The Omaha Daily Bee Advertising la the Voko of Trade. Talk through The Deo to your cuBtomors, to your competitor'! customers and to your possible customers. THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XLIII-NO. 34. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1913 TEN1 PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. GQVERMENT MAY : PUT A VALUATION STATION -Interstate Commerce Commission ; Has a Plan for Making a Di vision of Its Work. CENTRAL DISTRICT IS PROPOCED Office to Have Charge of Placing - Values on Railroads. NUMBER OF CLERKS EMPLOYED Three States to be Inoluded in tho New District. SIGNAL CORPS IS TO REMAIN Suspension of the Order of Removnl la Advised by Auiitmit Secretary- at War In Telc u. gnram to Chief. I, (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. July 27.-(Speclal Tele "gram.) The Interstate Commerce oom jhlsslort 1b considering two establishment at Omaha of a subdivision of tho com mission for -wont In the central district. A physical valuation Is being made of the railroads of the country. Itepresenta tlve Lobeck and Senator Hitchcock havo had the matter up with members of tho commission, and It Is saldHhat la prac tically certain that a number of employes of the commission will be stationed at Omaha. They are proceeding under the proposed plan to have direct supeprlalon of the valuation of the railroads of three states, Nebraska, Wyoming and South Dakota. Kansas City Is making a bid for being chosen In place of, Omaha for this pro posed subdivision, but thus far Omaha seems to be in the iead. Signal Corp Mnr Stnr. Suspension of the order removing the signal corps from Fort Omaha was ad vised by Assistant Secretary of War Breckenrldgo in a telegram he sent to day to Secretary of War Garrison. It Is believed that the order will be held UP at least until the return of the sec retary to Washington, when further in fluences will be brought to bear upon him permanently to vacate tho order. Chadron Moat Walt. 'Although the city of Chadron supposed 'It was to havo a new public building promptly, since congress appropriated tho 'money for It last winter, apparently they will be disappointed. According to As sistant Secretary of the Treasury Sher man Allen, tho plans and specifications 'or the building will not be ready until tho fall of 1916. A suggestion was made 'by U J, 13, lager of Chadron that the Plans jused for .some other building be employed In building the Chadron Jsutld ing In oderTo'save time, but the as Blatant secretary had nothing to say About this suggestion. Receive iBanker'n Protest. Members of the Nebraska delegation fare In receipt of a letter from Victor B. iCaldwell of the United States National bank at Omaha that the enactment of the (proposed administration currency bin will "Immeasurably harm" the banking tnd financial Interests of tho country. Air. Caldwell thinks that the partisan spirit dominating currency consideration Is not only unwise, but absolutely vicious In its effect, stating that such a measure should by all means bo nonpartisan and "not bo made "tho foot ball of politics." Sufrune Ijratitie Acts. xnc j-jiicoiq n.quHi suiirngo league, (through Mrs. F. M. Hall, chairman ot the campaign committee, Is urging tVJ? Nebraska delegation to support equal suffrage. A letter to that effect was re celved by various members today. Holier to Visit Omaha. Fourth Assistant Postmaster General D. C. Roper Is to bo in Omaha for a short time next week. He Is going to Denver to mako an address July 31, and vlll visit Onraha to confer as to local conditions. Metcalfe Meets Morrels. Richard I.. Metcalfo, governor of Pan ama, took luncheon today with Secretary flryan and Senator Morrels, minister rom Panama. Effort Being Made to Open Case Against Accused Hotel Man BLAIR, Neb., July 27. (Special Tele gram,) While no legal steps so far have been taken for the rearrest of A. N. Unthank, who was released from the charge of murdering George Carson, the Arlington telegraph operator, It Is rumored that an effort will, be made to institute euch proceedings soon, probably on the return of parties who'have gone to tho home of Carson to havo the body taken up and examined. Publlo sentiment In Blair and vicinity Is strongly In favor of the case being reopened. The Weather For Nebraska and Iowa Fair; warmer. Temperature nt Oraahn Yesterday. Hours. 5 a. m...... 73 6 a. m 72 7 a. m 73 8 a. m 72 9 a. m. 74 10 a. m 78 11 a. m 78 13 m 81 1 p. m 84 3 p. m 85 3 p. m 84 4 p. m.... 85 5 p. m..... 84 S p. m 84 7 d. m 82 Comparative Local Record. ISIS. M12. Mil. 1910. Highest yesterday 87 81 88 104 Lowest yesterday 73 7 70 74 Mean temperature SO 79 78 8$ Precipitation 17 .18 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Tormal temperature 77 Excess for the day 3 Total excess since March 1 2tt normal precipitation.... Hindi Excess for the day J neh Tots! rainfall since March 1... 14.83 Inches Deficiency since March 1 5.81 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1S12. 7.80 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19U. 9.43 Inches HORSE THIEYESBUSY IN IOWA Animals Stolen in Many Counties Traced to Des Moines. TRAIL IS LOST NEAR THE CITY Iovrn Rankers Are Opposed to Ail. ministration BUI for Reforming; the Currency rrouty Ulll Is Given a Boot, (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, July 37. (Special.) Horse stealing has again become so com mon in Iowa that vigilance committees are being organised and bloodhounds trained to do some quiet work In putting a stop to the Industry. It Is believed that horio buyers and shippers In and near Des Moines havo been working In conjunction with the thieves, and have been quite ready to purchase and ship out ot the state the horses that havo been brought here. It la found that In numerous cases the men wjth the stolen horses have headed for Des Moines. In tho last few days, horses stolen in Madison county havo been traced to tlio city limits and also horses from Btory county. In eastern Iowa several counties have for years maintained antl-horso thief as sociations and these have been effective where maintained In preventing thievery. In central and southern Iowa organi zations aro being revived. While automobiles have becomo more popular It Is pointed out that the price of good horses remains as high as ever and the Incentive to stealing them Is stilt strong. Tho number ot horses In the state has not been diminished by the in creasing use of the automobile. Itnvn Ilnnkera Opposed to the Hill. Almost unanimously the bankers of Iowa aro opposed to tho administration bill for emergency currency and reserve banks. The bankers of Dos Moines have given the matter a great deal of hard study and have held several meetings to discuss it among themselves. In only a very small way has the bill received any commendation at these meetings while Its larger features havo been denounced as dangerous and wrong In principle. The feature of the bill which causes greatest concern Is that In regard to the require ment of banks to become stockholders In tho reserve banks and then to havo the reserve banks handled not by bankers, but by government appointees. The Des Moines bankers say that the bill would not accomplish what la needed In the way of banking and currency reform. Commend Pronty'H Dill. The local bankers, oh the other hand, generally favor a bill .that has been in troduced Into congress by Congressman Prouty-of this district to provide for some elasticity in currency matters by a provision for an emergency currency. The Prouty plan docs not contemplate re serve banks or the tying up of any of the capital of the banks, but a proviso much after that of the Aldrlch bill to supply emergency currency as. needeij with the government back: of It.' ... Wild Anlmala In ioTvni Wild animals are reportod at various places In Iowa. The latest Is near Red field, where the report Is there Is- a wild animal of unknown character killing do mestic animals. One farmer reported that tho animal had Jumped on a fine youug bull and lacerated Its shoulder in terrible manner. Another farmer had fifteen sheep killed at one time. Some years ago a mountain Hon was killed In that Imme diate vldnlty by some hunters who had oragnlzed to" attack It, and tho belief pre vails this may be another. In north eastern Iowa the effort to track down a Hon of some similar animal near Osage has been given up, but the accounts were authentla that there Was a very large wild and ferocious animal seen there. Trying: to Find n Meteorite. In northwestern Iowa af several places they are making an effort to find a meterorlto, or stone, which Is supposed to have fallen to the earth last week. The meteor was seen here and It'was so large that persons thought it surely must havo been very noar Des Moines. Rut later reports Indicate it was seen In Pocahon tas, Sac, Ida, Crawford and othef- coun ties even more brilliantly than here, so that as a matter of fact, the meteor fell at least a hundred miles from Des Moines. Ail the observers agreo that It was such a largo one that very likely soma nart of the unconsumod stone fell to the earth. Committee for Charities Meeta. Prof. F. E. Haynes of Sioux City, presi dent of the Iowa State Conference of Charities and Correction, has announced the chairmen of the committees for tho ensuing year. They will report at the annual conference, which will be held, this y-ar at Sioux City, November 16-18. The other members of the different committees will be announced later In the year. Following are the committees and the chairmen as appointed by President Haynes. Defective and Insane Dr. nnr- rn. gride, Qlenwood. c-orrectIon Prof. F. C. Ensign, Iowa Charities and Children H. S. Holllngs worth, Des Moines. Labor Problems P. 8. Pierce, Iowa City. Scientific Study of Social Problems Prof. O. P. Wyckoff. GrlnnelL Public Health Dr. A. F. Kepford, Des Moines. LegislatlvcH. I Houghton, Sioux Progressive Party Plans Upset. Des Moines progressives will not hold a meeting here on August 6, as had been announced by the committee. They ex pect to get former Governor W. U. Stubbs of Kansas to make a speech, but the ! former Kansas governor Is In Europe. The national committee was unable to send another man the local progressives were satisfied with. "The committee cannot furnish us a man ami J. H. Wyllle, state chairman, Is unable to help because of sickness in his family," said Joseph Dyr, chairman of the committee In charge of the rally, said. Iovra Does Well With Bags. Close to 100,000,000 dozen eggs were marketed In lowa last year. Reports of township assessors to county auditors show this. The agricultural department is getting this Information for the 1913 year book. The figures show that 97,619,. 731 dozens eggs were marketed. At the end of 1913 there were 34.092,309 ohlckens In the stare. Polk county led all other counties by mure than 100,000 fowls. The reports show: Polk county, 783.838; Pottawattamie county, 001.7C3, and Jasper county, (37,305. BIG RAILWAY STRIKE WILL NOT Threatene5 of Eighty Tho h Fifty-Four Averted. SIGN ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Dispute Will Be Arbitrated Under Provisions of Erdman Act, COMPANIES MAKE CONCESSIONS Waive Demand Mediators Shall Con sider Their Grievances, RESULTS OF BOARD'S EFFORTS Members Leave for Washington, Where They Will Report to Frrsldent Wilson In Matter. NEW YORK, July 27. The threatened strike of 50,000 conductors and trainmen ot fifty-four eastern railroads for higher wages and Improved working conditions will not be called. Articles of agree ment to arbitrate, under tho Newlands act, the questions at Issue were signed yesterday by tho cmpoyea' representa tives and tho conference committee of managers. The agreement was not reached until the manage.! s had withdrawn the pro posal that their own grievances against the men also should bo arbitrated. This agreement, tho managers announced to day, they hod relinquished' to "protect the public" from a tloup which the em ployes intended to force It the rail roads persisted in pressing tbclr point, Result of Board's Efforts. Today's peaceful outcome ot the dis pute was tho result of efforts mado by tho board of mediation and conciliation, recently created In the hurriedly passed Newlands act, to meet the situation. The board, cbnslstlng of William Lea Chambers, Martin A Knapp and Q. W. Hanger, brought about today's agree ment after conferences with tho dls- puianis, wnicn continued more than a week. With the elimination of the. eight grievances, for which the railroads de sired consideration, the articles of ar bitration comprise, without alteratloa, the sixteen original demands presented by the conductors and the trainmen. To Take Kffect In October. The only point gained by the rail roads was a provision that the award of the board of arbitration, to be later constituted ot six members, shall take effect October I next, Instead of May 1 last, the date requested by the em ployes. The members of the mediation board returned tonight to Washington, where they wll report to President Wilson. The -board. twllU not Jagain bocalled. Into action unless the four arbitrators, nomi nated by the railroads and the men, -fall, to. agree on a fifth and sixth to com plete the arbitration board. In that con tingency the mediation board will se lect the two necessary members. Other Powers Don't Like Russian Plan to Check the Turks ST. PETERSBURG, July-27.-The pro posal made by the Russian government that a Joint naval demonstration be made off Constantinople to coincide with the mobilization of Russian troops In the southwestern provinces has been aban doned. Germany flatly declined to con sider the plan and Russia's alllos, Great Britain and France, replied evasively. Russia is unable to assume the task single handedly of bringing pressure to bear on the Turks In Europe as it Is unwilling to do so In Asia Minor, realizing that such a course would encourage an Armenian uprising which would only further complicate the problem. Owing to the breakdown ot tho Euro pean concert the Russian government soes no hope of arresting the Turkish advance. NicaraguanPact Will Be Altered WASHINGTON, July 27,-Important modifications are to be made in the pro posed treaty with Nicaragua, by which the' United States would establish a pro tectorate over the southern republic. It has been discovered that by the terms of the agreement, originally outlined by Secretary Bryan, Nicaragua would be prevented from ever joining with other republic to form a single central Ameri can union. This was not contemplated by the ad ministration when the treaty was pro posed; and the suggestion has created suspicion among other central American countries. At a conference today between Secretary Bryan and 'members of the senate foreign relations committee. It was agreed that the original draft of the treaty should be changed, and definite statements be Included In the compact, providing that it should not stand In the way of any future action Nicaragua mtght decide to take toward Joining a central American combination. Entire Fire Force of Oklahoma City, Ninety Men, Strike OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., July 17. The Oklahoma Ctty fire department, ninety men, struck today because the city commissioners had cut their wages and dismissed their chief. Their places are being filled temporarily by thirty citizens. When the proposed cut In wage was announced several days ago the firemen threatened to walk out. The commis sioners then discharged Fire Chief ICfeler, whose salary had been reduced from 1180 to $160 a month, and today the men whose $45 a month bad been reduced to ISO left their stations at a given signal. aSKVV-.-.W From tho Indianapolis News. PIPER YISITSCANON CITY Says Nebraska Might Well Follow Example Set There. CONVICTS WORK UPON ROADS Large Amonnt of Public Improve ment Accomplished nnd Number of Ksraprs bo Small as Not to Connt. (From a Start Correspondent.) Lincoln, July 27. (Special.) Secretary J. A. Piper of the state board ot charities and corrections attended tho national conference ot charities at Seattle last week and hoa made a report to tho governortof'hU. observations on tho trip. AfTer tclifpgJir'Kir-'raport orthe con'- forenoo he speaks ofylsltl to different prisons, among them the Utah states prison' and the Colorado prison. In both ot these Institutions the Inmates aro used In the building of roads, and as Nebraska at thlB time Is Interested In a proposition to work lta stato prison (Continued on Page Two.) Pellagra Spreading, Say Health Officers WASHINGTON, July 27.-Pellagra, for which physicians have found no euro, Is spreading beyond tha zone to which It has previously been confined and is In vading new territory, according "to tho belief of tho United States public health service, based upon statistics made pub lic today on tho prevalence ot tho dis ease In Arkansas, Oklahoma and Tcxus from 1907 to 3912. Reports from these three states, bor dering on the area in which pellagra has most extensively exlstod In this country, show, says Surgeon C. IL Lav- lnder, the prevalence of the disease "to no Inconsiderable degree." "This suggests rather strongly," he adds, "that pellagi-a Is Increasing the area In which It Is at present and In vading new territory. Further Inquiry Is needed to determine this with any de gree of accuracy." Republicans Refuse to Get m the Way of Tariff Steam Roller WASHINGTON, July 37,-After several hours of long orthodox tariff discussion In the .senate today during which the republicans were consistently defeated on amendments, the minority leaders began to tire of fruitless efforts to araen'd the bill and rapid progress was made. The chemical schedule practically was ap proved without change when the senate adjourned. In discussing the heavy cut on whiting. Senator Lodge said ho knew It was use less to offer amendments and therefore contented himself with a protest He also protested against tho duty on lopone, but said: "I will not uselessly delay the senaU by offering an amendment." Senator Smoot also refrained from of fering certain amendments, saying: "I will not offer an amendment be cause I see It will do no good." Funeral of the Late R.B.Schneider to be at Fremont Today FREMONT, Neb., July 27. (Special Tel egram.) Stores will close here Monday afternoon In honor of the memory of R. IJ, Schneider whose sudden death Saturday as he was on the way to his office In his automobile, shocked the en tire community where ha was so well and favorably known. The funeral will bo held from the First Methodist church at 3 o'clock Mon day afternoon with Interment Immedi ately following at Rldgo cemetery. The pallbearers will be: Frank Fowler, William Fried. Ray Nye, Frank Ham mond, Luther Drake ot Omaha and J. M, Jenka of Chicago, ThaLMaBLother. NA GREAT Bandits Attempt to Hold Up Northern Limited in Montana HOMESTAKE, Mont, July 17,-The. eastbound north coast limited on the Northern Pacific was hold up by three masked men early this morning a mile and a half west of Homestake. Tho at tompt resulted In a farce, for the would, bo robbers secured nothing. The train was stopped with torpedoes secured from a bridge watchman, who was hold up shortly before the limited won due. Tho desperadoes compelled the. engineer and train crew to uncouple the engine and express car from tho rest ot the train and proceed ahead, leaving the Uan. on the other aide of. a tunnel about :rr . : t, . 7 . . 1 w uo proyrifiors assert vneuuiia- m feet -distant, When tho englrto'Wi lwr was "s.Ttiro bys'trlke' sylnpa. brought to a stop ono outlaw annadnooa I i,iir. tww.,..," .,. .C... that ho liad forgotton to bring tlio "giant" along and the powder was back with tho train. Tho Incident brought forth snickers from the trainmen, which wcro stoppod by tho firing of shots. The bandits then disappeared among the rocks and It Is sold thoy left tho scene on horses which thoy had tied near tho scene. Tho bandits had cut tho tele graph wires and it wan some tlmo be' foro word could reach tho authorities ot tho attempted robbery- Sheriff Drlscoll and a posse aro en routo to tho scene from Butte. Cincinnati Man Comes as Mail Head (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July Z!. (Special Tel egram.) By .order of the postmaster gen eral, Clyde M. Reed, division superintend ent ot railway mall service at Cincin nati, has been transferred to becomo division superintendent at Omaha. James U mice, division superintendent at Omaha, Is transferred to become division superintendent at Pittsburgh, vice J. M. Masten, resigned. On the recommendation of Congressman Klrpatrick, Drs. II. C Young and C. C. Heady, have been appointed surgeons at Bloomtleld. Ia. E. W. Tltterengon of Topeka, ICan., and Wilbur Rltchey of Stillwater, Okl., havo been appointed Inspectors' assistant In connection with the bureau of animal In dustry to bo located at South Omaha, Breaks Beachey's Altitude Record ROCHESTER, N. V July 27.-A dls- patoh from Bath says that Frank Burn aide, flying in a biplane, today broke Lincoln Beachey's American altitude record of 11,680 feet, made In Chicago two years ago, by attaining a height of 12,950 feet. ELLA FLAGG YOUNG PUTS IT UP TO SCHOOL BOARD CHICAGO, July 31-"ty resignation rests entirety with the school, board. I don't see that I havo anything further to do with It," said Mrs. Ella Plagg Young, superintendent of Chicago's publlo schools, today. Mrs. Young's friends Interpreted this statement to mean she would consent to tematn In her present position If the school board declined to accept her res ignation. A majority of tho board already is on record as favoring her retention. HASTINGS MAN ESCAPES FROM AUTO THAT UPSETS HASTINGS, Neb., July 27. (Special Tclogram.)-A. C High, manager of the Hastings Browing company, was pinned beneath his automobile when it turned over near here last night. 'His breast tone and several ribs wore broken, but the physlcluns say h!s recovery Is as sured. Tho breaking of a door enabled Mr, High to crawl from under the car. He halted the first person passing, a doc tor, who gave him first aid and took him home. The car overturned when Mr, High steered to avoid hitting a teamj FIRE IN STRIKE DISTRICT Store of Men Refusing Credit De stroyed by Flames. TROOPS DISPATCHED TO SCENE Proprietors Assert Miners on Wnlk out Responiilule for Ulnae nnd Fear for Safety of An other IlulldluK- CAXiUMET, Mich., July 27. Two com- panics of mllttta, stationed lioro to pro- servo order In the copper mining district where 16.000 men aro on strike, were dls- patcnea to Centennial, two miles from here, tonight, whoro tho general storo and marked ot Morgan & Grlerson was annduriccd that hereafter no credit busi ness would be don. A dwelling next to the store was partly burned. TJie proprietors of tho storo ex pressed fear for tho safety of another store owned by them at Ahmook. Th loss was 17,000. Tho flro was the first destruction of property Incident to tho strike affecting lntorests not directly connected with tho mlno managements. A special guard tonight was thrown around tho homo ot Richard Bawden, su perintendent of tho Tri-Mountaln mine of tho Copper Rango Consolidated com pany. Strike sympathizers drove Mrs. Bawden and her two children away from home by threatening to burn tho house. The woman with her children took refugo in a hotel at Houghton tonight and Mr. Bawden asked a guard of militia to pro tect his home. Shoots Self After Telephoning Wife Who Had Left Him KANSAS CITY, July 27.-Douglas HerU of Kansas City, whoso wife disappeared from her hotel In St. Louis last Thurs day, shot and dangerously wounded him self after a telephone conversation with his wife hero tonight. Mrs. Herts was located tonight at the home of a friend. Hertz entered n saloon and telephoned Mrs. Hertz from there. Aftor a long conservation he stepped away from tho telephone and drawing a revolver shot himself over tho heart. He was taken to a hospital. As Herts lay on tha floor ot the saloon after ho had shot himself, he moaned: "I want my wife; 1 want my wlfo; she has ruined me, but I want her." Herts has had two brides In the last ten weeks. His first wlfo was killed In a motor car accident whllo they were on their honeymoon trip. Eight weeks lator ho married MIbj Mamto Roy, who disappeared from their hotel in St. Louis last Thursday. Mrs. Hertz tonight refused to explain why aho haif left her husband. Hertz Is a graduate of Cambrldgo uni versity and. It Is said, a eon ot a mem ber of the British Parliament Mrs. Bryan Leaves to "Put Up" Farm Fruit; WASHINGTON, July 37. Like a loyal helpmeet, using every means to help stretch her husband's salary ot $12,000, 1 Mrs, William Jennings Bryan has gone to I awiuuiii, wucro biiu win prtuervo iruus and berries and make pickles to keep the 1 wolf from the door. Mrs. Bryan has for many years per sonally superintended the preparation ot the winter canned stock for the Bryan larder. FATHER OF OMAHA MAN IS DEAD IN NEW YORK BUFFALO, N. Y., July 27.-(Speolal Telegram.) John Deneen, aged 80 years, father of John Deneen of Omaha, died last night at midnight at his home In Jordan, N. Y., where he had lived for the last fifty-three years. Burial will be Tuesday In Jordan, SOLDIERS OF HUERTS SHOO I' AN AMERICAN INSPECTOR IN BACK United States Immigration Offiokl Given Ley Fnega by Federal! in Juarez. CROSSED BORDER ON BUSINESS Investigating White Slavo Caso When Put Under Arrest WOUNDED AS HE RUNS AWAt Flees as Captors Start to March Him, Off to Exeoution Ground. BALL THROUGH BODY; MAY DIE Victim DcIIctps Ncisro 1I W 8eek Inir notiRht Drinks for Assailants nnd Inrtncrd Them to Take Action Thoy Did. EL TABO, Tex., July 37,-Charlea Bl Dixon ot San Dlcgo, Cal., United State Immigration Inspector, was given ley tucga by Mexican rcderal soldiers yes terday. Ho was shot la the back and may die. Dixon was In Juarez on official bust nous, Investigating a white slave caso, when ho was arrested by a bawl oC fed eral soldiers who started marching him awny from the city In the direction ot tho foothills, where many oxocuttona havo taken place, Dixon started to run, nnd after getting a block away was fired vpon and hit In tho back. Dixon's father UveB'ln'Wharton, Tex. Tho federal authorities refused to allow tho wounded man to be removed front tho military hospital, where ho was taken. 'Federal soldiers guard tho ward where Dixon lies, retustqg admission to eyory-i one, except a doctor. Hnyu Soldiers Drunk. Dixon made a statement this afternoon In Juarez to American officials that ha Mas satisfied the Mexicans wera march Ing htm out to shoot him- when he ran. He says th Moxlcan soldiers wero drunk. Dixon was sent by a superior to Juarez to sco a negro in connection with a whtto slave case that was being probed here. Ho says ho believes the negro, aftor ho had talked to him ill Juarez, bought drinks for the soldiers and Induced them to arrest him. "I told tho soldiers X would go with them to the command ant's office," Dixon said this afternoon, "but Instead ot taking m In that dlroo tlon, they started with me In tho direc tion ot tho outskirts of tile town. As X lad on a suit ot khaki I thought that perhaps thoy had taken me for a United Btatcs soldier acting as a spy, so I ran on and they shot me after I had got about halt a block away from them." .Shot, lutjnmll ot Rack, pr. ' JTT 3T: Tappan of ho Immigration" strvlco In 111 I'aso wont to Juarez and treated the wounded man. He found that Dixon was shot In tho small of tlio back, tho ball going completely through hla body and coming out through bis etom nch. It did not strlko tho spine. Immigration men claim that a half, negro lloutenant In tho federal army In Juarez, a friend of tho negro undor m. vesttgatlon, was Instrumental In causing tho arrest and the shooting. Ordinarily, United States immigration men aro permitted to work In Juarea under an agreement with Juarez officials. "SitIouk," Hays Urynn. WASHINGTON, July 38. "It looks Ilka a serious case. We will do whatever r necessary," Secretary Bryan said to night in commenting on the shooting ot Dixon. He telegraphed American Consul Edwards for an Immediate Investigation. President Wilson waa advised of tho In cldent, but mado no comment. While Immigration officials on the bor der have frequently had their troubles over Mexicans being detained until their identity could bo established, no affair an serious as that In Juarez could be re called by officials of the Stato depart ment, It was pointed out that strict or ders havo been Issued to keep American (Continued on Page Two.) Do You Read Ad vertisements? Do you? Tho question Is ono of excep tional Importance. It has bo many Intensely in teresting angles, Advertlesmentu themselves con stitute a class of literature that dally commands world-wldo at tention. Think of tho number of dally nowHpapers thoro aro in North America. Think of the dollars spont dally in advertising. Think of the enterprises that are behind tho advertising in the dully papers; tha millions of dol lars Invested; the countless num ber of omployees; the enormous number of shoppers moro than 10,000,000 each dayl Would all thla exist If adver tising wore not an eloment of col ossal powerT Take TUB BEE for instance. Look at the advertisements. Note the dally messaga to an appreciative public. Observe how the advertisers aim to obtain your patronage. Reflect what must Btand be hind good advertising. Integrity of character; good store service; stocks of merit; stocks comprehensive enough to meet a varied daily publlo demand. Proper and effective stock dis plays. These are the spokes in a gigantic commercial wheel. So when you read tha advertlm. menu In THE BEE give this sub ject some thought, and you will have a better appreciation of tho power ana purpose 01 aaverusing. J) i