both to former
President Caatro, tnatlgator of the pres
ent revolution, and to President Oomet
against whose government tha uprising"
Is aimed. Ho declared his present at
titude was one of observation and thatf
he' believed both domes and Castro wei'e,
destined to political retirement.
Caatro, whose whereabouta hitherto
have been Indefinite, has landed at Coro,
In tha gulf of Venezuela, This Informa
tion was cabled to the State department
today by American Consul Thomas W,
Voetter at La Guatra, the port of Caracas.
DENVER, Aug. 1. Secretary of tha
Navy Josephus Daniels arrived here
shortly before noon today, to be the guest
of tho city at the celebration of Colorado's
thirty-seventh statehood anniversary. Tha
secretary has a prominent part In the
day's program of patrtotlo and social
events. Tomorrow ha la aoheduled to tour
Eates park by automobile.
Threshing Machine- Burned.
I-OGAN, la.. Aug. l.-(Spccial.)-Flr
destroyed the II. Dungan threshing ma
chine, five wagons and 100 bualiela of
wheat on the F. A. Schwertly ftrm north
west of Missouri y alley on tha Missouri
Oh, What a Pall Was There, My Countrymen
Contemporaneous Newspaper Account.
"Whereas, It hoa corao to the knowledge of this board, through Inves
tigation made by It, that the water ratea charged citizens ot Omaha, by tho
Omaha Wator company are excessive) an compared with tho rates charged
la other cltlca of similar alio, and,
"Whereas, The mayor and council
thority and power to regulate water
tho Omaha Wator company fair and
'Therefore, Bo It Resolved, That
and council of tho city of Omaha that the rates for water of the Omaha
Water company be Immediately fixed by ordinance so that the same shall
be fair and reasonable."
This resolution was adopted by
journed meeting on Monday afternoon,
submitted by R. D. Howell covering
Minneapolis, Cleveland, Detroit and
Tho Omaha rato to privato consumers, 35 cents por 1,000 gallons, Mr.
Howell said, is from six to fifteen
named. It was also pointed out that
throe years ago, when the city had but
Editorial in World-Herald
"k great many esteemed citizens will recollect during the fight for the
purchase of the water plant, thoro were published long Hits of cities In
which, under municipal ownership,
10 cents per thousand gallons. Many of us looked at those lists and
gritted our teeth ovor the injustice of being forced to pay 35 cents in
Omaha. Many ot us confidently looked forward to a very early reduction
of water ratcB in Omaha to somewhere between 10 and IB cents, at the
moat, it only wo could get municipal ownership. All of us know better
now. We have learned that conditions in Omaha determine what the price
of water in Omaha must be, and are rapidly concluding that conditions in
Omaha havo Justified only a reduction to 28 cents, and may, In another
year or two. Justify a further reduction to 25 cents. The dream ot 10-cent
water has gone glimmering."
Note by The Hoe -Don't let anyone belleTe wo will have to wait two
year more for tho nromUcd reduction to "1 cents per 1,000 gallons.
The liee's campaign on behalf of the
Uon from 85 cents to 28 cents, and
Annual August Linen Sal
Huck Towels
Wc Huck Towels 6C
25c Iltick Towels 19c
45c Huck Towels 25c
75c Huck Towels 50c
$2.50 18x54 Hand Embroidered
45c Made Roller Towels
65c Made Roller Towols
Suits, including Ratine,
D- I " "
$8. 75
this sale.
The Store
bottoms Wednesday night. The mdchlne,
wagons and fifty bushel, of wheat were
covered by Insurance. Lass Is estimated
at 11.100,
MUNCIB, Ihd., Aug. t Three Pullman
cars on Big Four passenger train, No.
20, due hero at 12;20 thta morning, are
reported to hava toppled from a bridge
six miles west of here Just after mid
night A number of passenger are re
ported to hava been sortously Injured:
The train was bound for New York from
qt Louie
DULUTH, Minn., July 31. Three labor
ers were killed and two fatally Injured
In a collision of ore trains at the Great
Northern railroad dock at Alloues, "Wis.,
NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Twelve children
at pluy huve been burned to death In
Brooklyn this summer while wearing
fringed Indian and cowboy suits. The
death today of the twelfth victim, a
5-yew-old girl, caused Dr. Charles Probst,
coroner's physician, to publish this fact
und warn parent against letting chil
dren -wear play costume with Inflam
mable fringes.
of the city of Omaha have tho au
rates and render the charges made by
this board recommend to the mayor
tho Omaha Water board at an ad
August 8, 1004, following a report
an Investigation ot rates In Mllwaukoe,
other American cities.
times the rates charged in the cities
tho Omaha rato was flxod twenty
30,000 people.
July '20, 101B.
water was being furnished at from 5 to
people lias already brought a reduc
will rontluuo till tl 'iVront rato is
' 1 1 1 .
Made Crash
Tea Towels
25c Tea Towels, made.20e
20c Ten Towels, mnde.l5c
30c Tea Towels, raade.25c
Scarf, each ' $1.25
Dresses at
Reduced Prices,
Saturday, 9 A.
Seduction PoIIowb Increase in State
Pate of Ima Lavr Prorldlnn; for
Closing: of Houses Df m.ifBIUe,
by Injunction. neat with
the- Court.
(Prom a "Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, Aug. l.-(Spedal Telo-gram.).-When
the stato officials had
finished making assessment of all prop
erty In state today It was found that tho
state tax levy could be reduced by half
a mill and be made a 9-10 nitlla on the
dollar, tho lowest for many years. It
wa accordingly made at that rate. The
net Increase In taxable values ot all
property wa about tW.OOO.OOO.
Court to Decide on Lavr,
Tho fate of the Iowa law for closing
bawdy houses by Injunction process Is In
the? hand of Judge Brennan of tha dis
trict court. Attorneys today finished ar
gument In the caae. Tho law la attacked
becauae of the fact that while tho
speaker ot the house announced he hart
signed the bill and auppoaed he had
done ao, his . signature waa not In fact
appended to the enrolled bill. It I de
clared that If the court hold the law In
operative there will be return to' the "red
light dletricts" to aeveral of the cities ot
Automobile Exports
Are Forty Millions,
Imports Two Million
WASHINGTON, Aug. l.-Automoblles
ana automobile parts to the value of
JW.000,000 were shipped from the United
Htates in the last fiscal year, as against
$1,000,000 worth In 1S0J. a decade ago, ac
cording to figures by the bureau of for
elgn and domestic commerce.
Of last year's shipments tS.500,000 worth
were in finished automobiles. Canada
was tho largest buyer, having taken 7,300
cars valued at 9,!00,000, England bought
almost 4.000, valued at t3.000.000j then
came British Oceanlca, South America,
uritun boutn Africa, Germany. East
Indies, Franco and Russia In the order
Ies than 12,000,000 worth 0f automo
biles were Imported, at an average price
of 3J.SO0, while in 1907, more then fl.000,000
worth were brought In at an average
price of JJ.iOQ.
Four Die When
Train Hits Oar
QREENVIUL.E, 111., July H.-Gtorge O
Morris, a wealthy manufacturer, his
wife and their two daughters, were killed
when a Vandalla train stnick their auto
mobile at a crossing here today.
Nevr Korrst Assistant Named.
WASHINGTON, Aug. t-Speclal Tele
gram.) Richard I Guthr.e ot Lincoln,
has been appointed forest assistant at
Denver; 8. V. Fullaway, Jr., of Omaha,
at Qreat Falls, Mont; Ralph E. Bodley
of Lincoln, at Sheridan, Mont; B. U
Wahlenberg of Lincoln at Bllver City, N
IT : Theo Kucger ot Halsev. Neb., at
State Board Makes Radical Changes
in .Assessments.
ISnch Srntcm la Treated a it Unit
and Ten Million Added io "Valua
tion Ilnte Are tn
Dr Lorrer.
DBS MOINES, Aug. l.-.(SpecIal.)-Tax
nble valuation of. property In Iowa goes
up; tax levies go down. This Is tho de
tree of the state officials.
The Mate executive council finished Its
ork this morning and made partial an
nouncement of results. Most Important
la the fact that because of Increase of
property valuations the state tax levy
will be cut from -3A mills to 3 or possibly
iDwer. Local tax levies will also be" cor
tespondfngly reduced.
Next In Importance la announcement of
a change In the manner of certifying out
railroad values. Each system will be
treated as a whole and branch and main
line will get the same valuation per
mile. This will glvo a big Increase for
branch line and a decrease for the main
lines. After looking over the law care
fully the governor and members of the
council decided this Is the only way to
dlstnbuto railroad values.
I.niul Value Increase.
The council ordered an Increase In land
valuta which amounts for the atate to
about 33 per cent. Starting with the re
ports showing aale values of land those
were scaled 20 per cent to get at tho
actual or commercial value. Then, aa
the legislature, In tho moneys and credit
law, ,has recognized the propriety of an
80 per cent valuation thla was further
scaled to obtain equality with moneys
and credits. A few countiea were In
creased but Bllghtly, others to a great
extent; so that land values all over the
state will bo about on a par with other
Town lot valuatlona were adjusted by
raises and decreases, and the net ralso Is
about 10 per cent. The council found a
very great difference In the valuation on
town property.
The council ordered an Increase In per
sonal property, chiefly live stock, tho In
crease amounting to an average of about
10 per cont.
There were slight increases ordered In
the assessments on sleeping car com
panies, equipment companies, express,
telegraph and telephone business. On tho
Iowa telephono plant there wo an In
crease of 33A per cent
Ilnllroiul Acni"n noosted.
Railroad valuations were sent skyward
more than had been done In a dozen
years before, an Increase of tlO.000,000 in
the taxable value being mode, which
v-r tio.000.000 In actual values.
The increase on some of the system
was: Northwestern, W.63S.O00; Mlaukee,
n,M5.000; Great Western. W.; Rock
Island, J1.S00.0OO; uurmisiu...
Illinois Central, H.006.000; Omaha, HV
000; Atchison. 100,000.
ti, vaiua of railroad property was or
...... - u M.rlnir the average
gross earnings for five yeare. then de
r nr cent for expenses and
rnitllxlnr same at 7 per cent after
taking out the taxes.
n.v.. m.nn,r of distributing the rail
road values for taxation purposes will
effect n revolution. It means that each
and every system will be treaiea an u
Whole and not as ft series of small xoads
Joined together for convenience.
More "Wort for Auditor.
made will mean a great
deal of hard work for tho county audi
tors in making the changes ordered on
nverv class of property. Bo for as pos
sible the1 percentage of Increase has been
made without fractional numoers ana
tnls wilt avoid some trouble. Members
of tho council believe they have made a
fair adjustment of values for taxation
I.. Ik. IhIahI
purpose in occora w" l"
ihn lirlnlature and that It 1 oy iar me
nearest approach to the assessment at
actual values over attempted. Aa the
whole property of the state subject to
taxation has been Increased as to value
for that purpose the state tax levy will
be correspondingly reduced, ana tne
council will request of local taxing
bodies that they also make reduction In
local levies to the some extent. This
will leave matters substantially as they
are as to the amount of taxes secured
Members of the council have worked
hard for threo week on this assessment
and taxation proposition,
Iowa New Note.
Tvi A V Flrn destroyed the Tiffany
stock of harness goods and badly dam
aged the shop building here Friday
morning at 1 o'clock. The cause of the
fire and the extent of loss oould not
be learned this morning. The building
was not Insured.
SHENANDOAH The Algonquin club
is arranged for the annual city tern
tournament to be held on the club
grounds during talrweek, August It to IS.
SHENANDOH Tim C. Jackson, drug
gist, waa appointed deputy state game
warden, and has entered upon hi new
duties. lie nas supervision over twenty
four counties, tne soumwesi quarter or
SHENANDOAH George McGrew was
taken to the inebriate hospital at Knox
vHle yesterday. He received a three
years aentenco in Juage uaaue'a court.
McGrew haa twice attempted aulcide. the
last time by hanging nimaeir in nla cell
in tne city Jan several montna ago.
Interest Was Paid to
Dakota Treasurers
PIERRE, a D.. Aur. 1 (Speclal.)-
Twenty thousand dollars from one bank
as Interest payments to atate teraaurers
Is the strongest statement which the In
vesttgating committee has yet secured in
Its investigation of such payments. This
sum Is shown to have been paid by the
Illinois Trust and Savings bank to State
Treasurers John Schamber and C. B
Collins during their terms, Schamber get
ting U&.7W and Collins 13,400. The total
disclosures by .different banka up to th!
date, with Intereat accrued on auch pay
ments. Is f(3,tSS, and the committee says
it has secured enough olsoloturea to
assure It that Interest payment on state
funds were made to all former treasurers
up to the time th enew law went Into
effect at the beginning of George John
aon'a term.
ROME, Aug. I A body of thirty
American pilgrims, headed by Monsigner
C. H. Tthen. bishop of Lincoln. Neb.
today vlelted Cardinal Falconlo, former
apostolic delegate to the United mates
and were received by the pop in th
conslstorlal hall.
The Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Key to th, S,tuatlon-Bce Advertising. J
Germany Will Follow
Lead of England m
Regard to Exposition
BERLIN, August 1. Although the Ger
man secretary of the Interior declared
today that Oermany had not yet taken
ny action tn regard to the question of
participating in the exposition at San
Francisco In 1913, the opinion la freely
expreeeed In official circles that the
German empire will not be represented
It was pointed out today that the
Dritiwh government's decision not to par
ticipate settles the action of Germany, a
the only factor which might have Induced
the German government to bring pressure
to bear on unwilling business men to
exhibit waa the fear of unfavorable com
parison with Great Britain.
Bualnces men in the 'majority 'of 'cases
declare themselves tired of the expense
connected with frequent expoaitlons and
aay they see no prospect of financial
return should they exhibit at Son
VIENNA, Aug. t A commission of
representatives of the Austro-Hungarian
government and of the local chambers
of commerce, la about to go to Toronto
to visit the exposition there and will
proceed to San Francisco. On this com
mission's report depends the reply of the
Austro-Hungarlan government as to
participation in the Panama-Pacific ex
Diggs and Oaminetti
Debate Closes With
Fireworks Speeches
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. The Dllint.
Camlnettl debate In the house wound up
today with republican leader Mann de
livering a hot attack on the administration
ana Attorney MoReynolds for postpone
ment of proBeeutlohad' Chairman Clay-
iv" ui "i? juaiciary committee -replying
with at spirited 'defense: The ' galleries
were crowded, but air. Mann minced no
"The republicans have fallen down ut.
terly in their attempt to make a scandal
out of this case," Clayton said. "They
have not been sustained by the fact, so
the gontleman from Illinota adopt the
tacttcB of a police court !wvrr an
weeps hi way out of court"
The house tabled Representative's
Kahn's resolution calling " for Informa
tion which Attorney General McRoynolda
aireauy nas supplied; 93 to E7,
Appraised Plans
for Part of Road
ATLANTIC, la., Aug. l.-(SDecIal.l
A a result of the Interview of H. B.
Rattenberg of thla city. VIggo Lyngby
of Council Bluffs and George Messlnger
of Linden, with Governor Clark yester
day, relative to having the north end of
the Atlantic, Northern & Southern rail
rood appraised, and to secure authority
to issue stock In a new corporation.
which will take over the north end, the
roaa win be appraised tomorrow.
it was thought beat to oreDaro thlnm
along this line In order to facilitate the
mm now on root in Kimballton and
Elkhorn to- raise sufficient capital to re-
organize a company to take hold of the
road and operate It, and also to ehow the
readiness on the part of tho bondholder
to meet the north end pepple in trying
to avoid stopping of trafflo on the road
on August 9.
Frank Cummlna, chief engineer of the
Interurban Railway of Des Moines, unit
Mr. Sterling, an experienced railroad
man. will got over the north end of the
roaa and appralae the proparty. Mr.
Cummlna la the man who first made the
ertlmate on the north end before It "waa
built. '
BANGOR. Pa.. Aug. L-FIre which
late last night threatened to destroy
Bangor's business district waa extin
guished early today.
The plant of the 8. Flory Manufactur
ing company, operating machine and
foundry shops, was destroyed, with the
exception of one small building, and the
mill and grain elevator of th Flory Milt
ing company also wore burned. The
total loss la estimated at tTSO.Ono.
The fire started In the plant of tho
Flory Manufacturing company and
spread rapidly because of a scarcity of
water. Assistance was summoned from
Pen Argyl and Easton.
HoTtraeaii of Ocean Steamer.
Port. JlrrWel. BiUti.
NAl'LXS Malik
HRBMEN...., .Frankfurt
OD-NOA.. ...Tmortnloi
GLASGOW Cirtbislntui.
NDW YORK .TtoulsteclM..
NEW YORK - I Provtnc.
NHW YORK - P-n aailltlms.
KHW YonK CVarte.
NEW YORK... Vollurno.
NKW YORK PMnajylinll.
HAVRK La 8ioU. . . .
Fusionists Select Collector to Lead
Anti-Tammany Fight.
Nomlneee Wa Formerly President
of Hoard of Aldermen and Wni
Recently Appointed Col
lector of Port.
NEW YORK, Aug. L-John PUrroy
Mltchel, collector of the port of New
York, was nominated for the office of
mayor of New York today on a fusion
ticket. Mr. Mitchell, a democrat, 33
years old, was chosen by a committee of
republicans, progressives and Independ
ents, organized to fight Tammany hall
at the coming city election.
District Attorney Charles S. Whitman,
a republican, defeated by Mltchel for the
mayoralty nomination by a narrow mar
gin, was renominated for the office of
county prosecutor. The rest of tho city
ticket chosen by the fuslonlsts wast
Comptroller, 'William A. Pendergast;
president of tho board of alderman,
Georgo aicAneny; borough presidents
Manhattan, Marcus M. Marks; Brooklyn,
Lewis H. Pounds; Bronx, Cyrus a Mlhor;
Queens, Robert W. Hlgble; Richmond,
George Cromwell.
Since the fuslonlsts have no legal stand
ing as a party these candidates will bo
placed In nomination by petition.
Convention Lnut All Nlaht.
The agreement of the fuslonlsts to put
Mltchel forward as their candidate was
not reached until after an all-night
struggle during which the committee
tcok nine ballots, on the first of which
Mltchel led by a slight margin over Dis
trict Attorney Charles S. Whltmejj and
Borough President George McAneny of
Mltchel, elected president of the board
of aldermen on the democratic ticket'
at the last election, was recently ap
pointed by President Wllaon as collector
of customs at this, port. The preference
which the president showed toward him
was used by his admirers as evidence
that the president would favor him In an
anti-Tammany fight.
Mltchel was recently appointed by Presl,
dent Wilson collector of tho port of New
York the understanding was if ho dei
sired to enter the mayoralty contest hj
could do ao without resigning until he
felt ready to do so. While the White
House made no comment on air. ailtcbel'j
selection it was apparent that officials
there were pleased.
Mr. Mltchel said that he had no In
tention of resigning as collector of the
port to run on the fusion ticket. If
elected, he said, he probably would keep
his present office unUl the end ot tho
year to enable him to carry out .changes
In methoda and organization.
I'. J. Pascal.
Louis J. Pascal, for years proprietor of
the lnlted Statea restaurant at Fifteenth
and Dodge streets, died yesterday at
his homo, 413 North Eighteenth street.
Mr. Pascal was well known in Omaha,
having been Identified with the reataur
ant business tor about fifteen years.
Mr. Martha A. Harris.
A paralytic stroke two weeka ago wa
rospoiiflible for the death of Mrs. Martha
A. Harris, a Jefferson county pioneer.
Mrs. Harris was born In Sullivan county,
lUjt.-. irAl r i. . . ...... .. .
iiiuium iuu.jr i, iuii, una spent ner. girl-. ,
hood days In Indiana. She was ''married
to William Harris in 1807. Mr, and Mrs.
Harris came west In 1869. Mrs. Harris
Is survived by several children. The fu
neral was held at the home 'today.'
French Anfiqunrlnn Dead.
GISORS, France, July 31. Louis Charles
Paulln Fasaay, "father" of the Chamber
of Deputies and an eminent archaeolo
gist and antiquary,' died here today, aged
83 years. Pasaay wan a cousin of the late
Frederlo Pessy, the ptaco advocate. ,He
waa a monarchist nnd had been a mem
ber of the Chamber of Deputlea since
the foundation of the "third republic"
Carl lfahrenbrnck,
M'COOK. Neb.. July 30. fSnwIal
Carl Fahrenbruck, sr., of. South McCook
died Monday night of cancer of the stom
ach after a prolonged Illness! Interment
wa In Rlverview cemetery this after,
noon. A widow and eight children sur
vive him,
Allen ICIIer.
Allen Kller, aged 68 years, a pioneer
xeal estate dealer of thla city, died
Wednesday afternoon at St. Joseph's
hospital of paralysis. Mr. Kller resided
at XSfi6 North Twenty-fourth street.
Funeral services will be held from
Crosby's chapel at 10 o'clock Sunday
morning with Interment In Forest Lawn
Mr. Mary MeGImpey.
SHELBY, J a., August 1. (Special.?
Mra. Mary McGlmpsey was burled hero
yesterday, aged 78 yeara. After Immi
grating to thla country from Ireland in
the 80'a to Pottawattamie county, Iowa.
her huaband died and left her with seven
children. She took her flock to Polk
county, Nebraska, and has resided near
Shelby since. She pwned over W0. acr
of good Polk county farm land.
C. C. Unland.
HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Aug. L-tSpeclaD.-r
C, C. Unland, aged C3 years, died at hla
home here Thursday morning. About a
week ago he waa proatrated by the heat
and had not been ablo to rally since.
Mrv Unland, who waa a .native ot Han
over, Germany, came to Richardson
county from Illinois In 1S87 and lajer lo
I?umbollt. lie leavea a widow and three
Isaac !tfTvton McLeud.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Aug. l.-(Speclal.)-Isaac
Newton McLead, a resident of
Tecumaeh for the taat twenty-four years,
died at hie home In this city Tuesday
from a complication of diseases. Al
though he had been In falling health for
some time his final sickness was ot but
a few days duration. He waa born In
Athena county, Ohio, December 23, 1830,
and here he realded until he was about
IS yeara of age. He then traveled in
Florida, Panama and California for a
number of yeara. He enlisted with
Company I, Seventh regiment Ohio
volunteer cavalry August 1, 186!, and
waa constantly with his command during
service, receiving promotions. Mr. Mc
Lead waa married to Miss Clarrlna
Young at Peter Davla church. Athena
county, Ohio, November 24, 127. They
came to Nebraska In September, ISS5,
and located on a farm northeast of
Tecumaeh. Eight children were born to
Mr. and Mra. McLead, four of whom are
living and who are. In the order of their
agei, Mra. Addle Casford of Tecumseh.
Mra. John Bowera of Graf, Charles E.
McLead of Tecumseh and Omer E. Mc
Lead of Honolulu. Mra. McLead dle.l
aeveral year ago. The funeral waa held
Thuraday afternoon.
Persistent Advertalng la the
Big Returns.
Road ta