Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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THK KKK: yMAlfV. THt'HSDAY, Jt'LY 24, 10t:t.
Brandeis Director Back from East
with Many Bookings.
Contractu Cnll for Oraalm Appear
lino of the OrrM of JMaraj
and for that Latest of Jferr
York Knocef.
Union, Pacific, Son Pedro and pregon
Short Line Heads Plan Assembly.?
Looks n Thoash the Snn Pedro Line
Will Tie Taken Over lir lfarrl
mn ftyiirtlrnte nnd Other
Chnnffr Will lie aiailr.
C "U. Turner. managing director of
the Brandels, returned from New York
nnd other eastern cities yesterday full
ot plans for tha operation of the Bran
dels and Boyd theater during tha com
ing season. Ho brings' word from the
rant of much activity among tho produc
ing managers and rather discounts tho
Rloomr tales that have com out from
time to time that the theater -would be a
dull place -during the coming season for
want of attractions. Mr. Turner has
made all arrangements with Messrs.
Klaw & Ertanger and the Bhuberta for
the winter at the Brandels, with a list
of attractions that ought to prove most
popular. For tho Boyd a stock company
has been secured, with George W. Bar
Wer, present director of tho Colombia
mayors, at the Columbia theater, Wash
ington, as dlroctor.
I'lays In Trospect.
The Brandels will open Its advance sea
son on August S3. The regular sea
son will opan on September IS,
"with Charlotte 'Walker. For AJc-Sar-Ben
week the offerings will be Chaunccy
Olrott and "The Count of Luxenburg."
The latter played for tho entlnt
year at the New Amsterdam theater.
New York. During October "Way Down
Hast;" the musical oomody, "Tho Tie
Toe Man;" Blanche Ring In a new
musical play and Robert Mantel! In
Sbakespearoan repertoire. For Novem
ber. Lillian Kussell. the O'Brien min
strels. The Aborn Grand Opera company.
Little Women and Gertrude Hoffman's
big review. For December, "Officer
m," "tittle Boy Blue." "Damaged
Goods" and Oaby Deslya at tha head of
the big Winter Garden company. January
will bring Henry Miller: Pavlowa, tho
Russian dancer) McTMyra & Heath tn n
new revival of "The Ham Tree? Emma
Trentlnl In ''The FIro Flys" "The Bound
Up" and "What Happened to Mary."
For February, n. B. Warner, the bhuk
face comedian: Joalyn, In "The Honey
Moon Express;" Lady Constance Stewart
Richardson, the titled English woman,
supported by Madam Polalre, advertlstil
as the ugliest woman In the world; Harry
Lauder and "The Garden of Allah."
During March "Ben Hur" and "Rebecca
ot Sunny Brook Farm" followed by
Montgomery-Stone and Klsfo Janls tna
new musical comedy, Otis Bklnner in
"Kismet," Southern and Marlowe In
Shakespearean repertoire, the biggest
melodramatic spectacular play over pro
duced, entitled "Tho Whip," and Mar
garet Illlngton In "Within the Law."
Daring April Boso Slahl and Bllllo Burke
pay Omaha a visit; Marguerite Clark In
a children's play, entitled "Princes Snow
Whiter"' "The Passing Show of U13," just
opening this week at the Winter Garden,
New York, and "Oh. Oh Delphlne,"
headed by Frank Mclntyre. Contracts
have been signed for all these attractions
this season.
Nebraska Wheat
at Sixty-Six Million
Bushels for Year
Allen Logan, president of the Logon
iirottiera Grain company of Kansas City,
nas made an estimate ot the yield of
winter wheat In Nebraska by counties.
and places his figures at 61,SlS,359 bushel
for the state- He finds a total of S,110,00d
acres seeded, of which U,m acres word
lost or abandoned, leaving a total to har
cst of S.0M.09I acres. Tha heaviest losses
were in Frontier county, Z1.B3 acres: Fur
nas county, 12.CM acres; Franklin county,
S2U acres; Harlan county. 1.823 acrea:
Hitchcock county, ,Jt acres! Kearney
county, 1,885 acres: Red Willow county,
19,001 acres. The crop was not a total fail
ure in these counties, but a partial yield
was secured. In Red Willow county an
averago of seven and one-halt bushels
per acre was secured from G7.GH acres: In
Kearney county an average of twelve
bushels per acre was secured from 9Z.KI
acres; In Hitchcock county, 89,ff acres
returned an averago yield of four busheii.
tho lowest In tha state; In Harlan county
the average yield was ten bushels for
M.9U acres; In Furnas county, 52,763 acres
gave an average return of nine bushels
to the acre; In Frontier the average yield
Was nine bushels for U,W acros har
vested. Mr. Logan gives Polk county the high
est average yield, with thirty bushels to
the acre.: Butler and Barpy come next
with twenty-nine. He estimates the twnh.
able yield ot 'spring wheat at 4.E00OM
bushels, making the total wheat crop of
Nebraska for the year Around, (6,006,000
President Mohler, General Trafflo Man
ager Monroe and Passenger Trafflo Man
ager Fort of tho Union Pacific are on
their way to a railroad meeting that has
been called at Los Angeles. There they
will meet General Manager MoNutt of
the San Pedro, General Manager Bancroft
of the Oregon Short Line and W. V. S.
Thome, director of purchases of the liar-
rim an system.
In' local railroad circles It Is believed
the Los Angeles conference means that
plans are to be formulated by which the
Han Pedro will become a part of tho
Union Paolflo and operated In connection
with It-
Senator Clark formerly owncdf the San
Pedro and In 1903 entered Into a," ten-year
contract with the Union Pacific whereby
might operate its trains from Salt
Lake to Los Angetes. Since then the
Union Pacific Interests have acquired
49 per cent ot the stock of the road and
as the contract expired July of tho pres
ent year, It Is sold the Harrlman syndi
cate Is prepared to take the property
over. At tills time the Harrlman Interenii
own more than U per cent of the stock,
and the taking ot the road would be An
easy matter, entailing only a little voting
of shares and some bookkeeping entries.
To tako over the San pedro and merge
It with tho Union Paclfla would be no
violation ot the orders of the supreme
court dissolving the merger' of the South
ern Paclflo and Union Pacific ThlSques-
tlon was brought up at one stage of tho
legat proceedings, the court holding that
slnco It was not a competitive line, there
could t' no legal objection totho acquirement.
A similar question arose In connection
with the Short Line -and the Oregon St
Washington Railway and Navigation
property, and tho same court ruling Is
said to have been made. This, with rail
road men, leads to tho belief that shortly
after the Union Paclflo takes over the
Ban Pedro, It will merge the Short I J no
and bring all of the roads under one gen
eral management.
The Unln Paclflo Interests now own
controlling Interest In the Short Line,
but not In the Oregon & Washington
road. However, the Short Line stockhold
ers own 16 per cent of the Oregon
Washington rood, no that In n. round
about way the majority ot tho stock Is
held by Union Paclflo Interests.
These questions will all be threshed
out at the Los Angeles conference, and
It Is expected that upon Its close, a num
ber of Important announcements will be
Taylor Says Hellas
No Authority Over
Conduct on the Boat
Criticism of the ill-kepi order on the
steamer Saturn which makes dally trips
from Omaha to Florence has been made
by several persons In Omaha to Cadot
Taylor, collector of customs tor the Alt
trlct of Omaha. Mr. Taylor has no Jufi
diction over the conduct of this boat
and gavo out the following In an Inter
view yesterday.
ThIs offices has been called up several
times as to what It Is claimed takes) place
on this boat. J am advised by the Unltod
States district attorney that the regula
tldh of the sale of llquor.'ordcr and other
thing on the boat are matters. wUh
which this office has nothing to do, and
has no jurisdiction, and that they are
purely police regulations, under the con
trol of the city and county authorities,
in Nebraska, up to the middle of the
Missouri river and of the Iowa authorities
on the Iowa side of the river."
Asks Hekvy Damages
for Loss of Finger
' k
Charles Holy lost a 'finger and came
near losing an arm through what, he al
leges, was the negligence of the Cudahy
Packing company and the company's sur
geon, Itobert O'ltellly. He has sued tho
company for damage In the sum ot
JS.WO. He alleges that he received n
slight cut on the forefinger tn tho hog
killing room while at work there and
that he was sent by the boss to Dr.
O'Reilly who Is tho company's surgeon.
Holy charged that by reason of Im
proper attention given tils finger by he
surgeon, the arm becamo swollen so that
Dr. C. C. Allison had to lance and slash
It In many places to drain the poison.
Later It became necessary .to amputato
the finger In order to save the arm.
The Perfect Baby
Of Tbe Future
ASIapls Method That Has a Wonderful
Inlluenca upon 1 he future Infant,
Too much no not be hU for a wood f fat
Ttntdr, familiar to ntny women ss MoUirr'
it is taore eloquent la Its action taut ail
tie ImUM rgfr ever Itld down fee ttm rallteoe
of tiptctant metluira. It U n extern! appii
cattnn that spreads Its lassence upon all thai
coriW, miiaclta, lltameots ud tandoas that na
ture calla Into play: they expand sraccfolly
without pais, without strain, ud the leare
the mlad esre-frre ud In Jojful anticipation of
me trwac or an womaoiy atnoition.
Mother's Friend unit therefore be considered
aa directly a moat Important Influence upon tbe
rhiracter and dlapotlOon ot the future fenera
tion, it Is a conceded fact that, with nauten,
pain, "nerroatneas and dread banlnhed, there la
stored np anch aa abundance ot healthy energy
sa to bring. Into being the hlsheat Ideals of
tboeo who fondly theorize on tbe rules that
lninre the coralni of the perfoct baby.
Mothers' Friend can be bad at anr dnurrtat
at 11.00 a bottle, and It la unquestionably ona
of tlioae remedleir that always haa a place among
the cherlahtd few In tbe medicine cabinet.
Mother'a Friend Is prepared by tbe Uradfleld
Rerulator Co., 139 Lamar Illdr., Atlanta, Cla.,
after the formula of noted family doctor.
IT rite tnein ror -Aw.vrrr inaiructire dook to
mlly doctor.
-a vrrr inaiructire book
eipectant mothers. Ree tbat .your dcuotUt Will
owl, yuu, witit Uotbtr'a xtUax.
Brooks' Half Price Sale In
cludes Garments That May
Bo Worn Later.
Truo Economists Glue Eagle
Eyes On Sales Like
This One.
ajiy ot tho men's suits on talo at
"Half Price" at George Brooks', corner
Sixteenth and Harney streets, are stif-
tftctently heavy to wear right Into the
full nnd winter season; but still they
ccmo under the category ot spring anil
summer stock becauso they were pur
chased for the past spring and the
present summer's business.
So, you discerning economists tako no
tice; a suit that will answer a double
purpose for wear now or later may bt
had at HALF PIUCE.
Yes, slrl 20 suits at 110; 125 suits at
I12.G0; 30 suits at $16; 36 suits 'at T17.60.
A direct cloavage Into costs and profits;
there's nothing in It for Brooks excepting
that It gives him a chance to clean up
on his present clothes stock so that his
hands won't be tied when It comes to
buying regular fall and winter lines.
Oeorgo Brooks Is the very man who
put the word "gain," In Bargain there
never WEIU5 bargains In suits It Brooks'
suits at HALF PIUCIS are not bargains.
So Brooks ctosos this announcement
with a heed that his location Is In the
City National Bank building, Sixteenth
and Harney,
The Greatest of All
Bargains Now on Sale
$2.50 and $2.00 Children's,
Misses' nnd Grown Girls'
White Sea Island Duck
JPumps Ox
fords nnd
Shoes, tit ...
J3.50 and $3 Womeh'B Whlto
Sea Island Duck Pumps; but
ton, strap and biuchor
Oxfords and Shoes,
1 Boys'
$2.25 Little Gent's and
Scout Elk Hide and
Elk Hide sole Shoes,
at, pair ,
75c Children's and Misses' all
learner sandals,
05c Boys' and Men's
Tennis Slippers, at. . . .
ouc uoys' straw Hats . 10d
50c Women's and Children's
Straw Hata, at . . ; lOd
$4.00 Women's Trimmed Hats,
oax:h 93
$1.00 Misses' and Women's
House Drosses at 69t
?2.00 Misses' .and Women's
Plain and Fancy Crepe Ki
monos, at, each 89t
$1.75 Misses' and Wjomen's
Middy Blouses at 73
25c Children's, Misses and
Women's White Lisle Hose, at,
Pair 10i
16c Children's Socks tor 5
60c Women's Ribbed Union.
Suits, umbrella drawers, 23
50c Men's White Llslo Hose',
at, fair 15e
Tho Store of Wonderful Values.
8. E.Oor. 12th and Farnam St.
Double the Life of Your Suit
You'll get almost twice tlie .usual wear out of
your suit, by having
An Extra Pair of Trousers
Slightly worn conts and badly worn trousers are
Mam -w order an unnecessary waste. W include an extra pair
of trousers with each suit without extra cost.
Suit and Extra Trausers $25 to 94S
Nk til's Standard Blue or f ny Stjrge
Clear cut and non-fadinj
with extra pair of Trousers
dr; holovtchjner has
successful operation
Tr. B. Jlolovtchltior, president of the
Board of Education, was operated on. for
appendicitis at the Methodist hospital at
8 yesterday morning. Dr. A. F. Jonas
performed the operation, which was suc
cessful. The physician says the patient
will be out in ten 4ays or two weeks,
Dr. Holovtchtncr has been suffering;
for a year from appendicitis, lie had
purchased transportation for a trip on
the Great Lakes when ha realised sud
denly an operation Was imperative. He
will leave for his vacation as soon aa
he Is able.
Morton Says Money
from Tornado Loan
Bonds Not Needed
George T, Morton, former member of
the relief committee, and P. J. Tebblns,
who succeeded him on the committee, told
the Real Estate exchange today thera Is
oo need for tbe 1260,000 tornado loaa
tonds. j
Practically all the cases have been
taken care ot the two men declared, and
the additional tSO.OOO will not be needed.
The cases that have not been provided
for can be supplied aid without the ex
tra money offered In the bond issue, they
According- to Tebblns. about 170 cases
have not been cared for. but there still
Is money in tbe hands of the committee
and any amount over what is on hand
can be secured without tbe necessity pf
nelllnir bonds. The committee In charge
of tornado relUf work, he said, do not
caro whether the money la vottd or not.
ChargintT that the delay of the Western
Union Teleirrapb company in aendlnr
mesaare be filed with the asent at Cen
tral City caused him the loss of a treat
leal of business, James P. Brennan bu
tiled suit axalast the company in district
Court asklas damages in the aum of
12,009. He is a. salesman and alleges tbat
by rcam of the delay of the company
In sending his mesjatre be was delayed
h bis business twelve hours,
Dlssracefal Conduct
of liver and bowels. In refusing to act.
is qulokly remedied with Dr, King's New
JJe Pill. Easy, safe, sure. Sc. Toe
WILLIAM -JERREMS' SONS 200-211 so. ioth st.
Karbach Hiock
Office For Rent
The large room on ground
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied by the Havens
White Goal Oo.
Nice Farnam street .front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en.
trance from court of the
Fine office fixtures are of
fered for sale. Apply to
N. P. Fell. Bee office.
A little want ad .does the business.
To Cure Salt Rheum
and Seal Skin
A Most Effective Treatment
luick in Kesults.
Bait rheum, scaly skin and other itch
lnr akin afflictions may ba soothed by
frequent applications of witch hate).
out tne cure must come from the ac
tivity or tha one network or. blood
vessel that make up the akin forma
tlon. xou sboulQ use B. S, & for tha
blood. This splendid remedy la a mar
vel (or salt rheum, eoaema, )Upus, pso
riasis and scrofula. Ask at any drur?
tore for a bottle of 8. B. a. and you
are then on the road to health. The
action of this remarkable remedy la
direct, positive, certain In its influence.
It la one of those rara .medical forces
which act in the blood with the same
decree of certainty that la found in all
natural tendencies. Tne manner in
Which if domlnatea and controls the
mysterious transference or tne rich.
reo, pure arterial oiooa zor tne im
paired bloed Is marvelous.
out tnrough every sain pore acias,
germs and other blood impurities are
forced tn tha form ot invisible vapor.
The lungs breathe it out, the liver is
stimulated to consume a great propor
tion of Impurities, the stomach and in
testines ctase to convey harmful germs
into tha blood; the bowels, kidneys,
bladder and all emunctorles ot the
body are marshaled into a fighting
force to expel every Teettg ot impuri
ties. Get a botUa of thla famous remedy
to-day, and If your case la stubborn
or peculiar, write to The Bwirt upecino
Co, IIS Bwlft laboratory, AUanta. Qa.
One that needs no superlative adjectives to impress upon
, the shoe-wise buying public of Omaha and vicinity its im
portance as a money-saving event.
How Is the Time to Buy Low Shoes itAb'oHt Half
Onco a year this happens. When it does it means a deep, quick
rut to make short tvork of all tho discontinued or broken lines and odd
lota. You'll find In tills aalo overy new style of ladles', men's and clUL.
dron's summer footwear, -with but one exception NO TItASII,
The (rreutcst shoo store in tho Middle West, bucked by the best buying and selling organization, Is
offering you, tho boet bargains over quoted by thlf or nny other shoo store. No broken line Is spared.
Bale starts promptly at 8 o'clock Thursday mornlns. Tho Talues scnlo as follows:
Lnird & Schobef 's patent
and gun metal Pumps and Ox
ford Ties, $5.60 and. $5 values,
now .,.......
Luird & Sohoher'8 white
and blaRk, Impbrtad buck Pumps,
alio brown and gray Buedo but
ton Oxfords, $5.60 values, now
Wright & Peters tan co-ed
PUmpa, also dull patent and
suede Pumps, $4.60 and $4 Tal
lies, now
Zoigler Bros.' Straps,
Pumpa and Oxfords, in tans,
patents), dulls and suedes. $4.60
and $4.00 values', now
15 lines, nil good makos,
Ties and Pumps, In tan. patents
and suedes, worth up to $4.50,
sale price v
20 lines patents, dull and
tans. In Straps, Colonials and
Oxford Ties, $3.60 values, your
choice ........
275 pairs, small sizes, $3.50
and $4.00 values; on bargain
table, your choice,
for ,
REST Aid HEALTH TO tttniEft ADO EHlll.
MsS.WjwsioWa BooTHimt Svaor haa bees
ased lor over SIXTY VBAKSby WILUOHS ol
is the best remedy (er D1AKRHCEA. it la ab
solutely hartoteaa. Be sore sad sak for "Mrs.
wimbwi Dooinisg bjtup," ana uu so etsst
Wo have included in this Big Clear
ing Sale every pair of WHITE SHOES,
high and low, oi Imported Buckskin,
Nubuck, Liuen, Duck and Oinvns.
See Our Display in
Show Wiidows
Johnston & Murphy's tun,
Russia patent, kid and gun
metal Oxfords, $6.60 to $6.00
values, now . . .
ItoDonald & Klley's tan
Russia patent and gun metal Ox
fords, $5.50 and $6.00 values,
Howard & Foster's gun
metal, patent and tan Russia
calf Oxfords. $5.00 and $4.50
values, now
Reynolds, Drake & Gabel's
tan Russia calf and gun raotal
Oxfords, button and blucher
styles, $4 values, now
Excelsior Shoe Co.'s gun
metal and tan Russia calt Ox
fords, Bull last, $4.00 values,
now ,
Howard & Foster's tan
Russia and gun metal 2-hole
English Ties, $4.00 values,
15 lines, all good makos,
patent, dull and tan low cuts,
that were $4.00 and $3.50, now
235 pairs, small sizes, of
broken lines, $3.00 to $5.00
values go now
Ladles' and Chll
dren' Gimo
Vesta, all 8izo3,
regular 12c
values , . . 7t
Domestic Room
Children's Union
Suits, 25c quality
gauze in nil Biros
Bnaps you can
not afford to
nilsa, choice
at 12H
Marvelous Value-Giving in the Women's
and Children's Outer Garment Section
The bargains our Now York resident buyer has sent us
I will astonish even those expecting most. Our buyervhas
certainly been able to accomplish wonders m bargain get
ting for the last of July sales. You'll receive tho benefit
Silk Underskirt,
made to sell up
to $.3 ... . .8I
91.80 and $2.00
Drosses for street
and house wear,
snaps at.. GOd
$1.5 0 Under
skirts, black and
colors, at . .501
50c Dressing Sac
qnc.i, all sizes,
neat patterns
at 15c
Wash Under
skirts, 76c and
$1.00 values, .
91.50 and 82.00
Waists, pretty
lawns, lace and
trimmed . . 79
Dress Skirts
$3.50 to $5.00
values., 81.98
Beautiful Summer Dresses-
Made to sell at $10.00, $15.00
and $18.00, immense vari
ety of choice designs in
both white and colors, all
new clean stock, nearly
1,000 in the lot, gg
$7.50 Summer Dresses Big
assortment of pretty styles,
in linens, ratines, lawns,
etc., white and colors, both
plain and fancies; on sale
Thursday at, M
choice YsfaalfV
New Tailored Suits Pretty
summer styles, S10.00 to
$18.50 values,
A'Bplendid line ot pretty linen
suits included,. aU sizes for women
apd mises; values never before
equaled in Onialht;:;
es, pretty wash B
fabrics, sizes 2 to
6 years, 60c val
ues 25J
I nf a n t a' Knit
Bootees, regular
26c values, at,
choice ... lo
CliUdren's Hon
nets, straws and
wash fabrics, 50c
values ... Jjfcc
Children's Drc?"
es, $1 and, $1.60
vnluen, sizes I to
14, on sfle 49t
Children's Drosn
cs, $3 and $4
values, white nnd
colors.. Sl.50
Women's Long
lilnen Coats, reg
ular $7.50 val
ues ... S2.95
Lawn. Dro sains
Saco,ucs, made to
sell' .at Z5c. . Se
of tho
Mi Dress Shields
At Our Notion Counter
They can be washed and Ironed
without injury oyery pair vis
50c Deliuxe Shields, lac
trimmed, at. naif oit
. , ' ...... Arf.SC
Thursday's Ihifo tf4s
Ramie Cloth, whlto and, colors,
26c values, yard J5
French , and Persian .Lawns,
worth up to 35c yard .. 18fi
Sheer white goods, Swisses,
mulls, etc., 60o values.. 25d
Dotted and Figured Crpea,
new and coolest summer lab
rice, 66c values, yard... 38i
. mm
The Last Call on Summer Millinery
Beautiful Trimmed Hat3 that sold up td $10.00 About
ou 01 inem jeit tiie season's most beauti
ful styles, hand mado and blocked shapes
elegantly trimmed; white, black and colors;
choice, to close
Made to sell up to $8.50
not a single panama in
stock reserved. Pick
out Thursday; thoy're
matchless values.
To $1.00 values; 50 dozen
of them, trimmed with rib
bons, flowers and orna
ments; white, pink and
light blue. ,
July Clearance Sale Specials ii Domestic Room
8c Bleached Muslin, 36 Inch
wide QgK
12 o Percales, light and dark coP
ors and good patterns, 36 inch
16c Sllkollne, 30 inch wide, K)
25c Striped Voile, good color, 15
To 50c garment values; in
Balbriggan or poros knit;
shirts or drawers, in all
sizes; in domestio 5Eft
room; garment 30
18c fancy Crones for kimonos.
pretty patterns and colors XOti
16o Winsor Paisley protty summer
fabric lOr
10c Lawns, neat patterns. . . . kA
7 He Unbleached Muslin, 36 inch
wide 5j
mmWmm1ml1tmmmm!m"--mmm--m-- S.SSSSS.BSSSSfc
75o values; in white, ecru,
pink and blue; all sizes
guaranteed porfeot on
sale in domestic
22 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for $1.
20 off on all Boys' and Youths' Tan
and Gun Metal, 0,xfor.ds: ? .
' m
4V,,bi..,lck best high sjfade Diamond
nuur, jiuimiitr xiner lor bread.
pies or cakes, sack. .LOO
10 bars neat "Em All, Diamond C or
Lenox Soap for .k.,..,...88o
"7 bars Crystal White Laundry Soap
tor 8S0
7 bars Ilaskln Bros. Electric Spark
Soap for , ,.35o
4 lb. pkc. Star Naphtha Washlhc
Powder for 17o
16-os. cans Condensed Milk. W...8H0
Orape-Nuts. pkg. ,10o
B. C Corn Flakes, pkg so
Lar-a bottle Pure Tomato Catsup.
Worcester Sauce or Pickles, assort
ed, Dottle bo
4 lbs. fancy Japan nice' aso
1-lb. cans assorted Soups, can.,.7Wo
TU1 cans Alaska Salmon loo
Hotted Meats per can 40
Try H. B. C. iiixed Tea for ice .tea.
per lb. ..,...... ,3So
t cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. . .aso
McUaren's Peanut Butter, lt...18Vo
The best domestic Macarpal. Vermi
celli or BpaehetU..pktf .,-i,i7Ho
The best Sofla UraCkeril IK. JvJ.'.Kr
Advo Jell, Ice Cream Tdydar, Jello
or Jellycon. pkr
The beat Tea Sittings, lb . . . . . 5l0o
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee .SJHo
Tha Vegetable and Trait Market
omaha for the Poople
15 lba. New Potatoes to peck 2So
Demand 16 lba, the law requires It.
4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots.. Bo
6 bunches fresh Onions or Radishes So
4 bunches fresh Rhubarb..., Bo
The best Cooking Apples, lb...,.au0
4 bunches fresh Vent Lettuce 60'
Large ilad Lettuce, bead.. ,744e-5o
Fancy Wax or Qreer Beans, lb. ,7Vio
Fancy Denver Peas, quart 100
Fancy Denver Cauliflower 18Uo
6 bunches fresh Parsley ....Bo
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb TUo
5 large Green Peppers.,,,, 100
3 large Summer Squash 100
Large Cucumbers each...754o and So
Large Egg Plant, each ,...100
3 large heads Cabbage .10o
Fane" Cantaloupes, ea. .3Ho, jo 7U0
Large, fancy, Juicy Lemons, at. per
-. ,30o, SSo, 400
Regular 40c. 50o and 6O0 everywhere.
Batter. Cheese and Sgg Prloes
. A Saving of 88 to 50,
Fancy No, 1 Country Butter, lb...87o
'aT '"llB r xoung
iing America
The beet Strictly Fresh Eg-s doxiieo
Try Hayden's First 2
ale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
, i "Bassssssssssaassji