Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1913, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4-C, Image 24

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RKKD Abttract Co., oldest abstract ot
flce In Nebraska, tot Brandels Theater.
See C L. Ntthaway, local ngt Flor. ITS,
Ono and Ono-Half Acroa
In Florence on Paved Road
nich. sitrhtlr location, within ten
minutes' walk to car line; mostly uit
a.t..v..... .......a-1..., .1. I.t. . a....
rrult; XXQ cat-h, UUO per month. Includ
ing Interest, $l.ffi0.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ltl( Harney fit
Onlr one mile from Demon, on the
pared road, a well Improved tract, all in
rop, with good house, barn and out
buildings. Can be bought very cheap.
Onlr $1,800 cah, balance annually.
"Ware lilk. Douglas 178L
3U acres located about 2 mile north of
cur on main road, improvm witn good
(rrotn house, good cava cellar and good
well! all kinds of outbuildings, such aa
are necessary ror a place or tnisxina.
located In neighborhood as above, ini-
proved witn fr-room nous, soon earn,
care cellar, well, cistern, windmill, some
fruit Owner going blind and anxious to
Mil. It Is worth the price, $2,7K.
irons) real, estate co
ICS Pearl Bt. Council Dluffs. la.
South front lot on Briggs' paved road,
d blocks west of Calhoun paved rood. 16
minutes' walk from street car. (lood $
room oottags, poultry houm, wsgon shed,
etc. 1U acre In alfalfa running; water
In pasture; bearing fruit trees, nepora-
fus, eta, pie plan and berry bushes,
arty on premises will be glad to show
plaoo. ImnMdiata possession. I'hono Flor.
no BL
MT BSAUT1VUL home, one of the
flruart finished bungalows in the city; a
Me walking; distance from the new
cathedral. Phone liar or call at 1425
Dundee House at a
Reasonable Price
$5,100 for well built, 7-room, 3-story
tiouM In Dundee on California St, near
Sloppy Hollow circle: house finished In
oak and birch; laundry tubs In basement
rrhis nous is only one block from car
Tine on paved street Is practically new
uj1 has all the conveniences of a larger
Ixnisa, such as sleeping: porch, etc
George & Company
.Phone D. 7ft. 03-12 CUy Nat Hank Bldg.
Near Brownell Hall
$4,000 Home for
S rooms nil modem: four nice rooms,
frith mantle and, fireplace, on the first
floor, with four rooms and bath on the
second floor: good furnace, south front
shade, fruit and good barn: one block to
car; ten minutes' walk to Union depot i
pear three churches and three schools.
Brandos Theater Bids;., Qraund Floor,
& W. Cor. 17th nnd Douglas Sts.
Phone Douglas wis.
ops a Saturday evenlruri until 9
A dandy C-room house, finished in oak,
that cost the owner over 13.000, but Is
oumpellcd to sell at this time and will
make this sacrifice to set some money.
Jt you aro looking for a snap, call W.
'Brandels Theater Dido;., around Floor,
8, W. Cor. 17th and Don Bias QU.
Phono Douglas WIS.
Open Saturday evenings until o'clock.
24th and Fort,
Six Rooms
Mixism except heat , and practically
?nw. Owner leaving city next Friday,
louse will be hold before that tlms. IiOt
POxiao. One block from car. Snap.
Armstrong-Walsh Co,
Tyler 1S3S. tlO-11-H State Uank lildg.
Largo, Modern Houso
X15 CMcaso St, uui 17 rooms .Includ
ing basement: combination gas and eleo
trla tights throug6utj dstern connected
with laundry: good barn: front drlvhway,
konorete walks: pevved atreet Prion.
S7,oeo. Do not disturb tenant. If Intereatea
fsea TV.. IL, Griffith. 3S Chicago Ht
Two Dundco Lots
1 $975 Eaoh -
XoeateA on Ntrholos St. betwesn 6ftth
tnd SlaL onn at the most slrhtlv locsilons
In Dtt&dA. ZxU are about three feet
hove fn, just enough to make a nloa
terrace, lias city water, sewsr, cement
!d walks and asphalt paved atreet
tTheee lots should be worth l,ttO to U.W0
afc in k very short time. Can arrange
tm !
HAsTTPWg eVi aBTPiaN. lUi Harney 8t
''KMna lot (tells), rood water. eleo
trta llaita. cellar, storm windows and
ofriB ytM all fenced, walks In yard.
located high and sightly in north part
or city, 'wo more 101a may v naa aa.
4oislc for 40a
ttMB BrsndeU Thsattr Bids;,
' t!v6 rjoina and bth. large attlo, all
CoortjJ, full cehient -bATi.eiiL hot watni
tittt, flne yard and hedg fence. This
b bargain at f.TC0, coll ua up for an
. I10-S13 BrwvUSs Theater Bldg.
West Farnam
8om kt oae end. leaving corner ra
feast, room for double flat or fine home.
.fSreund totals C4xU4, high ground, both
otita tiaved. House has 6-r. down and
p. Seet both, lavatory and launndry
reoms. Owner here for a few days and
xaau oner.
1M Omaha. Nat't Doug. STU.
Today jj sss or . uh.
Hanscom Park
8 Rooms $5,500
This la considered the best value In the
Ulansocsn park and Crrtghton's First
addition dUtrlct A BubsutnUal house,
veil nlanned. weir looaled. faclnir on the
boulevard, one block to car line; four
Kooa Dcarooma ana large steeping porch,
uytng room, dining room, kitchen and
sen on first floor. Hot water heat Oak
floors and hardwood finish throurhout.
atottse rented this week, if not eold, and
U price has been cut to move it quick.
We have also a vacant lot in the same
dtetriat faetnc en t&e boulevard, paving
taxes all paid, at IMH. Owner la a non
resident sjkS anxous to selL Similar lot
ia same puck just eout at fi,
Gbver & Spain
HMO CUy Nat Mk. B.Jr. Doug. 3Mt
CUEAR lot ta trade for ami)! Cuixn.
fr autewoMie, Ford preferred. What
juu v 1 u Jii. wee."
eeillng. Must tlt A barpUn.
OroalJ Kw-h. at L&kt OkoboJL Inqulru
J 'K V T Ua.ls4ii Ult U.4-.M a
w m ' ft mffMVnf ma jfTiJCUVaf m
city rnurnnty for sale.
This fine 9-room resldcnco. First floor
finished In selected grim wood; paneled
wainscoting and cornice, lares living
room. Second floor finished in white i
enamel, with rnahoeanv doors. House !
has $ sleeping rooms 3 baths, besides
extra toilet and lavatory. Jurt finished
and is of the best class of construction,
can't'lbe better built "Will consider a
good'flmllillng lot In part payment
ed. o. iiAinivroN,
24th and Farnam. Doutr. 8&M.
Stop Paying Rent
zhi nuuTll 5TJi AVH,, OPEN
Thm hnrti fa full n.u.
modern oak finish on first floor, pine
nun niupio noors upstairs, has larjo
llVlnff room 2x11., rnllnailA nllanlr. fmM
dlnlnir room, with window seat and plate
rail. nnt Amn n, laulnw nMM U . .
kllchsn and refrlserator room front and
w Binirs, inrsa gooa uearooms lour
PI Aurtt ,Mn A(1 fr, .l..nlni. n m .t
tiled bath on second floor, easy stairway
u nioreroom in aitio, mu cement base
ment with celler drain, cement walks and
screens. Price W,7W lar lot CiOxliO.
Come out today and see this nice little
hntn anrl ft , ( fir VA, frt K. mm
by appointment any time. For more In-
loriiimion, .'none iiamey bivx
New 6-Room House
27th and Bristol Sts.
Just oomnlatad a bvatitlftit lUmnm .11
modern home at 1707 Dristol St.; oalc fin
ish In living room and dlnlnir room: (rood
jued bed rooms: tiled floor In bath room:
lot UxlO. Everythlntr complete nnd
ready for occupancy August 1, 191. 700
cnah and Vfi per month.
The Byron Reed Ca
Phone Doug-. 131.
ilt So. 17th.
See These Houses
Hanscom Park
ings on 33d, between Fronds and Martha
8th Tuko a look at them while they arc
under construction and see how they are
bslnp built Each house, exoept the
south ono, will have fireplace. All have
sleepin porch c. full basemtnts, with
press brick foundations, tiled floors In
bath rooms! in fact, overythlns; will be
the very best throughout
Dunnor particulars at our oiiic.
DourIAs 1009. 907 McCasu Dldtr.
$150 Cash
Balanfte MS tier month, bum a new alt
mcdem 6-room, nlftv bungalow, Ixvrva
lot, 2 blocks from 24th Bt, car line.
m Brandels tlldjr. D. DOGS.
Choice Dundee Lot
on Capitol Ave., second lot west of 48th
Htt one block from car line; choice rest
aenco amnct. trnr quick saas jo,iw( up-
erai torms. i' nones; oougios 117; name,
lUrney 3108.
SIS Hoard of Trade Bide.
West Farnam
Vacant 100x135
...... . T. A
beautiful building slro for a comparative
close In residence. Must be sold to settle
Armstrong-Walsh Co,
Tyler ltM. XKMH4 state Bank- Blflg.
Good Dundee
K Krtft tfrtf wAll Kttllf f.fnnm C.lftsw
viw t " evt v cawweee, srivvij
houi In Dundee on California St, near
Happy Hollow circle. House finished In
oak and birch; laundry tube in base
ment This house is only ono block
from car Una and pavsd street Is praa
uctuiy new iuiu nas au me conveniences
of a larger house, such an sleeping porch,
George & Company
UVM aty Nat oak lflg. Doug.
Choice Field Club
Home on Easy
Terms 82 Paclflo street I rooms, sleeping
porch, new fend up-to-date, built for
home, owner leaving city, an opportunity
tc let sightly home cheap.
R. H. Landervou
Tel P. an. m Stats Bank Bldg.
A man with a little ambition can easily
make hi entire living during his spare
time, night and morning, by raising gar
den and chickens. We have a splendid
chance for someone now. It' a nice S
room cottage with electrlo lights, a hew
3-story bam and chicken house, 73 fruit
Plenty of grapes, and tho location
la fine, being one and & half acres on the
southwest comer et Jth and Curtis Ave,,
high and sightly and dirt ,ohp at USCO.
Very easy terms. Immediate possession.
Ware Blk. Douglas ITSt
$7,000 Will Buy
Comer. 0xl ft, all paving paid. In
the booming district, 37tl and Douglas,
with three houses.
.5;et03r 2 modern e-rvwn flat, rent
1 040 per year.
. , 13.660 WILL ROT
I t-room i modem cottages, rents )K0
per year. Walking (Uetanmriot
4U Bee Bldg. Douglas 8087.
WANTKD-Acrea, ripe for subdivision
or Inactive well located subdivisions in
any good city or town in the U. 8. Will
buy of or sell for th owner. Must
u Pfate Price. No townsltea consid
ered. Nine years experience. Over 12,000
,ot"-.??,A.Y,,n cur JPcil aelllng plant
TM First National Bank, bldg.,
Chicago. lit
A practically new 9-room house at 1903
ri,lr?p Btta offered for quick sale ror
1100 leas than cost Tills Is one of the
most complete and expensively built
houses In the city, equipped with every
convenience to be foynd. We want an
offer Call us up for an appointment
Poug. ITU. Ware Blk.
Wxin ft. 4th and Burt; price, tW: worth
much more than this now; resident says
sell by Monday.
839 Omaha Nat'l Bank.
Phones: R. 6M. Bundiy, Web. 6Ct
wood The new addition located between 42d
and 45th etreets. between Dinner and
Spencer streets (Wirt street running
through the center of the addition) where
rou can buy
Choice Building
From $450 to $650
$10 Down
$10 a Month
Cement walks, city water and gas al
ready In. Seven new houses nearly all
completed, and most of them already
sold, Tha -44th street car line to the deaf
institute passes this addition; also paved
street Tou will find there prices much
lower than other lots aro selling for In
the same locality. Don't put off going
out to look over thU new addition and
select one or more lots.
Hastings & Heyden
. ttli Harney St.
West Farnam
Stucco Residence
Look at it today. Southwest lot tflh
and Dodge. Built by contractor for' a
home, but put on the market for quick
sale. Ideal arrangement, best materials
that money con buy, tiled vestibule, large
living room with brick fireplace, sun par
lor, dsn or library, dining room, butler's
pantry, and kitchen on first floor:
; tnree
bedrooms, enclosed Meenlno
porch and tiled bath on tecond floor: full
length mirrors In bedrooms, pedestal lava
tory in oainroom, first iioor nas iinest
of quarter-sawed oak woodwork and
floors; beamed ceilings and panelled
walla; second floor is finished In birch
and white enamel) hard maple floors;
lot wilt ba brought to grade and sodded;
cement drive and walks; garage In rear.
One block from West Farnam car. See
ui for further particulars.
Armstrong-Walsh Co,
Tyler 1534. 110-12-1. State Bank Bldg.
Glondalo Lots
$200, $225, $275 and $300
The best values offered so close to car
line. None over one block from paved
street and car line. Qlendale addition Is
located near Florence along the Forest
Lawn car line, flvo blocks west of Main
Ht. The terms are IS DOWN and 13 A
Special Inducement offered to parties
buying two or more tots.
5 Acres
Good House
Two blocks from car line. House only
S years old. Full basement. Fine well ot
water. Can make terms. Price only 13,600.
423 Bee Bldg, Phone Douglas 4754.
Cathedral District
Hot Water Heat
Eight rooms and bath, finished In best
of quarter-sawed oak. with every modern
convenience, brick fireplace, soft water
forced nil over the house by hydraulic
ram; only four years old; built by pres
ent owner for a home, and one of the big
gest bargains ever offered In the dlstrtat
for the money, Full lot; garage; paved
street, Terms.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1W8. tl0-lM4 State Bank Bldg.
For Sale or
A beautiful fc-room all modern house
with oak finish and oak floors belaw,
orexon fir finish and mania floors on
second story, tiled bath room, combina
tion hot air and hot water heat, full east
front lot, Wxiw, paved street ana cement
sidewalks. This is one ot tne most dosu
tlful homes In the city, only (Vfc years
old. Price 1 13. tOO. Title perfect Leased to
May J. mi. nut can d given eu tiayn-
notioe. owner wants a smaller nome or
good farm.
Phone Doug. C50. 1003 Farnam St.
4-roctn cottage, large bam, chicken
house, wltbj U aoro all In fruit Price re
duced to H.too; JoCO cash, balance monthly.
0-room house, ica near Leavenworin,
with 3 larre lots. good, barn, chicken
house. Reduced to $3,MX: tlOO cosh.
4-room house, large barn, chicken house,
at 62d ahd Evans Bta., 9 blocks from car
6-room house, large lot, JT07 Corby fit
Snap. JW cash, bolanco monthly.
u Koroacn mix. iougins owi.-
S1.400. Koo cash and $15 per month, buys
ft.wvnm mtliv. anil flnA hllfh Int.
ot block of Ave. U schqol. The house
renis sieaauy lor ir inguui, wiu
a good Investment or comfortable home.
A place as good and as convenient In
have other bargains, too. Lot us show
106 Pearl Bt. Council Bluffs. la.
EOxlI - fS2
50x124 M0
xU -
KorlSS 1.409
eoxi Ms?
T6X1S5 .4W
ii Board of Trade Bldg.
PAINTERS fiee advertisement under
"Wanted, Malo Help- in tnis paper.'
2238 Ohio Street
$500 CaBh-435 a Month
Incluclinff Interest
House has seven rooms, all newly pa
pered throughout; has gas, electrlo light
city water, sewer, new iumace, suuu vei
tar. Ta now vacant ready to move into.
HASTINGS & HBYDSN, 1811 Harney 8f
Kountze Place
Kew, modern bungalow, 11.00) cash, bal
ance easy payments. Call owner, fiat
C-ROOM bungalow, oak finish In living
rooms; strictly moaern. z.ww; wwi. down.
Brand new. AMOS GRANT, Doug. I3S0.
tU Brandels Theater uiag
von. HALR broom bungalow. 9th and
Spencer. Apply owner, 41w it. SSth Af.
'flee, uJL'
free at our oince; two stamps oy mail.
Charles B. Williamson Co.. Real Estate.
Insurance, care of property. Omaha. Also
Omana ueorsoQK, vest pocue sisc
7-ROOSt fully modem Benson home, well
locaiea; etose a car; is oiiervu v.- -owner
at a very attractive price, Tel
Benson low.'
N. K. comer Pork Ave. and Jaekaon.
ftxHSu Paring all nald. Beet offer buys It
CV B, Mooer, Owner, Apt 7, The Harold.
TUB best fruit land in the state, suited
to general farming. Opportunity for the
homeseeker. stockman, poultryman, dairy
man and truck farmer. located on Iron
Mountain and Rock Island railroads, be
tween Hot Springs and Little Roek. Di
rect lines to Memphis, Kansas City. 8t.
Ixiuls, Chicago. Write J. E. Darker, 712
First Naf 1 Rank Bldg., Chicago.
i allfiirulu.
CALIFORNIA land to exchange. W. T.
Smith Co.. lie City Nat bank.
FORNIA: cool summers i worm winters.
Tear round exposition, 191C. Write today.
Bldg., Han Diego, Cat.
COLORADO land 7 miles from Den
ver: 15 feet to water. Quarter or half
section, JiO acre. B. B. Qoodale, Falaclos,
Florida the wonderful produces 00 per
acre net The richest land In the world.
113 per month buys ten acres. Free
booklet telling all. Reliable agents
wanted. The. Indian River Farms Com
pany. Suite d, Putnam Building, Daven
port la.
Five mites of Council Bluffs. A good
farm, too: 90 acres suitable for cultiva
tion: C acres alfalfa; small house: plenty
barns, sheds, etc.: tine orchard and vine
yard, about two acres each. Plenty of
farms of less value have sold for HW per
acre. You only have to nee It to ba sat
isfied. It is cheap at $100 per acre. Let
us drive you out to see It.
IK Pearl St, Council Bluffs.
BIO onentng Valler. Montana.
I: more lands thrown open for settlement
under the Corey act; only six miles from
vaiieri no sage orusn or stumps: the
best chance In the west for a choice Irri
gated farm: come and select a tract, you
have fifteen years to pay for It Sea our
wonderful grain crops In harvest season.
Write Valler Farm Sales company, Box
1034. VaUer, Montana.
We are owners of n. lnrttn hlnrU nf -vi-
lowstone county .Montana, farm land
and are prepared to offer same on clooo
Prices In tracts of 820 to 10,000 acres. Cor
respondence Invited. If Interested, pros
pective purchasers will ba shown thn i.n.l.
J)anaher-Holton Co., 1302 Plymouth Bldg.,
GET 1,000 ACRES.
I.fMA l .ninnth vnllf Tt.t.U
"-""..- i nuiw. VUUIC J1UW UUU
An th. i A , .n t ,1 .1.1. ,... t....
seen. Throo miles from one railroad sta-
nun, iuur uuu a nan miiea irom an-
About too acres will be seeded to winter
wheat There are Hi acres of good alfalfa.
Telephone line Into the house, of which
Ati&.ihl,H n-.w !...... .. i . 1. .
place. There are two small houses, a
new born and well, living spring on
northeast corner and Judith river touches
south 40 acres. Spring in the center ot
the land. There Is an lea house and tool
uuujte. xi is lenceu. J.IU8 iana win pro
duce 40 bushels of winter wheat, splendid
n I fa t A nuts and rt t . stnm
and water Just delightful Come now.
Jf'or fuller pamcuiurn seu o write Wm.
H. Brown U0., 6 N. La Salle St, Chicago,
iii., or iiooson, Mont Low oxcursion
rates Tuesday.
New York.
FAiukuaaa oNiiY.
Boctors, Mwyera. uioivnuuis. nreauhors.
widows not wumou on our oxowa.on u
ivr xorx Lanus july D.
'Alio xieoiuJtKa jiVnueis' Excursion to
Wesuru xnw Korn iurm laud?, wnich
leaves vl tna NuriliWxaieru at. il p, in.
l'uaa, Juiy Si, j,.rMjiU mi uppuriuouy
whiun you, Air. frurRfta rarmer, nouia
nut tali to feiusii, ittiiitiabKi', tliiS is on
excumoik for lormeis only. No aoctors,
Uiwyers, merchanut, preacners or w.uows
are watitixi.
'Ihu ftM Vork. farmer, because of prox
imity to tbo greatest, iiuuttet for lanu
yrouuets in tne country, ana becausu Of
larger u venule jieiu per acre, nets uu
the average tu.oul flu iiwro tor his crop
than the. eurusku fanner, X'hats tl.i.00
a year ott loo act is.
Could you inakd use vt that extra
unit witn us ana see now he uooj it.
Come and soo the tlueiy Improved furras,
tJie wonucrtui orcuuras, tne tieius ot
Wheat, nitalta and clover which inun in
tne middle west have classod as being
as fine as any they have over seen.
uomi ana see uiq lanu wnicn w lower
In price titan land lit the middle west,
soiling from JC5 to $in per acre, with an
these Improvementg.
Here are a few of the farms that the
excursionists will see In Weetem New
York! ...
A Peach ot a Place" 1M acres, nnoiy
Improved, only F9 per aero, 1U4:
near two cities, Waterloo and
Geneva; well arranged 14 room
house: three oorna; three weiU:
divorslty ot crops grown;' 1,10j
peitoh trees already planted.
Neighbor received J.',iw for peocb
crop from tlfty acres lu one year.
Reasonable terms.
"Lake View Farm" 120.93 acres," all Jd
cultivation except l acres oi pas
ture; fUO per acre, $13,300: 12-room
house and barua that could not be
reproduced for Ice than f'.W, full
bearing live-acre upplo oi chard
and many young fruit trees; soil
so fertile that It prouuee bigger
crops every year Uutu tho but
land In tha middle west avomges;
situated west shoie of beauttrul
Cayuga Lake; near three towns,
Oood terms.
Form No. tt-l afires, XJiW pox acre.
14,700. two siiuui ronns tnrown
Into one, with two sets of im
provements, each consisting of
houie and barns; natural dralnago,
stream runs turough . land: six
acres of pasture und four of acq
ond growth timber; surrounded by
other good farms; hulf-mlle from
Farm No. 221-137 acres, $70 per acre.
J'J,OU uK uorgoin, in miuai ot
region ot forms of great fertility;
good land, though a little rolling;
live-acre orchard: twenty acres
wood nnd pasture; cobblestone
house that would cast ti.COO today;
three barns; only one mile from
church and school,
Farm No. 217-13 acres, SO per acre.
J10.8S0, Oood Boll, only partly
tilled; eight-room house, two
barns. Big snap for active former,
writs fnr nui- rJreular. 'The Man From
Nebraska," and learn what he says about
New yoTK ronns. it you win o huio
this trip with uo we must know at once,
to make slenlng car reservatlona.
Fifteenth and Farnam Bt.
Omaha, Neb.
cation from the CUy National Bank Bldg.
or umana to tne mr
U at., South Omaha. Neb., where we
will continue to make tt specialty- of sell
ing farms near Omaha, and acreage.
We also write fire and tornado Insurance.
In making this change we feel as
though we are nearer tha farmer and
nearer the farms and that the change is
for the better.
Wt wish to thank our many patrons
and friends for the good business we
have already done and we trust we will
continue to hold their custom and esteem
and that we will serve them In the fu
ture as conscientiously and judiciously as
In the past.
Tours for good business.
FOUND 3-acre homestead In settled
neighborhood. Fine farm l-nd, no said
hills. Coat you $175, filing fees and all
J. A. Tracy. KlmbaU. Neb,
430 acre In Dawson county. Nebraska,
close to the Union Padflo railroad, be
tween Lexington and Overton, six miles
from Overton; .good soil and a real map
at lit per acre. For particulars address
Farms. 43$ Bee Bldg., Omaha. Nob.
9 on tit Dakota.
FOR SALP-IGO acres, 114 miles Interior.
8. D. : good level land: purchaser assume
$490 mortgage. Price $1,230. Consider good
trade. K. Bowles. ai Ave. U., Council
Btutio, Ja.
In Custer county, Neb., 490 acres. 240 In
crops and alfalfa, well. Improved, good
crops; Ilt an acre; good terms.
400-aore good Wood river valley farm,
right close to Oconto, TX) In crops and
alfalfa, fair Improvements, good crops,
$i0 an acre. Terms.
100-Rcro fine Wood rivet valley farm,
nearly all In crops and alfalfa, close to
Kearney; worth $100 an acre, price, $14,000.
314-acre Platte valley farm, close to tho
town ot Paxton. 100 aores alfalfa, 100
acres com, good Improvements, $12,600.
to-acre Richardson county farm, 40
acres commercial apple orchard, apples
sold last year for 1 1, COO on trees. Im
proved and Joins good town, $12,000; 111
carry $8,000 at 6 per cent Interest The
above are all bargains. W. W. Mitchell,
Agent, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
We are owners of a TOO-acre, three-year-old
commercial apple orchard, located In
Douglas county, Oregon, non-Irrigated
and In high stats of cultivation. Will
sell It In 100-acra tracts or multiples
thereof to responsible parties desiring a
first class retail proposition. Detailed In
formation and terms furnished. SUnny
dale Orchard Company, 1303 Plymouth
Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
acres near Triangle Lake, Lane county,
Oregon. Heavy stand of thrifty, high
grade Douglas fir. Expert estimate
shows six million feet saw timber, also
valuable cedar piling. To effect um
mer sale will take $4,600 Incunlve of land,
title perfect. As good an Investment at
this price as were the old timber claims
our fathers .made their start with. If In
terested every facility for a searching
Investigation will be placed at your dis
posal or the tract shown you.
Eugene, Oregon.
S60 acres; half million feet timber; oil
prospects: fruit land; abundant rain; $4
per acre; terms. Cornelius St Co., Hast
ings, Neb.
SECTION well Improved Swisher Co.,
Texas, exchange for Iowa or Nebraska
Improved farm; will onsume. A. T.
Guthrie. Newton, la.
TEXAS school lands $UM to $3 acre;
l-40th down, balance forty years; Infor
mation ana Texas map free. Journal
Pub. Co., Houston, Tex.
acres truck and fruit land, fenced; twenty
miles north of Galveston, Government
shell road. One mile of Arcadia, Santa
Fe Ry. 48 Inches annual rainfall. Forty
acres grass. Fifty acres In cultivation.
6,000 3-year-old Satuma orange trees In
nursery: will sacrifice at $100 per aero.
Reason for selling, need money In busi
ness deal. John fl. Dodson, owner. 707
Slaughter Bldg., Dallas, Ttx.
16-FOOT solid oak wall case, cheap.
808 N. 16th.
tLGOO SECURED by first mortgage on
new bungalow and two lots, total value
$3,7S0 Address L 231. Bee.
WATCPTriTitiHi.tnw new. fl-r.. Wnat
Farnam district, j. is. anitzor, u. zivu
snip live oiuun iv jvi u.ii uiiibiihi ..,
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and Careful atten
t-. ..... . . . 1 . .A U m i . t. m n V. r I ' a
Lire Stock Canuulaslon Merchants.
MARTIN BROS, tt CO.. Exchange Bldg.
UNION STATION Tenth. c Mason.
Union Paclfl
Depart Arrlvt.
......a I:v0 am a Rt9 pm
OTsrtaod Limited .,
CalUorola Mill .....
Atlifitle ExDraas .i
...a 4:S9 pa
a t:!9 pm
a :l am
atl:0O pm
all:4S am
a 7:00 au
a 4:M pa
a -. .......
bus Aonm wim,,- ,.---
. a...,. I a f.M am
....... .aii;M in
Colortao ipeUl 1!:01 am
Colorado Exprta a 4:20 pa
Baa Fraa. UtalUd a fill am
Paclfl lalmllM ii .i.i uiih mm
Ortron-Wnbloiton Llmltid alstSam
North ristte Utcal a 1:11 m
na-Mrf l,l.nn r il a .SOBm
a 7:1S pm
a 1:24 pra
a :4S pm
al0:l0 am
b 1:10 pm
Blromtburg Local ttl:tl pm
Rock. lalnud & Pacific
Roekr Menatiia LlmttX ."... : am
SlOill pra
a :40 pm
a 1:0 pra
all ill pm
a s:M am
Cnlcaco x-ocai irata. m
Cblcago Day Eiprwi .......a :! am
Chlcmso Nlsht Kxprctf a4:lpm
l)i Molnr tocl Pus. a 4iK pm
CMcaio-Nob. Umltod ......a l:W pm
Chlo(0-Nb. Ua U Lt
csiu a i:U am
a :47 pm
a 4:00 pm
:IT am
Colo, tad Cat.' Expraai a 1:11 pm
Okla. & Tuu EzprM a 4:11pm
noekr Mounttla '-lotted
f in ..Kiiiif DDI
Mlasotirl Paclfl
It. tt & Bt. L. Exp.
K. a A Bt. It. Kip...
K. C A St. Pal
,..,,,a 1:00 m
..... .tilill pm
11:10 aa
a till an
a 1:11 pm
1:10 pm
Omiaa-St. Loula Sip aj:Mpa
Uall and lUpra
Btiobcrrr Local from C B.)l ;M pm
Illlnots Curi
Cklto Umlttd ............. ,s l:M pm
Chiein UiDrtaa .al:Masu
a 1:15 am
all:ll pm
bll:lS am
a 1:14 aa
a 1:1. pm
riiinairo. MllTTnnkee tit St. I'aal
Pidtlo Llmltod a 7;I0 pm 13:11 4a
Chlcaso Bpeolal ...a O0 pm
CallUrnla Mall ......a :U pm
Chtcaio Uayllikt SpacUl t7:2Jim
M.nllia Local a .'.II ra
J',rc7 Local ...... 4:10 am
Cliluailiu Jt NortUweatern
Twla CUT Eaprtw ...a 7:44 am
IHkota Puianter t :il am
Bloua CUy Local a titi pm
Mloaaapolla Kipreaa ,..a T'.M pm
...... I . r. FU . .. B 7tjA a,n
:ll ta
1:11 pm
li:4i pa
U:4i pm
IliM am
all: IS pm
a 1:11 am
a i;U pm
allllO ata
1)14:34 pm
Tata CUr LuolUd ...allttipm striata
DaTtr kplal a 1:0b am a I;l0 am
Cairoll Lx . .WW am a 4:00 pm
lUkro Eipreaa .!:4? P
Chloaco Local all: IS pm a lilt pa
Carroll local ..... . 4:W pm al:0 am
Calcaso SVoUl. aeiNprn. tl:la
Ota yraoclaco Limited a4:llpm a 1:11 am
Otailaad Llmitad a :o pai a T:I0 am
Orason-Waahiaitoa Limited. .a : pm all:i ta
Loa Aotclc Llmllol alt:ll tun allit aa
Chadroa Local . al:Wja
linedlifPallaa ......a l:oil aa atittpa
Oacola-lxiK no a 1:11pm alOUipm
. . ..I ......I., a. .1K.ln K , .u .
J ,IU.'y.V,l'". .... -.. , a, ..W Ua
Ucatmoa-llo', sprtost a 1:14 pat al:Hpm
Tvla -1tl CxproM .....a 7:11 am. al0:pm
Caapar-Landar ....a:Upm al:Maa
Alblea-Oakdaia b 1:10 pa b 1:14 pm
Chlcotfo Urcat Weatcra
Tvla CUT l--oltd a I ill pa a 1:11 am
Twin CUT gapraaa, a 1:44 an a:lo pm
Oleosa Bpt a t:N pm a I:M pa
Barltnutoa -
tMnnr Mmitod
IMstw ft California
i-uxtt Tound Xiprtaa
Hafcuaka ratau
mack Utile..
.a (Ml am
i.a,4sU pm
..a 4:10pm
a l:ft(m
a 1:10(0.
a litlpm
a l:u pa
a :14 pm
a !: pm
all: it pa
a f !C4 ,1.
...a a; j. aa
...a 4:10 pm
...b 1:14 pa
...a fill am
...a 14 pra
...H:o pm
.. Illtir
...a I:l am
...(11:11 pm
...a i-M pm
... liUpm
...a 4:11 pm
...ail:4l pm
...a lilt am
Ltbool" M"1
NortbwMt it-s
Nabraaka Kp-a
Llocota Local
Uekurlr-VIatUmouth .....
Cnleaio Bl
Dca-M Bpcdat
Cklcato mr -
CMcasa Taot gxpnaa ...
Crtaua Local
8t. U. K. C. spaatal
K, C I it Joaaph
K. C SL JPffk
a l.ldpm
a : am
bl:te am
' a:a am
a Stiopm
a l:0aa
all:t4 am
a 1:14 am
a 4:11 pa
teeath an Vebsler.
Ulesouvl ractlio .
Oapatt. Arrl
...k I tie pm kla.H am bf.Wpti
yalla Otr Paaaatr
Cblcaffo, St. Pawl,
Uua mitr Eaprtaa
Tvla Otr raaar
.ti 1:11 pm
.b i'.U am
..o l:tt am
til u ta
a 4 15 w
SIOUX -tur ra-W
Eraoraen Aoooa.
k tiia
V 1:1 (J
ic) Saaday call
Uncle Sam's Tariff Sleuths Usually
Come Off Viotors.
Shady Importers of Foreign Goods
Try Many TVnya of Dodglnit
the Tax and Get Into
Lynx-eyed Uncle Sam has a busy time
of it making our cross-sea cousins behave
when they shunt their coffees, teas, silks,
sugars, spices, tobaccos and clothing
across tho AUantlc. That Inborn desire
of the Orientals, not to mention our Eu
ropean brothers, to get the better of the
western hemisphere Is a duel of eyes and
wits nnd compels the United States gov
ernment to keep LOOO men working 212
days In the year In a ten-story warehouse
building on the lower west side, New
York City. They are the watchdogs of
tho freo-born American pockctbook, and
If It wasn't for them It would be looted
from right to left.
Experience Is a stem teacher, 'but In
all the years Uncle Sam has been disci
plining our eastern nelehbora thv h.v,ni
learned their lesson. The mania to get
tnrougn tne united states custom house
In New York with shoddy articles or
goods- below the quality stipulated In thu
manifest seemingly Is as strong as ever
and more of the venturesomo other-sldo
exporters are trying It
It keeps Undo Samuel's corps of trusted
"boys" a tasting and a testing from
morning till night, Just to keep the Amer
ican public's stomach from being ruined,
their pockets frow being unwittingly
Picked and, Incidentally, grabbing the
government's Just duties.
Suffice It to say there is no better or
ganized corps of fraud detectors or value
fixers at any port of the world. Many
of them aro "old heads" In the business
and they can scent crookedness In an
"honor-bright, sworn to God" consign
ment of merchandise with the cunning of
a fellno at a mouse hole.
An Immense Task.
More than $1,500,(100,000 worth of mcr
chandlse was Imported into this country
last year, and of that amount nearly S
Per cent, or more than $1,000,000,000 worth,
entered at the port of New York.
Everybody in general has a good deal
to say as to how much duty should bo
imposed on the varlouB importations. But
the actual work Is accomplished, not op
the piers, not at the architecturally beau
tiful custom houses, but In tho appraiser's
warehouse. Tim general public has little
knowledge of how theso custom Inspectors
The duties are assessed according to
the value of the article Imported, on the
basis 6f weight or. measurement, or ac
cording to both quantity and value, and
It Is the nnnml.te-'- ....... ... . .
a uu,j iv veniy i
weights, measurements andVthe contents !
oi pacKages as shown by the Invoices,
a,nd to see that each Is classified accord
ing to the customs tariff.
One of the clerks at the stores receives
the Invoice of the foreign exporter, and
from that he estimates -tho preliminary
duties. But the law requires 10 per cent,
or ope case of merchandise) out of ten,
to be taken to the appraiser's storo for
actual examination.
The entry clerk designates the ten cases
he considers are most representative.
Within forty-eight hours the other 90 per
cent is on Its way to the Importer. The
law requires and the theory is that he
hold this Intact, but, owing -fo business
necessities, this has become a dead letter.
Tho goods are carted to the store at the
government's expense, and there they
are distributed among thp respective
noors. At tho head of the tremendous
customs orgonlratlon, which examines
goods ranging from radium to toothpicks,
is the appraiser, Frederick A. Hlggtns,
and the special deputy appraiser, Henry
M. Clapp. There also
pralsers and seven assistant appraisers.
The organisation is divided into seven
grana divisions. One concerns Itself with
textiles nnd all manufactures of fnhrVi.
and raw materials that compose them;
onotner with liquids, nnd others with
metals, wood, etc
Experts on the Job. '
All the appraisers and imlnn
highly qualified experts, for in fixing the
an valorem duty they must bo nble to
determine exactly the value .of tho goods.
Each examiner has a certain classifica
tion assigned to him. and h mni h
able to tell of Just what material or ma
terials tho article Is made, how much
the materials were worth in the market
from which they came, and Just what
was the value of the labor expended
upon them.
Not only that, but he must knnw h
market value of material and labor at
time of shipment. This must be deter
mined on his own knowledtre nnd tint
on the word of the shipper, for he might
wave to go into court to DacK up his
In order to make this cossible th an.
prolser receives Information from every
portion ot the globe. Ho receives trade
papers and frequent reports from con
sular agents.
Then. too. scores of inveatltrntlnir
agenttf of the United States Treasury
department report, while in New York
City the employes of the stores are con
tinually making the commercial rounds
In order to ascertain conditions.
All the fashion papers from Paris, Bor
NOTICE Is hereby .given that
sealed proposals will be received
by the Board ot Directors of the
Farmers Irrigation District at their
office in the City ot Bcottsbluff,
Neb., for the purchase of fTtUSO of the
tier cent serial bonds of the district until
12 o'clock m. on the 1th day ot August,
l.ii, sold bonds are Issued by authority
of on act ot the legislature of the state
of Nebraska approved March Jfl, US3.
sesilon laws M95, Chapter TO. and the
amendments thereto, and pursuant to a
vots of majority ot the qualified
electors of said district The board cx
prently reserves the right to reject any
and all bids and will In no event sell
uv of said bonds for less than ninety
five (S3) per cent of tho face value
,hByeorder ot the Board of Directors.
Secretary oi the Parmer' Irrigation Dis
trict XUdttt,
lln and Vienna are read from cover tj
cover in Order to get a clear idea of thi
probable movement of tho market, up or
down, in silks, laces, linens, etc. Th
gem experts study the statistics ot dla
mond production in South Africa.
Tke appraiser not only has to knot
vnlues, but ha has to know goods at
well. For instance. In the textiles de
partment, the examiner must be able tt
tell whether a- piece of goods contains cot
ton, linen or silk, and In what propor
tion. Having determined this, he must
know, the quality of the material. If It
Is silk, he must determine whether the
silk is artificial or natural; if silk, what
kind of silk, and where It comes from.
If he is in doubt about the matter, he
refers a sample to the laboratory, where
the fabrio Is subjected to a chemical
test In order to determine, accurately,
its composition. So careful are they In
the examination of textiles that the
threads In tho article aro counted and
the yarns tested, while In laces and in
embroideries, such as those from St. Gall,
Switzerland, for Instance, oven the num
ber ot stitches In tho pattern are counted.
Work In the Ten Room.
Take the examination of tea: no duty
Is levied on ten, but all of It must bt
pure to enter this country. In tho tea
room of the stores, 100,000 samples ot ten
must be tested per year, which repre
sents nn Import ot about 45,000,000 pounds.
During the test of the tea many cups,
are set upon a table. ach cup containing
a different sample of tea Identified by n
number at the bottom of the cup, and ont
sample of the standard tea. '
The examiner arranges the cups accord,
lng to -the color and taste, and after the
grading Is done the samples ore thrown
awny and the cups turned upside down
to show the Identifying' numbers. All th
samples on one side of the standard are
pasped as good tea, while those on the
other side are rejected.
To make sure that no error has beer
mado the test Is repeated with a second
set of samples, and In order to detect any
pigment tho leaves are mashed on a piece
of white paper, which Is next examined
with a microscope for faint spots of col
oring matter.
One of the most tedious tests Is thai
of sugar. The tariff on sugar depends
upon tho proportion of cano sugar tho
samples contain, and this is determined
accurately by means of a polarlscopc,
which analyzes the light that passe!
through samples of the sugar syrup.
Tho chemical laboratories are constantly
engaged testing liquors to find tho pro
portion of alcohol used, while metals are
searched chemically for their alloys, van
adium, titanium, chromium and other un
pronounceable and unheard of constit
uents. Quantitative and qualitative anal
yses of adds, alkalies and drugs are
made, and groceries, liquid and solid, are
weighed, measured and analyzed.
How Important Is this careful examina
tion, and how much money It saves the
government, Is obvious when it Is learned
that the examiners laBt year fixed
$1,009,319.83 additional to whnt the InvnieM
called for, and a knowledge on tho part
of the Importers of the difficulties of
evading the law, and the 'danger of at
tempting to do so, led them of their own
volition, to pay an additional duty ot
Although as a general rule only 10 per
cent of the goods must be examined, In
certain cases the entire shipment must
be Inspected. New York Times.
How New York la niowlni; the
Money nnd Piling Up
Since 1898, the birth year of Greater
New York, the city budget has swollen
from $77,473,054 to $192,703,342 In 1913.
In fifteen years the budget has trrown
160 per cent.
In 1S9S the estimated population of tho
city was 3,350,000, The estimated popula
tion In WIS was 6.17S.084.
In fifteen years tho population hn In.
creased 53 per cent.
In 1S98 the city debt wns $311,844,213,
The city debt in 1912 was $1,117,153,093. This
outside ot certain bonds.
In fourteen years the debt Increased
227 per cent.
The Sun Invites the grave consideration
of the citizens of New York, without
distinction of party, to these ominous
figures and percentages.
It Is true that by a continuous arti
ficial Jacking up of assessments on real
and personal properties Ihclr valuation
has risen nominally from $3,031,604,719 In
1S98 to $S.aM,SC2,430 In 1912, or 160 per cent
In fourteen years; but even this futile
forcing process haa exhausted Itself.
It Is too notorious that the so-called
taxable value ot real estato Is often ab
surdly above the actual value; and be
tween 1911 and 1912 even the assessed
value fell. Under tha pressure of over
taxation and overassessment real estate
sags. It needs rost and time to recuper
ate. Remember that while tho nominal in
crease in property valuation has been
its per cent, the actual Increase in the
debt has been 2-7 per cent.
New schemes for fattening iha budtret
and the debt; new holes in which to throw
away the taxpayers' money; extrava
gance on extravaganco, a burden on the
present and a mortgage on the future;
this Is the municipal flnanco of Now
York City as of every other city. Tho
city throws away money as recklessly as
a drunken man with alcoholic folio des
grandeurs scatters his dimes in the
The thing must stop some time. AVhy
not stop it now? At least a few years
of moderate expenditure, of severe econ
omy, of businesslike administration must
be had.
The salient and sole Issue in the next
city campaign shouI4 be: "An economical
city government" New York must cease
to be a municipal Coal Oil Johnny.
New Tork Sun.
Pointed I'arnirrnphs.
Montana's Milk river is mostly water.
Theoretically, girls do not believe ir.
Truth Is what a man knows; what a
woman believes.
Faint heart ne'er won fair lady out
there la the brunette.
After a man arrives the world never
asks what route he came over.
Under a competitive system It Is diffi
cult to win unless the other fellow leses.
Many a man has lost his self-control
and acquired a black eye slmultannously.
What has become of the old-foshlontd
girl who used to port her hair In the
middle T
No woman can be happy before she
succeeds In getting a strangle bold on her
Because of the foolish people who
crowd the world one dares not say muoh
on the subject for fear or being consid
ered personal. Chicago News.
The Wise If asbnud.
"My husband Is a very mean man about
some things." complained the wife to the
woman around the' comer. "He hs a
dear ear and every time I try to call
him down he acts as If he didn't hear
"That's certainly very provoking," saia
the neighbor. "But one of his ears is
good. Why don't you talk Into that?"
"He won't tell me which It Is." walled
the wife - Cleveland Plain Dealer