ft '. tt f I The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page- Copyright, 1913. by tho Star' Company. Great Britain nights "RcsorvcC of w ' Am W I: iA I A -I Gorgeous Evening Coats the Crowning Sensa tion of the Coming Season's Startling Modes LADY DUFF-GORDON, the famous "Lucile" of London, and fore most creator of fashions in the world, writes each week the fashion atticle for this newspaper, presenting all that is newest and best in styles for well-dressed women. Lad'Duff-Gordon's Pans establishment brings her into close touch with that centre of fashion. ' Lady Duff-Gordon's American establishment is at Nos. 37 and 39 West Fifty-seventh street, New York. ran fjJ By Lady Duff- iER evening wrap can bo to a woman nor crowning Joy or her greatest disappointment It can give to her the supremo consciousness that every detail of her costume Is perfect or it can make her feel that she is all at sizes and sevens. Gone are tho days when a woman's evening coat was merely a covering for her fragile gown, a Bhell in which nes tied Borne delightful creation of the modiste's art. To-day the evening wrap Gordon ("Lucile"). Is as Important as tho costume under neath. Therefore to be tho crowning glory of tho ultra modern costume the evening wrap in theso extravagant days can no longer bo demure. We no longer resemble tho gentle wren, nor yet tho sparrow with their dull,, sombre coats. No. To-day It is as the gorgeous peacock, or perhaps the decorative scarlet tanager, that we dis play ourselvos at nightfall. "Gay as peacocks," "Vain, as peacocks," these are Front View of "Peacock" Wrap of Rose-Brocade, Oriental Embroidery and Real Lace. Alff The Coat-of-the-Rose, Quaint Wrap of Rose nnd Silver Taffeta, mi . i n? H : We-' a - i . r m 6. A V " IE1 W. f .Taw i" j r 1 1? ,4! -.- V The "Golden Pheasant" Wrap of Gold and Red Brocade. the expressions that man often uses when given to censuring our sump tuous garments. But, speaking of peacocks, does man and the world at large ever stop to think that the peacock with his superb clothes, his colossal vanity, is masculine. Verily is woman ma ligned. The example of bedecking ourselves Is set us by tho male birds of the air. Why, therefore, should the male of our species be forever carping at us? Recently I read a bit of verso anont this peacock myth, that I quote before going on to tell you moro about some lovely peacock wraps recently exhibited in Paris: "Feminine vanity? Oh, yo gods, Hark to these men! Vanity's wide 'as the world is wide, Look at the peacock in his pride; Is it a hen?" There is nothing too fragile, nothing too sumptuous for woman to have made into her evening wrap. Fabrics as fragile as chiffon or as elaborate as silver bo.cado, laces of a rare and unusual design, all those aro d&lgbt fully transformed Jnto the most seductivo of evening coats'. There are times when I feol that some sublimated name should be created for such wraps as I have just been designing. Of a verity the English language Is too re stricted, There is too little color in it to properly describe thorn. , Can you imagine anything moro lovely than e coat "of real cbantilly lined with rose chiffon. I recently created such a one for a bride, and he whispered to me Just after her return from the honeymoon that her coat Wad meant s much to bar as hor husband's embracos. I am sending you this week somo coats for ovenlhg that should inspire you with the same happiness with which the chiffon wrap in spired the happy little bride. I have selected three that I call Peacock wraps. Is this not a charming and a truthful name for them. But ven here I make distinctions. I like to think that a wonderful golden pheasant in spired tho ono bearing its namo. There is a rare simplicity of design in this coat. It wraps the wearer lovingly in its folds, but does not hide or detract from the graoo of hor figure. It Is very long and narrow In the back, and Is draped toward tho front Tho very short kimono sleoves edged with golden mallno and the neck ruche of the mallne are new and odd touches that mark this as of tho very latest mode. Then I havo soloctod for you also two views of ono of theso Poacock coats, a back and front view, that will convey to you olearly the sumptuousnoss of this model. Tho coat Is a wonderful rose brocade, draped over hips so as to give a novel pannier effect The cape, which forms the sleeves, Is made of a rare and old point venlso flounce that the woarer hod received from her grandmother. The shaped ploce around the nock is an olaborato bit of Oriental embroidery, fruit of a long visit in tho Orient Tho design of this, while very different from that of tho Golden Pheasant Is Just as graceful and also enhancos rather than detracts from thv grace of tho wearer. Very different although perhaps not so sumptuous in outline, is the short wrap that I have named tho "Coat-of-tbo-noso." This is one of the hip wraps or coats that are so very, chio this season in Paris. It has tho quaint atmosphere that soems so necessary at this time. It is created in a flowered moire change able taffeta in rose and gray, but rose pre dominates, and tho wearer usually has at her waist a glorious rose sot in foliago, and from this rose and the color came the name, "Coat of-the-Rose." There is. much old gold lace used as decoration. The sloeves aro short, and wbllo this Is an evonlng wrap, it might also be used as an adjunct to a dinner costume. Back View of the "Peacock" -Coat