Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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o c x e
Tuesday, July 29, 1913.
OKODOJI 8ocm8 to fill a long-folt want a delightful placo to spend
tho week-end. It 1b a pleasant motor trip for those who do not
caro for a long tour.
Philadelphia has Ub Atlantic City, New York 1U beaches,
country homes and clubs outside the city; Chicago a score of summer resorts
on the lake, where the family goes for the summer, and tho men spend
tho week-end with them. But until the automobile became so popular
thero was practically no summer resort near enough to Omaha for a com
fortable short trip.
Mrs. M. C. Peters and family havo a cottage at tho, lake and Mr. Peters
and Mr. Ralph Peters motor thero for Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Bon Gallagher has a cottage, and Mr. Paul Gallagher and Mr.
Boa Gallagher have mado several trips to tho lake by motor.
One of tho larger parties who motored to the lako for Saturday and
Bunday wero Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn C. Wharton,
Miss Louise Dinning, Miss Elizabeth Congdon, Miss Prances Todd, Mr.
Iawrenco Brlnker, Mr. J. DoForoBt Richards and Mr. Ward Burgess. Tho
party left hero Saturday morning at 6 o'clock and arrived at tho lako at
4 o'clock that aftenoon, returning homo Monday.
For Miss 27aglc.
Complimentary to Miss Julia. Nagl, whs
Is visiting her mother and who leavti thu
latter part of tho week for New York
to continue her dramatic career, many
i-oclal affairs are being given. Sunday
evening Dr. and Mrs. II. I Arnold en
tertained at aupper at the Field club.
Monday evening her cousin, Miss rrllda
Thompson, entertained at bridge.
Wednesday evening Mr. John Rlne will
entertain at dinner at tho Field club.
Thursday Mr. II. 8. Daniel will glvo a
motor party to West Point. Neb., to o9
the automobile races. Today Mrs. Louisa
Gtors Lody entertained at luncheon At
the Field club for Miss Nasi.
Miss Nagl goes to Now York to start
rehearsals in a. new play ' by Lawrence
Itlsing. which will be produced by A. II.
At Carter,Xake Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Freeland will enter
tain at dinner this evening at Carter
Lako Country club when they will have
as their guests:
Dr. and Mrs..W. N. Dorward,
Mr. nlid Mrs. J. P. Ttedman,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beat
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Cat tin will enter
tain at dlntvsr this evening for Miss
Oladys Younjr, when they 'will have cov
tra laid for twelve KUests.
Others who will have guests at dinner
thla evening lire Otto Nellson, who will
have six guerts; V. Nj Tuttle, three,
and A. Regus, three.
Miss Nell Crecden entertained at din
ner Monday ewtnlng, when she had as
her guests:
Misses Misses
Oltnda Wachester, Clara McCaffrey,
Mary Creeden. Josephnle Jordan.
Nell Creeden.
Messrs. . Messrs.
Frank liogan. Jay McCaffrey,
Walter Ilroaek, Joseph Creeden,
Albert Iluth. D. J. Crecden.
Others who entertained at dinner Mon
day evening were 8. P. Mason, who had
two guests; Byron Hart, two; W. H.
Van Cott; George Tierney, two; F. H.
lUnford, four; K. A. Newall, two, and
Roy Pegau, two.
At the Pield dob.
Mrs. Byron Smith was hostess at a
luncheon today at the Field club com
plimentary to Mrs. P. II.' Updike of
Long Beach, Cat. Baskets of daisies
formed the decoration and covers were
placed for thirty guests.
Mrs, Louise Btors Lody hod eighteen
guests In honor of Miss Julia Nagl, who
leaves Friday for New York.
At Haurv Hollow.
A children's party 'was given Monday
by Mrs. F. J. Blrsa for her daughter,
Miss Bdaa Blrai. In the party, which
was chaperoned by Mrs. Ulrrs, were
Misses Adelaide Fogg, Iono Fogg,
Oladys Crooks, Helen ''Levy, Lucille
Kngstton, Mary Creedon, Rao Swart
wout, Cathcrlno Hastings, Nathalie
Hastings, Charlotte Bkidmoro, Lorana
Travis, Vivian Hanson and Qamet Nel
son. This evening Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mil
roy will have six guests at dinner at the
club in honor of their daughter, Mrs. Her
bert Hays, of Stella, Neb. Mr. E. O. Ham
iltoft will have twelve guests at dinner,
A. B. Curry, five and A. W. Bowman,
A band concert wilt be given August 6
at the club,
Mrs. F. 1L Garvin entertained at a chil
dren's party this afternoon when oho
had eleven guests; Mrs. S. E. Montgom
ery, eight and Mrn. II. a. Loomls, ten.
At the Country Club.
Mr. ana Mrs. N. u. UDd ke w! 11 enter
tain at dinner Wednesday evening at tho
Country club for Mr. and Mrs. I II. Up-
cine or Long Beach. Thursday Mrs. E.
S. Westbrook will give a small lunch
eon at the club for Mrs. Updike.
Mr. A. B. Warren entertained at din.
ner Monday evening for his guest, Mr.
C. V. Larimer, of Wichita. Covers were
placed for:
Mrs. Wlldmanof Council Bluffs.
Mrs. H. H. Baldrlge.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hwobe..
Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. IS. II. Bprngue.
Mr. C. V. Larimer.
Mr. A B. Warren.
Afternoon Bridge.
An afternoon bridge was given by Mrs.
B. II. Lulkart today for Mrs. Dietrich of
New York, The other guests were:
Mesdames Mesdames
H K, Holmes, J. Whltworth,
F. Bacon, 15. H. Wilkinson,
H. A. Hulke, . C. 8. Hayes.
J. B. Bones,
In nnd Out of the Bee Hire.
Miss ZHa. Muldoon leaves today for an
extended eastern trip.
Miss Frances Craves has returned from
Duluth and the lake trip. - '
Mr. E, Q, McOtlton is expected home
shortly from a visit In New York.
Mr.iand Mrs. J.: W. Robblns "and .chil
dren aro visiting relatives In Montana;
Dr. Philip Sher returned Jhla morning
from Atlantic City, where he spent-his
Mr. Charles Kountze and Mr. Robert
Burns leav'o this evening to Join Mrs.
Kountse in England,
Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Dinning and Miss
Louise Dinning leave Sunday to spend
August at Charlevoix.
Mr.and Mrs. J. D. Foster have returned
fram a week's stay In Chicago, where
they attended the golf taurnament
Other States Not Co-Operative with
Nebraska in Prosecution.
Are Conntr Chnrnjes Simply Hecnnse
It la lVot Ponslble to ftrenre Their
Kxtrndlilnn from Other
Because of the laxity of the laws of
certr.ln states that have not mode wlfj
abandonment as much of an offense as
Nebraska has, Douglas county Is sup
porting a long list of dependent women,
whose husbands have fled to states from
which they cannot be extradited.
"What we need is a federal dlvorco
law nnd a federal law on wife abandon
ment." said J. M. Leldy, administrator of
county charities.
Mr. Leldy says that so far state offi
cials have been unable to extradite fugi
tives from the state of Illinois, for exam.
Pie, who have deserted wives In Nebraska.
"Illinois makes wire abandonment
merely a misdemeanor' said Mr. Leldy
in discussing the matter, "and Nebraska
makes It a felony. We have tried to get
several men back here who have de
serted wives and fled to Illinois, but the
governor thero refuses to Issue necessary
papers for what in that state is a mere
misdemeanor. As a consequence Douglas
county Is supporting twelve women whose
husbands are safe In Illinois.
"Now thero is no reason why there
should not be a federal law in regard to
this matter. The Interstate Commerco
commission has nothing to say concern
ing the operation of railroads within a
state, but whore interstate trafflo Is con
cerned it steps In. Why should not the
federal government step In where & man
abandons a wife and flees to another
state 7"
Youthful Stranger
Waits All Day Long
for Eeturn of Uncle
Russell Lee, aged 12 years, of Avoca,
la., Journeyed to Omaha Monday morn
ing In the company of his uncle, Asa
Lee, of the samo place. After depositing
their luggage in the station the elder
Lee instructed his nephew to watch the
articles while ha took a car up town and
mado a few purchases. He promised to
return within an hour.
At 10 o'clock Monday night Officer Jen
sen, strolling through the station, dis
covered a sleeping boy on one of the
benches with the handle of a satchel
clutched tightly In his hand while the
tears on his face told plainly that he
was In trouble. The officer shook the
lad, who upon awakening and discov
ering a policeman standing over him,
one again burst into tears. After much
assurance the boy told hla story of wait
ing for his uncle since eight o'clock in
tho morning.
He had eaten no food during the day
except an apple which he had purchased
with his only nickel rrom the news
stand. Jensen brought him to the sta
tion and a, search for the delinquent
uncle was mado with no avail. Toward
midnight the boy was token to the
detention home and his Barents nntlrlnd
Tho father of tho lad Is a prominent
citizen of Avoca.
Eat This Food During Summer
Be careful what you eat during
hot weather. What you need
is food that nourishes but does
not heat the body.
Faust Spaghetti fits right into
that class. It is a fiigh gluten
food a bone, muscle and flesh
former-but contains practi
cally no fat, therefore cannot
heat the body.
makes ja. savory,
, appetizing dish.
It can be served
in a great many
ways that appeal to the palate.
It is easily prepared it makes a
nutritious, non-heating meal during
the summer. Write for free recipe
book, "Spaghetti and Its Uses."
Faust Spaghetti put up in air-tight,
moisture-proof packages.
At yeur grocar'Se md lOe packagtt
MAULL BROS., St Louia, Mo.
Joy Rider Released
Because Judge Says
Wrong Charge Made
John II. Relfschnelder, former em
ploye of the Electric Oarage company,
who, Sunday night, damaged Attorney
Frank Crawford's automobile, which ho
took on a Joy ride, was dismissed In po
lice court
Dpnlse Barkalow, proprietor of tho
Electric Oarage company, tognthcr with
one of the heads of the company, con
sulted County Attorney Mncnev Mnndnv
morning In view of swearing out a com
plaint against the man. rhy were told
by the county attorney to (iharcA Ttvif.
schnelder with "Malicious destruction nt
porsonal property." When the defendant
was urougnt Derore Judge Alstadt he was
dismissed on the grounds that grand
larceny should have been the charge.
Leakage at the Den
is Now to Be Stopped
rians to make certain men who have
attended performances at the Ak-Bar-Ben
Den without holding a membership ticket
pay their money and loin the onrnni.
tlon are being worked out by the hust
ling committee.
Several Omaha men have been seen
at the den who do not belong. How they
got In without tickets will be learned
and their means of entry stopped. Some
have been brlnxlne friends and relmlv..
to the show, representing them as guests
from other cities. All these will be re
quired either to buy membership cards
or stay away from the Den.
Opie Bailey -Escapes
from Detention Home
Ople Bailey, alias Irene Cody, 17 years
of age, escaped from the Detention home
on South Tenth street Monday night. She
lowered herself from the window of her
room, thirty feet above the ground, by
tying together the bed clothing and slid
ing down.
After being convicted of theft from a
fellow employe at the Home hotel,
where she was employed as a. chamber
maid, she was Placed under tho im...
(Vision of the Juvenile authorities with
.... ii.ri "mi fuuni ute migni oe di
rected into better paths.
Women's 25c nnd 33c Im
ported La co Hcso Q
black, pink blue, pr. V C
Women'), nnd Children's
LIhIo Vcsis, 23c values
nlso Comfy-Cnt 1 OJL j;
nt .... 1 2 C
Womon's Cotton Union
Hulls, regular and extra
sizes, 33c values,
Women's Undcrvcsts cro
chet top, ribbon r
trlm'd., 12J4c grndoOC
Every Item Here Is An Extra Special
Only n few more dnys remain for us to reduce stocks in this clearing sale. Invoice is close at hand. Mer
chandise must be sold in largo quantities. It is one of the times when we disregard cost and value. A dollar
in money is more desirable to us than two dollars in merchandise. The benefit is yours. You can buy the.
summer goods you need right now at prices you cannot duplicate any other time this summer.
A Sale To Appeal To the Woman Who Is Anxious To Got the Most She Can With tho Money She Has To Spend.
Woihcn'n White
and Colored
Wash Skirts
Worth $1.00
mcnt . . . Tr v
Women's Colored
WorUt 20c, Rase-
A Big Lot of Slightly
That Are
Worth Up
To 75c. at. .
Women's Short Jackets Spring
weights, good materials,
worth $1.50, $2; $2.50 to $3
Fancy Embd'y
fit Lace Tr.amei
Corset Coven
Worth -7P
85c, at. . . . 1 li
Women's and
Misses' White
Worth 97P
50c, at.... 61
Women's and Misses'
Serviceable Styles
Worth Up To $7.50, at
Basement Cloak Dept.
Women's and Misses'
Splendid Values
Worth Up To $10, at
Basement Cloak Dept.
Worth up to 7Cc,
Base. rq
mcnt . . J v
Women's Colored
Worth up to $1,
Base- o rj
ment ... 5 C
Women's Colored
Percales and chambrays
made in large sizes
and worth up f$g n
to 1.50. in iTGlit
Wednesday. . .
Women's Wash Suits
colors and white Q0
worth to $3.50 .OtH
$2 Black nColM Silk Petticoats 89c '
Infants' Colored Dresses, gtf 18c
Child's & Misses'
Sailor Blouse
Worth up rtO
to S2.50. ..UVC
Women's and
Hisses' Slip-On
Worth up S1 1 0
to S3, at. . vliL
Odd lot various grades nnd
lengths plain and fancy printed
cotton Kods clinllies, stand
nnd print, plain scrim, short
lenKtlia dress percales all nro
grouped In ono great cy 1
lot Wednesday, at, yd. 2fC
Men's A t h 1
Union Suits,
to OOc, nt . .
1 1 c and Ribbed
orth up i)Q
... 7i;
Men's and Young Men's Bum
mer Suits, worth up rfj A Qf
to $10.00, at. . . . . VT'iOC?
Bine, ferom ana trrsen chsck Amosfccsg Qlngham
right lengths for aprons, at, yard
Cream-white Serge Salting, 38 inches wlfle from the
bolt, at. yard , t
Remnants White Crope, made by one of the best know
Kew England makers, lBo would be low price IFTiold
from the bolt desirable lengths at, yard 777."...
Remnants White and Colored Pongee, mercerized sols
ette, fancy Jaonard waistlngs and snlUngs, novelty
corded effeots, at, yard
Remnants of regular ICo, lOo anl 35o meroerlzed plain
fabrics bargain sqnarg, .at, yard 7777. .7 . .77
30-inch wide Natural Color
Press Linen, mnde from puro
flax, medium heavy weight for
drosses, suits, etc.; 80c -J Q
avyard value, at, yd.. . 5C
80 and 40-inch Plain Curtain
Voile and Marqulsctto in ecru
cream and white, worth f
20c to 40c a yard, at.J&.UC
Lace Floundngs, up to 10 Ins.
wldo nnd worth 10c a yd. ey
off the bolt, Wednesday C
18-inch embroidered corset Torchon and Nottingham Extni largo size Colored Chip and hemp braids
coverings, flouncings, nain- Bands, imita t ion cluny Bed Spreads, Mitcheline blacks and some colors
sook and cambric; g edges and inser- fjk finish, fringed all A large nnd medium
25o quality at, IIP tions great vari- JTfff around very desir- $ IV worth to 39c, Illtf
yard ety of styles, yd... W Zls abie 1 at ', Wt
Beautifully trimmed "with Bloomer style, in tans, blue Double seat and knee over- . New Crepe Rompers, re
flowers, ribbons and fancy and fancy striped ginghams alls 65c values, in all sizes quiros no ironing low
feathers havo and percales "if on sale in tho neck or high neck fg
been soiling at &hMP ages A to 14 I ti basement 9P special in 40
$1.50, at V 35o values at A Ml j nt V basement, at
SILK REMNANTS Bath Brush Palm Oil Hospital Household CHIFFON TAFFETAS
5,000 yards plain and fancy with detach- Soap at, Cotton, 1-lb. Ammonia, Navys, browns, ans, greys,
sillc remnants, 2 to 10 yards, able handle, the cake package- qt. bottle garnet, cardinal, etc., for
messahnes, foul- - entire dresses, lin- 4 im
sssx ZVC 22c 6c 18c Or etc- orth 17c
worth to 85c; at. yd.. v i 6t mi Vt 30c a yard, at
BRASSIERES Good Quality Muslin Bbned Throughout Front Embroidery Trimmed 25c Values for 12c
ALL rpnc,t;"rc: -tst
" N
am ass &uxu ivLaujixmsi
Thero Is a big demand for auto
mobile machinists and for men to
do repair work in garages. Pay is
good. Automobile Mnchinists'
Course In 48 weeks we teach you
all about automobiles and make
you a machinist. Chauffeurs'
Course In 12 weeks wo teach you
how to drive and repair any car
and to take charge of garage.
has the largest garage and inaohlr.e
Bhops In the country. StjrtentH nrk
In shop from three to o.ts'i; hours u
day. TuMlon and llying expanses re
markably low. No entranca caiuliia
tlons. Send for catalogue.
George I. MnglU President
l)es Moines, Iowa.
Mount St. Joseph College and Academy
Chartered by the Legislature of Iowa
Twenty-eight new KNABB pianos Just Installed, Including two Concert
and four Parlor Grands. Eminent director with European training and ex
perience, and able assistants. Courses In every branch of Music, applied and
theoretical, Including Pipe Organ and Violin. Large Auditorium for oonoerts.
Most expensively equipped College Oonnervatory of its slue In United States.
Victor Vlctrola and KNABB player-piano, with carefully selected records,
used for demonstration In the Voice and Piano departments.
Faculty have degrees from Vassar, Mt. Holyoke, lladcllffe, Kansas U..
Nebraska. U.. Columbia U. (N. Y.) and schools of like high standing. Physical
Culture, Domestic Science, Cooking and Sewing taught. Domestic Science
teacher Is author of standard-cook book. Expression Department under same
principal ten years. Art Department excellent A thoroughly modern school,
(splendidly located, large sunny rooms, hot and cold water on each floor, sani
tary drinking fountains, beautiful parlors, hardwood floors throughout. New
j;,600 refrigerator plant
Tor catalogue address, President JOSEPH L. GARVIN, A. M., B. D., Ful
ton. Mo.
Drs. Maeh & Nach
The largest and best equipped dental
office In Omaha. Experts In charge of
alt work, moderate prices. Porcelain
fillings just Ilka the tooth. All Instru
ments aurlllsed after using.
94 Xloor raxtou Block, Omaha, Hch.
State Senator J. II. Kemp of Fullerton,
who Is president of the senate and next
In line under the lieutenant governor, Is
among the visitors to Omaha. Mr. Kemp
Is freely mentioned by his many friends
as a possible candidate for governor on
tho republican ticket next year.
"I am down here on a little matter of
personal business," said Mr. Kemp. "Up
In our part of the country conditions are
fine. Including com prospects. No. I don't
care to talk politics now. The political
situation Is decidedly quiet, but I bo
lleve all tendencies are toward a speedy
reunion of the republlean elements."
A Ton of Gold
cou'.d buy nothing better for female
weaknesses, lame back and kidney trouble
than Electric Bitters. Only 60c. Kor sale
by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
. J ' ? '1 .a- ;
Collegiate Degrees, Academlo Department. University Affiliation, Excellent
facilities offered for the education of young women. Conservatory of Muslo
and Art Training Department for Teachers of Vocal and Instrumental
Music, Domestlo Science. One inlle from Dubuque. Four and on-ehalf hours'
ride from Chicago. Direct railroad connections with Omaha, St Paul and
St Louis. Extensive grounds- Pineries. Finely equipped buildngs. frontage
460 feet private rooms, normal course. Grammar Department, Business
Course. Private pupils re-elel For ratnlogue address Sister Superior.
Ho -ff arj f - College and Conservatory
C& JL mJL M. M.U. f.OP YOUng Women
Tli tet tadona girls' tcbsol la tb Cstrl Wt Pnpvrtarr asd Junior Oil
Utt. Hlshut rtnk t UnWanlttM. Cturw In Art ElecuLUu, Mutlo. OoaMtU
Bcltnc asd Batlnra. Otrmu-AnaMca a OOMmtDr.-Qrcuo BtrduL
Msdtra Caalpra'nt. Ctlou. Atirt
JOKK vr. unaiOH, A. IC. grsaldsat, Collars glace, Msxlao, Mo.
BS""Twenty Eighth Season
John J. IItUU4t, Foonder-PrldBt
Chicago's Foremost School of
UB EQEf Offcn modern courses
Srli. a ?? I Wnor Voice. Violin.
Publla School UiuIp, Crwaule Art. la-.niu.
Mrtnllj iausht br 10anl&at artitta. amosji
ohon are mnr of IntarnaUoaal npatatlOK.
BaMrior Normal Treinlu bchool aapplUa
teacnanforcolleM lealnbUOormltorr Ao
eommodaOoBA, lilplovaa aad Vtftf. Maay
rrae atraata(MOBar4to4enriD(tdaiiU.
akti H-ioj baclsa Beptmlir 11. )sl
im.i whin . ryM .r
CG7 KlMSAa HAUL, Ccro, BL,
Accredited to the North Cestral
AaspcUUon. Degrees of II. A. mad
a. S.. Broad culture, with elective
vocational coorsea that fit for Ufa
anil forself-aupport. Faculty in close
touch with the girls. Chosen body of
atudents. Ueaith and safety para
mount. Pure air, pore artesian water,
fine campus. New fire-proof dormi
tory, electric light, Bteara heat. Good
Table. Catalogue. Box GS.
JULIA U. CUUmx. Pi. D.. U. ftwLUi