THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEEi JULY. 27, 1913. 3 S Well, You've Got to Hand It to Mutt for Trying, Anyway Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher i m -i " USE1 iS? -'- f O ITHREB DOLLYS - lgfOSOt -f . , ' IUK.K1.M..I I. .. .ilU..UU-L-l i I JlJi .- ..... n'T, . . -. . - CdfWT JS STIKCo . Judgments JUST a few words about a few boys who have graduated In the lost few years from the Rourke farnllyi The St. Loui. Itopubllc, In Its story' of a recent same between the Browns and Athletics, thus exploit and extols the fleet-footed Austin: Jlmnir Austin Is the only Brownlo who succeeded in stealing- a sack on "ChlrtK" Schang. Austin's run-getting: stunt In the Bocond illustrates the luck of the fame, Jimmy circulated the diamond on Is nerve. He started off by sticking;-up Bhawkey for a free pass to first Next he stole second and took third on a play that electrified the fans. Alexandet rolled to Baker. As soon as Baker heaved the ball to first Austin hiked for third Molnnls made & low throw to Baker and the boll slid through the third, sacker Austin completed the circuit of the sacks by another daring: play. Lavan tapped to Shawkey. who tossed to first As Boon as he turned the boll loose Austin sailed home. Mclnnls made a wide heave, to the plate and the runner was safe. It was practically a triple steal And the some paper the same day re feriinff to the same game, relates a few words of our old friend. Qui Williams, a natlyo son and former tight gardener of Omaha, thUsly: Baker at the bat Baker tried to put the ball over the right wait He" drove It against the fence, scoring throe men, but nitty fielding on thr. part of Wil liams held' batter at first It sure was some drive and the funny part of It li Baker only got a single. WhyT Because they have all learned to respect "Gloomy Gla" Williams' left whip Qua made Connie Mack's men sit up and take notloe of his wonderful throwing whip Sunday when he flagged "Stuffy Mclnnls at the plate on a throw from the fence.' The ball sailed Into Agne waist high. It was the champion peg ol the .season' at Sportsman's park. Arid this ifrom the Minneapolis Journal on Nleho.ff, who IS batting above .800. Healing bices by the flock and setting the American association on fire with his 'fielding Bert Nlehoff, who came to the Colonels unknown and unsung from the Western league, was the fielding Samson of the contest Two beautiful one-handed stops were chalked up to his credit The first one was negotiated in the first Inning when Williams drove a hot one. In his direction that was bound for safe terri tory, Nienon lungea ai me uyins oyiicro gathered it with one hand and made a perfect peg to the bag. The same stun! was repeated In the third Inning with Itossman the victim. Of course, the Journal Is wrong; Nlehoff may have gone to Louisville unsung, but he was not unknown. He. had had several years of phenomenal success In the West ern league, had gone tq Pittsburgh, but, was not given a change anji was quite well known as the peer of third basemen In the minors. We miss our guess If he doesn't go to the big ones next season. Bo far as Omaha Is concerned. It has sent Its share of them up. The St Louis Brown now have Shotten, Austin, Wil liams and Agnew, all of whom are starr ing and Williams and Austin went di rectly Into the big leagues from here. They are two of the most talked-of American leaguers. Tho powers that be have caused to be circulated the old story that the majors are. planning to head off the Federal outlaws by placing good teams in every city Invaded by the latter. They can't make the bluff stick. In ur Judgment But If they did. It would only open up the situation lust as the Federals are trying to do. It a Idle to try to resist develop ment In base bait Another big league! will come, as It Is coming gradually, when condition are ripe. Omaha cannot help feeling a lively Interest In all sUch. move ments. We stand In a strategio position, here on tho eastern boundary of the Western circuit a Bood ball town for good ball, craving larger company, with a fine record In such company In years gone by. We are sought by the Federals. Put Omaha In a league with clUes Buch .a r-hleairo. Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Indian apolis, Kansas City. St Louis and Bee what haDoens. Tou will una crowus, such as used to flock to the old park when we had a Western league composed of Denver. Omaha, Wllwaukee, Bt. Jraui, Kansas City and tho like. Better players. better ballT Yes, to " W6 Does this read familiarly to yon: Three-fingered Brown went into the pitcher's box in the final Inning of each came when Cincinnati seemed In danger Ind both times stopped the Boston rallies. That is from a report of a double- header which the old "ready rescuer," whom the urbane and astute, also deb. onalr Mr. Murphy tried to send to the brushoa, won for the Beds. Joe Tinker knew a thing or two when ho refused to waive on his old Cub mate. Brown iraa wprked like a dray horse by Murphy and when his bad year came, as come they do to every Brown or Walsh or Mathewaon In turn, the man Murphy thanked him for hie sterling services by telling, him to beat It to the minors. Brown has pitched In some twenty games this year, with many to his credit at victories for the tall-end team and his deepest gob of Joy came, when ho shut ut the ex-Cubs. Pa Rourke seems to have put the gin ger in the team all right but all of Pa's Id cunning and he baa his share of It cannot take the plaoe of pitchers. Bend somebody to the relief of Robinson and Closman and the trick is turned. It's a treat team to waste on a lack of pitchers. Jim Kane. In our JJdgment Is the Qui.-keM thinker lit thu league, without a peer at first TRIUMPHS T0PLAY GIANTS Local Brewers and Chicago .Team to - Mix in Lively Battle. OTHER G06D GAMES SCHEDULED Many Snndlottera Have Dean Matched TJp and , Will Settle Their Differences at Va rious Parks. ny FRANK QUlOIiDY. Tho main attraction on the bill of fare for today will be tho clash between the Store Triumphs and the Union Otants that hall from Chicago. They Just whlzred In from Iowa yesterday where they made a clean sweep of every herd that they collided with. They have a congregation of colored base ball ma nipulators that know the game and can play It to perfection. Pick Bauchman, one of the local flowers, will be seen with the Union Giants. The Btors Tri umphs will UaVe all their regulars In tho lineup today, so a struggle worth the change Is anticipated. Alderman, Kelly or Oleaon will whits em over for the Btors and either Alexander, Norma'ri or Walker will be on tho rubber for tho chocolate drops. This game will be called promptly at 3 o'clock. The lineup: BTORZ. UNION GIANTS. Drummy First Turner Graham.. Second Francis Burkce .....Third . Bauchman Dougherty.... Short Peters Hachten Left Jenkins Falconer Center...., MoNoIl We ch. Right Ramsey Crelghton Catch Coleman O'oaon Pitch Alexander Kelly ...Pitch Walker Alderman ,,, Pitch.... ....... Norman Two Boats at Lnxm Park. Out on the turf at Luxua park a pair of dandy wrangles are looked for this afternoon when the Chris Lycks hump up against the Athletics, and the Ltpcua aggregation will do their darnedest to whip the much touted Ancient Order of united workmen congregation. Lately the Athletics have been picking Up con siderable dust and as they-don't Intend to naye tneir remarkable record punptured, the' Chris Lycks will have to step some if they want to amble home with the sweet meats. This will be the last game tho Luxus squad will play In Omaha until their trip from Omaha to Denver Is com- yieieu. xne Ancient Order of United Workmen boys haven't lost a game for so long that they don't know how, so the brewery chaps are up against a starchy proposition. Dyck will hurl for wio sua (ias and Holland will hoist them for tho Ancient Order of United Workmen. Tho lineup: A. O. U. W. T TV. 5?.fflW First rvVnou. iiZi Second smith McAndrews Third Tracey Shonhan Short.... " Center Sox Bight., Denny Omaha Crack Semi-Pro Base Ball Team that Will Make a Tour of the State -fSTSti. flrSwi'! BSSKm mBOSSh &2a&vM SBESr $WB fKONH JbIBW l9BSSSlL flsSBSSSSSST .SsKEsftjM. VftJfSiff MssKSSBBBl jBHMII .SfliiflliSSHislHflijiii sSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsbSSSSBSSSSBSSSSSSSBS SSBBBSSSHiBSSBBSSBSSSSSSSSSsW KHL bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbpibUbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb9bbb Ifi&JinNHfl ss1WsHIHBbIBb jBflBfflBiPqsiSP tSjLatl slisEiHilBL' RITCHIE WILLJIEP BOS? Offers to Moot Welsh and Othei Comers for His Title. EACH IS TO GET HI& CHARGE Aspirants for Pasjlllstto Honor. Will All II o Given an Opportunity to Tnko Honors) Avrar from the Present Champion, Hall Koran, tr.ii.r 1 y"c Clair ;;- ";? 'men.... pOI Kenndr Pitch ..." !.... Dvcf wrelr Tussle at Fort bmnbs. A couple Of good duels ara at Fort Omaha this afternoon-the first argument Bputh Omaha ShamJ,X against South Omaha Workmen, and the second wrangle, Townsends against e Alamlto This first game I. arTlm- who Is who in Southtown. Both teams are composed of nlftr ball as oqdles of rivalry exists between these. ' mie a Rame full of thrills should uu uiu outcome. Morcarty or Hefty will Rlns- the Alamltos and McOulre or Adams will work for the Gunners. LlneUn. first game: v.. . Q. U..A. u. U. W. Wachtler w7V."Thi v0"' ghort I..!: HuSSS iV.?.." i,,.. Left lie inn c1.",e,a center Burnett COBS. PltCh Hmllri rui.L 1 tu 4lv' ........ . Sullivan...., Pitch, ,.........! rlne2Pi-!5cona :amef ALA&UTOS. TnrurwqtrfMna ionjr, ....rirst Krlger fll Second. Coady Maium . Third Dougherty. Short Penny Newcomer...,,,.,. Left AfcGowan Jjurray (.-enter Parish Mullen nitrht w&tohlr Cavanaugh Catch.,,..,,,,,,... Kemp Aiorearty Pitch,, McGulr. ?uy ritcn Adams Pair of Battles at Atnlctle Park. The first battle at Athletic park today will be between a couple of Council Bluffs class "B" organizations. These Council Plum "ii- teams always put up a crackerjack of a curtain raiser, so it you miss your Sunday chicken feed to see them perform you wlH never regret IL After the first fight is over and the dead ones cleared from the field of battle the Council Bluffs Merchants will tangle with the O. D. Klpllngerg. Recently the Mer chants cancelled a gam. booked with tho Klpllngers, and as they don't feel very good over being Jlpped It Is a lead pipe that they will exert alt their energy to trounce the neighbors across th. waves. Both teams are now racing up the ave nue at breakneck pace, so something lively Is expected whei they hook up. Moran, tho speed merchant, or Rathke, the curvater, Will .Hp them over the crockery for the Weed Merchants, and either Probst or Peterson will boost them for the Council Bluff. Merchant. Lineup: MERCHANTS KIPLING ERS. Bwinswood First Gulnans Wabl Second... , MoGrath, Phillips Third IJirhtMl McLean.. Short... Pahl Scanlon .M.,Left Reed Goff i..., Center, Sullivan Wlckham Right Rathke Gillespie Catch ,. Bellman Peterson .., Pitch.., Moran Probst............ Pitch..... Rathko Other Good Games. At Florence pnrk a couple of hair raisers ar. expected this afternoon. The first mix, Florence Athletics against the Dundee Woolen Mills and the second Jamboree Steinbergs against Alhambras. All four of these teams or. classy class t'B" organizations so some r.d hot base ball will undoubtedly be Jerked off. The Advos will grab an iron boy labeled for Plattsmouth, Neb., where they will endeavor to demonstrate to the fiome talent Just now the grand old game should be played. For the small amount of fifty rollers the Emit Hansena and th. Stars and Stripes will do their best to trim oach other this! afternoon. At that (50 Is a lot of dough to lose and It will probably be one of the largest wagers made this season. Strangle, the left lunch hook wizard, will do the wiggling for the Emll Hansen and Bushman will trot them over for the Stars and 8trlpes. Said game will be pulled off at Twentytourth and Vinton streets. Out at Fontenelte park, a double- header Is on the program, th. tint game of which will bo between the Fontenelles and the Moose Club and the second argu ment, Orkin Bros, against Monmouth Parks. These two game, ought to b. humdlngors because between the pairs oodles of rivalry exist and the sour stuff will undoubtedly be Visible through out both duels. Th. Naps, a newly organized team, will clash with th. Socialists team at Elm wood park this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Both team, have been playing good boll and a good gam. Is looked for. Under the leadership of Uddy the Naps expect to play rings around their opponents, The Bol-Phila wIt wander to Ashland, Neb., and pit themselves against the stalwarts located there. Down at Greenwood, Neb,, the Armour aggregation will deliver their wares. Armour, trimmed tho Greenwood boy. on their first and they intend to duplicate. Nebraska Collegians will feed at Cody. Npb today. Everything la breaking lovely for them and. if Mr. Luck stay, with them, they wilt come horn, loaded to the gills with masuma. Diamond Dust. MoQreary will b. on. of th. tr pitchers carried by th. Luxus during Hlllard Morcarty twirled for Ute last week. For said offense be received ten ronera ana rations. Dusty Koons spilled the pills over th. crockery for Moorehead at the Missouri . Oroasman and Dlneen ar. doing soma heavy clubbing for the Nebraska Col legians on tneir inp. After a strenuous effort Manager uvner 01 ine iaixus finally succeeded in uouienng up nia lineup. Qeonre. Falconer of the Stora Triumph. I. getting to be a regular burglar wiien comes to stealing pases. Class Is now beginning to manifest It self In th. strain on the different amateur uas. bail mac nines. That drug stor. of Wlllard Qulgley. Is keeping him pretty well Hod up. Uucai ne is uirougn wiin nasa out. Last Sunday the Advos out on the breaks and stopped their toboggan slide wnen luey inramea in. xaixus. Que It would b. a good idea for some of the local class a managers to look over aorae of th. juyrenil. material. , Under manifold roisforlunw Manager Top How HacMon, loft Hold; Vonous, flrat baao; Kochor, manager; Jako Krnar, bapkor; Dyck, pitcher; Fox, contorHeld; Clair, catcher. Uot tom row: Itapp, shortstop; Smith, second bono; Fox, moecot; Tracoy. third base; Denny, right field. Leavo next Sunday for a throe woeka' tour through tho state of Nebraska. A couplo of pltchors not Included in this picture will be added to tho aforementioned. William Pahl of the O. D. Klpllngers still continues to bear up without tears. Wilson Atkins Will probably take Chip Bowley's place while he Is Incapacitated. Bowley brake Ills ankle last Sunday. The Luxus team Is especially good on the paths. They don't need long blngles to bring them across the coveted goal. Lost Sunday against Missouri Valloy the Btorz Triumphs did not show any of their pepper, aggressiveness or ambition. Clink Clair, the leader of the Dallas, S. D., boys Is doing his best to snag Lotz and Gondlng. Here Is wishing him luck. As the season is only approximately half over their is still oceans of time for the lost to be first and the first last . Harry Cross Is still leading the sluggers located at Neville, Bosk., Canada, lie Is also playing a grand gome on the initial sack. Against the Nebraska. CnlleiHitna Wnl. worth, twlggled a one-hit game. Guess he Is one of the best running lose in this state. haying aweet dreams of nabbing the Sat urday championship until th. alarm clock went off. .Edward Lawler, recently attached to f Ha Hfnrv TVli.m r Vi M - . , J that h. can still wallop th. boll against the fence. Tonneman, who used to be a shining light on the local sand lots, Is at present working for Portland of th. Northwest ern league. McAndrews. Clair and Dvok nicked un Borne easy change last Week playing with Mondamtn, la., In th. Missouri Val ley tournament. For the Nebraska Collegians Baker la the premier slabsur. All these burg teams can do Is to secure a. fanr hit ntt of his offerings. Whenever an Advo reaches the first corner he doesn't become fascinated or enchanted with the base, but immediately starts figuring on advancing, The unsophisticated fan. at Missouri Valley are of the opinion that Missouri Valley has a real team now sine, they trounced the Stora Triumphs, On the middle pillow for the Ancient Order of United Workmen team Frank Weigh I. doing magnificent work, both wlUi the Mick and In the field. There has been a lot of gisslp aa to why tho Council Bluffs Imperials went to the wall, but tho reason, which 1. in ternal, doesn't seem to leak out. According to reports, Rlngllng Bros, have a bunch of real big leaguers. They have a team of elephants. Guess they are the biggest team In thl. universe, Ray Young hopprd back into our burg last week after spending three weeks looking over these United States and Incidentally spending a part of his roll. Fox, who Is now holding down the cen ter pnsture. will be on the wiggling staff for the Luxus and Feltman of the Advos will occupy the meadow during the trip. Tho Ramblers, that looked like the peaches of the class B tribes, took poison of some decriptlon and at present they are having aweet dreams in some ceme tery. The speedy Wagman. will garb them selves In their auto paraphernalia today and glide over In gas carts to Red Oak, la., where they will meet tho base ball gladiators stationed there. From present Indications It seems as though it Is purely a matter of formality for the Auditorium Pharmacy crow to play out their schedule In order to oop th. Saturday championship. Johnle Baup, who is Installed at the warm corner for the . Townsends, is a youth who is a live wire and a hustler. The big show is always looking for kids with the stuff b. Is proprietor of. That Alamlto base ball machine that looked so good when the bell rang Is sadly In need of repairs. If Manager Mullen can repair It he will have to be given credit for being one of the best base ball mechanic In th. business. BUI Blosstes ha. mustered together an aggregation of star, to be known as the All-Stars. For games with his band ad. dress him In car. of th. Wdrjd-Herald. He Is especially anxious to book games out of town. Lost Sunday they won their Initial argument. BOX SCORE IN NUMERAL OF GAME PLAYED IN PRISON Down in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta, as well aa In some other prisons over tho country, the convict, play ball. One of the embargoes of prison life i. tho loss for tho time being of namca and the substitution of numbers. Hero I. box score, token from tho prison papor at Atlanta, Good Words, showing how base ball looks entirely In figures: PIRATE3. AU.IULPO.A. cf I 4 0 0 MIT, mi. lilt, Mil, inx M. 41IZ, lM, 17, e..,,,r Ik I rf,,.. s 3b,,.. 1 lb,, I It,..,, P t t 1 II 1 1 J 0 s a 0 0 1 I TotUs...U 17 un I lAK-rff. AD.ILII.I'O.A. 1191, III (OOP JIM. 4 0 11 mi, ift4 ooi IM. IS,... 10 1 mi, ri-i( i o o o mi. cf.... 4oio mi, p 4 o o III, -o. v v Ull, l(-rt S. 4 0 0 0 T0UU..1J 0 I IT I Knocks Cbappell., Pitcher Dauss of Detroit I. quoted as saying that Outfielder Chappelle, whom Chicago lias Just purchased from Milwau kee at a great price, will never be a major league star. Dauss played through several season, with the outfielder and he considers htm in the light of a "fair performer," PIRATES. Run. ,..2 5 0 2 8 3 11 0-47 Hit. H1113ill-H GIANTS. Runs 0000000000 Hit .,.00111100!(- Bummary Errors: 4022 X 38$ 1. 1278 2, WHS 4. 4314 2, 4312 L 3820 L llumo run; 217. Three-base hits: ZM7. 8S3I. SS3S, 4179. mi. Two-base hits: 4SGL 33. Bases on balls: Off 3S3S 1, orf 4179 1. struck outi nv 4179 IS. by 2SSS IK. Hit by nitehed ball: 229 and HZ Passed bnll.i 4343 2. stolen' bases: 3333, 2S17, 3S34 (3). 3209. Left on bases) Pirates e. Giant. &. Time: x:ss. Umpires: 3579 and 9043. Scorer; 1395. Attendance, 868. Crovrd Kaely Amn.rd'. , . On orio of the "whit, suit days" out in Chlcaro. It was ho hot that Umpires debrand and O'Loughlln had to take off tneir coats, ah 01 wnicn aisciosea a Dalr of sleeve carters on Illldebrand and suspenders on O'Loughlln, greatly to the amusement of th. crowd. Breaks In Fast, Southpaw Pitcher "Tex" Russell came to the Whit. Sox by draft from a Texas team and President Comlskey and Man ager Callahan had no Idea what a prise they had picked up. From practical ob scurity Russell broke In with about all tho qualities of a first class pitcher. Speaker 1. Feared. Eddie Plank say. that Tr. Speaker Is the hardest batsman In the league for htm to pitch to. This Is the only left handed compliment on record that didn't cause trouble. NEW YORK,- July 16. A review of tha present flstlo situation bring, out tha fact that tha only big matohes possible Just now aro between boxers m tha light weight division. All tha other clonics or. In a state of quiescence, but among th. llghtwelsht. there are .evora.1 big at tractions possible. Fortunately, Champion Ritchie baa an nounced that ha means to change hl ways. Instead of withdrawing tha title from competition for long period, he says' he mean, to keep active In the future, defending his honor, a. ofton as the pro moter, will furnish a purso worth striv ing for. Rltchlo reached this decision after coming to tho conclusion that thoro la far moro money to bo mode out of fighting than stage work. With the champion In a fighting mood thoro only remains tho question of Be-' looting tho next opponent for htm. The sentiment out in California, where tha bout will most likely take place, seems to bo In favor of Freddie Welsh, the English champion. Ritchie himself, im bued with confldenco by his recent vic tory over Joe Rivers, Is anxious to wipe out tha memory of tha decision that - Welsh holds. A victory over Welsh "would mako Ritchie champion of tha world, whereas ho would gain no furthor honors by defeating his American rivals,. All Will Have Okaaoe. However, If Ritchie Is sincere in his war like declaration,. Cross, Brlttoo, Murphy on'd tha rest of them will get their chanc beforo another year rolls around, pro vided Ritchie does not stumbta over the Welsh obstacle. In meeting the clever Bngllshmon Rltchlo will encounter the most sclentlflo fighter of his ohallongers. The fact that Ritchie is willing to tackle Welsh first speaks well for hit confldenco in himself, Welsh has but ono real block mark against him a decision lost to Matt Wells. Kven. Paokey MoFar land could do littlo with Welsh.. Al though tha Chlcagoi wizard got on. doubtful' verdict out of three meetings, McFarland has littlo to .boast ot as a suit of his encounter, with Welsh. No other llghtwelsht has been abl. to stand off McFarland, and on this figuring Welsh must be given credit for being tha most sclentlflo boxer who is able to mako the lightweight limit Ha should b. an even money bet against Ritchie. Brltton Hank. Next, In point of cleverness and on hi. rec ord In general Jack Brltton ranks next In the list of Ritchie's possible opponents. But Brltton has already boen beaten by Rltoht. and of Ute bis work has not been Impressive. Th. best h. could ex pect would be a oloso decision on points. He should bo on the short end at about 10 to fl. . Leach .dross ranks third and op , ac count of his ring cunning and terrific hitting he should be able to furnish a more interesting struggle than either of th. two light hitters wh.Ot pr.ced. hlnij If Cross won It would be by a knockout, which many believe Is the only way a champlqnihlp should change hands. As Cross does not show up well against a clever boxer ha does not figure better than 1 to 2, but he ought to make thing, decidedly unpleasant for Ritchie as long as he lasts, Tommy Murphy Is being mentioned as a candidate, but it Is hard to see when he would have a chance worth consider Ing. Murphy ha., been beaten by most ot New York's second raters, Including IC O. Brown, before whom, ha went down in one round. Beautifully Designed and Tailored To Perfection HESTERF! ELD CLOTHES Absolutely Correct la Design, Fit and Workmanship 60 HAND TAILORED BLUE SERGE SUITS $ Of the Famous Chesterfield Make (Fit for a King), Bought at Our Own Figures and Which We Are Going To Sell at the Remarkably Low Price of 16 These suits never sell for less than $25.00 and at the price we arc offering them thoy -will go Quickly. If you can tiso a Dlue Serge Suit now or in the near future, you bod batter call early before they are all gone. It means a earing to you of 98.60. - -4 263 Fancy $23 and 920 Suits Now Selling at $13.78. , MAKE OUR STORE: YOUR STORE WILCOX ALLEN 203 South 15th Street 4