Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Lancaster Hen Seek in Invoke Fuller
County Ownership law.
Pablle in Cnpltnl Clljr not Greatly
tSnthnslAStlc Over Prospect
Just to Offset Increnae
In ?lnes.
(From a 8taff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Julr 17. Spotal.)-The In
surgent band of atitMotephona agitator
under the, leadership of General William
Henry Harrison England of Lancaster
county U preparing to carry the war
which vraped against the Lincoln Tele
phono company to the extreme of nailing
for a vote on a proposition to vote a 2
mlU tax for the purpose of buying the
present plant or to build one tn competi
tion. Thcjr have already secured the re
quired number of signatures to a petition
and after getting a few more to make
good measure will file the same.
They will call Into the game the Fuller
county telephone law pasted by the lat
legislature which provides for t J-mlll
levy to start with and an Isauanco of
bonds not to exceed 1 per cent of the
valuation of the county. However, peo
pie, who pay taxes are not looking with
favor upon the proposition. Of course,
some of the agitators of the plan pay
considerable taxes, but very fow of them
are classed among the heavy taxpayers
at the county, and some of the men
who favored the Fuller bill ot the time of
Ha passage, now are opposing the putting
of It Into effect In Lancaster county, "
They are of tho opinion that the exist
ing conditions do not warrant tho ex
pense of equipping a new plant of pur
chasing the present plant The peoplo
of Lincoln have had helr fill of a, dupli
cate system of telephones and It (s not
expected after getting rid of the dupli
cate nuisance that they will In less than
a year put their heads In tho trap again.
It has been figured out that to entei- Into
the insurgent schemo that It will mean
an annual tax upon every quarter section
of land In the county of on additional 24
n year, with a proportionate increaoa or
every other kind of property and even
tnose wha at first favored the Fuller bill
1.00k,.MCwldwil, nt the ""-Position
as It will be put up to the people or
Lancaster county.
rJTejr thRt lh9 'mM JnewMa In
rates of $3 a year on Individual phonos
does not wararnt an additional tax of at
per year tn each ICO-acres farm for tho
ake of getting even with the Lincoln
Telephone company, and it is very doubt
ful if there can be suflclent vptes polled
to carry out the Insurgent scheme.
Land in Nebraska
Brings Good Figure
5?n. a BlDjt Correspondent)
fwt oart f Agriculture statistical
artUt, George W. Kline, ha. beenWtoh
o, braska land and hu oome
to the conclusion that thero must be somo
Pretty good land m th old atate. HU
records show that .last r.b . .
longing to Henry Sohwan, containing 160
, '"y"ju iwo miles from Humboldt
for E3.fc This waa tm per
Assessors Differ
Over Value of Stock
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, July 27.-Bpelal.) Ileports
being sent In from the different counties
of tho state show a vast difference In
Compiles Figures
Department Store Owners to Spend
$100,000 for Improvement.
of State Shipments
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., July 27. (Speclal.)-
the value of horses, mules, cattle and Will Also ISseavs-te Under the 9le- Tho bureaU of jat,or has completed sta
hogs as prepared by tho assessors. The
averages as shown Indicate that there
should bo a better system for assessing
live stock and wilt give the new tax
commission something to work on.
walks to Give Light and Al
To Do Array vf 1th the Oro
eery Department.
Max and J. t anctn, with Architect
tho assessment on horses Garden I print, havo gone to Chicago to make a
county shows an average valuation the
lowest of any county reporting, t3S.M per
head, whllo tho highest valuation comes
from Jefferson county at $103.00 per head.
In the two big counties of the state,
Douglass and Lancaster where electricity
has taken the place of the horse and
mule, tho average valuation of horses
In tho former la given at JM.85 and the
latter at ISS.M.
tlstlcs showing the amount ot grain and
other commodities shipped from different
stations in the atato for last year. The
report Is as follows:
Corn, bushels 35,to,7U
WhMLl. hllmhMn 54.S.M.478
Oats, bushels 6.&K.69Q
study of the construction and arrange Potatoes, bushels 2,M6,U8
H,.nt nf mr basements. The work of Onions, bushels.... .???$?
remodeling tho basement of Orkln e
Brothers store will start Tuesday. The Km Mit pounds 1T1.TG0,538
Cattle, head 12,16,073
Hogs, head 3,Kfc,zu
Horses ana muies, neaa "?;
R1im.ii. head 1.302,414
Xressed meat, pounds C21.K6.40J
TlrMxrrl nnullrv. Bounds. v.uO.lSS
Live poultry pounds 90,723,220
r.Kgs. dozen
Wool, pounds... 4,G00,2ft
macs ana pens, ppunas
Furs, pounds I69.S89
Butter, pound 48,126,460
1 Cream, gallons rKi'Jil
company has decided to enminaw
grocery department that more room may
bo had for the other lines in which it
has moro thoroughly speciamed.
Orkin Brothers will spend $100,000 for
Improvements In tho store, remodeling It
Garden county also shows the lowest almost from basement to roof. Last year
valuation on mules, 136.76, whllo Sarpy tho company expended $3G,000 for re
county seems to have a good grade of modeling the second floor, which Is now
t K ik Inner Anrw1 animal Mi a nvi.n trn . . v. Miilnnwl anrl finest AD-
... . .. .... ,... onB ol , : L (!hMn. rounds
valuation thero being I1S5.60 Mules in pointed women's apparel departments in Mk( nti L7W.464
Dmitri mi rollntv AVnratrn tTS.EO nrM lib 1 . linn cream, trillions. 42o,C9g
Lancaster county 10C90i . Between 30.00O ana W00 will bo In- fralU pounds 'g$
r,- a ....... . . . ... . . . ... i ... . , . . r.... "'i
uuruan uuuiuj- riho seems lo novo me vMled In DOSOmeni imuroyemoiiiB. pnnJi.n honUntu 11L1V1
nnnrnst irrajlA nt ruttlA. (ht avrair KAtntf r M,m ,A nmler the sidewalks lOrnnna. haakets. 433.994
--a " yuuuiio , -v. - 5 .71--' cr: :: ra tRt
placed at I20J0 while York and Nuckolls ... that more daylight may bo '.'Tl T.
lead tho atato with an avearge valuation Iprlsm glasses on the walls will furnish I llay ton1 4 643,3M
or iw.w. further light. The floor win ne lowereu Airaua, tons
. . ii r ... . . ... i . i . . a inn, ......... iliua.
nnne uoruen county nan stooa ine hn feet tn obtain a nisn ceums j,"".'"' "'! ttnai
lowest on horses, mules and cattle, It new fixtures will be added to beautify lce ton8 't3,tf
Is difficult to discover lta valuation on h nir. The ventilation ayatom will o Millet seed, pounds i."f."!?
hogs aa It piacea them at IS per owt extended into the basement, also. gKS,RJffU;,d::::":" sH
Tlio county snowing tho lowest average, r0 accomplish all this,"' saya M. B. Aifnjfo. seHl, pounds 1,013, K2
however, la Banner county which aver- Orkln, "the grocery, meat and vegetable I Flaxseed, pounds Jom
I.. . ,o k.ii tn b abolished. I Brick v iXv-
. .... ... i ueirni mien". " icement blocks, tona. iou
has the boat hogs, their valuation being we liavo to moke room for several new Sana gravel, tona 8,67,962
khnwn tn .n t14 nfi ttnthAt. n.nn,. nmiMti. . . . t. rph. IrnnravA- I "Hnnev. noundi.. U9.913
.w ' " x-u i. . i lory goou" ucm ..iicii.w. m. - . - la. . 36ft27tt
hoga ore mighty small or Butltr county merits will make the atore tho best dry pX' B6,'o93
hogs must bo exceedingly largo as tho BOoda establishment in the atate. Tho sugar beeU. tona L"?'f2J
grocery department haa aiwaya orawn -.e ery, pounua..... ."'rrj
grocery v X)rled fru It, pounds 7'!?2
good crowds, but it must be done away aoxXn. ,013
with to mako room for our apeclalUes. Broom corn, pounds.. I77i8S
Wo want to ralso tlo store service to
the highest standard of efficiency."
difference Is 10.V) per hog.
(Continued from Page One.)
Inmates on the roads, Mr, Piper's report
on tho Colorado prison la In point He
Thomas J, Tynan haa been warden ot
tills institution for n. numtwir nr vMm
and luvs attraotod considerable attention
throughout tho United tttatea for thn hu.
mano manner In which he has managed
the same, notwithstanding the fact that
80 per cent of the present population are
Biwvuuf mo iorm soniences
(Continued from Pago One.)
Institution we found 740 men
LOB ANGELES, July 27. (Special Tcl-
eeram.) Los Angeles today accepted a
contract for a sowage reduction pltv&t
with C. D. Coouch, who has offices In
Omaha and Chicago. Tho cost of the
nlant Is to bo $300,000, the city to have
tho right to buy at tho expiration of five
BLAirt. Neb., July 27. Special Tele
gram.) Gtortri . Jewett. who la in Jail
hero, charged with the murder ot the
3-day-old baby found near Arlington
July 10, appeared with his attorney, J.
B. Cook, of Fremont before County Judge
El I or this afternoon for a hearing as to
tho day for having his preliminary. Tho
judge fixed the trial for July 29 at 11
o clock.
Jewett haa fought tot- a postponemtaja
of hla hearing from day to day. Ills
mother and brother of Lodgepole, Neb.,
ore, in Blair today and spent considerable
time with the prisonor, returning to Ar
lington tonight.
Jewett's wife, who waa here yesterday,
but has gone to Iowa, will return for the
trial. Mrs. Adams, who aaya she went
with Jewett to the hotel in Omaha to
help cars tor the baby, also left Blalt
yesterday, but will be here Wr the hear
ing next Tuesday.
The Persistent and Judicious tlso of
Newspaper Advertising is the Hoad to
Business Success.
We Announce
Silk and Cotton Yard Goods
Beginning MONDAY &
Thousands of yards of heavy silk Eussian Oords,
Silk Eatine Crepe, Silk Brocade, Silk
Eoliennes, Silk Cords, Silk Jac
quards and other weaves, worth up
to 75c a yard; at, per yard.
nidiors from going into tho Mexican
the international line
and nlnetiwin wnmnn nnil nt .hie hiimKm. I lu"iln - . a
about 12S ire if men!" Twn 'n.i In tlmee of revolutionary u.siuroance u..u Canstht a. Bad Cold.
maintained here. On being received all that little difficulty had been expert- ..Tn.t winter my son caught a very bad
K "5...m.-2Ar?LKadoL !u.bJL!? enced. cold and the way he coughed waa some-
latlonV trE?""A hr"nT nenort Before Wil.on. thln!t dreadful." write. Mr.. Sarah H,
time 98 por cont are In the flrat grade. President Wilson had before him to- rjunenn of Tipton, In. "We thought aure
hIhJ,mu,nJii, .1 IVf? night the report written here today by ho waa going into consumption. We
bn&Mr1 JM'yiSS Ambaasador WUaon on condition. In bouBht Jurt one bottle of Chnmberlaln-s
the present time S80 mw are engaged In Mexico from the time the revolution Cough Remedy and that one bottle
this work. Warden Tvnan boliovea ha I .. .... xinrtiMn nini. I wi. .n.t. nunui hla mM
cmlM iinfnlv wnrW ISO ner nent nt hla l OVennrew u m . - niujtu " "
tclttJxni& through. the aUrrlng overtta of the Orozco completely." For Ue by all druggl.U.-
irom thirty-rivo to sixty men, with no revolt the downfall of Maaero ana uown i Advertisement.
"..,n?P!r. fw. 0Y?rte.r8. iPr..elc? t ti,. etabllshment ot the Huerta
camp; me men ueing piacoa enureiy on i . - . . . ..
linnne vtem I realm, a. cerioa OI tnreo y
Ti.i..riv iiunn... I ti,u rennrt vu Km tranomitloa IO IP
During tho last two years thero were nresldent tonight by Secretary wryan
40 and 45-inch Eatine at 29c a Yard
Various stripes in high class ratine in
heavy weights, worth 75c yard; at, yd..
Fine Silk Messaline at 33c a Yard
White, cream, black' and evening tints,
for dresses, waists and trimmings; yd.
Watch the Sunday Papers
BHATRICE; Neb., July 27.-Bplal.V-
-a luvvuv UOVKlOtl Ot 1116 .U-
premo court allowing banka to deduct tho
amount of Teal estate mortgage held by
them from their capital stock; and aa
the. terminal assessment of tlm raiima.
is much lower than last year, the asseisod
valuation of Gage county for 1313 will be
about 1X0,000 less than that of the prevt
qua year. The personal assessment ot
Bcatrico this year la $80,303 lean than tn
191J, tho osseeament being JM7,n. Land
and lot values all over tho county show
a slight decrease. The terminal taxes of
the railroads show a big falling off. The
Burlington tormina! tax in Beatrice Is
W1.0-W less than In 1815, and In Wymore
Is I1S.0X
Joseph Slama. a farmer living near
Barnestson, waa brought before Judge
Walden yesterday to answer to a statu,
tory charge. He pleaded not ullty and
the case waa aet for hearing August 1.
In default of Jt.OOO bond he waa locked up.
xne following mortgage were filed and
thlrty-flve escapes from Uie road campa. h had pent tne greater part 'of the
nineteen of whom were recaptured and "0, u , .ha-.-nr -wil.
...,.n . .,- n.t.,. ,.. r.t h. Mav In conference with Amoaasaaor wn-
iv.wiiwu .v LI i u viimn 1 1 .wm. w m.v , .
others have been loeated In other prisons, 0n. The president expects to oxamina
making tho total lose for the two yeara .h - rt before Monday, when ha will
only twelve. Tho warden points with 1 M ,. , ,... J Wilson on a
considerable pride to this record; he bay a confer with Ambassador Wilson on a
tne per oent ot escapes was 'ices man in possible solution oi me presem
the United mates army or navy during !,..,.
Verare ot Ffltlnrf .
It Is understood that the ambassador's
thM tame, neriod.
In road building the state furnishes' the
eaulpment. which Includes the .men. their
camping' outfits, teuraa and machinery
thn onuntiM furnish the matenoi reauiri
for constructing, tho roads and boar the
expense or maintaining xno camp
renort deala extensively with the economy
aa well jm the political alluatlon In Mex
ico. . It waa said on good authority tnat
itpense or maintaining tne camps. ,co It wa8 ma.jd on good authority inai
during the blennlumlhey built 157 mile? CV." . , " in
of roadway, some of thla, being blasted no piciureu u ''h "
out of solid rock, but a large ner oent clai circles in the southern republic, point-
were, illrt rnadn similar lo rfeDrasxa , ....... i md hanka am nelnx on
nSl.w.JHSi 5ffi-2S!i lJ?&& L verge of bankruptcy and ruin and a
maa rph 1177 mlieji of raadwuv cost the K-raat condition ot distress In business
n.iintlM tHrmlsh which It WOK bllllt I .1 it 1. hn thn nmtxuuiL.
4woMeTnnfbW of the conUnuou. defied both
it umim have eot rrw.aS. n aavlnr to of the national treasury and ot tho rall-
the counties of V!2Xiri.Sti. In doing th'a. avatoma and estimated foreign
he aaya. It w not n comwi n w in . , - v.pv Wwy Th0 Prench i0Me.
A famous scientist
light bottle
lakAK fr th wnjnn that the conn
te could not otherwise havo afforded
tn do the work. ,
Warden Tvnan assured me that If Ne
braska concluded to build Toads with Its
nrl.onere he would aladly peraonally
visit the Proper authorities and give them
tho benefits of his experience.
Work Aids Mate.
alone, ho la aald to havo placed at J60,-
000,000 In gold within recent months. That
American Investments had greatly de
predated and that no estimate could be!
placed on losses Is also said to have been I
Included In the ambassadors report.
Oonstltatlonntlsta I'eeved.
Constitutionalist representatives here
.vhihitmt a. Hvclv Interest In Ambassador
are maintained at the prison. They farm utterances, saying that some of
.i00? SJlKJ?; 3ZUll 7h. he was reported to have aald
men, nnd n, large force la employed In in interviews about the Mexican people
raising fruit and gardening. wero offensive and would make it lmpos-
Blnoe Installing the motion picture . . . . . return as ambassador.
show the waraen ay mere nan uoou 1 .. .. u h. ii.rk nhaut
marked Improvement In the number of The ambassador was in the dark about
About fifty men are employed In mak
ing and repairing clothing and ahoea for
tne insuiuuon. no omor inuiuiiii ic
$i68,$03.TT released, 800; amount, 8a),W10l.
New Note of Oxford.
OXFORD, Neb., July IT. (Special,) A
goo4 rain of almost an inch fell here
yesterday afternoon. It was the first
rain ot any consequence atnee June. Four
milea east of here It did not rain at ail,
and two miles west, but to the south of
town the rain waa heavier. Alt crops
wero needing rain badly, nnd while some
corn la too badly damaged to be affected,
it will be of great benefit to late corn,
hay and pastures.
At a meeting of the school board this
week Contractor Ktser waa awarded the
contract of putting up the additional
school building. The building is to be
built Just north of tho present school
house and is to be finished, ready to be
occupied, by September 1.
C- D. Brown, who haa been conducting
a dairy here since the first of the year,
sold out to C. V, Faye of IXalgler, Neb.
released In duge county durlnir the lastlrennrta against nrlsoners for Infraction Iftiiur nlans. Ho would go back on the
im aniline next mursuay ii ma
ha cold, but he has
City mortgages filed. O: amomTt. ! m?nV. iZI ve nc i nttmatlon on thla point It
15fiARft3.T7 11 A A ft l 3fYl( amnllnt tVA KAt M I ilsA MAH la In ttiU altli I ' 4.a nH m.rA llhnrit V thflt Onf) I
&U IUO I11CI1 VIUI aJH3$ sl ivn.n I YCLS CfVl ICU Owuu I
ftvtntn occurrlnir In thr outilda world. I n.. Mvim.nrinHr.nn tiresented to
and in the event of th? discharge of mfcn vu that the American
it nasi uwn a. hiokv vu iuqiiu ivi , . . .... i
world moves swiftly on the outside and embassy at Mexico City should be con-
mesa piciureo nave mnuo iiuih ciu, i tlnuca in cnargo si diu v ..-
ev. its first secretary, and the resig
nation of Ambassador Wilson accepted.
Hie resignation, with those ot other dlplo-1
mate, haa been In President wuaon'a
hands since the Taft administration
IntrrvleTV Pleasant.
T was impressed," aald Ambassador
Wilson later, "with the receptlvenesa of
Secretary Bryan and his breadth ot view.
Our interview waa very pleasant ana ait.
Bryan Impressed me as not having
! reached any determination on the situ
ation, but aa desltflus to know the facta."
Mr. Wilson aald he would as tne presi
dent to permit him to apeak freely about
the situation, aa he believed the puuuo
was not generally Informed.
and aaslsted them tn keeping abreast
with tho times. ....
The men In road campa find plenty of
amusement during their leisure hours In
base ball and fishing, and from phono
graphs and good reading.
I left this Institution thoroughly Im
pressed Uiat Warden Tynan is a great
man, ooing a spiennaia worx.
Nates from Tecnmseh,
TECUMSBH, Neb.. July 2t.-8peelal.)-In
payment of Its assessment on benefits
for the drainage plan in this county tho
Burlington railroad company haa given
the officers of the Johnson county drain
age board its check for J is, 000, The Ne
maha river is to be straightened and
Judge J. B. Raper held district court
in tlua county for two or three daya thts
week, but th buslnesa disposed of was
of p.o especial importance.
Mrs. Strout, wife of W. W. SUout, died
at her home in Anthony, Kan., Wednes
day. She had been ill for months. The
family moved from Tecuroseh, Mr. Btrout
being manager of a clothing store here.
The husband and a son survive.
Aa the result of a fire Dr. J. O. Atter
berry suffered a loss of about $500 to his
dental office equipment Friday.
rtulo Man Sent to Jail.
YORK, Neb., July 27. Bpeclal-Yes-terday
morning Oscar Dantela ot Rulo,
Neb., was arrested on a statutory charge
sworn to by his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Don
iela. Daniels pleaded guilty and Judge
Corcoran sentenced him to three months
In the county jail. Miss Kfflo Cramer,,
the woman In the cos a. waa fined 5.
winds up busy session Culls From trie Wire
Ready for Reunion.
OHIOWA, Neb., July .-Spelti.)-
r reparations are In full blast for Ohio-
Wft't annual plcnio and reunion Wednes
day. July . The day promises to draw
the largest crowd of any day In the his
tory of Oblowa, Oeneva and nelvidere
Play ball in the morning for tSO and
Ohlowa and Alexander play In the after
noon for $50. A feature of the day s pro
gram will be t broncho busting contest.
MADISON. Wis., July ft. Among- the
bills passed by the Wisconsin legislature.
wnicn pracucaiiy comp.eteo. its wor to- ' t;a"rop Department of Agricul
day after the longest session In Its his- JM by Dr, M. P. itavenel of the Vnt-
e.tabltuhments under I
federal supervision at Chicago, 8t Paul,
Milwaukee and Indianapolis are to be In-
tory. were the following' enactments:
A "blue sky" law for protection ot In
vestors, r minimum wage law tor women
and minors, a mother's pension act, a
water power control law looking to state
ownership, adoption ot Initiative, referen
dum and recall amendments to the state
constitution, a minimum wage ot $0 a
month fcr rural school teachers, abolition
ot the defense of contributory negligence
in the workmen's compensation act. a
stato commission to supervise boxing
contests, a law requiring at certificate ot
health from prospective brides and
grooms, sterilisation of feeble minded,
epileptics and criminal Insane In state
and county institutions.
Mrs. A. J. llaruian.
BEAVER CITY, Neb., July t?.-8pe.
eta! Telegram.) Mrs. A. J. Herman died
early this morning following an operation
for appendicitis. She leaves a husband
and two small children. She was the
youngest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. C.
Forney of this city-
varsity oi tjaworniu.
Confident that they have succeeded In
amn.inir n. snlrlt of co-o Deration among
business men ot the west, the directors
ot the Chamber of Commerce ot the
United Btatea yesterday ended their two
weeks' trip al St. raw.
A train bearing a large number of
rtanlah eml arants. bound for the United
States, was derailed yesterday near Uab
jerg, Denmark, a seaport ot the North
sea. Sixteen persons, including M.
Babroe, a member of the lower house ot
the Danish Parliament, were, killed
Arrangementa tor the sixth annual
rovernora' conference, which is to be
held at Colorado Springs. Colo., foe Ave
dnva commenclns on August Ii. were an
nounced yesterday by Secretary Miles C
Holey at Madlaon, Wis. The organiza
tion eonatsta ot governors, former gov
arnora and govornors-elect from all the
states in tne union.
The lockout ot union workmen ot the
building trades In Kansas City, which
haa continued for seven weeks, ended
! yesterday when members of the building
trades council agreed 10 un me union
men bock. Tne conditions oi mo agree
ment are that no strike In the future
hall be called except after arbitration.
and that no wage scale shall be chansod
on any building In course ot construction, i
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
We reprint herewith an extract
from an opinion rendered by a
famous scientist showing that
beer in light bottles can not
remain pure,
''Beer bottled should be manufactured
from reddish-brown glass, inasmuch as
same will to a much nigher degree than
any other kind of glass, minimize the
. influence of the rays of light on the aual
ity of beer, and will protect the latter
against acquiring the disagreeable taste
(Sonnengeschmack) due to the chemical
action or light.
" In white and green glass bottles the beer
is most affected by the action of the
light. Such bottles are, therefore, abso
lutely inappropriate and should never be
employed by brewers. "
(Signed) Prof. Dr. F. Schonfeld.
From the Illustrated Brewery Encyclopedia, p. 99 (Illustriertes BrauerA
Lexikon.) Published by Dr. Max Dclbruck, Privy Councillor. Professor at
the Royal Agricultural College and Director of the Institute f or Fermcntology
at Berlin. Berlin: 1910.
Schlitz is made pure and the
Brown Bottle keeps it pure
from the brewery to your glass.
Phones: Doog. 15971 Ind. A a&a
Schlitz Bottled Beer Depot
733 S. oth Street, Omaha, Nebr.
Phono 44
Hy,. Gerber, xox S. Mala St
Council Blug -
The Beer
That Made Milwaukee famous
You Are an
Good telephone opera
ting is a matter of co-operation.
Tho operators
make mistakes. So do
Constant effort is being
made to reduce operating
errors to a minimum, and
through instructions in
our directories and educa
tional advertising, we are
seeking the assistance of
our subscribers.
Some Problems
On a square foot of pan
el on a multiple switch
board, 1,000 telephone
lines terminate in little
"jacks" or sookets. In
her hurry to get your
number, sometimes the
operator gets the' wrong
one; but usually she is
wonderfully accurate.
You can help the oper
ator. If you give her the
right number and you
speak slowly and plainly,
it is very unlikely that
she win make a mistake.
Office For lent
The large room on ground
floor of Bee Building; oc
cupied by the Havens
White Coal Co.
Nice Farnam street front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court of the
Pine office fixtures are of
fered for sale. Apply to
N. P. Feil, Bee office. .
Better bo sure of your Trunk or
Suit Case before you trust It too
far. We have one of the largest
stocks of baggages In the stato.
And each trunk or bag la well
above tho common run. If you are
not sure of your judgment, thla
la a Bare shop to trade In.
Wo tike Repair Jobs.
1803 Farnam St.
"Hot anExpartiaant,n
Established 13SB.
"BtnO. for Dally Hasket ratter."
Don't Wait
for opportunity! create it for
yourself by Jodicloua use of The
Bee's advertising columns.
assak sSa. Sou
Now at Its Best
And Many Other
Admission to Park Free
Th Ortffliial "Always Opsn" Tbsatc
&jCIJz2j All Summer
OMAHA'S iimrire
Pictures OHana;a4 UaUy IITTT Beat Fa4
rutt 'nine or-
SToon to 11 V. IX.
Ooolad by Xcad Air. Tonliht All
iwsok. Hatlnssa Waa. ana Saturday.
Zn Clyde Pitch's Bast Comedy
Prices 1 35c and Boc.
West Week "Our Wives."