Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Flva mllM of Council niuffa A crnnA
farm, too; W acres suitable for cultlva
Hon: 25 acres alfalfa: small house: nlentv
barns, sheds, etc; fine orchard and vlne
'ynrd, about two acres each. Plenty of
farms of less value have sold for $150 per
acre, lou only have to see It to bo sat
isfied. It li cheap at 3100 per acre. Let
un drive you out to see It.
106 Pearl St., Council Bluffs.
16-FOOT solid
oak wall case, cheap.
R 308 N. 6th.
fBIQ opening Valler, Montana, August
6; more lands thrown open for settlement
under the Carey act; only six miles from
Valler; no sage brush or stumps; tha
best chance In the west for a choice Irri
gated farm; come and select a tract, you
have fifteen years to pay for It Sea our
wonderful groin crops In harvest season.
Write Valler Farm Sales company, Box
1026, Valler, llontana.
FOUND-S20-acre homestead In settled
neighborhood. Fine farm land, no said
hills. Cost you 1175. filing fees and alL
J. A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb.
Bontu Ilakotu,
FOR SALB-100 acres, 'm mltea Interior,
B. D.; good level land: purohasor assume
VW) mortgage. Price 31,300. Consider good
trade. E. Bowles. 2S33 Ave. G., Council
Bluffs, la.
SECTION woll Improved Swisher Co.,
Texas; exchange for Iowa or Nebraska
Improved farm; will assume. A. T.
Outhrie. Newton, la.
SHOCQ Boston Terrier with screw tall.
Cheap. Call Web. 6291.
' S7-r . 1
MONEY to loan on Omalm homes. No
delay. J. H. Allthen Co., Inc. 821 City
National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1278.
CITY, loans wanted. Loans for build
tag purposes.
. 128 State Bank Bldg.
OM.aiA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016. Omaha National. Douglas JT16.
LOANS on farms and Improved city
Sroperty, 6, 6H and 6 per cent; no delay,
. H. Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam St
(xAllVIN BROS a"4 w and UP-
vr,CXJ-v v Omaha Nat Bank.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
w. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1820 Farnam St
$100 to $10,000 madQ promptly. F. U.
Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
RCt CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg Co..
u 810-12 Brandcls Theater Bldg.
WANTED City loans. Fetors Trust Co.
LARGE loans -our specialty. Stull Bros.
WANTED Bungalow, new, 6-r., West
Tarnam district J. N. Snltzer, D. 2161.
Dolgoff 2d-hand store pays highest prices
for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607.
WILL buy slightly used Ford if offered
t bargain. State condition, price. D. 206.
WANTED Used electric coupe. Must
be In best condition and cheap. Address
O 228, Bee. i
WANTED a second-hand pony phaeton
or trap. Communicate with Samuel
rayne. ilea uax, la., Hotel Johnson.
Slightly UBed high grade plana W. iTJS.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Have
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Live . Stoclc Commission Merchants.
MARTIN BROS, St CO.. Exchange Bldg.
NOTIGE Is hereby given that
sealed proposals will be received
by the Board of Directors of the
Farmers' Irrigation District at their
office In the City of Scottabluff,
Neb., for the purchase of $76,000 of the 6
per cent serial bonds of the district until
12 o'clock m. on the 6th day of August
1813, Said bonds are issued by authority
of an act of the legislature of the state
of Nebraska approved March 28, 1896,
session' laws 1896, Chapter 70. and the
amendments, thereto, and pursuant to a
vote of a. majority of the qualified
electors of said district. The board ex
pressly reserves the right to reject any
and all bids and will In no event sell
any of said bonds for less than ninety
five (93) per cent of the face value
thereof. . .
By order of the Board of Directors.
Secretary of the Farmers' Irrigation Dis
trict J.lldiOt
Corn and Wheat IlCElun Balletln,
United States Department of Agriculture,
weather bureau, for Omaha, for the
twenty-four hours ending at I a. m.. 75th
meridian time, Monday, July 28, 1913:
Temp.- Ra'.n-
Station. High. Low. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Nfb... E9 64 .16 Cloudy
Auburn, Neb... 92 66 .60 Pt oloudy
Broken Bow ... 82 67 .34 Clear
Columbus, Neb. 89 62 1.22 Pt. cloudy
Falrbury, Neb. 98 6G .06 Pt. cloudy
Fairmont, Noo. 94 62 .72 Pt. oloudy
rand Island .. 87 61 .20 Pt cloudy
Hartlngton .,. 81 61 .10 Pt, cloudy
Hastings, Neb.. 90 61 .40 Pt. cloudy
Holdrege. Neb.. 90 69 ,00 Clear
Linaoln, Neb... 88 64 . 99 Cloudy
North Platte. 82 68 ,40 Clear
Oakdale, Neb.,, 82 61 .33 Clear
Omaha,' Neb.... 87 64 . 67 Cloudy
Tekamah Neb.. 89 62 .23 Cloudy
Valentine .... 76 M .14 Cloudy
Alto, la. 85 f3 .04 Pt. cloudy
Carroll, la 86 61 .00 Cloudy
Clarinda, la.... 89 64 .03 Clear
Sibley, la 80 67 .00 Clear
Sioux City .. 82 64 .16 Cloudy
Minimum temperature for twelve hour
period ending at 8 a. ra.
No. of Temp,- Rain
District Stations. High. Low, fall.
Columbus. 0 18 90 68 .60
uuujtjvuie, .ivy... w ,v u
inaianapons 14 ss ,u ,J0
Chicago, 111 24 92 68 .60
St Louis. Mo... 19 92 70 .30
Des Moines, la. 22 ti 60 ,20
Minneapolis 61 74 CO .10
Kansas City .... 26 92 68 . 20
Omaha 17 88 62 .60
Warmer weather pievolled in the east
ern and southern portions of the corn
and wheat region Sunday, Temperatures
were more moderate in Nebraska and
Iowa and up the valleys than on Satur
day, and cooler weather is extending
eastward over the region this morntng.
, Halns were quite general In all except
' . .. ,..,. tf nit.., on,, UlnnnAll r, I . .-f i, a
Villi; UUa 1AVV MllM ....ll.ll-U, '.. V..M.1 .WkU,
Palls Of one Inch or more occurred as
follows! In Nebraska Columbus, 1.22.
In Ohio Cleveland, 1.10. In Michigan
Flint 1.70. L. A. WEL8H.
Local Forecaster of Weather Bureau.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, July 28.-COTTON-Spot,
quiet; middling uplands, 11.95c; middling
julf, 12.20c. Sales, 4,400 bales.
Futures closed very steady. Closing bids;
July, 11.790 August, 11.67e; September,
11.26c; October. iU8e; November, H.lScM
December, 11.16c; January, 11.09c; Febru
ary, 11,10c; March, 11.17c; May, ll.Uc.
easier; good business: middling fair. 7.12d:
good middling, 6.S2d; middling, 6.62d; low
middling, &S2d; good ordinary, 6.84d; ordi
nary, &4ua. oaies, iu,uw Dales.
Omaha Hay Market.
Al,ll ... - H. . .
uhaoa, juiy sa. l-raine nay: No. I
;'v0.Ic, upland, $9.6010.00; No. 2, $8.00
&&&8P-3l' No- 1 t0 ch mid-I00?,10-0?1
,Nov MO039C0; No. S.
fc00.00, No. 1 to choice lowland. $8,000
9.00; No. 2, $7.0008.00; No. 1 tt.OtfWnrV
t Straw: Choice wheat $5.00e.00: ehnlo
oat or rye. $U0fM.O9, Alfalfa: None on
the market; No. 1 to choice old. $11000
13.00. No. 2. $10.0011.00: No, 3. $ioOtfw!o4
ftooaiacS: X t0 cholc' ,1MOffa0 '0'
Actual Wheat Sales Are Being Cov
ered Up by Dealers.
Lack of Molstnr In Severnl State
Has Deteriorating; Effect Upon
Crop and Local Showers Aro
Not Sufficient.
OMAHA, July 2S, WIS.
As Is generally the case In Chicago and
other wr,at markets of the country the
heaviest days of business are Kept
strictly from the eyes of the public. It
Is only necessary to recall the fact that
on several days of the past fortnight the
export transactions In cash wheat have
totaled as much as 2.000,000 bushels in
one day, when the figures given to the
public were not one-quarter of that
amount The average Importer Is exact
ing as to the amount of "noise" that Is
made about his purchases of grain.
Conditions surrounding the wneat ,jar
ket cannot be called either bullish or
bearish at the present time. Tho new
crop of winter wheat has moved a great
deal mora freely than the spring wheat
crop Is expected to come forward, be
cause of the fact that the latter Is less
than half that of the former. The rent
ers, as well as others who are under
financial obligations, have been the most
liberal sellers of the new crop wheat,
and it Is now the talk that the receipts
will fall off in the southwest from this
time forward, which also means a reduc
tion In the arrivals at the Omaha market
Cash we&t was Ho lower. ,
The feature of the corn market during
the last month has been the unfavorable
conditions in sections of the great belt
There is a lack of moisture in many of
the corn states and deterioration has
been pronounced. Although last night a
rain over the belt should have satisfied
the plant for some little time to come.
Threshing returns will control the price
or oats ror a time, ana u is pioimuin ui
theso advices will bo unfavorable. Cash
oata were unchanged.
Clearances on oats were 2,000 bushels,
none on corn and wheat and flour equal
to 1.670,000 bushels. ...
The close at Liverpool was uc higher
on wheat and HHc higher on corn.
Primary wheat receipts were 3,118,000 bu.
and shipments 1,167,000 bu. against re
ceipts last year of 2,239,000 bu. and ship
ments of 839,000 bu.
Primary corn receipts were 686,000 bu.
and shipments 444.000 bu. against re
ceipts last year of 448,000 bu. and ship
ments of 281,000 bu.
rrlmary oats receipts were 789,000 bu.
and Bhlpmento 641,000 bu. against re
ceipts lost year of 405,000 bu. and ship
ments of 214,000 bu.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 615 78 98
Minneapolis 203
Duluth 61 ...
nmh 810 104 83
KnnMHK Cltv 764 90 21
St Louis Ul 38 77
Winnipeg W
The following cash sales were reported
Wheat: No. 2 Jiard winter, 1 car (old).
$lo; 2 cars, 7c; 14 cars, 79Wc. No. 8
hard winter, 1 car. 8014c.; 2 cars, 80c; 2
cars, 7!Ko ; l car, 79Hc; 1 car, 79o. No. 4
hard winter, 1 cor, 78o; 1 car, 7714c; 1 car
tpoor), 75Hc. Rye: No. 2, 1 car, 6214c. No.
3, 3 cars, 61c. No. 4, 1 car, 61c. Corn: No.
2 white, 3 cars, C4y4c. No. 3 white, 1 car,
64Hc; 8 cars, 6114c; 2 cars, 64c. No. 2 yel
low, 5 cars, 62c; 11 cars, 621ic No. 3
vnllnw. c cars. G2Uc: 6 cars. 2Vic. No. 4
yellow, 1 car, 6214c ; 1 car, 61ic No. 2
mixed, 1 car tnear wnitej, wc; cars,
f,2P! 1 car. G2n. No. S mixed. 1 car. 621ic:
6 cars, 62c. No. 4 mixed, 11 cars, 61c; 1
car, 6114c; l car, ac; no graao, i car, oic
Oats: Standard, 2 cars, 88o; No. 3 white,
4 cars, 38c; 4 corB, 374c No. 4 white, 4
cars, 37Hc; 1 car, 3714c no grade, 1 car,
Omaha Cnsh Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard.
79Q114c; No. 3 hard, 788OHo: No. 4
nara, itiWT&ttc: no. a spring, puwosmc;
No. 4 spring, 7&380c; No. 2 durum, 78KOc;
No. 3 durum, SGtfSOHc. Corn: No. 2 white,
64Hc; No. .3 white, 8464V4c; No 4 white,
63UfiC3'c; No. 2 Yellow. 624f3lo: No.
3 yellow, 62Q62Hc; No. 4 yellow, 6114
6Z140; mo. 2, vsqwaq, no. a, ua-c; o.
4, 6161Hc; no grade, 68Q61c. Oats: No.
2 white, SS143814c; standard, S8c; No.
3 white. 37fi08o; No. 4 wlilte, 37!4W!4a
Barley: Malting, 6365c; No. 1 feed, 3SP
41c. Rye: No. 2, 6262Hc; No. 3, 60
Features of the Trndlnir and ClosftiK
Prices on Board nf Trade.
CHICAGO. July 28. Huire nrlmarv re
ceipts acted as a burden today In wheat
The market closed nervous UtfTc to Ma
down. Corn showed a not gain of ftc to
Vic, wun oais ivowng rrom w aecune
to Ha advance. The outcome for pro
visions ranged from ZHo off to an up
turn Of UK.
Arrivals of wheat today at the chlof
terminals reached the extraordinary total
of 3,118,000 bu., as against 2,239,000 bu. at
the corresponding' time a year ago. Tho
visible supply, too, Increased to an un
expected extent
Simultaneously rww wheat was offered
to arrlvo here from tho northwest and
there was word that Minneapolis had to
day received,. the first car from the new
spring crop.
Wheat cables gave the wheat market
a downward impulse at the outset. Fine
Weather northwest added to the bearish
feeling. A couple of little rallies wero
attempted, but tho nows had been too
one-sided, and buyers proved wary
tnrougnout, wut the uecemoer option
touching the lowest price of the year,
Allegod Insufficiency of rain ran up
the price of corn. Many dispatches from
Illinois and a few from Iowa reported
corn to be drying out Damage advices
from Nebraska were worst and Kansas
estimates pointed . to the smallest yield
since 1901.
Oats followed corn early, but later suc
cumbed to the Influence of the weakness
In wheat,
Active options In provisions held about
steadv. The effect of a decline at tho
yards was offset by the bullishness of
Artlclel Open. I High.l Low. I Close.Sat'dyT
Wheat I I
July. 84T4IB85 851404 84H 8514 85
Sept S6m. 8614 544 8688614 SfyJ&l
Dec. 89H4& 8914 69 ' 89H 9014
May. 94 94T46D0 94 94
Corn. I
July. 6214 6314 62 62T4 62
Sept 62 63 62 63Vi0 63(ff
Dec. S9146C0 60 6514 60 69
JUly. 39 39 33 3914 89
Sept 403li 40 40 40 40-
Pec, 42 4242 42 42
May. 44 45 44 45
Sept 2127 Z1T 2127 21 35 21 42
Oct. 20 90 20 85
Sept 1177 11 85 11 77 11 77 11 77-80
Oct. 11 82-85 11 90 11 83 11 85-87 U 82-85
Jan.. 10 62 10 05 10 62 10 C2 10 03
Sept 11 80 11 85 11 80 11 80 U 8214
Oct. 11 65 11 60 11 68 11 65-67 11 67
Chlcaeo Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2
red, new, 8es4c; No. 3 red, new, 85
89c; No. 2 hard, new? 8687c; No. 3
hard, new, 8586c; No, 1 northern, 92
93o; No. 2 northern, 90&91c; No. 3 north
ern, 8800o; No. 2 spring, 90ij91c; No. 3
spring, 88090c; No. 4 spring. 8088c; velvet
chaff. R&SflHcj durum, 84&w0c Corn: No.
2, 63aCJ4cj No. 2 white, 64c; No. 2
yellow, 6303c; No. 3, 625jc; No.
3 white. 64c; No. 3 yellow, 63g3c; No.
4, 62c; No. 4 white, 62GSo; No.
4 yellow, 6263c. Oats: No. 2 white,
4142c; No, 3. 39e59c; No. 3 white,
new, 3909c; No. 3 white, old. 9Q40c;
No. 4, 38c; Ns. 4 white. 3339c; standard
new, 4040c; standard, old, 404lc.
Rye; No, 2, new. 635Q4c. Barley: 48
63c. Timothy: t3.764M.76. Clover: Nomi
nal. Pork; $22.25(323.00. Lord: $11.70
BUTTER Firm; creamery. 23tfiflUc,
POTATOES Higher, at 70xK8$1.00; re
ceipts, 90 cars.
EGOS Unchanged; receipts, 9,811 cases
at mark, cases included, 15l7c; ordinary
firsts, 1516c: firsts. 1718o.
POULTRY Alive, higher; fowls, 14Hc;
springs, 18c; turkeys, 19c,
New York General Markat.
steady; muscovado, 3:07c; centrifugal,
3.57c; molavKW, 2.82o; refined, steady,
crushed. C.30o; fine granulated. 460c;
powdered, 4.70c.
BUTTER Steady; receipts. 6.314 tubs;
creamery extras, 2C8S7c; firsts, 25iSc;
state dairy finest. 252r?6c. good to prime,
2425c; process extras, 2!H,2Sc, Imitation
creamery firsts, 24c, factory, June make,
firsts, 23e, factory, current make firsts,
IV;; packing stock, current make. No. 1,
CHEriSK IriBUlnr. rpotrts. 7S7 boxes:
tato whole milk fresh colored specials.
uviVHHo: state whole nuiK, fresn wmie
spcolsls, 14e; skims, Sfillc.
kuuo irregular; receipis,, casto,
fresh gathered extras, 24tt6c; extra
firsts. 21tfI8c: firsts. lK0ci Pcnnsyl-
vanlan and nearby hennery whites, as to
sue ana quality, rogwe; 'onnsyivania
and neat by hennery gather whites, HV
Slo; western gathered whites. SOUHc.
nAl'ifnv , . u,&.i
tuLuiniiKflBUUi uuiDi, utvii niuru
western chtokens, 2iSwc; folws, 16Q
19j, turkeys, 18ffl9o.
BUTTER No. L car ion. SSa', No.
1, 00-lb. tubs, 7c: No. 2. 2So,
15c; largo crapples, fresh, 13c; Spanish
mackerel, ICc; shad roe. per pair, 40c;
salmon, fresh, 16c; halibut fresh, 10o;
ouiiaio. c; Duiincaus. uc; cnannei cat
fish, 13c; pike, 15c; pickerel, lie.
CHEESE lmnorttd fiwlda. Siai Ameri
can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins,
17o ; dolsen, 17c; triplet, lIo Young
Americas, lSo blue label brick 17c; lira-
oerger, z-w., zsc; New yorK, wuita ic.
POULTRY Broilers. awpSio per lb.s
hens, 16c; cocks, 11 He; ducks. 18033c;
See p, 180 turkeys, 2iQ2Gc; plgsons, per
or., $1.20; roosters, 9o; ducks, full fea
thered, 120i geese, full feathered, ISO I
equabs, No. i, $1.50; No. X 60c
Beet cut prices: No. 1 ribs, 17c; No. 3
ribs, 15 Vic; No. 3 ribs, 14c. No. 1 loins,
19c; No. 2 iolns, 18c; No. 3 loins, 16c
No. 1 chucks, 1114c; No. 2 chucks, Ho;
No. 3 chucks, 10c. No. 1 rounds, 16c;
No. 2 rounds. 14c; No. 3 rounds. 14c.
No. 1 plates, 7c. No. 2 plates, 7c; No.
3 plates. o.
The following prices, am furnished by
the Galveston Fruit company:
Fruits: Extra fancy Elberta freestone
peaches, per bushel, $2.25; extra fancy
Elberta freestone peaches, per 4-baskot
crate, 90o; .extra fancy Elberta freestone
peaohes, 25-crate lots, per crate, 85c;
Wlckson large green plums, per crate.
81.8C; medium red plums, per crate, $1.60;
large blue plums, ner crate. Jl.S6tfrl.oa
Pears: Bartletts, per box, $2.75; 6-box
lots. $3.65. Peaches: St John. Per box.
$1.28; Crawford, $1.25. Apples: Duchess or
'iransparent per du., ii.q; fr-ou. iota,
$1.20: 10-bu. lots. $1.15. Cantalouuos: Ari
zona standard, per crate, $3.25; Arlsona
pony, per crate, $2.75: Arizona jumbo, per
crate, $2.75; California, pony crates, per
crate, xz.qu; canrornia sianaara, per crate,
$3.00. Raspberries: Red. per 24-plnt case.
$3.60. Blackberries: Home grown, per
X4-quart cose, $2.50. Oranges! Extra fine
valencies, lztt, us sizes, per oox,;
Sunklst Valencias, 150 site. $6.50; 176, 200,
216. 250 sixes. Per box. $7.00. Potatoes:
Large, new. per bushel, $1.00. . Grapefruit:
Florida, Indian river, 46, 54, 64 sizes, $10.00.
Onions: California large yellow, per lb,.
sc. uranoerries: uvaporaioa, canon con
taining 36 packages, per carton, $2.70.
Lemons: Extra fancy Sunklst, 300s and
300s, per box, $10.50; extra choice Red
Ball, 900a and 300s, per box, $10.00. Toma
toes: Tennessee, per 4-basket crate, $LO0;
5-crate lots, 90c. Watermelons: Alabama
sweet, per lb., lttc; c-crate lots, per lb.,
VEGETABLES Potatoes, large, new.
per bushel, $1.00. Onions, California large
yellow, per pound. 2c. Tomatoes, Ten
nessee, per 4-baakeW crate, $1.15; 6-crate
lots, $1.10. Watermelons, Alabama sweet
per pound, la; 5-crate lots, per pound,
MISCELLANEOUS Roasting ears, per
dozen, 15c; Michigan celery, per dozen
35c; Mott's cider, per keg, $3.50; Nehawea
cider, ner keg. $3.25: asparagus, per dozen.
50c; rhubarb, per dozen, 20c; onions, per
dozen, zvc; new Deeis, carrots, turnips
per dozen, 30c; parsley, per dozen, 40c;
radish, per dozen. 20a; head lettuoe, per
dozen, $1.00; homegrown leaf lettuce, per
dozen, iw; green per uasnei,
COc; wax or green beans, per bosket
$1.00; hothouse cucumbers, per basket
ii 2K? cauliflower, per pound. 10c to 12L4c:
Venetian garlic, per pound. 12c; now
cabbage, per pound, 3c; eggplant per
dozen, $!&; horseradish. 2 dozen bottles
In case, per case, U.w; uromcaary brand
dates, package, $3.00; Anohor brand dates,
package, $2.25; walnuts, No, 1 soft shell,
,1 'fV mArtllim nMnnI. nnp luinnil
13 He; jumbo pecans, per pound, 15c; giant
pecans, Louisiana pupcr aneii, per pounu,
Zuc; iiiucriu, lie,, vuuim, wu. uiua ai
monds, per pound, 15c; paper shell. 18o;
iiraziis, yvi jjvmiu, aw, h. 0v nuBueu,
per pound, 12c; black walnuts, per pound,
2c; raw No. 1 peanuts, per pound, 7o;
inmhn n.nnuts. Der nound. 8c: roast nin.
nuts, per pound, 8c; snell bark hickory
nuts, ner Dound. 4c: large hickory nuts.
per pound, 8c; white rice popcorn, per
pound, 1c; cnecKers, uor iw-pacnaso case,
$3.50; checkers, per 50-package case, $1.75;
l.cBlIn berrv boxes, quarts, per 1.00U. $2.75.
Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions,
No. 2 hard, S0l484c; no. s, 788Jo;
No. 2 red, 80Oeic; No. 3, 79S0c; Sep-
tember, 80c; iJecemoor, stQotttc; fliay,
CORN No. 2 white, 6Sc; No. 3, C7
67o; September, 64c; December, 60c;
May. 6262c.
OATS No. 2 white. 3040c; No. 2 mixed,
3339c; September, 39c; December,
HAY Choice timothy. $14.0014.fA
BUTTER Creamery, 26c; first, 25o; S60'
onds, 24c; packing, 20c.
i!AJUP, JIB,, W7J , -WW
POULTRY Hens, 12c; roosters, 9c;
ducks. 15oi broilers, 10c.
St. LonU GenrnI Market.
ST. LOUIS, July 28. WHEAT-C16se:
No. 2 red, 8334c; No. 2 bard, m
1uW RSUn; Seotember. 8HS4UC.
CORN No 2. 65c; No. 2 white, 66
66c; July, 64c; BeptemDer, tunc
OATS-No. 2 new, JrieHc; old, 3Sc;
No. 2 white, 3939c; July, 87c; Septem
ber, 39c.
FLOUR Easy; red winter patents, $4.55
4.76; extra fancy ana siraignt,
4.16; nara winter clears, A.ivtfj.oo.
CORN MKAL-$2.90.
TIT? AN Racked, east track. 90fl03c.
HAY Timothy, $13.0017.00; prolre,
iirt,,,n,nnD t. 1 . 4 n V.I . I (UM
Lard, prime steam. $I0.8010.!)0. Dry fait
lrieats, boxed, extra shorts, 13c: clear
ribs, 13c; snort clears, u'AC uacon,
boxed, extra shorts, 14c; clear ribs, 14c;
snort clears, kmc
POULTRY Firm, chickens. 12c;
springs, 16o; turkeys, 18c; duoks, l2cj
geese, luc.
BUTTER Quiet: creamery, 26c.
EOS Steady. 13Uc
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 30.W0 15.000
Wheat, bu 492,000 113,000
Corn, bu 47,000 28,000
uats, ou ia,iw ii.w
Liverpool Grain Market.
firm: No. 1 Manitoba. 7e 9d: No. 2. 7s d:
No. 3, 7s 3d. Futures, easy; July, 7s 4d,;
October, is 2a; uecemDer, is za.
CORN tipot, steady; American mixed,
new. kiln dried. Cs CHd: American mixed.
old, Cs: American old, via Galveston, 5a
8d. Futures, steady; September LaPlata,
4s lld; October Laiiata, 5s a.
FLOUR-Wlntcr patents. 28s.
Hops In London Focafto coast, 1 15s
a la Us.
3Ilnnrnpolla Grain Market,
July, 84c; September, 86c; December,
8M9c. Cash: No. 1 hard, 8989c;
No. 2 hard, 833&o: No, I northern,
85S6c; No. 2 hard Montana, 84o;
no. a wneat, Bowmwtc
BRAN Unchanged.
BAR LEY Unchanged.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 6114c.
OATS-No. Z white. 38i&S8c
RYE No, 2, E5Q67C
Milwaukee Grain Market.
No. 1 northern, 9192c; No. Z northern,
Ktftwo: no. z nara winter, 87iSdc;
July, 87; September, 86c.
CORN-No. S yellow. 63c: No. 2 white.
65c; No. 3, 13(S3c; July, 62c; 8ptera-
uor, ttnc
OATS 11c
Hnniti Tl awUw
NEAV "YORK, July 28.-Men's wear for
itiiik wan jjiivcu iuuu, ua a irrea
.... A 1 .. . . i
delivery forward from October are q
year easier. Cotton yarns show lltl
cnange lur ipoi aeuvcry, iiaw siik
firmer. .
Wool Market.
BT LOl'IB, July 28.-WOOL-Steady,
northern and western mediums, 17020c,
siigniiy uuiry. ifivc no, burry,
Improvement Bcglnninff Last Week
Continues Yesterday.
London Rxerclses Inflnence, Ilnylnic
About iB,00 Shares, Mainly
AroalKamateA Copper and
Krle Bonds Steady.
weeRS operation, touhh-. ,"",7;,,- uH
In dlmlnUhed volume. Jh jraaHrji u
Amaglamatea iTopper, all
Btecl. Union Pacftjo "eadhig al
roso to a mgnr 'r.Ti'.riritiro
was or tno somo "'
JlOUeS Willi iwiwii "'J yria
Xvuay s cany kuhu, " .i;
to extreme dullness later, wj- J""?.
which was driven to retirement of com-
miUnenta. particularly In coppo, iim
and Union Pacific AroalajjamRtcd Copper
was Krongosi oL v: In
rise coinciainK u ii i.n
tho metal to a 'racthin over 15 cents.
Steel's strength was, ascribed to c "Pjcia-
tlons of n lavoraoio unirei
In the railway uiywium,
generally stimulated by the "Arl.
eastern railways managers In wUhdmw.
ng the r grioyiuu-o. w.y. . V . den
tno SOUtnwesiern ktoui; yv,7--w.rr
activity with giUns of 1 to 3 PohU wh o
the Hill Issues added to last Saturdaj a
gains. Canadian Pacific. 'Soo," lten.
Beet Sugar, ll.arye.ter.nnd the JWjJoum
shares, me latter -an
Increase in tho price of that cOm.
modlty. The final hour saw numerous
recesslonn. . . ,. . ,...
. London oxerciscasornu ";-A--'i.
Ing about io,wv snrrw, v
lSUtl. Copper .and Erles tU Hank
Paris was. rong nu ."X
The local '.r..Tj;.;"wHh'nc
govemmoniB n' i iVinims.
low records for the twos and the lMnama.
lTSSrv value, aggregated
vilmher of Bales and leadlnd quotaUons
on stocks were: , . nnM.
Anuli.msM Cowr ... l,100 71 70S
Amerlowi Altrleolurmi ... ;! j,?
Am.rln Bt Bufr.... 1.JW 17 -
Imsrlnn OOtton Oil.... W 5. . IT 11
Am. ic. BtMm. W
Amricn uun -' -,.r
Ainerlcm S. B. VtS J
Am. Bu.r, 700 lit U U
American Tob.cco jo.... 1 " J
An.cona Mlnlr Co.... l.M
AtehiKon l,'w " JL,
A5r.t,ijn;":".:'.",M m& ! i
Silt mors k Ohio 1.100 t JJH
Brooklyn l.joo M Sl HW
0.nrl Leather ., H ' "
0..pAl Ohio ll.JOO Slji 14 MH
ffl..uM.wA-m."p:::: i jkb
Colorado r. A I W i H
Consolidat.d 0 W "J ' "JJJ
Corn Pro4ueU i.W " 1
Dtlmn a Hnaon
l)nrer & Rto Grande... M0 20 M 1K
DulnTwi' Bicurltlea"!!!.' 7!00 1414 14. . ljH
Erl, 2.000 I7H xx
Krle l.t pM 700 4JK 4IH 4t4
Kr . M pfa.... S00 U l4 H
Oaneril Kl.ctrlo 140H J14
oraat Northern ptd 1.100 IH HU I
Oraat Nbrtham Ora ctfa. J, too 7H lH
Illinois Ctntral
Interboroum Mel i.w in 1.74
Inter. Met. ptd 1.W0 M ,M M nf4 ..... 1KU
international Taper BOO 9U 1 H
imernaiionai mmp n
Kanaaa Cltr Southern... 2,800 I! ITU V
Laclede naa 3V4
Lehlfh Valler l.tOO KVA 1UK IS1
IulaTlll a Na.hTllle Ill
M., St. V. tt B. Fta. W. VW 117 VV 117H 117
Utaaourt. K. & T. ...... l.t.00 211 11, 21
Mlreourl Paclflo 1,(00 ItH U ' H
National Dlncult UM llii 111 ill
Nalnnal Lead 41
TV. U. It. of M. id ptd 11
Kew York Central Ltt0 H tl M
n. v,, o, & w too :ih rtt( JU
NVirfolk A Western LCO0 1M 106H
North American , M t9H
Korthera PaciHo S.6O0 110 lit) 11 OH
Paclllo Mall tU
Pennirlranla f.UO 1HH Ui 114
People'a Oaa 100 1UH 11H, lit
Plttabursh Coal 400 19 UVt USi
Preeaed Steal Car COO li UK UK
neadlns 14,000 1U JttK
Ttepobllc I. A S 400 BH 15 24H
IVopnblle I. & B, ptd,, ..... ttu
.tta-i. r.t.K . ,m . . . i ....
" ..... ,w 'i. 11
Tlock Ialand Co. pfd 1,6X1 MU U tt
fit. L. A B. F. ti pfd Hi
Itork bland Co...
f. U P4U,. ...,. .... 1U
fleaboard Air Line SOO 11 17 ltu
Reaboard A. U. pfd 000 Wi 41 41Vi
o. ..... VUU a Zf
Southern Pacific 7.000 rtt4 n srvl
SoBthern IUIlr.y 1,700 U 23 !4
flo. lUllwar pfd TJH
Tenneaaee Coptxr 4. WD tOU NH 10H
T,V" , P."lc 800 4 "it
JJn on Taclflo 25,000 151 J4i ijo
Union raclfla rM ..... pi
(United States Itealtr,... 100 el 41 41
United Rtatea llubher.... 00 i toi aou
United filatea Ptael 6,10 ttf BIW IU
Utah CJopper , 4.800 4I 41 wl
Va.-Carollna Chemical .. 100 J4Vi ttl JSH
waDasn '..,,(,,,. ..... ,u
Wabaah pfd 400 7V4 T ?2
Weatern Maryland jco 40 iiu
-Western Unlnn , JM
Westlnnhoaaa Haectrlo .. 1,100 4 sj Hi:
HVheellm: Lake Erie" SCO fu git 'W
Total sales for, the day, ah tree.
lVen- Vnelt tr..., ... u......
MT.HV Vm71" Till,, 90 linunw
steady, per cent; ruling rate. 2i
per cent; dosing bid, K per cent: offered
at LL n.. n.l M. ,
- .u, , v..m -iiiiu iuuub, euaier; sixty
days, SWU per cent; ninety days, 4Wja
i per cent; six months. 66 per cent.
cent. Sterling exchange, eteadyj 14.832G for
sixty day bill and at 14.8085 for demand.
Commercial bills, $4.83. '
SILVER Bar, 697,0; Mexican dollars.
IJONDS Government, weak; railroad,
nrm, ?
Closing quotations bn bonds today were
as follows:
V. B. ref. !, rf... MMr K. C. So. ref. ts,,, (u
do coupon Hi, L., 8. dab. 4a 1M1, toS
D. B. Ja, r( 1M u & N. UM. 4..,. tk
do coupon 101 M. K. A T. lat 4s.
U. B. U, re 110 do in. 4Us...,,., w2
do coupon 110 Mo. I'uin. u... tl
rMama. la coupon,, MM da conr. 5a...... 7H
A.-C. lat (a otU. 40 eeff K ,,'0" J JJ
Amer. As. ta., un n. T, C. . fta. . uvl
A. T. b T, 0. 4..100 ado dib, 4 ... i M
Am. Tobacco ea....lls w. y, N. il. 4 ii
Atoblaon ran. 4.. ti X. A y. j,t e, 4, nK
do er. 4a 1M0 MU -do ct. 4s..... jSIS.
a Vi NJ-1'""10 .
A. U Jj, lit H,,,,, t9 dO ll .......... AiM
Bal. 4 Ohio 4...... lai.o. a U VfdV ii 47
Bro,k',T,o;i:'," Uar!inn- "' ? " H
Brook. Tr. or. 4,,., M do con. 4a... aytT
Can. of Qa, Ca 104i Uwdlns an. 4. JIS
Can. Leather (a HW 8. L A S. P. f- im 70
O. U Ohio 4M. 4 dTfn to. . .',. W
nr, 4Ha TIK Bt. lT B. W. c. ii TT!?
Chlcaso it A, IVia, (t fl. A. L. sol. la.I! 2
C a Q, J. 4a..., Hi8o. "I. 4I iS
do can. 4s n do ct. tt. ........ T
9 ,8.P H..101 di lat rVf. ; I UK
do rfs. 4a ,..,4H da can, 4a....... . m
ja A H r tc a H. n Union' Pac'fl, ii JmS
p. H. ct, (( ,j0 er t " J.7T
D. 4V It. 0. ref. to, 70K do 1st rif ii n&
Dlrtlllera- ( II 'n5J!.. '.SJ
? !., v. n. bu.71 u
III. Can. lat r. 4a, . li Weetem Md. 4s TlC
WUr. Met. JMa. .., 75H West Elec. cr. ti UK
Inter. M. M. 4Ha.. 19 Wla. Central 4,." j2
Jaoan 4U tl
( 'Bid. Offerad.
Trrnsnry Htntrrnerif,
i.R,10! July 28--The condl
tlon of the United States treasury at the
beginning of business todav wn: Net
balance in general fund. I1,0GS,&7B; total
receipts Sflturday, e2.a995; total pay
menu Saturday, l,5ni,7S. The deficit
this fiscal year Is 14,467,ft)7, auainst a
deficit of SG.013.338 last vear, exclusive of
Panama canal and public debt transac
tions. Jlnnk Clearing's.
OMAHA, July a Bank clearings for
yesterday were 32, 8M, 503.10. "For tha cor
responding date last year they were
12,489,616.23. '
London Ntock Slarkrt.
LONDON, July 38, American securi
ties opened steady today Later the list
advanced under the lead of Union Pa.
rifle Southern Pacific and Amalgamated
1 Copper At noon prices wero from to
1 point higher than Saturday's New lork
Ctmaola afwunt .... 71 llllnol Central ,,,.117H
da money Tt M.. K. T M4
Rial. Copper ........ Ttmvtinarltanla ....... tIS
Alehlaon 141 IleaAtnc IH
Can. I'aelhe Ml pn. I'anltle H
meat O. W 14 VnKm raeltla ....,.1U
8t. Paul 1 United Btalet Bteel. m
Penw A It. O JOHWaM.h , ,. I
Krle SV He Herr H
d 1M ptd OHlUnd Mlnea t
Orand Trunk ,. ... ns
SILVBll-Uar. steady, at S7id Per ox.
MONBV-Sitfit per cent.
DISCOUNT IlATKS Short bills. ai per
ccnti threo months' bills, 4 l-lt per cent.
Metal Slarkrt.
?er: Strong; standard, spot to August,
15.21 nsked; September and October, I14.M
W1M2; electrolytic, tlS.U; lake, (15.X; cast
ing, 14.87. Tin, firm; spot and July. J40.6S
140.S0, August nnd September, 40.3fttf
40.A5. Load; quiet, It.iU bid. Spelter:
steady; 5.4Mj.tS. Antlmonyi dull; Cook
son's, lS.4Wf.f. Iron: steady; No. 1 north
ern, lB.75(16.(Wj No. S northern, lS.a
15.W; No. 1 southern, el6.2ulfl5.60; No. i
southern, soft, llS.3&giS.W,
Iondon markets cloned as follows: Cop
per: firm; spot 67 7s Cdj futures, 107 7s Cd.
Tin: firm; spot. Its. KM; futures, 164 10s.
Lead. (31. Spelter: CO 16s, Iron: Cleveland
warrants, 66s Cd.
ST. LOUIS, July 28. M ETTA LS Lead,
firm, $4.28. Sivaltcr. firm, S2VsJ6.!,
NEW VoiUC, July .-C'OKFiai0-Mar-kot
was quiet today. 1'rlcvs were, lower,
owing to weakness In lSuropo. Opening
steady at a decline of 10 to M points.
values continued to sag in absence or
demand. Close was steady at 11 . to 17
Ixilnts not lower. July and August. 8.92o!
September, 9,CCo: Octoler, 9.14o; Novem
ber, 9.34o; December, 9.30c; January, 9.J7o;
February, 9.4fto; MitrcK 9.j2o; April, 9.67o;
May, 9.6to! June. 9.61c, Bpot, Btrndy; IUo
No. 7, 0Ho; iuntos is, HHc Mild, dull;
Cordova, tsfll&o.
t -
l&vaparated Applea anil Dried limits
API'LHS Quiet; faun, WtVoi choice,
if'ftc; prime, omio'Jic.
Uldb FttinTl'runes. firm: Cali
fornia, 3V4tPWo; Oregon. bBVWc Atrl
cotts. firm: choice, 12itl2)ic: extra oholoa,
lS13Wc; fancy, 14ttSn6o, Peaches, dull;
choice, SlaGJHo; extra chotco, CKQTc:
fancy, 7VMjiHo- Raisins, quiet; loose
muscatels, iwuio; cuoico 10 ranoy
seeded, tifCWc; scodlees, 4i,j0-'ic; London
layers, 11.D0&1.40.
IIh and HokIii,
9.70; July, 39.40; Beptember. 39.33; Decem
ber, W.bB.
ROSIN-Steftdy: strained, common to
fcTOod, 34.40. tl.
TUHr"iSN aieauiy, maonmo uar
rtis. S9HC
ISlKtn Uatter Market.
ELGIN, July 28. BUTTER Firm, o.
Demoorats Plan
to Eush Currency
at All Hazards
WASHINGTON, July 2S,-Confronted
with apparently Irfeoonotlablo disagree
ment amoug the democrats of the house
banking and currency committee on tho
pending currency bill, tho administration
again changod tonight Its plans for
getting tho measure through the commit
tee and the house. The scheme of Chair
man Gloss to take tho unfinished bill out
of the hands of the committee of demo
crats and send It to tho dcmocratlo house
caucus, which failed on Friday, was
abandoned after Chntrman Glass con
ferred with President Wilson today.
The bill will be kopt In the conference
of the committee democrats this week,
'according to the new plan, and they will
be forced to vote on tho essentials of
tho measure. The administration sup
porters bellovo they will be able to out
vote the so-called Insurgents by 10 to
i, or llto 3. Representative Ragsdaie,
who offerod tho Hcnry-Ragsdalo insur
gent amendments to the bill; Representa
tive Oulkcley of Ohio, Representative
Eaglo of Texas and Representative Neeloy
of Kansas aro tho four members listed
as doubtful. IC the disagreement of
these four cannot be disposed of by dis
cussion and argument, they will be voted
down. Then tho administration will do
olde what further course to pursue with
the bllL
Tha administration, foroes apparently
were encouragod today and advanced the
belief that the president, despite the un
happy outlook, would be able to get hla
bill through both ends of the. capltol,
practically unchanged.
Dakota Tax Body
Raises Road Values
PIERRE, S. D. July 23. (Special.)
Tho state tax commission today an
nounced the ussesiment values it would
place against railways operating In this
state under tho full value rate selected
for the assessment this year. The In
crease Is practically four times tho
assessment of last year, lnaroaalng them
In the total from 332,001,000 up to 3124,
231,861. This Is on average of a little
over 329,623 per mile, ranging on different
systems from 331,493 per mllo on the stub
of the Illinois Central into Sioux Falls
down to a little over (6,000 a mile on the
"Crouch" lino up Rapid gulch In the
Black Hills. The heaviest assessment on
any line with a considerable nilleagohln
the state U on tha "Omalm" line, placed
at 333,419 per mile. Or course the assess
ment ou the Pierre & Fort Pierre Bridge
railway Is the highest per mile ot any of
them because tt is practically the bridge
and terminals in tho two towns. The
assessment of different companies Is:
C., M. Ic St. P 3 K.ERJ.SM
Chicago & Northwestern 31,437,233
Pierre, R. C. & N. W 4,766,022
Pierre & Ft Plerro B. R... 1,116,799
C M., St. P. & 0 8,383,697
Great Northern , 7,608,89!
Illinois Central tQ0,330
C R. I. & P 2,803,633
Soo Line 661,213
Minneapolis & BL Louln 6.138.471
Crouch Line 103,410
South Dakota central i,bot,383
Tlurllnirton 6.981.413
Wyoming St Missouri River 104.40D
Belle FourchO A N. W 872.619
James Valley & N. W 747,803
Total - 12a.231.881
Saturn Furnishes
Work for Police
Frank Thomas, a colored porter living
at 2763 Cuming street, was' arrested last
nlrht by James McDonald and Delbert
Rtch, policemen In plain clothes, who are
assigned to duty on the steamboat Saturn.
The officers accused tho negro of stealing
163 from a patron of the boat.
Shortly after the boat docked last night.
the police answered a hurry call to Fif
teenth and Farnam, where a gang ot
toughB wan beating a nicely dressed
young fellow, who was said to have vio
lated tho ethics of the boat In tho matter
of paying attention to women on board.
By the time tho police arrived It was all
over, oven tho young victim and his
womap companion having disappeared.
Nerds Itrat,
Carl Cashlon's only chance of getting
back Into the ranks Is In ten months'
rest, according to Washington specialists
who are treating his strained arm.
Great things were predicted for Cashlon
this season, but In bis first game ho tore
a ligament loose.
Killing Cattle Steady to Strong, with
Pecders Higher.
Sheep Steady to Stronir and Fairly
Active-. Relllnic narly - I.amba
Slow, but tJcnrrallr Steady
with Last AVrck.
BOUTII OMAHA, July . 1913.
Receipts were: Cntllo. Hogs. Sheep.
Estimate Monday. 3,610 3,370 13.GS4
Same day last week.... 3.W3 6,fM 15.424
Santo day 3 wks ago... 3,019 6,3.13 4,173
Same day 3 wks ago... 1,630 3,Sfcl 10.KS
Bame day 4 wkB ago... Z.031 D.S09 7.557
Same day last year.... 2,435 4.S41 15,327
The following table shows the receipts
nf rnttle, hnn. ...... Mi. ..... ... .1... ..,.,)
Omaha live ntbck narkst for tho year
iu usie as compared with lasi year:
. , 1913. 1912. Ino. Dea
Cattle 4C0.9S4 4S3,3SS 3.H4
''Ogs 1.W0.75S. S,04tt,134 79,8S1
Slicep 1,061,424 l.OOO.SOl 61,025
The following table shows the range of
prices for hnira a amtil. nm.l,. r.,, ih.
Inst few days, with comparisons;
iiweiuia ana oisposltlon or Hvo stock at
the Union Stock yards, South Omaha,
Neb., for twonty-four hours ending at
p. ro. yesterday.
r. xr a. o. , 9at,1- OKs. Sheep. H'r's.
Union I'n.cltlo R. R. 18
C. & N. W., oast.... S
C & N. W.. west... 33
C, Bt. I M. & O... 10
C. 1J. & Q.. nnat 1
0 43
53 M
C U. & y., west... SS
v.., iu j. oi i' cast. 7
C R. 1, oi i west. 18
Illinois Central Ry, 1
Chicago U. W. Rj' I
Total receipts ...131
Cattle. Hogs. Bhcep.
Morris & Co 123
Swift & Co M0
Cudohy I'ncklne Co..... 674
Armour & Co... 363
senwarts & Co
W. Murphy
ia a. ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,
S. O. P. Co
.. ...
St. Clair
Hwltt, from country.,.. (18
w. h. vansant co 63
Kenton, vansant & L...
uin t boii........ ........
W. U. Lewis
J. 11. Root St Co.
J. II, Bulla , 11
Ilosenstock Bros 149
McCreary & Kellogg.... 104
wertnuimer a uegen.. ai
H. F. Hamilton 133
Rothschl Id lues
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co..,. 3
Other buyers 336
Totals 3.876 .S52 12.896
Date. I H13. iei2.lU.191O.ljt-.lD0.tlWT.
July 16.
7 03
6 J7) 6 76
Q yl
July 17,
7 74
July 18.
I 36
5 64
6 74
juiy it).
July 20.
8 35
7 76
8 28
8 31
7 75
6 33
5 60
July 21.
7 70
6 31
July 33.
8 33
S 28
8 27
7 67
6 84
6 93
6 97
juiy 24.
July 25.
July 26.
July 27.
July 28.
6 33
7 67
6 31
6 36
6 34
7 61
7 45
7 371
6 07
6 99
6 65
0 64
8 81
6 m
8 231
6 95
CATTLE Cattle recelnts were moder
ate, only 133 cars being reported In. The
run, nowever, was 11 anytning a iruie
larger than a week ojto and larger than
most recent Mondays, being also larger
man a wecit ago by ovor i.wv nona.
Tha offerliiEs of beef steers wero very
small, while the demand was good for
desirable killers. Cattle of that descrip
tion sold generally In good season at
prices that were It anything a little
stronger than last week. Pretty much
everything changed hands In good season
in the morning.
Onlv il fnw cow. nnd hntfers wero of
ferod, but what there wore commanded
ateaav nrices auid in some coses aoies.
mn wero quoting tho market a little
The rains lost night, which wore quite
Copious In somo localities, no 0 mod to
stimulate tho freo buying of stock cattle
and feeders, with the result that the
market nn mat Kina was iva or more
higher than lost week's close.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choloo
he.f steers. tS.2MR.90: fair to food beef
steers, 17.D04rs.23; common to fair beet
otters, 37.Z34y7.vo; gooa to cnoice nouors,
.4 rvl . . r. t,ntA rnw. ffl ftfflT 1(1
fair to good grades, $6.2606.00; common
to fair graaes,; goou 10 cnoice
atnekers and feeders. 27.25(017.75: fair to
good Blockers and foders, t6.76Q7.25; com
mon to lair aiocaers ono leeuera, to.unu
.r , .,..1, mw. ami I, t r l. ta nrwea tA.
veal calves, 37,0010.00; bulls, stags, eta,
Representative sales:
Kb. At, Yt. Ko. At. Pr.
tl 171 7 It II 1144 t U
11,,.., T4 7 71 1 IM I 40
17..... 1111 7 71 I... 7M I 40
t 0t I 00 tt 1011 I 43
I ,1104 I 10 It 1013 I 10
10 ...1170 I 1 ,...1115 I M
it 171 I It H l!l I 10
7 lltl I u ev i.a.ix.i a to
11.,,,, 11U I 10 ! ..1117 I tt
It Ill I to lttt I ti
M ltU I IS 30 111! I tt
14 117 I U II 1171 I tt
t lltl I tl 21 UM t IS
to lltl I It
II 741 1 10 4 124 I tO
" "1,Mcows. 1
1 tlO I 10 1 1100 I 78
I IN I to 1 119 t SO
t , 1004 4 00 21 , 104 I 00
I 40 4 II 1 ItiO I IS
1 7M 4 It 4 1070 I 23
1 1O00 4 M 11 1MB t IS
I B)W I 10 1 171 A tO
t tt t u i...,. net 7 00
1 1100 t to 1 lies 7 is
1 no 1 to
t M0 4 76 t 70 t
1 471 I 00 II 711 I 40
1 400 I IS 1 179 t 00
it I4 I It
1 7M 4 li 1 1(10 I 4S
1 ,1000 I II 1 1170 I 00
1 1U0 t li 1 ,.1140 t 00
1 10 JO t M 1 1100 I K
1 t0 I 85 1 lltO I It
I, 740 f tt 1 , 110 114
1 1410 t 10
2 nS 7 00 1 214 t SO
2 IH I to 1 110 tO
1 210 I 10 1 140 10 00
3.,, 110 t 00 1 110 10 00
711 4 tt 11 170 I SO
7 140 I It 11... 634 t M
7 Ul I 11 1 710 I II
1 411 I 40 10 711 I 70
4 717 I 40 12 491 I 71
4 ISS t 10 1 7S t 71
17 cows,,,.. 937 6 35 6 cows 9S1 6 60
10 cows.,,.. W3 6S5 I cow..,,.. 000 6 00
10 cows 283 3 26 14 heifers... S21 6 35
17 feeders.. ES4 7 26 1 calf 200 10 00
1 calf 290 8 60 1 steer 1210 7 00
3 cow 933 6 23 1 cow 1020 5 23
2 heifers. ,.1070 7 00 2 cows 1115 6 CO
A. Foagin Nob.
6 feeders.. 875 6 25 3 feeders.. 915 6 75
13 feeders.. Ml 6 76 8 feeders.. 993 7 40
1 heifer.... 700 0 09 2 cows 916 V 00
B. C. Huffman Neb,
1C steers. ...1432 8 00 3 steer 1396 8 00
Thompson Bros. Wyo.
36 fooders.,1131 7 75 I feeder,. .1020 7 75
HOOS Although the supply was the
lightest in weeks tho market failed to
Improve this morning. Shippers bought
a few hogs early steady to a nickel lower,
but compared with last week their pur
chases were very light. Packers were
bearish again today, and In spite of the
light receipts and tho opposition ot tho
sellers tney iinany put up tneir droves
at prices anywhero from a shade to 6a
lower. Bulk of the sales was mode at
38.60&.70, with best lights as high as
19.00. Movement was very slow, and at
10:80 there were still three or four loads
In first hands. As a general thing the
market can be Quoted as steady to 60
lower man Baiuraays average.
Receipts wero tho lightest for a Mon
day since the first week of this month,
About 62 cars, or 3.370 head, were re
ceived, this being Just about half tha
size of the supply a weeic ago and nearly
1,000 smaller than for the soma day last
At. Bh. Pr. . At. Bh. Jr.
11,,. .,,.111 ... 1 to Ul W IIS
71 Ill 40 lit 44 157 ... Its
40 Ill 130 ts t...,...m 14 IU
tl 140 ... I U tl 114 ... IBS
17 til 10 I 10 II 170 10 I It
ao...,.,.M ... I to II 2SI 100 I I7U
7 370 10 I 10 II tci 200 I I7li
tS,......lli ,.. I 40 tl...... 241 . 170
It. ..,,..107 110 I (0 14 14 10 I 70
II HO It I to II 114 ... I 70
41, ... 172 40 I M 14.. . . 117 100 17a
tl,.,, 2S1 ... I 10 . .. ,,tll 200 1 71
8 76 7 15
I 82ft 7 16 6 90
8 Dili T 17 34
8 88H 7 901 6 36
7 33 38
8 87 tf 27
a mu t 11
8 77 7 33
8 77H 7 47
8 6JH 7 (7
7 65
8 C9
145 M I 71
71 Ml 130 I 71
72 let 40 I 71
M lit W I 10
IT 114 ... 119
DO NS ... I 10
H 40 I 10
to iu lao 1 ta
fl St ... IH
17 Ill ... I M
77 IM 10 I CO
17 Ill 's.. I tt
71 110 10 1 S
m m no 1 uh
41 Ml ... I Hi
(1 14 10 I H
It K4 10 I
(4 ill ... I 06
(0 MO ... IM
44 1(4 lW IK
111 10 190 IK
TO IM ... IK
BHKHP About two-thlnlrf of n. Very-
fair supply for a Monday wan made up
of lambs, chiefly from Idaho and Oregon.
The packer buyers being fn ho hurry to
mko any purchases gave the market on
lambs a very dull outlook during a good
Dart of tno forenoon. Moasaecs from
other points Indicated slow trade and
lower values at those maces, but local
salesmen held out steadfastly for at least
steady prices and ftnaly most of the of-
formes sola mat way. wmie iamb trera
generally on a steady basis there wore
a few sales that looked a llttlo off if
anything and Instnnccs wjicro prices
seemed a llttlft stronger, trade' on the
wnoio appearing moro or less uneven.
Transactions were made at figures rang
ing anywhero from 36.75 to 37.75, the latter
irico Doing given for nair dozen cars of
daho lambs with about 73 hetid out It
wns a llttlo Into before a complete clear
ance was effeatod.
Aired sheen receipts constituted about 15
cars and buyers apparently wanted some
thing in tno nno or mutton uus morning.
as they wero out early and sought shoep
beforo lambs. Tho good demand ' en
ablod sellers to get prices steady to strong
ns compared with Inst week's close and
trade was acmo ai mo improvement,
practically everything on the order of
mutton being picked up at a compara
tively early hour. Tops on yearlings,
wethers and ewes wero 35.70, 35.00 and
4.5, respectively.
Thero wan a gooa neauny inquiry tor
feeders nnd both the packers and feeder I
buyers sought this class ot sheep and
lambs. Prices wero regarded as strong ,
to a llttlo higher contrasted witn last
week's close.
Quotations nn sheen and Iambs: Lambs. ,
good to cholcn. 37.60iff7.75; lambs, fair to
good, I6.76dr7.60; lambs, culld, 3S.0CMjN5.00: .
amus. reed em. nunwcw: yearlings, gooa 1
to choice. 35.S&CA.00; yearlings, fair to
good, 55.0O3T..25; yearlings, feeders, 34.2&7JI I
6.00; wethora, good to choice, $l.6OS6.0O;
wethers, fair to good, 2tCOS4.W; wethers,
feeders, 83.2604.00: ewes, good to choice, I
34.lMr4.76: owes, fair to good. 23.50Q4.13: I
owes, feeders, iz,7&V3.zo; cuu snoop,
No. Av. Pr.
243 Idaho owes S6 3 CO 1
4 Idaho wothcra iw 4 to
109 Idaho yearlings .., W 5 60 1
205 Idaho lambs 61 7 30
149 cull lambs 64 0 75
235 Idaho lamb eu
903 Irtnho Iambi 61 7 30
1,481 Idaho lamb , 70 7 75 1
Cnttlo Steady to Dime lowei
ceipts, 19,000: markot steady to 10c lower
beeves, ?7.wuv,iu; uoxaa steers, i.w"ui.i.
western steers, 26.504.00; stockers and
feeders. 36.4007.75: cowa and heifers, 33.60
02.20; calves, 38.00010.75.
HOQH Receipts, 40,000 noaa; marast
weak, mostly 10a lower; bulk of kaIch.
t8.76tf9.S0: light. S9.O0iir9.4S: mixed. W.6MJ
9.43: heavy. 33.4009.20: rough. S3.I03CO;
kilns, 3d.OOJr3.15.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25,000
head; markot, steady for shoep, lambs,
250 lower; native snoop, t4.ssiuu.oo; west
ern sheen. 34.S04I6.60: native lambs, 25.65a
7.75; western lambs, 84.25S7.S5; yearlings,
Kansas Cltr Live Stock: Market.
T.,ua,a nlmv r. , 1 no fiiippf w
Receipts, 14.000 head; market, 103 1 to
higher, steady to strong; prime fed
steers, t5.60i26.Hi; dressod beef otters,
37.00Q8.40; western oteers, 2fU8X.25:
southern steers, 35.70O6.S6; cows, JI.00O
7.00; heifers, 35.00tSii.7S: stosken and
foedcrs, 3J.25CfS.25; bulls, 31.734.73; calves,
UOQS Receipts, coue noaa; maiKet
strong: bulk ot sales. tS.POtV9.00: heavy.
3S.O0ft-9.O3; packers and butchon, 33.9C0
9.06; light, 33.90QO.0G: pigs, 37.5098.60.
hoad; hiarkot steady, I6(25o lower;
lambs, tu.2W7.7s: yearlings, ji.tow.w);
wethers, 3126216.25; owes, 33.6O4J4.C0.
St. I.onls Lire Btoolc Market.
AT. LOinS. Mo.. Julv IS. CATTLE
Receipts, 7,000 head: market steady; good
to choice steers, 37.25iQ8.00; stackers: and
feeders. t5,XiW.W: cows and heifers, 11.75
fi.40; bulls, M.007.00; calves, 3a.00QH0.60;
southern steers, 26.264P7.76; cowa and helf
ora. 34.2500.60. , ,
M ... IM
.1(7 H IN
,m 40 too
. T ... t 13
nuuo-JvoccipiB, nnoui iumkqc I -
steady; pigs and lights, 27.26QO.40: mixed I
nnd butchors, 20.16(80.40; good heavy. 29.20
439.30. 1
BHEBP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,100 ,
head; market steady : lambs, 16ft25o
lower; muttons, 33.26fl4.26; yearlings, 5,00 1
Ofl.00; Jambs, te.25Q7.C0, -
Slonx City Live Stock Market. I
BIOUX CITT, la., July 28.-OATTLI&-RecelptB,
2,000 hoad; market easier; na
tive steers, 37.4Ojf3J8.60: cows and heifers, ,
35.76Q7.60; cannera, $3.751.75; Blockers
and feeders, 36.6007.40; calves, 37,00010.00;
bulls and stags, 24.76420.60.
HOQS Receipts, 8,000 head) market
6OIO0 higher; heavy, 33.36iZf8.50; mixed,
J8.EW8.80; light, 33.8O34.00; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Raoelpt. 200
head; no quotations.
' St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Rocolpta, 1,300 head; market steady:
steers. 36.6038.85; cowa and heifers, 34.609
5.76; calves. $4.60310.00.
HOQS Receipts, 600 head; morxet
steady: top. 39.O0; bulk, 28.85e..
SHEEP , AND LAMBS-IlocehTts . 2,600
head; market steady; lambs. 35.607.CO,
Sheriff McShano and a squad of dep
uties last night raided tho "Douglas
County Farmers' club," at Sixty-fifth and
Todga streets. A quanlty of liquor and
two slot machines wore confiscated.
The club Is operated by Alvln Q. Honoy,
the sheriff declares. Ho says he Intends
to close up every ono of tno Jozen or
moro resorts of a questionable character
In Douglas county, outside the city limits.
Alvln Q. Honey was arraigned Iq
county court and pleaded not guilty to
selling liquor and conducting a gambling
house. His bond was fixed at t,O0O by.
Judgo Crawford.
Movments of Octnu Steamships.
Port. ArrlTed.
IXJNDON Hllloolan,
MANILA Prorenea
TAKU... BUobo.
SINOAI'ORE lllnoeapallj
(JLABOOW Manaharla
. 'rrt f f n. Dollar. ..M
NHW YOIIK toP. ot Aala....
BAN" mANClSCO. Calhsflnlan
ANTWEItl Zealand.
SOUTHAMPTON , PnllUalphlt,
itimnmio Karaak
1I1BHOOUIIO Imparator
DlimtUN JJ.,?.kT.r'
OBNOA Jl'ltalla.
NEW YOIUC - IfPl"'?- ,
KHW YOttK 3. ". Wllhalm.
HAVItU Lorraine.
DOTJLOaNB. " 55""'n.
MOV1IO.K , Caiedoola-
uvchpool.... P"":
OLAHOOW ,5aaanara.
The Persistent and Judicious Use ol
Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road ta
Buslcess Success.
"Hot an ExpartmsnV
i. POEHLER co.
XsUbllstisa 13S0.
Snd for Sally Markot Letter."
2JtM2tciJfoiJs ntTLtryg
finng HAllVESTBU with Binder Attic tw
IS 11 UH I0'0' cut vlA throws ta vlla ob bar
vUnil veater or windrow. Mas aad hart
euls and shoelos astial wltb a cora
tinder. Boll la eterr state. Prlea ti. VT. IL
DUXTON ot Jehnatowa, O. wrlteat "Tha Har
raatir baa proren all rou claim for U: the liar
Tester sated me over 114 la labor last year's cora
euttlDf I eut over too shocks, will make four
buahel of tora to a shock. TeatlDuaUla sal naU
Iok rrea, ahowloc plcturea ot harreatar. Addncaj
: r