Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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Communications relating to news ana
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Omaha Bee, Editorial department
Btate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss.
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
ot The Bee Publishing company, being
duly sworn, says that the average dally
circulation for the month of June, tiu,
was lO.m. DWIUHT WIL.L.IAM8.
' Circulation Manager.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
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Subscribers lenrlnir the eltr
temporarily should lmve The lice
lunlled to them. Address mill be
ehnused as often requested.
Anyway, this 1b not a good time to
market bonds.
Every now and
ralna In Omaha,
then It almost
New York Is looking for a slogan.
How would "Kill the Tlgor" do?
City Treasurer Ure Is now a Bru
tus, Then Howell roust bo our
Pcaco Is inevitable in both Mexico
nnd the Balkans, (or the millennium
is surely coming.
"It is better to bo a piker than a
pauper," says tho Atchison (Hobo.
But why bo a piker?
Mr. Bryan's Chautauqua prices
occm to knock galloy west that old
Baw that "talk Is cheap,"
The New Trust Busting.
The suit Instituted by direction ot
tho attorney general to un-merge tho
telephone monopoly In the Pacific
coast stntos for violation of the Sher
man anti-trust law will be wildly
hallfd by democrats clacquirs as
showing tho determination of the
Wilson ndmlnstration to put the
monopolies and trusts out of busi
ness. So far as it goes, tho dissolu
tion suit Is good if tho government
can establish the unlawful acta it al
leges. But it is to bo noticed that
In proceeding against this Telephone
trust Mr. Wilson's attornoy general
a following exactly In tho footsteps!
of Mr. Taft's attorney general, who
In one term dissolved moro trusts
than all the preceding adminstra
tlons. Tho significance of the present ac
tion, however, Is that It Is brought
as a civil trust, and not as a criminal
prosecution. Did you ever hear dem
ocratic orators declaim that guilt is
personal? Did you over read demo
cratic newspapers decrying civil suits
to dlSBolvo mergers as useless? Did
yoii ever sco democratic platforms in
sisting that tho only way to put tho
trusts out of business is to put trust
magnates behind bars?
But horo is our democratic attor
noy general charging tho Telephone
trust with all sorts of unlawful acts
that defy the ahtl-trust law, but es
tablishing nothing to warrant 'a
criminal prosecution of anybody.
Lookuuf BacWattl i
am q
Relief for the Needy.
If that tornado bond election,
which cost tho taxpayers several
thousand dollars, had only put tho
monoy In circulation among those
who need It, it might not havo to bo
regarded as a total loss, but with our
olectlon commissioner's special hand-
picked corps ot society gentlemen,
lawyers, capitalists and roal estate
agents taking all the coin for sitting
around as Judges and clerks of elec
tion, It la nt least open to dispute
whether this relief .fund has been
well distributed.
Our guess is that it coat tho- tax
payers of Douglas county closo to $3
a vote. What's your guess?
Sir Thomas Llpton always comes
in that "Lest we forgot" spirit of
Kipling's with his challenges.
"I'm getting tired ot theso de
nials," says. Muluall. Then, toll tho
truth, and nothing but tho truth,
Hello, tho government Is now after
tho Telephone trust, which will make
business for the trouble department.
The Into Count Tolstoi is now as
surcd Immortal famo; they aro going
to burn some of hlB posthurrtus
Incidentally, tho court may havo
to determlno whether dealing In con
versation h transacting lnterstato
As to Styles.
Some of tho foibles of fashion as
oxpressed in present styles aro
enough to provoke harsh words and
harsher thoughts of Benslblo folk.
But did anyono over know of an in
stance whoro public criticism af
fected iho stylcs7 It Is art, you know,
and art has Just tho dandiest little
way of dovetailing itself Into tho
practical affairs of business. Freaks
and fads exist becauso they pay
Styles thrive on sensation.
"Isn't she just b tunning!"
Sura to send all within hearing
poll-moll to their wardrobes or their
tailors to stun tho stunnor. It waH
over thus. Hoops, bustles or what
not; trains, bobtail skirts, hqbbles,
silts not a bit ot difforonco. They
all run to the limit. One goes a little
farther than another. This being a
moro breezy, candid ago, porhaps wo
notlco the emphasis of certain fash
Ions a lltllo more than wo did In
others. But, bb has boon observed,
even arrests and fines do not always
atop thorn. Fashion will havo its
foibles, if not in Richmond, Va., or
Newark, N, J somewhere else.
"Everybody's Doing It," ran a bit
of stage buffoonery sot to music. And
that about tits .tho case.
The bold, bad men wore too much
for hor, so Mrs. Ella Flagg Young
resigned as superintendent ot Chi
cago's schools.
The day may come when all his
torlans but one will rank Bunker
Hill alongside of San Juan in mili
tary importance
If the Water board had piled up
si,uoo,ooo in tne oankB by over
charging the peoplo, the Water board
organettes would still applaud.
An umpire knocked out by a club
owner sues for 33 5,000 damages,
contending ho is permanently disa
bled. As if tho services of an urn
plro could over bo worth $35,000.
Even tho "croo-ol" charge that It
cheapens parcels post to lower rates
and increase weights is not apt to
injure tho service or Impair its pop
ularity. Some things are bottor
Yes, but suppoao tho gas company
showed a profit of $265,000 over and
above all operating expenses and fu,U
niereai on watorea stocks ana
bonds, would not folks bo demand'
ing rate induction below $1 a thou
sand? And would the gas company
be ablo to make any kind ot & de
fense against it?
Employes of the state insurance
department have been given a hunch
that their services may not be re
quired by the insurance commissioner
taking chargo under the new insur
ance law. Well, what did the new
law transfer the Insurance work
from the auditor's office for, any
way? To the victors belong the
Eating Venison.
Yum, yum, Just wait till Secre
tary of tho Interior Lano gets his
Alaskan railway to running down
Into the middle west and we will all
be eating venison, tho choicest of
meats. What a day that will bo for
us to laugh at tho greedy packer,
who has been tossing us his bits ot
beet and mutton and pork at thoso
fabulous prices.
Why, there aro 40,000 wild rein
deer right now feeding on 100,000,'
000 acres ot moss in Alaska, says
Mr. Lano, and it will be no trick at
all to run that number up to 40,000,'
000 in a fow good seasons of careful
breeding. That can at least be done
by tho time tho through railroad
is completed from the interior ot
Alaska to its terminus at Omaha.
Thirty Years Ago
Two new law partnerships are an
nounced, one betwenu Colonel Smythe and
Bennett, and (mother between C. J.
Greene and R. W. Breckenrldge.
Cards ure out announcing the marriage
of George Heyn, the leading photographer,
to Miss Sablna Itlrsohman of Detroit, to
take place In that city, August 8.
The barbers are up In arms over a
new order by layor Chase for removal
of barber poles, and have appointed n
committee, headed by Howard Crossley, to
The Omaha dice club Is planning; on a
combined hunt and concert tour In tho
state next month, In wagons to be fur
nished by J. II. Mc8hane. The Itinerary
Is to take In Fremont, West Point
Tckamah and Ulalr, with fishing and
hunting In between.
Mr. C. B. Smith, tho proprietor of a
popular boarding house, In the father of
fine llttlo daughter.
The Union Paclflce coal department has
been moved to the floor over Strang's
building, and the offices vacated In the
headquarter1! building will be occupied by
M. If. Qobct, purchasing agent
The call for Rebekah lodge Is signed
by Mrs. R. A. Liveeey, secretary.
T. J. Fltxmorfls, 6U South Sixteenth
street Is so distressed over the loss of
small dun cow, with a white spot on
the forehead, that ho Is willing to pay
reward for Its return.
Twenty Years Ago
Judge Dundy of the federal court an
nounced he hud all the evidence now un
der advisement in the maximum freight
rate law and Would render an early decision;
The wholesale drug firm, of Blake,
Bruce & Co, was dissolved. Mr. Charles
F,, Blake, the senior member, retired and
turned .'the business over to the other
members of the firm.
A fair-sized audtenca of colored people
greeted Mrs. M. R. Rodgers-Webb at Hart
man hall, where she criticized the posi
tion of former Senator John J. Ingallr
and Hon. J. F. Burton of Wichita on the
negro question. She eulogized Jefferson
Davis arid condemned tho north as "a
great moral coward" that had nover done
Its duty toward the negro.
City Prosecutor II. E. Cochran returned
from Colorado, where he fished, hunted
and put on a good tan nnd several pounds
of flesh.
A, Prince, father of Councilman Sol
Prince, was gravoly ill, his death being
William Anderson, formerly of tho
Murray returned there to call out "front"
from the same old stand, as he did not
like to be away at all.
Charles F. Bolndorff, architect of the
city, hall, was engaged In an Interesting
little argument with tho city council try
ing to convince It that the city still owed
him $4,000, balanco due on his part In put
ting up Its fine now building.
Ten Years Aro
The Omaha ball team took a doublo-
header from Milwaukee, making It four
straight. The Rourkea were last In the
race and Milwaukee second. Sanders
hold tho Brewers to alx hits in the first
enmo nnd Henderson nnd Companion
won tho latter. Seven thousand fans
Haw the games. v
Dr. Qeorgo I Miller writes to The
Uoe denouncing tho reports that dogs
havo rabies and pointing out that rabies
aro usually the' figment of fertile Imag
inations. He pleaded that dogs be given
plenty of fresh water to drink and not
S. Lawrence, employed at the Western
Tinware company's plant, while scuffling
with a friend nt his hotel homo, tho An
drews house, broke a small elbow bpne.
w. w. v;onnoran, cniei man ciern at
tho postofflec, who returned from Sao
City, la., whoro ho spent three weeks on
a farm, said that during hay harvest
men received 12 a day and their board
and were scarce at that.
Robert M. Myers died at the home of
his son, J. J. Myers, 1TW South Nine
teonth street He was a member ot the
Oeorgo Crook post, Orand Army ot the
Republic, of Omaha and the Odd Fellows'
lodge of Ol on wood, To.
II. J. rjonden, for two years city editor
of The Bee, lert with Mrs,. Gonden for
Lake Mlnnctonka, Minnesota, to spend a
few weeks. On his return he expected
to assume tho management of the now
Krug theater.
It seems that our distinguished
secretary of war politely declined the
invitation extended to him from our
democratic United States senator to
be the luncheon guest of our Com
mercial club when visiting this city,
but now reconsiders and accepts
through General Leonard Wood when
the invitation is pressed by the club.
Aral's the answer?
Lobbyists and Lobbyists.
"There are lobbyists in Washington
always have boen and always will
be," says Sam Blythe, and overybody
familiar with tho facts knows that Is
true, "The trouble with tho usual
lobby hunters is that they aro not
definite in their tonus. They use tho
word lobbyist always in tho senso ot
briber. There aro numerous lobby
ists who are not bribers and never
-will be,"
From tho Mulhalllng going, on at
Washington we are not to conclude
that lobbying Is a thing ot tho past
any more than that all lobbyists have
done or would do' some things to
Which Mulhall confesses. Business has
its legitimate rights at the national
as well as Btate legislatures, but only
so long as It makes use of without
abusing them can there be no causo
for complaint. '
If these exposes holp to separate
the goats from the sheep, to draw
proper distinctions between lobbyists
and Lobbyists, they may serve some
good and useful ends, when followed
by proper disposition of the goats,
horns, butting propensities and all
If the way tho voters swarmed out
(to seize their first opportunity to
inscribe their autographs in the poll
books under the new Bertlllon olefc
tlon system Is the measure ot popu
lar endorsement of the new law, it's
a scream.
In Other Lands
People Talked About
Miss Daisy D. Savage, deputy in the
city clerk's office In Albany, Ore., had
fno pleasure ot making out her own mar-
rlago license. When T. D. Babb, her
fiance, appeared at the office to secure
the license the city clerk Insisted that
Mtia Savage officiate.
Parties and policies at home have
precious llttlo Interest for Colonel La
fayette Young ot Pes Moines theso sum
mery days. The colonel Is away over In
Sorvla's capital, sizing up the ravages of
war and telling the Now York Herald
all about the scrap.
George B. Cox of Cincinnati, republican
loss ot Hamilton county, admits 'in an
Interview that the party boss has seen
his beat days. Sure thing, George, old
top; younger hands have grabbed the lite
line at the pie counter.
Senator J. Ham. Lewis ot Illinois put
up the most effective line or taut in
favor of chautalklng as a vacation ex
ercise tor the secretary of state. Bright
and' early next morning Senator Lewis
blew Into the secretary's office seeking
a few slabs ot pie for famished constit
uents. Wouldn't that beat you?
Mrs. Susan Sine, years old, wtu come
from Kentucky to take part In the suf
frage demonstration to bo held In Wash
ington on July SI.
Dun O'Leary, now staling In Portland,
Ore., walked seventy miles to Mount
Hood on his seventieth birthday. Mr.
CLeary'it record for 100 miles Is eighteen
hours and fifty minutes, while a walk of
100 miles In twenty-four hours was once
a normal thing tor him.
When young Vtncnt Astor provided
free transportation to the shore with
food, etc, thrown In, for the poor womon
and children of New York Clty-WOO of
them at, a. time he's making & very good
use of his money.
At Secretary Bryan's suggestion, the
Guatemalan government baa provided
flvo free scholarships for students (young
men or young women) from the United
States. Now Secretary Bryan wishes our
colleges and universities to offer free
tuition to students from Guatemala.
lllrtory, Ilrprnt Itnelf.
Thirty-seven years ago the American
correspondent of the New York Herald
the distinguished Ohloan, J. A. Mac
Gfthnn, drifted Into the Balkans and
witnessed with his own eyes the horrors
of Turkish tyranny among the Bulgars.
Mr. MacGahan drew such a vivid picture
of Turkish Infamy and cruelty, murdci
and rapine, that the civilized world was
aroused to protest In the name of human
ity. Gladstone, for England, denounced
the barbarity ot the Moslems, and Rus
sia found in the horrors of the situation
ample warrant for the War of WM,
which wrested the Balkan states from
Turkish rule. Thti whirligig .of time
wrought many changes, but none moro
amazing than the transformation of the
Bulgar from an object of sympathy and
admiration to one of world-wide con
demnation. The atrocious inhumanity of
the Moslem toward the Bulgar Is rivaled
If not surpassed by the murderous, lust
ful treatment of aged men, women an6
children by the Bulgar army In Mace
donia and Thrace. Cities and villages
which the Bulgars could not hold ogalnnt
the Serbs and Greeks have been looted
end burned, aged noncombatants mur
dered, men, women and children burned,
crucified or otherwise put to death. Th6
truth of the devastation and death, comes
from too many credible sources tp be suc
cessfully denied. Ministers, consuls and
the king of Greece politically affirm a
series of crimes by the Bulgars shock
ing to every Instinct of humanity. Thus
the bright particular star of the near
cast drops from 'tho firmament of yester
day Into the depths of execration, disaster
and humiliation.
Turkish Opportunists.
Treason, betrayal and disunion have(
ever been the handmaids or, xuraisn
power In Europe. Centuries -ago when
tho hosts of Mahommcd menaced the
capital ot Constantino, rival legions ot
the cross, instead of uniting against the
enemy, wasted their energies In fruitless
religious contention. Thousands ot able-
bodied defenders who should have manned
the city walls were gathered In and about
St Sophia and Induced by pious monks to
swear eternal opposition to a union with,
the Latin church, condemned as the "In
fidel" faith of the west. And while thesw
delirious assemblies were nlioutlng de
fiance at the western church tho Mos
lems were scaling the city walls, soon
thereafter taking possession ot the fa
mous Christian temple which tho follow,
era of Islam havo held undisturbed pos
session of for 600 years. Conditions havo
chnnged In these centuries, but the spirit
of Christian discord and Intolerance Is
hardly less today than when tho legions
of Mahommcd routed tho divided follow
ers of the cross at Constantinople. Tho
difference lies In national rivalries sup
planting religious hatreds. Rivalry and
greed checked Russia at tho gates ot
Constantinople In 1877 and stripped th
victors of fairly won prizes of war,.
Greed and lust for power prompted the
Bulgar king to turn a victorious army
upon his allies, destroying by one stroke
nearly all the good achieved under th
banners of the cross. Never was the
bubble of overweening ambition b
quickly shattered, Kng Ferdinand Is
shorn not only of tho fruits ot victory,
honors as well as territory, but will be
fortunate If he holds his crown. The
crafty Turks saw the opportunities ot
disunion and quickly seized them. Kirk
Klllsseh, Lule Bargus and- Adrlanople,
Bulgaria's prizes of war, once more are
In Moslem hands, with no power In sight
to loosen the grip.
Who Will Put Them Ontf- x
The Ignominious trimming ot Bulgaria,
while yot flush with the wine of vic
tory, excites llttlo commiseration from
any quarter. Like the American fron
tiersman who, on recovering conscious
ness from tho effect of a boast that ho
"cbuld whip any man In tho county," ex
claimed, "Evidently I covered too much
territory." o with Bulgur boast of whip
ping aH creation In the Balkans. Whipped
and stripped on every sido in govern
ment not only sues for peace but begs for
mercy. Had the dashing Envers Bey
passed. Up tho chance of recovering lost
Turkish territory, the great powers would
havo been content to let tne war dogs
chow themselves Into a condition ot help
lessnees. But with Turkey violating the
recently signed Londontreaty, stobUsh
Ing tho Ottoman boundary on a Una from
Enofl. on the Aegean sea, to Media, on
tho Black sea, raises a question ot na
tional honor calling for mighty delicate
treatment Will the powers get together
In o. demand for Turkey's retirement be
hind the treaty llneT It Is possible, but
the probabilities aro against It. Politi
cal considerations Impel the Young Turks
now In powor to hold tho recovered terri
tory, especially the shrlne-templed city
ot Adrlanople, unless again driven out by
force. No local force is available. The
Balkan state are exhausted by war, and
their recovery will take years, even If a
reunion Is possible. Force, then, must
come from the Dowers. Their Interests
In that direction are so diverse and thalr
rivalries so fierce that the unexpected
will surely happen should they send i
Joint expeditionary force to exact com'
pllance with the treaty ot London. Tp
the chargo of duplicity with respect 10
treaty obligations, the Turks can cite
numerous precedents In which the Big
Six do not shine as defenders ot the let
ter or spirit of wrltten instruments.
It Won't Go Down.
OMAHA, July 15. To the Editor of The
Bee: That talk about rates charged for
public utilities In other cities Having no
bearing on rates charged here, does not
go down with me. It does not go with
other folks, who, like me, have moved
here from other cities. When I lived In
Lincoln I paid only IS cents for water,
for which I was charged 35 cents here.
Over in Council Bluffs, with one-fifth the
population, I am told, gas sells for the
same price It does here. I read In the
paper not long ago where our Water
board manager, while visiting in Minnea
polis and In Milwaukee, made a special
Inquiry to learn that gas was sold
cheaper there than here, but was care
ful to shut his eyes to the much lower
price charged for water. If the price In
other cities has nothing to do with the
case, why waste their tlrne? I am for
lower rates all along the line, and the
lower the better. O. M.
Thnt Threat If You Don't Pny.
OMAHA, July 2S.-To the Editor of The
Bee: "If this bill Is not paid promptly
will be. turned off." Of the four pub-
tic service utilities, gas, electric light,
telephone and water, guess for which one
the bills come to the consumer each
month underscored by that Insulting
threat? No private concern would use
such language In addressing Its patrons,
arfd the boss of the Water board wouldn't
If he were running a private instead of
public enterprise.
"If this bill Is not paid promptly water
will be turned oft" Now, that is a ntce
way to talk to the people. A public of
ficer Is supposed to be serving Instead of
bossing. "Here, you, gimme dat money
fur de montn's water r I'll tur it off.
Bee.." That Is a little more grapnia
construction of it OLD VOX POPULI.
Objects to Sunday Dnnclnr.
OMAHA, July 25. To the Editor of The
Bee: While myself and wife were en
route to Denver, and as we had heard
great deal of Omaha, stopped here
over Sunday. We think you have a great
and prosperous city. Would like to call
your attention to one fact that surprised
us. We took several street car rides.
and got off at Krugs park, which wo
found a very pleasant place, but for one
great exception, which was the dancing
that was going on in full swing. Young
girls nnd boys that did not. seem to need
any Introduction, seemed to spend their
whole time In a mad whirl.
We were surprised that Omaha minis
ters and mothers and fathers of these
young people would stand calmly by and
let theso young folks spend the holy day
In such a manner. I understand that no
public dances aro allowed on Sunday, but
surely there are none more public than
'the one going on at a public park, which
surely Is harmful to the proper upbring
ing of the young people, as the freedom
of a public dance floor Is known to every
one. F. GRUBE.
What thnt retltlon Coat.
LINCOLN, July 23. To the Editor ot
The Bee: The expenses of the Voters'
Legislative league In conducting Its
campaign for the application ot the
referendum on the Nebraska City armory
bill were as follows:
Printing and stationery $110.00
Mimeographing, duplicating letters
and stenograohlo worK.u 60. W
Stamps, postofflce box rent K2.S2
Paid circulators . 163.87
Railroad and supervision Expenses.. 99.45
Clerical help 7. , 14.34
Telephone, typewriter, Incidentals... 15.75
i;. a. Borensen, acting executive
secretary 100.00
Twice Told Tales
Shop Talk.
A young woman ot Baltimore was
asked by a friend as to the Ukcablenes
of a young chap who for some time had
been paving devoted Attention to the
young woman In question.
"Oh." replied the fair one, carelessly,
"William Is a nice fellow, but he talks
shop too much."
"How'u that!" was the next' question.
"I thought He was a street car con
"So ha Is,1' returned the other, "and
he's continually saying, 'Sit up closer!' "
Baltimore iiun.
A Ohre'rfal Spirit.
Senator Brtstow wae talking about
Washington lobby whose lobbying had
"They took their shlpwreeli very philo
sophically, very cheerfully," he said.
"They reminded me ot the Ohio farmer
In the spring floods.
"This farmer, having been flooded out,
was rushing down stream with his fam
il- In a dilapidated skiff. A relief boat
uteamed up to him and the skipper called
" 'Hullo, there! What do yon wantT'
"The farmer, balling with one hand
and paddling with the other, answered,
cheerily .
" 'Nothln but wins, boss. Nothln' bu'
wings.' " Washington Star
Will' did that rich man want In mm.
mlt suicide?"
Well, he cot to th nk ng that his in
come of 110,000 was only a drop In the
"So he concluded to kick the bucket"
Baltimore American.
Young Woman (at her first ball came)
Do look nt the funny thing that man's
got over his face. Is it a bird cage?
Her Escort Not exactly. It s to keen
the fouls out Boston Transcript-
Oh. dear! Somrhlntr else to .remind
me that my boy Is Rowing up."
"The sheenlsh wav he looks when I call
him my llttlo Iambi" Life.
Yes. I know Sauldclev. T ahnuM rnl
him a sort of modified Yankee."
"What fin vnll tnnan tiv that?
tveu, ne
1,13 11(3 CI KUtTBHCa LB CUHJQU-
tures.' "Chicago Tribune.
"My dear. I see Vou &ri havlnir unmx
clothes made for your poodle."
-res; it is tne latest rod."
"Well.i I serve notice rleht hern that I
don't .btftton any dogs down' the back."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Maude I understand Mr. Pryde has
stopped trying to trace his family tree. I
suppose the further back he went the
harder It got. ,
Jack Yes.'and the further back he went
the harder his ancestors got Baltimore
SaDsmlth I wondah how It comes that
Miss Swift ts 'always out when I coll.
Grimshaw Oh, I guess It's Just her
luck. Puck,
"It's m-etty hard making a living these
days," sighed Hanklnson.
"Tou not it is, said tiutuers. -wny,
even tho fire-insurance people aro get
ting to be careful. A fellow can't get
more than thirty thousand dollars' In
surance on a carpet-bag full of paraffin
and excelsior!" Harper's Weekly.
"Yes," exclaimed the young man with
a deep drawn sigh, "I've finished my le
gal education at last!"
"And now." said the friend, "you'll sit
down and wait for clients."
"Not on your life I won't!" replied tho
new attorney. "I've got a Job promised
me In a dry goods store." Cleveland
Plain Dealer
Minna Irving In Leslie's.
The city streets are drab and dry
No matter where I look,
And memory travels back along
A brown and babbling brook,
Whero catkins on the bending boughs
AVere fuzzy, green and new,
And In the springtime long ago
The willow whistles grew.
An ancient knife with half a blade;
Dull, too, and nicked, and bent,
Was all I needed when I wrought
My simple Instrument
I choso a straight and sturdy twlft
And sllnned the bark away.
Till smooth and white as ivory
Upon my palm It lay.
I cleaned it of the pearly pith.
And cut the notch with care.
And played upon my sylvan fluta
A wld Impromptu air:
So piercing sweet the sliver strain.
So long and loud and shrill,
The dulcet pipes of Pan replied
' From every rock and hill.
I hear the operatic stars
In all their glory now;
Their muslo lacks tho witchery
Within the willow bough;
And .whon the purple lilac shakes'
Its feathers in tho rain,
The willow whistle calls to me
Across the years again.
Glacier National Park-
Newly Revealed Wonderland
This region of majestic, glacier-capped mountains tho climax .of
tho rugged grandeur of the Rockies In reached by the Groat Northern'
Railway from Glacier Park Station, at which point the Railway Company
has constructed a hnndred-thousand-dollar. hotel. An automobile road has
been built from this station to tho interior of the Park. A detour, of from
one to foum days can be made at the very moderate cost of. from 10 to
25, including hotels, automobiles, launches and coaches, covering dis
tances of from forty to one hundred and fifty miles,
from Omaha at 11:35 p. in.,' reaches Glacier Park Station
at 8:35 p. m,; as all hotel and transportation arrangements
in the Park are under the supervision qt tho Great Northern
Railway Company, tho comfort and enjoyment of tonrlsts is
assured. In making a tour of tho Pacific Coast, a detour
into Glacier Park will prove to be one of its most Interesting
Peaks from 8,500 to 10,500 Feet Altitude
arrts. Pnblleatlons "Olaolsr (rational Stork," "Over
the Trails or Glacier Katlonal JPark," 'Hotels and Tours
in Glacier national Park," "Aeroplane View of aiMlec
Xational Park."
CKy Ticket Office, llarllngtou Route, 1502 Farnam Street) Omaha.
Total 1612.23
Of this amount ' the officers of the
league have paid one-half. The remainder
has come from Interested cltuens In dif
ferent parts of the state.
Acting Executive Secretary.
K. O. M. Fnvora Suffrage.
OMAHA. July 24. To the Editor of
The Bee: I fully agree with "Aunt Ann"
concerning the duties Incumbent upon
women In relation to the family, and
that children should be taught politeness,
forbearance and self-respect by their
parents, If they are ever expected to prac
tice these virtues; duty, like charity, be
gins at home, but It does not end there.
The natural tendency of the mind toward
evil, together with the corrupt environ
ment of the age, are conditions that
the best possible home training Is not
always able to overcome; and unless the
Internal structure of society be altered.
or greatly modified, wickedness and folly
will continue to predominate. Saloons and
dives must be driven out, white slavery
must be abolished, our literature, dance
halls and play houses must be purified,
and the suffrages of women are needed
to accomplish this great work of reform
ing the laws.
It Is true that the laws cannot make
peopie goou, dui mey can remove a
great many temptations that are the
prlm causes of so many going bad.
Whether women are less Intelligent than
men Is not worth disputing about: but
without any desire to flatter the fair
sex, I hold the opinion that they are
more honest and more truthful, and have
more patience than the men. While men
dispute for years over speculative Drob-
lems, Boma'of which do not affect our
practical life one way or the other, a
woman arrives at conclusions by the
simplest operations of the mind. A woman
Is seldom wrong on any question that
Involves the moral training of children.
but many of them are wrong when
they feel themselves competent to Im
press the mind of a child with such
strong sense of Its duty to society and
Itself, that It will be able to resist any
and all temptations to act otherwise.
One of the best ways to prevent a child
overeating Is to. remove the food; the
best way to reform drunkards and pre
vent crime, poverty and wretchedness, is
to remove the bottle and barrel; for the
Intelligence of the average man or woman
is not many degrees aoove- tnat of a
child; I have seen men drink lemon ex
tract, pure alcohol, bay rum. pepper
sauce and vinegar, pain killers by the
pint, paregoric and other brands of
poison; and some say there are men who
drink gasoline, red Ink and creosote. It
Is often but a few short steps from wine
to stale beer, and the dance hall and
alcohol are twin brothers. If voting will
remedy some ot the existing evils, let us
sll vote "early and often." E. O. M.
1 CVnrl T-moh.
Philadelphia Ledger,
It was a, retiring ambassador who was
tobbed In Paris ot a letter ot credit foi
;o?,000. The most they could have rfot
from an on-the-way ambaaiador would
have been a letter of acceptance.
What's the Best Line?
Hcrw often we hear that question when
anyone has to travel! -
We can't speak for all destinations, but
for St. Paul and Minneapolis it's tho Great
It's tho up-to-date line, most recently
constructed, at the greatest expense, and EDS
Night train leaveB Omaha 8:10 p. m.and arrives
St. Paul 7:30 a. m., Minneapolis 8:05 a. m.
Day train leaveB Omaha 7:44 a. m., and arrive
St. Paul 7:20 p. m., Minneapolis 7:50 p. m.
Ask P. P. BOXORDBN, C. P. T. A.,
152a Farnam Street, Omaha, Nb
Phone Douglas 300.
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