Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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A Money Saving
Our July month end sale of
fine Dresses, Suits and Coats
at genuine reductions in price
offers many excellent values.
(Hants and Athletics Appear to Be
Chosen Ones.
Vlttabnrab'a Aplmtlon Are Given
Check hr Xcxr York, Ien,Tlnff
beadcra "Well Katnbllatied tn
Their Position,
NEW TOUK, July IS. Tho approach of
August finds Interest In tho mnjor loasue
base ball races down almost to tho van
ishing1 point, so far as tne premier berths
we concerned.
With Pittsburgh's upward rush rudely
theeltcd by thn Q I ants, and neither Phlla
lelphla nor Chlcaco displaying sustained
winning power, there seems to be noth
ing to prevent New York from taking an
other National league pennant,' It Mc
3raws team continues to play the kind
tf ball of which It has shown Itself
In tho younger organisation the situation
Is much tho same, with tho Athletics In
the commanding position.
Among other points of Interest Is the
ihowlns of Washington. Griffith's lively
crew ldst but two games In tho last two
weeks. Only a game ant. a half sepa
rates them from Cleveland.
Washington la eleven games behind the
Itackmcn a gap It might bo possible to
111 or materially lessen It the leaders
'were on tho rood, but tho. former chain
Vlona now are at home for a compara
lively long stay.
Wnahlnffton'a Position.
Washington's Buccess Is attributable In
rery great part to tho sterling worlt of
'tn great pitchers, Johnson and Boohllng,
Th phenomenal young lott-hander regis
tered his eleventh consecutive victory
this week, Engel, also, has lately como
x tho front with some high class twirl
ing to help his fellow pitchers. The team
' hitting consistently, fielding well and
Renting hard alt the time. , ,
Chicago vras going well until tho last
,'(W days, when It struck a streak of
poor batting And worse fielding, Hal
Chase got Into one of his spasms of error
making. Chnppelle, the new high-priced
outfielder, has been of Uttlo service. For
tome reason ho has been sitting on tho
bench for tho last few days. A blow to
Ihe team's supporters was tho discovery
'.hat Ed Walsh was not yet in shape to
sttch regularly.
ltA Sox Home Bettor.
Tho Bostons, after a poor road trip,
Surtng which they made their Quick
change of managers, are playing bettor
Vail at home. Some promise has been
shown recently by Detroit's work, tho
ctub apparently finding It especially easy
o beat Philadelphia. The Crawford-Cobb
tombtnatloni Is working well again.
Asldo from the Giant-Pittsburgh clash,
the recovered form of tho Philadelphia
nd Brooklyn's brace wero tho notable
features In the National league -week.
Ilucker'fl return to his usual form, as
evidenced by his holding Cincinnati to
five hits today, will bo a great help to
Brooklyn. Chicago, besides having suf
fered through the loss of Zimmerman's
lervlce for some time, wilt bo without
Archer's help for a while, bopause ot a
nlnor Injury sustained by that player In
today! game.
Cornerstone of
Church Is Laid
Irr tho presence of an audience ot about
KM people tho cornerstone of tho new
church building to bo erected by tho
TteorganUd XAlUr Day Saints, on West
Pierce street, was laid yesterday after
noon. In his address Itsv. M, C Smith
of Laraon, general historian ot tho
church, retold the story of tho separa
tion of tho Saints from the Brlghamltes
when tho "revelations" of tho latter com
pelled tho practice ot polygamy. He
Maimed that tho reorganisation branch
ot the church contntnefl me only truths
revealed to Joe Smith and upon which
'.he church was founded. He was fol
lowed by Mayor Maloney, who rejoiced
with tho church people in their enjoy
tnent ot a degree of prosperity that per
mitted tho rebuilding of the old church
!nto a modern edifice. Ho said that It
was undoubtedly necessary that there bo
many churches maintained for the bene
fit of tho many people of different ba
llets, and that It was undoubtedly a part
9t tho divine plan, but ha felt sure that
In tho end all humanity would be gath
ired Into one groat happy family.
Charles Jensen read & history of the
work of tho Balnts In the Bluffs, detail
tag their struggles and sacrifices.
The new church Is to be a very pretty
tdiflce. Part of the frame ot the old
wooden building will be used and tho
enlarged building will be veneered with
prick. Tjhere wtll bo a largo basement
Jcsfgned fpr use as a Sunday school room
ana aasembly hall.
We have the Eenutnt. TjieVv niii
Bl Jewelry; beautifully enameled on
sterling silver, gold finish, stop in and
t us snow it to you. Lafferts.
The little boy In one of tho forward
pew ujusueu niK motners eipow.
"Momma." ho whispered, "what makes
lbs orauilst look so nrr
" 'Hh, dear," cautioned tho maternal
parent; "ho is playing an organ, volun
tary he doesn't like, perhaps, and one
me ii man now no wouia nave to
That held tho boy about ten seconds,
Then he touched her elbow anln.
"Then, mamma," ha said, "it must to
an organ Involuntary he's Playla'
aim af x
Omaha Union Has as Guests the
Ben Franklin Club.
K. I. Klllck Bhotva Share of Employe
In Bspense ' of IZstablUhment
nnd C. 12. Corey Tnlks
an Get Together.
Omaha Typographical union No. 190 had
for Its guests at yosterday'e soaslou a
number of tho employing printers of tho
city, Who or members ot me rren Frank
lin club of Omaha. It was the regular
mooting ot the union, and utter necessary
business had been transacted, President
Copenharve announced a program that Is
quite out of tho ordinary In tho proceed
ings of tho Union. .
F. I. Elilck of the Omaha Printing
company, an expert on "cost system," de
livered an excellent address on tho topic,
Illustrating his remarks by means ot
charts, and showing the printers their
sharo In tho cost of operating a printing
establishment, and what It means to
havo employer and employe working to
gether to seoura results. At no point did
Mr. Elllck'a talk verge on "efficiency,"
but it waa a thoughtful exposition ot tho
Items that enter Into tho cost ot oper
ating a manufacturing establish mont,
nnd, as tho speaker otated, will apply
equally to any, whether it be tba making
Of umbrellas or printed matter,
Printers Deeply Interested.
Tho printers showed by their close at
tention tho Interest thoy hnd In tho sub
ject, which Is not altogether new to thorn,
but vjhtch thoy had never before heard
explained so lucidly, This featurn ot the
mooting was distinctly novel, for It Is
tho first time that tho cost system has
been presented to a printers' union while
In session. Mr. Elilck has frequently
addressed composite gatherings ot em
ployers and employes, and said o waa
proud that the new epojjti, from whloh
h'o prophesied much good Wohld come,
hod had Its beginning In Omaha. -
C. E. Corey of tho Corey-McKonslo
company and secretary ot the Omaha
Ben ITranklln club, spoko on tho hotter
understanding tnd consequent better re
lations that nro coming between em
ployer and employe In tho printing busi
ness, and congratulated the officers and
members of tho union on tho advanced
step taken, as evidenced by tho "get
together" spirit shown at tho meeting.
Both speakers were roundly appiauaea
by tho printers, who are In hearty sym
pathy with tho sentiments expressed, and
a rising voto ot thanks was tenoerea as
an appreciation of tho presence ot tho
employers and for tho addressee.
Wutooiuea tlio Employers.
C. A. Baumgardner welcomed tho em
ployers on behalf ot the union, and Cyro
Bllnsorland entertained all in spienaia
style by his impersonations, songs and
dances, Itefreshments wero sarvea dur
ing tho progress ot the mooting. The
printers voted to take part In tho I-abor
day parade and a committee consisting
ot Messrs. Jeffries, Klncald and Shaw
was named to make the necessary ar
rangements. Church Will Ask for
Return of Pastor
The last sacramental service of tho con
ferenco year will bo held at tho Broad
way Methodist Episcopal church next
Sunday. One feature ot the service wtll
be the admission ot new members. It Is
said that a number havo planned to untto
with tho church at that time, September
7 wtl bo the last sarvtoe before tho an
nual conference of the church when the
regular change ot clergymen wtll occur,
A strong movement Is on foot to urge tho
bishop and conference authorities to
again return Rev. J. M. Williams to tho
pastorate ot tho church and the convic
tion Is that tho request will bo granted.
ev. Air. Williams has Increased tho
prosperity and enlarged tho usefulness ot
tho church.
A novel and profitable method has been
Installed In tho primary department of
tno sunaay school. A big sand table
naa been prepared for the hlnderaarten
work and tho children are taught to work
In sand maps ot Blbls scenes and locali
ties covered by tho lessons beln taurht
11 arouses tne Interest of the ehiMr.n
and Is a potent means of teaching the
geograpny or tho Ho y land. The
was built by J. W. Taylor from lumber
aonatea oy the Hafer Lumebr eommmv
Whllo N. C. Creager donated the paint
Tmnrru ana ajq tno decorating.
.A,lmJ.,n,.Cln5i5nu hotel was shot
ft,. i "ro. Porter Who beard
' m,"'""" wuness at the trial
the lawyer y rT
;-Two shots, sah." ho replied.
Hour f Ar inui n ,...,
wiWhie,2iWer oxx Orst shot
men?1SrndaftK,t,T,,.in 'h0M ' D"-
J.'lVilSI5 ere you wnen the cond shot
swas t V 1
"Ah waa pawln' do Big" IV depot
Everybody's Magaslne.
A Mistaken lllu.
ftfij. rvf Ha i Vt r -
who appeared to be annoying tboto about
"Don't you like tho show?"
" TaMI InriatawtM
"Then why do persist In hissing tho
Performers r'
. "Why, m-man olive. I w-wasn't h-hls
ingi i w-was s-s-stmply ss-s-saylng to
-.i.uiru. Aiogauno of Jfjin.
Men Surrounded Near Grinnell, la.,
Hake Their Escape.
Attorney Oenernl Coupon of Iowa
Intend to Blake Dcfenae of IjAtt
Cloalns; Hnnaea Ueed for Im
morhl Pnrposea.
(From a Staff correspondent)
DE3 MOINES, la., July 2S.-(Special
Telegram.) Thirty deputy sheriffs from
Htory, Iloone, Dallas, Jasper and Polk,
counties scoured the territory between
Des Moines and Qrlnnell In an effort to
locate two horse thieves, who stole two
horses from Qrlnnell farmers Sunday,
Bloodhounds will be put on the trait ot
tho two men, who escaped. Sheriff Grif
fin this morning returned with the team.
One horse was taken from Boone last
week and the other from Be Soto.
Capture of the team waa made after a
number of farmers in the vicinity formed
a posse. Tho team was driven by a
boy and a man Irf nn automobile fol
lowed. Before the two could untie and
the auto could get In front of tho team
nnd wagon, tho posse dashed In on them.
Beth escaped.
Coaaon to Defrnd Lavr,
Tho attorney general Is preparing to
make a fight In court In defense ot the
law which was adopted four years ago
under which houses used for Immoral
purposes may bo closed by Injunction
process. Tho law Is being attacked be
cause of failure of tho speaker ot the
house to certify as to Its passago In the
house. Thn wUto will contend this could
not defeat tho law, Tho fate of Im
portant properties In Des MolnA depend
on tho oUtcomo of such a trial.
Illahirar Commission Active.
Tho state highway commission has just
Issued a second edition ot the bullottn,
as prepared by the commission and tho
legal department of tho state, contain
ing the highway laws and tho rulings
and decisions on various points In re
gard to the law. The new, bulletin con
tains a great deal of Information as to
ihe operation of the law as developed
since tho commission was organised. Tho
commission toddy made requisition on
tho board of control for the first batch
of prisoners to bo mado use of In high
way work In Iowa. This is for twelve
prisoners to bo used on highway work
at tho college highway In Ames. A meet
ing of the wardens with tho highway
commission will bo held to plan for this
convict road work In Iowa. ,
Hoard of Idluontlon to Meet.
Tho State Board of Education will hold
a meeting In Des Moines next Thursday
morning to toko up with tho state ex
ecutive council matters In relation to
collego work over whloh tho council has
authority. At the last meeting all tho
members but one wore presont, though
several are not woll, and. It Is feared a
full attendance Is not probable at this
May Ilcvoko Pharmacy Certificates.
Pharmacy commissioners at their meet
ing at tho state house considered citing
everal pharmacists of tho state to ap
pear and answer to charges against
them for violation ot tho pharmacy and
liquor laws. The commission has decided
that .certificates, will bo revoked It hold
ers havo, been violating tho law. Some
time ago ono cerunoato was revoked be
cause tho holder had violated the liquor
laws. Others will bo treated the samo
way. The commission also gave notice
to all holders of certificates that are de
linquent to pay up within thirty days or
havo their certificates revoked. Notice
Is to bo sent to all Itinerant vendors to
pay up their licenses In full, as It was
found that a number wore behind, Tho
state gets about 80,000 from these licenses
and about 1 1,000 a year from tho renewal
of certificates.
Compels Cleaning1 of 3I!ue Camps.
Tho now law In regard to sanitation at
mine camps and elsewhere Is working out
an right. Complaint came to the State
Board of Health this week as to tho un
sanitary condition ot the water at the
camp of the Maplo coal mine in Monroe
county. Bamples of tho water were se
cured from tho only welt at the camp and
it was declared to be to bad that It waa
not feasible to analyse tho stuff, Sec
retary Bumner Issued a peremptory order
to tho operators to furnish & supply ot
good water for the people living there
and It has been done. The now law gives
tho state board authority to compel a
cleaning up of tho camps.
Wtil Bujoln Disorderly Ilonae.
Proceedings were commenced In court
against tho property occupied by Mrs.
Maurloe Lynch, found guilty of keeping
a disorderly house, to have It placed un
der Injunction under tho state Jaw, so
that In case of any misuse ot the prop
erty tho cost ot the same would bo taxed
against It. Tho law Is one that has been
used but very little, but has been found
very effective in putting a atop to tho
uso of good property for Immoral pur
poses. Tho attorneys for Mrs. Lynch
have given notice they will carry the
police court case Into tho district court
and fight It to the finish.
Inveatlscatlnsr the Slums Case.
State authorities havo been Investigat
ing the. case ot Clarence Skaggs, returned
to tho penitentiary under an indetermi
nate sentence for violation of tho parole.
The parolo board record shows that ho
did not hav a very good record at tho
state prison and has had a very bod one
since his release. He went to Shenan
doah, where work was secured for htm.
and he lived with his wife and family,
but he did not get along well and tho p&
role agent had to visit htm several times.
Tho agent went thero tho last time to
Plan to secure him another Job at better
wages, but found ho had deserted his
family and gone to Omaha, In violation
ot the parole. Tho parole board alon
has handled tho case, but It may be taken
up by the governor In due time.
Lawn Swings at Less
Than Cost to Make
3.S buys a tegular i, heavy, 4-passen-
ger lawn swing, eight feet high, eight-foot
base, five and a halt feet wide, thirty
one-Inch seat, well raide, well bolted.
well braced, painted red. HB6 buys a
porch or low lawn swing; can he used
on either porch or lawn, base four and a
halt by five feet, standards and hase
made ot heavy wood, pointed red, well
bolted, well braced; either can bo set
up In a few minutes. Mall us your order
with shipping Instructions. J. Zollsr Mer
cantile Co., jOO-lOMOMOt Broadway.
Millions of Vett of Lumber,
The farmer and contractor Is buying
minions of feet of lumber from the C
Hafer Lumber company and taking ad
vantage ot their low prices.
Key to tno Bltuation nee Advertising.
(Continued from Fago one.)
flolal duty as an Immigration Inspector,
of tho United States, will recover, at
tending physicians say.
Dr. J. W. Tapan of the United States
public health service, who treated Dixon
In Jaurez, says Dixon was given a clean
room and furnished with clean linen and
bedding and proper food by the Mexican
authorities, while they held him.
Orders have been Issued to United
States Immigration Inspectors not to
make any more trips to Jaurez.
Mayor Hoctor and City Council Un-
aoie to .iteacn Agreement.
City Trenanrer Martin Starts Out on
a Cnmpnlun to Collect City
Taxes thnt Have Become
Considerable Interest attaches to tho
outcomo of tho fight betweon Mayor
Hoctor and a majority of Ihe council
over the appointment of Street Commis
oloner Fennel!, who has been thus far
successfully 6pposed by the council.
Members of tho quartet who thus have
suoceeded In blocking the mayor say
they will win out Some doubt, however,
Is expressed m to whether John Riches,
one of tho councllmen. can hold out un
der the pressure that Is brought to bear
on him. It Is known thajt most of tho
pressuro has been directed toward niches,
Members of tho Insurgent quartet
chargo that Konnell has not properly ful
filled his -duties as street commissioner.
Mayor Tom Hoctor tried to protect his
protcgo by saying that Fennell was
handicapped by the men ho employed,
they being ord or crippled. The men on
tho street gang, however, are all able,
It Ib said, to do their work and earn their
monoy honestly.
It Is thought that If Fennell Is ap
pointed this tlmo he will still Continue
to run tho city automobile after hours.
Golnn; After Personal Tax.
City Treasurer Martin has Issued on an
nouncement that ho will begin to serve
distress warrants on those who have not
paid their personal taxes. Treasurer
Martin In speaking of the matter said:
mere are n great number of men, busi
ness men, who have let this matter slide.
This office has Bent them special notices
without result Of course If they do not
pay up wo will havo to get out a van
and book It up at their doors. Tho law
gives mo no alternative except to collect
tho taxes."
Treasurer Martin declared that his
books show that a great deal jot tax
money has been lost In recent years
through bankruptcy failures. According
to Mr. Martin, these losses to tho city
could have been obviated by keeping In
touch with the Dally Court Record, Tho
treasurer's office will be furnished with
a court record hereafter and notices of
delinquent taxes will bo filed on tho
trustee In bankruptcy as soon as pro
ceedings have boon started.
' Drug firm to Move.
Forrest & Meaner, who during' the last
three years havo operated tho drag store
next The Bee office, will removo to their
new location at Twenty-fourth and N
streets within the next few days. Both
members of the firm are young1 man and
havo pushed forward since their estab
lishment In business some years ago.
They will ocoupy tho corner store for
merly held by the FIsher-Mcatll com
pany. The placo will be renovated and a
modern pharmacy, with a confectionery
and Ice cream parlor attachment will bo
fitted up by tho new occupants. The
change will be made before August 10.
Some Hall Player.
Jim Qalloway, the one-arm base ball
player ot South Omaha, says he has been
compelled to refuse several tempting ot
ters to sign up with crack base ball
teams olnco his debut at tho Odd Fel
lows' picnic at Florence. Jim was for
merly deputy sheriff under Sheriff
Brolly. Ho Is now employed at Armour's.
Although ho has but one arm he Is able
to make tho regular two-handed base
ball players sit up and take notice. Gal
loway has some thought of .organising
htmsolt nnd Police Court Bailiff Corrlgan
Into a battery of ono-arm wonders. Tho
two held a pow wow yesterday after
noon. It Is not known what tho con
ference developed.
Magic City Gossip.
J, D. Courtney, plumber. Tel. Bo. iOM.
nv. Horace Foote of Haialton, la.,
la visiting lls son. Max Foote.
wh.i.v vnn hiLite far sale Ust It with
us. Tho Business Agency, S318 N 8U
The police mado but three arrests yes
terday. The day waa unusually quiet
Th ir4h.Amricn.n club save a picnic
yastorday afternoon at tho old Country
Ciud grounus.
T,T1ntnn hrlndle dOK. With Star In
face and white breast; medium sue. It
It. Car lav. South 89$ or H2S.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Plank of inoepena-
ence. to., axe xna iun ui a
brotner, Ma rwi ' w
vv. a mm nf Jttars Old An Or Gold
Too beer call So. 80S. Prompt delivery to
all Darts oi n wi. "
ntriftr Mtka Corcoran has returned
from a visit to his farms in Kansas. He
reports that crops suffered considerably
from not winus.
Our big dollar solo will contlnuo all thU
week. It's tho ono opportunity oi trte
uiun to srst sucn real vaiuce. a u iu
Cressev tho Shoeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Creasy and their
daughter ara spending their vocation
With r. UTesav a parents. j uu uxim,
brother. Max Foote. of this city.
Th Aadie&tlon of tho new pipe organ
AAir ninr-e veaterday evening at tho First
Fresoyterian unurcu. jvcy. jv. nccir
waa elated over tho tone of the instru
ment. Detective Andrew McOulro went
shrimp fishing yesterday. On his re
turn ho entertained a number of his
friends at a shrimp test Tho detective
xpects to leave In a few days for a
month's vacation on his plantation In
Ro notent was the call of tho farm
upon John Burey that ho left his home
at Thirty-fifth and J streets yesterday,
promising to go back to the farm and
away from his family forever. His fam
ily, being In need of his assistance hero
and not feeling tho rustlo urge, appealed
to tho police to uring jonn oacx.
Money put Into Jewelry, If the right
kind, Is the sm as saved. When you
buy the right kind you will enjoy tho
economy. Wo only sell tho right kind.
Must sell twelve 6' at once. W to
tSS will make payments ot CO cents a
week. A. Uospe Cat 407 Broadway,
Council Bluffs. la.
Watch and Jewelry repairing done by
exparta Lefferts.
Proper fitting ot glasses by an expert
opttclanv LctferU
Little Progress in Resuming Work
Hade Up to Noon.
Sentry Gnnrdlnn; FoiTder Ifonse
Shonta at Men Who Fnll to Heed
Commnnd Troppa Watr.
Union and Nonunion Men.
CALUMET, Mich., July 28.-Mlno oper
ators of the Superior copper district pre
pared to follow tho advice of the militia
commanders and resume operations with
every available man of the 15,000 miners
who havn been Idle hero slnco July 23 as
a result of tho Western Federation of
Miners strike. Becauso fires had been
banked for days In most of the plants the
work was alow and up to noon It was
Impossible to learn definitely what prog
ress hnd been made.
Tho first shots of tho strike were fired
early today at the Isle Royale mine. A
sentry guarding a powder house detected
several men approaching the place and
fired when they failed to heed his com
mand to halt. The Intruders fled and a
company of guardsmen scoured the dis
trict, but without making any arrests.
On the south range tho first task of
the operators was to replace on tho
cnblcs the heavy scoops which had been
dropped down the shafts last Friday at
the command of strikers. Tho mine
Pumps were working at Champion. BaU
llck and Trl-Mountaln In that section at
several locations In tho north of tho
county. Another mine where the water
began to como Into tho shafts was tho
groups' of nonunion men, closely watched
by union members gathered to discuss
tho advisability 0f returning to work"
2S?t hat "Uch llneup" ot th0 op
posing Interests might result In clashes,
' f tr?PS WCM ordere1 ly for
but their services were not needed.
Doth Sldea Pnrndr. '
to hanZ" 1 day of dnnstrat!on
.Jnen and thelr were
marching hrough the streets, a full bat
talion of Infantry under Major Kramer
?Wd?n2 t,th.rouh "rium. the command
fllvld ng Into companies to traverso side
streets and uniting in full strength as It
reached the principal thoroughfare.
Thousands of spectators watched the
rival parades, but tho crowds wero
apathetlo and demonstrations wero lack
ing. Most of tho cheering carao from
the ranks of the marching miners who
followed American flags and stepped to
the cadence of a band composed of
miners with a musical bent.
Alongside many of the men walked
their wives and somo of tho latter
pushed go-carts which sometimes con
tained two or three rhllrtr.r, a
. ujcuica
in five languages wero made at tho
meeting, tho chief address coming from
Ouy B. Mlllor, a Colorado momber of the
executive board of tho federation.
Mr. Miller pleaded for "industrial Jus
tice." asserting that tho companies had
violated fundamental hfn l .i
. .. MPlUg
a conference with representatives of their
employes and criticising Indirectly the
action of Governor Ferris In sending tho
troops Into the country. H AM,
. ."-ll.VH CU
passive resistance to tho operators' tac
Claude Smith Killed
While in Quarrel
John It. Temcteton. former rhlnf of Ih
Corincll Bluffs fire department, now at
the head of tho deportment at Muskogee,
Okl., sends a marked copy of one of the
local newspapers containing an account
ot the killing of Claude D. Smith. Tn a
note Mr. Templeton says Smith was a
uouncn jjiurrs man and was In buslnesi
nore fifteen years ago.
Smith waa killed ln a auarral a.nr1 th
Muskogee paper says tho "woman In tho
case," Miss Nola Peterson.
the Muskogeo hospital, left tho city in
company wun her sister, also a nurso,
without notifying th hospital people or
resigning their positions. Efforts mada
nere yesterday to recall Bmlth wero un
successful, but tho Ions- nldhiv. r
Chief Templeton ln tho Bluffs give tho
lono or authority to his statement that
Smith was a Council Bluffs bu!na
man. Ho was killed by a man named
uean, wno has been held for trial on
first degree murder charges.
Perfect Hearing for the
The Little Gem Ear Phone and Ante Massage
Look at it and you SEE tho simplest and smallest device ln the
world; use it and you FEEL that you have tho moat wonder
ful piece of mechanism yet devised for Buffering mankind.
Let us prove to you that we have conquered your affliction.
Free Demonstration1 '
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
July 29, 30 and 31, 1913
'rom 8; 00 o'clock ft, m. to 0:00 o'clock p. in.
Tho Little Gem Ear Phone, the latest patented perfect hearing
device. With it you can hear under all conditions, ln the church,
theater and general conversation. The AUTO MASSAGE which stops
head noises and makes the cure ot deafness possible.
Remember, we would not allow such a demonstration ln our
store unless we had investigated the instrument thoroughly. Mr. H.
T. Dale ot New York City, an expert, will be with us on the above
days. We most earnestly request you to call, mako a test privately
and receive expert advice without charge. Every instrument guar
anteed, Atsk for booklet.
Surgical and Hospital Supplies Dept.
Sherman Sc McConnell Drug Co.
Ask for
He Food Drink for
Mormans Dedicate
Temple in Canada
CARDSTON, Alt, July 38.-The erec
tion of tho seventh temple to be erected
by the Mormon church and the first to
bo built outside Of the United States
was dedicated hero yesterday. Presi
dents Joseph F. Smith and Charles W.
Penrose and other church officials par
ticipated In tho ceremonies.
Posses Have .Two Men Surrounded
Near Town of Grinnell.
Belief Kxlnla that Stnte Una Deeu
Worked by Me nWlio Have Fa
cilities for Shlpplnic Stolen
Animals Away.
GRINNEIi, la., July JS.-(8peclai Tel
egram.) Posses searching for men who
stolo a flno team of horses at Boone
have two men surrounded ln corn fields
near Malcolm and Brookltn. It Is ex
pected that they will be captured ln the
morning, as tho 'places are completely
surrounded and large numbers of men are
on watch.
Ono pobso yesterday met a man driving
one of the span ot horses and he took
to tho fields. Another man who came
along In an automobile and refused to
halt and give an account of himself was
chased and overtaken by a motorcycle,
when he made his escape to the tall corn.
It Is believed that an organized gang
has a rendezvous In the timber east of
Jorm Nevra Notes.
WOODBINE-Prof. C. W. Pugsley of
Lincoln, Neb., who was sent to represent
tho United States In agricultural session
at Rome, Is now with his parents at
Woodbine for a short stay.
' QLiENWOOD Twenty-four representa
tives of tho Silver City Commercial club
visited Olenwood yesterday, boosting for
the Bllvor City Chautauqua. They wore
ln seven automobiles and were accom-,
panted by the Silver City band.
LOGAN Mrs. O'Connor, wife of Dr. W.
E. O'Connor of Woodbine, died of blood
poisoning early yesterday morning. She
Is survived by her husband and 3-year-old
son. The funeral service will take
place at Woodbine Thursday morning.
(WOODBINE Farmers are reporting
excellent yields of wheat and other small
grain near Woodbine this season. A
number of new machines havo been pur
chased and tho farmers are threshing
from the shock and working overtime.
WOODBINE Tho Woodbine rest room
was opened ln the library building hero
Friday. A woman wlU be In charge and
will furnish refreshments at bazaar
prices. Tho rest room will bo 'greatly
appreciated by the women who attend
the Chautauqua, which opened here yes
terday. DENISON In compliance with a new
Iowa law City Treasurer C. I Voss has
designated the Bank of Denlson as' the
depository of city funds and in future
the bank must pay 2 per cent on 90 per
cent ot tho dally deposits. A report to
tho council must bo made each month.
The July report showed 88,000 on hand.
DENISON Denlson Is to have a base
ball carnival next week. The following
schedule has been orraneod for club tn
play with the homo team: Monday, July
23. Charter Oak; Tuesday, Woodbine;
weanesaay, jjow kjiiy; unursaay.
Manilla; Friday. August 1, Missouri
Valley. Many of these teams have ieen
beaten by Denlson ln the last three
weeks and have strengthened themselves
for stiff return games.
ATLANTIC.-? Mx. , Clara Dreager,
through her attorney; H. M. Doorman,
has filed a petition for a divorce, from
Herman Dreager, conductor on the, At
lantic Northern & Southern railroad, She
alleges desertion and cruelty. She asks
that tho court grant her $900 alimony, J10O
for attorney fees, and that It be further
decreed that she be absolute owner of
all household furniture. Tho case will
come to trial ln tho September term of
LOQAN In a head-on collision at tho
Jefferson corner, three mttos south ot
Woodbine, yesterday afternoon Will
Ouyett's car of Woodblno was completely
wrecked by a big touring car. The oc
cupants of tho two cars escaped without
serious harm. Tho accident was caused
by the touring car running on the wrong
side ot the road at a terrific speed around
a comer where the view Is obscured. The
Iowa tourist refused to mako good the
damages and went on at a high speed.
Mr. Ouyett has employed Attorney
Roadlfer ot Logan and will push the case.
ATLANTIC J. W. Cuykendall of tills
city can boast of a (volunteer crop of
wheat the equal of which has never been,
heard of ln this vicinity before. Tho land
on which tho wheat was grown is Just
west ana nortn or tne Atlantic canning
factory and thero are twenty acres of If.
Last year the land was sown to winter
wheat and an average yield of fifty-one
and a half bushels per acre harvested
from It In addition to this bumper crop
It reseeded Itself on the entire twenty
and tho crop which Is now In the shock
looks as though It would yield at least
forty bushels per acre.
all Ages Otters are ImiUtioas
Balkan Situation to Be Considered
in Bucharest This Week.
Important Battle nt Struma Ex
pected Vnleaa Peace Neffotl-
fctlona Call Halt to
LONDON, July 28. The Balkan peace
conference Is expected to open at Buchar
est next Wednesday, Meantime, serious
fighting; continues.
The Greeks refused Bulgaria's readiest
for a thrco days' truco. and after heavy
fighting havo scaled Krcsna pass, Inflict
ing a detent on the Bulgarians at Slmeklo,
capturing three siege guns and driving
tho Bulgarians back on: DJuma. Tho
Greeks claim they annihilated the whole
left ot the Bulgarian army and that they
have forced the Bulgarians back, along
the Struma valley. Unless peace Is speed
ily negotiated another great battle may
occur at Struma.
No news was received today of fighting
on the Servian frontier, but tho largo
numbers of wounded men arriving In
Belgrade Indicate that severe actions aro
taking place.
Porvera Seem Powerless.
Tho concert of powers seems an power
less as before to adopt any united action
against Turkey. The porte, however, has
disavowed the action of Its trips In pene
trating Old Bulgaria and no further ad
vance of Turkish troops has been re
ported. Tho Turks, claim their spoils at
Adrlanopte consisted of ISO guns, 30,000
rifles and 1,000,000 sacks of corn.
There are frequent reports of atrocities
and massacros by Bulgarians and Turks.
Izzet Pasha, the Turkish commandor-in-chief,
reports that Bulgarians murdered
200 Ottoman soldiers who had been taken
prisonera near Klzlly Enldje, whllo an
admission ot Turkish massacres of Ar
ntenlans at Malgara and Rodosto comes
ln a report from Constantinople that a
number of Moslems have been sentenced
to death or to long terms of imprisonment
for Implication ln tho massacres.
Tho particular young men havo their
clothes cleaned and pressed ln .our clean
ing establishment. Wo put tho snap and
newness that every young man Is looking
for ln our work. If you care how you
(look, 'have your clothes cleaned and
pressed In our cleaning and pressing dew
partment Prices very reasonable. Bluff
City Laundry, Cleaners and Dyers.
Phono 2814.
Tho big sale that started at Orkln
Bros, this morning, when they announc
ed the closing out of thIr Grocery De
partment as well as over $253,000 worth
of merchandise) from the various sec
tions of the store proved to be a won
derful success.
The response was tar beyond tho
greatest expectations ot the management
and although elaborate preparations had
been mado ln advance to handle the
crowds, they were unable to .give, the"
servliA comfort and convenlehce' ,that
Is their deslre " ,
Tho fact that tho nalo continues1 for
Tuesday, many more salespeople havo
been secured to insure prompt and effi
cient service. ORKIN BROS.'
Mna. WiK8tow SoOTniNO Sybup has bees
tied for over SIXTY YHAR3 by MIU.IOH3 ol
U the best remedy for DIARRHOXA. It Is ab
astutely barmlcii. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
WlailoWs Soothing 8yrup." and take no otiiit
Uad. Twenty-five cents a bottle. .
John Says:
"Heine Qeflajren
frits baa returned
from Ma two weeks'
vocation in Kearney.
Seine says he missed
me awfnUy but ad
mits that he mlasad
6 Cigars more."
John 'a Cigar Store
16th & Harney Sts.
Lake Manawa
Sig. Vincent Pausani's Italian
Concert Band
Every Afternoon and Evening
Until August 9th at 2:30,
4:30, 8:15 and 10 P. M.
Remember the Concerts Arc
New Bath House and Fine
Boating Roller Skating,
Dancing, Roller Coaster
And Many Other Attractions.
Reduced-rate round-trip tick
ets from Omaha for sale at
Ldown-town drug stores and
cigar stores; adults 25c, chil
dren 15o.
Cooled by Iced Air. Tonight All
Weak, Katlaaes Woo. and Saturday.
Xa Clydo ri tea's Best Oomsdy
Vrlcesi 85o and 50.
Hs't Wt: "Onr Wives.