THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1913. July Offers Apparel at Money Saving Price Our Outgo of Summer Ready-to-Wear is effected by decided price reduc tions. on desirable, reliable garments. Have you had your share? Suits, Dresses, Coats, Reduced. Republicans Win Fight for Discus sion of Caminctti Case. WILSON APPLIES WHITEWASH Telrsrrnm fthoira Hint Attorney dm- rrnl Ordered the Cnae Held Up Ilefore Scrtnrr "Wilson Mftde flerineiit. HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS by the lluerta government Charga Al-1 gars, of the embassy here to informed j Secretary Bryan today. It waa Bold Mr. Bryan expressed gratification at the prompt aotlon the lluerta government had given to American representations In the case as well as that of Dixon, the Immigration Inspector, shot at Juares. McDonald Is an Englishman. Blssell's chauffeur, an American, has also been ordered released. The three men were captured by - General Orozco while at tempting to take American refugees out of Parral. K. C. nrynn u Wax to Chllinnttun. Eli PASO, Tex., July ,-JMwin C. Bryan, a secret agent of the United Btatts government, left El I'nso today tot, Chihuahua City, Mex., bearing codo messages for United State Consul Ma rlon Letcher at Chihuahua, lie also carried some private mall for Mr. ttcher and corns communications from Consul T. D. Edwards In Juarez. The trip by automobile la expected to require two days. The codo messages for 'Consul Letcher are supposed to refer to Blssell am. McDonald, Americans hold In prison by the Mexican fedora! In Chihuahua. Move Torrnrd Jnnrea Not Confirmed. Fort Bliss officials had received up to noon no confirmation of the report that Francisco Villa has broken camp at Ascencton and begun to movo his rebel army In closer to Juoret. This report reached here last night Ooneral Francisco Castro, command- Ins; the Juarez garrison, received, an of ficial report from Chihuahua this morn lng that Paacuat Oroxco, with federal Irregular troops, had been started west from Chihuahua repairing the Mexican Northwestern railroad to Madera so that the Americans In the lumber town can be taken to the state capital. MNHATTAMHIRT SALE Brandeis Stores Annual Event Be gins Thursday. Yankton License Case In Court. YANKTON, a D., July .-8pecll.-i The case of Bobert J. Gordon, for the dry element, against the city of Yank ton, defendant In a saloon election con test, waa before Judge It. B. Tripp on Monday for argument and la now under advisement, with an opinion expected In a day or two that will either make the town dry or permit six saloons, now running, to continue In business. HIGHEST CLASS SHIRTS MADE There are hundreds of Omaha men who await this annual event and lay In a year's supply at these remarkabte prices. It Is the shirt sale that appeals to well dressed men and men who want full value for their money. No matter how hard you may be to satisfy, you cannot resist buying these shirts It you see them at the prices we mark them for Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. Manhattan shirts are known as the best shirts that aro made for men, The richest fabrics and the highest class workmanship characterise each shirt. The patterns and colorings aro newor and more attractive than the designs you find In ordinary shirts. beginning Thursday, the prices are all reduced! All the 11.00 Manhattan shirts will go at ii. is. All the ISt.OO Manhattan shirts will iro at All the 12.60 and 3.00 Manhattan shirts Will go at I1.U. All the 3.t0 and tJ.75 Manhattan shirts win go at 12,65. All the M.00 and tS.00 Manhattan shirts will go at j.W, Watoh Wednesday evening's papers for pariicuiara or the rare value-giving event. BRANDEIS BTOBES. . DEATH RECORD" John W. Myern. SHENANDOAH, la., July 2.-Bpeclal.) -John W. Myers, one of the earliest set. tiers in this community, died suddenly this evening, while conversing with friends on the main business street. Mr. Myers lived In Mantl long before the birth of Shenandoah, and after the now town waa founded In the fall of mi, moved his house here. Joseph . Preston. CBDAIt RAPIDS, la., July 39,-Josepli U. Preston, a prominent Iowa democrat, died today, aged 75 years. lie, was on the district bench for a number of years. IfAUM BflAC'TQ M'DEVNfll HQ fnllltU(Je " the ttement that Dlggs, Anfl itUAollJ III IlMllULlJO Camlnlttl and the Western Fuel com pany directors, being rloh or polltleally WASHINGTON, July 20.-The republi can filibuster, after paralyzing business In the house more than a week, accom plished Its purpose today when the demo crats decided to allow five hours' dis cussion of the Dlggs-Camlnettl-McNab-Mclleynolds embrogllo. Tho democrats brought In a report from the Judiciary committee on resolutions by Representative Kahn of California call ing for a telegram from the attorney general May 16, directing McNab to take no affirmative action In the Dlggs Camlnettl white slave cases until attor receiving further advices from tho aU tornoy general. The committee report set forth that the attorney general had supplied a telegram which read as follows: MoNab. United States District Attor ney, San Francisco, Cali Please wrlto me fully concerning charees aaalnst Camlnettl and Dlggs and take no affirm ative action In response of same until you receive advices from me. Answer. (Signed) McnETNOLiDS, Attorney General. Accompanying the telegram waa a memorandum showing It was sent by the attorney general personally on tho even lng of May 16. Fire Honrs Delinte. Presenting the papers the Judiciary committee recommended that tho Kahn resolution be tabled since its purpose had been accomplished. On that re port Chairman Clayton arranged for five hours' debate to allow Representative Kahn and other tlmo to discuss all cir cumstances of tho Camlnettl case. Representative Kahn pointed out that a telegram holding up the trials was sent more than a month before Secretary Wil son asked tho attorney general for delay. "Why was this telegram sent from hi hotel?" ho demanded. "Did someone powerful coukl secure delay and thus possibly defeat Justice." Representative McKellar of Tennessee, one of the democrats who steadfastly opposed dlsousslon of the case, char acterized Representative Kahn'a speech as a "political harangue" and declared that "every member Is disappointed by the failure of the gentleman from Cali fornia to produce that exposure which we all expected." The house was wast ing time spending five hours discussing so "Inconsequential a matter .of petty politics," he declared. Representative Dies of Texas called Representative Kahn to account for en gaging In a "small, Infinitesimal piece of muckraking." "It Is bad enough." said he, "when we open our committee rooms to a cheap skate like Mulhall, but now the gentle man from California wants to turn over the halls of congress and the columns of the daily press to a little scandal way out In California." Progressive Leader Murdock, assailed the condnuct of Attorney General Mo Reynolds In the Western Fuel company case, as did Representative Kelly of Penn sylvania. Denlnl br Molleynnlds, Attorney General McReynolda today Is sued a denial of published reports that he has construed the Mann white slave act In such manner that the Dlggs-Cam- Inettl cases might not be brought to trial or' that he Tiad Instructed United States attorney to confine the enforce ment of tho law to cases of commercial ized vice. "These statements are wholly Incor rect." said the attorney general. He had. ...... ' . ne said, placed no construction on tho law which would Interfere with prosecu tion of the Dlgga-CamlnltU cose get for trial August E. VIII. Our Home Ride CharterSinking Fund What is in it what is not in it what it means. One of tho weak spots In Omaha's city government up to this tlmo has been tho lack of a sinking fund, tho fund going by that name being really an Interest fund, and novor In recent years, at least, adequate to current Interest demands sure to bo made upon it. The now charter not only provides an Interest fund equal to require ments, but also creates a now and separate sinking fund to be devoted to tho redemption of maturing bonded debt. Omaha In the past has occasionally redeemed and cancelled bonded obligations, but no systematic accumula tions havo been made to take up our bonds, and the consequence has been serious Impairment of tho city's credit In the money markets, and loss of thousands upon thousands of dollars In the lower prices received for our bonds, and the higher Interest rates paid upon them. The now sinking fund Is to be made up of a tax levy, starting with not to exceed $50,000 a year, Into which is also to be covered all tho premiums and accrued Interest received on bonds sold, interest on sinking fund, In vestments and on current city deposits, unexpended balances in other funds and all the back tax collections and miscellaneous receipts, except the portion whose use Is permitted to make up the shortage of current year tax collections. The fund may be used only for redeeming or buying In terest bearing municipal obligations. It would be rnBh to venture a prediction as to what amount of bonds would bo accumulated In tho sinking fund within any period of time, but it is safe to say that the fund could not fall soon to become of substantial dimensions and prove to bo an asset of tremendous value to tho city. Bryan's Carriage is Nearly Run Down by street Car and Bus MffifflraffliHHKnnwnHninimHminiM TUXEDO MAKES WONDERFUL HIT WITH PIPE SMOKERS Publicly commended by well known Omaha business and professional men, athletes, orators and singers. In very section or tho country and every walk of life, smokers are praising Tuxedo aa tho most wonderful tobacco over produced. It la mads of tho Tory highest grade of choice mellow sweet Kentucky Hurley loaf treated by tho original "Tuxedo Process, -which removes tho ting so that It csuiaot Uto your lanzua eraua- latod so that It smokes Iroelj and tmlionuly pack tl 40 jtlpofals to tha 10c tin. Nebraska men havo boon quick to discover tho,. ww&wi i, wiu iMwuiuq ju wuuaius -UXOUO Villi II mi- dreds havo beerllly endorsed It, including many at your neighbors Jb Omaha. Mr. Frod Brodegaard, Omaha's well known jeweler, member of tho Commercial Clubhand one of the city's best known busi ness men, shares very strongly tho prevail ing opinion in Omaha that Tuxedo is by far the most satisfactory pipo tobacco made. The carefully considered endorse ment Mr. Brodegaard gives Tuxedo will carry conviction throughout Nebraska. Mr. Brodegaard says: "I find Tuxedo and a pipe a distinct aid to thought. There isn't any after effect in tho shape of tongue-bite and its mild, pleasant fragrance is beyond ques tion a soothing influence. I regard Tuxedo as part of the office equipment and indispensable in moments of relaxation." WASHINGTON, July r Secretary Bryan today faced a problem even more TVBtch the attorney genoral at his hotel I oomplleextsMl and subtle than the Japan and try to exert Insldlmi nnlltlenl mill Rnd Mexican questions when he dls In having tho cases postponed?" covered tne quarry sought by accident in- . . nurnnco solicitors as me result or. two niuicnain, I .,,. t ji . - . .... .i wub uviuenwy necessary to wnlte- I nrivina- tn ih. n.,,,.-,.-. n. ..... .V. II .1 . l - ... . " " " w ".u.o '7' "i. aw orney genera!, - BtcreUTy.a carrlage WM nftrrowIy mlMei L ? dtacu"'W eld?nt WHaon's by a ,treot car and a moment later a action In tho cose. "Why the president ,.. .itH, 'vs... ,.. . " onuuro iacrtHD SJia at ine miner It nmM.Mn In hnth ....... ,. una ume aaopi nis poucy or proceeding I cap8 waa narrow. yromiw wan mo cases passes all com- The carrisire . m-nin intn P.nni. prehension. If McNab did right in in- .. v,. .v. ..i . elstlng on the early trial of theso cases- nrn.r. .tnr.,i fun .n.-n ,.,, and both the president and tho attorney Ung poUceman saw the danger' of a col- acuviui iiuvr uuujji xi is views arm itiBiBl I Htan ..... . .num Da ,r ea prompuy ,.Hey( you ho caed (b motorman. u..u mi cuny uuie wny snouia aiciiau "stop that car, quick." ri n "n'T ' " l"lu'OU8 The motorman clapped on the air brakes, - .PM,w ucce"fur ufd t0 halting tho car within a few Inches of VL " ' v. .,: nlnd whMl th vehicle. Mr. postponement of the coses, why should I n..r,' ... ,ui. .. . ll'lTZZ1 haV8 fa"en t- t -'rectiy Tn thT Z iters of the attorney generalT" ,i.,i .k. ku -i a. "Instead vt having Ofen blamed and denly that the nossenitera were tossed conaemnea, imcimod snouia nave neon about. commenaea oy tne president of the Thrnuvhont h .m... , uni ea Biates. it me preiiaent nao esjiea tary's well known smile did not fall him on mm to witnaraw his resignation and His placidity was In striking contrast to prucrm. w,w, me irmi 01 mese cases, ne ,he agitation of the driver and the ner would have made himself infinitely Vous prostration from which the police. """"O"' euuiiirjrmon. man. motormnn nd hiia 5rlp m.rt ii ims ions; oven Deueveu ay me masses 1 1 t. mat tnsre on. mm of law for the rich The MCretary now brtn-BiK hU d, f:1 thp!St.lfl,C.!J,r",fful '? tht coun" p,omocy n1 ubtIey t0 be I TV. nnn nit n li n 1 nf law fn tYm nAnn ... . . i w . . Z, tln mauranco solicitors, and weak, The action of the department House Refuses to Look Into Charge Made by McAdoo WA8IIINQTON, July M.-Investtgatlon of Secretary McAdoo'a charges that New York bankers have organized a campaign to depress the price of government 2 per cent bonds, waa demanded in a state ment issued today by Itepresentatlve Henry, aide to the so-called Insurgent democrats on the house banking com mittee. Chairman Glass, however, declared the committee had Its hands full considering the administration currency bill and did not propose to be diverted. Ho and other members of the committee, how ever, made It plain that they shared the secretary's opinion as to the reason for the depression. "The secretary of the treasury should be summoned before the committee on banking and currency and reveal the facta to the American people as their, agent." said Henry's statement, "and the head of cervy great bank in New York should be sent for at the earliest possible moment, placed on the stand before the committee and grilled most thoroughly in order that the American people may know the exact facts about this controversy. The secretary can and doubtless will demonstrate exactly how these gentlemen manipulate the market, put up and down prices of Unlttd States bonds and control the financial destinies of the American people. in the Dlggs-Camlnettl cases and the Western Fuel company cases would soem to stamp these charges as true." MoNnli IJopn Ilrnl Service. "McNab did the country a signal ser vice when he refused to be a party to a program that would have given verlsl SIR. FRIED lirtOniMAAltD, Prominent Jeweler and Member of tho Oonnnrrcinl Club, of OMAHA. ei ail K'r.iffb'Rvmnrnrnrax' ma hivm hi ill KSSll lUattraVont art about ont'hatf tUtfral The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Famous green tin, with gold f f Ulterior, curved I tC to fit pocket w Convenient pouch inntr-lintd I" with moittur OC proof paper Glass Humidors, 50c and 90c BgL Z tor xjc j M Sizes R Fronts In. Tha ftasiax is tie newest sua. ss vet.' CBunitated wUa sweeping frost effort the Siring asa Bazamar season's ooUsx-aat. un Ska Mlaim MULHALL SAYS CLARK, MANN AND GOMPERS WEREOFFERED STORY . (Continued from Page One.) whole cloth not a word of truth In It," declared Mr. Underwood. "There never waa a question but Wilson's' selection as head of that committee solely because of his capacity and qualifications. It Is clear to me this man was down here writing these things to his people, trying to make out that ho was doing great things. He never had any conference with me. That statement in his letter can bo disproved by every member of the house ways and means committee. I ' am sure I never met this man. He has a face I could not forget. "There Is nothing here that reflects on tne," continued Ir. UnJerwbod', "but I want it set right before the country." Mnlhnll Stands rat. Mulhall reiterated he had talked with Underwood briefly In the corridor and had written to his employers "about con ditions Just as I found them in Wash ington at that tlmo." 'I have no desire to contradict Mr. Un derwood," he said, "but I am convinced thnt after he has heard my other wit ness and this examination has been ended, he will take back part of what he has sold." "The statements you made In your let ters were not true and can be proved not true by other members' of the ways and means committee," retorted Mr. Under wood, "therefore. It was .very evident I did not mako them to you." "I will stand as clean before the coun try as you will," returned Mulhall heat edly. "Oh, I have no question about how we will stand relatively before the public," replied Underwood 'with a laugh and left the committee room. Tho Incident created a flurry that had not wholly subsided when the committee settled down to the further ldentlflcalon of letters. rtond Association Meets. ATLANTIC. Ia., July 29.-SpecIal.) The newly organised orth Btar Rond association will meet in 'this city on Wednesday for'the purpose of electing a president of tho association to take the place of tho late J. A. MoWald, who3e recent death left the office vacant. They will also attend to eojmo other matters In connection with the association, chief of which will be renaming the highway, which Is to run from the Missouri river to the north Iowa lakes. 3 ALLEGED HORSE THIEF CAPTURED AT VICTOR GRINNEtXt la., July .-Special Tele- gram.)i-A man. known here as Dlckerson. alleged to be one of the gang of horse tholyea arrested at Victor this morning and brought here. He put up a stiff fight ard waa somewhat bruised before he waa subduea. Three hundred dollars wes sewed into his clothing. Blown Suit Ore Action) Office. IOWA CITY, la.. July .-(8pocJol.l- What will probably prove a basis for the twelfth suit over the directorship of school district No. 4, West Lucas township, Johnson county, took place yesterday morning when Louis Huppen- camp forced his way into the school- house and started a term of school. Nine pupils were in attendance, n. F. Cheney, rival claimant of the office of sub-di- reotor, has the keys and says he will prosecute Ruppencamp for breaking and entering. A neighborhood feud has ex. tsted for years, and the strife over the office of sub-director of the school hits already caused eleven sulfa One of these Is now pending in the district court here. Ilaltr 'rtihcil to Death. rOLLOCK, & D July .-(Spec!al.)- When a buggy In which Mrs. Willis Cranston of Pollock and her infant child were seated turned a sharp corner, it was overturned, throwing Mra Cranston and the baby to the ground. The child's head struck a sharp rock, crushing Us skull and causing Instant death. 'iutiirHiuiiujniiiiuimuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuHoi "Died of Pneumonia" is never written of those who cure coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. Guaranteed. UK and (1. Fur sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement Revised downward a u to mobile tariffsby the econom ical Ford. Many members of Congress own Ford cars purchased, not so much be cause of its surprisingly low first cost, as because of its wonderfully low cost of main tenance and its simplicity. Here's the teat: 300,000 Fords now in ser vice. Runabout $525; Touring Car $600; Town Car 800 f. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment. Got cataloguo and all particu lars from Ford Motor Company, 1910 Har ney Street, Omaha. Sss tts Xincccra TJnbrekbl9 Bttttatiolci, toa&aianoewersnus, lor Bale By FOR MEN 508-5IO SO. 16th Thos. Kilpalrick & Co. 1G07 Douglas St. AMUSEMENTS. Lake Manawa FREE CONCERTS BY Sig. Vincent Pausani's Italian Concert Band Every Afternoon and Evening Until August ath at 2:30, ; 4:30, 8:15 and 10 P. M. Remember the Concerts Ara Free. I BATHING New Bath House and Fine ' Beach. Boating Roller Skating, Dancing, Roller Coaster And Many Other Attractions. FREE MOVING PICTURES EVERY EVENING. i Reduced-rate round-trip tick" ets from Omaha for sale at down-town drug stores and cigar stores; adults 25o, chil dren 15c. j ADMISSION TO PAIIK FREE. BRANDEIS THEATER Cooled by Xcaa Air. Tonight All "Wsek. Katltlees "Wed. and Saturday. LANG In Clyde Xltoh'a Best Comedy "THE BACHELOR." Prlcsst S6o and 600. Seat "Week ''Onr "WItss." BASE BALL OMAHA, vs. WICHITA I July 80, 81 and August 1. ' KOURKE PARK Friday, Aug. 1st, Ladles' Day. Cars Irf-ave 16th and Fnrnam 2:46. Guinea Called 3 P. M. TIi original "Always Open" Xaaate & All Summer "best s MOVIES Mctores Cbangsd Sally KUV Best Ca) Jl a Time J" EVERY DAY 19 PE A TUBE DAT Moon to 11 P. : Growd Awaiting Opening of Doors at Orkin Bros. Store Monday Morning' Result of Two Page Announcement Published in The Bee Sunday