Omaha Sunday .VlAGA Page .DEE ZINE HE Copyright, 1912, by the Star Company. Great Britain Rights Reserved. But (for the Present) This Noble Russian Beauty Has Tricked the Imperial Spies and May Yet Escape the "Golden Cage" Prepared for Her by Her Shameless Husband and a Dissolute Grand Duke Princess Olga Galitzina. She Fled from Russia to Escape the Consequences of the Shameless Bargain Her Husband Made for Her with a Grand Duke Who Urged Her "Not to Take Marriage Too Seriously." THE beautiful young Princess Olga Galitzina, formerly Lady In Waiting to tho Czarina, Em press of Russia, has sailed secretly from Mew York, but not to rotura to Russia, as ordered by the Czar through the Russian Consul General's office, .i.r v Prlnce88 Is now bidden olBowhere In Europe, itUl hoping and striving with desperate earnestness to keop out of reach of tho "Czar's long arm." Her supposed departuro for Russia arranged by Now Fork agentB of the Russian Government, who secured ' ?8r fteamshlp passage and Accompanied her on board lust Before the lines were cast off, was chronicled in the , newspapers. How she balked their plans at tho last i moment, and the truo Btory In detail of tho humiliating and disgraceful cbnditlons "extending practically to the toot of tho Imperial throne which caused her to flee to this countryIs told by herself on this pago. At tho request of Princess 'Olga, made through the member of the Now York Russian colony with whom she left tho story hero printed, her present place f biding Is not revealed. By Princess Olga Galitzina, Formerly Lady in Wdtlngr to the Russian Empress. yHEN you reaj tneso lines I for yourselfr replied Whope to bo safely bidden In a country where the agents of the Cz&r are less active than hi New York. On Tuesday morning, June 17, Baron Kortf, Russian Consul-Gen-era! to New York, telephoned to me at my hotel that be &ad secured passage for me on the Campania, which was to sail at 1 o'clock the next morning. I knew that this was the Baron's polite way of notifying me of an imperial command; never theless I begged him, for reasons of my own, to postpone tie date of my departure for Russia. He replied somewhat curtly; "Princess, I am sorry I cannot change the date, as I have very ur gent orders from the Ambassador la .Washington to get you a ticket on the first sailing steamer. My secre tary will call on you at 11 o'clock la the evening, bring you the ticket, pay s?our hotel bill and take you to the steamer." "It looks as if I were a prisoner to be sent back by official orders. But suppose I decline to salt What will you do thenr I Inquired ner vously. -Well, I think in that case wo would have to use our official au thority. And, Princess. I suppose won do not want to make trouble the Consul- General. "Baron, I am much surprised to hear that," I replied. "Didn't you tell mo somo days ago that you would' securo me a theatrical en gagement If I would only consent to give you the manuscript of my drama, in which I intend to play the leading rolef "Yec, Princess; but you said you would not give me the manuscript, and so I am unable to do anything for you," replied tho voice of the po lite bureaucrat of (he Czar. "Is that why you keep the spies on my track day and night? Is that why you want to deport me in such a strango way, after having built about me a net of diplomatic in trlguesl" I retorted angrily. "Well, wo have secret agents and use them when we need to," the voice replied. "I wflLtake cin of all your affairs and provide you with money If you will not make any dif ficulties for us, Princess. I hope to meet you some day in Russia and then wo will have a better chance to talk of art" Having bidden me farewell, tne Consul hung up tho receiver and I sank exhausted on my chair. My head became dizzy and I felt as If the fires of hades were raging la my soul. I gazed blankly out of jny window at the gay crowds in the street and felt I was a prisoner la the apartment of a New York hoUO. ing vice "Be careful with your allur- lips" -the Czar's Ad- to Princess Olga. lady who received mo hospitably as a friend of my countryman. Half an hour later Mr. X. and his friend. Mr. Z.( arrived with my things and as Bured mo that I was eafo. It was near midnight I felt as if I had boon saved from drowning. But although exhausted and tired, Icoufd not Bleep. Tho thrilling past moved like a feverish panorama before my oy'es. I was born a Princess of Cauca sian blood. My father, Prlnco Tschcr kasky, Is doscondod from an old Tartar noblo family and has occu pied various high offices In my na tive land. But he was not good to my mother, so I lived with her in St Petersburg, where I was educated in tho famous College of Smolnl. I was a pretty young girl, and men adored mo already when I was flf- toon years old. At tne age of sir Already, during our courtship, I felt now and then doubtful momonts. I was a girl of a very spiritual naturo. But my flan co seemed to be Inter ested only In physical matters. But I could not change my mind, and so became his wife. Even in tho first year of my mar ried life I discovered that my hus band hated my spiritual love of beauty and considered me a dreamer. He did not like that I should read' and write poetry or take any Inter est in art. Ho wanted to make a bargain with me, and proposed to one of tho Grand Dukes to have me as his favorite, In return for which outrageous bargain tho Grand Duke would favor my husband politically. The Grand Duke himself was mar ried. I almost fainted. Tho Grand DuKe said to me cold-bloodedly: 'rnncess, your husband Is "Even the Czarina's Friend ship for Princess Olga could not prevent the Czar's long arm from pursuing he." This may seem strango, yet tho fact is I have boon shadowed by Russian spies as If I had been one of tho most daring of revolutionists. The reason of my escape from Russia and this shadowing by Rus sian spies Is their knowledge of my play, "The Oolden "Cage." drawn from Russian court life, and tho fact that it tells a story that would em barrass persons In high Russian circles. Like the sensational New York play of tho past season, "With in tho Law," my "Golden Cage" re veals unpleasant truths. Having pondered my situation, I came to the conclusion I would not sail as ordered by the Consul-Gen-eral. I decided to use a little diplomacy and boo bow I could de selve the Russian spies. I called up the Consul-General and asked him to send the steamshb ticket to my apartment and pay my bill, as I intended to go earlier to tho steamer, acoompantod by a friend, and would not need his sec retary. Greatly pleased with my willingness to sail, which ho had not expected, tho Consul roadlly prom ised to send mo everything about five o'clock tho same afternoon. In the meanwhilo I had mot a countrVman, whom I had known In Russia and on whose good will I could roly. Ho arranged to meet mo at ten o'clock in the evening at the pier of the Cunasd Lino, where I would go with my things to board the steamer. There wo would de cldo upon further pluns. Tho Russian Consul sent a clerk to my apartment, paid my botol bill and left second-class passage with a fow dollars extra for railway faro from Southampton to London, where a Russian agent was to meet me and tako me to the Embassy. But tho clerk told me that tho Consul had also taken a ticket for one of his secret agents on tho same steamer. At 10 o'clock In the evening I was with my trunks at tho pier and bo held my countryman with an Amer ican friend waiting for me outside. I also saw two Bhadowy figures fol lowing me llko phantoms. "Wo must board the steamer at onco," whispered my countryman. "My friend, Mr. 55., will Btand out side and tako care of your things. I will take your pult-case, you simply follow mo." I covered my face with a veil In order to ovade tho reporters, and we boarded the Bteamer, while the friend of Mr. X. remained outside with the two detectives. As soon as wo wore on tho steamer I changed my bat and wrap In my cabin, it was evident that In the throng of passengers and their accompanying parties wo had eluded the spies. My countryman whispered In my ear; "Go down la the Btoerage and leave from tho gangway downstairs. You will reach the street from an other entranco and there tako a taxi that Is waiting tor you." I left him and did as be had in structed. He remained in the second cabin while I walked out entered the waiting taxi and drove away, I drove to the house of an American only nnn T hnnnmn n T.nw In IVnltln. J'OUr DartnOr. BO it is Onlv natural the Czarina, because she thought I B?w yaar real huBband." fph? was one of the prettiest girls of St . ur ,v" xiignnoss, novorj i T " "d t r i 1 1. hhii mvspir inp nnvrninr in - - w. umj uitu ALL the world. Even If I am not tho wife of my husband, certainly I shall not bo tho creature of another man," I re torted vigorously. The Grand Duke stared at mo and grunted, grimly: "Well, wo will see. Princess, don't tako marriage so seriously. It is only a label to cover other re lations with something conven tional." I began to see the horrible preci pice of Immorality -that prevailed in the gilded halls of palaces. I shuddered and my naturo revolted. That is why I left my husband and his glided castles and went to my mother, who was alive at that time. She was a groat soul and consoled me. Now, tho old, dormant Idea of the stage awakened in my soul. I had studied drama in college. I was by naturo an actress. When I made my first appearance on the stage In St. Petersburg, I, the first lady of tho court, there was a storm of indignation. I played successfully and the audience ap plauded my art. Tho Czar was bit terly against me in tho beginning, but being a great lover of the drama, bo soon forgave me. But the court circle never could say a good word for me. I was ostracized and bit terly condemned, not only for bolng an actress, but for being the sep arated wife of a high functionary of tho, court. The intrigues against me started. All kinds of temptations were put' in my way. But I was strong. I' was again admitted to the court But now I aaw that life with an objective eye, and tho Idea of writ ing a drama of court life occurred to me. I did so and it proved to bo excellent But how could I play it Petersburg. Tho officers of tho guard regiments wore all madly in lovo with mo. Even the Czar kissed my hands of course, in tho pres ence of tho Czarina. "Princess, you will havo a hard life, with your beauty," said the Czar humorously. "Feminine beautj is tho most intoxicating of sensa tions for a man. Tho fact is, it can deprive a most serious and respect able man of his senses and self-con trol. Therefore, bo careful with yout fiery looks and alluring lips." "Your Majosty, I am a Benslble girl and hope to withstand all tempta tions," I stammered. The fact was, I foil in love with Prince Andrei Galitzlne. an officer of the Guard Curasslr Regiment, a very handsome and rich young man of the highest standing socially, no was not exactly my Ideal, but the Czar said I .should become his wife. the play to 'a few great Russian dramatists and they were enthusiastic about It They Bald that if I could have It staged abroad I would become famous. I was ready to mako any sacrl ''flees. I sailed to Now York and thero a friend of mine introduced me to a rich American, who at once fell In love with mo. Although I did not love him, I agreed to b&i come his wife. But it waB all an Illusion. Ho did not caro for my ideals, and I did not want to Bell myself, so I was left In my critical situation. As you have seen, my troubles have gained for mo true friends in America, and through them I hope before long to be freed forever from the persecutions of Russian eples, and saved from the disgrace ful fate arranged for me in my own country. My Secrets of Beauty ay MMfa u& MBt No. 231. DEVELOPING THE FULL BEAUTY OF YOUR NECK AND SHOULDERS I AM going to tell you to-day how to different tones. From the soft, rosy what you are using, bo beautiful from your chin and fiub of the cheeks the. cuticle Bhould Here Is an excellent mixtA your ears down to the top of your become paler and paler until it 1b an bleaching the skin: r . , . r , , absolutely dazzling yhlte Just abovo To mako tha skin nt , , dresz. The nock has always been the corsage. The throat should have rub ituSS with St f T"' one of tho delights of artists and all a tone slightly pinker than tho shoul- dipped In Via mhn. COttoa admirers of women. Men are In- ders. ea m 11113 Preparation: - variably charmed by a beautiful back Before applying powder or cos- Glycerin "Snua' and neck. metlcs, stand before your mirror and Rosewater ! ! ! go The Bhouldors are more or less assure yourself that home part of Oxygenized Water...! 20 immovable. Not having to give any your skin Is too ruddy or too pale. Powdered Alum...."! 5 expression to active life, they are Unless this Is so, please put abso- I ad vise you, for dally' use' to main not subject to wrinkles, but they lutoly nothing on your skin. The this soap, but only in small nZif suffer more or less from ill-adapted standards of beauty, as far as the ties: u nu' clothing. Nature is not equally kind complexion Is concerned, are based oil of Aimnnhn .ut 0"n,(f11' to all shoulders. Some are prominent on tho appearance of a healthy skin. BuHr sweet. . ..oo and bony, altogether unfitted for tho If your skin is healthy it wUl look nS-B.' Zl decollete. Nevertheless, every In- better in its natural state than any 7, ramJ y,f 0Bpy. 300, gepious woman manages to find some way you can alter It If it Isn't "snmaiiow water.... 400 form of decollete adapted to her healthy you are Justified In covering . n ui7 B( chest and shoulderst The moment the blemishes as best you may. But rut of this In a pot, warm! that the shoulders are to be shown try to remedy the skin defect by lm- "lowly so as to allow all to melt and) we should know bow they are to proving your general health. ml- Skim and allow to cool. Per have the proper olor and how they Bean-flour and a distillation of fume it to taste, are to match the necu. lemon Juice, strawberry Juice and Let me recommend to you finally It Is understood that special at- cucumber juice, as well as water of if you would havo a fine neck and tentlon to the toilet of tne nock and gentian, all clean thB skin well and shoulders, to make a compress of thn shoulders should bo stvea cany, bleach It It is best not to use tho Juice of leeks which von t. The skin of the neck, shoulders preparations usually sold, but to pre- cooked with the toDs for Unif and breast should present several naro them yourself so that you know hour and then straineal i