Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA SUNDAY lUuti: .JULY 27, 1013.
Tells' What Has Been Done by the
Cadillao Company.
7 Cotnpnny Is Not Stopptnar, tout
U Keeping nlffht to thv Front
In Promoting; New Ideas
(or Patrons.
Oorg Relm, president ot the local
Odllla company, who returned last
week from a record run with the now
' 114 model Cadillac, Is most enthusiasts
over ths advancements made In the man
ufacture ot this machine. While In this
mood he made the following predictions
Ivor the furore which the announcement
of tho new model would makes
The worth-while accomplishments In
this world ax usually things concerning
whloh the wleooores with one accord
have ralsod their hands and loudly pro
claimed, "It can't be done." Nowhere,
perhaps, has this been more strikingly
Illustrated than in the automobile In
dustry and Its products. The first signifi
cant example occurred baclc In the year
When Henry M. Leland onnounoed that
he would build 3,000 single-cylinder auto
mobiles, Immediately nil hands went up,
"It can't ' be done." "They're oraty."
"Why they can't sell J.000 automobiles In
the whole world." But within HVtw there
were 2.004 inoro built, and within five
years there were 20.000 single-cylinder
Cadillao cars manufactured and mar
keted. No, It couldn't be done. But it
The next Important step In the auto
mobile industry was in 19M. and In June,
IMS, the world was aenln startled. This
tlmo the Cadillac Motor Car company an
nounced that It would produce a high
crado, powerful motor car to sell at
$1,400. Again all hands went up, "It can't
bo done." "Absurd." "It's a Mutf."
-'They'll go broke." "They'll ruin the
. But It was done. It wasn't absurd. It
, .wasn't a bluff. They "didn't "go broke."
It 'didn't ruin the "business. On the eon
itrary, It woo one of the best things that
'ever happened to the industry. It set a
) 'pace that othor makers wero compelled
to; at least try to follow. The pace had
' been set and the lend had been estab
lished. But the distance between the
pacemaker and the closest followers has
never diminished.
The next Important step in the Industry
occurred when the Cadillao company an
nounced for 1913 that ita output ot motor
'cars would be equipped with an electrical
elf-cranklns device. It was not simply
something to give the engine a push over
land then stop, but something which
"would actually crank It and keep on
cranking It If necessary. Not only this,
' but tho device would also furnish cur
rent for electric lights and for Ignition.
Up went all hands again. "It can't be
.done." Thus sounded the chorus.
' But it was done and done more suc
cessfully than evon Its makers had dared
' 'hope for. It was the greatest and most
'.important single Improvement since titer
. . "Inception of the motor car. It proved Us
iaee from the beginning. In the face ot
' this; It was berated and It was abused.
v Jlt'.was misrepresented and stories of al
- 'moist every conceivable kind wero circu
lated about It.
.After a few thousand of these Cadljiacs
had- been delivered other makers woke up
to the fact that the Cadillac electrical
,'pystem was meeting with tremendous
favor and success. Then there was a
Jwlld scramble for almost anything that
bore the name "self-starter." .Nearly
every car adopted something which
'WQuld serve as an excuse for the name.
And what was the result7 Let the buyers
'tell you.
, And all the time the Cadillao electrical
system was growing In favor because it
.was proving Itself to be right, and prov
ing Itself to be the only one that was
.actually doing what should be expected
'of it. Then there was another awaken-Vg.
Tho handwriting was seen upon the
wall. The electrical cranking device
ennio Into Its own and now you see it
rapidly displacing the other kinds. There
are electrical cranking devices and elec
trical cranking dovlces, and some more
electrical cranking devices. It Is not the
'purpose to discuss them here. But there
Is-a difference. Some of them are real
'ones. No, It couldtft be done. But it
And now comes another revolution: The
Cadillao two-speed direct drive axle.
Like preceding Cadillao Innovations It
marks the beginning ot another epoch
' In, motor car progress. "We will not go
Into details here concerning the manifold
advantages of this axle further than to
say that by It the Cadillao endows the
motor car with new element ot effi
ciency, a new quality of luxury, a new
' source of economy.
We simply, wont to make a prediction
to prepare you for what Is to come and
to. forewarn you as to what you may ex
' pect.
fCxpect hands to go up as usual. Ex
pect the chorus, "It can't be done." Ex-
pect most anything. Be surprised at
' nothing you hear. But remember, the
history of the Cadillac Is the history ot
motor car development. The Cadillac has
set the standard for motor construction.
And remember, also, the Cadillao Is not
jlym to false pretenses. The Cadillao
company 'during the last eleven years
has 1iad on annoying hatyt of consist-
iritly and persistently doing the things
',;whlch "can't be done;" things which
' ' "can't be. don" until the Cadillao com
pany proves that they can.
Danger of Night
Riding is Ended
By Light Device
A new device has been added to thi
electrical equipment of tho automobile
which. It Is sold, will greatly reduce the
number ot accidents from ntght driving
on city streets. This device dims the
headlights by the mere touch ot a but
ton, and thereby does away with the In
tense glare which so often has caused
needless accidents on well-lighted and
thickly-traversed 'thoroughfares. Tho de
vice was designed by J. W. Fltsgerald
and Is now being used on tho Disco light
ing and starting system.
The number-of Injuries' reported by the
Detroit police from accidents caused by
the sudden blinding ot an automobile
driver from the glare of tho new powerful
"electric headlights is large. The police
declare ,tbat tho new Disco device will
cut these accents down materially, one
the mechanism becomes generally
adopted union k automobile owners.
The light by tho use ot the new Inven
tion Is dimmed only on welMlghted streets
and can be turned on full strength In
stantly when the oare Is run Into dis
tricts not well lighted. The use ot the
device Is consistent with the police regu
lations. This system also provides a light at
the rear of the car for the tall light and
also a light directly reflecting on the
Uconse number. This permits the easy
detection of joy riders. The rear lights
aro bo wired that they cannot be put out
by the operator from tho seat except In
connection with the" headlights.
Another advantage which the Disco sys
tem now offers Is the reserve power ot
Us motor. This tiny motor can bo used
to move tho car quickly out of the way
In case of a failure of the engine. In the
midst of congested street traffic. Police
commissioners welcomo these Improve
ments over tho old lighting systems as a
big step in advance in effecting Ideal
trafflo conditions in. city streets.
Big Tire Firm is
Helping Dealers
The progressive tire dealer of today Is
mueh different from tho average dealer
,ot several years ngo. Their business
methods are changed entirely and they
aro all rapidly realising tho Importance
ot advertising.
The bigger tire companies aro largely
responsible for raising the level ot the
dealer's business. Their advertising de
partments are constantly offering sug
gestions whereby tho dealer can Increase
his sales and build a permanent clientele.
The Firestone Tiro and Kubbor com
pany has gone a stop further by offering
to their dealers absolutely ftee dt charge
Imprinted metal nr muslin rnad signs.
This Is saving the dealer 100 per cent on
this form ot imblldiy and It has proven
a great thing for the dealers who sell
KlrestOne tires.
This enables thb dealer t6 mark all the
highways leading into liU .town and the
motorist in need of a tire or other sundry
Is thus directed rlKht to the dealer's doer.
Tho average American enjoys exoite
mont and In enthusiastic over any sport
that Is sensational.
A now sport now In vogue Is called
"motorcycle leaping." Automobile polo
may be all right, hut It hasn't any
thing on this. This now sport was ori
ginated by Oakley Wolble an employe of
the Ooodyear Tiro and Kutiber company,
Akron, O., and was exploited by him
on a country road Just outside tho city
of Akron. O.
Memories of tho good old days In the
nutomobllo Industry when iho cars sold
thomsclvra wero revived for the Losler
Motor company in tho lest week. Ileforo
any sign ot a dealers' campaign was In
evidence more than l.KX) of the new four
eytlmler Ixuler were contracted for by
The contracting of over l.WM ears In imp
week, and frem feur cities nlnne, consti
tutes a new record for the Loilor com
pany, whleh has heretofore manufactured
exclusively, high-priced ears. Tho two
big Lotlrr plants at Detroit and l'latts
burg, N. V., will be placed on a quantity
production schedule within a short time,
and manufacture of tho new Four will
commence early this fall. Dealers will
take deliveries of cars on and after Janu
ary 1, 1914.
prhi( ThrntiRh Mini.
From Savonburg, Kan., to Decatur, III.,
In two days, 000 miles, was tho record
of a Studebnker "S5." whloh brought W.
II. lloborts and family from tho former
city to Monroe. Mloh. And tho greater
part ot the sprint was made In a steady
Jpfferr Tuts Ari Severe.
Thirty-two thousand pounds slxtcon
tons that's a torrlflo twist to glvo a
front axle. Yt thnt rts tho energy it
took to twist a drop forged Cross Coun
try axle .through two complete turns--and
It never broke. The test wan madu
In the laboratory of tho Jcffery works
st Kenosha, Wis., in the presence of
prominent Jeffery officials and dealers,
Charles Merz Has
Bought Paige Oar
Charles Mcrx, formerly of Omaha, who
will always be remembered by his sensa
tional finish In tho biasing 8tutJ! Car at
tho recent Indlnnapolls 600-mllo speedway
race, han purohasod a Palga car.
Mr. Mors spent sevornl days at tho
Palfte-Dotrolt Motor Car company's plant
carefully Inspecting tho I'algo line.
Pncknrrt Annonces New Truck.
Tho Packard Motor Car company an
nounces tho addition of four and six-ton
trucks to Its lino of motor vehicles. These
two new units, with the well established
two, three and five-ton Packards, offer
n range of capacity to meet nearly all
requirement for heavy-duty hauling.
A five-passenger National car has Just
completed a remarkable: tour of more
than 10.000 miles for the purpose of test
ing- tires. While the tesC observed and'
recorded by the testing laboratory offi
cials of the Automobile Club c America,
'w4 Primarily tor tires. It Is also an un
1 usual demonstration for the National car
poring the tour 45 hqurs were, spent in
; actual rupninir durtftf the nlnety-tlye
touring days.' The total mileage was
'l0,fct7 miles, with an average speed ot .!
Indies per hour. The maximum speed at
tained was sixty miles on hour, There
was no effort mode for speed, but rather
s, consistent, steady grind. Thoro was an
average ot 30C4 miles per day, over dif
ferent roads and various routes within a
: radius of fifty miles of New York City,
One-fourth ot the total mileage was made
over city streets; one-eighth over soft
toads of bad condition and i per cent ot
the total mileage was up steep grades.
No shock absorbers were used. The car
was kept under lode and key ot nights.
fit, M"s
I.- .v
Cadillac leadership in scientific motor car -development
is once more strikingly demonstrated.
A new element of efficiency
A new quality of luxury A new source of economy
Each year you have looked to tho Cadillao for tho real and substantial
progress in motor car development.
You have looked to the Cadillac for tho great essentials in tho prac
tical motor car.
And you have not looked in vain. . 1
Now conceive, if you can, a Cadiilac with its essential foatures sliarp-
ened, accentuated and refined. . ,
Conceive such a process of refinement culminating in an entirely now
riding quality of unexampled ease.
That is precisely what has come to pass in this riow car.
The principal contributing factorthe two speed direct drive axle 1b
decribed in detail elsewhere.
The Cadillao Dolco electrical Bystem of automatic cranking, lighting and
ignition, the first practical system ever made and first introduced by us,
has, after experience with it on 27, 000 Cadillacs, been Btill further devel
oped, improved and simplified and tho. slight attention required from tho
user materially reduced. M
Tho carburotor has been improvod, its efficiency and its well-known
economy increased. It is hot wator jaokotcd and electrically . heated' . to
facilitate starting in cold weather. " '
Tho rear springs ate six inches longer. ...... . , -
Tho body designs aro now and Btrikingly handsome
k ' '
nvnnf: nonf. nnj?snncrnrs mav enter or leave tho car at either -side.
- . swv r t O T
These and many othor refinements of essential details mako for
greater and a hotter Cadillao and servo to more firmly establish its posi3
tipn us America's leading motor car.
I ,
Tho Cadillao Company has never disappointed you in tho smallest par
ticular or in a single promise.
We promise you again, in thia now1 car, a positivo revelation in -motor
car luxury. s
Cadillac two-speed direct drive axle
In this new axle tho Cadillao Company onco moro gives ovidenco of its leadership in
. motor car dovolopmont and motor car progroBB.
Tho advantages of this axlo do not lio in its being particularly an improvement bo far
as Its functions as an axle aro concerned, but rather in the manifold advantages attained in
other directions through the medium of the axlo.
In place of the single bevel pinion and dngle bevel driving gear common to ordinary
construction, there are two bevol pinions and two bevel driving gears. This affords two dif
ferent gear ratios, each driving dircet from the engine to tho axle without intermediate
The usual single direct gear ratios range from about 3.6 to 1 down to 4 to 1 according
to the car. Any single gear ratio is necessarily what it is becauso a single gear ratio must
be, or should bo. the particular one which is best adapted for all around general use.
No one single goor ratio can possibly be Just right for all speeds and for all conditions.
But by using two direct gear ratios we have exactly doubled the means for promoting the
, economical and efficient application of power dovolqpcd by tho engine to tho driving of tho
s - r-
Jn attaining these much desired qualities, instead of adding complicar
Hons to the power plant whioh mahe for greater fuel consumption and for
greater upkeep expense, they have lien attained by methods which are strih
ingly the reverse, viz,, by methods whioh lessen the fuel consumption, methr
ods whioh decrease friction toith its resulting wear and methods which mako
for longer life, together with an mppreoiable doorcase in the cost opera
tion and maintenance.
Specifications in brief
ENGINE Four-cylindor, 4 -Inch boro by 6-lnch stroke; silent chain-driven cam
Bhaft. pump shaft and gonorator shaft; enclosed valvo mochaniim. Five-bearing cranltshatt.
HOUSE-POWER 40-50. COOLINO Water, copper Jacketed cylinders. Centrifugal pump
radiator, tubular and plato type. IGNITION Delco dual Bystem. CRANKING DEVICE
Dolco Electrical, patented. LUBRICATION Cadillac automatic Bplash systom, oil uniformly
distributed. CARBURETOR Special Cadillac design of maximum efficiency, hot water Jack
eted and electrically heated; air controlled from drivers' Boat. CLUTCH Cone typo, largo,
leather faced with special spring ring in fly whoel. TRANSMISSION Sliding gear, selec
tive typo, Uiroo spoods forward and .reverse Chrome nickel stool gears running on five An
nular ball bearings. CONTROL Hand gear change lever and Imnd brako lever at driver's
right, Inside tho car. Service brake, foot lever. Clutch, foot lover. Rear, axlo gear control,
electric switch. Throttle accelerator, foot lever. Spark and throttle lovers at steering
wheel. Carburotor air control, hand lover on steering column. DRIVE Shaft, to two seta
of bovol gears of special cut teeth. AXLES Roar, full floating type; special alloy steel live
axlo shafts; two speed direct drive (see detallod description). Front axlo, drop forged I
beatn section with drop forgod yokes, spring porches, tlo rod endB and rollor bearing steer
ing spindles. Front wheela fitted with Tlmken bearings. BRA ICES Ono Internal and one
oxtornal direct on wheels, 17-lnch by 2i drums; exceptionally easy in operation, both
equipped with equalizers, BTEERINO OEAR1 Cadillac patented worm and worm gear sec
tor typo, adjustable. 18-inch steering whoel with walnut rim, aluminum spider. WHEEL
BASE 120 inches. TIRES 36-inch by 4-lnch; Q. D. demountable rims. BPRINGS
Front, seml-olllptlcal. Rear, three-quartor platform. FINISH Calumet Green with gold
stripe. STANDARD EQUIPMENT Cadlllic top, wlndshlold, full lamp equipment gasoline
gauge, electric born, powor tire pump, foot rail and cocoa mat in tonnoau of opon cars, robe-
rail, tiro holders, sot of tools, tiro repair kit, Warner's Autometor.
In the new Cadillao axle we have, at before stated, two direct-drive gear ratios. The
low direct drive gear, which is 3.C6 to J., Is especially adapted for city driving, where start
ing, stopping and Blowing down are frequent and where cautious operation is necessary.
The high direct drivo gear ratio, which is 2.6 to 1, la of special advantago where speodi
of about 16 mUpa or more por hour are permissible and desirable.
' The change from one gear ratio- to tho other is made by means of a simple, convenient
eloctric switch.
The advantages of tho high direct drive gear ratio He primarily in tho fact that with It,
any given speed of tho engine produces an increase of about 42 per cent in the speed of the
car. For examplo; at an engine speed of 700 revolutions per minute', with the low direct
gear engaged, the car will travel approximately 21 miles an houri while on the high direct
gear it will travel approximately 30 miles per hour with no Increase In engine spood.
This great increase in car speed in its relation to engine speed accomplishes a number
of desirable things. Among theso Is a decrease in gasoline consumption for a given mile
age. This is due to the fact that with the onglno turning over slowly comparatively speak
ing a given quantity, of gas is utilUed to greater advantage and generates mora actual
power than with the engine turning over more rapidly. Friction also is materially, reduced
by reason of the parts operating moro -slowly and this, too, is a factor in reducing gasoline
tonsumptlon when driving on the high gear.
Another great advantage" Is that with this direct high gear ratio, thdre Is obtained an
extraordinarily luxurious smoothness In running, together with a marked quietness and a
comparative freedom from the vibration which, to a greater or less extent, is over present
when traveling at high speed with a low gear ratio.
Seven passenger car ------ $2,075
Phaeton, four passenger ... 1,075
Itomlater, two passenger - - - 1,075
Flvo passenger Touring Cur flt075
Other Models
$2,075 Landaulct Coupe, three passenger - - $2,500
Jnsiae Urivo juunonstne, live passeugcr - ,HUO
Standard Limousine, seven passenger - 3,230
All prices aro V. O. B. Detroit' and include standard equipment
Cadillac Company of Omaha. 2054-56 Farnam Street.
The 1914 Cadillac Car is here for your impection. A ride in the new car will convince you of its superior qualities.