Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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RIDGE and other social functions have been more or less shelved
B since tho arrival of the expert tennis players.
Each afternoon thero is a largo and interested gallory present
to watch the tournament at the Field club. Tho women aro most
enthusiastic and liavo kept score on the matches. Tho fine points of Har
ris' "serves" p.nd Hall's excellent work front the back of tho court aro much
admired. Strachan's brilliant playing and Griffon's smile coma In for their
share of attention from tho feminine members of tho gallery.
Among thoso who aro watching the tournament with groat Interest aro
Mrs. Samuel Caldwell, Mrs. J. T. Stewart 2d, Mrs, Fred Nash, Mrs. W. A. C.
Johnson, Mrs. Mark Coad, Mrs. Arthur Qraffls of Indiana, who was
formerly Miss Kato Mooros of this city; Miss Blancho Knslor, Miss Das
tianello of llockport, N. Y.; Mrs. J. B. Summers, MIbs Frances Weasels,
Miss Claire Helcno Woodard, Miss Alloc Coad, Mrs. Itobort Howe, Miss
Marlon Howe. Mrs. E, S. Westbrook, Airs. E. T. Swobo, Mrs. Jerome Magee
and Mrs. John L. Kennedy.
At Carter lake Country Club.
A large audience Erected the Alc-8ar-Ben
quartet last evening at the Carter
Lake Country dub. Several dinner partlei
were given.
Mr. and Mrs. F. I "Weaver had as their
gutsts at dinner:
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Snyder,
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Huntley,
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Cook.
Miss Anna Neble,
Miss Margaret Weaver,
Miss Olive Huntloy,
Mr. Li. Snyder,
Dining at another table were:
Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Alvord,
Mlu Jean Lee,
Miss Mar Beit Bradford,
Mr. Bernard Johnson,
Mr. Stanley r. Conover, .
One of thd shimming clubs had lunch
eon together at the cafe today. Covers
were laid for;
Mrsdatnes Mesdames
D. Meyers, C. Meyers,
C. M. Ball, C. Johnson, 1
Sol Qoldstrom, W. Cattln,
D. II. Christie, Underwood,
Miss Eleanor XMoktnan will entertain at
dinner this evening In honor ot Miss
Veono King of Ames, la., who Is the
guest of Miss Loretta Core- Covers will
bo laid for:
Misses Misses
Ieon King, Laretta Cope,
Vrntce Thomas, Uaael Clark,
Marie- Hermanson, Anna Hermansom
IJIllan Dlckman, Ireno Klrschsteln,
Clara Hemianson, Eleanor Dlcknmn,
Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo X. Aulabaugh
will entertain at dinner this evening at
their cottage, We-Two, In honor of Mrs.
W. Clirltxer ot Berkeley, Cal, Cavers
will be laid for:
Mrs. W. Chritzer,
Mien Bess Chrltxer,
Mlsa Dorothy Chrluer,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wllmoth,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen I'ettegrew will en
tertain at dinner this evening at their
Cottage, Hoo-lloo, In honor, of Miss Lois
"Winder of Tllden, Neb. Covers will be
laid for:
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Wunrath, .
MJu Louis Winder,
Mr. and Mrs. Qlen Fettcgrew.
Luncheon for Mrs. Derkson.
Mrs. It. J, Davenport entertulned at
lunchoon Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock
at her home, 2541 Daveniort street, com
plimentary to Mrs, J. W. Derkson ut
Cleveland, O.
Mrs. Derkson Is a former Omaha girl
and several social functions have been
given In her honor.
The color scheme was red and white
and was carried but lh minute 'detull.
Decorations consisted of red and white
roses and carnations. A large basket of
red and white cut flowers formed a
table centcrplect.
The luncheon was served In large broad
loaves tied with red and white ribbons,
Which when opened revealed a dainty
luncheon In conformity with the general
color scheme.
An enjoyable program of games was
provided and prizes awarded.
Those present were;
Mesdames Mesdames
J. "W. Derkson, W. J. Swoboda.
. II. J. Peterson,
J" &uP,l.'t' J' davenport.
C. Z. Wedell,
Slumber Parties.
, W- " ...
juisa neien emune entortameq at a
slumber party Tuesday evening. Early
lr- the evening; the girls wont for an auto
ride and at midnight a watermelon "feed
was enjoyed. In the party weres
Misses Misses
Madeline Tully, Myrtle Mlckclsen,
' rTfet.?h,el?' v0,ot MIckelsen.
Alfreoda Cavalln,
Mrs. A. H, Woodman entertained Mon
day at a picnic, followed by a slumber
j party for her house guests, Misses Mar
garet and Esther Pleper of Los Angeles,
Cal., and Miss Miriam Devrles ot Fre
rnont. Those present were:
Misses Misses
Margaret Pleper, Marjorie Johnston,
' .?s Angeles. Esther Pieper,
Miriam Dovrles, Los Angeles.
-.Fremont. Mary Haller,
Helen Wilcox, Manfa Belter.
Entertains for Visitor.
Mrs. W. P. Olds entertained at a mu,
slcal Thursday afternoon in,- honor ot
Miss Margaret Austin of Princeton, N,
3. Mrs. Jennie Colfass, Mrs. Olds and
Mr. Thomas Iltllard uf Berlin, Ontario,
gave a delightful musical program. Those
present were;
Albert Parker,
XV. K. Foots.'
O. F. Hupmalcert
Grant Parsons,
George Damon,
Thomas Landale,
Theodore Sanders,
N. M. Bacsett,
A. C. Troupe,
Jennie Colfaas.
David Medders.
Miss Marsrt Austin,
Mr. Tbomas HUlard.
Edmundson-Miner Wedding.
The wedding of MUs Irene I Mtntr.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Miner,
and H. Clyde Edmundson of Spokane,
Wash., took place Wednesdsy evening- at
8:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Frank L. Ruble, In Dundee.
Rev. Thomas Anderson o't Calvary Bap
tist church performed the ceremony.
Miss Olive Seymour played the weddln?
march preceding the ceremony and Miss
Mable Fulton sang "I Love you Truly."
The bride's gown was whits crape
meteor trimmed with princess lace. She
wore a wrsath ot white roses and lilies of
the valley In her hair, and carried a
bouquet of bride's rosea-and lilies of thb
valley. Her only ornament was a
Slsmond pendant a gift of the groom.
Mrs. Frank L. Ruble, sister of tht
bride, was her only attendant and wore
acr wedding dress ot white crepe de
chine and carried French roses. Mr.
Frank Ruble acted as bea man.
Punch was served In the reception hall
by he Misses Ruble, Ida Proctor, Graeo
Cronln, Florence Doolty, Flower Alex
ander and Jewel Alexander assisted In
the dining room.
The bride's gift to ber attendants were
gold collar pins.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmundson left for an
rxtended wedding; trip to Chicago, Hart
ford. Conn.: New Tork City and Wash
ington, D. C, returning by way of the
great lakes to Chicago. They will be at
home at Spokane, Wash., after 8ptetn.
ber L
Friday, July 25, 1913.
At the Field Club.
Mrs. Frederick A. Nash entertained at
luncheon today at the club for Mrs.
Kldrldge and Mrs. Itogan, guests of Mrs.
John A. McShane. Covers were placed
John A. McShane,
II. If. Baldrlge,
W. D. Ilonfoni,
J. K. Hummers,
Edward Crelghton,
Glenn "Wharton,
"W. M. Ilogers,
V. A. Nash,
Ida Hhnrr).
Mrs. S. S. Caldwell and Mrs. IS. 8. Wwt-
brook and as theor guests:
Mesdames Mesdames '
Mark Coad. John I Kennedy,
II. L. Huntley, Victor White,
Miss Frances "Wessels,
Miss Katherlne Moorhead bad a her
Mesdames Merd tunes
Bentley McCloud Itoy Dougall
of Chicago, .of Pittsburgh.
Frederick Wing Harry Tukey,
of Chicago, ilarley Moorhead,
Louis Lorlng,
Mrs. Robert Hows had four guests st
luncheon, and Mrs. C. U Dundey, three.
Mr. and Mrs. George Haverstlck will
entertain twenty guests at dinner "Satur
day evening at the club In honor of tho
visiting tennis players, Mrs. It.' N. Wil
liams, Boston, and Miss Mary II. Brown,
Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs". XL B,
Carrlgan will have seven guests! W. E.
Hhepard, tens "W. II, Murray, eleven; J.
Latenser, eight.
At Fort Omaha.
Mrs. John Hoffman ThomDson enter.
talned Informally at luncheon today at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl F.
Hartmann, at Fort Omaha. Eight guests
were present.
At Happy Hollow.
Mrs. It. L. Carter had eight guests at
lunchoon today at the club.
Wanita Card Club. . N
Mrs. A. Wessman entertained h
Wahlta, Card, club at her homo Thursday
aiiernoon. une afternoon was spent at
cards and prises were won by Miss BesMo
Wessman, Mrs. C, E. Wlnqulst and Mrs.
Wessman. The next meeting of tho einh
will be at, tHe home of Mrs. J. L. Mus-
giave In two weolts Mrs, Norman and
Miss Bessie Wessman wero -the guests ot
me chid.
At the Country Club.
ueutenant and Mrs. Black will enter
tain at dinner this evening atitho club.
Covers will be placed for six.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
miss Gertrude E. Wrasse and Mrs, John
Brown are visiting In Bennington.
Mrs. Patrick Brown left Tuesday for
Gresley Center, Neb., to visit with rela
Mrs. John Wettxel arrived yesterday
from St Louis and Is staying with her
father, Mr. P. B. Her.
air. ana Mrs. n. c. Nicholson left
Thursday for Colorado Springs, -whore
thoy will make a stay of two weeks.
Dr. Frederick J, Wearns has Just re
turned from a threo-wka' fiahl'-T
north of Oeorglan bay, Ontario, Canada.
Schocnhard of Kansas City are the guesti
of Mrs, Charles Pendell ot KA South
Twenty-olghth street.
Mrs. T. Gordon 8anders and children.
Miss Frances and Master Thurston, lcavo
Saturday for a visit of a mouth In Den
ver and Colorado Springs.
Mrs. Franklin Archor White of Bald
win, Kan., who has been the guest ot
her sister, Mrs. Edward Iltslop, for sev
eral weeks, returned home yesterday.
Mrs. John J, Dlneen and-daughter, Miss
Dorothy May, will leave this evening for
Sheridan, Wyo. to visit Mrs. Dlneen's
sister, Mrs. J. M. Gerhard, for the sum
The Omaha police department has been
asked to locate Harry dhen of Cul
pepper, Va.; Frank Jones of Weston, Mo.,
and C. G. Enos of Balesvllle, O. Cohen
Is a peddler of merchandise and left his
home In company with his wife and five
children tor the west on June 1. At Chi
cago he left his family to make a short
business trip in the state and since
that time, has not returned!. The wife Is
111 and unable to work and the family Is
absolutely destitute. Cohsn was last
heard from at Madison, Wis., where he
expressed his Intentions of coming to
Omaha. Mrs. Cohen lives at U23 Johnson
street, Chicago. Frank Jones left a wife
and. an 8-moath-old baby at Weston.
Mo. He wrote from Omaha that he had
found employment at good wages, but
the wife has not heard from him for over
two weeks. C. G. Enos Is being sought
by hts mother, Mrs. Casper JJnos, of
Salesvllle, O., who has received no word
from the boy since ths tornado.
Traveling Immigration Agent Jones of
the Great Northern, who had charge of
ths company's agricultural and horticul
tural exhibits during the last Omaha
Land Show Is In the city, lis Is ot the
opinion that the Omaha show worked
wonders In the way of settling up the
west and even at this late data he Is re
ceiving many Inquiries from parties in
the east who are seeking homes In the
west They either saw or read ot the
Omaha show.
Mr. Jonts, after traveling over a wide
area'bf country, finds that this season
travel to the west Is the heaviest In
years and that tourist are seeking the
mountains instead of the seaside resorts.
Glacier park, he says. Is attracting more
attention than ever before, and the re
sort Is titled with tourists.
Meats, Butter and Eggs Remain the
Same as Last Week.
Many Harden Products ' Hare Suf
fered from Kmtreme Heat nnA
Crop Will He Short Frnlt
Cninlns; from the WhIi
Meats, butter and eggs have not ad
vanced or declined In price during tho
week. Butter remains at 28 cents a pound
and eggs may be bought for IS cents a
Some vegetables aro becoming very
scarce because of the heat There Is not
half enough cabbage In Omaha to supply
the demand. It has advanced from 1 to
2V4 cents a pound wholesale. There Is a
very short crop of cucumbers and toma
toes. The price of tomatoes Is now down
to 25 cents a basket, but Is expected to
advance soon. The ploklo supply will be
unusually short this winter because of
the scarcity of cucumbers, according to
Al King, manager of the 'grocery depart
ment at Hayden Bros.
Boasting corn Is plentiful and of good
quality, selling at 10 cents a dozen ears.
Lettuce Is four bunches for a nickel and
5 and 7V4 cents a head. Radishes and
onions are six bunches for 6 cents. Four
bunches of beet, carrots or turnips can
ba bought for a nickel. New potatoes aro
25 cents a peck.
Peaches aro high, selling at 11.85 .a
case, or 26 cents a basket. California
Bartlett pears aro on the maket at tits
a bushed box. Raspberries are about
gone, but what aro left are selling at 12
cents a pint. Blackberries .are scarce,
retailing at 10 conts a quart
Apricots are coming In from Idaho next
week. The supply is short,, owing to such,
a large canning and evaporating bulness.
They will sell dn the local raaket at $1.83
a caso.
Cantaloupes , from Arizona will sell
85 cents a crate higher. They aro now E,
VA and 8i cents apiece.
Odd Fellows of Omaha, South Omaha,
Benson and Florence will hold their an
nal basket plcnlo at City Park. Florence,
this afternoon nnd evening. Dele
gations of Odd Fellows are expected from
many of the surrounding towns.
The speakers are F. P. Corrlck of Lin
coln, who will talk on "Odd Fellowship;"
Jacob Marks, who will talk on the "En
campment;" Mrs. Emma Talbot, who
will talk on the "Rebekah Branch of the
Order," and Rev. M. O. McLaughlin, who
will talk on "Odd Fellowship and Chris
Uanity." An excellent program ot muslo and
nthletlo events has been prepared for the
afternoon. A boso ball game betweon
Omaha and South Omaha will bo ono of
of features of the program.
Daily Fashion Hint
Small original shaped coat worn over
a tea party gown. It Is ot nattier
"granite" blue. The three-quarter
sleeves, set up in a low armhole, straight
up and loose from the top are broadly
turned up at the bottom to make revets,
pointed In front and rounded at the back
showing a frill of white chiffon with
two rows of machine stitching.
Slightly loose and built on kimono lines,
It Is kept on a wide band ot the material,
making the belt and fastened on the
middle front by a flat bow. Cut open
on each side front It shows a blouslng
or the same color In the middle front
The coat Is continued under the girdle
by a small round basque. A nvhlte chif
fon collar, round at the back, falling In
front in two points trims It and gives It
a touch of youthtulness.
Get tho
Original and Genuine
TheFoodDrinkforAllAges !
Not in any Milk Trust
lnstat on "HORLICK'S"
Tal a packso ltoae
Runaway Girls Are
Given a Spanking
by Police Matron
Just what Is the proper lego course
as laid down by the statutes when two
very naughty little girls act In a man
ner not befitting ladles. Is still a mooted
point In the mind of Police Matron
Ellen Gibbons, but eho Is certain that
when she administered effective spank
ings to 13-year-old Dottle Hayes and 14-year-old
May Carnahan, who ran away
from their homes In Tulsa. Old., she
administered Justice In a manner highly
satisfactory to herself.
The little girls ran away from their
homes In Tulsa with Stewart Bhoteau
and Roy Simmons, two grown men. They
were arrested at the Flomar noted with
Simmons, but Shotcati got away. A
brother of the Carnahan girl la on tho
way to Omaha to care for the girls, but
the local authorities will prosecute Sim
mons and Shoteau, If tho latter Is caughjJ
unaer me Aiann wnue slave act
It was yesterday afternoon that tho
little girls spoke rudely to Matron Gib
bons, who happens to bo a very com
petent as well as motherly woman. Bo
she did Just oxactly what she would
have dono to her own children, had they
been naughty, and as thoroughly.
"There," - she panted, as she finished
tho task of paddling two very -white
little bodies with her broad, bare hand.
"That's Just what both of you needed, t
guesa If you'd-a had that a couple of
years ago, and at regular intervals, you
wouldn't bo In a poUce station now." And
Matron Gibbons, still .indignant, went
downstairs to make a report of her ac
tion to her superiors.
Levi F. Gardner, formerly of Omaha,
died Thursday at St Louis. The body
will be brought to Omaha and the funerat
will take place from the home of his son,
Georgo W. Gardner, 2CC3 Fowler avenuo,
The services will be under tho auspices
of Laclede lodge No. 22, Independent
Ordor Odd Fellows, with Interment at
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Mr. Gardner was a native of Ohio and
his earlier life was spent at New Phila
delphia. From there he came to Ds
Moines and later to Omaha. He con
ducted a planing mill here for a number
of years and has lately made his home
In St Louis.
Otto Hofsetter, 800 .North Twentieth
street, a cook employed by the Union Pa
clflo railroad, was sentenced to thirty
days by Judge Altstadt Evidence to the
effect that Hofsetter mistreated his
family was given by three boarders llv.
Ins at the same address. Coming In from
his duties at a grading camp Thursday,
he proceeded to- indulge too freely, and
upon coming home and finding his wife
ill In bed, started to abuse her. Before
he could do 'any violence an officer was
summoned nnd he was placed under ar
rest From the fright resulting from his
misconduct Mrs. Hofsctter Is in a serious
A fortunate Texan
,a W. Ooodloe. fallal Tax., found a
sure relief for malaria and biliousness in
Dr. King's" New Life Pills. 6nly 26c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.-Advertlsement
Of Very Special Importance A sale of Women's Low Shoes.
A little over 30.0 pairs all told. Pumps as well as other low shoes.
Odd and broken lots; not every size in each lot, but every size will be found
somewhere on the tables. Laid out on tables, sized as best we can,
shoes which we priced previously at $4.00 and even $5.00 pair
nriced HiH
of similar shoes sold freely at the prices quoted. There
will be good natured rivalry to Dick them at
We open at 8:00 o'clock. If you can use an extra
pair of shoes, reach the department on time.
There wont be much shoe fitting while sale lasts. Sizes will be plainly
marked and you'll do your own picking.
Never in our business experience was so much interest shown in our
July Sales. You'll understand why if you'll glance over the Items
picked at random, here and there thru' the store:
tiis .
All theso and moro,
Women's Blaok Silk StockingB, the pair 25c
Men's Socks, most colors, worth 50c, some more, pr. 29c
More Socks forjnen, young nnd old, at, the pair. . . .15c
In tho socks aro many made from silk, others from
fine cotton.
MEN'S SHIRTS Thosoft kind mninly-negligee, cool,
comfortable; lots of them worth $1.00; Saturday 35c
Summer Dresses for women, $10 many worth to $30.
Children's Cotton Dresses ?1. 00 similar sold to $3.50.
DRESS LINEN Various colors and weavings, 39c in
Btead of 75c which many were previously.
Slips and Petticoats for misses and girls $1.39 many
sold as high aa $3.50.
Gowns for 98c-sold before up as high as $1.50.
Thos. Kilpatrick & Co
Market Here Enabled to Beach Out
Farther for Business.
Hates from gowthern Nebraska Hare
Heretofore Ileejt More Favorable
to Kansas City, lint Change
is Now Made.
There is a prooa-jimy that In the near
future the Omaha grain market will be
put on the same footing as that of Kan
sas City, so far as rates from south
Nebraska and north Kansas points are
concerned. Railroad and Omaha grain
men have Just concluded a meeting, with
the result that the former have agreed to
readjust the rates and put them Into ef
fect as soon as they are published.
In tho past grain rates from numerous
south Nebraska and north Kansas towns,
especially on the Burlington-and Missouri
Pacific have been out of line, .so far as
Omaha and Kansas City have been con
cerned, the differentials being decidedly
In favor of the Missouri city. This has
been on account ot the rates Into Kansas
City and from the territory named being
baaed on St Joseph. In other words,
although Blxty miles farther away, the
rate Into Kansas City has been the same
as into St Joseph.
The fact of the differential existing,
enables Kansas City to reach out sixty
miles farther Into Omaha territory and
secure grain for Its market
Merit In Neir Rate.
When the points were brought out and
called 'to the attention ot the railroad
freight men, they agreed that there was
merit in the contention of the Omaha
grain men and readily agreed to readjust
the -tariffs, with the result that Omaha's
grain buying territory will be extended
something llko sixty miles to the south
and southwest, taking In a large area of
the heaviest winter wheat area.
While the readjustment of the grain
rates Is not expected to advance the
charges on shipments Into Kansas 'city,
it will put the rates on a mileage basis
and give Omaha considerable of an ad
vantage. Just when the new rates will be opera
tive Is hard to say. Under ordinary cir
cumstances they would become effective
thirty days after publication, but the
change is expected -to bring on a fight
It Is believed the Kansas City grain con
cerns will seek to cnjcn the proposed
change In rates and that tho whole mat
ter will go up to the Interstate Commerce
commission for a final determination. In
tho end, It Is believed Omaha will win,
as both railroad and grain men say the
position of the Omaha Grain exchange Is
consistent and right
Great SI1U and Cottony Goods Event
Monday at Brandels Stores.
75c SILKS AT 16c A YARD.
Monday we will sell sample bolts
from an eastern manufacturer of silk
Russian cords, silk ratine, crepe, silk
brocade, silkJEollenncs, silk Jacquards and
other new silk fabrics and cotton -goods,
many of which were made to sell as hlgn
as 75o a yard, Monday at 15c a yard.
Also 40-Inch wide 'heavy-weight raUno
In various colored stripes, worth up to
75.1 a yard, St 29c a yard.
And scores of other special bargains in
silk and cotton goods Monday. Watch
Sunday papers,
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
for Snturday Bellinrr.
BullMoosers Are
Not Showing Very
Strong at the Polls
Figures on the registration of voters
to date will show that the members of
tho progressive party are exceedingly
scarce In Omaha or If there are any they
are not showing their colors as such at
the registration The proportion of those
giving their party affiliation as "ropgres-
slve" Is exceedingly small. At the office
of the election commissioner the figures
with respect to party affiliations ot those
registered are being compiled. They will
perhaps be completed within a few days.
A sample of the registrations Is to be
fodnd In the Ninth precinct of the Ninth
ward, where only three lonesome pro
gressives are registered. In this same
precinct are registered eighty-one republi
Every straw hat
must be sold and
sold quickly the
former selling price
and the cost are ig
nored. We mention
only three of the
woncferful values offered
here Saturday.
White Leghorns
Milans trimmed in rib
bona, chiffons, malines
and flowers, on sale Saturday
White Tagals, trimmed in ribbon
and maline
Only $2.50
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co,
Woven and printed some of moderate weight, others
thin and airy. Most of 'em worth 25c make your selec
tion at, yard .....v r w....10c
Mado for us and imported by us newest shapes lined
in colors to match your dresses or your hosiery letter
writing will bo a pleasure if you use such beautiful paper.
Selling at same section, a Great Stationery Bargain 48
sheets of paper, fine grade, with matched envelopes
for, box L., 25c
cans, that- Is members of tho O. O. P.
that In tho minds ot the progressives was
gored to death last fall by the bull moos
ers. These same bull moosers show up
three strong against eighty-one O. O. P.s.
There are twenty-six democrats registered
In the same precinct and two registered
as having! no party affiliation, making a
total of 111 In the precinct
. Word comes .to the general offices ot
the Milwaukee here that thirty mora
miles ot the double track on the Omaha
Chicago lino has been cut In and Is In
use between Marlon and tho Mississippi
Work on the second track of ths Mil
waukee Is progressing all the way from
Manila to Marlon and several long
stretches are expected to be cut In and
put Into service during August.