Daily ADVERTISING IS TllK UNIVKIISAIj LANGUAGE SPOKEN EVEKYWHKKE BV BlfVEKS AND SELLERS. VOL. XLUI-NO. 35. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOliNING, JULY 29, 1913 -TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. The Omaha Bee THE WEATHER. TOWNSEND DECLARES FOR 11 SCAPEGOAT" Michigan Senator Asserts They Are Trying to Place Blame for Effect of the Tariff Bill. HOTLY DENOUNCES THE MEASURE Says it Was Conceived in Hatred of Policy of Protection. BROUGHT FORTH IN DARKNESS &sks if .it is Any Wonder it is Looked on with Disfavor. ITiAYS EXECUTIVE MEDDLING Spcnlter Telia Henrpri 8auritnlln of ' Abnsot and Misrepresentation l Seeius to De KelsuluKt Stntuneill'mr Consresn. WASinNGTON", July2S. sSenatorToWn seild of Michigan, tn a speech In the senate ti.day characterize', the Paym Aldrlch tariff law as "the 'Jra'.iysburg where the ' factions of the republican party were formed In battle array " that led to triumph of tht. democratic tart), giving It an opportunity to wiito thit rending tariff' bill, -which he con demned. "This bill," Senator Town Mid said, '.'was conceived in hatred of tho Ameri can policy of protection and bruuguV fcith in the darkness of tho eoret cau cus chamber under the professional charge .f or.; wh has never had anv ei.pori ence In business obstetrics. Is It any wonder American progress and ptos perky look with disfavor on It?" Hxcentlvc Interference Criticised. Kei-ator Townsehd also criticised "ex f iVUvo Interference" and cauctn domina tion. - Inlecttrig comments on the lobby in quiry In the senate and houfli. Senator Townsend said that criticism of im proper action should be basd on un qjuitloned facts and riot on Innuendo ur falsehood and continued: "Today, as at all times in tho past, the sensational is too prominently featured and too little attention given to the truth. Indeed, a saturnalia of abuse and mis representation seoms to be reigning and congress has been stampeded into In vfcstlgatlons of itself, and tho two houses are struggling between themselves to get pjMSessIon of self-convicted scoundrels who have capitalised for financial gain the existing disposition to ihuse the Rational legislature., Too frequently in-VfeatlgatW-committees of conn He. " -,a?S:oraQ- the-Instrument Partisan riolitif .2w5?l'Spt ,s thereby heaped on the . MationaJegisIature." . tooklncr for Scanrsront. Referrlnjr (o the fears of business dls-l aster, the senator declared: "If business disaster prematurely comes. Us coming will bo due more to' the oft-expressed fears of this adminis tration than to any efforts by wicked business men, who, ns patriots, are ex pected to be happy while their business is threatened with destruction and therif elves with prosecution. v "There Is one thing which stands out clearly at this time, arid that Is this: The administration will be supremely happy If it was well assured that the condition of tho country would be no worse than It is today. It has no real hope that things' will bo better; it Justly fars they will be worse, and It is look ing everywhere for some scapegoat for Its own handiwork.' " PROGRESSIVES IS COM'GniaCB Eleven Senntom Will Snpnort Kollette's Wool Hill. WASHINGTON, July 28,-EIeven pfo pitsslve republican senators tentatively unread today to support Senator La Fol Ictta's substitute schedules on wool, cot ton and several other sections of tho tariff bill. The tariff marked the first op portunity of the progressive republican element to take a definite stand on the tariff revision. Votes on amendments last week showed many of the progressive republlcansat variance with the rcmalndcr-rf the re publican side on certain items. It is un derstood now that an attempt will bo made to. substitute the La Follette wool schedule for that which has already been introduced by Senator Smoot and which the latter expects to present as the re publican measure. In today's conference, presided over by Senator Clapp, were Senators Borah, Bristow, Crawford, Sterling, Cummins, Kenyon, La Follette, Gronna, Norrls and Works. Another conference -will be held In a fow days and each member will present amendments which he proposes to sup port In the senate. Senator La Follette outlined substitutes he will propose to the wmI and cotton ne win propose to the wol and cotton tchedules next week, when he wUl begin cratlc bill. Senator Kenyon will urge amendments placing on the free list all articles In control of a monopoly, one of them being aluminum. He expects to speak this week on the general policy of free listing all trust controlled commodi ties. 7 Senator Cunjmlnslhas an amendment to tax all commodities sold through stock exchanges, similar to the cotton futures stamp tax included in the democratic bill. Other progressive repuBUcaris arc to propose amendments which the con ference will consider. PAUL C0LS0N MARRIED . TO ETHEL M'GIVERIN .FREMONT, Neb., July 3. (Speclsl.) Kotlce was received here today of the marriage at Altoona. Pa., yesterday of Paul poison and Miss Ethel McOlverin vhlch took place there yesterday at tho iipnie of a brother-in-law of the bride The groom Is In the Insurance and prominent in business and society circles. The bride is a daughter of Frank Mc Gtverin of Omaha and Mrs. Rose Mc Olverin of this city and resided wlth her mother. Both have been previously mar-iafi. The Record on Rates The rate for gas in Omaha was reduced from $1.60 to $1.15, or SO per cent, in fifteen years. The) rate for eleotrio lightest or 40 per cent, in fij The rate of car far the same, but new mJESe and transfer privileges have increased the service at least 30 per cent in fifteen years. The rate for telephones has been reduced and the service largely increased in fifteen years. The rate for water per 1,000 gallons has been inoreased to users subject to the minimum charge and to others lowered but 10 per cent in twice fifteen years. MORE MULHALLLETTERS OUT Says He Expected to Control Demo cratic Committees. REFERS OFTEN TO LABOR LOBBY Members of Uxeuntire Hoard of Aiuerlcnn Federation of Labor, He Suy, Were Alvrnys Actlre. WASHINGTON. July 28.-Lss Ulan 1,000 of Martin M. Mulhall's letters an a lobbyist for the National Association ot Manufacturers remained to be put in the record when the senate Investigates committee met today. Attorneys for the association and tho American Federation of Labor granted the right to cross-examine the witness through the committee will ottcmpt to shake Mulhall's story be fore he Is turned over to the bouse lobbj committee about the middle of this week. In January, 1311, Mulhall wrote Gen eral Manager Bird of the manufacturers about tho democratic house: "I am positive we will faro very much better with the Incoming democrats ot the house than we have with tho present congress. I assured Mr. Kmery (counsel for the manufacturers) that if he would select some man we could agree on for chairman of the labor committee, wo could have him appointed. I also told Mr. Emery I am positive wo will control the Judiciary committee and Its sub-iem-mlltces nnd also the labor committee and Its sub-committees In the next congress. I am not making this statement until 1 am fully convinced that those facts can be- accomplished." 31 a hall Doe Sot Itemeiuber. "What grounds had ,you for making this statement" demanded Senator Ncl-, son. v "I can't 'just recall .at the, present time., l-hna -broke- -down about that time," said Mulhall. "Did you and Emery agree lo name any men?" "Not 'that I remember." "Is' that all thV information you can give this committee as a basis for thes& 'statements?" "All at this time. 'I think the letters will show," said Mulhall. Frequently In his correspondence Mul hall referred to "the labor lobby." "Who did you mean by the labor lobby?" asked Senator Nelson. "Gompers, Morrison nnd members ot the executive board of the Federation ot Labor," said the witness. "I always found them busy. I saw them frequently about the ca'pltol." Lodsc Contradict Mulhall. Senator Lodge appeared to deny Mul hall's statement that he conferred with him In the summer ot 1910. He denied ever having seen Mulhall before the In vestigation began. "I certainly am not going to try to contradict what you say," said Mulhall "but I do pay that I had a conference with you In your office." Mulhall swore that J. II. McMIchael, one time chief page of the house, came to see him in Baltimore to get $100 and was to give half of It to representative McOcrmott of Illinois. He testified that McDermott later claimed that he got only 20. Mulhall later wrote the manufacturers' officials about fixing things. "What success did you have?" askud Senator Nelson. "Absolute failure." Mulhall finally testified that Repre sentative McDermott and McMIchael, chief page, were about tho only persons from whom he expected to get Infor mation and who would help. him In fix ing things." In another letter to Bird, Mulhall spoke of on "Interview" with Representative Upderwood. Ho explained that the ma jority leader merely replied to his ques tlons. Passenger Train Hits Automobile: m T T J "n J 1W0 d 0V XLlClerS UG&Q. ROCHESTER, N. Y., July I3.-E. J. Sankpeal, vice president of a lumber com pany, and Miss Martha Hartlebln, a young woman of this city, were Instantly killed early today when an automobile. driven by Sankpeal, was struck by thJ Wolverine express on the New York Cen tral at a crossing In Penfleld, a few miles from the city. Mrs. Sankpeal Identified both bodies at the morgue this morning. She told the coroner she had quarreled with her hus band last night and he left her tn anger. She was sitting up awaiting his return when notified of tho accident. Eeceiver Asked for k Cody & Lillie Show TRENTON, N. J., July 28. An Involun tary petition In bankruptcy was filed here against the Buffalo Bill Wild West and Pawnee Bill Great Far East shows. Service was made on Gordon W. Llllle, president of the company, controlling the shows. The company Is a Joint corpora tion. Ancllllary prpceedlngs will be In stituted in Denver. The assets and Ua Ultkft were not stated in the petRlon. CAUCUS TO RECEIVE ENCY MEASURE ppicrats of Money Committee Allow Themselves Two weeks More of Wrangling. SECRET CONFERENCE HELD Members Direct Chairman to Make Public No Details. INSURGENTS STILL UNBRIDLED Administration Forces Fail to Win Over Opposition. TO PROCEED WITHOUT THEM Itecntcttrniitn Will lie Allowed to Curry Tlir FlRht Into Cnncii Mttlc Cliant-o of Their AVImilnir. WASHINGTON, July M.-Uomocrats of tho house banking and currency commit tee agreed today to allow themselves two weeks more of wrungllng over the administration currency bill. Two wcekB from today a democratic house caucus will receive tho measure. The democratlo committee members voted to authorize the chairman to "ask for a caucus of tho party to bu callod on August 11, to act upon such a re port oh the pending currency bill an will then be made." Further than this, the members directed the chairman to .nnko public no details of what took placa at the meeting. Tho supporters of the administration bill, having failed in weeks of discussion and argument to win over three or four opponents of tho measure among tin; democrats of the committee," have decided to proceed without them and allow those dissatisfied with the measure to carry their fight to tho houso caucus. This will throw Into the caucus the entire fight oer tho so-called insurgent amend ments providing for "cotton, corn and wheat and currency," as framed by Rep resentative Henry of TeSaVi and Repre sentative Ragndale oi " South Carolina. Those amendments, with the other In surgent proposition, undoubtedly will be voted down by the conference of the committee members by about, eleven to three. This vote would riot bo sufficient to overcome the vote of. the Insurgent democrats and the minor members In tho full committee. Therefore the measure will bo taken directly to the caucus. Today's entire session of the confer ence was .spent in a discussion of whether the proceedings of tho meetings should be made, public. After considerable argu ment the conference refused to allow the debate, to bo made public. It then was voted to enjoin secrecy as to the pro ceedings on every member of the confer ence. - i . -....i. ,a Twelve Members of the Alleged Arson Trust Are Indicted CinCAGO, July S. Indictments against twelve alleged members of the "arson trust" were returned today by the Muly grand Jury In criminal court. Joseph Fish, head of the firm ot Joseph Fish and company, public fire In surance adjusters, was named in true bills which charged arson, burning to dofraudv conspiracy to obstruct public Justice, and accessory after the fact. Dlavid Korshak, fugitive "fire bug'' who Is reported to be In Canton, China, conducting a saloon, and Israel Schafner and Benjamin Fink, alias Franklin, were among the other defendants. Others In dicted Were business men whose places It Is alleged were destroyed by Incendiary fires. The true bills were voted after the grand Jury bad heard the testimony of Mrs. Fannld Koroshak, wife of the fugitive "fire bug." Six Incendiary fires, by means of whfch Insurance companies were defrauded out of many thousands of dollars are described In the true bills. Fish Is charged with conspiracy tp obstruct public Justice for havljig In duced Korshak to leave the Jurisdiction of the court whlle there were two in dictments against him. Secretary of War Reaches-San Diego SAN DIEGO, Cal., July K.-LlndleyM. Garrison, secretary of war, accompanied by Major General Leonard Wood, Major General J, U. Aleshlre and other army officers, arrived here tonight from the north. They will Inspect the fortlfloa Uoiib and tho entrance of the harbor tomorrow. UNIDENTIFIED MAN THROWS HIMSELF BEFORE TRAIN FORT CALHOUN, Neb., July 28. (Speclal.) An unidentified man killed himself today by throwing himself In front of fast freight No. 15 at the depot here. He arrived here from the xouth at noon. The man was about 30 years of age. The National Capital 3Iondny, July 2(4, IV in. The Senate. Met at noon and resumed general de bate on tariff bill. Senator Townsond crltlsed "executive Interference' nnd caucus domination. Judiciary committee recommended fa vorable action on appointment of Repre sentative John W. Davis as solicitor gen eral. Eleven progressive republicans agreed to support Senator La Follette's substi tute schedules on wool, cotton and sev eral parts of the tariff bill. Considered nominations in executive session. Adjourned at t:08 p. m. to noon tomor row. The House. Met at noon and adjourned at 12:03 p. p., a record short session, because of re publican Leader Mann's filibuster for de bate on Camenlttl-Dlggs' white slave case. Representative Howard (Ga,) Introduced resolution calling on civil service com mission for Information on soliciting of campaign funds among government em Dlore in Atlanta, in J91 "Why don't From the Cleveland Plain Dealor. FUNERAL OF R. 6. SCHNEIDER 1 1 in, Hundreds Pay Tribute to DeacLCit izen and Friend. DR. SISS0N GIVES ADDRESS Comments on llroad-Stlnded Spirit of Jttr. Schneider and Ilia Lor nltr to Chnrch and to Its Interests- FREMONT, Neb., July 2$.-(Speelni rrelegiam.) The funeral of the late R. B. Schneider was held at tho Methodist Eplscopnl church this ofternoon nt & o'clock, Dr. F. M. Slsson, the pastor, a lifelong friend of the family, conducting the services. All banks nnd nearly alt stores and business houses were closed fiom 2:30 to 4 p. m. and long before the time tho church was filled and hundreds were unable to gain admittance. The floral display v. as very elaborate, largo designs, tributes of the business and present friends of tho deceased, be ing banked n cross tho chancel. The body was encased In a plain bronr.e caskot, on which rested a sheaf of ripened grain. In his momorlal address Dr. Sisfion 'spoke pt, th honorable Christian character dls jthy,ed hy.l)1,S i4;Pascil'Jln all his rela 'Ho'nB, jf his broad "minded spfrty which forbade, hlin to question the fnotlvrs of those politically opposed to him nnd of his lifelong services to the cause 6t the church and all It oipreseritS; All tho family nnd near relatives Wt'fe present Tile pallbearers were: William Fried, Ray Nye, Frank H5wicr. Frank 'Ham mond, Fremont: J- M. Jenks, Chicago, and Luther Drake, Omaha. A special train from Omaha brought a large number of railroad men and grain dealers. Weeding Out Weaker Churches in South Dakota is Started MITCHELL, 8. D., July 28. The Con gregational and Presbyterian churohes of the state are getting together on a basis for moro effectlvo service In church work by forming a union of churches wherever the situation Is such that It Is a diffi cult problfm and a burden to maintain the two religious lorganlzatiohs. Com mittees weVe recently selected from the church bod'fes to hold a Joint meeting and discuss and agree upon principles which shall govern under these con ditions In the future. A meeting wan held In this city Saturday afternoon, which was attended by Rev, William Wallace of Sioux Falls, district superin tendent, and Rev.JEdward Van Rusclien of PUnklnton. representing the Pres byterian church, and Rev. Pearse Pinch of Huron, and Rev. F. V. Stevens of Yankton, of the Congregational body. Tho agreement reached Is to the ef fect that where one of the churches is being maintained successfully, and the other Is Invited to open a now church, that no step will be taken without first having a full and frank conference with district or state authorities of the church occupying the field to secure their con sent and co-operation In effecting- the change. This Is further emphasized by tha agreement that when tho sfate or district officials realize that the Work of either church In a community Isbecomlng less effective, then theyi may Invite the other church .to come into tho field and try to Improve the conditions, the basis be ing a union of tho two churches, the weaker going to the stronger. At IVlanklnton at the present time a union of churches Is being made whereby tha Presbyterians will take over the Congregatlonallsts, the latter having been weakened by the removal of some of Its members, and many new Presbyterians have mdved In. In this way the one church will be much more effective than the two. Samson's Guests For the Evening Arrive in Omaha Governor Morehead, with his staff and abput 1,000 Lincoln citizens, arrived In town last night as Samson's guests for the evening. At the Union station the party formed a Una and with 15, Buck ingham at the head, followed by a Lin coln band, they then walked In proces sion to Sixteenth and Harney, where Samson had street cars In waitlasr to convey them out to the den. They were Initiated Into the sublimity ot luxlshthoo4 during th evening. Did It Ever Happen to You you hold the train, George, I'm only Grandstand Falls at Galveston, Tex,; Several Badly Hurt GALVESTON, Tex., July 2S.-TJ) cen ter of the grandstand at the Galveston bench automobile race course, containing several thousand persons, collapsed Just beforo tho beginning of the races today, Several persons were hurt, none fatally, Thore was no panlo nnd spectators quickly settled down to watch tho racos. MANY INJURED IN WRECK Twenty-Seven Persons Hurt on a Colorado Railroad. - tr atw nvruTiraiifl nw A v Car I.enren Truck on HvHtnerltiinl Trnll Near' lionldrr on the Denver nnd Western 1. 1 lie. BOULDER, Colo., July 28. Twonty; track, when It overturned nnd carried With it the next four cars. The passengers wero thrown from their seats, brUloM and cut by flying glass. Tliqsa most seriously hurt -wero -injured internally by the fall. Tho train was a narrow gauge otio. A pnrtlpl list ot injured follows: MfM Irnin Wovcrbnehpr. Tlnnnrvtlliv lnd back Injured. alien .muuci iicck, uexicr, in., internal Injuries. Miss L. P. Symmes, Dexter, la., Internal Injuries. Mrs. 13. L. Downey, Dexter, la., arm broken. Mrs. John Hcnsoti, Chicago, Internal in juries. Miss Laura Hcnsnn, Chicago, Internal injuries Tlhd euts. MIsh Sadie Frnnk, Nashville, Tonn., face cut. Mrs, Martha Chnlfont, Bhlnnston, Vf. Va., InternnlvlnJurles. Miss Blanche Chalfont, Shlnnston, W. Va Internal Injuries. Harry Packer, Kansas City, Kan., in ternal Injuries and cuts. Ethelwyn Hall, Lexington, Neb., wrist broken and fuea cut. The most seriously Injured were taken to the University hospital here and given treatment Physicians state that In the enses of those suffering from Internal In juries It will be impossible to determine their exact condition for another twenty four hours. A relief train was hurried from Boulder to the scon of tho wreck, bringing back the wounded. Those less Berloualy hurt were taken to Denver and there placed Iri hospitals. Denver Man Pinned Under His Auto and Drowns in Creek DRNVER, July 28.-John r. McMIchael of Denver was pinned under his automo bile and drowned nt midnight last night, when the car plunged over an embank ment Into Bear Creek, between Morrison arid Denver. McMIchael, who was driving the car, lost control when rounding a sharp curve, R, M. Davenport of Denver, Miss Oertrude Yoager nnd Miss Marie Hall, who recently caine from New York, who were riding In the machine, were thrown clear of the car and escaped in jury. Davenport said the steering gear hroko as tha automobile ( was rounding the curve. Heir of Burns Will Claim Manuscript LONDON, July 28. A new turn has been given to the protests emlnatlng from Scotland against the recent action of tho Liverpool Athenlum In selling the to called Glenriddell manuscripts of the poet Burns, the purchase being under stood to have been made Indirectly by nn American millionaire. J. C. Ewlng, onp of the acknowledged authorities upon Burns' works hss raised the point that the Glenrlddel manuscripts were loaned, not Riven, to Dr, Currle, who later Pre sented them to the Athenlum. Mr. Evring declares that Dr. Currle obtained tho loan of the manuscripts tn 1797 when he arranged to write the life of the poet and edit his works, but he never re turned tht papers to the widow, On this assumption, It la understood that the Burns' federation and the Burns' clubs of tha United Kingdom may test the legality of the sale of the manusorlpts by getting Miss Annie Bums of Chellon hall, who Is a direct descendent of the poet, t(j set forth her claim. Buator llaeon Svrorn Tn. WASHINGTON. D. t'.. July 2.Benntor Bacon of eGorgia today took the oath as the first United States senator elected by direct voU of the jJeoplo. a minute Latot" FAIR ELECTION EASY TO HOLD Mexican Situation Not Much Worse Than the Cuban War. NEED AGREEMENT OF PARTIES Indue Advocntn General Crovrder of the United Stittes Army Represses1 Opinion nn to AVIint Mnr lie Done, WASHINGTON, July 2S.-Wlth both factions In Mexico really willing to ac cept mediation It would be entirely profr tfcablo to conduct free and fair election nnd Install a constitutional government. In the oplnloh of Judge Advocate General Enoch H. Crowder of tho United Statos army. Goneral Crowder, father of tho present Cubnn electoral system, has Just returned from a western trip, which was extcmlod to cover the Mexican border. While con ditions In Mexico nro somewhat different from thoso which existed In Cuba at tha period of American Intervention, hp bo llcvcs that n peaceful and fair election could bo held without actual Intcrvon tlon. Experience In Cuba showed that though suph troops wore n,t tho poltlns places, there services never were re ttulrod. . An Ihfarestlnp; question regarding the dlsiosltton to bh made ot fugitive rebels on tho border was' brought to tho atten tion of tho State department today by a report that Carrotilsta officers in Cludad Porflrlo Dlax Have requested permission to cross Into Eagle Pass, Tex., leaving1 their, wounded behind. Federal troops nro advancing on tho town from tho statu of Neuvo Loon. Following tho precedent set In the caeo of the saveral detach ments of federal troops driven ncropa thu line, these constltutlonallsto. It they cross with arms In hand or otherwise than Individuals, will bo Interned. Roporta from the City "of Mualcj to th Statu department today lmllcatul a gen erally butter fcoiing towards Americans there. The government has opposed nny press comments anti-American In tone. Mrs. Pankhurst Stalls Her Prison License at Auction LONDON, July 28. Mrs. Emellne Pank hurst, the militant suffragette leader, made a dramatic appcarnnco this after noon on tho stage of the muela hall where the militants hold their weekly meetings. She wan seated In an Invalid chair and was wrapped In shawls. She looked wan and 111 nnd several nurses were In at tendance. The appearance of the militant leador was tho signal' for a great display of enthusiasm. Her stay was brief and she was after ward carried back to the tnxlcab In which she had arrived without being molested by the police, Mrs. Pankhurst addressed a few words to the meeting, assuring her audience that victory for itho cause was ap proaching. She then put her prison license up to auction. Bids wero forth coming from all parts of tho house and it wus finally knocked down for S5001 Miss Annlo Kenney was rearrested outside the hall after a desperate strug gle. Mounted police had been summoned to disperse the suffragette sympathizers, who fiercely attacked the police. Lady Sybil Smith, daughter of the Earl of Antrim, Mrs. Pcthlck Lawrenoe and Miss Evelyn Sharpe, militant suffragettes, were released from Jail today. The home secretary, Reginald McKcnna, reduced their sentences from fourteen to four days. They were sent to prison on July 20 for trying to hold a meeting In the lobby of the House of Commons. Train Employes of the Southern Pacifc Count Strike Vote SAN FRANCI8CO. Julv 28. Wh.th.r , not a strike will bo declared airalnst h Southern Pacific company by the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen, and the Or der of Railway Conductors, is being de cided here today by a canvas of tho strike vote completed last vuk. fmm the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian boun dary. The result probably will not bn knAvn for twenty-four or forty-eight hours, Thu question at Issue is whether su burban trainmen and conductors shall re. celve equal rating, pay and promotion with main line employes. The company wishes to segregate Its electric lines, and the mtv maintain that to do so would put them at a disadvantage by depriving one class ot emolovrs of the nns r support of their consolidated. ords. AMBASSADOR TELLS PRESIDENT ABOUT MEXICAN SITUATION Executive and Secretary of Stata Hear First-Hand Reports of Conditions. POLICIES ARE NOT DISCUSSED Mr. Bryan Issues Short Statement at End of Conference. SAYS WILSON AIDED HUERTA Governor of Yucatan Makes Direct Charge Against Ambassador. THREATENED BY DIPLOMAT When Ills Wife Cnlled nt Aniericnn Kuibnxsr She AVns Instructed to Aak llimbaml to Recou nt e Iluertn. WASHINGTON, July !R.-Presldent Wilson does not believe tho public mln In the United States Is excited over the situation In Mexico, nor has ho ben con vinced that a crisis has been reached in tho revolution Itself. This Information was obtained In offi cial circles today with an authoritative denial that any proposal looking toward co-operation between American military forces nnd tho Mexican sovemuent nt restoration of pollco had been suggested. Just before Ambassador Wilson went Into conference with the president he re ferred, In conversation with Inquirers, to tho proposals for a solution ot tho Mexi can difficulty published today and nt trlbutod to him, Ho dictated this state ment, which he said he was anxious to have reach the Mexican people espe cially: "With reference to published proposals today, I disclaim all rcsponslblUty fr them; their origin Is unknown to me and I regret that anything Ilka thsm was made public." Secretory, Bryan, who lumhed with tho president, entered the excoutivs otflro from tho White House proper and Joined tho conferees in tho president's crfloe. He remained for a short time with the president after Ambassador Wilson's de parture. I'ollelea Not nUcamieil. "No policy was discussed at tha con ference," said Mr. Bryan, "and It is not known when a policy will bo lormulated, but It probably will be In a very short time, Tho 'conference was for the pur pose of placing before tho president nil tho Information available on tho Mexican situation. The president will considor tue entire subject, including whatever recom mendations Ambassador Wllsan has made fit may desire to make." Ambnssador Wilson Immediately after his conference with the president Midi "The discussion related entirely to tho facts of the situation in Mexico and not at all to any question of government policy. All vlewr relative to the situa tion have been placed In the hands o the president for his consideration." Ambassador Wilson said that he ex pected to leavo Washington tonight to bo away several days. He would hot discuss the possibility of his return to Mexico In his official capacity. His departure nt this time soems to indicate that he will not ap pear before the senato relation com mlttoo. , Char cr .Against Ambassador. EAGLE PASS, Tex., July SS.-The foH lowing statement about American Am bassador Henry Lane WUson today wa4 ttlegraphod to President Wilson by Gov- crnor Vales of tho state of Yucatan, Me., now tn Piedroa Nesrras, the oon stltutionallsta' provisional capital. "I am tho constitutional governor oil Yucatan, having been elected Decnmiutv 19, 1911, and still holding- office under thai constitution and laws of Mexico. "I am the brother-in-law of VIm PrLi I dent Pino Sauros and was in Mnlm m Kith my family during tha Februaryi revolution, wnen, on ino itn, it became necessary for me to flee to save my life. My wife subsequently called on Am bassador Wilson, and he told her that U was necessary she should telegraph m at onco and urgo mo strongly to recog i Ire General Huerta aa president of tha republic." Vales' telegram declared that the am bassador threatened him with what would happen, If Vales did not recognizs Huerta. The telegram also specified other alleged notions of the American am liassador, to which Valea said Mexico ob Jected. HL PASO, Tex., July S8.-Charte B. Dixon, Jr., who was shot Saturday In Jaurex by Mexican soldiers while on of. (Continued on Page Two.) July Time Needs for the Youngsters The children these hot dayi need particular attention in food, clothing and other things to keep them sound and healthy. Little things that add to their every day and every night com fort omust be had. Where to got them Is not al ways a question easily an swered until an advertisement In The Bee offers the solution. Science is constantly at work devising things for the improve ment of humanity, and often thesa things, amazingly simple, may bs had for a few cents, and some druggist or other dealer heralds the news to the world In an ad vertisement. Advertising in The Pee is more than the mere mention of things for sale. Advertising Is one of the greatest boona ot modern times. J v