Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1913, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-C, Image 25

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Farmers Shutting Sown on Sale of
This Year'i Wheat
Declining Prices Reirtstercd and Any
Attempt on Tart of Lonsrs to Oet
nid of Holdings Will Pre
cipitate Farther Slnmp.
OMAHA. July 19, 1913.
The pressing needs of the farmers have
been pretty well relieved, according to
advices irom the winter wheat belt, and
those In the best position to know say
that around the present price level wheat
Is unlikely to come out as freely as has
been the cane since the new crop com
menced to move. Primary receipts yes
terday wcro large at 3.214.0W bushels,
which was 800.CO0 bushels In excess of 'a
week ago, as well as for the correspond
ing day Jn 113. Whenever oondltionsn
such as exist this year are to be see, the
first threshings of wheat ore always mar
keted as soon as farmers are enabled to
Ket It ready for movement Many farm
ers are In debt and they are forced to dis
pose of at ltnst a portion of the.r crop
In order to satisfy the country storekeeper
pr banker who has Biven them credit dur
ing the time that the wheat crop was be
ing made. Wheat Is likely to pile up on
the farms and at country stations un
less growers are willing to forward It to
the market. ,
The spring wheat crop will soon be in
t-cadines to move to points of distribution
and this will come In direct competition
with the winter wheat and it will then
be up to the exporter as to naming the
price, for a time, at least.
Cash wheat was .ii4o higher.
Lower prices were registered for both
corn and oats yesterday. Oats sold off on
the weakness made In wheat, and the
corn market declined because predicted
showery weather whore needed In Illi
nois, Indiana, Missouri Kansas and Ne
braska. Thero Is still a largo open inter
est In the Chicago market In corn and
oats, and any attempt of the longs to
cet rid of their holdings would cause
iharp price recessions.
Cash corn was l&IKo higher.
Cash oats were o higher.
'ihe following cau r ies were reported
today: Wheat: No. 3 hard winter, 2
cars, SOo. No. S hard winter, 3 cars (dark),
iijc; 1 car, SOc; 1 car, 79iic; 1 car. 7Wio.
No. 4 hard winter, 1 car (dark), 7c; 1
car, TTfrc. Ityoi No. S, 1 car, 61c Corn:
Jo. 2 white, 4 cars, 6314c. No. 3 white, 3
cars, Sic. No. i yellow, 2 cars, Co; 3
cars, 6lic: 3 cau, 6lHc No. 3 yellow,
li cars, (ilSio; lu cars, til',4c; ',4 car. (UViC
No. 1 yellow, 1 cur, tottc No. 2 mixed, 3
cars. 61Hc No. 3 mixed, 4 cars, SI Vie;
7 cars. Wac; A car, 61c. No. 4 mixed, 1
cur. 61c No grade, 1 car (hot), 6c. Oats:
No. 3 white, 1 car, SSo; 7 cars, 37c; 1
car, 37Uc No. 4 white, car. 87c; 1
car, 37Hc; 3 cars, 37c. No grade, 1 car,
;4V4c. Kejccted, 1 car, 3&Hc
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 hard.
79H02c; No. 3 hard, 794JSlic; No. 4 hard,
IBM 1 9c; No. 3 spring, 81JS2c; No. 4 spring,
TSVfcQSUttc: No. 3 durum, SlVj.82oi No. 3
durum, SOHSSlc. Corn: No. 2 white, 6Jttes
No. 3 white. KIWc: No. 4 white. 63ttCe:
No. U Yellow, 6H4362C; No. 3 yellow, 61
61ic; No. 4 yellow, 60361Hc; No. 2 corn,
Blue; No. 3, 6iiH4c; No. 4, 6tMitjtUc Oats:
3SVies54c standard, No. 3 white,
37Vsj3Sc; No. 4, S737Hc Barley: MalUng,
t&U&c: No. 1 feed, ss4lc. lire: No. 2,
lSeiHc; No. 3. 60H961O.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 371.0W bu.; corn, 6,000 bu.; oats, 21,000
Liverpool closed with wheat at 0ld
lower; corn, KStto higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,816,000
bu. and phlpments of 703,000 bu., against
receipts of 1.W4.O0O bu. and shipments of
614,000 bu. last year.
Primary corn receipts were 3,000 bu.
and shipments of 365,000 bu., against re
ceipts of 306,000 bu. and shipments of
300,000 bu. last year.
Primary oats receipts were 636,000 bu.
and shipments of 663,000 bu., against re
ceipts of 287,000 bu. and shipments of
187,000 bu. last year.
, . , , Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 467 153 1U
Minneapolis 62
Duluth , 66.
Omaha , ,202 SS 19
Kansas City 343 36 It
St. Louis , v.138 29 SI
Winnipeg Ill
Feature of, the Trading and Clostns
Prices on Board of Trad.
CinCAQO. July 2.-Buying that". t tho 'nsest houses In
the trade lifted wheat today after a show
of weakness at the outset Black rust
reports from Minnesota tended to aid the
bulls. The market closed steady at a
?.oti ?aanf?u of ttOKo to- UKa Corn
finished with a gain of lUo to IH6lHc,
oats up o to IVio and provisions ranging
from 24c off to on upturn of 12V4c
Bearlshness In wheat early resulted
from weak cables and from reassuring
domestlo advices concerning the outlook
for the spring crop. Purchasing, how
ever, soon became general. Export sales
ac St Louis and New York counted
against the bears.
Black rust talk seemed to make no im
pression In the wheat pit until the last
hour. The fact that Minneapolis quota
tions appeared to be Influenced by fresh
developments regarding danger from the
fungus wan to a considerable extent what
held Chicago prices finally at the top
level reached.
. Failure of expected rains In the south
west brought' about active buying of corn.
High temperatures In Kansas served also
to Increase the desire for a material ad
vance In" prices. There were extremely
bad crop reports from Indiana, Illinois
and Nebraska, Continued unfavorable
threshing returns made oats readily move
up grade With corn.
Provisions hardened on account of tha
bulge In coarse grains. One of yester
day's heaviest sellers reinstated his hold
ings. ArtlclAi Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Close.! Yes'y.
21 34
U 80
10 60
11 55
10 124
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3
red, new. SGXQCTc; No. 2 red. new, 86
86He; No. 2 hard, new, 87BTV4c; No .2
hard, old, SSHGSSc; No. 8 hard, new. C6U
jTc; No, 3 hard. old. rmeWc; No. 1
northern, &Sp93c; No. 2 northern, 0$32o;
No. 3 northern, 38HGe0c: No. 2 spring,
mwic; No. 3 spring, SSCiSOc; No. 4 spring,
S288S: velvet chaff, S8(Sr02c; durum, SiOOOc.
Corn: No. 2, eupmtc: No. 2 white, 64
6tUc; No. 2 yellow, 6Sj2SHc: No. 3, 631i6
62Ho No. 3 White. 63k4c: No. 3 yel
low, CTiffOSttc; No. 47 filUCCc; No. 4
white. 62a214o; No. 4 yellow. 61142?4c
Oats: No. 3 white, new. Hc; No 3
white, old, S9W40O; No. 4 white. 3?U
8914o: standard, new, iHc, standard, old,
401441c Rye: No. 2. new, 64c Barley;
464i63c Timothy. $1.75.75, Clover: Nom
inal Pork: 322.2582S.00. Lard, I1L6714
11.70. Ribs: S1L6013.25.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 23o to ZCQ
POTATOES Lower J TOQSSc: receipts,
5 cars.
Boas Unchanged; receipts, 9.200 cases;
at mark, cases Included, 1517o; ordinary
firsts. lSHOlWo; firsts, 171418c.
POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 14o;
springs, 18c; turkeys, lc
Mlnnrnpolta Grain Market.
July, 8Sc; September. 8714c; December,
NHc Cash: No. 1 bard. 90c; No. 1 north
er, 8S8314c; No. 2 northern. 8C3rTKo! No.
-1 hard Montana, 85c; No. 3, 8414d86c.
KLOUR Unchanged.
BRAN Unchanged.
UARIETY Unchanged.
80RN No. 3 yellow. Siaeilic.
ATS No. S white. SSfl&iic
RYB-No. 2. 6&nw&
KLAXr-L3il4fl 1.4014-
I.lrrrpool tiraln Market.
Spot quiet. No. 1 Manitoba, 7s Sd. No,
junitnia. 1 fill A No 3 Manlto'ba 7
tiM S5. Ktt 854
S9MK4 S0H S9H W4
' WT 62H 60 63
tlQ& 63 614 62KGT4
5S&8. 00 t8H W
30 aJKGH 3 39H
39!i 40H 8i VM&k
41KG12 KI 43!i
21 30 a 42A 21 30 214114
1175 11 80 U72H U77-S0
U SZtt 11 85 11 80 11 S3-8S
10 60 10 62U 10 61 10(214
U 77-SO 11 8214 U 77H It H
11 5714 U 67H 11 B 11 C7H
10 05 10 00 10 0314
3d: futures easy. July, 7s 4Hd; October,
7s 2Ud; December. 7s iA.
new, kiln dried, is 8J; American mixed,
old, 6s; American mixed, old, via Gal
veston, Es 3d; futures firm; September,
La Plata, 4s lid; October, La Plato, U.
BUTTER No. 1, l-iu caron. 26c; No.
1. CO-lb. tubs. 27Hc; No. X S6o.
FlSU-Whlte, fresh, 12o; trout fresh.
18c; large crappleo, fresh, 12c; Spanish
mackerel, 16c, shad roe. per pair, 40cj
salmon, fresh. 16c; halibut, fresh. 10c;
buffalo, to; bullheads, 13c; channel cat
tish. ISc: pike, 16c; pickerel, llo.
CHEESE Imported Swiss. Uc; Ameri
can Swiss, :toj block Swiss, 24c; twins.
17c; dulses, 17c; triplets. 1714c Young
Americas, ISc blue label brk-k 17c; lira
berger. 2-lb., 22c; New York, white lie.
POULTRY Broilers, aotfsJo per lb.;
hens, 16c; cocks, 1214c; ducks. 18320c;
ge,ese, 18c turkeys, 209Sc; pigeons, per
doz tl.; roosters, So; ducks, full fea
thered, 1214o; geeso, full feathored, 13c;
squabs. No. 1, II. W; No. 3, Wo.
BEEF CUTS-Ito. 1 ribs. 1714c: No. t
15ic; No. 3, 14Hc. No, 1 loins. lHa; No.
2. lSkc; No. 3, ltHc No. 1 chucks, llo;
No. 2, l6ic; No. 3. 10c. No. 1 rounds. liUo;
No. 2. I4tc; No. 3. 1114c No. 1 plates.
7Ho; No. 2, 714c: No. 3. c
The following fruit and vegetable
prices are reported by the Qlllnsky Fruit
Fruits: Extra fancy Elbert freestone
peaches, per bushel, $125; extra fancy
Elberta freestone peaches, per 4-bnsket
crate, &0c; extra fancy Elberta freestone
peaches. 2S-crate lots, per orate, 83c,
Wlckson large green plums, per crate,
$1.83; medium red plums, per crate, ti.&O;
large blue plums, per crate, 11.8593.00.
Pears: Bartletts, per box, 33.75; t-box
,W,0, T U. A C lillTH , nu rfUllll. UUA,
31.25; Crawford, 31.25. Apples; Duchess or
transparent per du., -du. lots,
31.20; 10-bu. lots. 31.15. Cantaloupes: Ari
zona standard, per crate, 33.23; Arizona
pony, per crate. 32.73: Arizona Jumbo, per
crate, 32.75; California, pony crates, per
crate,; t'amornia stanuara, per crate,
33,00. Raspberries: Red. per 24-plnt case.
33.50. Blackberries; Home grown. Per
24-quart case, 32.50. Oranges: Extra fine
valonclas. 126, 128 sizes, per box, 36.00;
Sunklst Valenclas, 150 Bize, 36.60: 176. 200,
216, 250 sizes, per box, 37.00. Potatoes:
Large, new, per bushel, $1.00. Grapefruit;
Florida, Indian river, 44, (4, 64 sizes, $lo.u.
Onions: California large yellow, iWr lb.,
3c, Cranberries: Evaporated, carti con
taining 36 packages, per carton, $2.70.
Lemons: Extra lancy Sunklst 300s and
300s, per box, $10.50; extra choice Red
Ball, D00s and 300s, per box, $10.00. Toma
toes: Tennessee, per 4-basket crate, $1.00;
6-crate lots, SOc Watermelons; Alabama
sweet Per lb., 114c; 6-crate lots, per lb.,
VfiOKTABLKS Potatoes, large, new.
per bushel. $1.00. Onions, Calllornla large
yellow, per pound. 214c Tomatoes, Ten
nessee, per 4-basket crate, $1.15; 6-crato
lots, $1.10. Watermelons, Alabama sweet
fier pound, lfec; 6-crate lota, per pound,
MISCELLANEOUS Roasting eats, per
dozen, 15c; Michigan celery, per dozen
35c ( Mott's cider, per keg, $3.a0; Nehawka
cider, per keg, $3.26: asparagus, per dozen.
50c; rhubarb, per dozen, 2oc; onions, per
dozen, 20c; new beets, carrots, turnips
per dozen, 30c; parsley, per dozen. 40o;
radish, per dozen, SOc; head lettuce, per
dozen, $1.00; homegrown leaf lettuce, per
dozen, 20o ; green peppers, per basket
50c; wax or green beans, per basket
$1.00; hothouse cucumbers, per basket
$1.25; cauliflower, per pound. 10c to 1214c:
Venetian garlic, per pound. 12l4o; new
cabbage, per pound. So; eggplant per
dozen, $1.W; horseradish. 2 dozen bottles
In case, per case, $1.00; Dromedary brand
dates, package, $3.00; Anchor brand dates,
package, $2.23; walnuts, No. 1 soft shell,
per pound, 20c; medium pecans, per pounJ,
1314c; Jumbo pecans, per pound, 15c; giant
pecans, jouisiana paper sneii, per pound,
25c; filberts, per pound, 16c; Drake al
monds, per pound, lie; paper shell, 18c;
Brazils, per pound. 10c; large washid,
per pound, 12c; black walnuts, per pound,
IHc: raw No. 1 peanuts, per pound. 7a;
jumbo peanuts, per pound. 8a; roast pea
nuts, per pound. 814a; shell bark hickory
nuts, per pound. 4c; large hickory nuts,
per pound, 3o; white rice popcorn, per
pound, 4o; checkers, per 100-package case.
Leslie berry boxes, quarts, per 1,000. $2.7$,
Cora and Wbeat Heglus aatlettn.
United States Department of Agriculture,
weather bureau, for Omaha, for the
twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m..- 75th
meridian time, Saturday, July 26, 1313.
Temp.- Rain
Statlon. Hlffb. Low. fall. Sky.
Arhland, Neb... P7' 70 .00 Clear
Auburn, Neb... sz ,w ciear
Broken Bow.... M 61 .00 Clear
Columbus, Neb, W 67 .00 Clear
Culbertson 97 63 .00 Clear
Falrbury, Neb.. 86 71 .00 Clear
Fairmont, Neb, 93 66 .00 Clear
Orand Island... 94 72 .00 Clear
EHartlngton .... 90 C5 .00 Pt cloudy
Hastings, Neb. n t .w 1't uiouay
Holdrege, Neb.. 95 64 .00 Clear
Lincoln, Neb.,. 93 63 .00 Clear
North Platte,.. 94 64 ,00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb... 99 70 .00 Clear
Omaha. Neb.... 86 67 .00 Clear
Tekamah 86 60, .00 Clear
Valentine 93 64 .00 Clear
Alta la, 83 00 .00 Clear
Carroll, la 80 69 .00 Clear
Clarlnda, la..,. 85 67 .00 Clear
Blbley, la 79 6$ .06 Clear
Sioux CHy W -00 Clear
Minimum temperature tor twelve hour
period ending at 3 a. m.
No. of Temp. Rain-
District. Stations. High. Low. fall
Columbus, 0 18 73 66 .00
Louisville. Ky... 23 84 04 .00
Indianapolis .... H 3 60 .00
Chicago. Ill 24 78 60 .00
St. Louis, Mo.... 19 88 64 .00
3368 Moines 22 82 63 .W
MlnnmiwllM 51 30 58 .20
Kansas City 20 90 66 .50
Omaha 17 2 64 .00
Temperatures were much higher In
Nebraska and Kansas during the last
twenty-four hours, and a alight but gen
eral rise in temperature occurred In other
portions of the corn and wheat region.
Showers occurred In the Kansas City and
Minneapolis districts. WELSH,
Local Forecaster of Weather Bureau.
Kcvr York General Market,
wmv YORK. Julv 28. SUQAR Firm:
muscovado, 3.07a; centrifugal, 3.57c; rno-
hisses, Z.SK, iteimeu tittw.
BUTTER Unsettled; receipts. 6,736
tubs; creamery extras, 2614JT27C; firsts,
2614&27c; seconds, 24925c: state dairy, fin
est 26c; good to prime, itHCZSHc.i process
extras, 24!4⪼ firsts, 2314024c; seconds,
Xi!c: imltutions, creamery xlrsts, 24o; fac
tory, current make, firsts, ti&WAc; pack
ing stock, current make. No. 1, 2114c.
CHEESE Easy; receipts, 675 boxes:
statu whole milk, fresh white and colored
specials, Hlia; state whole milk, fresh
white and colored fancy, 14c; state whole
milk, fresh white average fancy, 13K9140.
EUQS Irregular; receipts, 12,130 cases;
fresh gathered extras. 2426o; extra
first. U23c; firsts, isecoo; Psnnsyl
vanla and nearby hennery whites, as to
size and qualltyt 203le Pennsylvania
and nearby hennery gathered whites, 23
029c; western gathered whites, 2026o,
POULTRY 11 ve. Irregular: western
chickens, broilers, 18c; fowls, 16c; turkeys,
13c Dressed, easy; fresh killed western
chickens, 21026c; fowls, ISWIJc; turkeys,
St, LoaU tienernl Market,
ST. LOUIS, July 25. WHEAT No. 1
red. 8498514c; No. t hard, StOOOo; July,
SSVio; September, 3414c tli
CORN-NO. 2, C514o; No. 3 white, 65
6614c; July, 64ci September, ftc
OATS-No. 2. 37Ho; No. 2 white, S9Uo;
JuV. c: September, 8SH'839Hc.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, l$Hc;
springs. 1614c; turktya, 18c; ducks, 1214a;
geese, 10c
BUTTER Quiet: creamery, S6o.
EOQS-Steady, 1114c
Kansas City Groin and Provisions.
Cash: No. 3 bard. 8106414o: No. 3. 79149
83Ho No. 2 red, 81081140 ; No. 3. 8040Hc
CORN No. 2 white, 67a; No. 3. 64466140.
OATS No. 3 white, 33940c
RYE 60c
HAY-Cholca timothy, $14.00014.60.
BUTTER-Creamery, 2c; flrsU, 25c,;
seconds, 24a; packing, 20c.
EOQ8 Firsts, 18c; seconds, 10c
POULTRY Hens. ISc; roosters, 9a;
ducks, lio: broilers, lie
biiiskc uram jaarKei.
1 northern, 91 14f2Hc; No. 2 northern,
; no. z nara winter, itcrsc;
3 white,
RYE 64c
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns,
July, ato, ociiiqiiiuBr, urnc
CORN No. 3 yrUow. 6i;c: No,
65a: No. 3. S&tXSMtOi JlUy. 62110:
Undertone Irregular and at First
Mainly Downward.
These Issues Respond to Favorable
Crop Advice Genera! Bond
Market la Quirt nnd
NEW YOR1C. July .-Tradtng In stocks
during today s brief market session was
In most essentials characteristic of the
midsummer season. The underton was
Irregular and It llrat mainly downwards,
the only striking exception being the
Hill group, these stocks responding to
favorable crop advices. Lehigh Valley
and minor railroads and specialties also
contributed slightly to the constructive
side, while Canadian Paciric, Louisville
and Nashville and "Soo" were weakest
of the standard railways liarea. In the
special group American Express yielded
& points and made another new low
Opinions wore altogether professional
and of narrow proportion. General news
was without very dlreot beating upon
market conditions, axoept for the heavi
ness of the London market. The out
standing feature of the. London market
was a decline of practically 4 points In
National Railways of Mexico first pre
f ci red.
Washington advices again dealt with
proposed congressional investigation of
the New York central s retundtng projeot
of a general halt by the interstate Oom-
m,n Nimmlulnn In tralltllt rate adViCtS.
The general bond market was quiet and
steady. United States coupon 3s ad
vanced per cent on can, uui uimr
sues were from I to 3 points lowpron the
week. Total sales, par value, $701,000.
Number ot bales na iwaut viuuiuun
on slocks were: ...... ...
SAlM. IllKn.
Amalruosita Comwf .... t.MO H Mtt K
Annrlcm Asriculturat JJJ
Atwrlouj Cl 31400 MH JJU U
AnwrlMO O. F : 4tl4 4U 4H
American Cottoa Oil JJt
Am. Im 6MurUI .....
AmtrlMS UaiMd S .,
Am. ti. S3 H, Ptd !
Am. Bux&r lttllatos w
toerieiaT. A T. " W Mil "J UTH
Amtrlo&n libscoa
AniMudt Wains Co.... too Kit
AUbtioa ptl
Atlwilla Cout Um,
MlUnwni A Ohio..,
lltthlchmn Htl ...
Urooklxn lUptd Tr.
Caudlu rxllla ...
ontrtl LMthcr ....
,,... ... ..... lit
1M UK lt4 IS
. 400 I4tt 14 14,
. t(M UH Hli ll
. 1,W0 11TH 2UH 117
. too Sl(( Ui li
. l,m 44 WH UH
ChtMpeUt A Otolo.
fki.. n
Chicago, M. A Bt. P,. 1,100 164 1CU lOMi
ChlCMO A N. W M0 IMS UH 1"
Colortdo fuel A Iron... too n lift
Conoll4&t6 Om .
Corn rrodoots 103 1H 10)4 1
IXUwu A Hudson , 144
Dtnnt A IUo Orna... ...... i II
Dum mt ii. a. via... .....
Distiller." VacuriliM ... 100 1X lt 1114
Krl 1.100 JIS MS MV
Krle Ut tti 200 41H 4114 41$
Krte M ptd i
Oentrml UKttrlo " 140 110
Orr.t Kbrtlura pt4 3,100 124H lMr "
orot orlDlra ur. vtu.
llllnoli Cantnl .
.14 UH
14 K il
InltrLorouch Mat juA U14
InUr. Mat. Pfd 100 II tl II
Intern.tlotl UarrMUr.. UN 117 W 104
Inter.Mtrlne pt 1H
iDtemitlontl Fur ...k. 114
Internntloo! Pump ...... ,. tty
Ksnsts Cltr SouUaern.. ..... 2714
Locfoa ou ...... , ,91
Ltblzh Vulltr ...7....... 1,400 111 1MH ItOH
LauUrllle A Nohrlll.. 100 13314 lit ltt!
M., St. P. a B. BU. U. 104 12414 tSCtt II4
Ulasourl, K. A T. 400 SlVi 25 Vi iiA
Ulnourl ruclds 3,400 RM Ml
muno Biscuit ., ..... ill
Katlootl UtA 41
N, II. . tl M. Jd ltd uu.
Kw York Central.... a... Ilia
n. r.. o- b " 29
Ifertolk A WciUrn 400 10614 1MK 1MU
Korth Aafrlwn tiu
Nonhtrn Paclfls J.JOO no 1I14 10IH
Paeltlo Mall 1014
PDnTlvanla 109 111 1UK 11114
People" o lliu
p., a, a a Bu u 11
PltUbura-h Coal 100 U14 1114 1114
Prmd Btl Car ICO UH U Mil
Pullman Palac Car , Ill
ta4lB U.I00 151 11114 lu
kbmdii 1, a a 100 u UM. H
JltpuMlo I. A 8. ptl...
Roek Iiland Co....
nock bland Co. ptd.....
Bt U A 8. P. 2d pfd..
Bfaboard Air Line.......
Seaboard A. It. pfd
moaa-Bhotfleld 0. A I...
Southern racltle ,
Boutbara Itallwar
Ba lUllwar pfd
TtnaetM Copptr
100 17 1TH ITU
00 M It lH
.,. ....
..... ..... ..... 14
8,000 1414 1114 1114
00 h s 2M
too 71 71 Tl
I0O UH 2B 10
Union Pacific lAottl 1iu 11IU iitiZ
tJnloo Paeltlo pfd , m"
United Btttat Raaltr.. , lift
CnlUd Slataa Itnbber. ,
United State, steel, '15,000 tt4 (111 U14
V. B, Steel pfd 10TU. 107
UUh Copper 1,100 4T4 4744 4T41
Va. -Carolina Chemical ., 100 liu. uu tl
Wabaeh ...; ju
watoih ptd , ,2
Wtoni Maryland "
Waattrn Union 100 4U U (ill
Weatlngtiouie Eleetrto .. JO0 I2H tilt" tiu
Wheellne A Lake Brio .....
Total salts for the day. IM,W0 shares,
?Tw York Money Market.
NEW YOniC. July 2(1. MONEY On call
nominal; no loans. Time loans easier;
sixty days, 314V4 per cent; ilnity days,
414Q4 per cent; six months, &tf per
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8335
lor slxty-dey bills and at $4.8085 for de
mand. Commercial bills, $4.83. ,
SILVElV-iiar, 59Hc; Mexican dollars,
BONDS aovernment, Irregulart rail
road, steady,
Closing quotations on bonds were as
U. B. re I. Si, r... H 1C O. Ba ret. Is. IT
do eoupos KU 8. deb. 4S list., toll
U. S. la, rag 101 U A M unl. 4i,... Mil
do coupon ,.....,,.101 U. K. A T. 1st 4l.. Nli
V. 8. 4i. rtf... UO da 4H. 05
do coupon 10 Uo, Faclflo 4 la.
Fanama la ooapon.. do conv. U 7114
A. O. let la C(U... 40 K It It of M 40
Amer. As. U N. Y. C, f. lilt
A. T. A T. c 4S..104 i deb. 4i II
am. Tobacco Ce....lll N Y N It A It
Armour A Co. 414a. . T. Hs 14
Atealaon sen. 4a.... II N. t W, lit s, ... aj
do CT. 4a 1K0 It . 'do er, 4a ,....UH
do tr. ,,.1114 No. Paolllg 4 H14
jl a u in s 11 do u u&
IU). A Ohio 4s W 0. H. U rtd(. .. t
Mo l4a ., Pann. cv. IHa 1IU,, MV4
Brook. Tr. er. e... ITJ4do ood, ta vS
Can. ot a a. U.....lMiiHadlar r.n. 4a,,., US
Cn. Uather ta II 8. L. A A- t. tg 4a t
Chea. A Ohio 4Ha.. M do sen. U UV4
do conr. Ilia M gt. U S. W. e. 4s. T7H
Cblcaso A A. IU. 1114 H A. U adl. la,.,. Ttl4
C D. A Q. . 4i,..-lHBo. IHa. 00L 4a.,., ti
do (an. 4i n do cv. 4i.,. IIS
C U A S P e 414. 103 . Jt rf. 4a., . IIH
a It. I. A p, 0. UHKEo. Railway la 101 (
do rfs. 4a 7lh do can. U 71 H
O. A ti. r A e 41i. It TJnloa Pacltla 4,... KH
D. A It. rr. ,4a.... do er. 4 , ... uu
D. A fl. O. tti. ta., 7014 Ut A r(. 4i.. Ill,
Dletlllera la II U. 8. Itubbr I,...10H
Brla p. 1. 4a., V. B. Steal td U... Hft
do ien. 4a......... 7014 V.-a Cbem. Is 11
do er. te, r. U.. J4S4 W.Ueh let A es. 4a i
Mil. Can. lat r. 4S IllinVeatarn Md. 4s... TI14
InUr, Mat. 4Ha 4 Weat. Elec. ov. !.. 1114
Inter. IL V. 4H-. IMtWIa. Central aa 1114
Japan 4Ua 1114
JStd. "OKarad.
Local 8eorltle.
Quotations fumlabed by Buraa. Brisker A Co.,
441 Omaha National bank bulldlnti
Bid. Asked.
Columbus. Neb., E. U 5a, 1H4 , 13 II
Council Wult. O. A E. la. Hit II II
Detld Cole lnr. Co. 4a, Mil 1.... 1114 1M14
Dallas, Tel.. 4, 1134 II. II
Dears A Co. 7 per cent ptd HU 4414
Fairmont Creamery par cent tuar.. 111
Fairmont creamery 7 par cant pra... n lei
XJneotn. Nab., rat. X p. 1111 4.70
Uwlatllte O. A B. (a, till., M UH
Keer Orleaaa Tl. & U 4a. 111...,.... II H14
Mountain Bute T. A T. I p. 100 101
Omaha 4Ke. !
Omaha ft G B. ill Ry. lilt wu 1114
Omaha A C. II. Bt. lty. pfd ill! 11 W
Omaha A C. II. Ht. lty. com It It ll4
Omaha A a B. B. A B. ptd IU
Paters Mill t per cent pfi 1114 II
Portland. Ore., 4a. im It u
rort of Seattle, Waaa.. 4H, 1MI ... MU IIU
Hadlasds. Cal.. la. 1I40..7. MV4 l
lucky Mountain foal, with bvoua. .. . . . 100
Bouthers lty. Co. lp. la. mfrf la, 1114 ,,.M.W M ttu
Pnlon Stock Tarda. Omaha. , M14 17)4
Dry Goods He view,
Cotton sroodi markets are quiet, but
firm. Tradlnr Is confined very larcrely
to deliveries In the next few weeks,
although some business Is being; placed
for the late fall months and for spring
distribution. Fine and faney cotton
Koods trading Is confined to hlfh nov
elties. Stocks continue at a very low
point . . ,
Selling agencies report a lack of sea
sonable! accumulation of spot goods. This
Is doing much to hold prices steady.
Prints are aiilet In narrow widths. Per
cales are being sold welt for future de
livery. Blcaohed cottons are behind In
delivery owing to pressure for spot mer
chandise, ainghams are quiet Duck
rules steady and unchanced.
Clrarlnir Hoaae Bank nlntement.
NEW YORK. Julv M.-The statement
of the actual conJ.Uon of clearing house
banks and trust comp&titos for the vk
shows that they hold JtH.l67.Tv") reufvj In
excess ot legal requlrvments. This !s nn
Increase ot $7,55,500 Ira n Ust wvtik. The
statement follows:
Actual condition, Decrease
Loans $1.91(1.3(6.000 $13,974,000
Specie 349.6se,0M STJ.OOO
Legal tenders 83,813.009 ilS.OOO
Net deposits 1.786.750,000 3.178,000
Circulation 46.7W.O0O 131,000
Banks' cash reserve
In vaults 369.361.000
Trust companies'
o a s h reserve In
vaults 64,:33.CU
Aggregate cash re
serve ,.. 433,399.000
Ex. lawful reserve.. 2S.lt7.700 T.&SSliO
Trust o o in p a nits'
reservo with clear
ing house mem
bers carrying 25
per cent cash re
serve 74,027.000
Summary ot state banks nnd truot com
panies in Greater New York not Included
In c rearing house statement:
Loans $647,579,900 $1160.900
Specie , 66,158,800 263.700
Legal tenders...,. 7,493,S00 99,700
Total deposits 622,872,300 772.200
London 8 took Alaxket.
LONDOK, July Id. American swurltles
were quiet and featureless. P'lces Cened
about unchanged and lat'jr moved Irregu
larly within narrow .lmlts. The clot-lrg
was steady, with value fro-n 4 uhivi to
la below yesterday's New York clnelnt;.
LONDON, July 2A. Closlnc quotaUons
on stocks were as follows:
Conula tniaif I1U Ininni. r.ntr.1 in
do awouat..,,. TIIMIM., JC A T U
Amal, Copper 11 rannirlraala , Ilia
Awninoa .inn Heading II
Canadian Pao1lle..lUt4Botithern IMin.... ISH
CJUoan a W ISHUslos Paclllo IM
BU Paul., IH U. 8, Steal lilt,
Uenttr A Rla O... HHabaah 3
Brie riunin,.., tou
do lat ptd 41 Jland Mlnaa., 114
-uu iniiui.ii.M xa
SlL-VKH-Bar. steady at 3714a per os.
MONEY 214 per cent
The rate of discount In the open market
for short Mils Is 84 per eentj for three
months' bills, Sff-t l-U per cent
Treasury ilintement,
WASHINQTON. July 3U.-The condition
Of the United Htntna tneturv a tho h.
Blnnlrur of buslnoss today wasi Net bal
ance In stneral fund, SlII.$2J,S49; total re-
ince In Ktneral fund, 3133,623,349, total re
telpta yesterday, 12,450.081) total payments
rcsterday, 33.BS9.S2o7 The deficit this fls
'ilL?,u, " SIS.09,478, itiralnit a deficit of
5,8J4.4S7 last .year, exclusive of 1 "a nam a
cnnai ana puoua debt transactions.
Coffee Mewketa
NEW TOUK. July K.-lOirpEn-Trnd.
Ins; In the coffee market was quiet with
early price steady on sUonff European
cables and firm primary markets. Wall
street supplied the demand and prices
eased off, closing at a not loss of 4 to 4
poinis. ouiy, k.wo; Bcptqmber, .wc:
pctobor, .3Sai December, 9,46c j January,
aS2n Sinn. Mnv a4h Dnl'
wtroe r.tuU j WUI 4 IkJ r I , VtltAJJ iil4IUaU a
to! March. .S7o; May, 9.770. Spot,
ladys NaT Rio, Ullo; No. 4 Santos,
WHo. Mild, quiet; CordAva, UOlcHo.
Cotton Market.
NEW TOItK, July 3.-XTTON-ru.
turco ciosea steauy; Juiy, u.TKi August,
11.61c: September. 11.29c! October. ll.lSc:
November, 11. llo: December, 11. Uo; janu-
ar-, u.uoo; iiTsoruary, n.wic: juarcn. ll.iso;
May, 11.19c: spot quiet; mlddllnK uplands,
ii. too, kuii, m.MO no saies.
dull and easier; middling fair, 7.18a; good
mlddlng, 8.37c; middling. 8.53c; low mid-
aung, oavo; gooa orainary, o.o; ordinary,
6 67c. Sales, 6.000 bales.
Metal Market.
metal marxeta were urni ani unchann;i-o.
Lake copper, 15.Z5; electrolytic 315.00;
castings, 314.76. Iron, steady and Un
chanired. 8T. I.OUIB, July 30. METALS Lead,
nrm, h.u. upeiter, xirm, fu.izi4uo.s5.
Prr Goods Market,
AiarKets ore aieooy. Mens wear lines
will bo opened on Monday for spring of
1914 In a large way. Yarn markets are) a
iittio more active.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits
ivfi'iji'.a yuiet.
DRIED FUUITS-Pruncs and aprloots,
quiet Peaches, steady. Raisins, quiet
Bngsr MnrUet
NEW TORK. July 2a-BUdATU-inrm!
muscovado. 8.070; centrifugal, 3.C7o; mo-
lasses, i.aa. nennea steaay,
Cattle Steadr Sheep Slow nnd
CIUCAOO, July 26,-CATTLEReoelpU,
200 liead; market steady: boevos,
9.20; Texas steera, t6.06iJ8.09i western
s loots, s7.ivo.i; stocKers and feeders,
S3.60tt7.75: cows and heifers. S&Ojmtt;
calves. 3i25fflll.0O.
UOOS-RocetpU, 8.000 head; bulk, $as&9
v.oj; oen, aimng, oinor steaay w a snoae
lower; light. W.o&9.W; mixed. W.704J0.15;
iieavy, vt.ww.jui rougn, ta.pu430.1g; ptgn,
SHEEP AND IiAMBS-Recclpt. 6,000
neaa; mancet siow, stesay; nauve sneep,
34.3i4iE.tO: western. 64.364.60! yearllnus.
K.Wdn.OH; native lambs, tG.600o.J5; west
ern lomDS, ets.4uvo..
ICsnsni City drain nnd Provisions,
ceipts 300 head; market steady; prime fed
sieers, n.trQn.w; aressea ocei steers,
I7.254S8.40: western steers. M.tMiS.M:
southern steers, 35.5007.10; cows, 34.009
7,w: neirers. stocKers ana feed'
ers. bulls, S5.0OS4.76l calves,
HOaS Receipts. 800 head; market
weax; bunc, jvi.wigv.oo; heavy, w.wa'J.ou;
packers, and butchers, 3S.Wtf.0G; lights,
tt AKid iff, rif,. rrVjvftot
6IIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market steady; lambs, Jfl.5Oa7.S0; year
lings, 35.0006.75; wethers, 14.5g5f-5.a6; ewes,
$3.8081165; stockers and feeders, $2.6034.26.
Bt. Lonls Live Stock Market.
choloe steers, 37.&j.OO; stockers and feed.
era. tflawnTVV mvrm unit Imlfr. limit
atvi OUI1S,
southom steers,
7.00: calves. S4i
.25Q8.00; cows and helt
ers, M.uie.tiu.
HOGS ItectJpts, S.400 head; msrket
stead v: dIr-s and lltthts. t7.'Jbtl6.3bi mixed
and butchers, f) ZVQ.X; good heavy, $9.30
fsiIElEP AND LAMB 8-Receipts. VXO
neaa; marKet steaay: muttons, jiarai.ii;
yoariings, lawifo.w; lames, a.nxp(,(a.
Blonx Clfr Live Stock Market.
vuv v.a.i .hi; yr. ivc-
oelpts. 100 head; market stetvdy; native
steers, 3S.201fl.76; cows and heifers, 3700
crrrTTV .twiv t..i. 4ji r a w m t
HOGS Receipts. S.00O head: markot lOo
lower; heAvy. joo8,w; mixed, w.trws.70;
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 700
head: fed muttons, 3S.gbft4.0i?; wether.
S4.5OiQ6.0O; ewes, $3.7534.50; lambs, $70
St. Joseph Live Slock Ttfarkrt.
ceipts. 60 head; market steady; steers,
$.i66.P): cows and heifers, ?;
calves. 3S.QOJO.00, ...
HOOS Receipts, 2.000 head; market
slow to shade lower; top, 38.00; bulk, $&8S
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none:
market nominally steady; lambs, $6.76
Live Stock In IMkI.i,
RecelpU of live sto"- - '
clpal western markf
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Sioux City ..
St. Louis 2,'"
Chicago VQ R.00 4.CC0
St Joseph 50 2,00)
Konsas Cltr 300 100 ....
South Omaha; 17 7.41S 1,305
Totals tt.m 7,605
Alibi Saved llln.
A Dutchman was relating hts mar
velous escape from drowning when thir
teen of his companions were lost by thi
upsetting of a boat and he alone was
"And how did you escape this fstoT"
asked onen of tils hearers.
"t tld not co In te pole" was the
Dutchman's placid answer St Paul Dispatch
Good Cattle Fully Steady, Others
Easier for the Week.
Sheep Steady to fltronc for the "Week,
vrlth Lnnttta Twentyfivei Cents
Lower liunrter Higher
Thrtn Tuesday.
Relnta wrif fta,ta ItheeD
Offlrlal MnnH.v . . ll C CO.I
Official Tuesday ',..'.. i.it9 W1 7.791
Offlolal Wedneailay.,,. 1.9C0 7.774 S.5M
Official Thure.lov u i II un Him
Offtelsl PH.lav i1 t Ldt i.&A
estimate Saturday .... 17 7,41 i,s
r)ii hmI .A M9 1a en am
I .n 11 ,Tf ILK IM II
Two weeks aso $.687 4S.53J 3I.190
Threo weeks aro 7,M 47,014 1913
lAlllr fe'AAlr 11 im rjliYU 10T41
Same period last 'year.'llLJT 45.SJI 35,893
The followtnc table shows tho receipts
or oattie, nogs and sheep at south utnaaa
live stock market for the year to date as
iKuijiaiwi wiiu last year.
10H IMt lnr TtB.
n i . I.. JK7, AO 1i htM
J logs hUt.Kl 3,060,853 ...... 373,575
Sheep 1,047,742 1,008,317 33,435
"-..i.. .,.., 1UI,I, ,... "
int roiiowins; tame snows the ranee 01
.1... ta tin.. . . 1 . . . fA. fH,
" 1 l v UVUU1 V . " " -
ast few days, with comparisons!
Date. I lilt I mi iian.iMii.ilim.iUma.UK7
July 16.
8 7Jii
T 15 S S3 7 03 SI 6 76
715C30 7 74 44 6 73
7 17 84835 mill
7 30 1 35 8 35 7 76 6 74
723 6SSSSS7 75 0316M
C 8 31 7 701 8 37
734 8337676 34 6S3
733633 7 57 4 31 5 M
7 47 6 SO 1 11 6 34 6
7 67 G 43 8 17 7 1 5 W
July IT.
July IS.
8 3114
juiy is,
July SO.
July 21.
July 33.
July SI.
July a.
July 26.
8 77 j
8 7714
8 Vi
Tlln . n.t AI- Ik, ,1 . I. ,
tho Union Stock yards, South Omaha,
Neb., for tivemtv.fnur Uiir, ,ndlnr at
3 p. in. yesterday.
ct. nr. . i t A '
W-jabash j. .'...'.."!...'. 1 .'!
Union I'aclfio u
IJ. A IV. W.. nnal . a
C. & N. W., west 44 !!
u,, du 1:, m u e ,,
C, B. & y., west 3
fl.. 1L 1. A t. An at
C It ,1. & P., west , 1
juinoia v,eutrMi J ..
Chicago at Western I
Totals , , iu 6
,, . . , Hogs, tuieep.
Morris & Co A.... 1.337 ...
awuianu company..., 2,150
4JUuahv tarlcltio. rv . 1 iic
Armour & oo , 2oao
Bohwart & Co 1,668
J. W. Murphy . 1.464
ICudahy, country., , 077
Armour, country'. a
WMIT.I UUJfVta a................ .... l.aUS
Tot1" H.405 L6U
CATTLoEl ThAm wir n fsi.
?i,ifU"' .r importuuce lu the yatds
..... i.iuiiiuiB, i.Qr ute weeit receipts
nave been inorlnrniM. ehnwiiti. n
erable falling of as compared with last
nae mm u jreur ago,
ihe demand for good dry lot beeves
Has beeil UCllVa nil Iha wmL nml atrnnv
prices have been maintained. In fact at
the close tho market 011 that kind of
cattle is as high as. It has been any time
tnis season. On the other hand common
to medium corn-fed cattle, that Is, tho
kind showing more or less Brass, have
been rather slow sellers most of the
time, while the tendency of values has
bsen steadily downward. At tho close of
the week cattle ot that description ore
unevenly lower and they naturally come
Into direct competition with the poorer
grades of corn-feds.
wnat nas Been said regarding beef
steers would apply equally well to the
market on cows and heifers, that Is. the
better grades of oow nturi have com.
manded good, firm prices thoughout the.
wbbk, wnue interior gross siock nas osen
gradually worklns lower. Veal calves
have been In very good domand and rre
350 higher than a week ago. Oood fat
bulls have been good steady sellers, but
prices are unevenly lower on common
grassy kinds.
Weather conditions having been more
favorable tha market on stock cattle and
feeders has been In a little better condi
tion this week, that Is the few cattle
coming have sold somewhat mora freely
and at a little higher prices. Aa a mat
ter of oourse the volume ot business has
been very narrow.
Quotations on cattloi Good to choice
beet steers, Sa.26tt-I0; 'sir to food best
steers, 37.tfOCS.I5; common to fair, beef
steers. $7.257.M; good to choice heifers,
l7.0WjW.0Q; good to choice cows. $6.0uCH.4;
fair to good grades, $5,25t.0); common
to fair grades, $3.60S,36j good to choloe
stockers and feeders, r7.Z(f7.7B; fair to
good stockers and feders, $6w57.25; com.
mon to fair stookers and fseders, $6,254)
6.76; stock cows and heifers, 4.00ii,W;
veal calves, $7.00310.00; bulls, stags, eta,
Representative sales:
Ko. At. Pr. M. AT. Pr.
1 110 7 TO 1... ........ 0 It 00
1 12S100g
HXQiS HclPfi amounted to about
111 cars, or 7,410 head, brlnglnu the week's
total up to 48,631 head. This is 6,500 head
short of last week, but a gain of over
4,000 head aa oompared with the corre
sponding week a year ago,
The trade opened In poor shape, being,
If anything, weaker than on any. other
day ot the week. The slumpy feellnn
spread to the shipping kinds today, and
purchases made on shipping and specula
tive account were anywhere from steady
to 60 lower, tops going only to $9.05, a
nickel below yesterday. First "bids mad
by packer buyers showed a decline ol
6&I60, and In spite of strong opposition
on tho part of salesmen they rolled to
show any Improvement the bulk ot tht
hogs finally selling at this decline, Most
ot the sales landed at a spread of $3.60
Towards tha close the market became
even weaker, and In the majority of
cases buyers stopped bidding' altogether
Suoh offers aa were made looked to be
all of a dime lower and trade had stopped
Later on In the morning packers went
around and picked up what hogs were
left at prices that were 10a lower. Sell
ers were rather slow in cutting loose and
It was nearly noon before tho lost sales
were made.
Taking the week as a whole the market
on tha pooktng grades has been In very
unsatisfactory shape. There has been a
oonslstenly downward movement In kill
ing kinds and while the average has. not
shown any sharp decline on any one day,
today's break puts the general market
about 20a lower than a week ago. Pack,
lng hogs are all of 26c lower, while the
better graded of light and butcher stufl
are very nearly steady with the close of
last week, the whole decline on these
kinds not amounting to more than a
shade to W In other words, anything
that could be used, by shippers and
epeoulators has held firm all week, while
there has boon a steady deellns In the
rougher end of the offerings.
M. At. Bh.Pr. yaj. At. Bh. rr.
14 141 ... 110 t Ill u Ml
II Bt 110 S II !.,,.. ..ttt 14 I II
42 .ut 11 in rr v im
m ,.tt ... 1 11 11., in 40 1 u
(!.,.. ,..tU ... IIT14 U IU ... Ill
M.......WI tt 11714 U 0 mi
1. HI ... 110 Tl Ill to 1 n 14
M IM Ml I 49 II 24 1W $ 47 U
ee e h hi ....,, .Ill ... ins
44,, 170 340 I It
11. ......Ill SO I to
47 Kl 114 t Tl
tl...... .Ill 114 t Tt
It lit ... lit
44 ... I 70
II Ml ... IT4
41 Ill M I TO
it in 114 t to
tt lit 14 I Tt
40 UO 140 I Te
Tl Ill 110 I TO
TO.., ....lit 114 I TO
12 W to i ei
tt.., I.. .124 119 I M
it m ... i to
II IM 14 t 40
Tt ,K4 114 I 14
II Ill 44 I 10
n tit to i to
41 171 40 t UH
M 141 VO t UVt TO 37 ... I Tt
II Ki ... l no
ho uv a
.114 114 I 7114
I ..lit IN IU (1.
I 217 34 I I! tt tit 40 I Tl
Tl 211 ... t It at 101 U lit
71 ..MS ... 144 tt lit IM IT1
II IM III IU IT.... ,..211 ... ITS
II tit tO I It It. .,..! ... Ill
79.. -...110 240 til 21.. 270 ... I Tt
II Ut II IU 40 144 41 I Tt
71 lit 40 t M It 114 41 I Tl
S I4T 110 IU 0.. lit 200 I Tt
ft...,. ..Ml It I a It Ill to I Tt
64 Ml 124 t It 71 144 124 I Tl
tt Ill 114 I II 60.. 144 40 I Tt
U Ill ... t It tl 110 140 t Tl
II ttt M I U TO Ml 110 t Tt
tt ttt 124 I tl tt OT tVO t Tl
II Ill ... I M Tt Ill 40 I Tl
II UT 00 t at Tt Ill 14 I TTU
II Ml 10 t II 77 211 ... ITTlt
14 ttt M IH TT Ut ... I TT14
14 11T 40 I It Tl tit 140 t to
II ,m ... I tt 104 117 It I to
10 117 ... I 41 44... ...-U4 ,., lit
44 ... .144 ... IU tt 142 ... tllH
TO..... . IM IM Tt 244 ... SIS
K ..... Ill M III 71 tat ... I It
II Hi 10 I H Tl X 1H IK
71. ...... HI N IN !..... ..IIS no 140
TT Ill M III 1I.......1M ... IK
11. .,.... IM IM II IU ... I te
IT Sta IH III T4. tit ... I M
41 241 14 I a Tl 114 M IH
U.......l4 ... IH Tl ttt 110 I H
II 114 130 I H Ml 40 t OS
to..,.,.. II ... t to
MlKEP As UMia. on u Bfttm-.y the
market was practically bar of both sheep
and lambs, there being nothing In sight
to really make a market The six cars
reported In the yards were consigned dl
reot to packers and not ottered for sale.
The week's receipts have been very lib
eral, showing a considerable gain over
last week and a small Increase over a
year ago.
Early In the week prloes broke sharply
on account of the large receipts, ana a
bad slump at eastern points, notably Chi
cago. LAter on as tt becamo apparent
that the demand on tho port of the local
packers was really very good and that
there were no more sheep or lambs com
ing than would be required to satisfy
them, the market took on a better tone
etui strengthened up very materially. At
the close ot the week lambs are about 25o
lower than at the close week, and about
25a higher than they were on Tuesday,
the low day this week. Sheep on the
other hand being In lighter supply than
lambs have not shown so much change,
but are fully as high as they were at
last week's close and possibly a llltlo
Taking the market at this point no a
whole, tt ran be truthfully sold Uiat the
trade has been In a good healthy condi
tion and as a rule very satisfactory to
the selling Interests. Packers undoubt
edly feel that fat stuff, especially lambs,
Is selling pretty high and there Is a dls
position everywhere on the part ot buy
ers to take advantago ot large reoelpts to
bear prices.
Feeding sheep and lambs have been In
fair demand throughout the week, that Is
buying orders have been about as numer
ous and about as large as could be ex
pected this earlv In tha season. Itncslnta
of that kind of stock have been light and
Just about equal to the demand, so that
prices on feeding sheep and lambs have
remained practically steady all tho week.
Quotations on sheep and lambsi Lambi,
good to choice, $7.86tOT,65! lambs, fair to
good, $.50tr726; lambs, culls, $S.O(ya.00:
lambs, feeders. $6.COJf3.60; yearlings, good
to choloe. S3.26ir4.00: yearllnt. fair to
good, $3.0006.26; yearlings, feeders, $1.26
o.w; wetners, goon to cnoioe, li.wxro.oo;
wethers, fair to good, $LOOIM.50; wethers,
feeders. $3.5CN,00: ewes, good to choice,
$4.1504.75: ewes, fair to good. tlKHK.5!
ewes, feeders, $2,75Cp3.S; cull sheep, $X0i
Ten Commnndmrnta for Ilrtdo nnd
Ten for DrldetTroom Kmmed
by Jan.
A marrying magistrate In New 'fork
attaches to the certificate! of union on
autograph copy of rules on "How to Be
Happy When Married." There or ten
rules for each party to tho union, 'as
Advice to tha Bride.
First Remember that In every day
there Is something to forgive and forget
Second Don't nas nor unduly tret your
Third Remember that when he comes
home from his day's work he la tired,
physically and mentally. That Is not
tho Umo to UU him of your household
and other dally cares,
ITourth PatlenUy wait until your hus
band has. had his evening meal and has
retted up a pit beforo you throw your
care and worries at him. Then his mind
will bo receptive to everything that a
teresU you.
Fifth-Have a smile (even It It Is a
forced one) for your husband's home
coming. Un will not forget that smile
(probably tha only one he saw all day)
when you need hi advice and counsel.
Remember that a cars is only half a
care when shared by another.
Sixth Be fair and reasonabla in your
treatment ot him and. meet his halt way.
You cannot always have your own way.
Seventh Remomber that you didn't
marry a paragon only a creature of the
molo species, one who has many faults
and lew virtues. Look at the former
with s kindly eye and a loving grace,
and psrslsUntly encourage the latter,
Endeavor at all times to suppress the
bod In him and bring out at every pos
sible opportunity all the good thero la
in hlch.
Eighth Remomber that your husband
Is ever working for and ever thinking
of you; that all his desires, his am
bltlons and his hopes are centered In
you therefore, don't bo Jealous.
Ninth Don't be extravagant Don't
spend mora than you con honestly at-
ford and always less than your hus
band earns. This will give you A sur
plus for tho Inevitable day ot mishap
or mlttortunti or unlooked-for contin
Tenth Lastly, be a good fellow your
selfyour husband's chum and eweet
heart Than your days will bo happy,
your nights reposeful and the end ot
your Ufa a glorious sunset
First Remember that the girl of your
choice Is human, and to err Is human
and that you're no saint yourself.
Second Remember that your best girl
Is a pock of nerves, and that you must
be patient If you would bo happy,
Third Don't think that because you
work i for this best girl, and glva her
your pay envelope on Saturday night
that therefore she has no right to an
opinion of her own, or that you own
her, body, soul and mind, for you don't
i Fourth Remember that she loves you,
and Is thinking only of you. She adorns
her person only to please you and wants
your admiration and praise,
Fifth Remember that she was brought
up In an atmosphere and environment
all her own, probably entirely different
from yours, and that It takes time for
her to adjust herself to your way of
thinking and doing.
Sixth It doesn't take much if any
effort to be gentle to a pretty young
wife. ' Remember that the test of your
good breeding Ilea In the after years,
when the no longer bos tho endearing
charms of youth. That Is the. time for
you to he the real bridegroom.
Seventh Remember that marriage puts
you on your best behavior always. Tou
can accomplish more, have your own
way oftener and make mors substantial
progress In your mutual happy relations
by kindness than by nagging.
Eighth Remember It is not the big
things you do for her, but the little
things that count Tou may leave a
standing order at your florist to send,
your wife and sweetheart her favorite
flowers, every day In the year at an
enormous cost Yet, If you personally
brought her ono blushing rose, she would
gladly forego tho florist order.
Ninth Don't come home with a
grouch, nor throw your 111 humors at
her; remember she has cores of her
own many physical cares that you aro
a stranger to. Leave your business tribu
lations downtown pull yourself together
when you aro going home.
Tenth Lastly, remember she Is your
rwlfe first last and always, and whether
she 1 right or wrong your wife. Never
forget that and defend her and her good
name against the world. New York
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
New (paper Advertising is tha Rdad to
Business Success.
Bank Embezzler Porocs Settlement
with His Victim.
Trusted" Employe Blades fliers tho
tor Eighteen Months, Makes ev
Fortune and Comes DsvedK
with rile.
Walter F. Bhourds. trusted employ
ot the Merchants Union Trust company,
of Philadelphia,' who robbed that bank,
of $1,400,000 In securities and $30,000 In
oash and who has been hunted by the
pollen, the Plnkertons and the Burns de
tectives, came Into court in Philadelphia,
on the Ith Inst, confessed his crime and
made restitution.
Judge Hall then ordered the bin ot
Indictment submitted and a verdlot of
not guilty taken. The case was dropped
because the officials ot the Institution
which was robbed pleaded that tt they
could not drop tho case and get their
stolen bonds back the bonk would tro
to the wall.
Bhourds gavo back all that he took
and $5,000 In addition as a sop for tha
Injured feelings of the bank directors,
George Durnham, Jr., one ot the offi
cials ot the Institution, spent $20,000 In
trying to apprehend Bhourds.
On September, 1S1L Bhourds, who was
the superintendent of the vaults ot tha
bank, disappeared. When the officials
went to their offices that day they could
not opon tho vaults, Bhourds was not
to be found. He was sent for. His
wife sent back word that he was not ta
tha house. Experts wer engaged to
open the safes and the bank began tho
day's business with money from other
Institutions. An Investigation showed
that $30,000 In cash was gone, and a
few days later It was dtsconrered that
bonds to the extent ot $1, 400.000, almost
all of them negotiable, had been stolen
Shonrds Blades Dertt,i-ve8.
rinkerton men wero enjrd andi
every port on the Atlantlo was guarded
but Bhourds slipped through. In Tarv
uary he was Indicted and the Burns
agenoy was called Into the case.
News of the theft was suppressed
because a run on the bank was feared.
Tho New York papers cava the first
Indication to the general publlo that a
big theft hod been committed. Otttolata
ot the bank were arraslvo and otUd that
Shourd's stealing were not as hi s
About a year ago advertisements ap
peared in the Parts, Now Tork and local
papers which told Mrs. Bhourds where
her husband might bo found and nego-.
tlntlons wero begun for tho return ofs
tho securities according to plana which
Bhourds Indicated In his advertisements.
A representative ot ihe Bums agenoy
went abroad to see Bhourds, but tha
latter did not trust him and the deal watt
called oft. Later Bhourds took up tha
matter with ex-Dtstrlct Attorney Ja
roms of Now York, Jerome then conn
tnunleaUd with the Kdladelpfata au
It was arranged that K BtMrurds
should make restitution ha would not
bo prosecuted. In all his dealing h
demanded that no stain should attaolt
to his record and that the Indictment
be quashed before he would saaka vaeaX
the thefts.
Bhourds was assured by Jerome thai
ho had put the deal through. Still tha
fugitive doubted tt and feared that ho
was being doubly dealt with. K stun
to thts country and landed ta Mew
York, where he was met by his wife
Jerome and a Burns reprasentatlvw.
Half Ills Loot In aenwanyv
Suspicious to tho last that ha wtut not"
being dealt with fairly, Bhourds cam
home with only half tho loot Ho ernH-
Ingty told tho lawyers who ogreed to met
htm that ha did not trust them and that
he had salted half tho theft in Otonouy.
When they hod convlnosd htm thst ha
would not be prosecuted Bhourds went
back to Germany with a Burns nan aud
got the balance ot tho money. After hta
second return Bhourds still rotainea tha
halt of his loot which ho had gens ta
Germany to get, and tho bank felled ta
make him gtv it up until he was treodi
of the charge against him.
District Attorney Rotan told tho court
just how tho offlolsia of the bonk wer
at the mercy of Bhourds. If they did not;
accept his offer they would bars to close.
Mr. Rotan said, and they asked htm to
condone the compounding ot tho felony.
He said that ho would do so only wits
the permission of the court. The attori
ney general then sold that the barvldnsj
department would consent to the cast)
being dropped It tho court approved,
Dlstrlot Attorney Rotan bad each ot
the offloors ot tho bank say that they;
wanted to havs Bhourds declared not
guilty. Bhourds was told to stand up M
that the court could see that ha watt
The court remarked that it did not sea
how It couhl do otherwiss, in view oS
the fact that the safety ot the hank, Its
depositors and shareholders was at stake,
and the Jury was ordered to find a Ten
diet of not guilty. When the verdict bad
been recorded Bhourds handed a bundle
to Mr. Lewis, who found tho balance ol
the missing bonds and stocks in IU
Shourds alto gave tho extra $8,009 to thsj
bank's attorney.
Bhourds used the stolen money in trpeot
ulatlon abroad, tt ts said, and has mads
a fortune. It Is hinted that he ts really
now worth more money than he handed
back. When ha left Philadelphia ha went
to Son Francisco and from there across
the Paciflo to Australia, thea to Europe,
lie appeared at ease In court When tha
proceedings were over he bowed to tha
man whom he had accommodated and!
left the court room with his wife.-Nawt
York Bun. .
A California Revivot
Tho Korean apricot pickers wero at
their chosen task when a California,
vigilance committee dropped arour.d.
"You Jo' mosey outen this." sold tho
leader In the customary lingo. "Thero
ain't no place for you 'round this hyan
camp, an' th' sooner you pull your stak
Inge th better for you."
The spokesman of the Koreans remov4
his cigar box hat
"We get your meaning," he sold In
gentle tones. "But pardon rno. wo
though all this sort of thing had passed
out with the 9ers and the sand Iota and
Bret Horte."
Th. vlxllante brought to view an al&
and dlnsy rone.
"Bame oia row um (ivwisu, "vtj
So the gentle Koreans gotOtf7lari4
Plain Pooler.
"Hot an Experiment,"
sazr to
h. POEHLER co.
Established liSd.
"Sand for Bally Market Xttr.