Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Blaok Rust Reports Have little Ef
fect on Wheat Market.
Strong Uptnrn In Price Coiiaequrntly
Tnken Place When liffort Is
Mndp to Fill in the llny
Insr Orders.
OMAHA. July a 1913.
. 3 , early advance yesterday was
5i.?e y "mo additional black rust re
VOTtS from lh nnrthui.t A I..JIi Ckl.
fniin,ere8t la September wheat around
upply incresjfe, caused quite general
ttllintr on n hnir r...... i..
i r.i.1 hat ,tne b'ack rust reports wired
vu.uitu naa uttio eirect on tno traue
Jesterday waa due to two causes. First,
uie wneat In many sections of the north
Sti8 M,far advanced that It is thought
ft,.Vht visitation of black rust wUl do
little Injury. Second, tho northwest mar-
?. di.d not ,now tn0 snaP on the ouy'hK
side the trade expected, Indicating little
farm in that quarter over th rust out
look. When the vislblo supply was posted
f,StLJtne Chicago stocks showed nearly
wW.OOO bushcU increase, as many of the
parly buyers were willing to switch to
the selling side to secure profits. It was
this selling which caused the reaction of
naif a cent from the top prices. Traders
lathe cash trade were slow to give up
shipping or" export sales, but at the close
tho business was reported at ISO.OOO bush
els. Cosh markets showed decided flrm
nessi here and at Chicago.
Cash wheat was unchanged.
Offerings of corn In the open market
at the outset yesterday were very lim
ited and the result was a strong upturn
In filling th buying orders, which came
to the market since last week. The fore
cast of a clear weather map for the
(greater part of th week and a fear of a
return of high temperatures for tho west
ern states gave much of the bull force
under corn futures early In the session.
Cash corn was unchanged to Ho higher.
A number of points in Nebraska and
other states aro making doubtful returns
on oat threshing.
Cash oats were Via higher.
Clearances: Wheat and Hour, 219,000
bushels; corn, 2.C0O bushels; oats, none.
Liverpool close: Wheat, HWild higher;
corn. Vid lbwer.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,792,000
bushels and shipments 1,19.000 bushels,
against .receipts of 1,096,000 bushels and
shipments of 620,000 bushels last year.
Primary wheat receipts were 431,000 bush
els and shipments buuhels, against
receipts of 121.000 bushels aiid shlDinents
of 451,000 bushels last year. Primary oats
receipts were 7iu,uo busneis ana snip
mcnts 651,000 bushels, against receipts of
229,000 bushels and shipments of 258,000
bushels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago S15 199 KO
Minneapolis 159 .. ..
Duluth 120
Omaha 180 69 23
Kansas City 217 33 9
St Louis. 269 39 61
Winnipeg 230
The following cash sales were reported:
Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, 82e;
It cars, 80We. No. 3 hard winter, 2 cars,
82c; 1 car, 8114c; 1 car, 80ic. No. 3 mixed,
1 car, 80Vicr V4 car, 80c. Rejected spring,
1 car, 76c. No. 3 durum, V4 car, 78c. Oats:
No. S white, 3 cars, 3SV4C No. 4 white,
C cars, SSc. No grade, 1 car. STAc. Corn:
No. 2 white, 1 car, 6314c. No. 3 white,
cars,. 63c. No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 61Vic; 1
car, 61c. No. 3 yellow, 7 cars, 61c; 3 cars,
COHc. No. 4 yellow, 2 cars, 60V4C. No. 2
mixed, 2 cars, 61c. No. 3 mixed, 3 cars,
61o; 4 cars, C0e. No. 4 mixed, 3 cars,
GOUc. No grade, 1 car, 61c; 1 car, 6 Vic;
1 car, 68c.. .
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
S0!482V4c; No. 3 hard, 7982c; No. 4
hard, 7&8c; NO. S spring, 8182c; No.
4 spring, 79SOV4o; No. 2 durum. 7&3?9c;
No. 3 durum, 777Sc. Corn: No. 2 white,
63ige3Vio; No. 3' white, 62Kg63a; No. 4
white, 6262VSc; No. 2 yellow, 61Uic; No.
3 yellow, H4fllc; No. 4 yellow, axgfiOHc:
No. 2, C094&lc! No. 3, COHS'filc; No. 4.
C4K60ttc; no grade, 67tlo. Oats: No. 2
white, 5tf3SVic; standard, aSHfS-SSttc; No.
3 white, 3SHS8Wc: No. 4 white, 3738c.
Barley: Malting, 64g66c; No. 1 feed, 40
43c. Rye: NO! 2. E90O3yto; Nou 3, 0SVi68ic.
Fcntnrea of the Trading nnd Closlne
Prices oii Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, July 22. Fading away of tho
rust scare allowed tho wheat market to
day to ease off. Closing prices were
steady at a net decline ot Uc to
Other trading staples, too, showed a set
back; corn. c to c; oats, c, and
provisions, JVic to 12Vic.
Danger from black rust seemed to be
regarded as practlcaly over In view of
the cool weather in Mlnnesdta and the
iDakatos and conditions today for the
spring- crop were declared to be ideal,
with the ruBt making no progress what
ever. So rapidly was the plant said to
be filling that a great deal of wheat
would l)e cut this week In Minnesota. The
Russian outlook was reported to be fine.
Rallying power In wheat developed dur-
J 100 to tlO.000 made promptly. F. L.
Weadj Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
art' CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,
I? 310-12 Drandels Theater Bldg.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros.
Dolgoff 2d-hand store pays highest prices
for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607.
WANTED Good second-hand fire en
glne; must be In good condition. Address
village uiera, woraovtt. neui
ftPfT Ti alloth.1t. TifI If nffapaif
nt bargain. State condition, price. D. 06.
Slightly used high grade piano. W. ilts.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants.
MARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg.
" NOTICE is hereby given that
sealed, proposals will be received
by the Board of Direetors of the
Farmers' Irrigation District at their
office in- the City of Scottsbluff.
Neb., for the purchase ot S76.C0O ot the 6
oer cent serial bonds of the district until
12 o'clock ni. on the 6th day of August,
1913. Said bonds are Issued by authority
of an act of the legislature of the state
of Nebraska approved March 26, 189(5,
sesiton laws 1895. Chapter 70. and the
amendments thereto, and pursuant to a
Vote of a majority of the qualified
electors of said district.- The board ex
Dresuly reierves the right to reject any
and all bids and will In no event sell
any of sold bonds for less than ninety
five (M) per cent of the face value
thereof. . .
By order of the Board of Directors.
Secretary oi the Farmers' Irrigation Dis
trict - 3.UO0U
The funeral of Frank Sampson will be
held from his residence, 2717 Dodge. Wed
nesday, July 23, at 2 p. m. He Is sur
vived by his widow, two daughters,
Florence L. and Grace K., also by his
brothers. August of Cleveland, Mo., Al
bert Meyers, ot Cascade Falls, Ore. ; Otto
Meyers of Belleville, 111.; Fred Meyers
ot Alton, 111., and by his sister, Mrs.
Julius Mans, of Alton, 111., who arrived
Tuesday morning to attend the funeral.
"Hot an Sxptnmsnt,"
Established 13)3
"Send for Sally Market z.ttr.n
ansrttKAJ'oi.iB puLuxir
Ing the middle ot the session on account
of good export Inquiry, but much foreign
demand had reference only to shipments
that would be immediate. As mlllng sales
were comparatively slight, the merchan
dising did not seem sufficient to sustain
the market at a permanent advance.
Short sellers again took a hand ami were
in control throughout the last hour.
Predloted showers made corn prices de
cline. At first, however, the bears were
at a disadvantage owing to the weather
map showing an absence of moisture.
Oats displayed no Independence, being
swayed wholly by the action of corn.
Provisions weakened with hogs and
most of the business was In lard.
Articlel Open. High. I Low. Close.l Yes'r.
S7,i SOU 87 87i4H
91 90H 90H H4ll
62 61H 61 6214SU
63V4 62H 63i 630
60S 69H E9K K
3974 39U 39H 39H
IWH 40 40?i 41H
43W 424 42?4Ti 43HSH
22 10 22 22U
21 GO 21 35 21 42U ,21 5
11 S7H 11 R3tt 11 S2H U S7H
11 95 11 87H 11 7-90 11 95
12 00 U 95 11 95 12 00
10 77H 10 72V4 W72H 11 87tt
11 92V4 11 97W U S7-90 11 95
11 70 11 65 11 C5-7j U im
22 20
21 60
11 87H1
11 So
12 00
10 75-77,
11 90
U 70
Chicago Cash Prices Wheatl No. 2 red.
new, S7V4Wic; No. B red, new, 86tyir$7o;
No. 2 hard, now, 88ffS8Ho; No. 2 hard, old,
89HCWc; No. 3 hard, new, 877V4c; No.
3 hard, old, 8Sft89c; No. 1 northern, 92A
((93c; No. 2 northern, 992o; No. 3
northern, 89Jf91o; No. 4 northern, 8289c;
No, 2 spring, 91(332c: 'No. 3 spring, S3jJ
flo; No. 4 spring, 8289c; velvet chaff,
8$92c; durum, 841c. Corn: No. 2,
63c; No. 2 white, 64U64Hc; No. 2 yel
low, 6SKCG3c; No. 3, 62G2e; No. 3
white, 645lHc; No. 8 yellow. 63J3Wo;
No. 4, 61H2c; No. 4 white, 02?ie3c; No.
4 yellow, ulH'&taVic. Oats: No. 2 white,
43a; No. 3. 8S&0J No. 3 white, 40041c; No.
4 white, JSMfl39?ic; standard, 41HH2c;
standard, new, mic. Rye: No. 2 new. 63V4
fi4o. Barley: 4S(ff62c. Timothy! J3.7&C4.75.
Clover: Nominal. Provisions: Pork, 32.10
T23.00; lard, U.82K11.85; ribs, llU5j12.23.
POTATOES Higher. 75cCJ5c; receipts,
66 cars. r
POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 15c;
springs, l9o; turkeys, 19o.
New York. General Market.
NEW YORK, July 22. SUOA R Raw
steady; muscovado, 33.04; centrifugal,
33.64; molasses. t2.79; refined, steady.
BUTTER Steady; receipts. 16,647 tubs,
creamery extras, 27(ir27ttc; firsts, 25HSlc;
seconds, 2426c; statu dairy, finest, 20c;
good to prime, 24V4Ij,25V4c; process extras,
2iHQ5c; firsts, 23H24o; seconds, 22a; im
itations, creamery firsts, 24c; factory, cur
rent make, firsts, 23-23tt. Packing
stock, current make, No. 1, 21Kc
CMblfcfcjE Irregular; receipts, 4,761
boxes; state whole milk, fresh white and
colored specials, 14i914Ho; state whole
milk, fresh white and colored fancy, 14c;
state whole milk, tresn white average
fancy, WifSHc.
EGGS Irregular; receipts, 22,979 cases;
fresh gathered extras, 2426c; extra
firsts, 2Uf23c; firste, 19QC0c; Pennsyl
vania and nearby hennery whites, as to
size and quality, IMSics Pennsylvania
and nearby hennery gathered whites, 23
Spi9c; western gathered whites, 20tf25c.
POULTRY DreBsed, steady; fresh
killed western chickens, 2&32Sc; fowls.
l1418Wc; turkeys, 18l9c.
St. Lonls Gcnernl Market.
ST. LOUIS, July 22,-WHEAT-No. 2
rod. 84KrS514c: No. 2 hard. 8891c: July.
83V4c; September, 84ftc.
CORN NO. 2, OSVjc; no. 2 white, 68o;
July, 64Hc; September, 63QC3Mc
OATS Ko. 2. 39c: No. 2 white. 4H4c:
July, 38Kc; September, 39H40c-
FL,ouivEosy; red winter patents. 34.25
04.CC : extra fancy and straight. liffitfJ
4.35: hard winter clears, S2.754j3.G0.
mum uncnangea.
HAY Unchanged.
POULTRY Firm: chickens. 13Uo:
springs, 17c; turkeys, 18c; ducks, 12c;
geese, ivc.
BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 26c.
EGGS-Steady, 12V4c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour: bls ?r.'.10.0X 12.000
Corn, bu 47,000 26.000
Oats, bu 104,000 36,000
Chanirea In Visible Supply.
' NEW YORK, July 22.--Special com
munications received by Bradstreets show
the following changes:'
Avallabl supplies: Wheat, United
States, eatst of Rockies, decreased 21,000
bushels; United States, west of Rockies,
decreased 651,000 bushelBj Canada, de
creased 1,881,00 bushels; Total United
States and Canada, decreased 2,653,000
bushels; Europe, decreased 2,800,000
bushels; total supply, decreased 5,453,000
bushels. Corn, United States and Canada,
decreased 2,001,000 bushels. Oats, United
States and Canada, decreased 693,000
The leading Increases and decreases fol
lows; Increases: Fort Worth, 155,000
bushels; Nashville, 112,000 bushels; Dallas,
66,000 bushels; St. Joseph, 59,000 bushels.
Decreases; Manitoba, 675,000 bushels; Mil
waukee. Drivute elevators. 51.000 bushels.
Itnnxna uity urnm una provisions.
2 hard. 81H4K86C; Ho. 3, S085c; No. 2 red,
Sl82o; No. 3, M081c; September, 81c;
December, 84T4Q'83o; May, 90c.
CORN No. 2 White. GBHWiHc: No. 3. GKH
65Hc; September, 62T43o; .December, 59
fiC9V4c; May. 61M.O.
OATS No. 2 white, 4141V4e: No. 2
mixed, 39Mc; September, 404H0T4c; De
cember, 42Hc
11Y15 ic,
HAY Choice timothy, 14,OOg14.BO.
BUTTER-Creamery. 36c: firsts. 25c:
seconds, 24c; packing, 20c
EGGS Firsts, itc; seconds, 10c.
POULTRY Hens, liftic: roosterB. 9c:
ducks, 15c; broilers, 16c,
Minneapolis Grain Market.
July, 87o: September, S9Ho; December,
9214c Cash: No. 1 hard, 91c; No. 1
northern, wwiwftc; no, 2 nortnern, iift
3, 8548',jC.
BRAN Market unchanged.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 59H0c,
OATS No. 3 white. S8V43syc.
RYE No. 2, 6667c.
FLAX Jl.B7Ki31.37H.
BARLEY Market unchanged.
Liverpool Grain Market.
firm: No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 9Kd: No. I.
7s 7d; No. 8, 7s8Kd. Futures, steady;
July, 7s6Kl; October, 7s3T4dj December,
7s 4d.
corn spot, quiet; American mixed,
new kiln dried, 5s 4d; American mixed,
old, via Galveston, 5s 8d. Futures, easy;
September La Plata. 4sllUd: October T.n
Plata, EaKd.
MllivnuUee Grain Mnrket.
Mir.WATITfTI'tlT Wl. Till,, iinmim
No. InorthernJ 93KtX)4Ko; No. 2 north.
mi, vuc.?xu, no, i nara winior, WW
8SV4o; July. 8714c; September, 87c.
uuitn-fto. 3 yenow, ustrosvic; No. 3
white, 61c; No. 3, -63go21ic; July, 6IH0;
September, C2?ic
UATS-41C. '
' Peorln Mnrket.
nrnnrA tii ti,w ttitikt x
white. 63c; No. 2 yellow, 63ct No. 3
yellow. C3V4c
OATS-Standard, 4014c; No. 3 white,
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. July 22. M BTALS Lead,
steady, 34.20; In London, 20 7s Cd. Spel
ter, steady, 35.a0O5.40; in London, 20 15s.
Copper, firm; spot, 114.00; July. Au
gust and September, tl4.0091t.25; electro
lytic. )14.C0S14.6I14; lake, 1C37141..62H;
castings, Jll.1214ai4.37H. Tin. firm; spot
l.Oi?41.50i July, J41.OOC41.25; August.
jn.Wi41.15. Antimony, dull; Gookson's
1S.4038.55. Iron. Irregular and unchanged.
London markets olosed as follows: Cop
per, firm; spot, 64 3s 9d; futures. 01
Us 3d. Tin., firm; spot. 187 6s; futures
187 6s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 65a 3d.
ST. LOUIS. July 23. MET A LS Lead,
firm: 11.20, Spelter, firm; 15.20.
una ana noma,
OIL Strong; prime summer yellow, $9.20
bid, July, 19.27; September, 39.35; Decem
ber 36 68.
rosin -rcasy
RIt F Firm.
More Irregularity Than at Any Time
Since Recent Rise.
Fairly Strong Opening. Due In lnrt
to Higher Unotntlona In London,
Soon Given Way to Gen
eral Deellne.
NEW YORK. July 23,-During th
greater part of today's stock session
prices exhibited moru Irregularity than
at any time slnco tho upward movement
of last week. Trading frequently came to
a standstill and the movement lacked the
breadth ot tho previous day.
A fairly strong opening, due in part to
the higher level qouted in London, soon
gave way to general declines, notably In
New Haven, California Petroleums and
some of the obscuro stocks, while wells
Fargo lost 9 points. Tho decline in New
Haven issues resulted largely from tho
announcement that the company purports
to issue 37,652,000 of debenture bonds, some
two-thirds of which will be utilised in
paying off maturing notes.
On the other hand a few of the better
railroad Issues, such as the Baltlmoro &
Ohio, the crangurs and Canadian Pacific
were consistently strong. Greatest gains
were recorded among tho industrials. Re
publto Steel preferred rose 8 points.
Reading. United States Steel and Cana
dlan Pacific attained their best prices In
the final hour, but realising sales In the
final hour were slow, receding fraction
ally. The weekly weather report was of a
mixed character, but favorablo in the
main. It is clear, however, that some
sections, particularly In the middle west,
contlnuo to suffer from drouth.
Money conditions reflect greater ease
and Increased activity. The general bond
market was heavy, with especial weak
ness In Steel 6s. Weakness again was a
feature of the government bond list, the
2s and Panama 2s declining and United
States 4s and Panama 3s H on coll.
Total sales, par value, were 31,870,000.
Number of sales ana leading quotations
on stocks were:'
Bl8. Hlh. Low. Clow.
Aro!n.lM Cow!- ... 1M Mtt
American Airlculturd .. 100 4 ,
American Deet Sugar.... l.wo Wk J
African Cu 1.0 I1V4 IJH JJH
American Can pfd I,M0 $ .
An..rlcan C. & V 44 W 4
Anwrlcan Ontton Oil 7 W JIU J1H
Ai-eileaa Im 3ecarltlt.. 409 li 3IH
ArBrii-an Llna . 600 H ,
Amirloan LeomotU.... 600 S0H
Amlcaa & n. 1.10O (IK M4 14
American B. 4t IU pfd... 600 lH 1
Am. Buar lUtlnlni .... J.tOO 11JH 11014 lllli
American T. A T 100 IUM 1M
Amartean 7V)lw.5C(i uu n
Aniconila Mlnliu Co.
1.(00 UV, J1S4 V
Aioaiaon ,....... ,w .
Atcbtaon Pfd . 114 t7H 91
Atlantlo Coart Line SOO 11 11 117
Ualtlroore Ohio W0 MJ4 7H 'H
Ilethleliem SUel 4.S0O UK 1 "K
Drooklm IUpId Transit. 4, SOO HH U 87 H
Canadian I'icino. U.400 U , 1MV4 14
Central Leather U00 2iA U 2S4
Cheiapeaka ft Ohio 1,000 (til 64 64
Chlcairo O. W. 400 14 14 U
Chtoaco, M. & (K. r.... 1.100 1001 104 1 4K
Chlcaro & K. W MO 1UU 1JH lMVi
Colorado P. St 1 600 JOK H JOS
Conaolldated Oas , 700 111 HI UOV4
Corn I'nxlucta 400 10H 10U 10S4
Delaware Hudaon ..... IM
Denver & llio Orande.. 100 llVi 1IH UJ4
Denrer & R. O. ptd Htt
Distiller.' Securities .... 100 i3t 1 liM
Br S. SOO tt US
Brl ltt Ptd l.WO 40K 40H 40K
K.rle 14 ptd 200 14 U UK
General Qectrte 100 140 liH 140
Great Northern ptd 1,400 124H H 14 H
Great Mrthern Ore ctta.. l.SM 24 3'4 U4
Ullnnl. Central 100 111(4 111H
Inlerborouih Met 2.000 lVi ii UH
Interborough Met pfd..., 4,040 lW . 6
International HirretUr lot
later-Marine ptd 14U
International Papr
International Pomp
Kansaa Cltr Southern,.. &00 2714 27 1714
Laclede Oaa , K
Lehlth valley ,t00 149K 141 14U
loularllle & (N-athilllo.. COO 133V4 Ul 1UU
M., St. P. tt 8. Ste M . lti'i
Mlisourl, K. ft T 1,100 21H UH 21U
Mlisourl Pacific 1,00 HH 1H I1H
National Dlacult '4O0 IIS 11414 lis
N. li. n. of M. M pfd.. 100 10 10 10H
New' York Central 4HV4-. U SeSOS
New York Central LSM IH M t
N. Y.. O. tt W... 100 1914 2V4 U
Xtrfolk ft Weatern 100 10S 106 10S
Northern Pacific.., 1,100 09 10SH 10S14
PacUlq Malt , , 100 21 11 ItSt
rennarlranla 1,000 lit 11J14 1HK
1'Mplo's Oaa 11114
P.. C. a ft Bt. L SO
I'lttsburjh Coal 00 SH 17H 1S14
rraawa steel car too 24 V4 :i 1414
Pullman Palace Car 100 161H 1&3A Its
neadlnf ,.. l,0O ltl IMVi WM
Ilepublle I. s S... S.TO0 24 Z4H Uti
Hock Iiland 1,300 UK 1H u
nock Itland ptd 1,600 S7H 24 Vi 27
Bt. Lv & 8. F. Id pM ,
Seaboard Ar Line. , , lu
Slosa-tThetrield 8. & I., 100 IS 14 IS
Southern Paclflo 4,600 (314 2H Yl
noutnern itanwajr i,ew Z3 Uli 23k
Southern Ratlwar ptdl , 77
TenneneS Copper, 2,400 80 SS'i ZM.
Teiae ft pacific 20O 1414 14H 1414
Union l'arlflo 2H.S00 119 11714 14SU
Dnlo Pacific pfd 100 UK UU Uli
United Stalea Ilealtr , SSK
United Rtatea Rubber. .. COO 6014 60V4 (0
United Statea Steel 43,600 674 6U ECU,
United Statta Steel pfd.. SOO 107 107 lost!
Utah Copper 2,000 4K 44K 4414
Va.. Carolina Chemical... 800 IS It 1SU
Wabaeh " j2
Wabaah pfd 100 6T4 4 ,g
Weatern Marjland 200 4114 41 408
Weatern Union ., ,,, ejff
Weetlnihoura Electric... 1,100 4114 4014 uu
Wheeling ft Lake Erie,. I
Totals aalei for the day, m,400 aharei.
I, Oil ln 11 Slock Mrtrltct.
LONDON, July 22.-Amcrlcan securities
opened steady today. Prices advanced
during the first hour and later moved Ir
regularly. At noon values ranged from
14 above tn ?1 hplnu v.itn..
York closing. - " "
Cbnaols, moner 71T4! tlllnoli Central., iit
io account.,.., 711S-UM., K. ft T.. Jiai
Amal. Copper T4,N. Y. Central.. "'."loi
Atchison , 14 1'ennajlranla .... siv.
Canadian Pacific. ...224H Heading ..'
l3hUt(j O. W 14 Southern picVf i Ssu
St. Paul 10S Union Pacific! ... l!lii
Denrer ft Hlo a... 1114 U. 8. Bteel... " ,
Erie , nKWaUrt
dq lit pfd... 41 DeUeers .. .... .. nu
Orand Trunk UKIUnd Mlnei!"
Sr,M'S5'"' qulet -t J71-16d per'o.
MONEY 2?i per cent
The rate of discount in the open market
months' bills.' 4Wa wnV '"re
New York Moner Market.
NKW YORK, July 3,-MONBY-On call
steady. aa2V4, per cent; ruling rate, 2li
at 2H Per centi Time ioarls. flrm'arTirtiS?
.iv ;r. ";xv,"""-ua 0 ver cent,
" .null,.,, vfvi per cent.
cent vvr
. 1JKFIJWN,0 . EKCHANQB - Steady;
11.8323 for alxty-day bills and 14.8688 for
demand. Commercial bills, J4.83.
SILiVHR Bar, BSKc; .MexUan doUaro
TtnKTlH nnv.rnm.t ... 1.. .
Trenaury Statement.
WARtliNfirriN n. n k,
condition of the United' States treasury
- ....... ""O'ii luuajr WIVS.
uuoiice in general runa. siza.ooi.fyjl.
Total receipts yesterday. 11,246.163. Total
payments yesterday. ,cs7.cil. tho deficit
V"- .t,iri, iucuuai a
deficit of to,$l2.70 last year, exoluslve of
-aimiua tuimi pnu jiuuno aout transac
tions. Ne-vr York Allnlnir Htocks.
..NEW YORK, July 22.-Clo!ng fjuotri
Hons on mining stocks:
Cotnatock T. atk.... S Little Chief s
fdo bonda 10 If ei Iran lis
Con Cal AVa IS Ontario tm
iron Hiier IMOphlr it,
ST.."" . '.. eow jacket ........ IS
Coffee Market.
NKW YOIUC, July 22.-A sharp decline
In the European coffee markets after a
firm opening caused active liquidation
here. Prices opened steady at 4 to 11
points decline and later there waa a fur
ther loss, the market closlrur steady at
a to 24 points net lower. July, 4.95c;
August. 9.00c: September. 9.16c; October,
9.200; November, a.Uc; December, 9.36a;
January, 9.42c: February, 9.49c; March,
9.66c; April, Sl.61c; May. 9.60c; June, 9.67c.
Sppt, quiet; IUo 7a, 9Ue; Santos 4s. UHc;
mild, dull, Cordorva, Umtftc nominal.
Cotton Sfnrkrt,
NEW YORIC. July 22. COTTON 8pot.
quiet; mtddllnir UDlands. 12.40c; mtddlfnir
jjulf, 12.65c. Sales, none.
cotton rutures closed steady: closing
bids: July. .16c: August, 1201c; Sep
tember, 11.67c; October, U.45o: November
1138c; December, 11 33c; January, 11.33c
February, 11.31c; March, 11 4ic; May
unrhanged good business; middling fan
7,t2d, good middling, 6 98d, middling, ,7id,
low middling, 6.53d. good ordinary, COId;
ordinary, 5.IW. Sales, 10,000 bales.
. BUTTBUNo. 1, 1-lb. canon, J8cs No.
I. 00-lb. tubs, 27Hc, No. 2. C
, PISH-Whlte, iresh, Ucj trout, fresh,
15c; largo crapples. fresh, 13c; Spanish
mackerel, lSct shad roe, per pair, 4oo;
salmon, fresh, 18c; halibut, fteah, 10ci
butfalo, 9c; bullheads, 13c; channel oaf
Ilsh, lJo : pike, l&c; plckoret, lie.
CUBUBtJImportvd Swiss, 310; Ameri
can Swiss, Kc; blouk Swiss, Z4u; twins,
lie; daises. 17ci trlpleU, 17Wc Young
Americas. ISo bluo label brick 17c; llm
beiger, 2-lb., ,2c. New York, wlilte 19c.
POUIVTRY-Urotlers, 30jAM per lb.:
hens, 16e; cocks, UHc, ducks, 1SJjc;
Seeso, 18c turkeys, 2wJJS5c; pigeons, per
ox., S1.20; roosters, Oc; ducks, full lea
thered, l2V4c: Kctwo, full feathorcd, Wo;
squabs, No. i, Jl.oO; No. i, t)c.
U13HK t'UlS-No. 1 ribs, WHc; No. 2.
UKc; No. S, 14Kc No. 1 loins. lirJic; No,
Jt lS4c; No. 3, 16V4C No. 1 chUCKS. lie;
No. 2, ioic; No. 3, lOc. No. 1 rounds, l5Uo;
o, i. l4c. No. 3, I4V4C. No. 1 plate,
7Kc; No. 2. flic; No. 3. Bc
The followlriK fruit and vegetable
prices are reiwted by tho Ulllnsky Fruit
Fltl'lT Extra fancy alberta freestone
peaclies. per bushel, 12.3$; 5-bushel lots,
per bushel, (2.25; extra fancy elborta free
stone poaches, per 4-basket crate, 90c.
.California deciduous fruit: Climax
largo, red plums, per crate, 11.75; Jjur
bank largo red sweet plums, per cruto,
81.W; Wlckson largo Krcen plums, per
crate, tl.So; Simon large red plums, per
crate, 11.75; Dolon medluni red plums, ier
crate. SLM); Tragedy largo bluu plums,
per oreate. 11.85; pears. Bartlett's, per
box, 22.15; peaches, St. John, per box,
II. 25; Crawford peaches, per box, 11.25;
Arizona standard cantaloupes, por crate,
23.25; Arlxona pony cantaloupes, per crate,
11.76: Arltona jumbo cantaloupes, per
crate, 12.75; California cantaloupes, pony
crates, 12.50; California cantaloupes,
standard, per crate, 13.W. Homo crown
blackberries, per 24-quart case. 13.00. Va
lencia oranges, extra lino, 126, 2Ss sizes,
per box,; Hunklst Valenclas, 160.
Iti.50: 176, 2v0, 216, 250 sixes, per box, S7.00.
Uraperrult, . lorida, Indian River, It). 54,
04 sixes, ;i0.00 Lemons, extra laticy sun
klst, 3o0s and 3C0s, per box, 110.50; extra
choice red ball lemons, UWs and 3t0s, pur
box, J10.00.
vkUKTAUL,v:s-Potatoes, large, now.
per bushel, 31.00. Onions, California largo
yellow, per pound, 2V4c Tomatoes. Ten
nesseo, per 4-baskot orate, Sl.Ui; o-cruto
lots, 21.20. Watermelons, Alabama sweet,
per pound, lHc; 6-crate lots, per pound,
MISCBLLuVNEOUS Roasting ears, per
dozen, 15c; Michigan celery, per doxon
SSc; Mott'B cider, per keg, 13.00; Nehawka
cider, per keg, tl5; asparagus, per doxen,
50c; rhubarb, per dozen, 20c; onions, per
doxon, -Do; new beets, carrots, turnips
per dozen, 30ci parsley, per dozen, 40a:
radish, per dozen, 20c; head lettuce, per
dozen, $1.00; homegrown leaf lettuce, per
dozen, 20c; green peppers, per basket,
too; wax or green beans, er basket,
11.00: hothouse cucumbers, per basket,
31.25; cauliflower, per nound. lOo to I214o;
Venotlan garlic, per bound. 12Wo; now
cabbage, per pound, 2j4oi eggplant, por
dozen, 31.50'- horseradish, 2 dozen bottles
in case, per cose, 31.90; Dromedary brand
dates, package, 33,00; Anchor brand dates,
package, 33,23'. walnuts, No. 1 soft shell,
Ser pound, 20c; medium pecans, por pound,
IVio; iumbo pecans, per pound, 15o; giant
pocans, Louisiana paper shell, per pound,
25c: filberts, per pound, 16c: Drake al
monds, por pound, i5c; paper sholl, 18o;
Brazils, per pound, lOo; largo washed,
per pound, 12o; black walnuts, per pound,
2Mic: raw No. 1 peanuts, per pound, 7c;
Jumbo peanuts, per pound. 80; roast pea
nuts, per pound. 8V4c; sholl bark hickory
nuts, per pound, 4c; large hickory nuts,
per pound, Set white rice popcorn, per
pound, 4c; checkers, per 100-package case,
33,60: checkers, per B0-package case, $1.75;
Jjesilo berry boxes, quarts, per 1,000. $2.76.
' Corn and Wheat llcKlun rtnlletln.
United Btates Department of Agrloulture,
weather bureau, for Omaha, for the
twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 76th
meridian time, Tuesday, July 2X 191S:
Temp. Ral.i
Rtntlon. High. Low. fall. Sky.
Ashland. Neb.. 0
62 .00 Clear
66 .00 Clear
65 .00 Clear
67 .00 Cloar
68 .00 Clear
60 .00 Clear
63 .00 Clear
61 .00 Clear
64 .00 PL cloudy
64 .00 Pt. cloudy
64 .00 Clear
64 .00 Pt. cloudy
65 .00 Cloudy
06 .00 Pt. cloudy
67 .00 Clear
64 .00 PL cloudy
co .00 cloudy
62 .00 Clear
64 ,00 Clear
66 .00 Cloudy
01 .00 Cloudy
Auburn 91
Broken now.... os
Columbus 86
Culbertson 93
Falrbury B2
Fairmont W
Grand island... 91
Hartlngton .... 86
Hastings 92
Holdrcge 93
North Platte.. 88
Omaha ...
Alto, la
Carroll 82
Clarlnda 88
Hlhlev S3
Sioux City M
Minimum temperature for twelvo hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. ot Temp. Italn
District Stations. High. Low. tall.
Columbus 18
Louisville 23
Chicago ....
SL Louis ...
Des Moines.
Kansas City
rrn.rnturifi continue moderate In the
corn and wheat region, but a slight and
general riso has occurred in all portions
within the last twonty-four hours. Show
ers occurred in Minnesota and the Da
kota and rain Is falling in the latter this
morning. L. A. WELSH,
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau,
Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK, July 22. Cotton goods
market for staples are steudy but quIeL
Yarns for contract delivery aro easier.
... ..i . . , ... ,1' a l' ,1 f fnj ,1 i 1 1 V .
ery atter January 1 will be subsequently
lower, jouoeiH rcyu.i. diuw itw..
trade on nearby goods.
Evaporated Apples' ana Drlert ITnltn
APPLES Market quiet.
DRIED FRUIT Prunes, firm; apricots
and peaches, quiet; raisins, firm.
Mor thnn 1L0 Nebraska newspapers
have signified their intentlpns of publish
ing booster editions the third week in
September. Every mall brings to Man
Tnrrich nt th nnhllrltv bureau ad-
dltlonaj'acceptarices of invitations to Join
the ranks.
Inquiries are also coralnK in from, out
Ma iha tnti The scheme of the Ne
braska Press association has attracted
attention from all over th United State
and several states probably will follow
Nebraska's sulL
The additional newspapers that will
publish booster editions are: The Drown
County Democrat of Alpsworth, Register
of Chappen. Central City Republican,
DuBols Press; Nemaha News, Newmar,
Grove Reporter, Pender Republic, Red
Cloud Chief, Wilber Republican, Wayno
Herald, Fairfield Auxiliary, . Hartlngton
Herald, Litchfield Monitor, Lynch Jour
nal, Pawnee tHty Chief and the Enter
prise of Stapleton,
Bllas Willis, colored, 1610 Izard street,
received a serious slash in his back
Monday night when ho endeavored to
save Clara Wright, colored, Blxteenth
and Izard streets, from her Infuriated
lover, Andy Dtfck, colqred, Fifteenth and
Cass streets.
Willis was standing on the corner whoii
the woman ran up to htm and asked him
to protect her. Willis responded vallently
and was first hit with a brick thrown by
Lock, -then pounced upon and cut In the
back. The police ambulance conveyed
Willis to the station where Police sur
geon Folts took twenty-one stlches In
Hewing up the wound.
The injured man then went home un
assisted and Lock was locked up.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to
Business Success,
Desirable Cattle Strong to Ton Cents
Higher Thnn Monday.
Sheep In (lood Demsnil And flteruly
to Trn IllKher Imba Are Blow
nnil AVrnk tn Fifteen or
Tivenly I.nivrr.
SOUTH o.mai I A, July a, ms.
"f'Ptj, wro: cattle. Hogs, Sheep.
Official Monday 4.WS .6.696 15.4J4
Estimate Tuesday 1.700 8,700 7,600
Two days this week.. 6,298 15.194 22,934
game days Inst week.. 6,172 14.001 H.ttO
Same days 2 wks ago.. 3,708 IS.Mt 21.675
gnmo days 8 wks ago.. 4,313 18,889 15.0TO
game days 4 wks ago,, 6.3S0 22.WS 2.1S8
Same. days last year.,, 7.T34 14,787 12,420
The following table shows tho rcctlpts
u. "V1-, hKa ami sheep at South Omaha
lite stock market for the year to date as
compared with last year,
r,.,,. Wll 1912. Inc. Dee.
V,nlt,e S,137 455,454 1,317
i1.0" 1.02K.O48 2,o,,206 375,159
8leP 1.032.463 9SS.06S 48,802 .......
...ii10 '."0?ln t01" shows the range ot
Price; for hogs at South Omaha for th
I fl M T f,w ,1.1-. ..1 1 1. ... .
... ' voinvariwnnf I
Date. 1 nix
July 18
July 14.
7 67
7 79
6 4.
6 74
5 71
5 76
6 73
5 6(
6 74
6 W
6 83
8 65H
n 43
6 31
6 4
t 401
July 16.
July 16.
5 m
8 Si
7 82
7 83
juty it.
July 18.
July J9.
July 20.
July 21.
7 74
9 ?
7 76
6 33!
7 76
8 871
July 22.
7 70
8 8SH1
7 69
6 32
Rocoipts and disposition of live stock
at tho Union Stock Yards. Bouth Omaha.
n-Swii,' r twcnt'-four hours ehdlnc at 3
o clock p. m. July . 191s
C. M. A Hf P .w
. .............. ..
Wabash 1 2 .
Minaouri I'acillO , , 13 8
Union Paolfio is 20 25
C. & N. W.. n. So,
V- ci. v.. west 11 SS
C., St. P., if. & O ..." 2 12 I
y., u. e y., east 9 2..
C 11. Mr U. uru.t ID .u -
c.; k l & p.;'e,t:;..:::: 2 7 .:
a Avn..r::.::::: i i
Total recelots
87 137
, wmo. atuKB. oneep.
, . I 1 T m
Bwlft & Co 345
U'Udahy Packing Co.... 224
Armour & Co 042
J. W. Murohv -
Lincoln PnoWlnir Pn
S. O. Packing Co "'.
Armour, irom it. c.... 125
Benton, Vausant At L. 81
Hill & Son 113
1. II. IAU'1.-
J. U. Root & Co
J. II. mi in
MoCrcary & Kcllogff.. 43
ci iiieuner at uugen.
II. F. Hnmllfm,
Rotlischilda Sc. Krobs!
uipor uuycra
Totals , 1 Bin 0 89S 9 S97
CATTLE-Cattlo receipts were disap
pointingly small thi, morning, only 71
cars being reported in. The run yester
Anll h0V.ver. was larger than on most
days of late so that the total for the two
days averagod up about the same as for
the correspondingly period of last week,
put smaller than u year ago by about 1.600
Beef steers wore In good demand this
morning, but the quality was vory poor,
consisting largely of half fat or warmed
up steers. There were, however, some
right good killers among tho offerings
?,nd tye,ar"nK sold up as high as 38.90,
tho highest price paid since December of
last year, it would be safe to quoto the
better grades as strong to lOo higher with
the common kinds slow and weak.
Cows and heifers were also , in good
demand and havo showed a UttlO'strenEth
as compared with yesterday.
There wero only a very few stockcrs
and feeders in sight, but they sold in
about tho same notches as yesterday.
Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice
beef steers, 28.2&as.90j fair to good beet
steers, J7.904f8.25; common to fair beef
il'SPl JS'&M-Wi good to choice heifers,
I7.004rs.00; good to choice cows. (6,001(7,40:
fair to good grades, I5.25tr6.00; common
to fair grudes, 83.60&5.2o; good to choice
stockers and fsedsrs, I7.257.75; fair to
good stockers and toders, 36.7607.26; com
mon to fair stockers and feeders, te.l&J
6.76: stock cows and heifers, 35.00416. 60:
veal calves, 37.0030.76; bulls, stags, eto.
(6. 0OO7.40,
Representative sales'
At. IT. No. At. Pt,
t lltl 7 IS
n m nt
it imo 7 u
t 174 li
t Ml III
io tm
1 111 I 40
20 ...1308 I 10
40.,,, 11U (t
14 1238 I 41
21 Ill) I U)
n , lioa i to
49 HIT t to
1234 I (0
1 1151 71
II.,, jiiv ig iv jjbj
21 75 7 tt 17, 1044 3 io
, 114 I ti tl...., tei I 0
10 110 T 60 i ..1502 T 66
tii i to 1...
....lota t oo
.... 175 I II
...,11W t to
lftnft a ta
ttl I "5
tOO 4 00
1MK I 71
7 IIT 6 00
1 1010 I li
1 1110 I Tt
J...., lltO t 74
1 1100 I 73
., 1041 t U
3 ,.1115 t II
1 i... 1050 7 00
4 1. n mm
t 170 t 00
1 ill 5 23
tu 40
I tit I li
2 1010 G
11 1000 00
... Ill t II 17 tit 73
... tlO t 75 Tii I 10
... t:o i to i.. too t is
... tio s to 7it t to
... t:a 1 7o l.. loto t m
... (70 I 00 2 , l I 71
7 111 6 30 8 21
0 21 8 26
7 15 78 taH
7 15 8 2S
7 16 I C 30
7 17 6 34 I 33
7 SOI 6 85 8 35
7 23 6 38 8 28
I fl 27 8 81
7 85 6 33 3 43
Sandwich Farm Elevator
3 AUSk
You Can Stack
Fill i
With our overhead lifting Japk, fur
nished with our Elevator you can
use for
Phono 2055.
1 741 4 10 t , Its TS
7. .......... TM I 10 1. uo 734
j a iio t Tt
J 4tt 4 T5 1 mo Tt
1 100 4 Ti 2 !Cv I 00
J 1 M 1 1114 I K
1 M 1 1140 49
1 1M0 IM 1 nt on
J W 4 00 1 130 i to
1 HW 0 1 tlfO 7 00
308 7 7 t 214 36
iti 7 7t IM I K
2 150 IM 1 140 to
10 00 1 170 I fo
J IM 00 1 110 I (0
1 00 1 I0 M
li 110 4 00 s , fit IS
Hi IW tt 710 4 S
i mi iw 24 m i
II tl 4 JO t Hit 7 00
11 1071 4 do li 1014 7 40
4i tn t eo
37 steers.,.. law 7 SO 10 cows 9S2 6 10
11 feeders.. 9U fi 75 1 colt 160 9 75
8 COWS 871 6 00 12 COW 913 6 35
21 feeders.. Si 7 20 12 feeders.. 1143 , 7 fc
22 cows 1003 6 40
C7 faeders.. 7S! ft 40
3 feeders.. 746 6 60 21 feeders,. 814 0 65
8 feeders.. 660 6 75
HOOS There a a fair supply 'la sight
this morning, about ISO cats or 8,700 head
being recelvod. Thu two days' receipts
total 16,396 head, over 1,001 head larger
than last week, and just a trifle hoavlar
than on the samo days last year.
The demnna tor lights contlnuod good
today, and shippers picked up a good
snare ot the light and butcher stutt at
strong to 5o higher prlcts, a few luxds
reaching 39.15. Packers mude their first
bids at steady prices, end In spite of tho
fact that sellers held out tor soinu t'.iiie(
tho bulk ot the packing hogs ir at
steady Ilgures. On the closo tho tuuiket
even weakened off a little, and voveral
loads that were still untold at 10 o'clock
wero refused when offered at steudy
prices, buyers in most cases aBklit-ro
ductlons ot about 6c, Salesmen reiused to
make any concessions, and at a late hour
these hogs wero still in first hands. Tho
bulk ot the hogs sold at lS.fW4M.tO, with
a sprinkling ot lights on up to 39.16. tho
top. At no tlmo could tno movement
bo called active, and towards the close
trade stopped altogether, buyers, in some
cases, retuslng to even bid ou what stuff
was left.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, 37,007.36; lambs, fair to
good, JS.90W.00; lamt'S, culls, 3i.35tf6.60.
lambs, leaders, 15.76ufl.(0; yearlings, good
to oholce, 15.754j6.Si; yearlings, fair to
good, 35.60g.76; yearlings, feeders, $4.35(1
6.00; wethers, good to choice, 3t.40iN.70;
wethers, fair to good, J4.3M4.40; wethers,
feeders, 23.X5tM.00; ewes, good to oholce,
ii.lMf4.30; ewes, fair to good, $4.00(94.16;
ewes, feeders, 32.764J3.23; cull slleop. $2.00
Representative sales:
1A. At. flh. 1'f. JA). At, Bh. Pr.
21 Mi SO I "0 is.. .....Ill 10 tu
it 51J M I 70 14 344 ,., Ill
47 .ill 144 I 70 14 110 ... I M
(7 283 110 I 0 40 34 140 li
11,...,.. 170 140 HO TT US 10 I till
40 .. IM I BO 41 56 1 to IH
44 lit tO t 10 44 214 ... I 7u
4t in ... I 10 2i 141 ... I (If,
(t 274 It IH 1. ill ... t I7U
U 271 120 t 10 il 211 itO I lit,
tO U ... I 0 T4.......J11 19 IM
tt.......i4S 40 t H I1.......U1 140 I N
(7 100 IM 10 ..IM ItO to
II tit 40 I 00 It IU 10 I Q
U.......1M ... t 00 TI 213 ... I tO
41 .til M i M I WO 110 I M
11 , tit tt I M t.....2S4 40 I to
41.. .....171 170 ttO
70 .,121 tO t 10
41 2M Nt IN
ti '....IM 140 I till 44 2
41. ......Ill ... alia . ...... 11.1 n i n
a HI ... tiitt 41 Kt 110 I 10
41 iit 110 I IS 41 20 ISO I 10
tt 230 14 Its !.. 241 340 I llVi
St ill ... iU it.. .....ITS ... Its
S7 lit ... i ii I 01 tO I II
to; SM 10 8 ti 14 M0 10 I IS
(4 2&t 40 I ti TS ill M IS
2t 171 ... tS 10.,,. ...ill ItO Iti
T4 tii IN IW 7S til ... Sti
Tt tii i0 lit 71.. 144 100 1 00
M ttT 10 I II M 144 ... I 00
ti iit ... I IS IT SI 40 I Oo
44 14t SO I ti II 143 ... I 00
TO i X 65 370 SO 100
S 371 40 t ti It., Ill ... t00
41 211 40 I W 4t 74 ... t 00
II til ... t M 43 US 140 t 00
.,..., .374 ... I IS T4 ill to t 00
40 3 ... I IS SI 234 IM IM
24,....iTt ... I IS il 231 40 tOO
ti 114 ... 8 U 71 M7 40 t 00
21 144 .... IIS II. v 243 110 100
41 ,.S7 ' 40 ItS TI 121 ... t OS
H.......340 120 I IS U 2SS . 10 t OS
40., .....214 10 IIS tt.,..t..20S ... I0S
44, H0 ... ItS Tt tit M t OS
ll 403 K IK 42 ill 240 t 09
.It ttS 10 I 18 tt 2:1 ... I 07 K
II Iti ... t IS It lit ... I 10
12 tit ... I IS 14 til ... I 10
Tt 217 ISO I IS ii Ill ... IS
10 231 40 I IS ti.,,,...20S ... t IB
IS.. 2SS ... ItS tt.,.....lTS ... IIS
0 12J 110 I II tt til ISO t It
11 107 ... I CO 10 II ... 4 75
SHEEP Rocelpts ot sheep were qulto
moderate today, the run being only about
halt as large as yesterday. For tho two
days the receipts amount to almost 23,000
head, being nearly doublo the receipts
for the corresponding days lost week and
a yar ago. However, the receipts are
no larger than two weeks ago.
The market opened with a Very uood
buying demand for old sheep at prices
that were steady to 10c higher than yes.
terday. flood wethers sold up as high as
$4.70. Atter some of the more urgent
orders were filled the market did not
show qulto so much life,
Lambs were very slow all the morn
ing owing to tho very bad slump In tho
market at Chicago. Prices up there, ac
cording to the Chicago papers, broke
40flt0o, the extreme top quoted there on
the best Idaho lambs being $7.60, whereas
$7.68 waa the top hero. With tha best
lambs actually selling higher than at Chi
cago, buyers here seemed to feel that
they were entitled to some concession
and were bidding lower right from the
outset The result was that lambs' prices
were around 16tf20a lower for the day
Lambs that sold up to $7.65 yesterday
had to go at $7.85 today.
Feeding shtep and lambs continue In
good demand and prices on that kind ot
stock showed little or no change. In fact,
desirable feeders have been steady thus
far this woek.
Representative sates:
No. Av. Price.
66 Idaho wethers 12 4 60
62 Idaho yearling , 77 6 35
918 Idaho lamb 87 7 00
77 oull lambs 46 C 23
Can Unload Anything You Can Get In Hopper of Sandwich Elevator.
33N Idaho feeder lambs 60 6 t&
190 Idaho feeder lambs.,,,, Hi S 75
314 Idaho wether ., 95 4 60
27 cull wethers 73 3 60
2tt Idaho wotherrt 93 4 60
120 Idaho wothers 94 4 60
2G native ewes , 101 4 00
34 native ewes 72 4 00
8 cull ewes 88 3 60
179 native yearlings 81 5 00
223 Idaho yearllngn 77 6 30
4M Idaho yearlings , 77 6 ST,
65 cull yearlings C8 4 00
265 Idaho yearlings 77 6 35
80 Idaho yearlings 80 6 35
41 Idaho yearlings 70 4 00
10 natlvo Iambs 60 700
162 Idaho ewes 109 4 33
17 cull ewes ...104 3 00
17 Idaho yearlings 81 S 26
1S66 Idaho lambs 00 6 63
140 cull lambs .... 60 6 65
95 Idaho wethern 98 4 00
9t Idaho wethers . . 94 4 76
684 Idaho yearlings 82 6 80
Cnltlo Steady HoKs Weak Sheep
CltlCAdO, July 2X-CATTLK Receipts.
3.000 heed; market steady; beeves, $7.20
9.10; Texas steers, $7.068.00; western
steer.e, $7.15H8.20; stockcrs and feeders,
$5.60tV7.80; cows and heifers, $3,7&tJS.40i
calves, $S.2511.W.
HOOS Close, receipts, 15,000 head; mar
ket weak, 6c to 10c lower; hulk of sales. light, $9,lo$io,60; mixed, $8,809
11.40; heavy, $S.0OJJ9,; rough, 38.C0tJ8.75;
Pigs. 7.60fl9.25.
SHEEP AND LAMUS-neoetpts, 1R.0OO
head; market strong, 10c to 26o higher:
native sheep. $4.25tr3.10; western, $4-SO&
f.15; yearlings, $4.4OtTd.60 lambs, native,
$5.36&7.C0; western, $5.85(17.60.
Knnana Cltr Live Sinolc Market.
Receipts, 12,000 head; market steady:
prime fed steers, $8.60(S'9.00; dressed beef
steers, (.itB.i'u; Blockers ana reeaers,
8 25; southern steers, $5.W!f7.S0; cows, $4,10
417,00; heifers, $6.z&Oti.96: stockcrs and
feeders, $5.25(f7.90; bulls, 35.25ff6.75; calves,
liuuB - iteccipta, ltoo head; market
steady to 6c lower: bulk of sales. 88.9349
0.10; heavy, 3S.9Gff9.02H; packers and
butchers, $8.59.17rii light, $3.96(20.15; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,000
head: market steady to weak! lambs.
15 7W7.30; yearlings, 34.6Og5.D0; wethers,
$1.00414.75; ewes. 33.60(34.25.
I . . : r .
nt. i.onia Live Mtoou jiiarKet.
BT. LOUIS. Mo.. July 22,-CATTLTO-
Recclpts, 0.9U0 head; lOo to l&o lilgher:
good to choice Btcora. $7.&J18,00; atookent
and feedcrn, t5.2Mf7.50; cows and hedrers,
$4.76(30.00; bulls, fc.007.0o; calve. $a.00y
11AW: southprn steers. 36.2S4ffS.10: cows and
heifers. $4.2586.60.
jiuus iioceipts, lo.soo neoa; &o lower;
pigs and IlKhtfl, $7.S3f0.60; mixed and
butchers, $9.35r9.G0; good heavy, $9,354?
head: 15o to Xo lower: muttons, 33,r&f1.00;
yearlings, 3fi.00tf6.00i lambs, $13307.20.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
celpts, 2,000 head! market a toady; beeves,
$5.6O(Ji.S0; cows and heifers, $1.6088.75;
calves, $4.6010.00.
HOOS Receipts, 8,800 head; market
slow, steady to 6a lower; top, $9.15; bulk,
BHEEP AND LAMBS-Recolpts. 4,000
head; market lower; lambs, $5.60tP7.25.
Btonx Cltr Lire fltoek Market.
BIOUX CITY. In., July 22.-CATTLTJ-Receipts,
600 head; market steady: na
tlve steers, $8.268.60; cows and heifers,
HOaa Receipts, 7,000 head; market
steady to 6o, lower; heavy, 38.E5ifW.80;
mixed, 3S.ROfiO.00; light, $9.0009.03; bulk ot
sales, $8.00tf.D0.
AH EBP AND LAMBS Reoelpta, 800
head; no quotatlona.
Burglars entered the C. A. Patterson
home, 2812 Jacttlo street, Monday night,
and secured from a chamois baa; taken
from a dresser drawer, n pair of diamond
earing, of half karat each, valued at $200,
and a ona and one-quarter karat diamond
ring, valued at $200.
Entrance was gained through a pantry
window from which the screen was pried
loose. Othor Jewelry of little value was
evidently examined and lett behind by,
the thieves.
Mrs. Milton Laurltson, C01 Bouth
Twenty-sixth street, lost her purse con
taining a halt karat diamond ring and
$1,60 at the Toung Woman's Christian as
soclatiOn kitchen Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Laurltson left the room for n
moment,1 and when she returned her
pocketbook, which had been on the table,
won gone.
Key to tho BItuatlon Eeo Advertising-.
Jorna,iiuniot, callous Hunches,
allars pain and tafcra out sonnets
andlBflammitloa promptly, lleallng
and looililof uuiaa a batter circula
tion ot tha blood through the part, aa
altUng natnra In building new, haajthy
Uatua and eliminating the old. Altx
Ahl, Tublnaport, lnd., writ Nor, IS,
1 80S. "I o doubt you temambar or rat-
for a bunion en my toot. Mr foot Is
wall." AlaaTaltiahlafAanvawllln
ot painful aniouon, Ooltre, Enlarged aland.
Vortcojo Veins, Milk Las:. Strains, Sprains.
Heals Cuts, Uralses, Lacerations. 1'rtra 11.01
andtlJOatalldnigglataoTlUllraroa. tntittm,
W.r.Y0UNQ.P,O.F.. 104 ftaitia St. Wrlt0l4. Miu,
Why Sandwich Elevators
Are the Best
.SMALL grains
. ... ... .HARD COAL
. . . .Changing "Wagon Boxes
(..,.., .Heavy Lifting, Etc
Council Bluffs, Iowa
AV. 13. DAWSON, Manager.