Omaha Daily Advertising Is the Voice of Trade. Talk through The Bee to yoar customer, to your competitor a oiiBtomers and to your possible customers. VOL. XLin NO. 3(i. OMAHA, WEDNKSSDAY MORNING, .JULY 30, liHJJ-TWHLVK PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Th E THE WEATHER. Fair MULHALL SAYS CLARK, GOMPERS WERE OFFERED STORY Proposal to Have Congress or Feder ation of Labor Investigate Man ufacturers Turned Sown. WILSON ALSO REFUSED LETTERS Head of Labor Committee of Houso Not Interested. UNDERWOOD CALLS MULHALL Minority Leader Says Lobbyist is a Liar and Blackmailer. DENIES HE HAD ANY INTERVIEW Mulhall Insists thnt Hp Tnlkrd rrlth Chairman In Corridor unit that the Fact Will Come Ont nt Iteariwr. WASHINGTON, July 29.-Jdartln M. Mulhall told the senate lobby committee that at one time he proposed an Investi gation of hts activities as a lobbyist for the National Association of Manufactur er to former Chairman Wilson of the labor committee. Speaker Clark and Re publican Leader Mann and that all turned down his proposal. Mulhall testified he made his proposal to Wilson, now secretary of labor, per sonally and to Clark and Mann In a letter through Representative McDermott of ttUnols. He testified he had offered his correspondence to Samuel Gorapers, t president of the American Federation of Lubor and that Gompers had declined. "Were the letters or their substance laid before Mr. Wilson?" asked Senator Walsh. "1 gave Mr. Wilson an understanding of what I had," repUed Mulhall. Didn't Wnnt It to Come Up. Speaker Clark and Mr. Mann. Mulhall said, would not have the matter "come up." "Did you have a talk with either?" Risked Senator Cummins. "No, sir." "Did you offer to soil them to Gom pers?" "No I offered to give them." Mulhall went briefly Into the story of Ills separation from the National Associa tion of Manufacturers late In Mil. Ho disagreed with his superiors about his participation In the campaign In Maine, in - which, he swore, tho United StateB Brew ers association had paid hla expenses. Ills resignation followed a rebuke by the executive board of manufacturers. The manufacturers, he said, wanted to keep out of liquor fights. Mulhall explained he thought Watson wis trjtng to get his place with the, manufacturers and that Congressman Llttlefjekl was Instrumental V'eventiTle'adlng Up to hls'rcslguatlom Underwood Uses Ilnrsli Ttrmi. Majority Leader O. W. Underwood, of the house, today denounced Martin M. Mulhall, alleged lobbist for the National Association of Manufacturers, as "a liar and a blackmailer." Mr. Underwood ap peared, before the senate lobby committee to deny that Mulhall had ever talked to him about legislation before congress. After one look at the witness he sold: "I never saw him before In my life." "I think," said the majority leader, "that It Is In tho interest of tho public that a man who has taken liberties with public men, as this man has, should be contradicted. I regard a man of this kind as a blackmailer. That man has never been In the ways and means committee room since r have been chair man. He may have had conversations -with me, but when he says he had an Interview, I want to say that statement is a lie. ' Mr. Underwood appeared unexpectedly 'and mude a brief statement before he was sworn. Ho denounced as false Mulhall's statement that an employe of the ways and means committee had been In his employ. According to Mulhall's earlier testimony, the man was paid $20 a month. "You made the statement that this man was a blackmailer; that means he used threats to extort money," said Senator Reed. "I think he was trying to get money out of his own people," returned Mr. Underwood. Chairman Underwood read Mulhall's letter about ' the alleged Interview In which Mulhall wrote that Underwood had told him that he could not do other wise than appoint William B, Wilson, now secretary of labor, chairman of tho house labor committee because there was. no other candidate betore the ways and means committee. "That whole statement Is a lie, out of (Continued on Page Two.) The National Capital Tneaduy, July 20, 101U. The Senate. Resumed discussion of the tariff bill. Democratic House Leader Underwood before lobby Investigating committee de clared Martin M. Mulhall to be a "liar and blackmailer." Foreign relations committee discussed Nicaragua protectorate treaty. Senators Rorah and Clarke taking prouounced stand against policy Involved. Senator Brandegee asked for passage of Joint resolution fixing date when new duties on wool and woolen products shall K" Into effect. "" On motion of Senator Galltnger the senate struck from the Congressional Record an article put In by Senator Till man and which Senator Galllnser char sctt'iized aa an Insu t to no thern women. The president subm'tted seve al nomina tions tor confirmation. Senator Johnston of Alabama Introduced a resolution offering $100,000 reward for tho dlseovery of an nsentto destroy the boll weevtl. Senator Sterling spoke against the tar iff bill. The Ilmmr. Representative HenrV In statement de manded Investigation of charges that New York bankers had organized to de preciate price of government 2 per cent bonds. Filibuster of Republican Leader Mann ended and debate on Camenlttl-Dlggs white slavo -tie -jolutlon be van. Representative Stevens of Texas Intro duced a resolut'on for a cnsrr s'lt na' committee or ten to Investigate Mexican conditions. Rebellion Against Republic of China Spreads to Hu-Nan PEKING, China. July . The province of Hu-Nan seceded from the Peking gov ernment on July 35, according to a consu lar report Just received here. The strength of the Hu-Nan forces at present on the bonier of tho province of Huh. PMi Is variously reported at from 1,600 to 8,000 men. General Ltcun-Heng, vice president of the republic, who is conducting opera tion In centml China from Wu-Chang, declared recently thnt his forces were capable of dealing with the revolt In both Ktang-Sl and Hu-Nan, but today's re ports announce the defection of a small body of troops on the Han river above Wu-Chang. It Is Impossible to draw a border line between the rebellions of the loyal prov inces, for many cities In the rebel prov inces declare themselves loyal and some of the cities In the loyal provinces have gone over to the rebels. It Is known, however, that Important rebel forces are operating In the provinces of Klang-Su, Klang-SI, Ngan-Hwel, Hu-Nnn, Go-Klen and Kwang-Tung. Four of the southern provinces, Kwel- Chow, Kwang-Si, Yung-Nan and Che Ktang, although surrounded by secoders, remain loyal, but Ho-Nan, In the north, I Is bolieved to bo loyal only because of Its geographical position. In the meantime active hostilities con tinue on borders of Mongolia and Tibet and also In the westernmost provlnco of Slh-Klang or Chinese Turkestan. Democrats Prepare to Demote Veterans in Pension Bureau WASHINGTON. July 29.-A sharp fight In congress Is threatened as the result of all alleged demotions In the penMon bureau. In which many old soldiers are said to have been the sufferers. Repre sentative Austin of Tennessee has of fered a resolution In the house calling on Secretary Lane of the Interior department for Information concerning the alleged shakeup, and especially as to whether civil service rules are being violated. The activity of tho republicans Is said to be based on the report that when Pension Commissioner Saltzgaber returns to his post there wilf be further and more sweeping changes Acting Commissioner Tllman Is reported as saying that. In the general reorganization, employes with democratic affiliations and beliefs will be given preference on the ground that a working force In sympathy with the ad ministration Is necessary to satisfactory work. Denial was made by Mr. Tieman, how ever, that political faith would be the prime requisite. Personal worth and of ficial record of secvlco, he said, would likewise carry weight. Thus-far the matter has not been taken before the cvlc service commission. John A. juclllhenny, president of the com mission, ' declared that no "representations' had been made to him. Price of Corn Rises 2 Cents on Reports of Drouth Damage CHICAGO, July 29. Sensational lower ing of crop estimates owing to damage from drouth and heat, brought about a rush of buying today In the oorn trade. The result was to put up prices 2 , cents a bushel. Profit taking by holders caused no Important setback, the market absorbing all offerings in a manner that seemed almost ravenous. All hope of 3,000,000,000 bushels of corn this season appeared to have been abandoned. Instead, experts talked of 2.675,000,000 bushels to 2,700,000,000 bushels, with a possibility of a drop to as short a total as 2,500.000,000 bushels. Excited purchasing carried prices yet higher before the final gong cleared the brokers from the pit, which had been crowded throughout the day. The sharp est advance was In the December option, which at one time showed a net advance of J!i33c a bushel, at 63g63Kc The close for December, however, was at 62Ho. Jewett Bound Over On Charge of Murder BLAIR. Neb., July 20.-(Special Tele gramsFollowing his preliminary exami nation today on the charge of murdering the Infant child, whose body was found at Arlington, July 10, George Jewett of Omaha, was bound over to the district court today. It has not yet been deter mined whether Jewett can furnish suffici ent bond to secure his freedom pending trial. OPERATORS ON NORTHERN PACIFIC FAVOR STRIKE ST. PAL' July 2D. Returns on the strike vote by tho operators of the North em Pacific railroad Indicate between 90 and 95 per cent favor a strike, accord ing to the statement of union officials here today. The men are asking increased wages and Improved working conditions. No action will be takm by the operators until final results are received, which probably will be by Thursday. TEN POLICEWOMEN ARE APPOINTED IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, July 29. Women police for Chicago were assured last night, when the council passed an ordinance creating places for them on the force. Mayor Harrison will at once name ten patrol women for duty at the beaches, dance halls and other places where It Is be lieved they will be more efficient than men. J. S. B0AK WILL AGAIN HEAD PACIFIC WOODMEN COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., July 23. The re-election of the present officers of the order, headed by I. I. Boak of Denver, head consul, was forecasted at the sec ond session today of the eleventh tri ennial convention of the Pacific Jurisdic tion of the Woodmen of the World, In section here. MARVIN MADE READ OF WEATHER BUREAU Chief of Instrument Division Nomi nated to Succeed Willis L. Moore. IN DEPARTMENT MANY YEARS Appointed to Old Signal Service from Ohio in 1884. HAS WRITTEN EXTENSIVELY Inventor of Many Instruments Used by the Bureau. SERVICE IS TO BE REORGANIZED More Attention In to lie Paid to Fore cast ns They 3Iy Affect the General FnrmltiH' Con dition. WASHINGTON. July 29.-Prestdcnt Wilson todny nominated Charles F. Mar vin an chief of the weather bureau to succeed Willis 1 Moore, recently re- moved. Prof. Marvin is now chief of the ' I . .1 J . . I ..t .. IT ...... ........ I ... to tho old signal service In 1SS4 from Ohio. Professor Marvl't was born at Colum bus, Ohlo, and was educated In tho pub lic schools there and at the Ohio State university. Ho came to Washington In 1884 and entered the government service In what was then known as tho signal service, since renamed the weather bureau. He became Dead of the Instru ment division of the bureau In 18S8, which position he has since held. Store Attention to Crops. Under the new chief more attention will be paid to weather reports and fore casts as they affect or are likely to Rf feet agriculture and general farming con ditions throughout the country. Other changes aro to be mado In the bureau, but Secretary Houston was not ready to announce them. Prof. Marvin Is tho Inventor of many In struments used by the bureau. He haj represented tho Department of Agrlcul turo at a number of meteorological con greases and has written extensively on the subject of weather Investigations. He has conducted experiments on which aro based the tables used by the weather bureau for detcrmtnpg tho amount of moisture In the air. NEW WBAT1IKII MAN PL12AS1SB Forecaster Welsh Say He Is Quite Competent for Position. Colonel L. A. Welsh, local weather fore caster, when told of the appointment of Charles F. Marvin to the office of chief of the weather bureau was highly elated and said: "Mr. Marvin and I are per sonal,, friends. ( He Is a graduate of tj0 same 'university! am and Is one of the besrr-lfnot' the best-fitted man for tho office In tho department. "Heretofore we have had professors 6f colleges' appointed to the office of chief and their theories neyer amounted to anything. Mr. Marvin, however, has been In the service ever since It started and Is an Intensely practical man. That is Just the kind of a man wo want for chief. A great many of us have been sitting on the anxious seat, fearing that an Incom petent man .would be appointed. Rut now I am greatly pleased with tho selec tion of Mr. Marvin." Atterbury and Smith Named as Arbitrators For Eastern Roads NEW YORK, July 29. W. W. Atter bury, vice president of tho Pennsylvania railroad, and A. H. Smith, vice presi dent of the New York Central and Hud son River Railroad company, were ap pointed this afternoon by forty-two east ern railroads as arbitrators to represent them In proceedings to settle the train men's demands under tho Newlands act Amendment to the Krdiuun law. Messrs. Atterbury and Smith will meet within a few days the arbitrators selected by tho trainmen and conductors, Lucius W. Sheppard and Daniel L. Cease. The fcur arbitrators will have fifteen dayn to select two more. Bhuuld they fall to agree on the fifth and sixth arbitrators, the federal board of mediation and con ciliation will appoint them. The full board of arbitrators will have forty-five days In which to make an award. Girls in Y, W. 0, A. Camp in Revolt Against Skirts LA CROSSE, Wis., July 29. Uloomers, which twenty-five girls In the Young Women's Christian association camp at Rlvervlew, Just north of here, have worn as their preferred camp attire, have been ordered suppressed by the chaperon, Miss Bertha Hoefke. Because of tho constantly passing stream of motor boats and steamers, this dress Is de clared to be Immodeet and the girls are ordered to wear skirts In the future. The young women, who find the bloomers more convenient than hobble skirts for hill climbing and rambling through the grass and bushes, are In revolt against the order, but have been told they will have to wear skirts or leave the camp. WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH IN NEW YORK'S CHINATOWN NEW YORK. July 29.-One of the ram shackle tenements ot Chinatown proved to be a trap In which the white wife of a Chinaman burned to death and from which several other persons were taken seriously burned, during a fire early this morning. A number of persons were In the house when the fire broke out know ing nothing ot their peril until aroused by the police and fireman. Mrs. Steven Lee, 2S years old, wan found fatally burned, and her Chinese husband ami a white girl named Fannie Miller, In the same room with Mrs. Lee, may also die from burns received before the firemen reached them. There were a nurnter of spectacular rescue which a large throng ot Chinese slghtseeers witnessed. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. FIRE COMPANIES FILE REPLY State of Missouri is Assured that There is No Combination. CLAIM RIGHT TO QUIT BUSINESS Answer to Suit Says It Is Not Possi ble for Any Company to Deter mine Rates for All Kinds of IlUka. JEFFKRSON CITY. Mo.. July 29.-More than 100 fire Insurance companies filed In the state uupreme court today their answer to quo warranto proceedings In stituted by the attorney general, Tho companies denied that they had conspired to leuvo tho state and said their with drawals wero Individual. The answers, of which more than twenty wore filed, but all in substantially the same form, deny that the companies have entered Into any combination to cripple the financial credit of Missouri or to deny the people of tho stato tho right to protect their property by Insurance The companies inslat, however, that they have tho right to cease writing In surance In Missouri whenever thoy deem proper. Tho companies claim that to deny them the tight to cease doing business In the state or to punish them for their deter mination to ceaso business whether act ing individually or In concert. Is to' deny .to the companies the equal protection of the laws secured by the fourteenth amendment' to the federal constitution. The companies also deny that they oyer Contemplated cancelling policies now In effect. The answers go Into detailed dis cussion of tho Orr Insurance law, tho pas sage of which by the last legislature Im pelled them to withdraw from the state. Orr Lim Attacked. This lav. It Is stated, prohibited the use of the same rate by two or more componles, for the use of tne same rate by two or more companies was mado prima fade evidence of a felonious agree ment to fix and maintain such rate. "The Insurance business Is of such a nature," continues tho answers, "that It Is not reasonably possiblo for ono com pany to determine for Itsolf what aro proper rates for all classes of risks, and It Is efsontlal thnt each company avail Itself to th utmost of the experlenco of all concerned In the business of lnsurunce to Inform Itself of the various matters which go to determine the extent of haz ard of lots by fire. "Often the Insuranco on the same prop erty is divided among many companies and so rates of Insurance tend toward a level and are generally tho same with all companies as to tho same class of risks, the companies fixing such rates without any agreement between them to maintain tho same." After a conference between Governor Maor, Attornoy General Parker nnd Vice President Humsey of an eastern Insur ance company, It was reported that a settlement of the fire Insurance contro versy had been agreed on. Mr. Barker said that if the companies resumed busi ness in Missouri and obeyed the lawB he would dismiss nil litigation pending against them In the supremo court. He said that ho had not been asked by Mr. Rumsey, who represented nine com panies, to sign an agreement and that he would not sign any and declared that neither Governor Maor nor himself hud promlsced anything to the companies that nad not been promised heretofore. Last Railroad Intq, Sofia is Interrupted; Famine is Imminent BELGRADK, Servia. July 20. The in vestment of Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, Is complete, the last connecting link of the railway having been out by Servian troops. The Bulgarian forces concentrated In Sofia aa well as the Inhabitants of the capital are threatened with famine ami the Bulgarian, government has askod Rumania to consent to the' opening of tho railroad line running from Varna on the Black sea to Sofia in order that pro visions may be brought Into the city. It is expected that Rumania will consent to this arrangement. EMPLOYES OF COFFEE FIRMGIVEN BEQUESTS CHICAOO, July 29. One hundred nnd .fifty employes of a coffee firm with of fices at Boston, Montreal and Chicago will receive 1360,000 under the 'will of Charles D. Hies, senior member ot the family, which was probated yesterday. Requests range from fJ00 to 2,000, every employe who has been with the com pany for a year receiving at least the smaller sums. Widows of five travelling talesmen will receive H.W euctv The Price of Speed More Pumps Started, Troops Guard Men Operating Them CALUMKT, Mich, July 29.-Moro mine pumps started today on the shafts closed by tho coppor miners strike, with state' troops guarding tho non-union employes. Tho significant operations of this sort occurred nt two of tho conglomeratic lodo working of tho Calumet & Hccla company in tho heart of tho district. It was In these mines that water had risen rnpldly nnd It wns tho hope ot the union to keep tho pumps Idle, because ot the character of the ore deposits and the knowledge thnt when the corporation most affected by the strike attempted to resume It would begin its activities at these shafts. Men were scut Into the shaft houses under oover of darkness. By daylight they had the machinery ready to low.fc' tho 300 feet of water which had accumu lated In tho bottom of the workings. Co incident with his work several commands of mtlltta were ordered to the neighbor hood ostenlsbly to maneuver In iv big field near the mines. Brigade headquarters were mystified to day by a telephone message from John ITeptfng, sheriff ot Keweenaw count, who asked General Abbey to withdraw troops from his Jurisdiction. The shorift imd hq had not requested that soldiers bo snt-lnto-the county, -but merely thnt thoy be plAced near tho Houghton county line that they might be available It called for. The sheriff said there were no dis turbances In his Jurisdiction. LANSING, Mich., Jgly 29,-As a result of the conference todny with "Vice Presi dent C. 15. Muhoncy of tho Western Fed eration of Miners nnd Attorney A. W. Kerr of Calumet, counsel for tho striking coppor miners, Governor Ferris will prob ably take action tonight or tomorrow to. ward bringing representatives of the min ing companies and the workmen together for a meeting In tho executlvo office In the hope of settling the labor dUputc In tho upper peninsula. Germans Protest Against Proposed Tariff on Books WASHINGTON, July 29.-Gcrmon so cieties throughout tho United States have sent protests to congress and to Presi dent Wilson against tho proposed duty of 15 par cent on foreign books. German books aro now on tho free list, but would bo subjected to the 15 per cent tux under the tariff bill now pending In tho senate. Tho German organizations declare the proposed duty would bo a tax on "scien tific and literary progress," President Wilson has taken a similar position as to tho duty on books In foreign languages, particularly those ot an educational or scientific churcater. Dr. C. J. Hexamor of Philadelphia, presi dent of tho National German alliance and the presidents of state branches of tho nllluuce have forwarded strong pro tests against the duty to the tariff lcud ers In both branches of congress. BRITISH LIEUTENANT CHARGED WITH THEFT NEW YORK, July 29, A man describ ing himself aa Alexander L. Froot, formerly ' a second lieutenant In the Urltiuti army and a graduate of tho Royal Artillery school and Woodwtch Is under arrest as an alleged snatch thief who has made many of tho summer students at Columbia university his vic tims. He was caught yesterday by a number of students and instructors who pursued him across the university grounds after the alleged theft ot a pocketbook from a student while at work In the drafting room In Avery hall. The police found the missing pocketbook on his per son and also a number of parlor car checks showing that he had made nu merous trips from New York to New Haven and Cambridge, and they say that his description tallies with that given ot a man who has operated at Harvard and Yale. The police declare that he Is on record as having been sen tenced last August to six months In the workhouse for stealing at one of the Young Men's Christian association build lugs here. RUMOR OF CATASTROPHE AT LIMA, PERU, DENIED LIMA, Peru, July 29. There Is no truth In tho reports current In Europe and America of a catastrophe In tills city. There has been no extraordinary occur rence of any kind. The rumors probably arose from the fact that telegraphlo com munication between hero and Santiago, Chile, Is Interrupted. WADLEIGH SUCCEEDS LOMAX Pnnnm. Pano-nr Wen,! of Western v" -"& PacifiO, With Uenver UlIlCC. HEADQUARTERS LEAVE COAST Combined with Denver A Illo Urnndp l.ouiax Remain In Pan Francisco as (Srnernl Agent of thp Two Lines. SAN FRANCISCO. July 29.-Spectal.)- Thls city virtually lnss and Denver gojni tho headquarters of tho Western Pacific railroad, under tho reorganized Gould proprietorship and management, Botli the passenger nnd freight traffic managers, who have had their offices In San Francisco." are to bo transferred to Colorado. is, i... j.,omax, lormcny general imnscn- ger ugent of tho Union l'acino ana one or. tho best known passenger officials in tho country, who has held the position of Irnfflo passenger manager, will remain In Ban Frnnelsco ns general western nnont for tho Western Pacific and Den- r uio uranuc, wnose inieresis urn combined under the now arrangement. V. D. Wadlclgh will bo tho now. trnfflo tercBtcd ,n .justing the differences be passenger munagor nt Denver. tween rouow,tg qt Huerta and Car. San Francisco railroad circles, whllo . W(rjl l,.Pllmnl.i i n-rsuadlne! greatly disappointed at this change In headquorters, are pleased nt tho roten- lion oi mr. jomax uSre. ,in com,.ii;,,o lw aiv,,lM7' - land, whore hu had been for more than twenty years, was regarded ns a notablo ncqulsttlon to tho local colony ot prominent railroad men nnd he hna been ono of the most popular ever since. Gems Stolen from Home of Daughter of Late E, H. Harriman NE3W YORK.July 29. Ooms valued at $75,000, Including a rope of pearls worth cuinstancos would rocognlze his regtma ICO.OOO, were stolon from tho homo of and to extricate Mexico from Its fl C. C. Rusmsey at Narrngansott Plor dur- nanolal straits, It 1 necessary to estabi Ing tho twenty-four hours ending Sunday lileht. Mrs. Rumsey was a daughter of the late B. H. Harrlman. Tho thsft was mado known toduy. The ropo of pearls was given to Mrs Rumsey by her mother and had a sent! mental vuluo far In excess of Its In trinsic worth. Other Jewels stolen, ac- f-nrrltnir tn ft ntnttmient liifliiftd at the offlco ot tho Harriman estate In this city, includo tho following: Ruby and pourl pendant. Gold pin, sot with magnificent ruby solitaire. Diamond brooch. Gold mesh bag. Mrs. Rumsoy'a home woe entred be tween 8 u. in. Saturday and tho same hour Sunday. Only tho contents of one room, that usually occupied by Humsey, wero disturbed. Mrs. Wealthy Banker "Pivirrl fnit A rinn iil JL 1JJ.CU J.U1 XlOOCbLUU FAIRBURY, Neb., July 29.-(8pocia relegram.l-Luthcr Bonham, wealthy hankcr, was found guilty of anrMU nnd buttery on Otis O. wollnce, n traveling gaiecmun oi huh euy, anu uneu i uy Judge C. C. Boyle in county court. Mr. Bonham, who is well known In this sec tion of Nebraska, sayH ho will appeal to district court. Ho formerly wns a mem ber of the lower houso of tho legisla. turo. Mr. Wallace testified that Mr, Bonham came to his hotel and asked him to tako n walk. They went to tlie First National Bnnk building. Mr. Wallace asuertea that Mr. Bonham asked him to sign Homo papers nnd that when he refused he re- , celvtd a beating. Ho told the court that ' he bled profusely and that Iaauo Bonham compelled 1)1 m to wash off the bood be- i fore leaving the bank. ! Dr. Warren Perry told of caring for' Wallace's Injuries and other witnesses corroborated his story. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF KOLLER'S APPOINTMENT IS RECEIVED Official notice of the appointment of E. F. Koller to the position of assistant general manager of the Burlington lines west of the Missouri river has Just ar- j rived. He assumes nis new uuues August 1. Tho appointment of Mr. Kollor was made public by Tha Bee two weeks ago and since them he has been spending most of his time In Omaha. Ho has pur chased a home In Dundee and hla family Is now there. Mr. Koller Is In Chloago, but will bo back the lust ot the week, when ho wilt relieve General Manager Holdrego ot part of his duties, which have grown too heavy for one man to perform. MEXICAN SITUATION TO BE INVESTIGATED IT Mr. Stephens Introduces Resolution for Inquiry by Five Senators and Five Representatives. LIKE RESOLUTION IN SENATE Question of Recognition; of Belliger ents is Raised. PLAN FOR NEW GOVERNMENT Leading Citizens Expect to Induce Huerta to Resign. NO MOVE FOR TWO WEEKS .N'cvr Administration Will lie It ceo s;- nlsrd lr United States nnil This Will Hrlp Ont the Finan cial Tannic. WASHINGTON, July 30. -Investigation ot conditions In Mexico by a Joint con gressional rommlttco was proposed in r resolution by Representative Btcphcns ot Texas. Five senators and five repre sentatives would examine all diplomatic) correspondence and other documents re lating to the situation. "Tho committee shall consider," said the resolution, "tho question of our rela tions with Mexico growing out of tho PrMcnt dOtu'-bed condition, of that coun- try. Tho rommlttco shall report with ai llttlo delay as possiblo the true condition In Moxlco, protection given Americana nnd American Interests, the truth re garding mo wrongs anu atrocities wnicn ' u 10 mo anuwieusu ui uui uuuy, through official sources and any other facts relating to this matter. The com mittee will with ns llttlo delay as possi ble recommend what action shall be taken by congress." Representative Stephens said that ho had not consulted Secretary Bryan or President Wilson about hla resolution. Senator Shoppard of Texas today Intro- ducod a resolution asking tho foreign re- ,itlons committee to odvlso the senate IC tjl0 belllgoronts In Mexico should bo formnlly recognized by tho United States. Huerta Mar Resign. president Wilson hart no announcement to mako today about the policy tho United would nnrsuo toward Moxlco. but . there Is every reason to bollevo no steps wm uo lnUe by this country pending tho outcomo of the plans being laid by lead ,M MMoan, to brnR ut pcace, Thn rael thnt of tha mediators In. j,orrlrlo Doa to abdicate. Is encouraging ,.,..- . ,nt..u ,i.h -Mir.n affair ,o be,(eva. Umt thclr fort8 roay bring Uhoiit the reelgnatlon of President Hu- crta. While tho Mexicans who are taking; n n nctlve part In the plans doollne to permit tho usa of thalr names at thlft tlmo, thoy huve proceeded to the point of Informing Secretary Bryan what they have In mind. No developments are ex pected for at least a fortnight, during which tlio administration hero will keen In closo touch with negotiations. New Administration I'rnlinlile. Tho argument tlie Mexicans are said to be planning to place beforo Huorta s that tho United States under no ctr- lish a now administration ana oDtrurt tho recognition of tho American govorn- mcnt. If President Huerta were wllllnd to i abdicate, men acceptable to him aa woll a tho constitutionalists have been tentatively selected from whom a suc cossor would bo named. Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson una iinthlnir to say today about the develop monts on tho situation generally, no had not decided when he would leave for his vacation. Although tho senate foreign relationa committee met today, Ambassador Wil son was not Invited to appear. Improved railroad facilities aro re ported In today's State department dlsi patches, which say the first train from Laredo. Tex.. In four months and ten duys has arrived at Monterey with pH sengers and mall. Trains also are run ning from Monterey to Laredo. Consul Miller at Tampico reports Frederlcos of Los Angeles safe In Vic- torla. ns are Mrs. J. M. Gonzales In Ufnntnrov and P. B. Holaday in Tampico. lllssell nnd MeDonnld Released. Charles Blssell and Bernard MoDonald, tha two ,nna managers, held by Mox- loan federals under sentenco of death at Chihuahua, have been ordered released The Real Trade-Mark And how mauy millions oC saloa ouch day result from newspaper advertising? The thought Is stupendous In Its far-reaching Importance. Tho nowspaper brings tho manufacturer's wares to public attention; It brings tho cus tomer to the store, and It causes tho store to sell to tho customer. Without the newspaper there would be no buyer, and with no buyer, naturally no trade. So you seo what a force the newspaper Is In making up the elements of a bargain. When you pick up your copy of THE BEE and read over the ad vertisements give this subject thought. Note how close THE DEB brlnga you to the hot weather offerings ot the different mer chants. Note how THE BEE alda in re ducing the high cost of living; how It brings aomforts for body and home within your easy reaclu And while this newspaper aids you It also helps the mer chant, for advertising helps him sell his goods. COMMITTEE