Polly and Her f 11 11 1 nfam CpfJFooMD IT1 EVER SlWCE. , Ainsr MA6GIES 1W' I BOY E6ba5)PHED WANT ADS Vnnt ndi received at any time, but to insure proper clnxslflcatlon must b. presented before 12 O'clock noon for tho evening edition and before 7. CO p. ni. for tlio morning and Sun ri editions. Want nds reccivorf sifter such bouts Will have their first Insertion under tho heading, "Too tnto to Classilr." OABH HATES FOIt IV A NIP ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: One iuHcrtion 12 ccuta per line. Two or mora consecntivo insor tlons l)a centa a word. No adver tisement taken for Icm titan SO cents. Two or more consccutlvo lnser tJona 0 cents per line. One lino per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts arc measured by tlio line, not by the word. NOTE -The Deo will not bo ro eponslblo for more than one wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after the 10th of tho following month. An advertisement Inserted to bo run until forbidden must 1ms htopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. CllAIxdEllATES. Six words to tho lino. One Insertion 12 rents per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 0 cents per line. Ono lino per month $1.80. Twenty centa a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having account are measured by tho lino,, not by tho word. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. GARDNER-Leo B., Bt Thursday. July St. Louta. Mo., m. from the home of his son. George W. aardnor. 2563 Fowler avenuo. Interment, rorest roncrai paiuruay i.uivn cemcierjr. KIN'HELL-BenJamin IT., at Columbus. Neb. T?vraday, July 24. aged 21 years: cause of death railroad accident. Kuneral Saturday at 2 o'clock from tho residence of his parents, 1304 South Sixth street. Friends Invited, LODtli: NOTICBS. Attention, membcTT of Twbr,.ns4?S lAdg. No. 27, Desreo, of IlMVjf; S'1 funeral servlcci, of our lat. brother. Ben II. Klnsell, will bo held from the wa Hence. 1301 South Sixth ittreet. on flatur lay, July 20. at Stfctoyk. HACKnrr Chief of Honor. JOHANNA STKAWN. rtecordr. NOTICE. . Members ot Vn l ?t& Klnsel), at his lata residence, lSOt Bourn Sixth street. Saturday afternoon, Jy,. at 2 o'clock p. nt. Members of th Wcgree of Honor ln1trd to attend. HEOHGEO Kill BSE. Master Workman, r. G. M'LBAN Recorder. Dealers In Omana are: A Leo A, Hoffman. 24th and Dodge. B. L. Dodder, 23d and Cuming. N. J', Swanson. 17th and Curolng. a' H.Urewr. 605 North 24th St, South You can order SARCOPHAGI from th. following CESHSTKiur.: Forest Lawn. Phone Florencs 1U. Prpspect Hill. Phone WobsUr 240t West Lawn, Phone Douglas Sffl. Mount Hope. Phone Benson Hl-w. i:n..i.nri Put-k. I'hiine Douglas 1064. 5'y SllICAN X8cmAam company, v Douglas S44Z Office t First Nat. WanK mas. BIltTllS AND DISATH8. Tii.....nr and T.llllan Keller, hos ni.. i imu. luw.rd onrt Hello Moore. 2nl0 South Thirteenth, girl; F. L. and Madge Marks. 1623 Wirt, girl: Beth and May Bwlft. 1533 Georgia avenue, boy. Deaths-Albert V- Backes, 35 years. 1M Leavenworth; Julia Hall. 41 years. Ul South SUtu; Kate u. vienmg, 2606 Popplelon avenue. MAHIlIAtn: LICUNSUS. The following persons havo been granted licenses to wed: Name and Address. Age. Vrantt ICnHneV. Omaha..... Julia Bohdanska. Omaha IS VbiIav Vnonvltv. Clarkson 93 Anna Soltallk. Omaha 22 Harry Graham, Emerson, la 22 Ethel Llvlc, Council Bluffs.. 1 Adoioh P. Wulf. Kennard.. M Lena Buchardt. Kennard 41 AHtert L. Kirk. Salt I-ake 21 Qrace Zurosteln. Salt Ixike 14 BUILDING P BUM ITS. ( Byron Ileed company, 2W7 Poppleton avenue, frame dwelling, 21,7t0; Alma B.acH. Mli Bedford avenue, frame dwelling. $1,203' UELV WANTED FE5IALE Aiienis uuU oaleanroaiea. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted for ladiei' ault and oloak deoL and for ladles furnishing goods dept., must have good referencea Apply Koveuy -o., in n. 1Kb St. llouxcUrepcrs and Dutueatlcs. TUB SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee vrlU run a Servant Girl Wantad Ad FREE until you get th desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council uiuira. nng your aa ip tub uee otuoe or uiepaone Tyier itw. WANTEDGIrl or general. housework) email lacuuy; aignesi waxes paio. au a, th 8t JVANTED Ceaipetem girl for ueneral aousewora. bouui lanuiy; cooa wages. .uo'jgias . U1RL for light housework; no wash Pals Pa Can Take n V B4 i WE WtfW 02 HELP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper nnil Domestic. WANTKD-Rellable white girl; email family. Mrs. II. A. Ralph, M3 Davenport Harney 4173. WANTBD Girl for general housework; no washing; 3 In family; excellent place for the right party. rcl HArncy 4028. WANTED A competent Kir! for gencn.1 housework In family of two. Mrs. W. II Munger, 1824 So. 82d Ave. OIHIt for general housework; must be competent; no washing. Douglas 3308. WANTED Bxpcrlenced nurso girl; ref erences required. SOS a 27th St Tel. II. 212. WAITER, waitresses and handy mar. Chesapeake cafe, 1508 Howard. WANTBD A good Blrl for general housework. Apply 4S23 Capitol Ave. Har ney 266S. Miscellaneous. YOUNG women comlnc to Omaha ai strangers are Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at BL Mary's Ave. and 17th 8t., where they will be directed to suitable fcoardlnk places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union "fetation. WOMEN, got government Jobs. Big pay. ' Pull" unnecessary. Hat of post- V.0".1! i',tn,l,,Jbl,f0"' VankIln Inatltute, Dept. SCO. B. Rochester. N. Y HELP WANTED MALE Airents, Haltauirn anil Solicitors. WANTED 4 young men of good ap poarance; high school education pre ferred. to solicit advertising. Good prop oettlon for the men that make good. Ad dress 8 178, Bee-. UT you can sell advertising and want to make money1 during tho summer, ad dreasN 103, care Bee. S10.00 Dcr anv eullv mart h h,.n... calling on business concorns with a quick vF.'i"' l-omo ' once to room 4S0 Bos ilia k., Omaha. WANTIiD 4 neat-appearing young men vvy ,iw urnnneis The, nidg. Active sollcltnr. anlenrllil 1ln nninir ..TTT lib, com. Sanitary Service Co.. sio Bee Bid WB want two field managers on an Insurance proposition; men who can fur nish bond; pur contract Is exceptionally liberal and the highest commissions pulii. Address or; call 1', J. McIIarrls, JlS-SHD Oinaha National Bank Bldg. BIG monev for himtler. mr corn dn'ers to the farmer; season open, Call or write Bancroft Salea Co., 202 atotol Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER.. W3. Address L 10S. Bee. for general store. Must be a hustler and a good stock keeper. One who can speak German would be preferred. Good wages 10 rigni party, The Madsen Co., We wela, S. b. Factory and Trades. WANT A TELEGRAPH JOB? We haVe one walUng for you. You can qualify for it In a few short months at IIOYLES COLLEGE OFFICIAL UNION PACIFIC It It. TRAINING SCHOOL. We will UDDly ynu with a nines to work for board while attending and free transoor- tatlon to your post when your course is completed. Sena for our Catalogue today. UOYLEB COLLEGE. 1MB Harney bt.. Omaha, Neb. GET Into tha moat nrofltabls hualnesa of today, the automobile business, and be come Independent. Our large, well equipped shape offer the opportunities of learning the business by actual ex perience on Qiucreni mates ot cars. Our terms are mndnrate. Write or call National Auto Training association, 2U4 in. ann ot., umana. nod., pnona v. wa wanted, for it. H. army Able- bodied, unmarrleI men, between ages of IS and 23. cltlsans of United States, ot good character and temperate habits, who can speax, read ana writo tue ungusn unauaaa. ior iniormation aDDiv 10 lie- crultlng Officer. Armr lllda.. 15th and Dodg Sts., Omaha, Neb.) 605 4th St.. bioux uiy, ia.i uo n. ivtn bt., uncoin,1 una. ATTEND tha RIGHT SCHOOL. Larg est, beat eaulDDad aehool and roDalr ahoo In entire west, Price no mora than any of the so-called schools. Equipment and faculty not to be compared In any par ticular. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1417 Dodge. PhOtl DOUg. 3H3. WANTED Two steady broom makers. power winders; steady work. Des -Moines Broom Co., K. SOth St. and Grand Ave., Des Moines, la. FOUR younc men to sell advertising during the summer; good proposition; ex perience unnecessary, Address A-m. car Bee. Drug store snaps; jobs; Knelst. Bee Bldg. HARVEST HANDS for South Dakota. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. Uth. WANTED Fl rat-class registered Dhar- maclst; short hours, desirable position. apply at once supenntenaeni uranasi Stores. WANTED Good, steady barber at once,; 115 guaranteed; steady Job. J. C Morgan, Seward. Neb. Miscellaneous. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. WANTED Hallway mall clerks. 17100 to 2150 month. Details tree. Franklin Institute. Dept. 213 F.. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Youna man with soma ex- perlence In drug store. Apply at onoe superintendent Brandels Stores. HELP WANTED MALK AND FKMALK. EXPERIENCED hand button hole maker on shirts. Albert Cahn. 212 S. Uth bt. za iioor. WANTED SITUATIONS Wanted posit aa . ractlcal nurse. W. 6130. OOOU drl wants eeneral housework with good family. Call Bellevue lit. GOOD bookkeeper, contracting for houses to paint; cannot find enough houses to fill in: wants set books or other employment between times; mignt con' alder good steady poslttpn. Call or ad dress 4023 N. 23th Ave. BY A resident drug cleric of six yearn' experience, position. J. K. Kent, Doug' las 7741. ANNOUNCEMENTS Standard Furn. Hep. 1st al. rep'g- Red 6L D. a Griffith, wig mfr. 12 Frenxer Blk. WeddTng announcements. Doug- Ptg. Co. WEAK A DIAMOND 15 A YEAR. We redeem any atono bought from us at M tier cent discount within a year: a (50 diamond .redeemed for ttf after 12 months' use; At the Bisn ot tne crown Up the Golden Stairs." Fred Urodegaard jeweiry f-o-, ma ana vougiaa THE BEE: a Joke, All Right r-r 1 5bTH4TirT&Ej 1 GAM CHOO B&Lfr (5 IT - FRIENDS I T A. B. C. of Omaha Empress ANY SKAT 10c. ANY TIME. KE7IR Abstract Co.. 803 . 17th 81. lictter be safe than sorry. Havs Kerr do your title work. NBHKASICA CVCM5 COy "Mlckel's'' IBth and Harney. Douglas 1651 Wo rent, repair, soli needles, parln of all sewing machines. VACUUM cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done In the nomj. Sanitary Service Co. Tal. Douc. 2D04. 7 HOOMS and hath. All modern. .V. 33d. Inquire 2715 Chicago. lO.'G ANNOUNCEMENTS. HAZI3L t.KAF PIL.I5 CONES Be.t remedy for Itching, bleeding' or protrud. Ing piles; too postpaid; samples free. Sherman & McConnoll Drug Co., Omaha. Gibson's Buffet 222 South 15th St. ATTRACTIONS 3 aeroplanes, now booking, third sea son, some open time, Write at onco or call Douglas SG31. Ix)ch-CoIeman Avln Hon Co.. 313 So. 17th St. Omaha. Omaha film exch., 16th and Doug. Mo tion plcturo machlno and film bargains. ACllOUATH. or something for a free al .ractlon at Edgar, Aug. 15 and 16. Wrlti i!. T. Ilke, WANTBD Freo attractions, high dlvo aerial actors, tumblers, etc; all Sunda) dates for park. If you have a live act. write at once for dato. State prices and Klve full Information first letter. Open date Sunday, July 20. Address Hawkins I'ark Amus. Co., Iled Oak. la. AUTOMOBILES. DRUMMOND'S Llg now garage at 26th and Farnam. FOHE DOOKS SEAT COVKUS KXPEKT and guaranteed repair work on all kinds of carsr battery churKlni; and magneto repairs; caslmjs welded, bargains In unul cars. SCATHS MOTOR CAll CO.. 1415 Dodge. BEST AUTO PAINTING Fore doors, slip covets, new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works, 2&th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. ttiii. DAY storage; good service; polltu at tendants; autos wuahed and polished at the Down Town Oarage, ins Howard St. Electric Coupe at ono-Uurd ot its vulua lor cn. Will traub for real eetate. New batteries and in fine condition. Call 210 Bet. Doug. 2994. . 2100 rqward fur any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 810 N. IS. Bulck 40 h. p., model 16, pleasure car: first class shape; all now casings and tubes; newly painted and upholstered; must bo seen to be appreciated. A. B. aRlIi'JelTH. Ml S. 9th Ave. Tel. Harney 4W. Motorcycles. WRITE FOR LIST OF 8ECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL8' NEBRASKA CYCJE CO., . UTH AND HARNEY. SUB-AGENTS wanted for the Yale motorcycle In nearby territory. Also bar gains In all makes used motorcycles, Vic tor II. Iloos, "the Motorcycle Man." Har-ley-Davidqon and Yale motorcycles. 2701 Leavenworth St.. Omaha. Neb. GOOD Thor motorcycle for sale cheap. i-nono iteu w. BUSINESS CHANGES TO get In or out ot business, call on GANGE8TAD. 101 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. AN UNUSUAL opportunity Is offered some energetic person who will Invest 11.000 on goods and manage, office for irrt firm in mercantile business: YOU handle own money; good for. 26,000 per year; references exenangeo. Aourem 08. Bee. MAKE OFFERS. Must be sold In the next, throe days re gardless of the price, a clean stock ot groceries and meat market together or will sell the fixtures separata. 1525 Vln ton St. Phone Douy. 1530. SHORT order restaurant, candy, cFsura and sundries nnd fruit store, 2230. Chas. Jqhnson. 1510 Webster fit, Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Small stock of groceries ana fixtures, rnone won. tzaz. HAVE completoly equipped garage for sale at a bargain, it u. lieta, mu uran dels Theater. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write ttennoucca io,, umana. WE HAVE 8AFE INVESTMENT WITH GOOD PAY1NO POSITION FOR RIGHT PARTY. ADDRESS A-235. BEE. FOR Sale or Trade Printing plant; uordon ana Ideal nana press, dynamo, type, chases, etc. Obee. X1S Lake. W. 3556. JEWELER wanted In a DrosDcrous town with good opportunities. Address communications to L. B, 48. Cedar ItaD- as, Meo. BIG OPPORTUNITY Butcher shoo for sale or rent In county aoat In best county In Nebraska. For further particu lars write uox ib, womacn. neu. BUSINESS OPIORTUNITY-SDlendld opportunity for party with 23.000. Must have assistance at once. Money secured .... . .. . .... n a- f -T r. FlRST-CIASS opportunity to get Into tne retail naraware ousiness in a aooa live ieorasKa town, cor particulars ad dress Omaha Rental Exchange. Omaha. Neo. 3U ivaroacn unc. IN reorganization of established manu facturlng business, we miulre 225.000 ad' dltlonal capital. Have permanent boat. tlona for an engineer and two salesmen who can Qualify and invest 25.004 or more each. . Big dividend payer. Investigation invited by any capital. Aaaress x zi. lire. WANTED A competent man to pur- cnase ana operate a steam launary. Aa dress Rexburg Commercial club. Rex burr, Idaho. MANUFACTURING In reorganisation of manufacturing business, established 1! years. B&.VW additional capital is re quired. Have permanent position for chief engineer at plant in central iowa, and branch manager In Omaha who can Qualify and Invest 25.000 each, lile dlvl dent payer. Investigation Invited by any capital. Capitalization 213.03a Address. J. W. W., 713 Waldhclm Bldg.. Kansas Clti". 310. ""WANTED Partner with small capital to take half Interest In merry-go-round to travel with carnival. Aaaress, is 3M, cara nee OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY me, thmjG'? 7 BUSINESS CHANCES. Itoomlnc House for Sale. TUN rooms completely furnished; good Income. 1913 Fnrnam. BUSINESS riSRSQNALS- Abstrnctcrii. S. M. Sadler Jt Son. 216 Strife Bk. D. 1326. Aninteu' l'rtnttnK unit l'lulahlnu. FILMS 10c prints 2a to 1c. Sander holm Photo Co., 612 No. 16th. Omaha. Neb. UullderH ii H U Coiitrnclor. Howard M. 'I.aubach Co.. cfccavatlnc; concrete foundation, sidewalks. D. (103. 003 Bea Bldg. Carpenter., builders. Shop 2711 N. 24th Figure with J. if. Wilson &. Co. W. 4W2. llurber .hou. TEN CENTS shavo and nek shave, S cunts shine. KlsaKser's 1617 Farnam St. IlrnsM Knnudrles. Paxton-Mltcliell Co.. ath a oUlsl and Martha Sts. Clilropoi Pit. Itor, I&03 Farnam. Douglas 6427. Chiropractors. J. O. Tawrence. P. C. 2322 Howard. D.sttl. Leo W. Edwards. M.P.. D.C.,2lth &Far Mral Kosa Boeswn. 1823 Lako, Web. 479G. China l'al liter. CHINA painting; outside' firing done Mrs. V. C. Haynes, 1523 8. 26th 8t. D. 4990. Creniucrlva, iliilra nnd Hnpvllet. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. UreMiuakJitB. Terry Drcssnikg. college. 20th & Farnam. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 319 MavIIIa. nib- tr.,i. dence secured in all cases. Tyler lls. Omaha Btc. Ser. Agcy. 428 Paxton. D. 1319. Di-iik. Drugs at cut prices; freight paid on 210 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Hvrrythinur fur Women. TURKISH bath, 1503 Farnam. D. ES06. OLD plume made now. California Os trich Plume Co., 206 Neville Bldg. Doug las 6010. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1C07 Farnam. D. loot, HES3 & SWOBODA. 1115 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 12iS. Music, Art and LanKuutfes. Hetherlngton. iolin tchr. 1313 Far.W.7Bl Insnrauce. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tvlae 1021. O'Neill's. 150T. Farnam St. INSURANCE Fire, tornado, auto. Dan it Smith. 226 Bee Bldg., Tel D. 070. Nurserlra mid Seeds. STEWARTS. SEEDMAN. 11 N. 16th. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson. 303-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Paper Himrrs. Use Snowflako Paste. Omaha Paste Co. 1'n tent a. D. O. Darnell. Paxton' Blk. Tel Red 7117. ' HIRAM A. 8TURGES. patent lawyer. 146 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 2469. Printing. The Eaber Printing Co. Swui BEE BLDG.. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARNHART PtE. Co.. QUal- Jty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624' 8. 13th. DOUGL.VS Printing Co. TeL Doug. 6a McGafttn (MAO the PRINTER. D. 2S2S. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. Doug. 3754. l'ublto Hteuosraphers, Ida M. Walters. 315 Om. Nat Bk. D.1460. Minnie Phalen, 613 Brandels Bldg. D. 3451 1'lUIUUIUK. Plumbing and heating. Fischer & Con nell. 131 William St Doug. 6737. Sheet Metal Work.. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 & 10th. Store nud Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, acalea. showcases, ahelv- Ing, etc. We buy, wo sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2744. Trunks and Suitcases. FRELING & 8TEINLE. 1KB Farnam Bt Wluett and Liquors. WILLOW Sprlnga beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches Alex Jetes. Ml -3 a. Uth St VIRGINIA DARE wine. 65o a Urge bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 523 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL MOSHEE-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed cjassea Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work tor board. For free catalogue ad. dress Moeher-Lampman College, 1315 Far nam St-, Omaha. Neb, BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete courses In Business. Book keeping, stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for it Boyles College, Uth and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL. Founded In 1S9L Stenography only. Pa tronised by the educated and experienced. Individual attention. EVERY graduate succeeds. Catalogue ready, Omaha. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Iloraea and Vehicles. CLOSING out alt or our high grade Racine runabouts with steel tlrca for 250, or with rubber tlrea for 865; worth up to 2123. Johnson-Dantortli Co., south wost corner. Tenth and Jones. LOST AND FOUND LOST Two bay mares, July 21; one blind, other 3-year-old, Reward. Call South 452. 20. 1913. Drawn I VJWr REFERRING- LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREE'i RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article wout do well to call up the office ot th Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rallwa company to ascertain whether they len it llf tho street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug- 4 jA)si-iiuiiuoag. while auto rlumB ut twecn Omaha and Elkhorn; bag con tained keys, bank book and ldentlfca lion card; finder may keep money, but Please roturn bag to F. A. Lange, 3617 Farnam. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free, 210 South 14th Street. Omaha. Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. 11. TARRY. Be- Bldg.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY furnished salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, -asy payments. D. H. Tohnan, 335 Board of Trade building. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartment anil Flats. Gordon Van Co. $8? 21S N. Uth St. or 210 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 331. 1E07 FARNAM 0 roomy completely modern; suitable locatlor. for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. CHOICE FLATS AND APARTMENTS A.X THIS RIUIIT PRICES. ern J2?'oo St" 6 rooms' 8trlctly nl0U 2043 Howard St., 4 rooms, strictly mod- cin, very closo In, 38.50. 219 So. 30th St. 5 rooms, strictly mod ern, hardwood finish throughout, hot wai.r heating plant, good location. 237.50. 2367 Paclflo St.. 9 rooms, strictly mod ern, choice location. IM.M jw bo. wtn Ave, 6 rooms, strictly mod ern, St. Louie flat. In a very choice real- aenco aistnct xsz.&o. 2S0I St. Mary's Ave., very choice 6-room strictly modem St. Louis flat, within walking distance of business section and good residence district. 210. 3127 Pacific St., a beautiful 6-room, strictly modem, hented apartment, with nvaie trcnt ana rear entrances, private very choice residence district, 352.50. 2020 Farnam St.. 5-room. strictly mod ern heated apartment, 327.60 summer, 23c.C0 winter. ' We have others. Bee our complete printed list before renting. 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. COOL APARTMENT In "THE GEORGIA" at 1040 Georgia Ave. 6 rms. with latest conveniences, 210. PETEnS TRUST COMPANY 1622 Farnam St. Doug. SD8. HEATED APARTMENT Ttomitlfn! B-rnom anartment on Hans- com Purk car line. Oak throughobt and everything the finest. Heat, water and Janitor service for 252.D0 the year round. 3127 Paclfla St. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tiler 1626. 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg. THE Harold. 27th and Jackson. 4 rooms. Ktesm-hented. strictly mod.: references re quired. Apply Apt 7. east e nt. or Janitor. MDDKRN aoartmenta of 4 rooms each. gas ranges In kitchens, lit to 316.60. m t r r. .1 tit T r T' is -nun. J.it.t..'", 207 McCague Hldif. D. 1360. MODERN, In new Troy, 3000 Harney. 230. THUB. W. ilAiOCIN, 207 McCague Bldg. D. 1300. SIX-ROOM modern flat 1112 S. Uth. Board and Itooiua. COUPLE to board and room In private family. Beautiful home near Field club. .! ured. H. 291b. or u. aaoc. EXCELLENT board and room. 200S BU Mary's avenue. - Vurnlahed Rooms. MRS. M. A. KING desires to announce that she has opened a large up-to-date rooming house at 170S Cass anu desires to announce to her friends and patrons that all possible comfort and conveniences ate provided. 3 MODERN rooms. 621 8. 18th. ROOM for 2 gentlemen. 23.50 per week. 647 8. 24th Ave. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat 17C8 Jackson Bt. Myier iiu FINE rooms with or without board. 116 N. th. "MODERN rooms for rent SOW Daven port St.- - nicki.y furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 712 N.27th Ave. IN new mod. home. Qcnt'm'n. Web. 6733. ""ROOM for rent, 717 No. 20th. DESHIABLE rooms, 2213 Howard St Red 6138. COOL, front room; gentlemen preferred, 646 South 26th Bt Furnishvil Housekeeping Rooms. DAVENPORT. 201SDouble parlor. Com plete for housekeeping. ROOM8, cheap. 110 Jackson, Rear. 3 MODERN rooma 626 ; 18th. Purulahtd Houses. .t..rtAlinr.V ..... lit.,.. Km, nJZ TT 24th car line tor small family six months; Hotels and Apartments. PT.A"ZA House o coolness. 11th and utiit H0Ward. Each room modern; electric fan. Special summer rate 25 per week and up. Tyler 231. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Housekeeping- Rooms. 2021 CALIFORNIA Modern housekeep ing rooms. Reasonable. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 634 N. 17th Unfurnished Rooms. DAVENPORT. 201 J Three-room apart ment. New brick flat 3 MODERN rooms. 210. 632 Davenport for The Bee bv IT lb THE. OFFERED FOR RENT. OFERED FOR SALE House. suU Collage.. Miscellaneous. FTTYFTT TT"Vrn0rnno,f.n2inyrtn SAFES-OverstoclledT second-hand: all r ilJCJUl 1 X move packed makeg- J- J Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam. shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts.' Doug. 1516. 8x8 alf compressor. 612 S. 14th. , A COMPLETE list of vacant houses, SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co. apartments and flats that are for rent Lumber 212 to 216 m. Gross Wrecking Co. This Is a list complied dally and can be - - seen free of charge at 309 South 17th St. lipnunVAT, OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 1 ERSONAIi 27th and hward-4 houses, modest rent. Ml" F,eber' maa- bat"' elec- treat. D. 863. Dm,M, 228 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO ho?e DrtSSwaanH J.V,11 imSdCv.rn the L. H. Journal. 21.60; the S. 13. Post rAv. Kni.rM 1U3 a' the Country GenUcman, 31.60, by "' AVe- 16- Tel- "ar 66 Sept. 30, cams that 33.000 for the Invalids' MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO Pension Ass'n. Your renewal contributes packs, moves, stores and ships household Phono Douglas 7166. Omaha. goods and pianos. 'Douglas 1496. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. On car Une on hill' YOUNO women coming to Omaha as S-r. square, all mod., $33 strangers are Invited to visit the Ybung O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO Women's Christian association building 1016 Omaha Nat Doug. 2715. "' at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they Evenings II. 338 or H. 6134 will be directed to suitable ' boarding Tvn nrnnv ,,,,. plates or otherwise assisted. Look for cJlUoelhton tin Ver.lty.thboSgr 0Ur irelers' ald nt thc Unlon 'ttion- las 2320. y. oug TIJB SAIjVATION ARMY solicits caat- rPMTn a t " ; -. r- ott clothing: In fact anything you do not i ,flAV.. a . iV'm! and 7,r- flats necJ- We collect, repair and sell afl31 and houses unequalled. Tlzard. 220 N. 23d. N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to tho 5- KOOM cottage, 1717 Leavenworth. TeL worthV Por- Tel. Douglas 4125 and D U&'C. WttKun will cull 1009 Farnam. 10 rooms. 245. d7i533T MAGNETIC ftvinton D-WS.' J. C.Reed TwSniita?wv massage-mrs. rittenhouse. sos ?r ; - mf"' " "uur- w- S. Boston Store Eve. and Sun. appolnfa. HoUSeS &efg PSa0rn8a J coh0 jS?nM.. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY, "rou in . 7 S" Bexten Pharmancy. Uth and Dodge. niamillMwUwit5SiSiSil MANICURING Face, scalp and mag- I. C. E. Herring. Possession Aug. netlc treatment. Miss Debar. 201 8. 19th. NEW 3-room house; toilet water n,i MASSAGE 8wedish movement, 418 as, 12.0a 3010 Charles. Dexter r 00 Bee Bldg. Dougloa 6372. Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. "eXter Massage. 1st fl.,r.6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele tatS0-0. br,ck r,at- waging diS: MRS. J. IX HUTCHINGSON-Your Doucia. raBonabIa rent, stoady party, daughter, who was born on or about u ougias 410. November 17. 18S4, and left at my homo LOOK at 1401 N. 21st. strictly modern Nov' S7.' .ls mi a,,ve! lt yu wlsh C-room house; ranr, shades, good fur- to ' or wrlto Y 214. Bee.. nace; largo yard, fenced. 225. Web. 4878. MAGNETIC HEALING 1829 VINTON. Pa"rkAve jw30'"' UrBt nor oaIr. 01 BP"y' Therapy Massage. 1913 Farnam. 6- ROOM"mod'ern. 2014 Elm. 222. II. 1510. SALE OR EXCHANGE. R. eT Store, and Orricea. FOUR lots In Wildwood, Minn., on White Bear lake famous rosort for OlOreS Por Tfonf trade for Ford auto or lots In Spirit 225 00 n.r e -LW-UC Iake, la. Have also new piano for auto, -fe&fema Ave' ' Kcmp' Blnlr' Neb' 20xMCft?nrew Cum,nK St" room REAIi ESTATE 2S.W per tnonthfew'so. 16th St.; strictly ABSTRACTS or title. modern store room, 20x60 ft; full base- REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of- tukon ... flee In Nebraska, fiOS Brandels Theater. ISSR AiAWF0iriAl i&SSr&ffi ffl Gee C. L. Nethaway. local agt.Flor.27lt. 40vio. . i?.?,"ini ay-I Farnam; room mfnni-1 ful' Baom!fit; steam heat: new wii .n,f;-nl?p,cndw. locaon for automo h .??PP.H58 or tlre house: lU8t acrosa tVeet from new Studcbaker building. '"f, "i?"."1'.515 su" "th St.: i,m about 22x50 rt'! attractive show 3100.00 per month: 1413 Dodge St.; build f.r" s,?rles and basement: 22x132 ft. . 'v,i ?lso nave some very good space :0P. 'Jf manufacturing, etc., rental, 230.00 to 3125.00 per month. Georire & ConiDanv. Phone D. 756. 902-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldtr. Ill SOUTH 16th, etcam heat 609 South 13th St. brick. 225. umiin ii. g-KtarnvusK. DOUGLAS 664 ntltr?K- .Inn. 17.1. ill . ..... aim loiu IUIU VUIII' Ing, 32S to 250. 207 MrCagtie Bldg. Phone Douglas 1300. FOR RENT Tho office on cround floor of The Bee Building occupied by The Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam St and occupying about 1.500 sijuure ieet, wun extra entrance on the court Of the bulldlnc . Larca vniilt TTtn. office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. bell. Bee Office. ItRlfiK ilnrM 1711. nnH nil. a. A f',, ing. 325 to 250. TltOS- W. IIA!- 207 McCaguo Bldg. Phone Douglas 1300. OFFERED POR SALE Mualcal Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. J123. 119 N. 15th. Typewriters. RENT an L. C. Smith & Bros. tvr- writer, visible, late model, back space key, guaranteed A-l machine. L. C. CmI.K i'. 1. - ... . ... tea nam. Phone Douglas 2213 Remember, tnu is new location. Rebuilt typewriters rented, sold: easy terms. Butts Typew'er Ex., 1805 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS for rent: a months. 23. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rented and sold on easy terms. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 411 S. Uth 8t RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 months. 24 The Oliver Typewriter Co.. Douglas 2919 t Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and' bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunawlelt-Balke Collender Co.. 407-4W S. 10th St DRUG FIXTURES, SODA FOUN TAINS (2), SHOWCASES. (22), PATENT MEDICINES. PER FUMES. TOILET WATERS, FOUNTAIN SYRINGES. ALL KINDS RUBBER GOODS. S H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE. POWER ICE CREAM .FREEZER AND PACKERS. ALL IN GOOD .OR DER. WILL BE- SOLD REASON ABLY. THE BELL DRUG CO.. 1219 FARNAM. FIVE carloads of beer bottles for sale. Quarts and pints. Nathan Steinberg. 1019 Harney St INVALID chair, nearly new, 225; coat Itu. r none uouitiaa EMPTY Ink barrels tor sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. HALL'S eafes. new and Id-hand. Corey & McKenxle Ptg. Co.. 1107 Harney. D. 2iii Cliff Sterretr CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Brick Stucco Resi dence West Farnam TM la n w11 Killlt altn,ntl,.l.i .1 residence located right In tho west Far nam District The large living room with brick fire- nlnrn nnnnlnir Infn thn .1 nln . - ...... Its Tianellful WAlnnnontlnf ot.il ..I.1A in dow seat makes a very convenient and aiiructive arrangement lor both dally use and entertaining. The second floor has 3 bedrooms, large bathroom and sleeping porch. Third floor has .servants' quarters, storeroom and uaui. The finish of the first floor ls oak, wlih whit nfim.l n.i .tin- .MAn,l r. grounds with beautiful shade trees. Im- incuiuie possession. Key at our office. George & Company 902-12 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 76. A fine, modern 9-room residence nn North 25th St. can be had: bargain, on good terms. You must act quick. An 8-room residence on 8Sth and Frank lin Sts.; price right, easy terms. . v. tinuu, 11KA1, ESTATE, 340 Brandels Theater. Eight-room brick nouse; strictly mod ern. 1414 Sherwood Ave. Rent 330. R. H. LANDERYOU. 224 State Bank Bldg Tel. Douglas 2151. OPPORTUNITY TO OBTAIN A GOOD MODERN HOME AT A SACRIFICE. All modern, 8 rooms, facing cast on paved street, lawn, garden and largo1 trees; good garage, with all conveniences. Tornado cellar; built for a home: nt a great bargain for ten days. Phono owner. DoUglas 2322. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST 8EM ' JOHN ROBBINS. 1802 KaRNAM ST. DON'T MISS IT 5-room cottage with nice largo rooms. Strictly modern. Full basement, cemented. Lot 60x160, south front. Paved street On car line. Oak floors and maple. Price 22.6.V, selling you tho house, giving you the lot 42d and Cuming. GRAHAM-PETER8 REALTY CO, 829 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phones Red 653; Evenings, Web. 5621. HEAL ESTATE. FARM & RANCH li.iAUil FOR SALD ulftfumlu CALIFORNIA land to exchange. W. T Smith Co.. 816 City Nat bank. t.'oloruUu. A GENUINE BAROA.IN.-lto acres .raw land lust 6H miles from tho city limits, not all flat land, but every foot tlllahle. Price. 21.400; J7W cash, balance threa years at 7 per cent interest. Address owner. J. H. Fall. Yuma, Cohx Montana, BIG opening Valler, Montana. August 8; more lands thrown open for settlement under the Carey act; only six miles from Valler; no sage brush or stumps; tha best chance In the west for a choice Irri gated farm) come and select a tract you have fifteen years to pay for It See our wonderful grain crops In harvest season. Write Valler Farm Sales company, Boa 1036, Valler, Montana. Nebraakav. 70 ACRES. Do you wtat to buy 70 acres ot as good land as there Is In the world: land that drouths or floods do not affect; land that s grows bumper crops of all kinds every year and has no failures or drawbacks; fine location. H mile from poatofflce. VulUy, Douglas county. Neb. P. O. Har rier. Valley. Neb. FOUND 320-acre homestead la settled neighborhood. Fine farm land, no said hills. Cost you 1175. filing fees and all. J. A Tracy. Kimball. Neb. 80 acres tine level land near Blair, worth 1150 per acre; will be sold quick for 1135. Kemp, Blair. Neb. r -