Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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For Women's
Apparel That
Has Been Sell
ing as High as
Most Sensational Offer of the Clearing Sale
i coats $r
0 f"2 Apparel That Zf
. Has Been Sell
M m ing as High as ivsW
mjjmm waists m m
skirts j
nBBBf M w m
iriniiniiiHi jus UHiumru u & iwsr wr
Jl V.'jIUWMIV I' "VA.t&S .K'f I I I
r K II " I fAWTWak 111
I l I 1 AM
rvx -or i
1 1 1 1 1 1: mi
This Is our offectlvo way of selling out our atock on hand at once. For this one day, at least,
It will not be a question of what gnrment you can afford to buy, but what garment you prefer.
The five dollar price is well within means of practically every woman In town. No matter what
roady-to-woar garment you need most, you can be correctly fitted and thoroughly satisfied
Choice of 300 Women's Fine Summer Dresses, worth up to $20.00, at. . .$5.00
125 Women's Tailored Suits that have been selling -up to $25.00, at. . . .$5.00
175 Women's Coats and Wraps that have been selling up to $25.00, at. $5.00
Unrestricted Choice of Any Woman's Silk Waist in our entire stock at .$5.00
Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Woman's Skirt in our entire stock at $5.00
DRESSES at $5.00
They Have Been Sell
ing at $10.00, $15.00
and $25700
These are all new sum
mer garments of high
quality. The materials In
clude linens, ratines,
voiles and dainty sheer
llngorlo effects. Summery
whlto frocks and dresses
in the dainty summer
Abodes all sizes for wo
men and misses. Your
choice of 300 of the clev
erest, now ideas at prices
reduced to FIVE DOL-
SILK WAISTS at $5.00
Thoy Have Been Selling at $10.00, $12.50,
$15.00 and $25.00.
Your' unrestricted qhoico of any woman's silk
waist in our. entire Btock regardless of former
cost or value. Included hero are the most attractive Ideas
In chiffon, charmeuso and crept) de chines. Many are
dross and evening waists of the most olaborato charactor.
Wo offer the choico at FIVIS DOLLAIIS.
They Have Been Selling at $10.00,
$15.00, $20.00 and $25.00
Your choico of jUBt 17,5 high class
coats and wraps of silk or wool fabrics
In tho cleverest spring or Bumnier styles.
Many evening wraps, scores of smart
coats that will glva year-round service,
many light wolght garmonta, etc.
m few
N ft im . A
il 1 1 ln5 if I MM
SUITS at $5.00
They Have BeerTSell
ing at $15"0r$2000
and $25.00"
These aro odd lots and
broken sires of our most
popular lines of wool tail
ored suits for spring and
early summer. All sizes
for women and mioses aro
Included. The materials
are in light and medium
weights and practically a
complete range of colors.
We also Includo your
choice of any woman's
wash suit in our entire
They Have Been Selling at $10.00, $12.50,
and Home up to $15.00
Your unrestricted choice of our entiro stock, in
eluding white serges, Bedford cords, silk taffetas.
poplins, fine serges and worsteds; also maternity
skirts and extra size and out size skirts. Values
range from $6.50 to $15 Saturday at Five Dollars.
At These Prices There's Great Ecohbmy in
Buying These Hose and You'll Get Splendid
Service and Satisfaction in Wearing, Them.
Women's Hosiery 35c
They Have Nyr SoU for Less Than 50c
a Pair Many Hava Sold Regularly at 50c
im un liinritaHw
Woman's Yum Thread Silk Hoot
Hosiery, wide lisle garter tops;
also purs silk to tho top, donblo
noloa soma nro full fashioned -
regular ami out sizes; also men's
p . . . . i - . . : . ...
uo uuso in pincjc, ion nnu wimoj
At, pair
OUR WOMEN'S 25c HOSE at 15c
Morcerlzed Halo finished hosiery, doublo hoola and toea:
also i misses', children and boys' ribbed hose, somo with
aouuio iiuuo; uibo men s uoc noao in black, tan
and irhtte; at, pair. ,
OUR $1.50 and $2.00 HOSIERY at $1.00 a Pair
Women's Pure Thread Bilk Hosieryheavy, modlura and
gaujo walghtij, all silk and silk with IIbIo tops, llslo
double Bolea back, tan, whlto and fancy kg
shades; at, pair. A UU
Women's Lisle Thread tt'oAlery,
plain and fancy allover lace, and
lace lKxit patterns, double soles .
black, tan and fancy Unlit shades;
Kenulno 20a and Jjflo values; In
Drugs and Toilet Articles
Eastman's Toilet
Vater, 80o elia.,rl,
tPonjptlfl.ii Massage
Greun, 76c niso, at...
Diana Fowdftr all
nhadiHi, at.. ..........
Peroxide ot Hydrogen,
1-lb. botUe for....
Hospital Cotton. Lib.
radlnola Cream. E0c
bIio. at
Cunthrox Shampoo,
&uo sua. at, pksr.
"The Best Day in All the Year To Buy Footwear"
Annual Clearing Sale of Shoes
Wo aro bo determined to clear away pur summon lines of shoes that we have reduced the regular price
down to a mere fraction of former selling figures. Nearly all sizes and wldtlw aro here for .your selccUon.
iiODiivo urv an rvuu. iiiuunnmia u 4ub in Bfiutn lium U10 OCflt IllJtKCrH (11 ninericil liro lUClUUCU In UlU
cicanuico. , f
A. i$-A Main C1 AC Pr
iiuiUL&i a quu yt i UlUjJd aim VAMUS Floor at pi7U .
. 2.000 nalrs of uunms and oxfords In hlsh erado leathers, natent. (hill nlflrln. Hnli
--black, hrown or grey suede, whlto buckakln and white canvas. Beat values In women's footwear '
.of the bettor grades that we havo offered this season,
Formerly sold at $3.50, $4.00 and oven $5.00 a pair on main floor.
Women's Z and $4 White Nubuck and Canvas Shoes
In several now, up-to-date styles lmvo been selling all season for $3,50 and
fjU.OO practically all sizes aro here. Tho quality and workmanship aro first class.
Odds and Ends of Men's Oxfords, Worth to ML0, at $195 ?1
Tana and blacks, also patent leather oxfords, of dependable quality!
Barefoot Handals for Boys and Girls Tan willow calf
skin with genuine elkskln soles, welt sewed In all
Blses regular $1.50 values at, pair 93
Odds and Knds In Bathing Slippers and Austrian straw
porch slippers; at, pair 25
Odds and Knds of Women's Ojtfords and l'umps that
so)d up to $3.60 abouo 130.palrs at, pair, 81,25
Misses' and Children's1 $a and $2.B0 Pumps at 08t
With or without straps, in tan and' dull calfskin, pat
eat leather, white buckskin, white canvas and velvet;
also 4 and G-etrap Roman Bandals.
Ihiys' Oxfords Choice of nnV h'alr. Wo'nfdinsa nt tu
rner price, new mannish lasts at i rrrz
Men's $tf.BO AVhlt Canvas and "White Buck Oxfords
button or blucher styles, nearly all Bizes. . .'.81,9"
llayo' Hair Health, OAn
SOo bIeb bottle, for... fcU
fiPECIAIi Kirk's Bhandon.i SPEOlAIi O-Cedar Polish i
Bells Toilet Soap, e Floor Mops at, aa i
lOo cake at.
I each
Every Price Hero is an Extra Special
Women's $1.00 Llslo Union fiulta, umbrella knee, French
ImumI or crochet beading topsregular and otra j- r
tixea; at, suit DUC
Womeu'n BOo Llalo Union 8ilUt cuff and umbrella knee,
crochet beading tops; regular and extra hizeo; at, qa
suit , , SC
Woman's lisle Vests, Including Cumfy-cutr regular and
extra sires up to 115c quality; each, nl
Women'a 80e Cuff Kneo I'auta, taped tops -ulxea
4, 0, 0 and 7; at, pair
Children's and;Boys' "M"
Knit Waist Union Suits
low neok, sleeveless, patent
taped buttons sizeB 2 to 12
years regular SOo J(ln
quality at, suit VC
"M" KxUt Union Suits for girls
and boya low neck, oleeve.eai,
knee length sizes Z to 12 39o
quality; per suit,
at iyc
Children's IIOc Vesta and Pant;
AU sizes; per garment,
at ..
When Prices Are Forced Down, Summer Clothes Are Forced Out!
Hundreds of Men Will Buy Suits Saturday!
Men who know what superior brands of
clothes are sold exclusively at this store
will realize what a chance this is. .
From one of these two lots wo can fit any
man in Omaha in a suit that will give
liim twico as much value as tho price
Men's and Young Jk
Men's Suits that weV
have been soiling up
to $17.50 are in this
I mmmmmrT mmtLma Mil
Kot ordinary suits, but the best suits
from the best tailors in. America are of
fered in this sale.
Norfolbs, two and threo button coat mod
els, ouintg suits and conservative busi
ness suits iii patterns to suit and sizes to
tit everyone. A J J AQ
iuch jou-iia mat
we have been sell
ing up to $22 are in
this group ,
flfcfl tr fo All the Young Men's
SK h 8"M0 to 912.00 Lion
Vila I U Trouter Butta Norfolk
or regular coat model, ages 14 to 10,
for All the YoUng Men's
viu.uu ijong Trouior
8ult Norfolk or regu
lar roat models.
for All Ijomr T r o u a e r
Serge Hulta Nocfolk or
regular coat models.
$li!.80 to $10.00 values.
for All the Young Men's
90.SO and 80,00 iiong
Trouscr Hulta ages 1-1
to 10 basement.
Boys' Wash
SUITS, at .
Qhoico lots of $1.50
and $2.50 Manhattan
and Cadet makes, all
tho new styles aro in
cluded; hundreds of
All the Hoys' 5Qo Khaki
Knickerbockers '
old store, nt. . . JJ
All our Boys' $7 .BO to 910.00 ivnlck-
er Docker buhs, serges in
cluded -go
at ,
jr iuv"
All our lloya S.OO to QtiJiO Knick
erbocker muiw excep
tional values, go
All our Boys' $4.00 to $3.00 Knick
erbocker Suits some
have two pairs of pants,
AU our Boys' $3.00 and $2.60 Knick
erbocker Hults on sale
In basement
To Quickly Clear Away Our Stock of UNTEIM
MED PANAMA HATS we offer you $q48
our regular $5, $6.50 and $7.50 shapes v
We Offer Saturday a Limited Number of
TRIMMED PANAMA HATS, novelty ostrich
effects, flower trimmed, etc, $10.00 $
values at. . . V
Women's Satin Hats
With Soft Crowns and Hemp
Straw Pacings.
Destined to be the most popu
lar hats In tho smart Bets during
the coming month.. Now and
clever as can be. Trimmed with
wings, ribbon, crepe and flower
effects (one model pictured here)
medium and Btnall shapes all
colors and combinations. .
Selling every
where in the
East at $8.50; we
offer them Saturday. .
Hen's High Grade Uiderwear
All Our Imported French Lisle Undershirt and
Drawers that sold up to $1.00, Saturday, ....
All Our Imported French Lisle Undershirts' and
Brawers that sold up to $1.50, Saturday ,
All Our SUk and Lisle and Lisle Union Suits $4 25
that sold up to $3.08, Saturday at I
All Our Finest Imported SUk Undorshirta and $')50
Drawers that Bold up to $0.00, at, garment JL
Save a Half Dollar pr More on a Shirt
Hundreds of Our
Men's Shirts that
have sold regularly at
$1.50 each go at 89c.
New patterns, separate
soft collars, collars at
tached or neckband style.
coat style, pleatel fronts,
piain or stripe a eire:u.
lot In the
sale, old
& .
striped effects.
Our Hen's $1 Shirts at 55c
Some of them are worth only 75c, but lots of ttiam
are regular $100 shirts. Scores of new styles, carofu ly
Btted old ptore. main floor. '