Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 2-B, Image 14

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Maxy Interesting Social Affairs Arc
Given for tho Visitors.
Entertainment rinnned nt the Sum-
Clubs for Interesting VI -
Itors More Omniums Off
(or Europe. JT
Social Calendar.
EtTNDAT Mrs. Wlldmsn, supper nt tho
Country Club or Mrs. Pond and Mr.
MONDAT Mr. A. D. Warren, dinner at
tho c ountry club for Mr. Latimer, chil
dren's matinee danee.&t the Field club,
TIESDAY Mrs. Byron Smith, auction
bridge at the Field club for Mm. P. II
Updike of Ixmg Bench, Call children's
matinee done at Field club and Carter
lake club.
WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Stewart, 2d, dinner at the Country club
for Mr. Larimer; dinner dance at the
Field and Country clubs; matinee
dance at Carter Lake club.
THURSDAY Ladle' day at the Flell
club and Happy Hollow.
FRIDAY Dinner dance at the Seymour
Lake Country club.
SATURDAY Week end dinner danco at
the Country, Field, Happy Hollow and
Carter Lake Country clubs.
Most of the social affairs of the last
week have centered around the vloltlnc
tennis players who were here for the
national clay court tennis tournament. A
large andv Interesting: gallery was on
hand during the entire tourney and the
local tennis committee Is being con
gratulated on the success of the tourna
ment. This was the first opportunity for local
tennis enthusiasts to see feminine cham
pions and the playing of Mlu Mnry K.
Browne and Mrs. R. N, Williams was
much admired. During Ovelr brief visit
they were entertained Friday evening at
a dinner dance at the Country club,
Saturday at a luncheon and in the even
ing a dinner at the Field club. Thoy left
late last evening for Chicago.
Off for Honntains and Lakes.
Many or leaving this Week to spend
part of August at the lakes, seashores
and mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthar Rogers and son,
Edward, and Mr. Rogers' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Itaao Congdon, plan to go to
Loka Xtoako, Minn., for an outing,
Mr. and Mrs. & S. Caldwell and ohtl
dren, Julie and Samuel, Jr., sxpeot ts
leavo Tuesday for Tioga, Pa.
Mrs. J, nv. Gannett and Mr. Burl Gan
nett loft Friday for Iako Mlnnetonka
and other northern points.
Mrs. J. T. Btowart. Id, and children
I leave next Thursday for EJphralm. Wis.,
tor the remainder of the mtnroor.
Mr. Doane Powell left Saturday for
two weeks' stay la Chicago and at Lake
Mrs. TVomaa Rilpatrlck Is at Camp
Harding, Colo., until 'August, when she
expects to go to the Adirondack to Join
' her daughter, Mrs. Mlxter.
Mr. and Mrs, George Ik Hammer and
Miss Hammer leave next Wednesday for
Wlanno, Mass., and upon their return
will take an apartment at the Clarlnda. '
Mrs, 7. II. Davis and' daughters have'
gone from Atlantic City to Watch IUlf
n. I.
Miss Claire. Jaagherty h&a gone' to
I Haverford, Pa.,, to visit Miss Katharine
I Baum.
. Miss Mildred 'Mcrriam and her cousin.
Miss Mao Merriam of Pepper!), Mass.,
plan to leave shortly ior Montana hy
I way of tho Yellowstone.
, Mn and Mm. George "Updike and Miss
(Lucy Updtko will spend August at the
. seashore, staying at Beach Bluff, Mass.
, With tho Visitors.
Mrs. George W. Tuttle of Chicago and
Mrs. P. W. Welch of Rockford, 111., ar
rived Friday to be the guests of their
i sister, Mrs. J. A, Hannan.
Miss Emma Cohen of Kjuibos City will
! arrive this eveniug to be tho guest of
hr coosln. Miss Hilda Cohen.
Miss Sarah Aohle&berg of BL Joseph,
Mo., wlU arrive today to he tho guest of
Miss Bess Adlcr and. Miss Marian Mojo
milM. Miss May Austin, who Is the goest ot
her sister, Mrs." Walter P. Olds, will
leave Tuesday ot next week for her home
In Prinoeton, N, J.
Miss Leone King of Ames, la., Is tho.
'.guest of Miss Uoretta Cope. A number
of social afxalrs have been given In honor
of Mlsa Xing and , several are 1 planned
ior next; week.
Madame Ragna I4nne of Chicago,
formerly of the Metropolitan Grand
Opera company, arrived Friday evening
to spend a few days with her former
pupil. Mrs. Walter O. Bilver, TWrty-eicnth
Avenue and Farnom, Madam .Unas will
leave shprtly, for Montana, for a few
, weeks stay,
1o lake Okobojl!
ZAke Okobojl Is S favorite motor trip
thta summer for Omaha' motorists. A
party ot Omaha people left In three
ears to spend the week end at Okobojl,
atJSjW, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wharton,
Congdon. Miss Dinning. Miss
pranc vTwU. Mr. Ward Burgess. Mr, J.
Me SVfcst Rlchardr, Mr. Iawtoco
iBriarer and Mr. Robert Bums. .
Mr. m. C. Peters, who motored to
iOkvooJi Tuesday, returned Friday.
Mrs. C. J. Smyth. lUUe Miss Catherine
JGmyth, Master Constantlne Smyth and
(little Miss Phyllis Hortroonn will leave
(Friday for lake Okobojl. Miss Tto
SBmyth probably will spend a few days
hrlth Major and Mra C. V. Hart man n at
(Fort Omaha before leaving for Lake
European Traveler.
Mlts Stella Hamilton Is at the Nether
lands In New York and expects to salt
En to Join her brother, Mr. C. W. Ham
n, and his family in. Europe. Ilftors
Returning Mlsa Hamilton will mass the
Hour of the world with her nephew, Mr.
pharies Hamilton. -, "
Dr. and Mra II. B. Lvmere all today
pn the Teutonic for England and tier,
Dr. W. O. Bridges sailed last Flat unlay
pa the Imperator for Europe.
Mrs. & V. Lewis, who has recently rr-
turned from a trip to Europe and South
America, arrived In Omaha lost wwk
Rnd Is at the Loyal hotel. She will kne
l;e first of tho week for Sheridan, Wyt..,
Chere she will vUlfber daughttr, Mrs.
herman Canfleld.
tommer Plan.
Mrs. J. W, QrifflUi has returned from
(be south.
Mrs. Frank Judton and daughter Dor
jthy returned Saturday 'from Minnesota
n& will leave the first week in August
,1th Mr. Judson for the Yellowstone.
Dr. and Mrs. C C. Allison returned FrL
!y from sveral weeks In Colorado
Mra F. It GrtXfen will leave next week
lor Chicago, where she will he Joined
Visiting with Mrs, J. M, Metcalfe,
&S -w- - V- -i -TUB I
of Portland, Ore.
later by Mr. Griff en. Mr, and Mrs. Grlf
fen will then leave for the east, where
they will spend several weeks.
Mra O. D. Rice and son, Durant, left
yesterday for Colorado where they will
spend tho month of August
Mrs. Douglas Welpton and son, Rich
ard, will lcavo Tuesday for Chicago,
whero they will be Jplned August 1 by
Mr. Welpton. They will go east and
spend several weeks at Asbury Park,
N. J.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey Jackson have
Kone to Lake Wlnneconne, Wisconsin,
wncro tney will spend the month of
Mr. and Mra Charles M. Richards will
Jeave Sunday evening for Detroit and
PuMn-Bay, taking the lake trip from
At the Country Olnb.
one ot the dinners at the Country club
lost evening 'was given by Mrs. Gerrlt
Fort and Gerrlt Fort, Jr., whose guests
were Miss Josephine Congdon, Miss Alice
Jaqulth, Miss Frances Hochstetlor, Mr.
Fred Daugherty, Mr. Francis Gaines and
Mr. Clifford Wolfe4
Another dinner was given by Dr. and
Mrs. Jonas for Mrs. Clarke of Denver,
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. llyncs had fourteen
guests for Mr, .and Mrs. P. II. Updike of
Long Beaoh, Cal. .,
Mr, A. B. Warren gavo a dinner for
his guest, Mr. 'Larimer of Wichita, who
arrived Saturday. The guests were:
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler,
Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2d.
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart.
Mr. and Mra. JosoDh Barker.
Dr. and Mrs. J. 10. Summers.
Mrs. Wlldmaru
Mrs. Pond.
Miss May Hamilton.
Mr. Frank Hamilton.
Mr. Larimer.
Harry McCormick had seven guests
at dinner; F. J. Bourke, five; J, W Ma'd
den, six; J. A. Meyer, three; H. A;.Tukey,
four; W. A. Redlok, four; Stockton
Hsth, five.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard D, Hosford had
aa their guests t
Mr. and Mrs, John A. McShano,
Mr. and Bra. W. T. Burns,
Mr. ana airs. x. u. uavn,
Mrs. Eldrtdge,
Mrs. uogan.
Mr. Luther Drake,
Mr. Samuel Burns, Jr.
House Warming.
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence B, Folta enter
tained a number of friends Friday even
ing at a house warming party in their
pew home at StOS Webster street. Among
the guests were Miss Jennie MoMlckels,
Mr. W. K. MoMlckels, Joe MoMlckels,
Mrs. Matt Griffin ot Osceola, la,; Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Coward of St. Paul, Minn, and
Mr. and Mrs. R. 1L Chamberlain.
Muslcale by Miss Wood.
Miss Mary Lewis Wood gave a dsusat
ful muslcale at the Happy Hollow club
Wednesday, asststedby Mr. Cecil Berry
man and Mr. Frank Mach, one hundred
guests were present and a program ot
oporatto numbers was sung by MUs
Wood, who has Just returned from several
years study abroad. Several solos by Mr.
Berryman and Mr. Mach made a charm
ing afternoon ot music.
Concordia Entertainment,
The Concordia Singing society will give
an entertainment Wednesday evening at
the German Home, which will consist ot
dancing and several numbers by the Con-
ccrdla society and the quartet from the
Maenerchor and a cither selection by
Mr. Rahn. The garden will be llluml
1013 Birthday Club.
Miss Nell Barnum entertained the mem'
bers ot the ISIS Birthday club at her cot
tage at Carter Lake Country club Thurs
day afternoon. The afternoon was spent
at cards and prises were won by Mrs.
Joe Novak, Mrs. Frank Snyder, Mrs. A.
F. Moore. Mrs. L. J. Haiti and Mrs. Y
G. Clark. The club will hold a plcnlo at
Krug park Tuesday, and It is hoped that
all members will attend.
Newman-Miltenberg Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Gertrude Mllten-
berg, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. MUten
berg of Chicago, to Mr. Jacob Newman
ot this city will take place this afternoon
at the Blaokstone hotel. Rabbi Hlrach
berg will perform the ceremony. Mr. and
Mra Newman will be at home In this
dty after September L
Leon-Harowitz Engagement.
Mra II. Marowltx announces the eiv
gagemtnt of her daughter. Marian H.. to
Mr. Samuel J. Leon. ' Mrs. MarowlU will
entertain In honor of the yountf couple
at a later date.
Troup-Painter Wedding.
A wedding of local Interest was that
of MUs Hester Mae Painter, daughter
of Mrs. Mary Painter, UOS Dewey avenue.
v as$!& )
to Mr. Leslie Ernest Troup of New York,
son Of JudEO'and Mrs. A. f! Trniin nf thli
city. The wedding took place Wednesday
at tho Hotel Statler in Buffalo, N. Y.
Mr. and Mra TrouD will reside in Nn
At Happy Hollow.
oaiuraay evening a. N. Noble had two
guests at dinner; O. B. Darr, eight; Dr.
Palmer Flndloy, twelve; B. W. Gunther,
eight; W. E. Bhepard, ten; H. N. Wood,
lx; J. F. Flack, five; A. B. Curry, four;
I. W. Carpenter, ten; Albert Edholm,
five; J. WrishL thraa .T. IV tii.v,i.
w - - in vuuuS
Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. riiv.p
talned at dinner last
In honor of Madame Ragna Linne ot
vmcago, covers were plaoed for:
Maaaroe Ragna Unne.
Mrs. Warren Williams of Evanston.
Miss Rennee Redman of Salt Lake City.
Mr. and Mra John Hecox.
Dr. and Mrs. K. C. Henry!
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Pulver.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Q, Silver.
Mr. Harry Welter.
For the Future.
Mrs. C. B. Coon will nnturtjiin in
formally at bridge Tuesday afternoon for
aira jacic uoourn or SU Louis. Tho guests
will be restricted to friends of tha hnnnr
Birthday Anniversary Party.
. uowu emenainea Thursday
afternoon at a children's party in honor
or the third anniversary of her smalt
daughter, Bonnie. The porch and lawn
were attractively decorated in pink and
white. Mrs. Dowd was assisted in en
tertaining the little folks by Mesdames J.
T. McNatt, II. Hughes, II. Ableson. C.
Rowen, R. A. Grubb and Fred Kuvan.
The children present were
Irene Rowen.
Arthur Ribblc.
iFrank Rlbble,
Marguerete Harlan,
Mildred Belts,
Ethel Redgwlck,
Clifford McVea.
Helen Redgwlck,
Louis MoVea.
Bonnie Dowd,
Frank Deal,
Marrlon Dutcher,
Hortente Hugher,
Ruth Sticker,
Marvel Ableson.
Edward Edmonds,
Virginia Grubb.
Robert Hughes,
Dorothy Dutchln,
Victor Ableson,
Rath Rlbble,
Marion Swanson,
Connie Rlohey,
Elaine Rlchey,
Harlott Vette,
Rlnee Rlchey,
Elisabeth Deal,
Qlodys Grubb,
Pleasures Past.
Mra Mary O'Brien gave a luncheon in
honor ot Miss Macla Ward ot Iowa City,
Is., Wednesday.
Miss Florence Woodhall entertained on
iFrlday evening for Mr. Carl Hohwy, who
leaves soon to make his home in Chicago.
The lawn and veranda were prettily deco
rated with Japanese lanterns and the
guests were;
Misses Misses
Elizabeth MoMullen. Maud Priosterer,
Jewel Alexander.
Flower Alexander,
Stella Sprague,
May me Donahoe,
Clarence Patton,
Barl Haney,
Clark Cheney,
Claud Pflasterer,
Charles Pfelffer,
Sarah Woodhall.
Florence Woodhall.
Arthur Knapp,
Carl Hohwy,"
Otto Nlelson.
At Carter Lake Country Club.
Mr. A. Von Dollan entertained at
week end house party at his cottage. His
guests were! MUscs Irene Long, Florence
LonR, Ruth Wilson. Btlzabeth Wilson:
Messrs. Frank Bnnls, Wiley Jones,
Knisner ot Falls City and Mr. and Mra
George Peek.
Mr. Rmery Nlelson had as his guests at
dinner last evening!
Misses Misses
Beulah McCoy, Mildred Foster.
Agnes Nellson,
Messrs Meters
John Selby, Charles Fransen.
George Perclval,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sunderland will
entertain this evening when they will
have as their guests:
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Wcstbrook,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nosh,
Mr. F. S. Cowglll.
Mr. and Mrs. IS. C. Twamley had as
their guests at dinner:--Dr.
and Mrs. C. F. Crowley,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlos B. Burmester,
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Schelbel,
Miss Evans of Chicago,
Mr. John It. McDonald.
At the Field ClubT :
Complimentary to Mlns Mary Brogno
and Mrs. Williams, the two champion
women tennis players, who arrived here
Friday, Mr. and Mrs. George Haverstlck
gave a dinner last evening at the Field
club when the guests were:
Edith Thomas,
Cuthbert Potter,
Fred Harris of
Brattloboro, Vt.,
Merrill Hall ot
New York.
Anna Bourke,
Pauline Bourke,
Harry Koch,
Peck Griffin,
John Strachan ot
San Francisco,
Ralph rialney.
Mr. and lira. Samuel Caldwell
Mr. and lire. E. Buckingham.
Mrs. Charles Ogden.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murray enter
tained at dinner Saturday evening in
honor ot their guest, Mlts Gladys Young
of Chicago. Covers were laid for twelve
Others who entertained guests at din
ner at the Field club Saturday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Who
had ten guestrl O. J. Sweet, six; A. I.
Root, six; E. P. Murphy, four; E. T.
Swobe, four; IL S. Daniels, tour; Arthur
Allen, six; E. M. Slater, two; C. B.
Liver, four; J. A. Mclntyre, six, and J,
A.Epeneter, two.
Universal Circle.
The Universal Circle will entertain at
a card party at Its hall at Twenty-eighth
and Fowler streets Tuesday afternoon.
The hostesses of the affair will be Mrs.
Thomas Sullivan and Mrs. Frank Jacobs.
Bridge Luncheon for OueBt.
Mra John Hecox gave a bridge lunch
eon today complimentary to her guest,
Mrs. Warren Williams of Evanston, III.
Luncheon was followed by bridge. The
guests were:
Warren Williams.
Joseph Polcar,
Lloyd WUUs,
lilaln Arnold,
Ralph West,
Roland Jackson,
Jese Palmer,
J. Hanson,
Walter G. Silver.
Miss West,
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Among those giving dinners Friday
evonlng at the Seymour Lake Country
club were J. H. Epps, who- had six
guests; Dr. C. W. Pollard, six; E. A
Rose, five; Dr. M. L. King, two; J. P.
Worley, five; Miss Mae O'Brien, two;
J. G. Kyte, two; 15. W. Cohow, three;
John Urlon, three; Donald J. Burke, four;
H. M. Anderson, three; E. C. Furen, twp;
S. A Bell, four; H. E. Sold, two; J. D.
Ringer, two; Dr. Berry, two; W. P.. Ad
klns, four; George J. McDonald, four; J.
B. Watklns. four; J, IL Koplets, four;
John Parratt, two; Dr. J. J. Humpoll,
two; George Jones, two, and G. F King,
Mr, and Mra T. L. Combs hod as guests
Friday evening:
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Medlar.
Mr, and Mra George F. MlekeL
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Thorne.
Messrs. Meum.
Charles J. Hubbard, J. A. Mclntyre,
C. B. Bailey. Thomas Fell,
Watson Townsend,
Master Morlyn Comba
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. a T. Reslnek of Wiener is visiting
relatives in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cope, jr., will leave
for Kansas City this evening.
Mr. and Mra R. L. Huntley have re
turned from a brief stay in Denver.
Mr. R. E. Welch and Miss Blanohe Cor-
ley Welch are at Palmer Lake, Colo. -
Mra John R. Dennis and son, George,
left Saturday for a month's visit in Chi
cago. .
Mr. C. L. Vance and family went to
Iowa today, where the vacation will be
Mr. Louts Jackson of Des Moines spent
part of last week visiting friends In
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Faxton and
children expect to go to their ranch out
in the state next woek.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flynn left for an
eastern trip. While away they will stop
at New York, AtlanUo City and Wash
Miss Ida Drahos and- Miss Mlnnette
Mltcheltree left last evening for the east
They will take the lake trip from Chicago
to New York and expect to be gone about
a month.
Mrs. H. Kreymberg and daughter,
Emma, returned Friday from a stay ot
several weeks In Colorado Springs and
Estes Park.
Mr. and Mra W. E. Bhepard and son,
Kenneth, will leave this evening for
Prior Lake, Minn., where they will re
main until September 1.
Mr. Randall K. Brown returned Satur
day morning after spending some time
in the east and a week In England, where
he was the guest of Dr. and Mra Nelson
Mr. and Mra R. L. Parker are visiting
Mrs. Parker's parents, Mr. and Mra F.
XL McConnell, for a tew days. They
will leave soon for California, where they
make their home.
Mra Max Ruben and daughter ot Dav
enport, la., who have been spending some
time at Excelsior Springs, arrived Satur
day morning to be the guests ot Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Welnstetn. ,
Mr. and Mrs. C B. Coon have returned
from Deadwood, where they visited their
daughter, Mrs. George P. Ayres, anl
family. They enjoyed a camping and
fishing trip in the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Foster and daugh
ter, Mildred, leave this evening for
month's outing at Solon Springs, Wis,
The lost ot August they will take on ex
tended lake trip and spend some time in
their old heme, Norwlchs, N. Y., and
Trenton, N. J., and Philadelphia, return
ing to Omaha about the middle of Sep.
Personal Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keesler will move
from the Hamilton next week to 61? North
Fortieth street.
Mr. and Mra J. A. McKensle and Mr.
and Mra D. Durran will move to their
new residence at 1SU North Tlhtry-thlrd
street, Wednesday.
The Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Buslntss Succtii.
Bride of an Omaha
Attorneys May Take Up the Question
of Their Bight.
Assertion Is Mnde that Committee
Wna Supposed to Simply Codify
tho Lnyr and Not to
Cliunge Their Import.
That the Nebraska code commission
which codified the laws" of the state over
stepped Its authority In some Instances
la the opinion of a number of prominent
lawyers of Omaha. Especially has the
matter been discussed in regard to the
change they mado in the limit of time
during which a supersedeas bond may bo
filed In cases where an appeal Is de
sired. Formerly under the laws of Ne
braska twenty days' time was given in
equity cases during which a supersedeas
bond might be filed to stay the execution
of Judgment In other cases six months
were allowed. The code commission, con
sisting of A. M. Post, E. L. King and J.
H. Broody, mode a change In this pro-
Vision in their codification, limiting time
in all cases to the twenty days. Whether
this was Intentional or not the attorneys
Interested In the matter here do not
seem to know, but now that the commit
tee ot the legislature has recommended
the report of the code Commission and
the legislature has ratified it it stands.
No Power to Cnanare Laws,
Tha other phase of the. affair, and the
phase that is puxzling bo mo of the law
yers who believo that attorneys should
have more time in which to decide pn
appeals, is that the code commission has
no authority to chango any laws, but was
simply supposed to codify them. This Is
a distinct ohange.
Section T, chapter 2U, of the session
laws, 1918, says: "All acts of a general
nature, as revised and reported to tho
thirty-third session ot the legislature by
the commission for the revision ot the
laws, as soon as such report shall be ap
proved and adopted by the legislature,
shall be construed as a continuation ot
such lawB, and not as new enactments."
It is held here that in the matter re
lating to the time limit of filing in cases
to be appealed the commission has mado
a "new enactment" Instead ot limiting
itself to continuing vthe old laws.
There has been some talk of testing
the soundness of the provision In the
courts. Nothing definite has as yet como
up. There are several ways In which the
matter might find its way into the
Imperial Sticks In Illnu.
Cut state bread in one-thlrd-lnch slices,
remove crusts, spread thinly with butter
and cut slices in one-thtrd-lnoh strips
and rings; put in pan and bake until
delicately browned. Arrange three sticks
in each ring.
Tomorrow at 8 O'clock
We place on sale
the fine furniture that has been displayed for the last
three days on our mian floor. Here you. will find
choice furniture consisting of odd pieces, both sin
gle and from suites, such as chairs , beds, bed room furniture, dining
room furniture and porch furniture. We have made the prices low
enough to move them rapidly, in many cases just one-half the regular
prices. Gome early to make sure of getting what you want. A few of
the prices:
Regular Price Salo Price Regular Prico Sale Price
$40 Circassian Wal. Chiffonier $25.00 $110.00 Fumed feuffet SGO.OO
$75.00 Mahogany Chiffonier . . .$40.00 $90.00 Mahogany Buffet 45.00
$80.00" WnlnutDressing Table. . 40.00 $75.00 Fumed China Closet . . . .$37.50
$57.50 Walnut Chiffonier S30 00 $30.00 Fumed China Closet $15 00
$55.00 Walnut Bed $30.00 $52.00 Parlor Suito . . . . $35.00
$95.00 Mahogany Dresser $50.00 $32.50 Divan .$16.25
$90.00 Mahogany Chiffonier. . .$45.00 $80jOO Brass Bed . $40.00
$47.50 Maple Bod .$30.00 $76.00 Brass Bed .$3800
A number of attractive pieces at one-half price.
For Odd Pieces at Odd Prices Visit Oar Bargain Basement
Beaton & Latiep Company
415-17 South 16th St. Payments If yeu wish.
Newspaper Man,
Mrs. Mary Brown, district superinten
dent of the Associated Charities ot Chi
cago waB a Juvenile court visitor. She Is
returning to Chicago after a visit to Min
neapolis. She stated that in Illinois the
divorced and deserted women aro barred
from participation in tho mothers' pen
sion, on tho theory that tho divorced hus
band or the husband who has deserted
should bo looked (up and compelled to
support the mother and family.
Fairly heavy showers felt over portions
of Webster, Franklin, Harlan nnd Furnas
counties, along the south line of the
Burlington Friday night At Oxford
there was one-half and at Red Cloud
one-fourth inch of rain. At other poitns
along the line the showers were scat
tered. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
While East, i Watched ladies'
Suit Styles Keenly
A 1 've muclx tIm i116168 tbe better
Uga dressed women, on August 1st. In the
first place, I reopen my ladies' tailoring1 establishment
for the season on that day; secondly, I will then give
them a first glimpse of the styles that will prove MOST
prominent THIS fall.
Newer ideas of mate up; late conceits in materials;
snappier methods of designing; I gathered all this from
those who are responsible for the most charming u East
ern" fashions. And the best part of it is that I stand
ready to duplicate ANY of those charming eastern styles
for MUCH less money than the easterners ask; far les
money than any other Omaha establishment asks. Make
it a point to be here on August 1st. Surety.
City May Ask Court to Stop Payment
of Water Funds.
Webster Sny Water Board Is Not
Worrying Ure Says that He
Will Keep the Money for
the City.
Unless tho board ot directors ot the
Metropolitan Water district institute
mandamus proceedings to compel Trea
surer W. G. Ure to transfer 1.000,000
water funds to the account ot the new
district, the city will ask the courts for
a restraining order directing Uro to keep
this money. This, it Is understood, will
mean the test of the constitutionality of
the new law.
"I'm going to hang on to this money,
that much Is settled." said U.'e, ,Jfor I
have no inclination to burn my fingers
It Is up to the Water board to act"
There Is an impression around .the city
hall that the water board Is afraid to
bring the mandamus proceedings at this
Attorney John L. Webster, for the,
board, says he is "not worrying about
the million dollars and will act when tho
board asks him to." In the beginning
WebBter said there would be no hesita
tion on Ure's part; that he would turn
the money over at once.
A Baraca rally will be held at the First
Baptist church, Twenty-ninth and Har
ney streets, Monday evening. The pro
gram will be as follows:
Invocation...... .....J. G. Anderson
Scripture Reading Alvln Johnson
Quartet Selection
Baraca Quartet Swedish Baptist Church.
Reading Dora Bass
Address Hon. H. F. Carson
State Superintendent Anti-Saloon League.
Solo Rose Glllnsky
Benediction Rev. W. Jasper Howell
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caused by irregular teeth to exist
another week. Do it today. Consult
our specialists in this matter. No
charge for consultation.
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