Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Clearance Bargains In
Parasols and
Your clioico of all the Silk
Parasols that sold to $5.00,
.Silk and Linen Parasols
Regular selling pric up to
$3.00; in one lot, QQ
your choice OC
$1.00 Silk Gloves All col-
ors, 16-button
length, Saturday. .
200 Traveling Bags and
Suit Cases bout Half
A general cloarance of stock in which
sweeping reductions are made on nearly
all linos.
Genuine Cow Hide Suit Cases
up from S3.05
Real Leather, Leather Lined Bans
"P from S2.95
MatUng Suit Cases 95 and SI. 45
Handsome Now Tailored Suits
That sold up to $30.00, choice as
sortment of designs in ratine,
serges, diagonals, etc, both white
and colors Greatest values ever
offered in Omaha
Handsome New Dress Skirts, mado to sell at
$7.50, Serges, Poplins, etc., plain and fancy
colors, all sizes, matchless bargains, at $3.50
300 Children's Summer Dresses, made to sell at
$3.50 to $4.00, in fine Chnmbrays, Poplins,
Lawns, Embroideries, etc., colors or white,
sizes 4 to 14 years, at $1.00
Bargain Giving in Women's Ready-to-Wear Gar
ments, the Greatest Ever Known in Omaha
Nearly 400 Beautiful Dresses'
Charming summer styles, crepes,
marquisettes, chiffons, embroid
eries, voiles, poplins, etc., values
up to $35, both street and ovoning
Dainty Summer Dresses, made to soil up to $15,
Marquisettes, Ratines, Linons, etc., plain col
ors and fancies about 500 in tho lot at,
choice , $6.95
Ladies' Long Kimonos, Jnpimoso Crepes and
Silks, mado to sell at $5 and $6, choice $2.95
Charming Summer Coats That
sold from $15.00 to $35.00 Even
ing coats, street coats, in silks,
satins, bengalines, diagonals,
serges, etc. About '200 for selec
tion Saturday.
Beautiful Summer Waists, mado to sell at $2.50
and $3.00, dainty designs in fino lingerie, otc,
lace insertion and embroidery trimmed, high
or low neck styles in all sizos 95c
Stylish Wash Dress Skirts mado to sell at
$2.50, remarkablo bargains 89C
Clearance Sale
Ladies' Onyx Hose, 50c and
75c values, all colors, manu
facturers' samples . . .25c
25c Onyx Hosiery. . .16c
Ladies' All Silk Hose - To
$1.00 values; at, pair, 49c
Children's -c Hoso Whito and
colors, at IGSrSci
Children's Fancy Sox. . ..." . .25
Special Itnrgalns In nil Kayscr
& Co.'s Sillc Hose.
China Specials for Saturday
2-qt. Glass Pitchers, each. . ,15c
6 Water Glasses for 10c
0 ShoYbot Cups 15c
12-pieco Baking Sot, sot..'85c
Best Mason Jar Rubbers, 2 doz.
for , ,15c
Mason Jar Caps, dozen.... 15c
25c Handkerchiefs, 10c
A beautiful line of Ladies' Swiss
Embroidered and Sheer Pure
Linen Handkerchiefs that sell
regularly up to 25c 1 fit
your choice
10c Handkerchiefs, 5c
One corner embroidered, pretty figure
or initialed or in fanoy colored borders,
to 10c values, snap at 56
$1.00 Hand Bags 49c
A genuine Goat Seal Bag, leather
lined, with coin purse, fancy metal
frame; $1.00 value, at 49c
For Your Drugs and Toilet Good
Zt'a HayUen's upccUl Male Saturday.
Way Pajr More.
$1.00 slxe i'u.o n'urvfceu Peroxide,
extra size, tor 26c
tOc .size Stlliman's Freckle Cream,
for Uoo
26c size Mermen's or Williams' Tal
cum Powder, for loo
Four bain ot ivory Soap for. . . . , .100
10c Hlilnola Shoe j'ollsn, alo price bo
26c Hire's Hoot Beer Kxtract, makes
6 guilbiut, for . .iuo
25c Sanltol or Grave's Tooth Powuor
or i. unit, tor 12Ho
25c values in extra iiuolityf ooia
Brushes, for ."......... lOo
$ l.uu and 11.26 Bath Bruaneu to clorfe
out, each 69o
$1.50 double bristle Ideal Ilalr
Brushes, for 98o
$1.50 Oriental Cream, sale price.. S5o
Largs size Pompelan Massage Cream,
for ,.,.odo
$1.25 and $2.00 Tourist Traveling
Cases, at 98o
25o Dutftless Oust Cloths 3Cx36 in.,
for luo
Large size Sal Hepatlca, for 89o
Three dozen (6 grain) Aspirin Tab
lets, for 86o
50c size Sodium Phosphate, at . .25c
One hundred Dr. Hlnkle's Cascara
Tablets, regular price 10c dozen, our
prlco 26c for 100.
60o La Blanche or Carmine Face
Powder, for . 33o
$1.00 box La Trefle or Azurea Face
Powucr, ror "
$1.25 Massage Bath sprays, for.. 880
75c values In Hubber Gloves at, the
pair a
$1.00 Fountain Syringe or Water
TlnttlAQ fnr BSO
$2.50 Combination Syringe and Bottle,
for W.
ta.oo Red Rubber Combination
Syringe and Bottle for ..'.... .$1.50
$4.00 Wellington Syringe and Bottle,
guaranteed. for B yews,, for ..a.00
Our own importa
tions, best styles, val-'
uosto.ou, oo
"Whito chip, elastic,
nine most fashion-
ablo blocks,
A wonderful sacrifice of our entire stock of
High Class Summer Millinery.
All the Trimmed Hats
that sold to $10.00
in one lot,
at. . . .
All tho Trimmed Hats
that sold to ijiS'.OO
in one lot,
Individual Ostrich
Plumes, JJn a hundred
different color effects
values to hhr
$2.00, at k
Shapes that sold to
$2.50 in two lots, at
Big Shoe Clearance Saturday
Clearing out the odd lots of low shoes and wo
men's, misses' and child's white shoes at LESS than
tho COST to mnke.
Men's $4.00 Oxfords, tan or black, button or blucher,'
sold in a regular way at $4.00; clearing price 2.9
Women's $4 White Canvas and Nubuck Button Shoes
and Oxfords $2.98
Men's $3.00 Elkskin, Gun. Metal and a few $3.50 patent
button and blucher shoes and oxfords $1.98
All the 85c and 75c Barefoot Sandals 50c
Child's $1.50 White Shoes and 2-strap Sandals $1.90
All the. $1.25 and $1.00 White Shoes and Slippers for
children .' 75c
STETSON and CROSSETT Shoes foi men.
ITY Shoes for Women.
V GKOV-ttiG and UJJittJN UAl,- yY
V ITYT Shoes for Women.
In Domestic Room
59c Tioga 72x90 soft finish
ed MuSlin Sheets 48c
$1.25 pattern Bleached Dam-
iiq1t TiiViU ninth. 13 viirda
square ... 85c
$1.75 large sized fringed
Bed Spreads, assorted pat
terns, good weights,
at . $1.45
25o fancy striped Voiles or
Poplins 15c
7c Ginghams, for dresses
and aprons , . . . -5c
18c Serpentine Crepes, good
patterns 10c
W' 19c -
, :
Your Choice '
I oar Entire Stock of
I Men's Straw or C JB QQ I
I Panama Hnta that T f
Veold to 80.00 f ture
Saturday A
X. Choice of all the 1
X Boys' Straw Hats f
OA hat sold up to 81, Y
1 Saturday, S3c I
Fancy White Wash Belting,
Kr belt length 5c
Patent Leather Belts Ir
white, red and black, 25(1
25c Taffeta Ktbbons, yd 125d
$1 liaUiing and Auto Caps . .40tJ
tl Clilffou Auto Veils 40c
$1 Iiico Collar and CuffSctfl, por
not 40
July Clearance Specials in the
Corset Section
All S'anoy Brooada Corsets that sola
to li.ot); long tilts medium tnim
model ?2.4i
The new "ITobrake" Bide BlMl u
lu Vorstts of netting and batlsto,
cook-Bt In the market; $1,50 value;
at 980
7Bo Batiste and , Hatting Corsets,
light weight, medium length; just
what you want for summer wear;
at 4So
7 Bo Brassieres, embroidery .trlmmod,
double buttoned backs; your choice
Saturday at 39p
Children's Wash Suits, to $3.00 val
ues, at ..98 and Q9o
Boys' Blouse Waists and Shirts,
plnln colors and stripes; to $1 val
ues, at 49o and 23o
Rousing Clearance Bar
gains in Muslin and Knit
LA 1) IKS' (30WN8, to ?2.50 values,
in crepofi; (plain colors or fanclos,
alBO nainsooks, laco
nnd oinbroliiory
trlmmod, cholco 08ci
1 IU N O H 8 8
8 h I P 8 to
$3.50 v a lues,
hnvo deep laco
or embroidery
flounco and
allover yokes;
uIbo Bilk mull
combina 1 1 o n
fliilts, all bIicb,
cholco 81.08
SI, 00 valuoa,
laco nnd embroidery trimmed 49
sizes, at 35
8H.K IilSLK UNION SUIT8 To f2.00 valuea,
tight and looso knoo, at 88 d 50d
Hoys' ItnlbrlRgan and Poros Knit Union Suite
All sizes, at .v. 35
values, nil sizes 35d
to y? Off
All r.Oc lMcturcs, U5c
In gilt, oak or mahogany frames,
big aBBortment ot pretty aubjocta
for selection. ,
$1.00 and 91. an Picture, 00c
LandscapoB, Marines, Horizon,
Fisher Heads, etc., beautifully
framod big variety for your se
lection. 10c Post Card Frame Ki
1W per cent Discount on all plc-
iraming wont iou nero oat-
Matchless Clearance
Bargains In the
Men's Furnishing
Goods Section
Wtoi-Jii'" .u.
Thousands of books for se
lection only lie per day.
43-lb. Sack Best High Grade Diamond R Flour, per sack, $1.10
Saturday Hardware Bargains
S5o high grade full sUe,
Wash Board.
25o full size, full weight,
Cotton Mpp. ,
S5o Aluminum Dippers.
2Bo Aluminum Lemon
25c large Aluminum Bast
lng Bpoons.
Any size Aluminum Pie
25a Shaker Flour Sieves.
36b Refrigerator Pans.
$ c
26c 100-ft. heavy twisted
Qalvanixed Wire Clothes
36c Coffee Grinders.
26c fancy Imported Roll
ing Pins.
26c large size Chemically
Treated Dust Cloths.
25c bottle Ocedar Oil.
35c Enamel Colanders. '
25c large size heavy Steel
Mall Boxes.
25c Silver Polish.
25c Fruit Presses.
n Large 10c Rolls of Gold Band Toilet Paper
pmu Be Rolls of Gold Band Toilet Paper
n -n T.lsBlions Order Accepted. SBo Worth to a Customer.
no v wi
10 bars Beat-'Em-AU, Diamond C or
Lenox ?oap S5o
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal
for , V4o
4-lb. pkg. Star Naphtha Washing Pow
der mo'
i lbs. Fancy Japan Rice, 10c quality,
for , SBo
1- lb. cans Assorted Soups 7H
3 cans OH or Mustard Sardines . ...lOo
Tall cans Alaska Salmon I0o
Advo Jell, Ice Cream Powder, Jell-O or
Jellycoo, pkg 7V&o
16-oz. cans Condensed Milk 7H
The best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pkg 7io
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb 12Ho
Fancy Queen Olives, quart 3Bo
Poyted Meats, per can o
2- lb. cans Early June Peas lOo
Large bottles Worcester Sauce Pure
Tomato Catsup or Pickles, at, per
bottle , 8 1-30
Grape-Nuts, pkg. lOo
J5-C Corn Flakes pkg 6c
Tbe Bost Tea Slftlngs, lb . ...lOo
Colden Suntos Coffee, lb 03V40
16 lbs. Now Potatoes to pk 380
Demand IS lbs. the law requires It.
4 bunches Fresh Beets or Carrots ..6o
bunches Fresh Onions or Radishes
for Bo
4 bunches Fresh Rhubarb Bo
The best Cooking Apples, lb 3V4o
4 bunches Fresh Leaf Lettuce .....Bo
Large Head Lettuce, head . ...7H-&
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb....7Ho
Fancy Denver Peas, qt lOo
Fancy Denver Cauliffbwer ...... lao
6 bunches Fresh Parsley Bo
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb... 7Va
3 Large Green Peppers loo
3 Large Summer Squash.. loo
Large Cucumbers, each 7Vio-5o
Large Egg Plants, each 10c
3 Large Heads Cabbage lOo
Fancy Cantaloupes, each .,3V4o-8o-7Mo
Large, Fancy, Juicy Lemons, t, per
dozen 30o-36o-40o
Regular 40o, 60a and 60o everywhere.
4-basket orates Texas Elbert
Peaches, for canning,
per orate
Griffon Brand and Other Well Known Makes
None of them worth loss than $1.00 nnd up to ?2. 50
maker's surplus and samples; all bent inatorlalo
and patterns; clearing f O f f Id g
salo prices
Nlghtahirts and Pajamas,
regular $1 quality; your
choice at 40b
Mercerizod Pajamas.made
to m at 92.00 and $3.00,
all colora. S1.45, 98
$1.00 and $1.50 Union
Suits, in
styles; on
sale at . .ftf)t and 4fl
rana uoi
Onyx Brand
75c values,
ocks. up to
all perfect,
, plain ana
ancy; on salo at
25cS 16 3-3c, 12 He
25o Four-ln-Hnnd Ties,
silk madras, in good lino
of colora ...... .5j2)b
Silfcx Four-ln-Hand Ties,
60c and 76c values, big
assortment. 45c. 25c
Men's SUBDendors. stand
ard makeB, regular values :!
to $1.00, ift three lots !l
at ...,49d, 39. 25tf li
Bilk Lisle Union Suits, it
$2,00 and $3.00 values,
all styles; on sale ji
'5 nl 08 J
rlen's Union
7Cc values; In
ecru, pink
and blue;
all sizes guaranteed
nerfect on 1 i
sale In domes- f
Summer Underwear
To 50c garment values
In Balbrlggan or
poros knit; shirts or
drawers, in nil r
sUcb; In dom- 1 Sf
estlc room, oa.
Rays Try HAYDEN'S First Km
BtrxTEB, onazsa amd saa psxoes
A Sarlnr of 33 to 607.
Fancy No. 1 Country Butter, lb ....87o
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb SBo
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 180
New York White or Young America
Cheese, lb 30o
Neufchatel Cheese, each .....So
The best Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen 18o
Genuine Spring Chickens, lb. 27 ic
The best quality Hindquarters Spring
Lamb, per lb 13 3-4o
The best quality Forcquarters Spring
' Lamb, per lb .' S 3.4a
The best quality Whole Pork Loins,
per .JbTis. 18 l-4o
The bost quality Pork Shoulders, per
pound 13l4o
The best nuallty Pork Butts, lb....lSo
No. I tmallty Pot Roast, per lb. 13o-10o
Good uuallty Breakfast Bucon, per
pound 18HC-300 ; il
Kol 1 duality Breakfast Bacon, per " "c
No,0inquailYy Picnic' Hams, polbMWc High grade Marseilles Bed Spreads, scalloped cut corners $7.50 values.
It Pays to Trade at Hayden's A sav- each , . . . , i S5.00
Ing of 26 to 50. Assorted lot Bed Spronds, full olie; j$2.60 values, each
1 Assorted lot full size Bod Spreads, white or colored il.fiii va1hp t
IT each si.oo
Imitation Lace Mexican Drawn work Bed Spreads worth $5.00,
each ' : icq tK
k tic room d I estlc 'room, oa.' J H U
m : J J&j
July Clearance Specials
Linen Department
CS2S!S2 . .. i , i. i....... it ,m . .-si , r i tt I vsmliAr. Th contracts for all work on i machine. In like manner, make tho city I
Will End Day's Business at 6 O'clock
on Saturdays Poring August.
Should the run Be Sutlsfaetorr tfce
Hour Will Thereafter Be Ob
served by All of LendluST
Down Town Stores.
Omaha retail stores are going to closl
at 6 o'clock Saturday nights through Au
gust, and if the plan is successful It inuy
je continued .indefinitely. At a meeting
or the Associated Omaha Retailers
yesterday the voting was unanimous
Ui favor of earlier Saturday night clos
ing. The closing time was moved up thres
hours, the stores having been closed Sat
urday nights at 9 o'clock. Thero were
twenty-three firms represented at the
Only three retail stores ot size refused
to join the retailers In the move for the
clerks. The other retailers think these
will jolp the ranks later it the buying
public favors the earlier closing hour,
George Ryan, Fred Brodegaard and T.
L. Combs told the retailers of the suc
cess the Jewelers have had in closing
eary. All three said none of the Jewel,
trs had lost anything by closing and
there has been no decrease in the number
cf sales. ,
The decision to close the stores Satur
day nights In August was made In tho
passage of a resolution introduced by
George Later of Beaton & Later.'
Hayden Bros, say that while the early
closing will be tried during August it will
be up to the publlo to decide whether the
early closing will be continued. They re
port' that this store Is more than anxious
to give the clerks the Saturday evening
off for rest and that thay hope the public
will show Its appreciation by- doing Its
shopping early.
Fire brraklng out at 10 o'clock on the
first floor of the fertilizing department of
the Swift & Co. packing plant at South
Omaha, threatened much destruction.
The blaze burned viciously, but tbe speedy
response of the fire department soon had
the flames under control and by 10:30
wero out. The loss will amount to several
hundred dollars.
Carpenters' Strike
Extends to Fremont
Carpenters employed by Bridges &
Hoye on the no whlgh school at Fremont
have gone on strike because of the firm
having employed nonunion carpenters on
their jobs In Omaha.
This statement Is made on the au
thority of Business Agent 11. Stroesser of
the Omaha union, who says the men at
Fremont did not ask for additional pay,
but went out merely in sympathy with
their Omaha brethren. Mr. Stroesser
also says that up to last night the places
of -the men on strike at Fremont had not
been filled.
The school building at Fremont Is a
structure to cost 1200,000. It has been in
process of construction since last No
vember. The contracts for all work on
the building were let long ago, before the
carpenters' strike was thought of. The
calling off of the men at Fremont
Is denounced by members of the Build
ers' exchange as an uncalled for strike,
fomented outside the Jurisdiction of the
union In Omaha. Tho new situation ha
not Improved the feeling between the
builders and the union In Omaha.
Suction uh tt Altluiunld.
The extension of the vacuum cleaner
principle to the milking of cows is a
noteworthy advance In labor-saving de
vices. The winning milking machine at
a contest recently held in England is
built on the vacuum or suction prin
ciple. The milk Is conducted by trans
parent celluloid tubes to the milk pa'l
which Is hung under the cow by a girth.
An air pump creates a vucuum uml a
pulsating movement as efficient us the
ancient squeezo starts the flow. City
people learnrd to handle automobiles ufc r
an era of bicycling. Will the milking
machine. In like manner, make tho city
cow a backyard or roar convenience?
Houses wlrd for electric lighting would
require only one more plug und switch
to attach such a dairy Brooklyn Eagle.
Death frnju lllooil 1-olson
was prevented by a. W, CloyJ, Plunk,
Mo., who healed his dangerouA wound
with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Only 16c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co Advertisement.
Favorite Fiction,
"O, Reginald, I Never Dreamed You
Cared for Mo In That Way!"
"Lrt Mo See, Johnson; I Don't Remem
ber Whether 1 Paid You That tS or Not "
Those Fit You Nicely, Madam; They'll
Nevor Hurt Your Feet a Bit."
"Stuck Up Thing! I Don't Care
Whether She Calls on Me or Not."
Well. I'm Glad I Didn't Get the Noml.
nation This Time; 1 Was Tired of the
Job Anyway."
"My t'i leads, I Shall Occupy Your Time
Only a Fevi Moments." Chicago Tribune.
Postmaster John C. "Wharton has found
one man in Omaha who wishes to meet
the Philadelphia girl who wrote to the
Omaha postmaster asking him to fln1
her a western, boy for a husband. Th
name of the Omaha boy, who Uvea In the
north part of th city, would not be di
vulged by Mr. Wharton, but the follow
ing letter was exhibited, with tho name
cut off:
"While readlnv The Kvenine Bee last
night I saw where a young lady in Phil
adelphia usltD you to find her a husband
1 am V years of age, weigh 155 pounds,
black, hair, good-natured, sober and earn
UOO per month. ir further information
address ."
Key to the Situation Co Advertising