Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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July Month-End Sale of Dresses
Every one of our high-class, exclusive Silk, After
noon and .Dinner Gowns is included in this sale at Spe
cial Prices for the first time. Not a large quantity, but
every dress is choice and exclusive. Brocades, . Crepe
de Meteor, Pongee, Crepe du Chien and China Silk.
Dresses sold for $25 Saturday $16,50
Dresses sold for $35 Saturday $22.50
Dresses sold for $45 Saturday $32.50
Every dress offered in this sale was made exclusively
for this season's selling.
Every summer dress in our stock
is marked at a reduced price.
The values we offer ate remark
able. You will be pleased with the
price and selection.
Suits and Goats are included in this sale.
A vast selection
of stylish
waists many
values offered.
Men 8. :Fqrnishing Goods
SOc Was Ties 25c
'ALlaxgo selection of dosirablo patterns.
$1.50 . Shirts (or $1.15
Our roguhtf stock. Nothing purchased
for special soles.
Union' Suits only 75c
A cool open inosh garment that will
wear woll. JkthlpMo stylo or short or long
Only a step from eithor entrance.
Very Special Saturday
$10.00 and $ld.00 Imported (jq QO
Cotton Dross Patterns.. p0.Z?O
Oino $25,00 Dross Pattern C 7Q
at ..; tPD. O
Dress Goods Department Main Floor.
Now is the Time for ,
All Black Hats
Special showing Saturday:
$5, $6.75, $8,75
Trimmed with Malino and tho new
Tango feather. .-
Millinery Second Floor.
Saturday Specials ...
NAIL POLISHERS with dotachahlo
covers; special, 27c, 37c and 47c.
bristlo, $L25 regularly; special, 89c,
Toilet Goods Section
Novelty Broche Silk Poplins
22 kc Yard
Constructed of silk and cotton, very
lustrous, having tho appearance of an all
silk fabric. Now displayed in our' Six
teenth street window. Main Floor.
Inexpensive Dependable
Summer Hosiery
, ,en8 black cotton hose, double ..soles,
heels and toes, 16o a pair.
Children's whito cotton hoso 15c pair.
Women's black gatuse lialo'hose, gar
ter top and double soles, 50o a pair,
SUk BQ&t Ho&o with white or black
lisle tops; and Boles, 80o a pair.
Silk Glove Special
Long Silk Gloves 16 but
torian excellent $1.25
value; Saturday at
1 89c a pair ' 7
Kayser's 16 button Silk
Gloves $1.00 a pair. ' 'J
Sec tho IO wer
Left Hand
Corner, of
This Ad for
tho Biggest
Shirt Bargains
In Town.
Buy Vacation Clothes, hero and now,
and the savings will provide funds for
many additional vacation pleasures.
The Straw Hat Sale of
the Year
Choice of any Man's
Straw Hat (all water
proof od, remember) that
sold at $2 to $3, for
Summer Finery for Women, Misses .
and Children Sharply Reduced
Hero is a brief resume of the price-cutting
we've done:
$14.50 to $45.00 suits for $7.00 to $14.00 j
$14.50 to $49.50 coats for $7.00 to $17.50; $2.50
to $25.00 dresses for $1.85 to $16.50 $2.50 to
$9.75 waists for $1.85 to $5.95.
Besides these garments for grown-ups, wo'vo In
cluded praotically everything In children's and little
girls' garments and furnishings, and Hats for little and
big people. Verily, to miss these bargains la a sorry loss
to those with oven the slightest heed. . '
(Continued from Fage' One.)
federation sent a request' to' all cYnipple
that within a week thy would set' a date
lor a conference. On oomparfy refused
to .Acknowledge that such a letttr hat)
been reoelvetL. Tho others merely placed
them on tile, hut vouchsafed no reply.
There was nothing tor the men to do ex
crpt strike, and I beltev the companies
were, considerably surprised by the ex
tent of the movement. A union's strength
is not always measured by the numbs
of Jts active members."
At the Baltic location a body of strik
ers clashed with deputies, removing: their
tars and ordering' them away. The mine
management considered calling for troop
when one of the officers jnas beaten, but
mo uuvunxrace caooa quicaiy ana ine
union men marched awar to other mines
on the south range.
Striker Draw Vires,
Two thousand striker of the Kewee
naw mines adjacent to the Calumet dis
trict are marching' to Calumet.- They are
O. Ahmed, Alloui, "Wolverine and Centen
nial mine. They don't appear to be in
an ugly mood.
Strikers this morning" drove deputies
away from the Wolverine and Ahmeek
mint. At the Alious the fires were
drawn by Vtrlkers and the pumps shut
Scene of Disorder Shift.
Disorder pf the copper miners' strike
which yesterday occurred arpund' the
properties pt the Calumet and UecU
mining company were transferred today
to. the estreme . ends of the district
Deputy sheriffs were driven from prop
erties at Ahmeek and Mohawk on the
north and 'from TrUmountaln. -Baltic
Jala Royale, Superior and other mines
pa the south range.
la addition ft .crowd of strike sym
pathiser ehssed'IDO men from construe
tlon work on the extension of the Copper
lUnge railroad near Freda, Houghton
eawnty, late today, and another mob was
reported to have attacked the deputies
Rt yuincy mine, Hancock,
The mobs followed closely their tactic
of ths day before, contending themselves
with compelling nonunion workers to
quit and tearing; tho badges oft of some
aeputy sheriffs. The troops that arrlVod
today were stationed about the shops
and shsfts of the Calumet and Hecla
company in this city and several streets'
were roped oft with wire cable and Sen
tries with fixed bayonets paced hack of
these obstructions, it was Indicated that
no attempt would be made to break, up
the organized demonstrations of the
miners until after a sufficient force was
at hand to protect the eltlre district. An
Illustration of the difficulties of the situa
tion was found In the fact that today's
outbreak on. the south range was ap.
proximately thirty miles from the Celu
met armory.
C. H. Mahoney. vice president of the
Western Federation of Miners, arrived
today and Inspected the entire district.
He held a meeting this afternoon with
J. C. Lowney, Yamco Tersleh and Guy E.
Miner, memoers of the executive board
of the federation. Mahoney came from
the Atlantlo City conference of the
American Federator of Labtr. and t
was reported he broughf aesuranoe of
support from the national organisation.
(Continued from Page One.)
who would be interested in American con
trot of Mexico," was his comment
Mr. WUson said he expected to ea back
t Mexico as American ambassador.
I have received no Intimation from
Washington that I am to be dismissed.'
hu declared. "I expect to be retained, ai
i see no resson why I should not.
stand pat today on everything I have
Ill-yen In Wnshlnsrtnn. '
' WABHINQTON, July ' W.-Beeretary
)ryfih oh his return today from his lw
ture -tour was silent on Mexican affairs,
but observed that the Iowa crops were
fine. He weht almost immediately to the
White bouse.
Secretary Bryan conferred briefly with
the president and made an appointment
or a longer conference Jeter in the day.
Summer Shirt
Bargains Such
as Yoa, Neter .
Heard of
L0T iN0,4,
Beautiful, soft mates 4
rials, perfect in fit
. and finish, that we
sold originally! at
$1.50 and $2.00, for
Broken lots " of oui
very finest shirts
silks, otcrr-that. sold
at $2.00 and up, for
, ' Don't Overlook
, These Matchless
. Bargains in Suits
for Hen and
Young Hen
$15.00 Suits fiQ ETA
reduced to.... .VJlV
$18.00 and $20.00. Suits
$2250 and $25.00 Suits
todu...:... $16.50
$28.00 and $30.00 Suits
Sfff. S18.50
$32.50 and $35.00 Suits
f:du.!d. $23.50
2il . ?J.:-.iI . 'V!fi7,7S
Although a regular cabinet
scheduled for today, none was held be.
cauee most of the cabinet members are
out of the city. Th'oee who have re
malned called on the preeldent indlvldu.
Later, efter lils second and lonr (Inn
ference with President Wilson, Secretary
Bryan announced that he hoped to confer
with Ambassador Wilson tomorrow morn
Ins prior to another conference with the
senate foreign relations committee. Mr.
Bryan said It had not been determined
whether the president would confer with
me amnassador tomorrow or. Monday,
tsnror from Sonora Enrotite.
EL PABO. Tex., July 25.-Eduard6 llav.
special envoy from the flonora constttu
tlonallsts to the American government,
passed through here today enroute to
Washington to pUad for recognition of
the rebels. Concernlnr his mission ha
Wo. have fullest confidence In Presi
dent Wilson. I am going to urre him to
let both sides in Mexico have all the am-
munition they can take Into Mexico and
let it be a fair fight.
This Japanese seare from Mexico Cllv"
la onlr a bluff made by Huerta to pro.
ou leonng. against the Amerieanr.7
Ha' was president of the Mexican
Chamber, of Deputies under Former PreaU
dent Madero.
Critical Condition
LOrTDON, July a.Tbe consUltlnir nh-
slclans in attendance on Mrs. Emmellne
Pankhurat, who was yesterday released
irom iionoway jail, UKe so serious a
view of her condition that they ordered
loony me immediate resort to a trans
fusion of blood,
Mrs. .Pankhurst's weakness and Inant
Hon from the effects of htr "hunger and
thirst strikes" are so extreme that great
apprehension is Mt sa to "the outcome.
"She could be no-' worit" w th
ment made by one ot the attendants to
Lady Sybil smith, daughter of the Earl
of Antrim; Mrs. Pethlck Lawrence and
Miss Evelyn Bharpe were sent to prlion
Means that State Case Against er
. Will Be Tried;
Thousand Travel o Pella to BnJor
Good Roads Picnic Speaking;
and Athletic Events Are on
tho Drt's rrostrnm. ,
(From a Etff Correspondeptj
DES MOINES, July JSSpeclal Tele-
sram.)Atter. two dayn of sensational
evidence Police Judge ytterbacic toaay
fined Mrs. Maurlca Lynch iwo on con-
-vlctlon for .runnings a disorderly , hpuse,
The case was ohe of mora than usual
Importanoe' because of the certainty 4tnat
prominent men ot the city and state will
be brought Into the state. case, wmcn
yet remains to be tried against her.
qood Roda Pienio.
The targestt picnlo gathering of years
In the Interest of roads was held today
at Pella. One hundred automobiles left
Des Molneq early today to attend the
meeting and. there, wore delegations from
along the White Way as far as Atlantlo
and east to Oskaloosa. Hundreds of auto
enthusiasts participated and boosted for
improvement 'of 'the road between the
two rlvorsi .'There was a short, program
of speaking and some athletle flents.
The purpose is to arouse Interest In the
movement for paved roads. Several thou
sand persons attended the demonstration.
AlrinK Rotten Condition.
Tho suit was commenced In police court
yeilerday involving the character of the
resort kept by Mrs. Maurice Lynch, at
whose Place some very prominent Persons
wore found recently under suspicious cir
cumstances. A large number of witnesses
appeared for the state and the case
promises to result in Interesting devel
opments, In which the names of a num
ber of other men will be used. The
chief of ptillc came near Joeing some of
Jils star witnesses this week. Yesterday
he received a mysterious telephone call
and some, unknown person wh'epered jo.
him that one ot his beat , witnesses, a
former resident at the Lynch home, was
in Perry, registered as a doctor. The
chief went there and found It to be true,
and got the girl; Also two others who
were traced, from this clue. It Is be
lieved they were all induced, to leave the
city to avoid telling what they know
about the case. . .. .
Reports front Iowa- Asaeaaora.
Although Iowa assessors- who placed
values on Iowa property this year found
63,000 less acres ot farm land than before
they assesied what . they did find at
nearly X,0GQ000 more In actual value.
The returns to the state officials from
the counties after the adjustment of
values as found by the 3.G00 asseesors
shows an aggregate ot Sl,K3,tl8 acres of
land assessed. The valuation placed on
this, with one county estimated because
not yet returned, Is 1,TM,4.1S1.
The actual value ot town lots as
returned Is SSx.6Ss,$2 which s an In
crease of over !M,0C0,GCO over the year
Oh settle items pf personal property
.several counties havo as yet mada no
return to "the state "on which the state
executive council can' act In arriving at
the total valuation of Iowa' property, but
all Jntonuayon te expected before the
council finally acts. The council is at
work every day on assessment matters.
Exonerated JKornter Hauerlntcndeni.
A committee of taxpayers formed for
for fourteen days today for attemntlna-
to hold a militant suffragette meeting In I the nurcose ot makine th invt.iiitinn
1 ,M ,owy the House of Commons. has received and will file with the proper
qounty officials a detailed report on the
financial expenditures of tho county su
perintendent's office under Mrs. Jennie
Steele Huegle, former superintendent.
The report completely exonerates hen
and finds ' that she is not Indebted to
the county In any amount, despite' that
the county has brought suit to collect a
large sum from her.
. Development In jSnutncerlnK.
Winter short courses In engineering for '
men employed in Industries of Iowa will
bo offered for the first time at Iowa
State college from. December 29 to .Janu
ary 10 this year. Iowa .Is the second state
In the union to offer such cqurses.
Instruction will be given In cement and
cement products, clay and clay products,
road materials and road making, drain
age problems, power plants, the nppllca-
Ltlon of electricity and steam and gas
Death ot Conrt Officials.
Colonel Henry L. Bousquet died at a
hospital In this city today, after a brief
illness, following an operation tor
stomach complications, lie had been
clerk of the, supremq pourt and wa at
this time file clerk in that office. Ho
had been deputy under Clerk John Crock
ett and. when he resigned became clerk,
but later was beaten for the. nomination.
Colonel Bousquet was a native of Amster
dam, 73 years old, was a soldier In the
Thirty-third Iowa and lived In Pella. He
was; clerk of courts In Marlon county at
one time and had been a prosperous
Chance In Revenue Offices.
All Iowa Is much Interested In the re
port from Washington that the two Iowa
revenue 'districts have boen' consolidated
and that one district will do the work.
The office will probably be located In
Des Moines. The two offices have been
In Burlington and Dubuque, located there
years ago by reason of the Influence ot
the senators who live In those cities. The
new office will -collect about a million
and a quarter ot revenue a year. Presi
dent Wilson had named Louts Murphy ot
Dubuque to be collector, but had been
In a great quandary as to who to name
for the other district, and this consoli
dation relieves him' of great embarrassment.
What la a VHIniref
The executive council will be called on
to decide What la a village In Iowa. The
Boone Suburban Railway company,
which runs out into the country to some
mining camps, has been assessed as an
interurban. but olalms this Is not right
because it does not run to any city, town
or village, which makes the distinction
between an Jnterurban and a city street
railway, The claim la made thai none
ot the places to which the Boone line
runs rises to the dignity of being a vil
lage. The value has been locally assessed
sr It Is claimed.
Attorney Think They Won.
Attorneys for the state In .the. state fair
reduced rate case .returned from Council
Bluffs muxh pleased with the turn of tho
case and feel that they have won their
contentions. The railroad attorneys
rested the case solely oh the alleged dls
crimination In the rates nronoaed and
that the state having fixed maximum.
tates could not amend the law to make
exceptions to those rates. The fact that
the federal court took; the matter under
advisement ts taken to Indicate that the
seriousness and Importance ot the case
Is fully recognised.
Itaakers' Uoycott Fissle,
Bankers In one county of Io,wa tried
to put a crimp In the new law requiring
payment of Interest or cahoot money by
all mutually agreeing they wguld not
fay the, Interest. Frank D. Joseph, dep.
uty state superintendent, was appealed
to by school officers ot the county nnd
he promptly made arrangements with a
Des Moines bank to pay the Interest on
all school money from that county.
School treasurers were notified of the
fact, and the boycott was suddenly broken
by the local banks of the county agree
ing to pay the Interest, rate of 1 per cent
on school ;money. The lawV&oe not re
quire that the school money shall be
kept In the county where It Is owned.
Wew 311 no .Inspector.
William E. Holland ot Eddyvlllo was
today appointed by the governor to be a
state mine Inspector, vice John Jeffreys
ot Albla, resigned. Mr. Jeffreys qu.Ua
the service ot the state because yere Is
better compensation In private service
and he will accept a position as .superin
tendent of a coal mine. Mr. Holland was
appointed strictly on his merits as one
especially competent for the work of in
spector In southern Iowa, There are
.three state mine Inspectors and the state
is divided Into districts.
Bxninlnntlnn for Certificates.
Thtrtyrseven persons. Including several
Vomen, ambitious to become licensed era-
balmers In Iowa, appeared before the
state -board ot examiners for embalmers
today a fad. were given examination. Next
week over 109 nurses will be given ex
junlnatlon for certificates .as nurses. The
state board of examiners is today sending
out to 100 or more doctors and osteopaths
the certificates awarded some time ago.
William Braford of this city, member
of a well known family. Is seeking clem
ency at the hands of the governor, and
today D. T. Blodgett called on the gov
ernor with membera of the family of
Mr. Brafford to lay his case before the
chief executive. Mr. Blodgett Interested
hlmielf In the Brafford case while at
.Anamosa and became convinced that to
continue him further In prison would be
an outrage. The governor will have the
matter Investigated through the proper
. . (From a Staff Correspondent.)'
' WASHINGTON,, July. 25.-(8pecuU Tele
gram.) The toUfvOps meat Inspectors
have been appointed: i
John M. Okenbarg of South Omaha to
be located at Sioux Falls, 8; D.
B. F. Black of Ottumwa, la., to hi .
located at Pittsburgh. PS.
Joseph B. Welshler of Blbux City, lac.
to he located at. Pittsburgh, Pa'( ' " "
John F. McLaughlin of Sioux' City, la.,
to be located at Washington. D. C.
Rural carriers appointed fof' Nebraska
routes: Kennard, route 2, WlUlam W,
McCourtle; Liberty, route .2, Carl ' E.
Samuel II. Hickman has been appointed
postmaster at Hickory. Morroll county.
Nebraska, a ne wofflce.
Injured tn Motor Upset.
LOGAN, la., July 23.-(SpecIal,)-Phelps
Wood, Paul Miller, Will Hughes anl
other boys of Logan were painfully in
jured when the car In which they were
riding upset on a bridge northeast ot
Woodbine last evening. The boys were
pinioned beneath the car until help ar
rived. Phelps Wood sustained Injuries on
the bead, limb nnd body. Paul Miller was
also injured on the head; the other boya
escaped with minor bruises.
CltESTON, la,, July 25.-(SpeclaI.)r-Thl
tramp ound dead on the . railroad tracb
between Cromwell and Pniscott, la., wa
not accidentally killed, but murdered.
The coroner's' Jury yesterda? Issued thi
following statement: "We, the JurV, find
that this man' camo to his death by hav
ing his throat tut, by parties unknown
to us, and his body placed on the rail
road track to cover the crime.'! "
When the body was prepared tor burial
It was found that besides the terrible
mutilation sustained under the wheels,
his throat Was cut from car to ear. Sher
iff Hull, accompanied, by the Jury, visited
the scene of the crime and found that
the body had been dragged quite a long
way ard thrown on the trAck. Bi the
arms of the man were tattooed. One
bore the Image of the holy cross, the
Other the American flap.
IJnmmrr Defrrern (ilven.
IOWA CITY, la., July a.-(Spedal.)-Forty-flve
.degrees were granted by the
State University of Iowa at the flrty
sixth convocation, which marked the
close of the summer session here today.
Twenty-seven were first and eighteen
advanced degrees. ReV. Joseph Fort
Newton of Cedar Rapids delivered the
convocation address.
Still Selling
at Cut Prices
We lead the drug trade of Uie city in low price, as you can see
by the figures given below, for Saturdxgr'a selling.
60c Stewart's Dyspepsia Tablets i 60c pane's Dlapepaln 20c
for j. 20 c
60c Pond's Extract S8o
EOo Deaton'e Cold Cream... !Wc
76o Pompelan Massage Cream
tot .. , 4Bo
7 So De Mar's Massage Cream 85c
$1,00 S. 8. 8 54c
26oMennen'a Talcum Powder lOo
25q Peroxide of Hydrogen.. Oo
fl.00 Dike's Blood and Skin
11.00 Druna's Sarsaparilla. ,07c
60o Canthrox .2pc
$1.00 Protone ,67c
ti.vo ueiatone 07c
11.00 LUterine . . . Sot
26c LUterine lflc
60c Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream . . . ,
30,000 Cigars, all popular 10c
brands, on sale Saturday. . 5c
86c Ideal Hair Brushes aOo
36c Prophylatlc Tooth Brushes
Jflc Tooth Brushes i
25c Stick Nail Polish, celluloid
box, Imported ,.,,,10c
36c Catorla ...,.21c
75c Rubber Gloves, guaranteed,
for ,-... 80c
Photo SappUtt for All McJtttr W Da FlnUhfag for Amateur
i !