I -f 3 t ! i 10 Polly and Her WANT ADS Want mis received nt nny time, but to insure proiicr classification mutt b. presented before 12 o'clock noon for Uio evening edition nnd before 7. CO p. m. for Uio morning uud Bun d. editions. Want ads received (ter such hours will have their first Insertion under tho liondlnir, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLAS81F10ATION: Ono Insertion 1" cents per Hue. Two or inoro consecutive Inser tions 1 cent a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 510 ecu lb. Two or more consecutive inser tions 0 cents per lino. Ono line per uio:.th $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. AdrertlscnientH cluugod to patrons having accounts uro inensuretl by tho line, not by tho word. CHARGE RATES. Sir words to tho line. Ono insertion 12 cents per lino. Two or inoro consecutive Inser tions 0 cents per lino. Ono lino per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts nro measured by tho line, not by tho word DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES M. O. I.. L. V. H. Companion Charles II. Townscnd died Monday evening. Funeral services at family residence. 1030 South Thirtieth street, 'Wednesday, 3 P. m. Companions Trill attend individually. Dealers In Omana are: Leo A. Hoffman, 34th and Dodge. K. L. Dodder, 21 and Cuming. N, V. Hwanson. 17th and Cuming. a. 11. lirower, M0 North 3ttb St.. South You can order SAItCOPIUQI from the following CBMETEIUES: Forest Lawn, l'hone Florence Ui. l'rospect Hill, l'hone Webstsr UOi. West Lawn, Phono Douglas Z). Mount Hope, l'hone Uenson lil-W. Graceland Park, Phone Douglas lOki. fit nrAmr fliret irnin the AMtiKlCAN BAHCOPHAUUS COMPANY. Douglas Ztz. OHice a First Nat, bank Hmg. LODOE NOTICE. Attention, Danish Brotherhood Lodge Ho, l: The tuneral ot our Ute brotiur, Jens jenstn, wld take place trotn his late residence, 1167 Pneips street, Tnursduy, Juiy 31. at 3 P. m. All members qt Dan ish brotherhood aro requested to attend. By order of Frank V. Lawson, Secretary. UlltTllB AND DEATHS. Births Nels and Annlo Anderson, 635 South Thirty-fourth, boy; D. and Julia UUnen, hospital, boy; J. K. and Kate Minckley. 40il chants, girl; rred una Uerta Brown, 2578 Davenport, girl ; J. and ArUa uranum, iii ouum W. J. und Eolth Watson, hospital, girl, Joe ana Bess o Tcssler, hospital, girl; Jake and Bessie Mendelson, 1.Jo,'J"; bvy. Max and KUen Abraham, 1416 North Twentytourth. boy; George and Lyda, Bhult. 1U2 Dorcus. boy; Jared and Mar cella Darnell, hosplul, boy; V. and bather 8e.lner, 4011 Charles, girl. Deaths-Mary Mahoney. w years, MM Blnney; J. Martin. 4S yeu.. n0?Pitw: A. Rowdybuslu 21 years, hospital; Mrs. Katie Bchaner, 4s yeurs, hospital. 2tARRI.Mll: LICENSES. The following couples ware granted rnurnage Heches today; Nmnu atiu itoslduncc Age. Lrui-st !- Livingston, Omaha 00 Ruth li. Lunawl, Omaha 1 l;oy J. Goinme, Omaha ii I Asia F. Vogel, Callaway li j.,hn ii. Rkbetir. Omaha 22 Addie Waguer, Omaha 22 Mahlou Bethers. Council UluCfs 5S ine PapJit. Uuuuu. 1 UUlLUIht. 1'liU.MITS. .f v. Hlbberd. 3401) LafayeUo avenue. framn VLUU: J. B. UoXUl. 2s0! South Thirty-first, frame ti,'M, and SSQi South. TMrty -first. IIKJjI WANTED FKMAIiE vk vrKrv vnrst-class saleswomen who have had experience in th csole ot pho tographic supplies. Apply Superintend ent. Brandels Stores. Faolurr "I'd 'trades. THIS Neb. Tel. Co. can use a limited number ot girls iu tho operating depart ment. AppUcants must furnlsn teter ences. Salary paid while learning. Ap ply C- Lambert, district traltlo chief, th and Douglas. GOOD waitress. Good pay. Arkln'e Rent. a U. 18th Bt.. 2d floor. HoBSckccpera nuu Domestics. WANTED Young or middle-aged lady as housekeeper wlto would leave city. Address D it care Bee. THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The See will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This appllts to residents ot Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee ottlc or telephone Tyler 1000. QIRL for general housework good home to rlxht party, uu uoage. WANTED a competent girl for general housework small lamiiy. aeoa wages, liar. 4942. 1130 Bo. 81th SL EXPERIENCED white girl for general bousework. Mr. W. J. Foye, 111 So. $3d. liar. Z7J. WANTED A competent girl for general houseworli. no washing, uooa wages, VH so. is tn ot. Tel. uoug. sou. COMPETENT girl for general house- worn; Kooa waxes; iu wasning. 11a bo, sun, il ii. gu. WANTED Good sirl co aJat with hnuusorlc for two Tn family: no wash. Jug; good pay; splendid home for right party fiz f. ?n Ave tiarney l Ws.NTJBD Good cook. 0004 Farnatn. Quod wtuces. 166X Good NB&s t- , I 5HuSh! VmuSTMtJ) Lett FOR VOU QlLDRal. OM )qH SoV 04 1' DU"' J nu te MiSt ' 1 WMTCHI MY M? Pals Pa Overplays HELP WANTED FEMALE. ! Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coining to Omaha ai strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th tit., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO WOMHN-$7i month. Wrlet Immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. F. ltochester. N. Y. K N WANTED Girls ru cnrhlers, Inspectors older. Apply Superintendent. Brandels . stores. 1IELI WANTED- M ALU Auent'r NnlrHiiirii mill bollullora. VAIs'TE.D--i noat-appearlnK younc men to travc'. Apply 7(i Hrandela The. Active solicitor, splendid line, uuick sales lib. Cum. tlanituty nvrvlcu Co.. 310 Ilea Hid AUENTH WANTED A quick seller; no capital required ; o to 110 u day made by uutnts. liiqulru now, don't delay. E, Vv. biimmon, uove, Kunras. WANTED Youiik rnun. not nver AO that la u steady, nam worker and nn. who will uppreemte a stcuuy, pcriritinent position; selling experience not necesmiiy, providing you are u uuxtier and nave coi,- iiuonco in your uuiiity, xou muai Huvb U.m to income Interested In mo cvin puny, on whicn you will receive u guar antee. We are u reliable, successtul Uiuuha concern nnd want a miin who incuns business and wants a permanent connection. Salary to slurt, lino uuu ex penses. Address U ziS. Omaha lice. WAiTElFo"rWesslman-Wood MtDcit Co., boss cuuvusmau. Address L. 11. Wtssulniun, Surprise, Neb. JAECIEU VACUUAI BWEEPEUS. Get the sales. Dest three-bellows ma chine. Uet our lactory ur.ces una vou can undersell all others. Jueger M;g. Co., urumiu.n xneuiur intig., uinuna, reii. ; Hnyworth lliug., Chicugo. Lulest tube machines also. WANTED Ambitious young men to become trained salesmen and icarn while uuruing. Write lor purticulais, liruu street nystem. Rochester. ,v Y. AUtuyio u ki,u uu nut, u make big money selling new patented siecialtles. Write tor new summer cats- (us, uunuu oi'cuiuuy ill vl at, Sioux Utty, la. WANTED Salesmen now calling on farmers to handle high grade Hue oils, greases and paints, vrlto today lor our proposition. Address Lock Box ul, Cleve land, O, Clerical imU uftiue. WANTED About September 1, a thoroughly experienced stenographer, familiar with farm loan business. Ad Uioaa Box 117, Lincoln, Neb. Fuc tor-- it mi iruuvs. UNION carpenters wanted; form work; scaio bua; s months' work. Dunphy-Frld-fcteln Co., Waterloo, la. HARVEST HANDS for South Dakota. Omaha lMnployinent Bureau, il N. 1Mb. WANT A TELEGRAPH JOBT We lu.u one wuluiig lor you. Vou can qualify tur It In a few shurt months at BOYLES COLLEGE OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC It. R. TKA1N1NO BCHOOL. We will supply you wiiii a placu to work for board wnilo attending and free transpor tation to your post when your course is completed rtiiiu lur uui cutsloguo today. BOYLUS COLLEGE, l!iW Harney St., uiuunu, rseu. WANTED. FOR U. S. ARMY Ablu bodied unmarried men, between uges of IK and 3i, cltixcns of United States, of good character and temperutu habits, who can speak, read uud write the English language For liitormatlun apply to Re cruiting officer, Army Bldg., l&th und uoago Bts., umahu, tieb.; wo 4tn ht., Hloux City. Hi.: 130 N. 10th St.. Lincoln. Nob. WANTED A barber. John llenlnrer. mi. Main nt., I' lorence, xseu, GET Into the most tirodtable business ot today, tho automobile business, and be come uiuupenaeni. uur large, wen eoulDDed shsns otter the ouuortunltlus of learning tne business by actual ex perience on diricrent manes ot cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or cJI Natlonul Auto Training association, 214 . M,i at., omuiu. nvo., paoub W. WIJ. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We teach )ou quickly, cheaply, thor oughly. Tools furnished. We give you actual shop woai uud you keep naif tne laceipts. Call cr writ Muu-r imrbur col.ege, 119 U. Hth St. ATTEND the RIGHT SCHUUL. Latg est, best equipped sciuol and tepklr sliop In entire west. Price uu mora than any ot the so-called schools, luiutpmeiii anJ faculty not to be compared in any par ticular. NEBRASKA AUTOUOBlL 6CHOOL. 1417 Dodge. Phone Doug. JJU. Drug stole snans; jobs; Knclst, lite Bldg. WANTED quick repair shoeman tor manager. Hare U Well tihoe Store, touth umaha. Ilifttieilaneous. WANTED Rsllwav mall clerks. S76.00 to $160 month. Details tree. Franklin Institute. Dept. 213 F Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to try November ex amination for Omaha mall currier; 16 to iw per month. Apply y uee. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau, WESTERN PROTECTIVE ASSOClA. TION, formerly with United States gov ernment secret service: reliable and effi cient. Men furnished for alt classes of Investigation; tees reasonable; results guaranteed. Suite 1126, W. O. W. uidg, ilELl' WANTED II ALU AMI FKMALE. EXPERIENCED band button bole maker on shirts. Albert Cahn. m S. 14th St.. Id floor. WANTED SITUATIONS Wanted posit, as . ractlcat nurse. W. 6SiX POHITION as houaekeeDcr with elderly couple, or for widower with not more thau two children, in city. E 37, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Standard Furn. Rep. 1st cl. rep'g. Red D. B. Griffith, wig mfr. U Frtnier Bile Wedding announ menu. Doug. Ptg. Co. WEAR A DIAMOND-IS A YEAR. Wa rodeem any stone bouxht from us at 10 per cent discount within a year; a $60 diamond redeemed for $46 after 11 months' use; "At the Sign ot the Crown Up the Golden Stairs." Fred Brodegaard jeweiry ta, iui ana uouijias. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; vac postpaid, samples ire, bhennan & McConneli Drug Co., Omaha. THE BEE: the Emotion Role like - A. B. C. of Omaha A ERIN'S KOSHER OAFE stands for quality, quantity & econ omy. 316 B. 15th, middle of block, id floor. Empress ANY SEAT 10c. ANY TIME. Kltlt Abstract Co., 303 S. 17th St. Better be eafo than sorry. Hate Kerr do your title work. KRRABKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel's," uth and Harney, uougms We rent, repair, sell neeaies. a" "ewlnf Ji'ucn'nc? VACUUM cleaners sold and renteo. Vucuum cleaning done In the home. Hanltary Scrvlco Co. Tel. Doug. SiOl. ATntACTlONB 8 aeroplanes, now booking, third sea son, some open time. Write at once or call Douglas 031. Loch-Coleinnn Avia tion Co., 313 So, 17th St. Omaha. Omaha film exch., luth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMomiiES. DRUMMOND'S i.lg now gurilMu at &.ln and Farnatn. FORE DOORS SEAT COVERS EXPERT ami guaranteed repair work on all kinds of cars; battery charglnc and magneto repairs; casings welded, bargains In usid curs. SCATKS MOTOR CAR CO., ltlS Dodge. Used Automobiles closing out ail of our second hand curs and tnese cars will not remain j long nt this price. Tncy are all li good j tunning oruer una lire suiiauie tur inu oxahunge ot touring car bodies, for truck bodies, for delivery wagons, etc. Call and stv these cars and allow us to aemon stlato them to you. M 1 2-cyllndcr Jackson, $150.00. i R.Dnsst-uirer 4-cylinder Franklin. In- 1 flhaini, inn wlml Miilitlrl. ntn.. SVO.U). i t-uuBBenKcr 4-cyllnder Olasmoblle, tut m i Vcyllnder 7-passcnger Franklin tour i in. fur. tnau.oo. 1 model X Stevtns-Duryea 6-passenger. Including top, wind shield, spcedometur und all equipment, car In exceptionally good shape, $760.00. I Chalmers "30" model K 6-pnssenger car, newly painted ana recently over hauled, Including top, w.nd shield, etc.; cur In nxctptlonully good shnpr nnd u good bargnln at J760.W. 1 mcdel X Stevens with two bodies, limousine now on tho car with extra tlve passenger touring body, Including top, wind shield, etc.; car In good running C,ldeChulmers ;W model M 5-passcnger cur, Including compressed air self-starter, tile Inflation from the tank of air. wind shield and full equipment, car recently cVcrhauled and in first cluss condition; 5'J00.'W. Stewart-Toozer Motor Co., 2044-6-8 Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 138 Electric Coupe ut one-llurd ul us value lor wlu Will uauu for real estate. New batteries and In tine condmoii. Call 310 Bee. Doug, aJ4 FOR BALE- -passenger, 40-horse Power Velle, In good running order; will sell cheap. Call D. U75, TWO-TON truck; bargain for cash. W rite A 241. care Bee. $100 reward lor any inagneto we can't re pair. JJoljajr1JjWrf.lOJ t.v-ii )Ai.r.nn Pnillllaa 4-DascnKor roadster; rear touncau may bo removed and car used lor coinmeioial purposes; car In first class conuitioiu ail new tires; will sell or tiadu tor 6-passenger car. Address N 207, Bee. BEST AUTO PAiNTINU Fore doors; slip coveis, new tops and bodies built to order. w. ffjsiffisk uAmuAun vorks, lh Ave. & Leaveuwortn. u. w. Motorcycles, WIUTE FOR LIST OF 8ECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICK ELS' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15TH AND HARNEY. SUB-AGENTS wanted for the Yale motorcvf;! In nenrbv territory. Also bar gains m all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor it. itoos, tne Motorcycle -iuii. r t .. I ... .1 .... . h Vt. I. .lnliM'fJ.M !f70 701 LtavenMolth St.. Omaha. Neb. SOOD Thor motorcycle tor sale cheap, Phone Red 6003. BUSINESS CHANGES TO get in or uut or business, call on GANGESTAD, M uee mug. -i. u. MAKE OFFERS. Must be sold in the next three dajs rc prrilr at the urlce. a clean stock of groceries and meat market togothcr or will sell the fixtures separate. 1& Vin ton St. Fhona Doug. 11a GOOD PAYING AMUSEMENT BU'31 NKSS. Will sell cheap tor cash, or might take some trade. Well located downtowa. Shopen Ik Co.. SW Paxton Blk. D. 4146. KTOf!K of groceries for sale; good lo cation; cause. 111 heaitn. Auuress 11 i, Bee, or puonc soumiw.. A TIRE and tire repair store carrying a small, but complete line ot accessories. Located In the best automooue cuy in Colorado. A good, paying business that urn, tnnri Inveitlcratlon. lnaulre Boak Rubber Co., 17 00. lascaue, woioraao Springs. Colo. ItAVK oomDletely euulDDed garage for sale at a bargalu. R. R. Held, 340 Bran- dels Theater. FOR Bale or Trade Pi intlng plant Gordon aod Ideal hand press, dynamo, type, chases, etc Obee. 2618 Lake. W. UU. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write ivennepccK -o-. unaia. WE HAVE SAFE INVESTMENT WITH GOOD PAY1NO POSITION FOF RIGHT PARTY. ADDRESS A-Z3S. BiE. MANUFACTURING In reorganisation of manufacturing business, established 12 years. $26,090 additional capital is re quired. Have permanent position for chief engineer at plant in central Iowa, and branch manager In Omaha who can Qualify and invest W.000 each. Big dlvl dent payer. Investigation Invited by any caDltal. Capitalisation $76,000. Address. J. W W, 713 Waldhelm Bldg, Kansas City, MO. OMAHA, THURSDAY, 3VLY IRE. V'&RRV -TfeLL ME ABOUT AuU7 WMV IT 5EEM Y'JVST CqME..1 MUS1NES3 Cll ANCE9. FinST-CLA'SH opportunity to get Into the retail hardwara business In a good live Nebraska town. For particulars ad dress Omaha Ttentat Exchange, Omaha. Neb. 311 Karbach D1K. JEWELER wanted In a prosperous town with good opportunities. Address communications to L. B. 46, Cedar Itap Ids, Neb. WANTED A competent man to pur chase and operate a steam laundry. Ad dress Ilexburg Commercial club, Rex burg. Idaho, MANAGER wanted for one o fthe best grocery stoies In the city. Must have experience, ability, references and some money. Address K 232, Omaha Bee. INVEST YOL'R SAVINGS IN FARM .MUiliUAUliS, 110,000. No loans for over 30 ner cent marketnbto value of farm. KLOKK IMVMTMEtJT CC S01 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. 16-ROOM lintel. IU hlnka from nn.t. office: rent, $75; price, $760; full of room ers. Address D 238, Bee. 37-ROOM hotel, V4 block from postoffice; rent. J1SC: 3-Venr lenaa: nrlrp. 11 (1 Art. dress B 240, Bee. SMALL grocery, meat murket for sale. Business $1,600 month. $600 required. Eads Grocery, 15S5 North 21th, South Omaha. Rooming; Houses for Sale. TEN rooms completely furnished; good Income. 1W3 Fnrnnm. BUSINESS mntSONAIiS Abstracters. 8, M. Sadler & Son, 216 State Bk. D. 1328. Ainatruf l'rlntliiu; uiu. 1' lnUhlns, FILMS 10c prints 2c to 4c. Sander holm Photo Co., 613 No. 16th. Omaha. Neb. llulldera nnd Contractor. Carpenters, builders, Shop 27U N. 24th Flguro with J. F. Wilson e Co. W. 4E92. Barber Sliops. TEN CENTS shave nnd nek shave. 6 cents shine. Elsasser's 1617 Farnam St. llrasa Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 28th and Martha Sts. Chiropodists. DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Chiropractor. J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 2322 Howard. D.S461. Lee W. Edwards, M.D.. D.C.,Z4th &"Far. Mrs. Rosa Boesen. 1S23 Lake. Web. 4796. Cbtuu Fainter. ..C1I??IA, Pointing; outside firing done. Mrs. F. C. Haynes, 1625 S. 2Sth St. D. 4930. Creameries, UMlrtiS unit Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Collecting; Astenolea. WESTERN PROTECTIVE ASSN. We Collect hnil rtwht nn Mmijil,.lnH No results, no pay. Prompt and reliable! none u. mi. Suite U26 W. O. W. Dreaamukluic Terry Dreasmkg. college. 20th & Farnam. Detectives. Omaha Sec. Ser. Agcy. 42a Foxton. D. ISIS. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville BlkTlvlV .et?ce-ecura In all, cases. Tyler 1138. WESTERW pnnTOiiTO nsnni'i TION, formerly with United States gov !;r"iVeni,secr5l ""vice: reliable and effi cient. Men furnlushed for all classes of Investigation; fees reasonable; results f.XVJ "".V1' ,auS w. o. w. Bldg. Pr-one Douglas 7041. llrlnkluir Cups. SAN1TAR.V llnll.r lrlnkltir our.. T..., tlie thing for advertising purposes. BURK- Drill! a. Drafts Bt Tilt nrlra.. frotirVif nmlM - $10 orders; catalogue frse. Sherman & McConneli Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. lSverythinar for Women, OLD Dlumes mnr! trlch Plume Cq. 200 Neville Bids. Dg. 6010. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Farnam. D. 100L IIE83 & SWOBOPA, HIS Farnam St, L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1254. Musle, Art sua Languages. Hetherlngton. violin tohr. 1313 Far.W.762. lunurHuue. INSURANCE Fire, tornado, auto. Dan R. Smith. 32S Bee Bldg.. Tel D. 970. Llghtuiust ttotls. PURE COPPER LIGHTNING RODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We keep lightning out of your home. writ or Fhone R. F. STRUlrijirtS Ml' l,. CO., Doug. 8393. lies Farnam at.. Omaha. Neb. niuraerlea una Heeds. STEWART 8. SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. AT.FALFA seed. tC Farms for sale on crop payments. J. Mulhall. bloux city, la, MIRACLE WHEAT Hardiest winter wheat grown. One-third bushel seed an acre. Awarded hlgnest honor at Charleston, w. vs., lsiz state snow. per bushel. Ntmsni Nusum, onmnston. w. va. Osteopaths. AUce Johnson. 808-9 Brandels The. Bldg. l'aner llnnirers. Use Snow-flake Paste. Omaha Paste Co. Vntcnts. XX p. BarnelU Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. HIRAM A. STURGES. patent lawyer. M Brandels Theater wax, uoug. rrlntlnsr. Tho Kaber Priuting Co. SSbml BEE BLDG.. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quai Ry printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 B. 12th. DOUOIAS Printing Co. TaPoug. 644. CENTRAL PRINT1NO CO.. Doug. 3764. Public Stenographers. Ida M. Walters. 615 Om. Nat. Bk. D.ltSS. Minnie Phalen," 615 Brandels Bldg. D. OiC f Xy We net our Investors 7 Jg per cent on choice first r mortgages on Improved I Nebraska farms In m nmnnnffl fmtn l?.nn tn 31, 1913. Drawn CuTE fclpl MESiELF "To SPEAK ABOUT IT i r BUSINESS PERONALS l'luilllllDK. Plumbing and heating, Fischer & Con nell, 13 William St Doug. C737. Shret Melsl Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. HUblNEMS PElliiONAJLb 10th. Trunks anil Smtcnnen. FREL1NO & STEINLE. 13 Farnam SL TypeiTrlter Ribbons. Moll us 11 bill nt nur risk and we will mall vou two best tirade typewriter rib bons; state color and machine. We en close freo valuable Instructions how to take care or your typewriter. OMAHA TYPEWRITER RIBBON CO., 4019 Seward. Wines mill Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches Alex Jetes, 201-3 S. 13th St. VIRGINIA DIRE wine, GSc a large bot tle. Klein Llquur House. 623 K. 16th St EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed clashes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College, 115 Far nam St.. Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses In Business, Book Keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone tor It Boyles College, 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL. Stenography only. Patronized by the educated and experienced. Day nnd night school. No solicitors. Telephone or wrlto for catalog. Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses nnd Vehicles. CLOSING out all or our high grade Racine runabouts with steel tlrcB for $50. or with rubber tires for $66; worth up to $126. Johnson-Dnnforth Co., south west corner, Tenth and Jones. ONE gray horse 12 years old, left ankle on hind leg enlarged, otherwise no blem ishes; will be sold to the highest bidder at the dog pound on Friday, Aug. 1, 10 a. m. A. Waggoner. Poundmaster LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. . . Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug- WHITE French embroidered baby dress Monday between Twentjr-seeond and Eighteenth on Dodge or Eighteenth and Sixteenth on Douglas streets, nnuui j please return to ?2l So. 86th St. Reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cuies plies, lunula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid untit cured. Write tor book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street. Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. D. H. Tolman, 33A Board of Trade building. OFFERED KOIl RENT Apartiucnta and Flats. Gordon 'Van Co.i 219 N. nth St., or 210 a. lith bt. Tel. D. 394. 1807 FARNAM 5 rooms completely tllVUC.il, BUtl,... studio, denial or dressmaking rooms, eta. for tenants wishing: homes adjoining. j . . . . 1 . .. 1. 1 . in.. Hnr fnr nirieea. Hall Dlst. Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 7406. THE HELEN 2464 HARNEY ST. One three and four-room modern apart. ment In this. cloc In. fire proof building Choice location. . MORRIS oOlv NDr.ru , H. 2029. 1225 City Nat'l Bank SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 fl. Hth. 2d Floor 1301 Douglas St. Suitable for Lodges THOB. W. HAZEN. 207 M'CAGUB BLDG. THE HOLLYWOOD 1 wish to announce the practical com pletlon ot my new apartment building to be known as "The Jiouywooa, locatea on Sweetwood Ave. near Harney Bt. Fourteen 3-room apartments, consist' lng of fine, large front living room, din ing room or beuroom. Kitcnen ruuy equipped, fine bathroom and two very large closets. The very best ot service In every par tlcular. Price. $33. with $6.60 added for heat during winter. Note the fine location and secure one of these before they are all taken, ERNEST SWEET. Douglas 1471. 123 City Nat. Rank Bldg. 6-room apt., 1021 So. 20th. lied 70uC THE Harold. 27th and Jackson. 4 rooms. steam-heated, strictly mod.; references re. iqulred. Apply Apt, l, east ent-, or janitor. ONE ot those excellent flats ut 2403 Harney will be vacant Aug. 1. Tenant who has been thero for years has Just purchased a new horne. Rent $50, Apply at once. ERNEST SWEET. D. 1472. lloard mr.iX Itoums. COUPLE to boarVl and room In private family. Beautiful liome near Field club. References required. H. 2918. or D. 3906. CAN accommodf.te 4 or 6 with room and board. 308 SJ d. Red SSL for The Bee by IF JT" ?k4 BUST V'lLL UP X I'LL TV y OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnlalirtl Rooms. MRS. M. A. KING desires to announce that she has opened u large up-to-date rooming house at 1703 Cass and desires to announce to her friends and patrons that all possible comfort and conveniences are provided. FOR RENT Nicely rurnlshed front room In private family; no other roomers, ono block from street car, In Hanscom park district; only parties with flm class references need answer. Address N 229. care Bee. PLEASANT room, nicely furnished, conveniently located, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Apply apartment 3, The Sterling. Phone Douglas 6979. FRONT ROOM AND BREAKFAST, tirlvate family; 1 block car; price right. 2511 Corby. Web. 5000. NEWLY furnished rooms; 1708 Jackson St. Tyler 1621. steam heat DEWEY, 26322 young men In Private family; walking dlHtance. Harney 3633. FURNISHED room; modern; In private family, with board If desired. W. 6021. 2116 Spencer. Furnished Apartments. BACHEIXJR apartment to share; ex cellent location. Douglas 2546. Furnished Housekeeping; Rooms. 3 ROOMS, cheap. 1710 Jackson. Rear. 3 MODERN rooms. C26 Sin. 18th. 2C01 DODGE Light, clean; walking dis tance. I.lKht llotisekoepluir Rooms. MODERN housekeeping rooms, 1921 Chi cago. Furnished Houses. HANDSOMELY furnished house on N. 24th car line for small family six months; I3S. Tel. Doug. 3068. TK-r DCMTTInnmlnir house. 40 rooms, all furnished, located on Douglas between 21st and 22d Sts. Apply 1613-1515 Howard St. for -particulars Hotels nntl Apartments. tjt A 7.A House o- coolness. 14th and trXJJXJUH. Howard. Each room modern; electric ran. Bpeciai uiii . v week and up. xyier DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Houses and Cottnices. TTTrT TTV T Storage and Van shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1616. A COMPLETE list of vacant housos, apartments and flats that are for rent. This Is a list compiled dally and can be seen free of charge at 309 South 17th St. OMAHA VAN AND HTUllAUrJ FOR RENT August 1st. All modern home. Driveway and garage. 1113 So. 30th Ave. $15. Tel. Har. 3662. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos, Douglas 143S. NICE, clean, newly papered cottage. reasonable. 1314 So. 11th St. FOUR-ROOM, modern, hot water heat. $17. 1311 So. 26th Ave. Douglas 8664. FOR RENT 6 rooms. modern. Phone Webster 1916. SEVEN-ROOM, modern house. Field club district, 3208 Poppleton Ave. Inqulro ot Mrs. J. D. Blanchard, UU So. 29th. Harnoy 2876. FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelllnx on Cass, near 26th; modern, Crelghton University. Douglas 2330. 6-ROOM cottage, 1717 Leavenworth. Tel. D. 3V. 1909 Farnam, 10 rooms. $43. D. 169s; JC! "Rnprl Ezp. Co., furniture moving. . .. J .(WU.. ... J. HoilSPS m n11 Parts of the city. NEW 3-room house: toilet, water and gas, $12.00. 3010 Charles. Dexter L. Thomas, 413 Bee Bldg. CENTRAL, all mn,1 1 nnri 7., n,. and houses unequalled. Tlxard. 220 N. 21d. For rent 1 lace. Nev plumbing. Hardwood floors. Corner lot. Fine shade. Web. 2968. Modern 7,rm hrlfir . m 1 . , v.t. a -mi. jvciijf i-p., sua n. tn. u. 163s. 6-room. modern. 1420 Hickory. Red 722.J. 4107 Ixard, 7-r., all mod,. $25. l7r0-Jt5 st" 3-r- c- nnd gas, $10. I0' u8'.7' rec. all mod. $35. M5ple.-8t" 8-r- nxl-. 2 U31V4 No. 17th St, 4-r., C. W., $9. BIRKETT & COMPANY, Doug. 4754. 423 Bee Bldg, FOR RENT Six-room cottcve: hth etc.; In good order; lmmedlte possession. iuo nautn istn street. Store sail urnaesv rttunmc. 8-10 No. 24th. Inquire J. S. Falconer, 2703 1'initney. Tel. weo. in. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The uee Building occupied by The Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam uu ana occupying onout l.ouo square feet, with extra entrance on the court of the bulldlmr . Larse vault. Fine office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee Office. BRICK stores, 17th and 18th and Cum Ings, $25 to $00. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas 1900. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. CHIFFONIER, library table, child's bronze iron bed. Phone Web. 879. Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. $125. U N. 16th. FOR SALE Volley Gem Piano, cheap. 610 S. 22d St. Type rlt ere, - RENT en U C Smith ft Bros, type writer, visible, late modal, back space key. guaranteed A-l machine. L. C Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 1819 Far nam. Phone Douglas 2213 Remember, this is new location. Rebuilt typewriters rented, sold; easy terms. Butts Typew'er Ex.. 1805 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rented and sold on easy tsrros. Omaha, Typewriter Exchange. 411 S. 15th St. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked; second-hand: all makes. J- J. Dertght Safe Co., 1H3 Farnam. Cliff Sterrett VAWGoUE IT1. I CARRIED IT T0 "FAR1. OFFERED FOR SALE. Mlseellnneona. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. 16-FOOT solid oak wall case, cheap. SOS N. 16th. For sale or trade on small auto, "-passenger launch, now 4-horse engine, at Manawa. T. A. Barker, 227 S. 7th St., Council Bluffs. Ia. FOR 8ALE Now and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures nt nil kinds: eaay oayments. Tl Brunswlck-Bulke Collondcr Co., 407-409 S. 10th St. FIVE carloads of beer bottles far sale. Quarts and pints. Nathan Steinberg. 1011 Harney St. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzle Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney. D. 1644. 8x8 air compressor. 612 B. 14th. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. PERSONAL Mlsa Fisher, mas., bath. elec. treat. D. 863. LAURA WILSON. Bath. Mrm. Tel Doug. 8751. MASSAGE MRS. RITTENHOUSE. 309 Boston Store Eve, and Sun, appolnt's. 207 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO the L. II. Journal, $1.50; the S. E. Post. $1.60; tho Country Gentleman. $1.50. by Sept. 30, earns that $3,000 for the Invalids Pension Ass'n. Your renewal cnntrlhtitei 60c. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. UUIUJUW, TH .MAGAZINE MAN. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast oft clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Tel. Douglas 4123 and wagon will call. MAGNETIC treatment. E. Brott, un.L XJ.K lm vinton. D-7S9i. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmancy. 12th and Dodge. MANICURING Face, scalp and mag netlc treatment. Miss Debar, 204 S. 19th. MASSAOE Swedish movement, 418 Massage, lBt fl.,r.6. 17S3 Dodge. Mrs. Steele MRS. J. B. HUTCHINGSON Your daughter, who was born on or" about November 17, 1SS4, and left at my home Nov. 27, im. is still alive; if you wish to see her, call or wrlto Y 214, Bee.. MAGNETIC HEALING IS VINTON. Bpondylo Therapy Massage. 1913 Farnam. LOVEJOY WEB8TEII Guaranteed Sewing Machine Repairs. SALE OR EXCHANGE. ,R. E. SEND for our .large exchanea book. Shopen & Co., Dept. B, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE or trade, 3-story frame hotel, full basement. 32 nlMnlnir twim. large lobby, dinning room, steam heat, electric lights, city water and bath; leased for $40 per month, and doing good business; In S.-E. Neb., town of 900, 3 railroads. Price $10,000, Incumbrance $4,200, tvuui uuve yuu iu uuer. 1U1S INlspel, Swanston. Neb. I WANT California, property for clear. Improved property here. Phone Webster 259a FOR SALE or exchanire. 160 acres in Costilla Co., Colo., on Rural Route, near town 01 z,dw. rxur-room nouse, barn, chicken house, granary. 80 acres culti vated; grain, beet or alfalfa; 30 acres rough, balance new, good for cultivation. Enclosed with good fence. Good water right, also two artesian wells on placo. Owner. 130 N. Friends, Whlttler. Cal. WANT a good $5,000 home in Omaha ta exchange for 40-acre farm: all lmDroved: IVi miles from end Benson car line; bal-. ance casn. anress u 239, I3ee. REAL ESTATE AnSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract oft flee In Nebraska. 203 Brandels Theater. ACREAGE FOR SALES. See C. L. Nethaway. local agt Ffctr. t7. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. On Norih Hill Two lots, each 40x127, five minutes ta end of Dodge line. $650, $160 cash, bat ance monthly. Might trade for equity in cottage. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omnha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715, Evening H. 338. or H. 6131. TO BUT, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEH JOHN M ROBBINW. IH02 FaR.VAM ST. COTTAGE strictly modern, oak finish, built about one year. Apply mn Seward. 24th and Fort Six Rooms $2,450 Modern excep heat, and practically new. Owner leaving city next Friday. "oW before that time. Lot 60x120. One block from car line. Snap. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1636. 210-12.14 State Bank Bldg. MODERN brick stores, trackage, busl- 5fs!vf,ctl95.'ce8-pi tood tenant G, P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. MY new. 6-room hov.se. with sleeplns; porch: lot, 60x124. Hardwood finish. Beamed celling. Must sell. A bargain. 4110 Florence Blvd. Tel Webster 6062. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. 8565 California street, vestibule, llviwr room, dining room, sun room, kitchen and butler's pantry downstairs, four large, sunny bright bedrooms, with large closets and bath upstairs. Floored attic, with pienty ot light and air. Full basement, with laundry and vegetable room. The house Is all finished in oak downstairs, birch finish with maple floors upstairs. The latest ot electric fixtures have been Installed and every modern convenience. Would be glad to show you through, whether you are purchaser or noL The price will interest everyone. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 4A3 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 3S83. " i ft 1 V 4