SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE A BASE ( BALL) CANARD T5hrouin Some X Rays on the Manorial Game By HARRIS ME ETON LYON Illustrations y HORACE TAYLOR y "Yah, you champeent" A VK YOf AX EAR f o r statistics ? 0 p o, tlii'ii, whilst 1 pour: year in those United States fourteen bil lion, two hundred mil lion and so forth half dollars were paid out by goodness k n o v s how many billion or trillion of men, women and g r a n d sons of grandmothers to see the game of baseball. Eighteen billion base balls were used up; three trillion splinters v e r e carried away from bleacher seats in the trouser seats of the setters who gne pointers on the dog gone game; nineteen deeillion times the word llone htttd was either chanted or moaned. So many pea nuts were consumed that if piled together they would make u mountain range as high as the Him alayas and would completely till thrice over the trunks of nil the elephants in India. Fourteen thou sand boxes of Old Whiff generally good cigars were given away to batsmen who swore at the ball for not going over the fence. Nineteen hundred men died of pneumonia from attending the game in the cold days of April to please the magnates. Eighty-five million doped roses were palmed off by get-rich-once florists in floral offerings for Opening Day. The nickels spent for carfare would, if laid side by side, go four times around the earth and eventually into the pockets of the Money Trust. Seven hundred and eight thousand, two hundred and ninety-six clerks, weighing an average of one hun dred and ten pounds each, called eighty umpires, weighing two hundred pounds each the epithet Hob hrr at least forty times each. Five hundred mayors and one President of the United States tossed the "first" ball. Seventy billion YOU know, all of this means something. It means that baseball is the great National fiame. Fig ures can not lie. There are the figures. Raseball. as somebody has so well, so very well, said, is the Na tional Pastime. It is the most popular game in the United States. Why? Everybody knows why, but nobody likes to go on record as telling. All the sporting writers for the newspapers know why; nil the psychologist philosophers know why; all the fans know why. Wo all go and we all like to go, but we hate to tell on each other. The reason, briefly, and in two chunks, why baseball is the national game is, be cause this is the Laud of Let George Do It and also the Land of Public Opinion. First and foremost, any discussion of the national game must, argal, in clude a discussion of the nation's prominent charac teristics; and any successful business man, from the magnate down to Mickey, the office boy, will admit that this is a nation firmly entrenched in the belief, practice and triumph of Letting George Do It George being anybody except yourself. This is what makes us the busiest nation on earth. It lakes a lot of hustling to pass it on to Riley. Any man who has worked in a big American business odice knows this. He knows how he has spent days and shoe leather and lungs, dictating memos to some' other slave in the oflice asking him to "take this matter up"; and how that slave has passed the memo to still an other, saying, "This seems to be in your line, George; you do it"; and so on, until lo, you, and behold, you, just as the original passer-on has for gotten such a matter ever existed, here conies the old original mourn back to him with a full set of side- iind burns and a crutch. Then that makes him mad; and he divides to complain to the boss about the lunk-hcaded laziness of the oflice force. Most of the work seems to be finally done by the oflice boy. any way. Humbling thus along the rambling highway of philosophy, plucking here a lemon and there a quince, come we devi ously to the topic of baseball, and we sen that even in our athletics and in the matter of our faking exercise, we let George do it. This is the great secret of the popularity of baseball in this country: that we can sit in the grandstand and watch the other fellow do the work. If the doctor tells the average American that what he needs is fresh air and exercise, the first thing the patient does is to buy a dollar's worth of cigars and a ticket to the baseball game. Filling his lungs alternately with tobacco smoko and advice to the home team, he watches eighteen hirelings use their wits clcs, and conies away from his afternoon of fat content declaring himself greatly refreshed. Exercise by proxy. Just what the doctor ordered. I know this fact lo be strangely true, because 1 have done it myself and taken my doctor along with me. The emperor Coininodiis, they say, used to put on the gladiatorial armor plate and climb down into the arena himself, there to take a hack at some meek old girnlTe. or puncture the neck of an ostrich with an arrow from his bow. Even at that he look a chance of the giraffe getting a foot in the imperial face or the ostrich suffocating him with its feathers.- Hut in the modern Colosseum we take no such chances. There are parts of the stands where, to be sure, we might get n swift foul tip full in the feeding npparatus; but. we are partly screened even from that possibility. No. Our part is simplv the imperial part of sitting, with thumbs n-twiddlo, while our hired gladiators and slaves (see pending bills in Congress anent baseball peonage) refresh us with their skill or lack of it, as the case may be. The best we can do to palliate our dulcet decline is to hark back to the olden days. GEE thoso fingers," says the adipose old fan next to you, "every one of 'em bunged up. I used to piny third on my college nine. This game here takes nie back to the halcyon When." Now he could n't catch a street car without the aid of a trafllc cop. Hut he can give the boys advice. Yes. He can give (he players a tip or two on how to piny the game. For one vice closely follows on another. Along with the effort of getting George to do it has come the American habit of giving George advice on how to do it. We are the greatest little nation of advice givers now occupying a red spot on the inn p. So far most of our advico has been in tramural and hasn't gotten us into much trouble with the rest 'See thole fingeri' of the earth; but the future lies before us just ns suiely as Italy lies beyond the Alps. A good deal of our home-grown advice is called Public Opinion. It is a fine large phrase and covers everything from Anthony Comstock bloodhoiindinir down lirondvvav after a postal card to recalling the jus tices of the Supreme Court. All of this, as lfube Goldberg would say, comes un der the head of Pub lie Opinion. It is really and truly a ice, genuinely i cious, but it is so common we never think anything of it. We all do it, every one of us from Al pha .lones lo Omega S in i t h. Preachers preach advice; Vice Presidents and other indigenous fauna fill the laud with advice; on all sides is a joyful, giddy tumult of advice. More than one well-meaning newspaper prints almost every day an editorial begging and pluading for less noise in the laud. It might as well try to sweep buck the stormy fields of rest less tide. After we have got George to do our work for us, we arc ready and willing to sit back and tell each other How Things Ought to He Done. Here is where base ball pnuders to our vicious taste. Edison himself could not have invented a better ex pedient for the high uute-iiKo tooting or bellowing roar of good old vox populi. At a baseball game eciy Inst member of the au dience gets a good chesty chance to tell 'em all How. None so lowly but he enn shoot the waves of ether full of advice to Mathew- son ns to what the next ball should he. You can be cent to jail' i' V.jC Consider the ancient grandmother fib The modest clerk men set Ihrir feet Hymn Tunis demon, wildly rayes, and mum (iivimj Ty Cobb mi earful of advice, Itenmrks: "I told yuh," when the yame is yone. A nervous little man silting next to me at a recent game attracted my attention. Artie Shnfer, a very fast man on the hases, was caught nap ping off of first. As Shnfer drugged himself up out of the dirf of defeat and plodded toward the lieiicli. my neighbor suddenly jumped (Ciiiiluiuid on I'nye 11)