Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
VOL. XLIU-'NO. 33.
single copy two cents.
Ambassador Says Its Downfall
Would Mean Chaos Throughout
the Entire Republic.
These Will Soon Be Under Control
of the Federals.
Published Letters of Mrs. Madero Not
Like the Originals.
Proposal that .n Coinmlimlon of
Conciliation Up Srnt to Mexico,
Jle Asserts la Nlinply
All Hot.
NEW YORK, July 23. Homy Lane
Wilson, American ambassador to Mexico,
returned to the United States today pre
pared to place before rresldent Wilson
and tlio State department his suggestions
regarding tlio solution of tho troubled
affairs In Mexico. These suggestions
don't Include, he said, any idea of send
ing an American commission Into Mexico
to offer meditation.
Mr. Wilson opposed also a proposal
that u tripartite commission be organized,
mudo up of representatives of ihe United
States and two South American republics,
to bring about peace between the war
, ring factions.
While declining ti enter into any ex
tended discussion of any plans or to
offer any remedy of hla own, Mr. Wil
son characterized the meditation plan as
"all rot."
The proposal for a tripartite commis
sion Mr. Wilson said is not a feasible
one. "That .Is a plan of John Barrett,
director' of the international bureau of
American republics," he said.
"Would ItecoRnlie lltierta.
- While not saying specifically that he
favored recognition of the Hucrta govern
ment by the United States, Ambassador
Wilson indicated that It was his view that
recognition should be given. In February,
Just subsequent to tho. overthrow of the
Madcro regime, Mr. Wilson said ho sent
to American Consul General Hanna at
Monterey a telegram requesting him to
Inform all consular officers under Mr.
Hanna'a jurisdiction that Hucrta had
been established as Mexico's provisional
"You should mako this Intelligence pub
lic," Mr. Wilson's telegram told Mr.
Hanna, to Inform the consular officers,
'ami in tho interests of Mexico urge
general submission and adhesion to the
new government, which will be recoe-
a .BizJ9d.'baIvocla,tto,vMaeAlSA.oIay-
mi, irjjauu eum touay mat ne was
willing to reiterate this sentiment at any
time publicly or officially.
Stand Bj- Ills Itecord.
"I stand absolutely responsible for all
telegrams and messages sent to tho
United States consuls In recognition of
tho de facto government after the death
of Madero," said Mr. Wilson. "This was
the only action to take In order to main
tain law and" order. Under parallel cir
cumstances for 100 years back the United
States officers in foreign lands have
taken tho same action."
Referring to reports alleging that his
own administration in Mexico was In a
measure responsible for the overthrow
of Madero, Mr. Wilson said:
"That's all politics, and It Is a theory
that was long ago exploded to the satis
faction of tlie Stato department."
He declared that to bear out this'
charge, Mrs. Madero, after her bus
band's death, caused to be published let
ters she hod written tlio ambassadors,
but their text as they appeared in print
was not the same as the original. Tho
files at the American embassy in Mexico
City, he declared, show this.
Mr. Wilson went to a hotel to a wan
word from tho president as to when ho
wanted him for a conference. He ex
pected to bo summoned to Washington
this afternoon or tonight.
The ambassador arrived hure this after
noon on the Mexico of tho "Ward line.
He left Vera Cruz, July 17.
Mr. "Wilson dlscussod conditions in
Mexico today, declaring American lives
and property aro in danger from rebels
and bandits.
"If tho present government falls, therj
will be chaos," he said, "although at
the present time the Huorta government
controls all but two of tho states and
should be soon In absoluto command of
the whole country."
Prevented Destruction ot City.
Mr. Wilson added;
"I have been blamed for a great deal,
but If I had not Intervened after the
bombarding of the City of Mexico tho
city would have been In flames, with a
tremendous loss of life and destruction
of property. I brought Dla and Huerta
together. That was a thing that pre
vented a terrible disaster."
The ambassador said he did not care to
commit himself on the question of Amer
ican intep'entton, as ho must reserve his
views in this matter for bis conference
vlth tho president and Seoretary Bryan.
"Much has been said In American news
papers about American Intervention and
perhaps some of it Is Inspired by persons
(Continued on Page Two.)
,Tomor row the Best
TJe Sunday: Bee
Chicago Club Women
Will Fight to Retain
Mrs. Young in School
CHICAGO, July Si Plans for a huge
mass meeting of women to protest against
the resignation of Mrs. KUa Flagg Young
of Chicago's public schools were set on
foot as soon as It became generally
known that she was going to give up the
position. It was said Mrs. Young had
been Influenced to present her resignation
by the conduct of members of tho Board
of Education unfriendly to her, arousmt;
tho Indignation of mnny women promi
nent In the city's affairs.
Every woman's club in tho city has
been notified of the meeting, which will
be held Sunday evening at tho Audi
torium. Among thoso active In the move
ment to Induce Mrs. Younir to recall her
resignation are all leading local suf
fragists and soclat workers.
"Tho resignation of Mrs. Young Is
calamity," said Miss Jane Addams ot
JIull House. "If she was forced to resign
by opposition to her policies, immediate
steps are to be taken to sweep away the
opposition. Chicago cannot afford to lose
n woman of Mrs. Young's force of mind
and executive power. Sentiment Is unani
mous that to accept the resignation would
bo a tremendous blunder."
Mrs. Young stated In her letter of resig
nation that "I shall be relieved from
laboring under that handicap of lndcfl
rltencss which influences a person In
making plans to bo executed by another
almost from their inception," and would
make no comment.
Daniels Promises
More Naval Stations
to the Pacific Coast
v -
SAN FRANCISCO, July 28. "After the
Panama canal Is oponed the battleship
fleet of the American navy will bo as
much In the Pacific ocean as In the At
lantic." This -was th declaration hero today of
Secretary Daniels of the Navy depart
ment on his arrival from Los Angeles.
"The fleet probably 'will pass through
the canal noxt April," continued the sec
retary, "and, of course, its presence In
these waters will mean the establishment
of a naval base and dry docks and all
the other equipment necessary tor the
maintenance ot a fleet.
"I am hero to examine the sites sug
gested for a dry dock on San Francisco
bay. My thought Is to get a compre
hensive Idea of the topography, so that
when the reports of experts are submit
ted later 1 shall bo able to read them
Spirit Wedding is
Held in New Jersey
..UNION HALL, N, J., July 25. Mrs.
Mary Hoppell, who has taken up splrlt
ualjstn since the death ot her husband
In an automobile accident a year ago.
seance" In Her Rome last night. They
sat In the dark in the parlor waiting- for
ropptngs from another world when, the
folding doors- suddenly swung back and
a flood ot light revealed Mrs. Hoppel
hand in hand with Frcderiok Bruefcher,
a retired baker and with them a minister
who performed a wedding ceremony be
fore the astonished guests realized what
was happening.
A spirit camo to me," explained Mrs.
Hoppell, "and It ordered me to search
out Frederick Bruefcher and marry him.
I knew htm years ago, but I had lost
trac of him." Aftor she found him sho
said tho desired proposal was made. "It
Was a spiritual wedding," sho added,
"and Is not to be Judged by earthly
Kahn Renews Fight
Upon McReynolds
WASHINGTON, July S5. Representa
tive Kahn Introduced another resolu
tion today relating to the Dlggs Camen
Inttt whito slave cases In San Francisco,
It would direct Attorney General Mc
Reynolds to give the house "a copy of
his telegram dated May 16, 1913, (moro
than a month prior to the date when Mr.
Wilson, secretary of labor, telephoned to
the attorney general In regard to a
postponement of the cose) directing
United States Attorney McNab to take
no further affirmative action against
Diggs and Camenlttl under white slave
Indictments until further directed by the
attorney' general and also copies of the
memorandum placed In the files of the
offices of tho attorney general In con
nection or relating to the sending of
such a telegram."
The resolution was referred to the
judiciary committee.
Works Resumes His
Speech on Tariff
WASHINGTON. July 25. Senator An!.
linger, leader of the senate republicans,
I could find, no republican senator ready
to speak on the tariff today except Sen
ator Works, who resumed his address
begun yesterday.
Several republicans have tariff speeches
In preparation. Senator Worka tvinv
voted his attendtlon chiefly to the sugar
schedule, defending tho beet sugar In
dustry of the west and assailing free
sugartn 1914 as ruinous to that Industry.
The senate planned to take the bill up
again, paragraph by paragraph when the
California senator concluded.
First Rental is
I WASHINGTON. July 26.-The first nnv
' ment of $250,000 to Panama for the annual
rental of the canal zona was mode todav.
The payments are in addition to 110,000,000
paid In cash to Panama nine years ago.
. Today's Installment was actually due
last reonuiry, though it was deferred un
til today for determination whether I
should go to Panama or to the parent
state, Colombia.
At the request of Panamanian Minister
Senor Morales, the money was paid over
to a representative of William Neluin
Cromwell of New York, financial agent
jfor tho Panama government.
Sixty-Six Second-Termers Are Taken
from Sing Sing Penitentiary
to Auburn.
Town of Ossenningr Full of Men
v Threatening Officials.
Inmates Howl and Beat on Doors All
During Night
Almost n Maiir ards n Prisoners
Warden Rxuects to llitTC No
Store Trouble Keeping;
OBSINING, N. Y.. July 25.-Slxty-slx
convicts, tho dregs of the Now York City
criminal class, were taken one by one
from their cells In Sing Sing prison to
day and placed aboard a train for tho
state prison at Auburn.
Recent riots In Sing Sing earned the
warden to take no chances. Each con
vict was heavily handcuffed and shackled
and then chained to his place In the rail
road car, which had been brought Inside
tlio prison enclosure.
A hundred prison guards did this work
while In the state armory, not far away,
a company of naval militia waited for a
call to protect the town In cas the
transfer resulted In a mutiny.
There was little sleep In the prison last
night At Intervals some of the prisoners
would start to howl and bang on their
cell doors. The din would Increase as U
was taken up down tho line ot cells and
continue until the angry convicts had
worn themselves out. It was scarcely
daylight when the weary night shift of
guards was relieved by the keepers who
had charge of. transferring the men to
Prisoners Slnke Din.
When tho first convicts were brought
out to tho cttr Sing Sing suddenly awoke.
More than 1,000 prisoners ruahad to their
cell windows and cursed and howled and
Veiled throats at the keepers.
Tho task of the authorities was by no
means over when they got tho prisoners
aboard the car. On Uie train to which
tho car was attached they expected to
find friends and relatives ot tho con
victs, and threats had been made that
attempts to release tho men might bo
looked for nnywhero between Osslnlng
and Auburn. For this reason thero were
almost as many guards on the train as
there were convicts. The town of Os
slnlng last night and this morning was
full of men breathing vengeance against
tho prison authorities.
Second-Termer ninmed for Mutiny.
After ltd lias' rid tlie prrsqn of the seo
ond termers to be transferred to Auburn
"Warden Clancy expects to have no mora
troublo Keeping order. The rest ot the
second-term convicts are to bo sent away
tomorrow. To them and a few of their
more desporato sympathizers 'the warden
attributes tho mutinies that- broko out
at Sing Sing this week, the two fires In
the prison shops and the attempt to mur
der a negro convict, whontYhe mutineers
regarded as a traitor.
Southern Half of
China is in Revolt
CANTON. China. July H. Seven of the
southern Chinese provinces with a popu
lation twice that ot tho United States,
have come to nn agreement for Joint ac
tlon against Provisional President Yuan
Shi Kal and the Poking covernment. In
an eighth province, Kwang SI, the troops,
under General Lung, sympathize with
the movement.
A forco of 10.000 Irregular troops, chiefly
composed of Hakka hlllmcn, left here to
day by way of the North river to fight
tho northern army. They will make
forced marches over the mountain passes
into tho province of Klang SI. Other
armies aro belne organized nmonir thn
peasants and hlllmcn.
There ara 100 mountain guns In tho
arsenal hero and machine guns are be
ing manufactured.
One ot the principal officials here as
scrts there are millions ot dollars in the
treasury and that the revolutionaries
will bo able to carry on an energentlc
campaign for n long time. He declares
that tho Japanese aro lending money to
sustain the movement aealnst Poklne nnd
are assisting In other ways.
Tho governor general In a letter pub
lished today asserts that he desires tho
establishment of a eenulna nmihlin in
China and not a dictatorship.
SHANGHAI, China, July 15. The gov
ernment forces here, nelped by the guns
of Admiral Tseng's warships, repelled a
fierce assault by the rebols, who had been
reinforced during the night.
The southerners attacked furlounlv t
C .o'clock this morning, but were driven
off after prolonged fighting.
The foreign consuls lodged a complaint
with Admiral Tseng that sheila
warships had fallen In the foreign con-
Kills the Husband
of Divorced Wife
CRESTON. Is,, July 2S.-(8peolal Tele
gram.) W. I. Shatteriy shot to death II.
I. Allen of Lorlrner, la., at New Virginia,
la., In the coach ot 2. train on the Kan
sas & Western railway.
Some time ago Mrs. Allen, formerly
Mrs. Shatteriy. sot n dlvorcn tmm ah.i.
terly and married Allen. The Aliens were
rr6rey passing through New Virginia,
wnen wnaueriy met and killed Allen.
There were flvo bullets In his body.
The conductor arrested Shatterlv ,n.i
backed the train to Osceola, where ho
was given in cnargo of the authorities.
fJun Accident Fatal,
PI.ERRK, 8. V., July i -Special Tele
gram.) Severe Rennlntr of Kartnka
at the hospital at this city today from
gun shot wound last winter which tore
off one of his anus. He was pulling the
KUn from a wagon when the accident occurred.
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
we -tot A ;-; MrQfl m y$rn
LOWER) ? 'ig'
"WATER i-l f WJ y
The Water Board Organ: "Treasurer Urc, in refusing to recognize the
the role of Brutus."
Number of Dinners Planned Before
He Leaves for Zone.
Expects to Soil for Pannma First of
AuKust ilncon tllrl Accom
panies Family a a,
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. July 2a.-(6peclal Tele
gram.) Richard Lee Metcalfe, commis
sioner to Panama, who was confirmed on
July 3, arrived In Washington today ac
companied by Mrs. Metcalfe, Ills sons,
Richard Lee Metcalfe, jr., Walter Met
calfe, James Kennnetli Metcalfe and
Miss ICdna Harplvam, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 'J, C. Harphnm of Lincoln.
It is believed Mr. Metcalfe plans to sail
for his post on August 1 accompanied by
his family and Miss Horpham, who will
spend some time on the isthmus as tlio
guest of the Metcaltes.
A numbor of Important social affairs
have been planned for the new commis
sioner to Panama, Including a reception
by the Nebraska association at Uie home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Andrews, tudltor
for the Treasury department, on the even
ins of July 20.
Tho new minister from Panama, Senor
Morales, Is expected to be present on
thli occasion and deliver a short address,
F, A, Abbott, assistant commissioner of
Indian affairs and president ot the asso
ciation, will preside a the reception
which has been planned as a tribute to
Mr. Metcalfe, who Is sincerely loved by
Another function which will be attended
by Secretary ot Stato Bryan, cabinet offi
cers, members of the diplomatic corps in
the city nnd distinguished citizens, will
be tho dinner to bo given by the Pana
manian minister In honor of tho new com
missioner to the canal zone, the date of
which will be early net week.
Ilryun Meets Metcalfe.
Secretary Bryan, who arrived in Wash
ington at an early hour this morning, and
Mr, Metcalfe held a long conference at
the secretary's office this afternon. It
was stated that certain policies were gone
over but that patronage wasN ontirely
Of course Mr, Metcalfe expects to have
several further talks with Mr. Bryan for
tho relationship's of years In an editorial
room have been further strengthened by
one man being the premier of the ad
ministration, the other Its diplomatic
representative when the rmo to which
he is accredited Is about to undergo new
conditions. tf
Mr. and Mr. Metcalfe, their children
and their guest, Miss Harphan, are the
guests of Congressman and Mrs. Silas
Burton and their son. Ole Metcalfe, who
Is attached to the Washington bureau of
the Baltimore Sun.
The National Capital
Friday, July as, 1013.
The Hrnnte.
HJ.etat..2n,JSncl rumed considera
tion of tariff Mil. Senator Works con
tlnued his speech against the bill.
Introduction nf Mnlhnli I...
ord and examination of Mulhall contln
ued before lobby Investigation committee.
Postmaster aeneral Brleson before post
office committee answered criticism of
proposed new parcel post changes and
announced he would order changes ef-
lnt, tobcco Irado committee heard
Virginia tobacco growers.
, ."."l1?!". J.on5 Introduced amendment to
tariff bill to free list grain bags.
The Houses
B-epubllcan Leader Mann resumed his
Interstate Commerce Commissioners
Prouty and Clements urged appropriations
mtnmlttiM In nnnmnriaU tn- a . -1
valuation of railroads.
of the Oast-All "Honorable" 'Men
Out in Parcel Rates
Will Be Made Despite
Criticism of Senate
WASHINGTON, July 33,-Desplte sen
atorial criticism of tho proposed reduc
tion In parcel post rates and the Increase
In tho size of the packages, Pontmastor
General Burl6son today announced ho
woutd Issuo, th,c .flnaL.ordors aonce, put.
ting the cjianges In effect August IS. jTJie.
nniiduncemonYcnme. aftcr'tlio wisdom of
muUlng the changes had been subjeptod
to a searching review bofore the sonato
postoffloe committee in the presence of
the postmaster general,
Chalrmun Clark of tho Interstate Com
merqo commission, explaining why tho
commission hsd sanctioned the proposed
changes, said ho believed the postmaster
general had ample power under tho law
to mako the changes.
"I am convinced that tho Postofflco de
portment ought to, can and will extend,
tho parcel post until It will carry all
packages up to 100 pounds," ho added,
Dead Letter Sale
Bring a Thousand
WASHINGTON, July 25. When officials
of tho "dead letter" branch of tho Post
office department today finished count
ing tho dimes, nickels and pennies de
rived from the annual "doad letter sales,"
they discovered that the United States
government was $1,103.75 richer as the
result of carelessness on tho part ot those
who, In the last year, Intrusted badly di
rected packages to tho malls. No parcel
post matter was In this sale, as that ocr.
voq has not been established long enough
to permit ot the sale of uncalled for or
misdirected packages. -
Tho articles disposed of were of the
usual variety and under a recent ruling
by tho deportment, wero opened for In
spection by would-be purchasers before
being offered for sale. Objection In tho
past to tho "lottery" form of selling tho
packages at auction to the highest bidder,
who trusted to luck to win a prlae,
aroused so much criticism that It was
One purchaser bought thlrty-flvo cases
of picture postal cards, containing moro
thin C0O.00O cards, for I171.W. A case of
cheap Jewelry went to another purchaser
for SIS6. The bidders were largely deal
ers from Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Attacks of Chinese
Rebels Repulsed
SHANGHAI, July S5.-(S a. m.)-In tlio
last twenty-four hours the rebels have
made a series of spirited attacks on the
arsenal, .but all of them have been suc
cessfully repulsed. Tho government
troops ore so encouraged at their con
tinued success that they have assumed
tho offensive and are forcing the rebels
back on Nantao, a soutlioni suburb of
tlio Chinese native city.
Admiral Tseng formally has warned the
Nantao Chamber of Commerco that un
less the rebels disperse ho will bombard
their position and the forts at the mouth
of the river, wldcli also aro In the hands
of the southerners.
Boy is Killed in
Automobile Upset
DECATIJB, III., July 2S.-Btephen Keel
Ing, aged 12. of Fort Scott, Kan., was
killed, and his brother", aged IS, was badly
Injured when an automobile driven by
their father overturned ten miles east ot
Muroa, III., today. The Keeling faintly,
consisting of parents and four children,
was touring from Fort Scott to Indianapolis.
reorganized Water Board, plays
Manufacturers and Unions May
Question Lobbyist.
Attorneys for OrtrnnlsatlonN He A.
ouses WIllSlo Allowed to Ask'
About' Details of Ills
Washington, Juty 2c.-ciuUrmn
.Overman announced today that lawyers
for tlio National Association of Manu
facturers and of the American Federation
of Labor would be allowed to cross. ex
amine Mulhall. Tilts was a reversal of
a previously announced program.
Mulhall wilt go beforo the house lobby
committee early next week and It is
expected that there he will bo subjected.
to a rigid examination as to tho charges
contained in his correspondence that
members of the house wero his clo&o as
sociates In political campaign work and
In efforts to head off labor legislation.
Mulhall said ha went to Massachusetts
In August, 1010, and wrote General Man
ager Bird of the manufacturers ot con
ferences with Senator Lodge and Charles
K. Hatfield, chairman ot the. state coft-
Writes About Lodire,
"Senator Lodgo pays us all kinds ot
compliments for tbe work wo aro doing.
and I know we will have his old more
actively during the noxt campaign," wroto
Mulhall. In other letters that month
Mulhall wrote, "Through our efforts we
have beaten tho Hon. T. ONIohols of
tho Tenth Pennsylvania and wo also havo
beaten the notorious George A. Pearre of
Injunction fame in Uie Sixth Maryland.''
On August SO Mulhall wroto President
Taft, asking for an Interview for Bird
and himself.
"It will be a gTeat help to have a num
ber of tho lealcrs ot tho manufacturing
associations In touch with the leaders of
our party throughout the country In the
present crisis," the letter read,
Mulhall sworo he received a reply from
C. V. Norton, the president's secretary,
arranging the interview for Monday aft
ernoon, September 12, at Beverly,
Money I'ald to Feeny,
Senator Nelson questioned Mulhall
closely about Items in the expense ac
counts which frequently showed ISO
amounts "paid to two party workers"
for services In the Sixth New Jersey dis
trict Mulhall swore he dealt with a man
named "Feeny," and that he paid him
the money In cash, usually meeting him
in a Philadelphia hotel. Tho Items ap
peared almost every week.
October 5, J910, Mulhall wroto Senator
Forakor about his talk with President
Tnft, saying he had-submitted names of
men who would help In tho campaign.
V'He seemed to scrutinize tho list very
closuly," Mulhall wrote, "and talked as
If John H. Taylor of ISast Liverpool and
H. M. Hannjt. wero not enthusiastic
friends of his:
"He was greatly pleased with the work
I told him ttad been done In Massachusetts
and other states and advised me to Inform
our people to do everything wo possibly
i could to keep in touch with leaders ot
the congressional commltteo so that we
might be able to help in close congres
sional districts."
Servia and Greece
Reject Proposal
BUCHAimsT, noumanta, July 2S,
Greoce and tiervla today definitely re
jected the Roumanian proposal for the
conclusion of a provisional armistlos dur
ing the conference at Nlsh. The two
governments say they can consent to the
cessation of hostilities only alter tho
slgnaturo of an armlstlco and peace pre.
Six Companies of Militia Arrive at
Scene of Disorder and Mors
on the Way",
Some of Men Parndo Through Bov-
oral Locations,
Unwavering in Their Demand for
Recognition of W, F. M.
Annonncement that All 9ale of Food
Will ne for Cash TnUes the IIoll
dnr Spirit Out of the.
CALUMET. Mich.. July AG, With sis
mllltla companies on duty nnd other statn
troups enrouto from both the upper and!
tower peninsulas ot Michigan, tho strikn
of copper miners settled mcannrably
toward a state ot dull routine today, tun
third of Its existence. Some ot tho mom
enthuslastlo members organlxed paraded
and marched through several locotlons,
but there was practically no disorder.
Thn union leaders held fast to their
previous attitude demanding recognition
ot the Western Federation of Miners as
a slno qua non, but this was not even
considered by tho company managements
Tho ptnoh of strike conditions, however.
spread more generally through tho scoro
or moro of communities dependent on
the mines, milts and smelters.
Credit for Food llofnued. ,
The octlon ot Hancock retailers in rw
fusing further credits to customers yeo
tcrday was repeated in other sections o
tho district and It was announced that
the wholesalers would take similar action
Monday. As a consequence there was
little ot the holiday spirit whloU show
Itself in the Initial stages of mine strikes.
Union and non-union men alike snowed
their appreciation ot the fact that tho
striko wua likely to evolve into fl. lone
slego with the companies abandonlrur
work ot all kinds as rapidly as oondu
tlons required such action.
At union headqunrtors plans Wr laid
for a big mass meeting next Bunday, and
for district and local meetings tonight
and tomorrow nnd Guy IS. Miller, Colo-,
rndo member of the executive board iji
the Western Federation ot Miners, Issued
a statement In which he compared condi
tions in tho Calumet district with thoso
in other copper producing sections.
' StiitoWen't'by Strife Tnder.
"Tho causa ot tbe strike Iters was a
deep-seated unrest whose extent the com
pany managements failed to realize," hr
said. "In asking recognition of, tlio union,
an eight-hour day, aboil UoTT'oT tlio ions
man drill, and Improved conditions gen
erally, we have simply tried to put tho
miners and surface workers of tlio Lake
Superior mines on a par with men doing
similar work In other, parts of America.
"In Butte, for Instance, tho minimum
wage with copper at 25 cents, is 13.75 a
day for underground men and In no
case does It go below $3.60. In Arizona It
averages $3.76, but In th Calumet dis
trict tha minimum Is from K.00 to 12. X
and tho men here have been working
from ten to thirteen hours a day, whereas
in. the other raining sections eight hours
constitutes a day's work.
"These facts should cffoctually dlsposo
of any argument by tbe company that
competitive conditions compolled them
to keep their men on the long hours and
low wago basis that has prevailed here.'
"Insistence on the abolition of the one
man drill Is mado on similar grounds,
and also becauso tha men employed on
them undergo back-breaking labor and
peculiarly dangerous conditions. Tho
minimum weight to be handled on such
a drill is 150 pounds and it Is a strenuous
task to set up, brace and tend such
machine. Only a few days ago a mlne
worklng alone In a slope was struck down
by a fall of rook and ha lay there for
hours beforo assistance reached him.
Why Union "Wnnts Il'-oKnl (Inn.
"Ilocognltlon of tho union, we feel, is a
reasonable request Inasmuch as wo thin.
that men who work in a gtvon Industry
should ba allowed some volca in deter
mining conditions under which that in
dustry is to be conducted Just as an or
dinary cltlicn has a volco In the affairs
of tho government which rules him.
"The attempt to improve condition
here camo to a climax July 14 when ths
(Continued on Page Two.)
One Big
'With tho difference all In
favor of tho buyer."
That Is tho way ono largo
and Immensely auccessful mer
chant headlines a special Bale
In a well-known city.
Then he goes on to eay that
having mado an exceptionally
large and advantageous) purchase
of goods he is going to swing tlie
difference the customer's way. for
he wants to prove to tho public
that he is building In a way that
benefits hla patrons as well aa
In other words, on such an
occasion he gives moro than
good measure,
But that isn't such an un
usual thing to do after all.
Bight hero in our own com
munity there are merchants who
right along give their buying pub
lic the best ot a good bit of mer
chandising, who make the ''differ
ence in favor of tlie buyer."
You wljl find this constantly
exemplified In tho columns of
It is a fino policy; It pays
pays the customer and poya
iuq juvrvuuui-.