THE BEE: OMAHA, THTOSDAY", JULY 31, 1913. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNPRlVVf" BDWAItD HOftSWATIln V1CTOII KOSEWATKll, BDiTOH BKK BflUDINQ, FARNAM AND 1TTH Bntered at Omaha postotflce as seoowl. cum matter. TKH.M3 OF" 8UBBCIUPTION1 Sunday Ie. ona year If Saturday Dee. one rear Dally Bee. without Sunday, one year. J.w lally nee, and Sunday, one year.... 6.M rDT nrc.rcT fiv A tt It 1 ITU Evening and Sunday, per month...... Kvenluir, without Sunday, per month. SM Oslly Bee, Inoludlnc Sunday, per mo.W Dally Bee. without Sunday, per no.o Address all complaints of trreKUlarltU In delivery to City Circulation Dept. . REMITTANCE. , , nm)t by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing owPJ; Only 2-ctnt stamps received In payment ot small accounts. Persons! checks. ex cept on Omosa and eastern exchange, no, ticepted. - OFFICES: Omoha-The Bee building. South OmahaS18 X Btreet Council Dluifs-ll North Main Street. Llncotn-M X4ttle bulldlne-Chlcago-Wt Hearst building. New York-Boom UOH 2 Fifth Ave. St Louls-oOJ Nw Ank of Commorce. Wahlngio-7ai Fourteenth Bt. W. w. Communications relatlnc to news nna editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial department JUNE CinCULATION. 50,401 ftate of Nebraska, County of! Dwlcht Williams, circulation n"e5 ot The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the average dally circulation for the month of Jun f was W.40L. DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this M day oIuly, .. (8al.) Notary Public Sabscrlbera leaving the city leraporarlly should bare TUa Bee mulled to them. Addrei nlll t chanced u often aa requested. Tho tray to bring about early clon ing in to close oarly. Yes, our cartoonist 1b taking his racatlon, but ho'll como back. And now lot's see, what docs that new law do to tho loan sharks? In Colonol Mulhall wo got anothor view of tho "coloael in politics." It is to bo supposed thoy wilt not overlook the grapojulco in tho fruit canning season at Falrvlow. Gas at f 1 a thousand is oxporinivo as compared with sorao gas going to waste for nothing over tho ordlnonco. That young western widow who has forgotten her name and address must be one of tho last remnants of Reno's golden age. Omaha's ball team, which won ono out of seven games, evidently has tho notion that It may bo against tho laV to do much winning. Of course, if Mexico really gota to itching for" anything right strong, Uncle Sam may be ablo to find a cow- hldo or two lying about Huorta'a sollcltudo for the safety of. Americans In Mexico, now that ho fears there may be a chango in the government, is almost pathetic. Perhaps Secretary McAdoo is moroly mlffod because fiecrotary Bryan and Attorney General Mclloy nolds eeemod to bo monopolizing all the cabinet attention. The present administration will bo charged with crying "wolf" if It is not less promiscuous with its talk of "alnlster Influences." It may have to make good some time or other. Returning fronn.tholr Ak-Sar-Bort entertainment, the Lincoln boosters omit no opportunity to declare that they "had a good time." Flnol Come again, There's more waiting to be picked. Secretary Bryan will go back to the locture platform if the Mexicans will let him. won't you across the Rio Grande please hear that, and be good, at least until after the chau tauqua season closes? Anions other things, these bumper western crops appear to have effectually bumped the calamity howlers. Colum bis. Bute. They always do, but calamity howlers are almost unknown quantl ties out here in the bumper west If the union printers and employ log printers can get together to talk It over as they have here in Omaha, there Is so reason why the striking carpenters and employing contractors should not try to reach a mutual understanding. Tho unfortunates who hare to go to the county hospital or poor farm are entitled to humano treatment and decent living conditions. This rule should be the start and finish with those in official charge of theso institutions. Our local weather forecaster is quoted as saying he was afraid the president might appoint a theorist to thd job of chief weather-maker, but Is glad to know be named a practical man. Practical, indeed, when ho can run the mercury up to 100 the first rattle out of the box. No great rush Is noted In applica Mens from the various counties of Nebraska for prison labor under the now law authoritlnr this method of farming out the convicts. For somo reason or other ft deep-seated preju dice against Jall-blrds prevails gener ally as an offset to any desire to help along a laudable work of re form, Get Your Fitrum Straight. Slightly over 5.009 votes were east In th tornado worn! election to which The Bee refers. Within ti8 of tho same num ber were cast at tho special election last spring at which the editor of The Deo, and fourteen associates, were elected to frame a new city ol tarter. Apparently the people were about as eager to vote under the new system as under the old. World-Herald. Which reminds us that "Figures won't lie, but liars will figure." If The Bee were to compare the ontlre receipts of tho Water hoard with the revenues of tho old water company from sales of water within the limits of Omaha alone, it would bo called good and plenty. But that would bo on a par with what tho World-Herald man here tries to put acroBs In the hope of getting by with It undetected, At tho charter election last spring, in which Omaha alono participated, the total vote was D.687, of which tho editor of The Bee received 3,710. The total vote In Omaha on the ro cent bond election was not "within 100 of tho Rarue number," but was 3,8.10, of which 1,044 were for the bonds and 2,48C against them. The charter election thus brought out a voto greater by 1,857, or CO por cent, than the bond election, and tho pop ularity of the bonds, specially boostod by the World-Herald, is moasurcd by a little moro than one- fourth tho vote polled by tho editor of Tho Boo. While no vital issue turns upon the controversy, it must bo plain that our amiable contemporary seized the wrong occasion "to rise to remark." But will ho take it back? No, you guess. Speaking of the Weather, Now that wo have ft now chief of tho woathor bureau at Washington perhaps wo may reasonably expect a now brand of weather. Though his predecessor has not been personally In chargo of the elements for some tlmoi the old force of assistants would naturally hesltato to make any radi cal changes In tho general meteoro logical policies of thts country, pre ferring to leave so dolca,te a task to a new head. ' Prof. Charlos F. Marvin Is now, or will be as soon aa tho senate confirms his appointment, chief of the weather bureau. Tho first thing wo shall ex pect of him Is to mako good oh the flrst-of-tho-weok prediction for cool woathor and thunderstorms. The Im mediate effect ot that forecast was much moro humid and sultry woathor. Prof. Marvin stops into an office of large responsibility, but no smaller opportunity. Boinethiug seems to have been seriously wrong with the climatic conditions In this country slnco tho vIsU ot llalloy's comet Summers have boon abnor mally dry and hot It la time for A change, If the new administration can give It to us, it will get all the reward it earns. Regardless of po litical linos, tho people will rise up and coll Prof. Marvin blessed If ho can turn tho trick, Playing Ho Favorites. Perhaps tho best that can bo said for Mulhall la that ho Is playing no favorites in his wholesale bombard' moat of public men with sinister In nuendoes, Those who at first char acteristically leaped to the conclusion that all Mulhall said must be truo because defamatory ot prominent public men now havo ample ground on which to base a radical rovlslon ot their views. It is doubtful it Uio country has ever had a real counterpart of this Mulhall blackwashlng, in which no ono has been sparod whose name it seomod convenient or desirable to bandy. This upheaval, It will be re called, is tho result of the president's sinister lobby alarm. If tho st&t ot the president's mind could be made public it doubtless would show some very different Impressions than thoso actuating his appeal for tho probe. With tho names ot some of the most conspicuous leaders ot the democracy caught up In tho vortox of the storm of Mulhall's evidently reckless, state ments, It is easy to bollovo that the administration would now welcome a finish of the affair, Anti-Tippintr Ordinance. Tho St Louts clty council has passed an anti-tipplng ordinance, making it unlawful to give or receive a gratuity in a publlo eating place. At once men shako their heads and Bay it cannot be enforced. That has been the common American view, but London is credited with having 850 tipleso hotels and restaurants. Tip ping can be xlono away with in Bt Louis or any other American city, as well as in England, when employers and patrons do their part toward its abolition. The part for employers Is to pay a full, fair wage and relieve the patron from the onus of piecing out the pay ot tho employe after he had already probably paid too much for his Bervlce. The part tor the patron is to put aside false pride and stand on bis rights and sense of Jus tice and refuse to bo filched. Per haps a law or ordlance rigidly en forced will bring such participation. It so, tipping will go, In nine cases out ot ten, as folks well know, a tip Is given simply because It is custo mary. If bo, the scheme works In St Louis, why not everywhere. . If President Wilson does not take the advice of Mr. Hearst on some thing soon he will give the tmpres slon that Mr. Hearst exaggerates tho telMtapoeed estimates of his great Influence. BackWard JLOOKltK ThisD ittOmalia, COMPILED rROM dzk. files OOP c JULY ill. Thirty Year Afto The big telegraph strike leads The Bee to renew Its ndvoeacy ot postal tele graph. There Is an Item In tho city council proceedings, a resolution by ttancall, au thorizing the mayor to employ C Cle ment Chase aa secretary at $75 a month, provided that hq also act as assistant and copyist to other city officials. There wan considerable discussion of a humor ous nature and the resolution woa finally referred to the cotnrrilttefe on finance. The benefit ball for the striking teleg- taphers came off at Crounse's hall, and was pronounced a complete success, over COO tickets having been disposed of. Tho possibility that President Arthur, now traveling In the west with General Sheridan and party, may atop In Omaha, Is arousing Interest In ths method of re ceiving him. Another precinct has bean added to the list In Douglas county to be known as "Waterloo" precinct by a division of the old Platte Valley precinct News Is received of the death of Mrs. M. G. Kidder, wlfa of the Pacific Express company's, agent In Grand island, who formerly lived In Omaha and was weu known lure. Mora lumber has been sold and used In Omaha thus far than tiny precodlnir building season In Its history. James Knight has accepted appoint ment and qualified aa member of the police force. Twenty Years Age- John W. Cutrlght of Lincoln, private rucretury to Conuronman W. J. Bryan, came up from Lincoln. "Spud" Farrlsh was sitting up for tho first tiTno slnre his Fourth of July In juries. He Is expected soon to ba out and around. , Major J. B. Furay of the board of pub llo works was confined to his home with lllnsss. V. B. nitchle of Woodman-Rltohla returnod from a three-weeks' trip, during which ha visited Chicago and St Louis. City Comptroller Olson suffered & re lapse and was back In bed. Jacob X Goos, a driver employed by Christopher Bharnweber, was run over and instantly killed by a B. & M. train at the South Seventeenth street crossing about 8 o'clock In the evening. Ho was returning from his dally work In the vagon. Goos was 88 and unmarried, lirnest Kamatr, who lived near and saw the accident, said Goos did not see tho train approach. Colon?! Tilly, building Inspector, was having tho time of his life chasing river squatters, who persisted In pltohlng their little huts and shacks along tho river front and bottoms. Ten Years Ae The Omaha Buullo Library board re elected Its offloera as follows: Presldsnt, Lewis S. Reed) vice president, Victor Tlosewattr: secretary, Alfred C. Ken nedy; librarian, Miss Edith Tobltt Moses P. O'Brien left for Indianapolis nnd took with hint all the office fixtures and furniture of the office of ths grand exalted ruler of the Elks, which had been held for the year by George P. Cropk In Omaha, and passed to Joseph T, Fanning of Iridlunapolls, Mr, O'Drltn was the sec retary to the grand exalted ruler. It was announced at headquarters that the Union Pacific would ofMer thlrty-on new locomotives as soon as the directors could decide on the typo to ba used. Offleors of tho Trl-Ctty DrlvInK club, who had beon In correspondence with aorge It. Ketchum. owner ot, Cresceus, the world's champion trotter, announced, that he had finally been sscured for a run at the Omaha tracks on Septem ber Ifc The World-Herald flatly refused for tho seoond time to produce any book or records to the city council showing any thing about tho circulation of that paper as a basis for Us claim to city printing. J. L. Drandeta & Sons bought in the overlap bonds of the city of South Omaha, F. N. Clarke negotiating the deal for them with the city council. People Talked About Mrs. Flndley J. Shepard, nee Helen Gould, has the distinction of owning the largest and most elaborate basket ever woven by the Attu natives, the expert basket weavers of Alaska, There are more than 90,000 members In the girls' tomato clubs of the southern stata. The record to date Is held by a M-year-old Alabama girl. Arle Havart. who put up l,Hl three-pound cans of tomatoes from her tenth-of-an-acre gar den. F. C. Wardale of Bognor, Sussex, 'Eng land, bequeathed fJ,600 to his servant, Annie Norman. "In recognition of her constant efforts for many years to min ister tq my comforts, as I consider thqte who help to smooth life's dltflcutUss for ono every day itro mora entitled to such recognition than blood relations whom one seldom sees." To ttdd xest to the summer scenery of Chatbinooga, Tenn., the two Atwood sis ters did the "Venus at the Bath" act on the rtr.h, the Interior of ths Atwood home botsjr too warm for lavatory exer cise, Prudlfh netghbors screamed to the police, ths nymphs were taken in, robed, and plnrttM for UO each. Wasn't that rneanT Postmaster Central Burleson appointed Miss Jessie Vachon ot Balllngham, Wash., as an elevator conductor In the Federal building, after having once re fused to do so. Senator Polndexter, ot Washington, represented to htm that Miss Vachon was perfectly competent to man age any mechanical difficult! that might occur, and his arguments con vinced the postmaster general. H. W. Atkinson. United States Internal revenue agent on accounts at Nashville, Tenn., Is said to be the most remarkable lightning calculator In the country. As a test of hi ability he recently made sev eral mental calculations of the value oZ tobacco stamps tn his office, comprising more than forty denominations. The total value of the stamps aa he got It and as he proved by an adding machine was M0s.7M.GOl Ilev. 8. d. McKenny. a Baptist preacher, school trustee, overseer of (he poor, milk Inspector and dispenser ot charity at Al ton. III., was charged with playing favor ites as inspector for a consideration. The accuser made the rhargo In person, and is now resting Ui a hospital as comfort ably as a lacerated frame win permit Rev. MoKenny Is pursuing his varied ac Uvlttr unmindful or Jits popularity as the "white hope" of Altoh. 1 V 1 . Twice Told Tales The Kindest linn. Lady Constance Stewart Richardson, who has come to America to dance be cause she Is, as 'she puts It "stony broke." said the other day In New York: "Some of my happiest hours have been passed In America. The Americans are the kindest people In the world. When I think of them I am reminded of George Grave. "Everybody has heard inri nf th meanest man well, George Grave waa Known as the kindest man. "One of tho sories about George's kind ness tells how a friend asked him: '"How Is Biggs doing?' " 'Bad,' George Teplled. Very bad, In deed. Poor old Biggs!' ' 'Why, what's the trouble with hlrrtf " 'Well, you see,' said George, 'I've had my salary reduced on accpunt of tho hard times, and so I'll only be able to lend Blgga half as much aa usual this year for his vacation.' "Detroit Free Press. Iff. Too, Wnnlfl lie (irncroni, Here la one that was recently told by former Chief Foreater Glfford Plnchot In showing that there nre times when one may well afford to be exceedingly gen orous. Some time ago, according to the story re atd by Mr. Plnchot, a man rambled Into a German butcher shop in a metro polltan city and asked the prico of sau sages. tr'"" b'!C' htt" gon P'" thoughtfully bound." nW Chttrga you 25 Mnta "That is entlrelv ton ..v.i - , Jh customer, Just a little heatedly, -r cents!" Bcnwoitter's for so .,r,Eef, dot .'or' "tu"J Hans, with an unfeeling glance at the othsr. "Veil, vy don't you I" ' h.!'I.V0U.l.(, an,w the customer, "but 4lnT ?i)',.?Ut,0f thm 6t Present" "Dof'vf l gleefully laughed Hans. Uot vas gootf Eef I waa oudt of dem sausages 1 vouM a 1 .01 atm toor-BM,,,,,- Sum "n " CenlS' Connected with a religious Institution n a certain city, the congressman said, r," boae ba ten composed ot U-year-oM youngsters. Some time ago tho team go', a challenge from the club of a similar Institution and wising to oncour age tho boys, Uia minister gave them 5. tells them to spend It for bats, balls, gloves or anything that would help win tho gamu Came tH great day and the minister went down to tho ball field. Glancing around he saw the name old parapher nalia. Not a single new article was In sight. "Come her a minute, Wllllel" said he, calling the aaptaln. "Yhero are your new bats, bals and glovssT" "Wt havenSv got any new bats, bolls and gloves," mid Willie, glancing from the dominie to the opposing team. "You haven't," exclaimed tho surprised pastor. "Didn't I glvo you $5 to buy thomt" "Tes, sir," rcplltd Willie, "but you told us to spend It In any way wo thought best to win the ff.tme. so we gaVe It to the .umpire." PhUtwlelphla Telegraph. Editorial Snapshots Boston Transcript: Then, too, Mr. Bryan has an Englitih son-in-law, and usually they are verr expensive. Washington post: Earnest tariff de. bate has at least thtown much needed light upon such common household ar ticles as pyrogalllo iiold, alazarln and bauxite, Philadelphia Ledger: Whether the Bul garians or their enemies are committing the greater atrocities depends entirely upon where the reporter of them hap pens to be. Brooklyn Eagle; There ought to be n.oto sympathy with Mexloo since United States bonds havo eo'l down to StfW. but a fellow feeling doesr.'t always make us wondrous kind. Chicago Tribune: Uncle Sam'o parcel post, In short, proves to be a paying busi ness enterprise, thank you, despite the edemn warnings ot the disinterested and altrulstio express companies, Baltimore American! The biggest fish stery of the season comes from Italy, where earthquakes are heating the sea to boiling point and throwing up fish al ready cooked, ready for eating, Washington Star: It la understood thit Colonel Roosevelt's trip will include Aus tralia and that he will be away for a year, As a symbol of long Jumps, the kangaroo may'suprfodede the bull moose as a partyvmblm. New York World t Postmaster General Burleson will Issue at onoa final orders for the parcel post reforms already out-llned-a larger general weight limit and lower rates for the first and second nones. The Interstate Commerce owm mission evinces no desire to stop the parcel ppst buzx saw with an Inquisitive finger. 'The consent of the commission" required by the law may be, and In this instance will be given without a hearing. The Forward Paoe Press cloih for use In the manufacture ot vegetable oils ts being made In Franca from human hair. Jerusalem and Jaffa are now erect ing buildings of content construction. Importing cement from Germany. The British meteorological office has established a station for furnishing weather Information and forecasts to aviators and aeronaut Bullet-proof armor to protect pilot passenger and motor Is required in tho latest specifications (or aeroplanes for ths United States arpiy. Tiny but efficient electric lamps to be worn on their caps by bandsmen at night and supplied with current by stor age batteries have been Invented, A new German machine cleans and sorts medicinal tablets, rejecting broken ones, and parks them In boxes or tubes at a rate of from 1W.00O tn 800,000 a day. To make a base ball rr.ltt both strong and flexible a Washington, inventor has patented ono with n perforated palm, the perforated portion being suitably reinforced. For the use of surgeons and dsntlsts an Ohio man has Invented an electric lamp mounted on an adjustable, bracket which concentrate- its rays through a sclera ot lenses mounted In a tup. HioBcesLHerBox Hay Fever. OMAHA, July 80,-To th Editor ot The Bee: Hay fever (wrpngiy so-called) can be cured, and permanently cured, never again to return, when the patient lives tho life necessary to keep the blood stream free from excesses ot poisonous chemical products, produced by retained excrementttlous substances Of tissue waste nnd decay, that should be, and would be, properly eliminated through the natural emunctorles, In a well exercised, cleanly kept (Inside and outside) healthy body, Into which are not placed Improper quantities ot foods or wrong Combina tions ot food, that by undergoing chemi cal changes within the alimentary canal, ; or within the blood stream, poison not only the nervous center, but also the cells of the mucous membrane of the nose and other tissues. This tells briefly the essential cause of hay fever. It Is not caused by a germ, I or any parasite. It ts nbt primarily caused by pollen of any plant, nor by any form of dust-like particles, floating In the air, which come In contact with the mucous membrane of the noso or eyes, though these floating particles do be come the secondary or aggravating cause In those persons wro ar carrying a blood stream overcharged with excrementltloun chemical ifubstances, that should have been eliminated'. 8top putting Into the system tho things that cause a poisoned blood stream. Sea that elimination Is not checked or re tarded, but kept normally active through out the entire body and that the tissues and functions ot the body are properly exercised to maintain a high degree of resistance to all obnoxious agencies, both external and internal, and when the life is thus lived, as tho new knowledge of dlseaso, prevention and cure, clearly demonstrates to thoso willing to learn tha new truths of chemistry, biology, physi ology and psychology, there will be no more annoyance and suffering from hay fever, and many other diseases now every common will have ceased to exist afd men rejoloe In their new found knowledge that obedience to nature's fundamental laws and principles Is the condition and requirement of well being L. A. MERRIAM. M. D. Wide of the Mark -Airnln or TetT OMAHA. July 30. To the Editor nf Th Bee. The mathematics ot Mr. Howell. wnom you can "our great hydraullo en gineer," Is about as wide of the mark when figuring: on leaks as It was when figuring on water plant valuations. Just take a pencil and check up the state ment he has lust aiven out and nubllahNl. He says a leak of 170 gallons of water in twenty-four hours at W cents a 1.0M gallons "will amount to TH cents wasted eacn aay." now at ZS cents a 1.00Q gal- Inn 7 rflnti will nnv fisi v1Iah, , . . ..... -w. wv BUMWH-1 I.Vfc 170 gallons. He says that "If the wast mounts up to 2.2q in a month, that In a quarter, the ordinary period for which a water Din is renaerea, it amounts to $7.75." A quarter Is thTW months and three times 12.2a Is JS.75, not $7.7B, to say nothing, of the practice of rendering the bills monthly to catch the minimum rata and makes us pay for water we do not use. Now watch htm say he was mis quoted, or blame it on th' proofreader! Ai V D. 8arlna; What Wo Mean. OMAHA. July 30. To the Editor of The Be l Some believe that language was in. vented to conceal our thoughts, yet It people would occasionally say what they mean our knowledge would bo greatly increased, and no ona need be any worse for It. When a man says his mother was the best cook on earth he moans that when he was young he had ar. appetite like an ostrich, but now since he has learnod to drench his stomach with chill- con-came and bad whisky his wife, nor anyone else, can cook a dinner that will tempjf his appetite. A man who has Ion abused his stomach Is always Inclined to abuse his wife because the victuals will not keep oompany with his worn out di gestive apparatus. I have always thought too, that when a young woman says she Is tired of life that she only means she Is too lazy to be useful. She Is suffering under calamities which might easily be avoided If she only knew how to turn the trick. If a woman frames her philosophy of life and draws her notions of hcppl- ness from novels ard golf clubs It Is cer tain that she will be tired of Ufo before she ever learns that most of our un- happlness is due to our Ignorance: and those, therefore, who say they ara weary ot life simply mean that they are ashamed to work with their hands, too Impatient to polish .their minds, or too selfish to labor for the good of others. By all means let us say what we mean. On every silver dollar there is an in scriptlon which reads "In God we trust" Which being Interpreted means that most of us trust tn the all-powerful dollar, our hearts are continually drawn toward this plsco of change as a mother's bsart inclines toward the child at her breast Wo love the Jtngltvof coin as a tailor loves the rattle of a dice box. A man with money can give his desires a loose rein and enjoy- popularity Tritheut the trouble of becoming wise; ha can gain a reputation for charity without depriving himself of any comforts and be known as a "good fellow" without possessing any virtues whatever. 7,Ue Jaw will ra dress alt his wrongs, and when he com plains he ts sure to be heard; he can de fend himself against the bitterness ot truth, and dismiss from I la presence all those who refuse him the Indulgence ot flattery, when w way a nun Is an un desirable cltlsen, v.e mean ho haa no money. The parable of tha rich man and Lasarus should never .be repeated in po ut company, E. O. M. Stories in Figures One Oldham (England) machine shop employs 10.000 men. Fly pests ari said to cost the Unlte4 States 1117,800,00(1 a year. There are nt'W over 2.000.0O0 fanners using the telephone when their Unas are not out of order. It has cost tl,60C',000 to survey the bound ary between Alaska and British America, This Una Is 1.507 miles long. In an average year the Mississippi carries out to sea 000,000 tons of mini eral or earth salts In solution and 3ft- ooo.oo) tons of mud. Orange shipments from Florida for the last season (September 1, I91J, to June II, JUS) totaled (.as.CcO bones, or over 1000,004 boxes more than the beut previous season More persons make use of the national forests in Utah than In any other state. Nearly ST7 per cent of all the permits for sheep and cattle gracing on th forests are taken out In Utah. i GRINS AND QEOANS. "I helped an Intoxicated wan out ef the gutter several weeks age and put lUm aboard a car." "Yes." "The othor day lie wrete to the pollee asking them to find my addreee." 'Ah, I sec. He wants to force lle.OOJ on you." "No. he says he thinks I must have Inched his watch. "-Cleveland Plain 'eater. BIng The way these colleges scatter around their degrees Is absolutely nau seating. Every Tom. Dlafc and Harry with a little cheap notoriety can figure on getting one. The whole system Is ab solutely Indefensible. Don't you think so? Bang Yes. 1 didn't get one either. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "I think Congressman Mutx Is a nasty, ornery man," said Mjs. Midge, as ulie tossed the paper aside. "What's the matter with him?" asked Mr. Midge. "It say here In the paper that he has gone down to see the Panama canal strip," said Mrs. Mldge.-Clhclnnatl En quirer. Doctor Mrs. Brown has Sent fpr me to go and sea htr boy, and I must go ax once. His Wife What Is tho matter with the boy? Doctor T don't know, but Mrs. Brown has a book on "What to Do Btforo the Doctor Comes," and I must hurry up before sho does it Puck. A boy who had been absent from school for several days returned with A Summer Vacation in New York at THE PLAZA Fifth Avenue and Fifty-ninth Street is an ideal one, as the Metropolis offers every facility for enjoyment, and the Plaza every comfort and luxury. It is delightfully located opposite Central Park, assuring peace and quiet. Summer Terrace Restaurant. The coolest Hotel in New York. Convenient to theatres, shopping district and nearby coast resorts. Special Rates during the Summer Season 1 I FRED STERRY ... Managing Director Parcel Posi ADVERTISEMENTS 1 'EZTJ Jr The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY MONTPEL1ER, VERMONT Announces the appointment of James V. alarrett as Its State Aent for Nebraska, with offices at 401-3 Pakton Block"0maba Mr Starrett Is an experienced and efficient under'wrir in whom the Company has full confidence. Vnde? his "Slnt you are assured ef a coutlnuance ot the best lire Insurance ee?v15 rSnag" CompaD3r be8peal" tor h!m onerous sha t yow$ Montp4ler, Vermont. Jlr 26, m, his throat carefully swathed and pre sented this note to his teaoheri "Please don't let my sen learn any German today; his throat Is so sore ha can henlly speak English." Scribner'a Magazine. THE OLD NURSE. New York Times. It's not tho beln' old and sick and losln' all you've had. Nor the comin' to the poor' us at tho end, But the thing that goes the hardest and the thing that hurts so bad la the havin' nothln' left for you to tend. I was oldest of the sisters and the brothers way back homo, And I minded 'em until they grow too big; But there's always somethln' wantin' you d.n-1 rlad to Sea you como In a farmyard If it's nothln' but 'the Pig. Then I wont out as a nurse-mold Oh, tho children I have knownl But the hnowlu' 'em haa almost broke my heart: For they'd wnlt until I loved 'em Just as If thsy was my own Then tho folk'd say the tlmo had come to part. Oh, It's not the bed you sleep on, nor tho clothes you get to wear. Nor the food to cat when all Is said and done; Tt's the havin' somethln' look to you and glad when you come near. And the steps a-runnln' out to meet you ownl XUerenr no- better- sport In- the (xmatST tfcffl tfc flBJUna yem c up a tire CU&adUtn. Rockies up 'zonnA Ham. Trout Wg, paste; frfhttejriiis u fight ers'tUat call Jorcretr ctaoca of yor etxhu-aoce trrHI Jttwwiodga of fishing simply swarm, in Exnsrold Lake an4. la. Emerald Lake Chalet at, n J on holidays, Qnn ovdoor the Uretang day with, a dtitshtful hotel always ra easy reach. And thtp drives up tb lovely Yoho Valley rides ta iAUKhlnir P slU.TwIn VIU. WopU Olscier. Walks to the Vpssli Beds, and Natural Bridge through tho aspiring scenery of Tho Canadian Rooldea George A. Walton, Oenl Agt. 224 S, Clark Street Cblsaae - i" Aft The parcel post makes It easy to reach country, buyers. Tho city mer chant can send small or ders bo fast that distance no longer hinders traa with the people out In tno state. Let them know what you can send them, by parcel post and you will Improve your busi ness. Small Bee want ads will effect tho desired re suits. Bee Want Ad Department Tyler 1000 the Bee EnsraTlns; De partment will make a drawing and out like this for (3,60. S fn I IxmlM, OTmI M YloiarT vU the CWadUnVMlflo, VllnsratUiast. rle d mill ,pu "IWfifl Oou TaurVMfXO"! rlt EDWARD W. FIELD, Supertntendont of Agencies