Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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    Til 10 OMAHA SCNDAY BUE: ,HTLY 27, 1913.
Labor Commissioner Gets Protests
from Over State.
Otnnhn Firm Seeking to Arrnnite
Some Wny to GIto Women Ktn
ployes Sntnnlnr Halt lloll
dny anil Ohey TLnvr.
!4 (From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, July 20.-(8peclaJ.)-rLabr
Commissioner, Pool 1b receiving commu
nications from some sections of the stats
protesting against the universal uso ot
the publlo library claiming that as a dis
ease spreader It rivals the public drink
ing cup which has recently been put to
the bad In this state.
Borne of these communications state
that the common library book goes Into
all kinds of homes, some of them of the
most unsanitary nature and many where
contagious diseases are prevalent. The
books ore returned to the library filled
nil sorts of dlseaso germs and are taken
Into other homes.
Just what action can bo taken, in this
matter Mr. Fool is unable to say, but ho
Is of the opinion that as a disease
spreader tho publlo library book la In a
class far ahead of the publlo drinking
Labor Commissioner Pool was tho re
cipient of another letter from a firm In
Omaha this morning which employs fe
male labor, stating that since the new
law went into effect making the hours
of labor for women and glrlB nine hours
a day and fifty-four a week that they
have been compelled to cut out the Sat
urday aternoon holiday because of the
law. Heretofore tho girls worked nine
hours and forty minutes each day and
had the afternoon ot Saturday off. Now
they are deprived of the Saturday after
noon off because tho law will not allow
them to work more than nine hours a
day. The letter says that the employes
do not blame the employer for tho con
ditions but do blamo the misguided In
dividuals who thought they were helping
tho female laborer when in fact they
have- deprived"' them of their customary
half-day off on Saturday afternoons.
These girls and women want to know If
there Is not some way to arrange the
thing no they can work extra time dur
ing the week and thus bo entitled to Bat
Brday afternoon off.
Martin Amove Inquiry.
Attorney General Martin has written
another letter to Deputy Auditor Minor
In answer to hlg inquiry as to why lands
proven up on before 1912 in the irrU
gat Ion country were not subject to tax
ation and soys that under the law they
cannot bo, taxed until 1913. There ore
about 27,996 acres of those lands found
In tliree counties. Morrill county has
8,953 acres, Scotta, Bluff County, 17,482,
and- Sioux county 6,K. They come un
der a provision of an act of June, 1903,
requiring certain conditions, which wont
Into effect last August, thus enabling the
Bottlers on these lands to bo exempt
from taxes on the land, until the latter
Sate. - ,. ,
4 Honalnna Proeo Again.
The controvorsjr between the tpeoplo
of Hougland and the Uulon Pacif lq Rail
road company Wer -the -right of that
towfi to a depot and - side track has
again come before the notice of tho
railway commission by reason of the
fact that Hoaglandl s on tho eve of
building a new school house and they
Want the lumber for tho building to be.
unloaded at that town. Some time ago
a hearing was had before the railway
commission to compel tho Union Pa
dfio to put in a side track at that town,
but the matter is now In the courts and
, there is no side track. Tho company
signifies Its willingness to stop trains
and let off passengers and to discharge
way freight, but cannot stop their trains
and leave cars standing on tho main
track until unloaded. In fact, they have
arranged their new passenger schedule
bo that trains will stop and take on and
discharge passengers, but do not want
to build a side track or a depot
Gas;e Valoes Loner.
Just two counties remain who ha-o not
reported to the secretary of the State
Board of Assessment Gage county came
Jn this morning, showing a falling off
from last year of-$39,772. Its valuation
last year was JU,C67,6, while this year
It la but $11,627,771.
Walt Ooe to Kansas.
Becretary of Btate Walt has gone to
Valley Falls, Kan., to visit his sister
for a few days and to get into a warmer
climate. He expects to again be on the
Job Wednesday .
Talilc nock Crop Notes.
TABLE ROCK, Neb.. July W.-pedal.)
-Several In this vicinity have threshed
end tho following ore given as samples
of the yield, which is a higher averago
than for tho last few years. C. K. An
Iderson, twenty acres, thlrty-dx bushels
per acre; Wood Bros., thirty acres, thirty
six bushels per acre; D. Andrew, twenty,
seven acres, thlrty-elght bushels per
acre; estate C. H. Norria. twenty-six
acres, thirty-two bushels per acre; Will
iam Pangburn. ten acres, thirty-two and
cne-half bushels per acre; William Bin
der, slrty-fiva acres, thirty-olght bushels
per acre.
Reports from farmers In this Immediate
vicinity, agree that tho color of the corn
bas been greatly Improved by the cool
nights of the last week, and the condi
ttons prevailing last week are improved.
No rain has fallen this month and moist
ure is badly needed. One thing encour
aging W regard to tho situation Is. there
ore many fields of late com that have
not yet reached tho critical or tassellng
To Overcome Sunburn,
Tan, Freckles, Wrinkles
(From Outdoor Life.)
If YOU flr l.nn.J ......
tiUrnt da liberal amount of raerco-
"' J".1,"8 morning, nne, riaky, al-
most invisible particles of cuticle come
e"nKi " dally, the entire
venlence. Even the stubbornest freck m
iMHl treatment. The underlying
:rrVh'?,.5"f.,"eT.1?.? MS?? .
Ji-tH10 transformation. It' the only
thing I know to actually discard an aged.
ff?5 ?uddy or blotchy complexion. It
;? ?.5.or.a dl'wolored neck. One ounce
Or merCOllZed wax niyiAn.ol,l.
drug store, 1 sufficient In most cases,
ir sun and wind wake you squint and
frown, you ro bound to cultivate wrinkles
fend croWsfcet To overcome these
quickly, bathe tha face In a solution made
J?miv,n.?,tt.?im:.6. uf Pow?ered sax-
flllte in a half pint witch hotel. Adv.
stage, and not suffering as muoh as tho
fields planted earlier,
deorgo Trout's threshing separator was
burned while threshing wheat for John
Pokarlng at ils farm four or ftvo mllc4
foutlnvcst of hero. The straw stack
caught fire from the spat kg from the en
gine, and being fanned by a high wlml, ft
was but a few minutes until tho ontlro
stack and mochlno was destroyed. There
was no Insurance.
State Auditor Howard
Has Nothing to Say
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 26. Speclal.)-Audltor
TV. B. Howard returned to tho city to
day, but had nothing to say regarding
the chango made during his absence,
wherein by a. premptory writ of manda
mus Issued by tho supreme court his ap
pointee, Mr. Clancy was removed from
office by reason of tho new Insurance law
taking tho jurisdiction of tho Insurance
department from the auditor and putting
It In the hands of a board consisting
of the governor, attorney general and
"There' Is nothing for me to say at this
time," sold Mr. Howard.'. "Tho change
has beenTnado and I know little about it."
Game Warden Finds
Thorns in His Path
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 20. (Spcclal.)-Game
Warden Gust Butcnbeck has received a
letter from A. M. Cooke, a special deputy
game warden, written at Rlverton, In
which he says that he la meeting with
considerable opposition in arresting vio
lators of the game and fish laws ot tho
state. At Guide Rock ho had somo fel
lows arrested for Illegal fishing and they
got back at him by having htm arrested
for spitting on the sidewalk.
WEST POINT, Nob., July 26.-(Speclal.)
Edward Luobkor of Oakland and Miss
Anna Apcnbrink of Qulnoy, III., were
married at tho parsonago of tho German
Lutheran church by Rev. A. U. E. Oel
schlaeger, pastor. The newly married
pair will make tholr homo at Oakland.
Nels Johnson, a prominent farmer liv
ing north of Bancroft Is building a new
barn with a capacity of 200 tons of hoy.
This Is by far the largest barn In this
section of the state.
Gottlieb Ollverlus, a former business
man of West Point, who was suddenly
Etrlckcn with on ncuto attack of a very
sorlous malady and was token to Omaha
for treatment, is somewhat better and
has been brought to tho home of his
parents here.
Sheriff Milton Knight, who some time
ago visited the Drs. Mayo at Rochester,
Minn., In hopes of bolng relieved from
his throat trouble, returned homo after
being told that he had a malignant cancer
In tho throat and thaf surgical science
could avail nothing, has gone to Hot
Springs. 8. D., In the. hope ot obtaining
some relief there.
Former Sheriff William Malchqw, ,jr.
Is Berlously ill. at his homo at wiBner ana
grave fears are entertained for his re
covery. He Is afflicted In somewhat the
name manner as his successor, Sheriff
Knight although sot to so great a de
gree. St. Kdwnrd Chnntmiqun Next Week.
ST. EDWARD, Neb., July 26. (Spe
cial.) St. Edward's Chautauqua starts
August S and lasts five days. The com
mittee has everything well in line for the
opening day. Fisher pork, which Is only
one block from tho business street, on the
banks of the Beaver rfver, Is being put
in first class shape and affords one of tho
finest camping locations In this part ot
the country. An exceptionally strong
lirogram was secured this year.
Weddtntc nt Annnrn. (
AUBURN, Neb., July 26. (Special.)
Miss Sadie Keefer Glllan and Alexander
Stoddard will bo married August 6 In this
city. Formal announcement was made at
a breakfast given in her honor by three
married sisters, Mesdames Paul Gllmore,
Anna Allen and Herbert Hay.
How Printer ami Philosopher of the
Revolutionary Tim e Disposed
of Ills Property.
Controversies regarding tho disposition
of tho estate ot Benjamin Franklin have
been settled byttae restoration of his will
hy the Historical society of Pennsylvania.
The document, recently founa In a vault
under the city hall, was almost un
decipherable when found. It has been
encased in transparent silk, which will
permit of It being handled by many
generations to come.
In the first sentence Franklin describes
himself as a printer, placing his trado
above the honorable titles conferred upon
him by his country.
One of tho bequests la to hla son-in-law,
Richard Bacho. on condition that thn
latter free his "negro man Bob." Hla
son, William, once governor of the Jer
seys, who opposed his activities for inde
pendence, was cut off with a, tract of
land in Nova Scotia, a few small sums
previously loaned and a collection of
"My fine crabtree walking stick with a
gold head curiously wrought in the form
of the cap of liberty," -says another para
graph, "I give to my friend and the friend
of mankind, George Washington. If It
were a scepter he haa merited It and
would becomo It."
A small portrait of the king of Franco,
mounted in a frame containing 406 dia
monds, he bequeathed to hla daughter,
Sarah Bucbe, on condition that she was
not to form any of the diamonds into
ornaments either for herself or daughter.
Considerable sums of money owing to
Franklin for years were collected hy the
Pennsylvania hospital through a pro-
graph empowering such action. Of the
1 moneys he received as president of the
: ' :
' ,n Boston and Philadelphia.
, In providing for his burial Franklin di-
, r? ,MCrilH,on ,on FT t0 :
'mPly the names of Benjamin and
Deborah Franklin with the datea of their
! deaths-Philadelphia Bulletin.
Summer Ontlntr Lnxurfea.
"Let's see. Your summer cottage la
on Laka Hooptaooochie, Isn't U7"
"Yes, ween therer
"No. Friend of mine had a cottage
there last year. Vou get your drinking
, water from the lake, don'.t your
"Yes." '
"And bathe in It?"
"Yes. but never until after we drink."
I -Cleveland FJaln Dealer.
Nebraska Congressman Defends His
Plan for Government Faotories.
Cites ItriiorU nml Contract Made
with Steel Trnat, null Kxnertence
ot Government irlth Its
Powder Knctory.
(From a 8tatt Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 20. (SpeclaU
Dlscusslng his proposition to have tho
government make armor plate In Its
own factories. Representative Barton
said today:
"I have read with conslderablcjnterest
the letter ot thoi secretary of the navy
relative to the cost of armor plate and
Its manufacture which contains his reply
to the senate resolution of last May and
also an answer to my resolution intro
duced In tho house on Juno 17.
"In the investigation In the Fifty-ninth
congress In the report ot tho board ot
naval affairs under the act of March 2,
1W5, as to the cost of armor plate and
an armor plant on page twenty
seven It says: 'From both the
Carncglo and Bethlehem companies
the board received much Interest
ing Information covering the value ot
and Investment In their armor plant, and
tho scale of wages at present prevailing
therein. Beyond a hrond statement ot
tho amount of capital invested In Its
armor plant, tho Mldvale company, for
reasons of policy, declined to furnish tho
board with any detailed Information
along the lines of Inquiry. All the com
panies declined, as violating a proper
business secrecy and as contrary to their
business Interests, to submit to tho board
a detailed statement ot the cost of armor
productions as determined by them.
True Cont Not Known.
"No doubt wo have not nrrlved at tho
true coBt ot armor plate and this as a
business proposition should be deacr
mined before taking further action. The
government has already built armor
plants, not for Its own use, but for the
Steel trust, ns shown In the statement
on pago seven of this report. It Is re
ported that up to June, 18S7, that there
were no armor plate factories. On this
date a contract was let to tho Bethlehom
Steel company, they agroelng that within
two and a half years from tho date ot
contract to provide a plant adequate to
manufacture tho armor bid upon and to
meet tho delivery a.-, required; that such
delivery should begin two months after
tho completion of tho plant and continue
at tho rate of 300 tons per month there
after. "Again on pago eight of this report it
Is stated on November SO," 1890, a con
tract was entered, Into with tho Carnegie
company to supply 6,000 tons of armor
Plato undor the Identical conditions and
on the same terms as under tho contract
with tho Bethlehem company. In fact.
It Is borno out by this report that theso
two companies had contracts with the
government to furnish armor plato before
they had a plant n existence and at a
price that the profits, based on tho cost
of armour plato as shown In this report,
were nearly sufficient to construct tha
plants with the absolute certainty of not
having competition In future awards.
Will Save Millions.
"Tho program that Is much talked of
Is two 'battleships a year. According to
the secretary's statement the nrofits on
the two ships, based on the reports ren-
aorea, would be approximately $3,000,000,
not taking into consideration the profits
on gun forglngs, the cost of which would
bo materially reduced by tho establish
ment of a government plant It Is read
ily seen that the profits shown would In
a very few years be sufficient to con
struct a government plant and make us
Independent of the Steel trust.
"We built a powder plant and tho re
sult proves that wo savo $268.80 on each
ton of powdor. Compare this with tho
price paid before the government plant
was established and It is a revelation.
Wo dealt tho Powder trust a blow and
wo ought to follow this up by manufac
turing all the powder used.
"I introduced this resolution believing
that with the aid of democrats and re
publicans alike who are In earnest In
their desire to restrain the trusts and at
tho same time benefit our government
that it will bo adoped."
She la the Mayor, the City Attorney
and tho Whole Police Force
of One Town,
Thoso scoffers who thought Miss Clara
Cynthea Munson would regret her elec
tion as mayor of Warrentown, Ore., are a
disappointed lot Miss Munson has tho
distinction of being the only woman
mayor in the west, and for a wonder, she
Is not much In favor of woman suffrage.
"Now that women have a vote," she
said, "I believe they should take an
active interest in political affairs and
show they are able to mako good use of
the ballot Tho citizens here were dlssat
tlsfled with the administration wo have
been having, and soma one said, 'I belleva
Mlea Munson would mnko a good mayor
I took it, aa I supposed it was meant, as
a good Joke.
"Others took the suggestion seriously.
A caucus was held and my name and
one otner, a Mr. Deldrich, were placed in
nomination for tho office of mayor. My
opponent did not prove to bo much of a
runner. In any event I got most of tho
voto A non-partisan cHliens' ticket waa
put up, headed by myself for mavnr.
"i preside over all of the council meet
ings, and inasmuch as the councllmen
who ran on the cltlsens (ink
elected we get along very serenely, Even
"iue P'oce iiKe warrentown with
only a few hundred DeoDle. . h.v
civic problems.
"For example, wo formerly employed a
cnjr attorney ana a policeman. Aa mayor,
backed by the council. I waa given a
free hand, bo I disposed of the services
of both of these officials.
1 am now mayor, city attorney and
ponce. The money wo save by
dispensing with the services of a city
aiiomey ana a police officer wo are put'
ung into Improvements rebuilding old
sidewalks and Duttlntr in
mayor of Astoria haa been kind enough
to give rno free legal advice whenever
we have required it.
"One of tho problems I have had to
mrean out waa tne matter of a saloon
here. The question of reluinp ik. n
f the saloon came up. The license fee it
$ a year. There are very few women
In favor of saloona and what the saloon
stands for.
"There are fifty saloons In Astoria,
saven miles distant, and four saloons in
Hammond, three miles away, I thought
tho thing out carefully and decided that
as long aa tho government and the saloon
man were in partnrshtp It was not fair
to punish the weak partner the aaloon
"Aa long aa you and I and the others
who constitute tho government tell the
saloon man that he may pay a certain
sum of money to carry on his business,
all that we can do is to see that ho does
not transgress tho laws. The real solu
tion of the problem Is for tho government
not to becomo tho silent partner ot tho
liquor mon.
"I spent all of my girlhood and young
womanhood In a llghtliousc. My father
was thrown vory muoh Into tho society
of his own family and so discussed po
litical questions with us when the ordi
nary man would go down to tho corner
grocery and sit on a cracker barrel or a
dry goods box and discuss politics with
his cronies. I rodo and hunted and swam
and talked politics with my father almost
as it I wore a boy." Oregon Journal.
Lively Flffht on Wins and Limb Is
Ilrouifht to n Melnucholy
Fl nl ah.
A party of automobltlsts arrived at St,
George, Staten Island, bo excited they
could hardly wait for a reporter to
sharpen his pencil beforo plunging Into
tbelr story.
"We were coming along tho Seaside
boulevard about 2:30," said tho spokes,
man, "when, Just by Oakwood, wo saw
a monstrous fish-hawk swooping In and
out of a big dead oak tree. We stopped
to see what he was after and pretty soon
wo made out a red squirrel.
"The hawk would draw back a littlo
and swoop at tho squirrel, and the
squirrel would duck around tho trunk
and come out on tho other sido and pass
and swear, at him. Ho had that hawk
so mad ho didn't know where he was at.
VPretty soon, though, tho squirrel got
reckless and ran 'way up on a hlg limb
and sat right up on his hind legs and
twiddled both his front pawa at the
hawk. That waa too much for that hawk
to stand. He made a dive .and picked
the squirrel clean off tho limb and
started off with him.
"But the squirrel wriggled around In
the hawk's claws and we could see tho
feathers fly. Ho made it so hot for thu
hawk the bird dropped him. Tho hawk
then made another swoop and picked
up tho falling squirrel. But he miscalcu
lated tho squirrel's prowess, and the
noxt thing wo saw was that big hawk
staggering all around In tho air and the
squirrel perched right on the back of
his neck, making all four paws go like
"Tho came down plump in the middle
of the road In front of us and we
stopped and picked them up. Tho hawk
had one wing and one leg broken, and
he was so badly chewed up around the
neck he died in a few minutes. Tho
squirrel was mortally Injured, too, hut
before he died he straightened himself
out, looked at the big dead hawk and
gave a squirrel cheer,"
The story toller paused and looked at
tho reporter Inquiringly. Tho reporter
returned the gaze.
"Oh, well," said tho narrator, "If you
don't believe it, here's Coroner William
H, Jackson of Richmond county, who
waa In the party and sat on tha remains,
and his clerk, Colonel McGlnley, and It
you don't believe them, go up the boule-
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Js an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain, and as none but sound,
clean grain can be malted, It made from the most carefully selected grains.
It la a predlgested liquid food In tho form of a medicinal whiskey: Its pal
atabillty and freedom from Injurious substances render It so that it can be
retained by the most sensitive stomach.
Duffy'8 Pure Malt Whiskey Is invaluable for the preven
tion or alleviation of distressing summer complalnU.
Get the genuine; sold by druggists, grocers and dealers, $1.00 a large
bottle. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us and we will tell you whore
it can be bought. Medical booklet and doctor's advice free on request.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
vard and you'll find the bodies ot tha
squirrel and tho hawk,"
And tho coronor nodded his Indorse
mentNew York World.
Average of Seventy-Five Accidents
n Day In New York
Motor car accidents contlnae to Increoso
at an alarming rate In New York state,
Secretary of Stato May declares. Ho
says that the precautions necessary are
not taken In this state, and that per
sons on tho highways nro not properly
safeguarded by tho laws'. Secretary
May adds:
""Theso accidents seem to continue to
Increase so rapidly that apparently
tholr very frequency has mado them
looked upon as Inovttablo happenings,
until now oven tho most distressing fall
to shock us. In fact, It Is only when
one notes this startling Increase par
ticularly in the summer months, whan
as many as seventy-five mishaps occur
dally, that an Idea of tho appalling re
sults ts gained."
Secretary May called attention to tho
fact that while thero wcro less thn:i
1,000 motor vehicles registered In 1901
there woro today moro than 120,000 li
censed In this stato. Ho estimates that
there are soveral thousand motor vehicles
of pther stnteB passing over our strocta
and ronds constantly. Tho accidents, In
tho main, ho said, nro not duo to tho
machlno Itself, but to thoso who operate
It, many of whom do not rcallxu Us
speed and power and resulting mo
mentum. "Investigation has shown," declarod
Mr. May, "that tho prlrrtary reason for
accidents has been careless and reckless
driving, Involving a violation of both
tho rules of tho rood and of common
sense. Motorists frequently assume drs
porsto chances when driving at a high
rate of speed past crossways. sharp
curves, school houses, horso drawn vo
hlcle,B, trolley oars, or over wet pave
ments and bridges.
"If a locomotive engineer, whose path
or travel Is confined to tracks. shouM
happen to bo nnv hut i,iti..
what a howl of' protest would naturally
arise and yet many more dangers lie
in tho unrestricted right-of-way of a
motor vehicle operator. As for tho do-
publlo menace and must bo eliminated
by tho strong arm method bofore he
cause, more Injury to others, a, we!
"anyhhap8pe."0th f Wh'h mUSt eV0'
UmMt'u'lIn , th Becy explained
iLn.i.V . " lmporlant "r tho stato and
S ,0 "nlt " Investigating all ac
t il ant com"Iant. nnd said that.
In cases where tho evidence warran a. a
Permanent revocation of the operator's
prompt,y --"
Misunderstood. .
."t a nodern novel!
o. vS "10ale8. smoothing hor ratine skirt
Turk.e.hknehes n.d drawln "Bhtly n , her
Sed1 wonder!' """" th Ca,,er ,n
"You poor dear," she said in her clov-
?ou havcn,t mSoh or
tho world, have you?"
to"beeln,gUapbeetdeS!'"b,y- " not ud
mcwK wm tooa for
She saw that she had hurt his feelings.
She hastened to set him at his ease He
had misunderstood her. She had put the
'0' m visible rather than a moral
"Do you Zeppelin?" she aweotly asked,
And, without watting for an answer, sho
led him across the garden to tho balloon
a"ea'..and bldlng him enter the car of
the dirigible, deftly loosed the hitching
strap. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Entire Stock of Men's and Boys9
low cat Shoes offered at these reductions;
$1.50 Oxfords, salo price $1.15
$1.75 Oxfords, solo price .$1.25
$2.00 Oxfords, salo price $1.35
$2.25 Oxfords, salo price. .( $1.50
$2.50 Oxfords, salo prico....j $1,65
$3.00 Oxfords, salo prico $2.00
$3.50 Oxfords, salo prico $2.50
$4.C0 Oxfords, solo prico $2.75
$4.50 Oxfords, salo prico..'..... $3.00
$5.00 Oxfords, sale prico $3.50
Orchard &
Omaha buyers hnvo been quick to profit by tho spedinl
prices wo nro oiToring on furnituro piecoB for all parts
of the homo. Somo ano of theso special pieces may be jttBt
tho one you hnvo been waiting to buy. "AbIc to see them."
5, : ,
II ' ,
$29.00 Ann Chair, mahogapy leathor cushion seat $23.00
$24 Arm Rocker, mahog. upholstered in tapestry, $17.50
$2G Koolcor, sent, back and arms upholstered with Spai-
ish leathor $18.75
$19.00 Library Table, large drawer, golden oak $15.00
$9.00 Rocker, golden oak wood saddle seat $6j00
$45 Rocker, mahog. frame, upholstered in doniin, $29.00
$33.00 Buffet, golden oak $26.50
$234.50 Bedroom Suite, 7-pieco inlaid mahogany, $185.00
hnvo just received a dolayed shipmont of those popular Khaki
duck couch hummocks. They aro a high quality nrtlclo with thick
cushions, wind shiold back and fabrlo spring. Prico. .. .$13,50
July Remnant Sale
1 -yard to 4-yard remnanta of
Swiss, Scrim, Voiles, Nets,
etc., each 5S
9S 19S 29. 30S 49d
Tapestry Pillow Squares, each,
at. 5S Ori. 19 and 294
Volour Table Scarfa $4.50
value now 984
India .Prlnfc Portieres $8.70
value; to close out each, Qg4
Odd pairs and
two pair lots.
1 Original
72 Price
All kinds and sizes at a discount ot 20.
Note theso vory special prices on hand made oil opaque shades,
all ono color, ollvo groon, mounted on 1-lnch O, & W. rollers.
3G Inches wide and 0 feet long, each 394
SC Inches wldo and 7 feet long, each., 4o4
Trunks, Bags Suit Cases
Rattan Suit Cases. Com
bine light weight and dur
ability $3.65,
$4.00, $4.50, 5.45
Up from, each. . . .S7.00
Up from, each $5.50
Cuts that print
There Is often all the difference in tha world batween
a cut that showB up well In the engraver's proof and one
that shows up well when It la printed, data made for a
newspaper have to be made so that they will sire good
results under the most adverse conditions. For that wa
eon, a newspaper engraving plant produces outs that tho
ordinary printer can use and get good results.
If you have some engraving to be done, send ns the
work and compare both the result and the prices with that
of ordinary engraving planta.
Bee Engraving Department
Beo luilding, Omaha
Wilhelm Co.
Regularly $62.00,
Special $46.50
A 60,incli buffet of
solid quart ere'd
whito onk, fumtl
finish, has lined sil
ver drawer, is cop
per trimmed, ono of
tho famous Stiok
lcy Bros, pieces.
1 Original:
72 Price
Drs. Mach & Mack
Tho lareest and best equipped dentsi
office In Omaha. Experts In charga'of
all work, modems prices. Porcelain
ttlllnirs just Ilka the tooth. All Instru
ments sterilized after using.
8d rioor Voxtoa Sleek, Omaha, jrefe,