TIIK UKK: OMAHA, Tl IvSDAV, .IT I A" 2P, CI Nebraska. CAMP TO BE HEAR TOWN Adjutant General Hall Locates it Near Waterloo. - t CHANGES ORIGINAL PLAN N'o Clemency Will lip lilvrn Jnmen E. Keller, Sent Up from lMntte County an Charge of Mnnlrri (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 2S.-(Speclal.)-Ail1utant General Hall, after making an InvcstU gatlon of the camp grounds which had been located five miles south of Water loo for tho maneuvers of the Nebraska guard next month, has concluded to cnange tho .same and they will be lo cated only a quarter of a mile from Wa tcrloo, Just north of the city where there. Is plenty of shade alohg the river ana Sood fishing1. He camo to the conclusion that after t three days' hike Betting to fas camp ground and participating In the maneu- V,- ihui liKJ lUJ o nuuiu UllCI ulc elate the. camping If they did not have to make a walk of ten miles to and from '.own whenevy they wanted to buy goods ihat wero not kept In the regular bill ot tare of camp life. So Clemency for Kelley. There will bo no clemency given to lames E. Kelley, who has applied to tho pardon board for a pardon. Kelley was sent up from Platte county for hav tng killed Anton Snowden at Creatuu In ISM and was given twenty years In tht penitentiary. He makes his pleadings for a commu tation ot sentence or pardon on the grounds that he Is EO yeitra of age, and not In good health, and that he hat lerved sufficient time to pay for. thb crime. At the trial he steadfastly main tained that he was not guilty of the crime. Money In Ilellef Fund, According to u report made by Secre tary Whltten of the Lincoln Commercial Mllti thrtrA 4a 1M7 ll mmnlnltic Iti hil hands subscribed to the fund for the re- 11. t .,...... -I.??.. u 1 ft . Bn.tn0 There has been J1.101.7S disbursed of thb 11,(03.14 subscribed. Pavement (u Fair Gate. Work is being pushed rapidly on the raving of Seventeenth street from the main street of the city to the fair grounds. The heavy rain ot last night has softened the ground which was nearly as hard as Iron, so that the work tan bo pushed much more rapidly this week.Laylng of tho brick paving will begin (oday at tho fair ground entrance and some ot the curbing already laid will' be continued. INSURANCE BOARD FINDS MORE SECURITIES IN SAFE Iffrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 28. (Special.) The rep resentatives of the new Insurance board and those of Auditor W. B. Howard have finished checking up the securities on de posit by Insurance companies which dis close that, there are S4.2S&S99.64 In the hands of tho state, having Increased since May 1 from $3,913,761. Following Is shown, the list now In tho hands of tho board: Hankere Life, Lincoln t JM.000.00 Bankers Reserve Lire, Omaha 104,700.00 Commonwealth Life Omaha.... 123.600.00 airman American Life, Omaha 234,000.00 Midwest Life, Lincoln 192,753.00 Security Mutual Life, Lincoln,. 729.221.15 Central National Life. Lincoln. 111.11S.14 Columbia Life, Fremon 25,400.00 Hlkhorn Lire and Accident Co., Norfolk S8.000.00 Guarantee Fund Life. Omaha.. 645,837.50 Scandinavian Mutual Aid Aa- EEOClatlon. Mtnden 4.200.00 Royal Highlanders, Aurora.... 1,297,100.00 Lion Bonding and Surety Co., "J Omaha ' 2,000.06 Lincoln Accident, Lincoln 4.000.00 National Accident, Lincoln.... 18,850.00 Western Indemnity, Omaha.... 3,000.00 Woodman Accident Association, National maellty ana eras., Omaha 201,962.75 American Accident, Lincoln-... 92,195.00 Old " Line Accident Lincoln r , i -r I m . it I ha CAA M .rrfline ijiie. u.imun jvi.wv.w fnton Accident. Lincoln 10,005.00 Totals. ,.Sm. H296.899.54 STATE FULL OF FLOWERS, DECLARES HENDERSON (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, July 28.-(8peclaL)-"Ne-braska Is full of flowers and beautiful things: We do not need to go to Cali fornia or any other state for climate. We hare the beauties of nature right here In our 6wn state." So declares Lewis Henderson' of Omaha, superintendent of the floral display at the. Nebraska state fair. He Is working to make an exhibit In Lincoln, Septemboi 1 to 6, which will convince people that Nebraska can be made one of the most beaautlful states In the union from the standpoint of floral products. "The styles and fashions In flower haye taken an upward' trend," he de clares. "It takes more skill and more money to produce them." i - Notes from Ouldr nook. GUIDE ROCK, Neb., July 2S.-(Speclal.) At a special meeting of the voters of the Guide Rock school district held Frt day It was decided to hold an election to vote bonds for a new school building. Out of the forty'three prominent citizens present si ine meeting iony votea in favor of a new building and only three tgalnst. A deputy state game warden landed In town one day lost week and pounced upon the fishermen who were taking advantage of the excellent fishing furnished by the low water. A number of men were brought into Justice Colvln'a court and fined heavily. The heaviest fine, amount ing to 190, was paid by a citizen of law- abiding tendencies who does not usually Indulge In the sport. Shortly after the game warden had sold the fish captured to the local butcher, he, himself, was hauled Into court and fined flO for ex pectorating on the sidewalk. The Guide Rock Chautauqua " opens August 20. Some excellent talent has been provided. Mr. L. E. Hunt Is president ot the association and Dr. L A. Faca Is secretary. i nln AVbeat Crop In Dodse. NORTH BEND, Neb.. July 28--(Spe-clal.) An Immense harvest of grain has been taken care of In Dodge county, the yield being heavy and the quality of the ....... Buvu. n. icw turners nave mresncu their shocked grain. Wheat la yielding about forty bushels an acre, but- some farmers are clearing sixty bushels per acre. Haying Is now la progress, with a large acreage to ty cut The Persistent and Judicious Vc of Newspaper Advertising Is the Rpad to Uuiictss Success Nebraska, BOY SCOUT IS INJURED ON INITIAL EXPEDITION PLATTSMOtTH. Neb., July S.-(Spe-clal.)-Hnrry Spoct. while out with tho Doy Scouts yesterday on a hike, swung on a grapevine, which pulled loose, pre clpltatlng him over a thirty-foot bank, with the result that his right shoulder was dislocated, and numerous other In juries compelled the other members of tho hlklns patty to carry him home. The Boy Sc-tuts have but recently been organized here and a fccout leader, Mr. McLatfcrty of Omaha. mgaged. Among other things tho boys found a grapevlno which hung from a tree temptingly, and on this tthey swung. When Harry Speck's turn came to swing he swung away out over the edge of a high bank, when the vine pulled looso. The boys, true to their training, stripped their shirts and with two poles Improvised a stretcher on which thc' essayed to carry their comrade, but the poles used for the sides of the stretcher were so close together that they could not carry him on It. Mr. MoLaffcry carried the injured boy most of tho way to town, which was two miles. RAINFALL BRINGS RELIEF FROM LONG DRY SPELL OHIOWA, Neb., July 28. (Special.) An Inch ot raln.here last night and early this morning broke tho existing drouth for this locality. BRAD8HAW, Neb., July 28. (8peclol.) This section was visited Hst night by 1.10 Inches of rainfall. XevTN Noten of Bilnnr. EDGAR, Neb., July 28. (Special.) A heavy electrical storm passed over this port of Nebraska last night and broke a drouth ot sixty-four days, during which time the precipitation did not-exceed one inch. The weather has been excessively hot and dry all through Juy and most of Juno, with only five or six cool days. The precipitation last night amounted to .62 Inch. Mrs. J. G. Graham, ono of the old settlers of thin vlnolnlty, died at the home of her son. William Graham ot Regan, Neb., July 25, at tho age ol almost 79 years. Tho body was brought to ICdgur for Interment and tho fu neral held at the Methodist Episcopal church Saturday afternoon, July 215. She was the widow of an old soldier, John G. Graham, who died In 1899. Notes from Beatrice. ( BEATRICE, Neb., July 2S. (Speclal.) "Tho Bchenberger Home for Old People of the Platte River Conferenco of the United Evangelical Church" ha filed articles of Incorporation with the county clerk. The home will be located at-Blue Springs, and the Incorporators are Adam Schenberger and Samuel B. Diller of Blue Springs and M. T. Maze of Lincoln. Ben Schneider of Norfolk, a former Beatrice, boy, has Invented a package car rier for stores and haB been offered $10,000 for the patent. Funeral services for the late Mrs. Wil liam Tanner were held Saturday at '0 a. m. from the family home, conducted by Rev. U. G. Brown. News Notes of GenWa. 'GENEVA. Neb., July 2&-(r3poclalT ' During a heavy thunderstorm last night .35 Inch of rain fell. The Chautauqua closed last night vMy a sacred concert by the Dixie Jublllee Singers and a crowded tent. -"-n Art is Related to Business of Today That art of today bears an Intimate relation to the business and commercial, as well as the educational wprid, Is a well known fact. Both men and women are producing results Invarious phases, of art work which have a definite and prac tical relation to our present day needs. Manufacturers and progressive business men employ trained designers and skilled craftsmen In order to produce better products demanded by a discriminating public A wide field for. endeavor Is of fered designers and workers In the metal, also In pottery and Jewelry and other crafts. There are opportunities ibpen to those who have studied house decora tion, Illustration, costume design, fabric and wall paper design and various other branches of art. The educational value of art and hand icraft Is -better understood than formerly. These subjects now occupy an' Important place In the .curriculum of many of the best schools and, colleges In the country. A demand for practical teachers of rrt has been created and students who aro contemplating courses which will fit them to teach drawing and the handi crafts or to specialize In some branch of art should choose a school carefully. Among the best known Institutions of fering art courses Is the Handicraft Guild of Minneapolis, school of design, handicraft and normal art. A faculty of specialists, well planned courses, comfortable and welt equipped class rooms and work shops, where theory and practice are combined offer unusual opportunities for students who enter the Handicraft Guild school to acquire the most practical training. The many graduates from the progres sive Institution who are at present em ployed as Important factors In both the educational-and business world, testify to the value of such a school, where sys tematic and thorough training Is given. The latest catalogue of the Guild ex plains tho alms of the school and con tains much that Is of Interest to those who wish to become professional de signers, craftsmen, or ieachers of art. Murphy Demands an Investigation CHICAGO, July 28. President C. W. Murphy of tjfe Chicago Nationals, has asked for a special meeting of the na tional commission to consider charges that local gamblers receive Inside In formation on the lineup of the Cubs. He wrote today to President Gary Herrmann of the commission, stating that an Imme diate Investigation should be made. "I don't understand how anyone con nected with the team could be in league with the gamblers because I don't know who la goin to pitch until the game Is about to start." said Murphy. "But It Is evident there is a leak somewhere." Key to the SttuaUon-Bee AdrerUsing. Glltner Wins fn BeVenteeath. G1LTNEJK. Neb., Junly .-(Speclal Telegrain.-ailtner won over Blue Illll yesterday In seventeen Innings, 6 to 4 Batteries: Glltner, Luby and Luby; Blue Illll, FamUm anil Mpeaks. Hits: ailt ncr. 10, Blue Hll;, 12. Struck out: 3y Speaks, 17, by lMy, 9. r URE TO TURN OVER MONEY Treasurer Notifies Commissioners of Contemplated Aotion. HAS WAITED FOR COURT ACTION Sn thnt It City llcllevrN the Mnny llelnnirn to It niul Ant tn the Water DIMrlct Council- men Hunt Act. ' W. II. L'rc, trensurer of the Metropoli tan Water District, has notified tho city commission that ho will turn over tho $1,000,000 held by him for the water plant of Omaha to the new dlsttlpt August 1. This action Is taken by Ure to glvo tho city or any Interested taxpayer an op portunity to enjoin him from so doing, on the ground that this money belongs to the city Of Omaha and not to tho Metro politan Water District. "I have refused to turn thls-moliey over and have waited for some action by tho v ater oonru or the city council," said Treasurer Vre, "and since no step has been taken to compel mo to turn It over or to restrain mo from transferring it to tho account of tho new district, 1 am taking this method of bringing tho issue o a settlement. It the council believes the money dons not belong to tho dis trict It Is up to the city to bring an In junction. If the council doesn't do It per haps some Interestod taxpayer will." Brownell Hall Will Be Half Century Old in Coming September The Jubilee catalogue of Brownell Hall has Just been Issued. Many persons do not rcallzo Uow long thlH "well-known school has been In existence. It was founded In 1SGJ by Bishop Tnlbot. It will therefore ho fifty years this coming Sep tember since the school was opened. Dur ing this entire period It has been In ses sion every year but one! 1913-11 Is, there fore, tho fiftieth year of the school life. During these fifty years the heads of the school have been as follows: - Rev. O. C. Drake, rector, 1863. Rev. Isaac HaKfir, rector, 1SG4. Rev. Samuel Hermann, rector, 1K4-1S69. Miss Elizabeth Butterfleld, principal, 1SO-1S71. Mrs. P. C. Hall, principal, IS.MSifl. Rev. Robert Doherty. D. D chaplain, 1874-1874; rector, 187C-1807. Mrs. Loulso R. Upton p'lnHpal, 1898-1901. Miss Euphan Washington Macrae, A. B., principal. 1901-1909. Miss Edith Dcarbord Marsden, A. B., principal, 1909-1911. Miss Euphemla Johnson, A. B., princi pal, 19U-. During theso fifty years thlrty-nlno classes have been graduated, and the alumnae number 248. In addition to the graduates, hundreds of Omaha girls and hundreds of girls from all over the coun try have enrolled In the school. Joseph Sonnenberg, Oldest Omaha Pawn Broker, Passes On Joseph Sonncnbcrg, famlllary known mi' "Uncle Joe," tho oldest pawnbroker In Omaha, Thirteenth and Douglas streets, 'died late Sunday night, For tho last two years he has -been suffering with stonr-' ach trouble and for tho last three weeks has been confined to his bed. Ho was 73 years old and lived In Omaha since 1S83, coming here from Germany. Surviving him besides the widow, Mrs. Hannah Sonnenberg, are one son, Samuel, and one daughter, Mrs. F. Arnstcln, tt South Twenty-ninth street. Funeral services will be held from the Arnstcln residence this morning at 10 o'clock and Interment will be at Pleas ant Hill cemetery. Rabbi Kopald will conduct the services. MANY OMAHA FRIENDS GO TO SCHNEIDER FlNERAL The funeral of the late R. B. Schneider, held at Fremont Monday afternoon, was largely attended by Omaha business men and friends. The Union Pacific ran a special train to Fremont, leaving the UnlonSitatlon at 1 o'clock. It carried sev eral representatives from each of the roads, besides a large party of grain men., Several railroad men came over from Chicago and Joined the special train party here. Keep Cool No matter what the temperature no matter what the strenuous exactions of the day you can find cooling, rest ful refreshment in a glass pi V. and no matter what the thirst Coca Cola will quench it and satisfy you absolutely pure and wholesome. m v0?!?;! i EDWARD STERRICKER. Campaign for the Campus Removal Signatures is On The active campaign for names for the initiative petition calling for a vote on campus removal or campus extension of the Unlvorslty of Nebraska was begun In Omaha and Douglas county. Petitions have for somo time been circulated In various parts of tho state. Including IJn coln. Petitions have also been circulated to some extent In Omaha, but now the nctlvo campaign is formally launched. W. E. Ramsey, who Is In charge of tho campaign for petitions, placed some twenty men In the field. He hopes to get over 4,000 names In Omaha and Douglns county by September 1. He says that by September 1 he wants all tho signed peti tions of the county hnck In his hands. Tho petition differs from a referendum petition, In that tho signer need not necessarily favor either sldo of tho con troversy, slnco the legislature has tied up the appropriation for university extension until the people shall have a chance to vote on tho question of future location at the 1914 election. This means that It the mill levy for university extension is to ba available for use at all, tho people must first vote on where thoy want the extensions to be made, at thu present site or at the state farm. This being the situation, the matter ot getting signatures Is not difficult, us those who are not In favor of removal aro still In favor of calling for an ex pression of the people on tho matter In order' that the appropriation may becomo available for ono location or the other. Conditions at the . Poor Farm Found Not to Be of the Best Assertions that ho was beaten by a guard and by Inmates pt tho Insane ward of the county, hospital , last Thursday hlght, made by John Duir to tho Board ot County Cbramssloners and Involving charges of mismanagement and crpelty, caused three members of the board to make a sudden toTir of Inspection-to the poor farm yesterday, Daly's charges wero made to tho board after, he asserted, Commissioner Best, chairman of the commtttoo which Is In charge of the poor farm, had refused to take action regarding them. Mr. Best thought small foundation would be found for Daly's allegations, but allhounh neither Chairman McDonald, nor Com missioners Lynch and O'Connor would talk, It was reported thoy had not found conditions satisfactory. E. M. Robinson Is superintendent of tho hospital. That patients lie about In tho hospital practically naked and that tho Insane ward Is often' without gunrds are two of the charges made and none .of the commissioners who visited the plac Would say that tho allegations were not sustained by what they saw. Daly la about 40 years old. He lsan epileptic patient. Newspaper- Advertising Business Success. Is the Road, to ! Delicious Refreshing Be sure to get the eenuine. Ask it by its full name Coca-Cola avoid imitations and substitution. Send for free bookltt. 4 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. TO TEST NEW ELECTION LAW-: Case of Father Williams Being Heard Before Judge English. MINISTER TAKES THE STAND Sn He lln Voted nt Rvery Elec tion the I. nut Thirty-! Yrnrn and Ha Not llefnre Keen Asked for HI Pnprrrt. Election Commlslor Moorhead enmo beforo Judge English to defend his change In tho Interpretation ot a twenty-flvo-year old election law which, It Is alleged, hns caused tho disfranchisement of hundreds of foreign born residents of Omaha and South Omaha. Hearing of a suit brought by Father John Williams, who hns voted In Nebraska for thirty s'x years, to compel the election com missioner to accept his registration though Rev. Mr. Williams' naturalisa tion papers wero lost mnny years ago, was begun. Thnt tho question whether tho law drnlej the privilege ot providing qualifi cations for voting by sworn testimony has been answered In tho negative for n quarter of a century or until Mr. Moor head took office, was emphasised by tho plaintiff. Attorney Ben Bnker for Father Williams to savo tlmo asked for an admission by the other sldo that it has been cus tomary to accept oral proof, but counsel for Mr, Moorhcad decided they wouldn't even admit that. The power of the election commissioner, should the courts hold that ho was a judicial officer using his own discretion as tn whom ho allowed to vote, wits pic-turod- by Attorney TePocl for Father Williams. IllBht of lledrras. "If we are to give tho election com-, mlssloncr this power," said Mr. TePocl, "where Is the right of redress if his nets should be wrong? We ennnot as sumo that Mr. Moorhcad will always be election commissioner. Suppose a man should get that office who desired to uso It for political purposes? 1 do not be lieve the courts will decide that he may determine the right of suffrage without remedy to tho rejected voter." Father Williams testified that he had voted at ever' eloctlon of any Impor tance In Nebraska for tho last thirty-six years; that ho never had been required to produco his naturalisation papers, and that he believed It had been customary In the past to allow voters to prove thu qualifications by oath. He Interrupted his testimony to correct an assertion made In his potltlon tor a writ of mandamus that his father had been naturalised, saying that It was now his belief that this was not true. Attorneys for Father Williams argued that tho law did hot demand document ary proof, but that Incidental mention of naturalization papers was mado In re ferring to tho registration of voters under the assumption that In many cases voters would have theso papers In their possession. TRAINL0AD OF 0MAHANS MAY SEE NELIGH RACES August 7 will be Omaha day at thu Nebraska circuit races to bo hold at Nellgh, Neb,, and arrangements now aro being made to send, a trnlnload of Omahans for the day. Invitations with attached retlirn post cards are belntr sent out byt the Comtnercll club and when a sufficient number sign up for the trip, ns It Is believed there will ho, tho special train will be chartered. Final plans will he mado at a meeting ot the trade extension committee of the club Friday, KARBACH BLOCK IS NOW DEEDED TO NEW OWNERS Tho deed for the ICarbach block, Fif teenth and Douglas streets, bought by the George IS. Barker Realty company, has been tiled. Tho stipulation noted is i (200,000 with a $100,000 mortgage retained by Karbach. The mortgage Is for ten i years at C per cent. The work of repairing the building and erecting additional stories will start this 'all. Desprratr Shnotlnir pains In the chest require quick treat ment, lake Dr. King's New Discover for safe and sure reilef. Mo and $1. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. 2f ,rr I for to WheneVer you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. Stores Oloso 5 p. m.f except LACES, WASH FABRICS AND SILKS UNUSUAL VALUES THAT WILL MAKE TUES DAY AN IMPORTANT SHOPPING DAY New lots from our Semi-Aiunml Clearing Salo aro offered '.Iiesdny. You will readily see that each ono ia offered at a fraetion of its re.ll value. 25c EMBROIDERIES AT 12y2o YARD Corset cover embroideries and skirtings in fine Swiss, nainsook and cmnbric, up our Alain Floor bargain $1.00 EMBROIDERIES AT 59o YARD 4x)-ineh fine voile skirtings, some with Voniso lace band insertion effect, many actually worth $1.00 a jn yard; an unusually attraetivo lot, at, per yard 15c LAOES AT 5c YARD Fancy wash laces in French and German vals, imita tion eluny, real linon torchons, all widths and many to match, many now patterns, nt, yard. .. CHILDREN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR AT 29o Misses', children's and boys' "M'JrKnifc Union Suits, with patejit tuped pearl years, 00c quality, Main REMNANTS OP SILKS AT 39c AND 49o YARD Choice lots of tho season's most popular silks, havo been selling up to $1.25 a yard. Plain and fancy silks, messlaines, etc., in 2 to 8 yard lengths Main Floor bargain square, at, yard. MUSLINS, OAMBRIOS, LONG OLOTHS We will trtl 10,000 yards 30 inch mtwHn, cambrics and long tlotht, some vf the bat kntcn vuikct are included. Valutsure t1 actually tei rth more more than double the sale prict Tol TMnday, in lasement,ut yard KJ 2 65c AND 75c RATINE AT 29o A YARD 40 inch wldo ratines In honvy wolRhta, pink and wlilta strip, bluo ami whlto Btrlpo. lavondor and whlto stripo," blaok and whlto Btrlpo; also 4D Inch Inn ratine eomo bolts slightly Ira- rf perfect, baaomont, nt, yard i. 4uvC SILK AND COTTON FABRICS WORTH 50o AT 15o Heavy Bilk nusBlun Cords, silk ratmo crepo, Bilk brocado, dllc eollonnes, silk cords, Bilk Jacquarda, and mnny'other woavoB, In whlto and dainty colors, worth 25a to 60o a yard r on Balo In buseraont, at, yard 1 JLsDC Drug Dept. Specials TUESDAY lU'glutorod pharma cist In charge of our drug department 2-gr. Uulnlno I'llls, 100 In buttle, C at ,...., .. swu 5- gr. Cnscara Haxrada Tablets 100 In O in bottle I U Ess. of Pepper- 14. mint, S-oz. bottle a U Tincture of Ami- in. ca, 4-oe. bottler I OU Iysol or Creollne IC 2ffo size, for.,.. I WU 6- gr, Asperln Tablets, Km !5o Lapaotlc rills, ORn 100 In bottle . fcOU t-gr. Antlkamnta Tab Jatil, per doicn Qq lllnkle'n Cnscara Tab let, 100 In hot- Ol. 'tlo for I U Fresh Citrate of Mag- aT:.!'6!..1.01.. 1 6o 20 Mulo Beam Borax, 1-lb. pnekago, 7 for u All at All "Etkiwitr. " vt 2 bssssi iui uivissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssivr a jmm Fortune or success have often come through a little want ad. Have you. read the want aids yet today? lis. !ISll)ttifilSiOSBK Saturdays 6 p. m until Sept. 1 to 35o quality, on I Q J 2iC square, at, the yard. 5c buttons, ngos 4 to 12 Floor, at, suit 9o 39H9C Our Seml-Annuol Sale MANHATTAN SHIRTS FOR MEN Thursday Friday Saturday onr 11.60. Manhattan Shirts sti in our $2.00 Manhattan Shirts, Sililft All our fa. 50 and S3. 00 Manhattan Shirts 81,88 All our 3.60 and 13.75 Manhattan Hiiirut , , All our $4.00 and S5.00 Shirts, at , Marinalian 83.05 'Lako Louise, tho Wonderful," they call It and no onowhp.has ever looked upon the grandeur of the Canadian Rockies as they rise 'round Chateau Lake Louise, asks why. For here, the beauty o tho Canadian Rockies reaches its height. Turn this way or that, a new scenlo beauty meets your sight. And from your window in the delightful tbero It a panorama that not evn Bwltaorland can rlral. 11' tbs taott wonderful plaoo la America for a vacation, from aun-up you're out-o'-doort-Halkiou. riding or driving. IoulM, the LakM In tho Oloudi, Victoria Glwirr Abbott l'aa- hundred fawlnatlng apoU tempt joa Anu at aunMt, you go back to the comforta of a metropolitan hotel aet down in the Canadian Rockies On to the Faolflo Oout thro' the Canadian limine, vitit uaun, moid, uiacier and viouria. via me uanauiin raoino. ru uggei itinerant ana man 1014 "raoino . Gout Toon" It you writ - GEORGE A. WALTON General Agent 224 S. Clark Street, CHICAGO J