THE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 27, 1013. Modern Home-Builders and Home-Furnishers of Omaha A New Home of Artistic Beauty HOME BUIL 1 5AFE INVESTMENTS! INCORPORATED 8-0 DERS e A Word to the Wise At alltimes we are glad to confer with persons who are considering the appointment of an Executor. Our experience and careful man agement makes us well qualified to serve in such capacity. We also act as Trustee, Adminis trator or Guardian. i J ini fc if iniHTrrirfifmrTrniiiinmT 1022 FARNAM STREET OMAHA.NEDRASKA. SKjSBOBBStASSBBBBBBBB 1 " " I W Penult Vo Trusts or Combinations to Make Our Frloes. zAWJr torts sleeping touts couck hammocks mi WEIGHT STACK COVXBS NEBRASKA TENT & AWNING COMPANY Phono Douglas .1041 1701 Leavenworth Street. A clean, well lighted paint store right in center of the city where you can buy the very best paints, varnishes and brushes at reason able prices. Free deliveries. The Paini Men You Know Barker Brothers Paint Co. 1609 Va Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 4750. JbLi ,Miuuiua n n.amwiH l . n,;. nj ... I j im mfli T --ft a ; I ;r dcdXoom 1 i! !!- If hJ I ul C..1 L Ji it MT -i I ijsvJ I .. .. I iwiilihiiwwLuii jliifiiil'imniii ' M j: g rj 5" , S -1 . -1! I' " n-m 1 - r - t i i JflMemniM' H TP riRST IOOK IPJ-i; TOCtVNCO JUVOWtlU I Jin i Tho building of a homo 1 a serious undertaking which few men do more than once. Tho importance of deciding upoh the belt material cannot be over estimated. The material should be such as will malto tho beat home, best in the sense of being durable and lasting, best in the seme of being tenable and home like, and best In tho sense of giving an artistic and attractive appearaiice. Of all tho material of whloh a house may be built there Is only one which 1b complotcly fireproof and that Is concrete. It Is possible to make even a large house practically all one piece, walls, roofs, Ifloora and stairs, only Uio trimmings In Ube rooms being of wood. Such a house may conform to any builder's Ideal of a beautiful houso, be cause concrete Is a plastlo and easily worked material, lending Itself to pira tically any design and In somo treat ments producing the most beautiful houses that this country has yet built. As a proof that tliero la no sacrifice of beauty by using ono form of cement It you are flouring on storing your household goods or piano t just telephone DOUGLAS Fifteen-Sixteen That's tho telephone number of tho Fidelity Storage & Van Company. Omahas latest, newest and host oquipped Btoraso company. Largo, clean, well ventilated storAgo floors and sep arata locked rooms; lowest insurance rate, satisfactory and guaranteed service; oxporlonced movers, packers and haulers t largo vans and regulation moving wagons best service and moderate rates. Fidelity Storage & Van Co. 10TH AND JAOKSON STREETS. for exterior, glance at tho above design) which Is of stucco. Stucco, while It gives the beauty of texture offered by solid concrete, Is not, of course, an absolutely fireproof method, of building, but stucco does lend Itself to a slow burning, Conorete Is a mixture of cement, sand and gravel in such proportions that when properly made It hardens Into permanent stone. There is in existence concrete work 2,000 years old which Is today' prao tlcally lndeBtructlble. Good -stucco Is Indestructiblo and bn this1 aocount 're quires very little expense for repairs or upkeep. It Is sanitary in the strictest sense, as It Is not In Itself dirt, in easily cleaned and affords no hiding place for mice, rats or Insects, As concrete is prac tically stone, It bas the qualities of stone. Therefore, a concreto or stucco house Is warm In winter and cool In summer. The house Illustrated above is of frame and stucco. The entire exterior Is covered with a rough coat of stucco with a peb bio dash. A glance at the floor plans will show how conveniently all the rooms aro arranged. The, den, living and dining rooms are .finished In a weathered oak with" qok floors; The rest -of the house Is finished throughout in the selected birch and is enameled in the bedrooms on the second floor. Note the large olosets afforded each sleeping room and also the size of each. The bullt-ln-fitures In tho pantry is also a .feature which will appeal 10 the aver age housewife. Tastes differ in borne choosing as in everything else,' and' this bid world would be a dreary, monotonous place to live In it this were not so. Tio stucco houso is certainly coming more and more in favor and we are glad to be able to present above an ex ceptionally attractive design for a mod ern seven-room stucco bungalow, which la available to prospective builders and will offer many practical suggesUons. This design Is from the office of Everett S. Dodds, urchltect, ground floor, Bran dels theater .building, telephone Douglas con Trust Company and Its Activities Store your goods where they will be safewhere you knowthey will be safe' The msst modern the best equipped and the SAFEST Warehouse and Storage struc ture in the middle west is the giant building of THE That the well-established, conscien tiously. manugod and fully-equipped trust company Is the most perfect Instrument that has yet boen devised for handling fiduciary matters In all their varied and complicated forms is a fact that no think ing man or woman will dispute. It is a fact that all who run may read. 'Take for the purpose of illustration some large Institution of this kind among' the "up-to-date" trust companies of tho country and consider Its wide scops. It conducts bond, trust, mortgage and safe deposit departments. It loans money on mortgages, It sells Investment mort gages. It acts as guardian of minors. It takes full charge of real estate and personal property. It acts as reoelver, serves as administrator and executor of estates and fills all the varied duties of a trustee. It acts as transfer agent and as registrar of the stocks and bonds of corporations. It gives free Investment and general financial advice to ben- ftclarlos under wills in which it Is named aa executor and It performs a multiplic ity of other duties. With all Its departments under one roof and under one general management, It Is to Its patrons and to the public In gen eral what might be called tho department storo of finance. To obtain Us share of this great and diversified business, the trust company must have directors who are well known directors who have the unhesitating Confidence of the public; to discharge Us duties properly and profit ably It must have officers who know their business In all Its branches and In all Its manifold Intricacies; It must have ex perts In each department men carefully trained In the particular duties assigned to them and It must have ample and, la fact great resources. Unlike the individual, It must always be in a position to solve and handle not one financial problem of a given kind, but many perplexing ones of a com plicated character. It must be In a position to assist the weak and to defy the mighty. It must be ready at all times and under all circumstances, to act not only with courageous alacrity, but with sound discretion and rare wisdom. That Is all essential because millions of dollars of other people'-, money are confidently and confidingly intrusted to its care. Its responsibility Is correspond ingly enormous. It dares not be negligent. It must always be vigilant. It must be broad In policy, liberal In action and unbendingly upright in duty. To Insure ail this It has Us large force of employes, Its trained department heads. Its expert officers and its experienced and alert directors. The perfect parts of this business ma chinery work Independently and yet cohesively. They give to the trust com pany and to its partons, in any or all of Its departments, not the mere opinion of an inexperienced Individual, whose personal Interests ore elsewhere, but the combined and conscientious judgment of experts in whose minds each particular case becomes, for the time being, the eolo concern of the Institution. In that there is to be found a striking exempli fication of the truism that "in union there is strength." That strength not only aids, but pro- Omaha Van & Storage Co. Not only is it fire proof it also is rat and mice proof, dust proof and dirt proof. There is not a warehouse in this part of the country to be compared to it for security and cleanli ness. Packing Storing Movin Security and efficient service always. Omaha Van & Storage Co. 114 SiMik SixtHHlk Strtet-PiiQKi longtas 4163 SXllWEftLAND SELLS " hinLreL el iff-e t s.-jfcTS. 3 KD FLOOI SQXL.ll 7 Preferred Shares $1.08 Homo Builders' assets sre not burdened with debt or obligation. Home ' Builders does not build houses for sale does not speculate quite the con trary. It takes real estate security for every dollar furnished for build ing purposes, which makes Home Builders' Preferred Shares as good as a government bond and Home Builders aa solid as the rock of Gibraltar, 7 and y2 the Surplus Profits Preferred Shares are paid seven per cent dividends and get one-half the surplus profits '.which for tho last year was 12 on all. shares Issued. Your Idle Money may Just am well be earning a guaranteed 7 Interest Instead of a lower rate. Shares may be had weekly or monthly, ono or more at a' time, as desired. You pay now J1.08 per Share and the profltH will increase tho value of your shares ns the BUrplus grows, Bleanwhile you receive 7 ' on J1.08 In cash dividends each six months. Get a Home on, Home Builders' Plan "THE NEW WAV (Tou select tho lot and we will build you a dwelling according to your own ideas. "VVe will furnish the money neeJed and you pay It back about like rent together with Interest for the actual time the money la em ployed. Wo furnish freo full working plans drawn by our architect. Scores of plans are on file In our office for you to select from. Consultation .free. Home Builders' "Plan Book" is now ready only 50c to any address. Home Builders' literature free for tho asking giving full description of Homo Builders' Plan of the Investment and Building departments. American Security Company, Fiscal Agents fox HONE BUILDERS (Inc.) Srandels Theater Bldg., Ground Floor, B. W. Cor. 17th and Souglas Sis. Douglas 0013. Omaha, Kelt). r For Your Vacation Get a Gate City Camping Outfit We'll-fit you out with tent, cots and chairs so inexpen sively that you can't afford to stay at home. Let us know if you need awnings, porch curtains or couch hammocks. Gate City Tent & Awning Company 314-10 South 12th Street. TeL Douglas 0045. I B G Get Outdoors, Man! What you need most, if you're aU run down tho hot weather, is to live outdoors for a while. Get one of our Camping Outfits tents, cots, chairs and take a vacation in tho woods or by the water. If you must stay home, let us equip your houso with Awnings and Porch Curtains and sell you a Couch Hammock. 1 1 Scott-Rawitzer Mfg. Co. Successor to Omaha Tent & Awning Co. 800 tt Tent & Awning Co. 11th and Ilarney. Douglas 888 or 882. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Vases and Flower Boxes of Cement. Do not crack or crumble, have a variety of designs, colors and sizes. Visit Our Display Rooms, 170S Gaming St. IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. Phong Dongl&s 4488. BUILDING LOANS Money to loan to build houses, to improve business property or to pay existing loans. Borrowers may pay from 10 to 20 per cent on loans on interest dates. Interest ceases on amounts when paid. Loans closed promptly. Tour business solicited. Songlaa 1648. W. KU THOMAS & SON 323 Stats Bank SIdg. E. J. DAVIS, HEAVY HAULING REMOVED WITH DERIGHT SAFE COMPANY 1212 FARNAM STREET, PHONE DOUGLAS 353. i 51 B I I m 1368 HY-TEX BRICK 4913 The Standard Pace Brick "UlrAli "O 0S1 13023 W.O.W. A&yill c&Uili; J. I I3 JUi'lUiV Bldg., Omaha, tects, those who do business with the trust company. Their protection does not end there, however. In addition to this combined, well seasoned Judgment there Is the protective work of tho auditing committee of the well organised com pany. That, In turn, is backed up by the audit of outside expert accountants, who are employed from time to time, and over all is the unhampered and un restralnablo expert examination that Is made, officially at frequent and irregular Intervals by the lynx-eyed Independent examiners of the state auditing depart ment. Under this varied and rigid inside and outside supervison the trust com pany must, of necessity, move along lines of honor and accuracy. So well established has that fact be come and so marked is the confidence of the public in the great institutions of this1 kind that their business Is growing enormously, not only to their satisfaction, but to the financial well-being and the peace of mind of thoso 1 who patronize them. In no part of the trust company's field of endeavor is this growth more clearly demonstrated than in Its trust departments. Actuated by sound reasoning, men and women in all walks of life are going ta the trust company with their fiduciary business. That business embraces every conceivable form of trust, not the least of which are the exacting duties of the executor of estates. In that field the growth of the trust company has been pronounced. To un derstand the reason for this Is not diffi cult Take again the case of the up-to-date tcust company. It is well known that such an institution makes a spe cialty of administering estates. The ex perts whom It has assigned to this 1m , portant work are trained specialists. They have done practically nothing else for years. They have no other duties to per form. They have no other business calls upon their Intellect or their time. To their work they can give, and do give, and must gtvo, their undivided attention and Judgment. What they do moreover, is subjected to an elaborate, but smooth working, system of checking. All that they do Is examined and passed upon by one or more of the company's officers and by its executive committee. Much of it Is submitted to the combined Judg ment of the Institution's directors, and ajl of it Is backed up by the company's resources and by its reputation, which it guards with Jealous and unreiaxing earn. Under these conditions It is not remark able that a steadily Increasing numbei of men and women are naming the truit company as the executor of their estate. With them It Is a simple matter of chooo lng between corporate experience and re sponsibility and individual ipexpertenc andanrellablltty. Between the two, with little, if any, difference in the cost, testators are no longer hesitating. They understand the Immense advantages in the care of estates that the trust com pany has over the individual, experienced or inexperienced. It is big; It is fearless; It never forgetsf It Is ne.ver "out"; It takes no vacation! it can never "disappear"; it has had wide and varied experience; it can not be moved by pleas; It can not be frightened by threats; it is a perpetual Institutions It will outlive the longest trusts; It is raid in each case only what the courts allow; it gives valuable advice to beno flclarles; it Is always In a position ta ptomptly make sound investments; it conscientiously carries out the wishes of testators; It Is never "too busy" to at tend to the duties of its trusts; It has specialists for every duty; It treats aU matters In its care as sacred and confi dential; It protects beneficiaries from beg. glng friends and relatives; It has no friends to reward and no enemies to punish; It makes prompt and complete reports to the county courts; It serves Its own Interests best when It serves its clients; It is never obliged to, say, "I dldn"t think"; it bas distinguished, repu table, well known counsel, officers and directors, and behind all that it does is always the potential factor of its great capital, surplus and undivided profits.