r TIIB BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1913. . M I -I. I. ' I.. I,. , I. .11 - I II . I f I I I "- ' I i r The Omaha daily bee POUNDED BY EUWAKU nOHSWATKU VICTOR KOSSWATRU. BDlTOft. BBK BUILD1NO. FAHNAM AND 17TH. Kntered at Omaha postolflce as aeeowl cUi matter. tbiuis of sruscmrnoN; mm Sunday Bee. one year Saturday Bee, one sear Dally Bee. without Bum! ay, one year. w i.)ally Bee, and minrtar. one year ... w What Made the Bondi Drop? Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo makes much ado otrer the sheer drop ln 2 por cent government bonds on the market, bombastically oharglng the blame to tho bankers, who are almost alone hit by the shrinkage Tho cloarcut explanation of tho bond trouble that wo have seen Is Looking BackwWl LThisDinQraaha COMPILED FROM OtK, FILES P OOP LXJU JULY 80. Billy Bee, imjiuuinc Bunaw, i Dally Bee, without Sunday, tr mo.4W Address all complamts "J.,1!!,'8'11 In delivery to City Circulation Depi . REMITTANCE. . Remit by draft, express or potal oruer. payable mThe Bee Publishing company Only 2-cent stamps received " Jgro?2i ot small accounts. erton checks. Sot I cept on Omaha and -astern exchange, not accented. Thirty Yearn Arc Kugene V. Debs ot Terre Haute, ind., rWt ivunnn nv CAnmKK. this embodied in a oner arawn up secretary or me uroinernooa i , . ,nnth......tuC I .. .. in.. .v. - at I mntlva Ftromcn nnd nriltor OI tne r irc- livening una 3uiiuu, "- ""'vh m&e I IU81 WOOK uy u comiiiuiuu ui wo ui. - - - Kvenlng. without Sunday, per month. o 1 ' , .,,.. men's magailne, has bean In Omaha sev- Bally Bee. Including Mndwr. P mo.g . LouU olcarlng house banks: era, day,(and utt today for Denver to - i arrange tne preliminaries iur mo iucvi"i, yearn has enjoyed an extraordinary low of tlremen LK that plaee. While here he rata nf ltifr. OH lilt Indebtedness I ' . . . - , . . . a . i. . JIM... . I conierrra wnn uoicgaicB irum mu uioi- secured by the 2 per cent bonds, main- in,l. and arranged with the rail- lalncd fictitiously through the operation roads ot nberai rnlcB. of the national bank net, by compelling -10 xjnlon Pacific base ball team ex tho use of such bonds for jiatlonal bank 1 i. r,Hav for their eastern circulation; nnd also requiring such bonds tr)p wh a lrong teftm of eiaVen of to be exclusively useu aa security iur ,hcr bcg( pftycrB, government deposits without Interest for The nurnett brothers, head salesmen more than fifty yearn, a precedent so wUh A( p0flCk, left for the east on A long established that were It a tonlraot plfnMiro trip. ' between private Individuals, or private t t Rhriver. nr. D.. of Jollvton. Pa.. corporations, wuuiu hiiiiubv auuei'icu an a legal obligation, certainly a most sacred moral obligation. Within the last sixty days a tentative form of banking and cun-enay bill was announced through the publlo press. In the first draft of tho bill soma provision was made to take care of the 2 per cent government bonds. Later (Juno 21) a second draft was prepared and publUhed, OFFICES: Omaha-The Bee huliain. South Omaha-Stl N Btreet Council Bluffn-H North. Wain Street. Uncoln-26 Uttle building. l hlcago-901 Hearst building. New Vork-noom H06. 28G 'J Je Bt Louls-lW New Bank of c,ommer Vashlngio-7 Pwnrteenth Bt, K. Communications relating to news and tdltorlal matter should be adaresscu omaha n? Editorial department. JUNE CIRCULATION 50,401 lZ",Xr$ rnir "clrculitlon manag.r of The Bee Publlsh.ng company. Being duly sworn, says that the average dally "wiaHTVlLuiAliB""' waa W.i. "circulation Manager. Bubscribed In my presence and sworn t0 before me tog&&T (SwiI.) Notary i'ublio. Subscribers leavlnir the city teraporarllr ahonld lav The Uee raallfd to them. Address wilt be chnnecd aa oflen st reanestcd. London Is said to have 350 tlplcss restaurants. Tipless, not tipsy. Uncle Sam haB decided not to let tho little Mexican boy navo any more shooting irons. Bettor go slow with your auto speeding, friends; tho rocklessnesa of sue brings odium on all. Nothing thus far rovealod by tho "Insidious lobby" investigation would majte Btrong platform timber. A, bull moose was. caught running wild in tho streets of Duluttu And have they becomo that scarce ul ready? Why must tho right to mako money out ot dangerous flroworkB bo pre served, regardless of tho boys' f lngora and eyes? It is said that Rockefeller's July 1 dividends amounted to 515,000,000. He ought to endow a crusado against tho silt skirt. It they had a baBO ball loaguo in tho Balkans or in Mexico, they would uot bo frittering away their time at wasteful war. Is the guest of his brother, O. W. Shrlvnr, and may locate In Omaha to practice his profession. The corherstono of the school and gym naslum. building to bo erected by the German association on Harney street, near Nineteenth street. Is to bo laid Thursday, with exercises In German. In cluding speeches In German by Rev. U. If. Hermann, end In Enallnh hv Edward leaving oui an provisions lor yroieciing Hosewater. and muslo by the Maenner mo i per com Donun, wnicn oiu wue puo- cnor nnd Concordia societies. Ilshcd broadcast over tho country. Th. Board of Pnhlln Work. i omn This last publication, coupled with the big gradlnir contract.. th hMrt.r. 1,-lnir demand upon tho part of the government McIIugh & McGavock, T. L. Murphy & ui . fi ucui imcini tuTuiuuicKk utiwa. Wl .Morris Morrison, Patrick Walsh, Its, contrary to all previous rulings for a and Henm St Co.. with hrleea ratlin period of fifty years, thereby taking away from 1614 cents to 25 cents per yard. an jiroiu un owning guvernmeni oonus a m. Tolt has Purchased several lots on secure govcrnmont deposits ,nd placing Baundera ntrcct, near Caldwell street on such bonds on a 2 per cent Investment whloh he will erect a business block of oasis; ana mo xurtner announcement mat i stores and rooms above, "other bonds" to the extent or 30 per cent would bo acceptable aa security for gov- Twenty Years Ago eminent deposits, have been largely re- Colorado oh wheels, or rather a large sponsible for tho drop In market price of contingent of prominent Coloradnan. tho 2 per cent bonds, until the deprccla- headed by Honry M. Teller, Edward O tlon of such bonds has aggregated more Wolcott. Governor Wnii. ' than 125,000,000 within thirty days, stopped In Omaha en route to tb i,h. Here Is n statement nluch more metal-silver convention at rhi.n comprohenslblo than that of Mr. Mo- rea coinage wns their rallying cry. Adoo and, wo believe, well worth llv,"r e'r m(,n, nnd "liberty and pondering on before jumping at con- :U "rZZ:.'' 's vuvucu hv mo Twice Told Tales Oppressive Iionellness. Colonel W. F. Cody, otherwise known as "Buffalo Bill," Is responsible for the following; "At one time, for a few months, I was at the head of a theatrical combination that did business In the middle west. During a tour ot one.nlght stands in Ohio and Kentucky business was very bad. We finally disbanded In one or the Ohio towns, where only ono performance was given. This was a matinee, and tho audi ence was conspicuous by Its absence. As t wan hurrying out of the office, when the performance was about half over, I nearly stumbled over a smal lglrl who was crying bitterly. I stopped and, bend Ing down, anked; " 'Why, what's the matter, little glrlr - " 'I wants me money back!' screamed the child between her sobs. '"Why, don't you like the show?' 1 asked. Tou've seen only the first act, you know.' " " 'I don't core nolhln 'bout the show howled the child.' 'I'm 'fraid td set Ir. that gallery all aloneS' " Everybody's Magaxlne. Swell a Voice. Maxwell was nearly on hour late. wandered Impatiently around the lobby. and when another page failed, to find him I entered the telephone booth to make an attempt at reaching him, On the pad In front of the Instrument was written "Call Plata Suddenly a wild, delirious Impulse seized me, would call up the number and see what happened. "Give me Plasa Tha line Inured a- moment, was silent. and then I heard a soft "Hello." Such a voice! Clear as the song ot the nignungaie. as son aa a Danpung orooic, limpid and tender. It was vibrantly, breathlessly eager, and yet there soemed to be a not6 of supressed anxiety and emotion. "Hello," I answered, and then tenta tlvely, "It's good to hear your voice again." But the same glorious, musical note came floating back: I "Soft pedal and 10 cents, please, before Editorial Siftings Perhaps our Juvenllo officers might do a good turn in putting a chock to tho nutsanco of boys blowing auto norns "Just for fun." That would bo strange, it true, for those bankers to deprociato tholr own bond holdings $30,000,000 JUBt for tha fun ot tho thing. Well, that's as good a way as any S to clear the way to let a good domo i crat connect up with tho salary of t ambassador to Mexico. Tho weather man predicted cooler weather nnd thunder showers for this week and it tho woek does not slip by too soon he may mako good. General Crowder ventures tho as Bertion that a fair election would be easy to null oft in Mexico. Sure, that is why the present 'statUB exists. A reader wishes to know if Mrs Ella Flags Young is a democrat. No, no democrat would ovor resign an official salary of $10,000 a year. Nelson O'Sbauncssy is tho name ot our ambassador lro tern In Mexico And begorra. It bano fine combina tlon for Mexican man to thry to bluff Inasmuch as tho origination of the Mnnrno doctrino is claimed for Thomas Jefferson', the " present ad ministration will hardly dispute Ita democracy. Philadelphia Ledger: Senator Hitch cock Is not golnng to uphold tho president unless he can hold the president up St. Louis Globe-Democrat: The melting elusions. First Methodist Knl.n.i , . ...... bMUIVIl II 1 1 f,..a y V M IIUIUUDIi '41 V Tf AUlh tJUll, tnA "KT,.. 1 ....... . . . v . I coiintni iaea or Hen." lie I Publicity for Utility Corporations. ?V." lernftl Pnihment was noth- icnoim why. - i iiik in 1 1 inn ftfisMui.. .. m a . t . . i . ... ... t Ono of tho most intoroatlne of thn .u7. .7." "" " "o 'w or xne sweei young wing was being snown u . it iv uic lmn in a nTt fpi i i i. . .... serial talks by the gas company to ment. ho said, taught man's Individual "What I. that thlngt" she asked, point the people through lbs newspaper nd- responsibility and accountability and a Ing with hsr dainty paraeol. Vertislng Is tho ono which explains 5T? lm,0' rwrd ""d Punishments, but "That." answered the gulds, "Is an en and Justifies Its publicity methods. ,, 5!'S, Jr'8 ln a "umstan- gino boiler." By this means of nubllcltv tho nuhllft TynnhM..! Bhe was an up-to-date young lady and " ' ' I -" -y..i UIUUII rtO. 1HO r1Irt tk I,a 1 , .. J - """" V" ::r : . ?, to .m m ' ., "I"1 oui!r ,m englnesT" she Inquired wain. KuiuuimnouiwswioiB. uy matting j,,,,,, " w"ne ao- .r0 the engine tender," politely its appeals and arguments openly and hours as a day's wo k f n. A replied the resourceful gulde.-Pennsyl- puDiioiy, instoaa or covertly ana in- f. a. k ..i. vama i-uncn juowi. ... a iu ,... """"vu " aecretary ana Bidiously, tho gas company frankly AW Wilson was elected. admits its Interest in tho proposed 0ne hundred more miners from Denver gas franchise compromise. It be, Kg "their wV'paldL'. llovoB tho comproralso a good thing n. of We,, who, ufiV Ld w rl for tho company or it would not bo doing their utmost to help the army of Willing to accept it, much less. fa ""employed, which was steadily grow- vorit ,mr- But becauso tho compromise Is ro- tea vftllPi, garded aa a good thing by the gas Tho newsboys' annual niAni, t.i,i Pt In tht Balkans is tlfctilng furiously, company, It does not want ub to be- " Krug park with "Mogy" Bernstein but th mam Question I how ionw the llovo that it is a bad thing for the " mar aomo, assisted by such l "Z """"" ,u "U4""' poopie. or ino gas company ,, .,": . " ni- - . . IcaBO,' "Llttlo Jumbo." "Dutch" a;i a Bponoing money tor aavorusing Bpaco faw otlleri - " mediation h "all rot," as Ambassador to porauado tho peoplo thnt it Ib like- Ed Morgan won two straight falls in w,(0n tayl li u a "ure thlnff that 11 wlsa advantageous to them, Just OB a wrestling match from Hoy Terry ot h Pru ,,ard iab t0 mediate between morchant pays for advortUlng cpaeo Aubur" Crelghtoij hall. Terry proved peopU who a?n,t Vrant i0 ba melllate,1 to attract customers to bargains that lo "mvo a ood aa f PhVslial strength nicago iT.oune: xm atanaara on i - x, t At v ana neaged Morgan for twelve minute company in Texas is not guilty, you nro also profitable to tho morchant, and iMtly..,x " l0Tn, '"!nit understand, but to show that It Is a ood Tho publicity proves successful in but went down In one mlnuta ln fhh BPrt ana entertains no hard feelings It carries conviction of mutual advan- L Maud AUmann, -ytar-ola daugh- t0 th Ute tra"ury' i tago and elicits publlo confidence. "r c MT- ana . I. Altmann. lite eveiana i-iain ueaier: wnat s i the use Another point about tho gas com- reoolVBll fr " " "; f u' . iwar , Phiua.inhia iiv.,i on a pany's publicity campaign is doBerv- first caught her clothing. ' cents a meal for several months and was ing ot notice, namely, mat it is con- The H. n. Penny Hosier)' company, 1 1 " KniM Ior tne money he had saved, ducted through tho advertising col- whloh hM been dolns a wholesale Jobll Doton Transcript! Secretary Daniels iimm nf fh nnwunnnnm aiirmin. b,nff nd importing business ln hosiery. Introduce vocational training in tho aHH tiviiHiHrvH MHatwaw l . . - r 1 . . . mnntod In onlv a small wv bv th , "ul U4 "usiness ana sold its 8100X1"' v"' """ "u "i'eci iu moniea in omy a smau way oy me , jjavi,n ni liurw nut at tha n,i or rv rmiA n distribution Of pamphloU and cirou- The annual convention .f , w clasa of experts in honteshoelng. garden- Iars. This la testimony to tho effl- Christian Temperance union of nnUau. Ing. knitting, bead work and clay cloncy and economy of nowspapor ad-1 county was called to ordsr at Hanscom niodeilng, vnrMcin- na oitmnowul with nVinIPftrK oy tne president. Mrs. E. M. Cnvall. I Pittsburgh Dispatch: The united States wnva of cnmmunlcatinir with thn nuh- iireaiuonjs were present and re- ""r ueecnoea nimseu in xne con- waa or communicating wune pub- porti Bh0W(jd condtUon ia be gresslonhl directory as Interested in mln- 11C It IB a legitimate mothod of cam- perous. The annual election ot officers In Mexico naturally has strong con- palgning which evidences the bOW and resulted as follows t President. Mrs. vtctlons about the duty of the United modern idea of nubllo Utility cor- Covollj vice president. Mrs. W. a. whit. I States to protect the persons and prop- poratlon management mor8 r Valley; corresponding secretary, I erlv ot American cltlxens In that country. mi Anna tscou or Omaha recording I aaKwuy nuumiou as an im lii.M.M. ir.. n ... .... . . .... I martial tuilsa. nnA . U 1 V "'"' l- nuney or juik vvv- ... . .. t w ivny; treasurer, Mrs. W. L. Shannon of Our roform democmUe shertff, bx- Waterloo. These superintendents wsr. porlonclng anothor spasm of virtue elected: Health, Mrs. Whitmore; flower after a long quiescence, hns "raided ami",,oni Wr w, c. Hughes of Omaha; so-called "Farmers club" resort, i?" ana P"on, Mrs. Shlnrock of FOLLIES FROM JUDQE Madge Is she a good. eonverfatlonaltatT Marjorle No. I couldn't get her to talk about anybody I knew. "Was It a case of love at first slghtr "I would hardly call It that. He did not get his auto until a month after they met." Teacher of Hvalcnc Why must we al ways bo careful to keep our homes clean Vaannr Chnnitea. To the Editor of the Be: In view of the numerous incorrect Impressions a to the reasons for the resignation ot President Taylor of Vassar college, the and neat? Vowar Alumnao of Omaha, deeply re- . kittle Olrl-Because company may walk grettlng Dr. Taylor's decision and tho ,n at "" momnt' misunderstanding whloh soerns to have Going Kldd & Morgan are running a arisen with regard to It, would be glad I summer Hotel at the seasnore, ana tney it ..... .u ... i v.. I call It "ThR Breakers." n jruw wuuiu iinim in wimio ui nt vu.iv, ,,-KI,. a his letter of resignation to the trustees U , wag there, and theyljroke me. of the college, which I enclose: ... VASSAR ALUMNAE. .,wrs- wewea (to dear iriena)-nai s the secret of getting a new frock out ot "My deslro Is to give up my duties hubby after ho refuses once? permanently within a year. If for rea- Mrs. Wiley If at first you don't sue- sons i snail suggest you una it ae- ceeu, cry again slrable that I remain so long, I shall aak you to consider my labors ended with Howard Here's a man who says that nm um imnicavoi, rruiuai in, my i nappiness nepenas on tne cook. reasons for this steo and tho groumis Cnwnni-in mnr. n.. i. ,a nn M.. i . . . r. , v . . , . i. I .. . .. ' " " " v.. ui injr juuKuieui niai x buuuiu uuw 11 1 me uoiicatcoBcn snop. .1 " , u O Ufl AUIIUVt. I l "',"'.."r." r"x'1 Aiaua Ho he's been calling on you imvo naa iwir years ot puuno service, roeularlv for ten vnara Whv rtn von A?.f.t a. been arduous-tlilrteen ynn? "'o'.ed? Y d U n w wn nn srnra txt n r v.aaiinn vsjr-is .. - - V. "i-X"" .T'-n" " -nr. "3 Beatrix on. you see. he's the nnrt of St" til Efu Thaf'th'collexe a thl" the PUr years have Involved lncensant strain, ul laa moment. . . . , . . . . i . r i I unu uxaciuuj turn exnauiiuiK mire, xjo- nn..tn. A . Bide the responsibility Involved In tho . "c'n!v,me.n, are "caxce at the tranalUon from a small college to a Ba.Bh,0.rl? inls,J,mmer, ,we thou8ht . . , . . .A. 1 1 . nllr 111 Wnttln I , A n rnllllra " iiuge one ousinesa, iiii&nciaj, tuuuiuon, i --- ....-. . rimlnl.lllv. .nnlnt t havn I. ml nhbrr a I A fill WSSn t ltl ' of IU religious Interests, and havo he.d "No; papa notified the Navy depart a proieaaorsmp rrom tne oeginmng uniu now. Tho demands upon ub from with out. I neM not tell vou. have grown steady with the years. May I not be excused for shrinking from the extension or continuance or tne responaiouiiyr "To mv mind It seems better for the college and for mo that I resign before thn vftara become oDoreSslVe. or Detor It Is thought that my ag Is ronderlng U me ieai responsive to my auuos ana op Th. .iwnnratria m mi nniipirn in n. chance are that a now regime, ft a wise one. will bring fresh Impulse to our work that the president will travel more, will visit oftener the associations of tha alumnae and the schools, will .urnvn rraih inipr(. and brlnar In creased and much needed endowments to tho college." Street Cleaning;. OilAIIA. July 29. To the Editor of The Bee: It Is a misdemeanor to refer U tho street sprinklers used ln resi dent districts of Omaha as street clean ers, for they only clean as the small boy washes his neck, by smearing the dirt off to the sides. Sometimes It Is ImWeslble an hour after the vehicle has passed to tell that It has been along, for the moat that la accomplished Is tne transfer of dirt from the middle of the thoroughfare t6 the curblngs. It seems as If the oity were not making a very wise Investment ot Us money and time If It la buying and using these sprinklers for cleaning purposes. On thla same subject, It might not be out ot plaee to suggest that teamsters using well-paved resident streets should be compelled to keep their material, dirt, hay, gravel, or whatever It may be, on tho wagons and not scatter It along the Street. Sometimes It Is a week bofore the city's sprinkler comes that way and It Is very untidy and very annoying to have the street littered with this trash. Of course) we have ordinances agatast Just this thing, but they an effective only as they ara enforced. merit of the amersoncy and they sent a battleshlp."-Loulsvllle Courier-Journal. That Mrs. Navhnr rirnnned In this af ternoon and got oft a lot ot cheup talk.' "Cheap taiKT" "Yes. she used our teleohone for a full half hour." Boston Transcript, THE JINX Carolyn Wells. In Ltrrolncott'a. Tou may havo the finest pitcher that ha ever savea a pincn; Vou may have a clever batter, and an , umpire that's a cinch: You may have the best base-runners to help but what's tho use? Every one will go to pieces when th Jinx breaks loose! It can turn tha finest pitcher to a vsrU , table dub; Queer the best three-hundred hitter tilt he's useless to Ills club; It can turn your brain to cotton, and your spine to Charlotte Russe, And you find your grip Is going wtien the Jinx breaks loosel It may be a cross-eyed fellow that you met that afternoon; Or a bat laid on the bias, or a boy who hums a tune: It may be the smell of camphor, or th Bight ot a caboose; ...... But you're surely up against It when tha Jinx breaks loosel Yes, of course there are Jlnx-kllters, warranted to kill the Jinx. Neckties loads of empty barrels-rubi blng darkies' woolly kinks Carting round a Kansas farmer, spoIU Ing hats, and chewing spruce; But the killers seem to wither When tha Jinx breaks loosel Spill W Specialists I I in Deformity 1 I Appliances 8 A new spinal cprset lor curvature This corset answers all pur poses of the ordinary one and also arrests tho development of curvature of the spine. Many women, espe cially stenographers, BoametrcBsea and mu slo teachers, have a Blight curvature, without realizing how qulokly it may develop into a serious deform ity. This tendency may bo arrested by a proper support made to fit the individual, Such a corset will ar rest tn development of curvature and avoid sorious tutors trouble. Specialists in Abdominal Supporters Women's Activities Nebraska Editors meetings, Mrs. Clara Robert M, Lambprn has purchased the ronfWtlnc n. stork nf i!n.,n ,! ' '"" "ngs. -Mrs. . - U - - - - 1 1 .rill If or Wnt.rlisA, Unn.i. , two slot machines, and 1b likewise Mrs. Kt n of wiv -i.. ri.i.J I Wilcox Herald from Bhetier A Ashby and auoted as Baying: "There Won't ba Mrs. M. E. Pattarson r omah. ' wl tako PoMMsfon of the ylant August 8uffraglsts In Greater New York are making ''arrangements tor a parade in Brooklyn, November 1. Tho American Association for tho Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality will hold Its fourth annual meeting In "Wash ington November 14 to IT. Among the women ln Washington who will take active Interest In the meetings will be Miss Julia C. I.athrop, head of tho chil dren's bureau. Miss Pearl Holderman Ot northern Craig County In Oklahoma would succeed Miss Kdte Barnard as state commissioner of charities and corrections. Her father has long been a ranchman and she was bora In the wilderness portion of the state, but has a university education. -Her mother la a Cherokee, by blood and Is descended from Illustrious ancestors. According to a bulletin issued by Marie L. Obenhauer of the Department .OH Labor, a large number of women ln the District ot Columbia are working more than eight hours a day. Bunday work and frequent night work, were found to be the conditions in hotels and res Uurajits and many of th laundry women work as much as sixty hours a. week, Bear Mountain park Is a troct of, 10,000 acres near West Point' which 'Mrs'. E. It. Harrlmon gave fdr'.51 the .-purpose of a publlo park commissioner opened part of It a few days ago. Shelter houses In thickly wooded regions afford beautiful views of the riVcr. It Is part of the Anion estate and besides the tract ot land Mrs. Harriman gave a million dollars to Improve It. (Specialists I I in Arch I I Supports J f Specialists I Trusses Wo have expert fitters in our Ladies' Department, who thoroughly unddratand tho making and fitting of spinal corseta. ThcW.G.CkTclandCo. Surgloal and Sural! a Supplies 1410-18 Xarney Stmt. yaon Doug. 1168. uJ3uy your Jurjrteal stippli mhsre yoiir phytician bwj h.u Specialists in Elastic Jliiilllilllliilllllllllllllllll A Delightful Tonic THE BEER YOU LIKE aaXTTBO AHO BOTT&SS BT FHXD XXTTO BKBWZira CO. Consumars' Distributors LUXUS MERCANTILE CO. 109-11 N. 16th St Douglas 1889 L Mr. Lamborn has boeti employed on the irrankiin rrogresa as printer. V T .. . S II - il. . v si ... Jreople lalKea About Jo,urnaJ-hM phed garage and wm - II sell and repair automobiles as a side line. He is now sure of at , least one regular Who is a qualified votor in Omaha? Apparently the answer can bo given only by an election commissioner ap pointed ftt Lincoln by a governor who votes ln Falls City. The bomb sent to Mr. Carnegie proves to have been a fake. Mon dleu, and who would have the stony heart to send the peace-loving, Laird of Bklbo a real one? Mr. Mellen was never much on giving his reaBpnB to the public, bo the stockholders ot tho Hew Haven, through the directors, hare kindly saved him tha trouble this time. a Blot machine ln Douglas county a week from tonight unless it is lockod up in my office." The Boo has been calling the at tention of the sheriff ever slnco he waa lnvnatH with nfflMal m.thnrWv A Staten Island (N. T.) woman offers advertiser. in thn-nmllsirtiUail ln manlilnft anm. ""'"t VL '""" w. wastin. puoiisner or tne Tobias to tho,uadlsgulsed Blot machine gam- muffler (ar tne crow or a hni celebrated the twentieth annl- bllng In South Omaha and round- the daylight solute Of a cow. Residents versary of the founding of his paptr last about villages, but he closed his eyes of Omaha's cathedral heights might be week. and Btuffed cotton in hl8 ears, m induced to fatten the pme. Tho Misses Barber aw now the publish- tho light of previous broken promises vThe Publication by Philadelphia papers Gra and editors of the Indlanola Reporter. the sheriff, pronunclamento will be ' tnm.. bachelor editor of accepted only so far as be makea maintained gorgeous apartments' for his "r"TV' good by deeds, and not by words. A stenographer, put Mrs. Keppslmah wise . " ' ,n nnt ' ,hB. ' real clean-up of all tho doubtful re- Svir'S0?-."' VJJJS u ent,Uftd t0 half h4r band's aai sorts in tho sheriff's Jurisdiction will 2nd 7i.te love brotherly ar Wf) ppln, -that a wlfe ,g tmiM tfl havo Tho Deo's unaualltled aDDroval ..... . . H hr husband's salary that she can - I Ainvnr nninv nr m.iinn.nAii. t'.i i wl ,1 n tlitt ahnrlft' mlinl. mnM nrA,1ltl ... . ... ..... I S"- """Mii5oiy io counteract tne nuoious rsputa- than his JatMceuing graft. Hon of Hoosttrdom as a resort ot ftcUon and fable. Accuracy Is Mayor Strong's While here for personal observa tlon, wo trust that Assistant Post master General Itoper will note that Omaha ought to have the headquar ters of tho postoffico Inspection di vision ot tills district Mor? than $4,000,000 of securities belonging to Nebraska companies are deposited with the state insurance de partment. There was a time not so long ago when Rome foolish people aseerted that a successful homo In HHrance company was impossible in ft tirnMiouri state like ours. Here ahd There Around the Cities To Invent even a shadow of an ex- ,ult' ,When..,ai """."'rable calls over j cuse for maintaining its "robber " ""L; rates," the Water board has had tolswers. -No; just stepped out" There- dissipate botween a sinking fund, alPon the mayor resumes his chair and hospital, to cost H00.W0. depreciation fund and a surplus fund, ou.mess procceas. 30 por cent of tho gross receipts. "We 'p?'? 1,H01' arce. who had a wo- ,,. ... , .ma 0Prt of having saved elght-nlne persons mako bold to assert that this out- tram drownlngi uead al Montgomery. rageous performance Is not dupll- N. Y., aged IS years. He had been Chicago is to have a new detention Washington provides huge stationary umbrellas for truffle policemen. Watte. Cat., has sued vaudeville comedians of Los Angeles for making cated by another munlclpal-owned awarded & mtdal by congress for brar ,okM hUrWul 10 lhe P""11 ot Wa- plant iu tho country. Many more New Tork schools Qlvernor Major ot Missouri has issued provide cheap lunehea for pupils ery. wUl this Clovelanders are urging a special vehicle tax to raise street repair funds. The engineers of the Pennsylvania rail road report that It would cost $0,000,000 to abolish all grade crossings on the sya tent. There are 1,500 grade crossings on 11,000 miles ot trackage, Motor car owners In Missouri this year will contribute $150,000 In taxes to put the state on tho good roads map. The state contributes $365,000 for the same purpose. NW York has more telephones than London, Paris and Berlin together. A glass bottlo blowing machtne In ented In Germany has a speed ot 1.000 bottles an hour, equal to the work of aa expert glassblowers. OH engine propulsion tor ocean going vessels, has reached so successful a stage that a $5,000,000 company has been organ ised in London to operate lines of freight ships of that type A London department store has a mo tor delivery wagon that has averaged 110O0 mtUa a year for more than eight years, and which apparently Is In as good condition as when purchased. The state supreme court has ruled that San Francisoo cannot permit the Musical association, a private corporation, to built on lnd owned by tha city, the pro posed I7SO.O00 municipal opera houio. Among the gifts to the kaiser's daugh- I ter at her Wedding Was a clock sent by Be Sure That the Grocer sends you these delicious crisps in the package lA sjze larger and not some substitute. Look for the name Washington CRISPS X0oT1,e BIG P"fie 1 Touted Com Flsiei 0Cs . . T . . a proclamation settlnsr ailda Auiru.t ta falL How long do you think a private and M as public holidays to be known a ClnolnnaU Is asked to raise t4.tt,SS5.W the city of Hamelln. U is made from a water company subject to public reg- Qood Road days. Every able-bodied man for expense ot city government in lslt. win casK aawed in two. The nours are nlatlftn urnttM tirtlrf mil acralnaf a .1 a. I In tho rural dlatricU of th i&im im I r I champagne corks. TH hoildt nro cork - i ... ,t ... ... lected to put In these days working on i .iJi amnm.M ...mK.. screws and the welghU aw bottles filled l.1"'" r.1 ' ' th publlo highway Krr " v " ' with champagne. tinanciat exnioit me revenues ex- William Thomas of Franklin, lnd a . . . , , K fc torted from water users after paying elvil war veteran. 1ms five sons who Megaphones re to bs-Used by ttach- all running expenses, full interest hv" "' rvee m the United states ers on noisy playgrounds in Brooklyn. and dividends on total caplUlUallon. army Two eon ar B1 wt- to raRko hn"ve. heard. "';'UBUUB w" wt Pwon. 4Un,t two ,erve)1 n Ule cfljkft arUU.ry Halley. Idaho, has Just refused to buy till lelt a BUrplUB or 30 per cent Of ant one u now enlisted in a mnkllh out for $50,000 tho private corporation all the gross recelptsT company. controUlns; iu water supply. Defer red Hope, Brooklyn Eagle, Tli e Gettysburg reunion prompts the hope that the progressive, and repub licans will walk arm in arm across the wheat fields of Armageddon In 1K2. STACK AND MACHINE COVERS Prices from 2V.0 to 8o per square foot. Special Water-Proof and JfIildewProof Cover, 4VaO per sq. ft. For Covering Hay, Binders, Etc, Etc Omaha Tent & Awning Co., 11th and Harney