THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, ,UTLY i 1U1J. THE PEOPLE'S WEEKLY PAGE OF ELECTRICAL NEWS Published Bach Tuesday I S : t MM a a FAMILY HAS MANY BRANCHES Elcctrio Fani Have Taken Various Forms This Year. SIZE DESIGNED FOR KITCHEN Lnrse-Tltnilcil Fnna for Storm and Large nooma Have Distinct Ad Tnntnsre Which la Kasllr Sten. wnninrttvtwr. k Private Branch Exchange Keeps Your Business at Your Finger Tips HERE'S WHAT IT WILL 2. Eliminate business- 4. losing "busy" mes sages. 5. 2. Sort incoming calls. 3. Give quick com-' munication between 6. departments. DO: Make your super ision easy, Conserve the time and energy of your office force. i Make every movo count. We have a private branch exchange adapt able to your line of business. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY g An The man coming up the walk to the front floor wondered whether the eavago lookins doer on tha porch was growling nt Mm or at tho weather, but he kept on coming. A woman opened the door Just n mite nnd'then with nn oh, threw It wide open and ran out to meet the article which tho man carried. The man walked off and she carried the article Into tho house, started It to work and rat down to enjoy Us pleasing little whirr. The dos came In, stood close by and stopped his growling. The electrlo fau had. oome. It was one of those small !ghtlnch fans which are designed to bo moved easily about from serving tablo to kitchen table and to make a good cool brtcze wherevor it goes. This email-sized fan has become very popular "at home" ani Is often nickel plated, which gives It a rich tone and adapttt it to any room in tho house. Tho original clectrlb fan which stood upon a table or desk and butted like a bumble bee has more cousins almost than could be expected in a family, the oldest member of which Is only 21 years old. There is tho eight-Inch fan which the woman bought. It weighs only fpur anil a halt pounds and is vory convenient for household use. Them thera is the larger twelve-Inch residence fan, which is Just a tittle heavier to move about, and the small "bracket tans" for the home, which fasten to the wall and blow as, do all thoir kind. Offices have .a little way of keeping cool by turning tho switch on a twelve or slxtcen-lnch fan, which is sonicwhat heavier and made to make Itself felt in larger rooms (and heavier atmospheres), mmm TIIQ NEW ItBSTAUItANT FAN. Fans of the oscillating variety turn and coolly bow 'to each corner of the room In turn. They kbep up this courtosy contln ually that Is as long ask tho power Is supplied them. Large-bladed fans ore attached to the coiling In stores, rest rooms and dining rooms and such place, and from this point ot vantage have a Tory marked In fluence upon what would otherwise be a heavy atmosphere. Another sort ot a fan which has been seen In public places Is the upright. It aspires to such lofty eminence as a halt tree or Indoor lamp standard. Here is Another New Wrinkle in Electric Irons lClectrlcal appliances have become so numerous and ot such varied styles and workmanship that the housewife and others must tako a choloe ot these thing the same as they do of any old-fashioned pot, pan or Iron. UNCLE SAM'S NEW PLANS Will Buy Very Best Elcotric Vehicle for Service. SKEOIFIOATIONSS BY OWN MEN Four Clnnea ot Mnohlne llav Ileen Adopted for the Different Kinds of Government AVork. Tl'ere Is an electrlo iron which has the switch for controlling tho heat placed at the end of the handle within easy reach of the fingers ot the Ironer. The heat of te Iron Is thus controlled In the easiest possible manner. The heat belnr thus controlled the cord Is permanently at tached to the Iron. Cranes Could Lift Two Locomotives of Very Great Weight Electrlo cranes are keeping step In else and capacity with tho other electrical aids to big industry. For the mounting of machlnorr and equipment on the Valer iana, sister ship of. tho Imperator, thera has been erected a huge elect rio crane having a capacity of 200 tons. The for ward arm of the Jib, which has n total length ot Slti feet, can be raised to n height of 330 feet above tho water. Two independent lifting appliances, ono a crab which can lift JMHons at a radius ot 113 feet, or 110 tons at 178 feet, and a revolving traveling crane capable of run ning the entire length of tho top of the main Jib, are used in conjunction with the main purchase. This auxiliary crane can lift ten tons at a distance ot 240 ftot from tho turning center of tho main crane, giving it an area of about 189,93) square feet. Only two men are employed to control the crane, which is driven en tirely by electricity. ' Klectrio vehicles purchased by tho United States government during the next tiscai year-July 1, 1913, to Juno SO, 1014 wilt havo to comply with rlitiil snoclflna. Hons, Including requirements' covering uniformity and atnndardlxatlon ot parts. Tho government Is n largo user of elcctrio vehicles, especially those of commercial types, and manufacturers hall with appreciation tho now order. Klectrical CXllcrta in th Unit! Hint bureau ot standards and other depart ments will prepare tho specifications and purchaso ot vehicles will bo under authority and supervision ot the iren- oral supply committee, which was re- ntiy created to establish system tn buy- : gooas ror uncle Ham. 'our classes ot electrlo vehlclen been adopted tor the dlfforent kinds of government sorvlco. These are. an elc trio wagon of 1,00) pounds' capacity, prin cipally for the postal department, and trucks of 1,600 pounds', two tons' and threo tons' burden. As these tiro tho types ot elcctrio cam that the manufac turers havo mude so successfully for pri vate enterprises, they aro glad to find that tho government hns irlvnn Itu approval and practically specified them In preference to gasoline vehicles and horses and wagons. tho tho ce Ing Examination far Kiialneers. The United States civil service or. m in In. slon announces a comoetltlve exnmlnnHrm for senior electrical engineers to fill va cancies on the staff ot the Interstnto Commerce commission. Salaries tor theso Positions rantrfi from M.000 tn xl.tuo. nml from 1,$W to 12,700, with expenses. Appli cants should havo a thorough technical training, with several yearn' nracttcal experience In construction nni operation Of electrical properties, and should bit 'active, Intelligent and dlsoreot, and ot good epoecli and manners." Applications must bn tiled before July 3L "Why "Not Enjoy Cool Breezes All Summer Relief from summers sweltering heat is ob ; tained in no cheaper or surer way than by , utilizing an Electric Fan. On the porch, in the dining room, or in the sleeping room, ', the comfort gained is a rich return from the few cents a day that it costs to operate an electric fan. Electric Lighting Rates Cut Again Oa July first tho rales for electric lighting wcro. reduced from 126 per kiloWatt hour" for tho first 30 hours' ubo. After the . first 30 hours' use, tho rate is Gc per kilowatt hour. Electric Light is cool, safe and convenient. Avoid the uso of dangerous ; matches. Does not consume tho life-giving oxygen and does not . heat the room. Electricity in the homo permits the uso of many labor-saving devices that aid in making life really worth living. You should have your hojne wired now. vt. N Write or Telephone Today. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. EDISON REPLIES TO CHRONIC TALKER, WHO TOOK THE HINT Thomas. A.. .JEflUon, who Ja. rather hard of hearing, said Veoently that on one ot his rare visits to Now Tork a man was Introduced to him who preceded at con siderable length to mfrke suggestions as to the direction In which, for the blessing of mankind, Mr.' Edison's Inventive facilities might be applied. Then the man switched to the question: "Mr. Edison, why don't yqu use an accoustlcon?" "What's that?" asked Mr. Edison. "One of those things that help one to hear better." "Oh." said Mr. Edison, 'Til tell you. By a carefully conducted aeries ot ex periments I have discovered that tho gray matter of' the average person fraz zles out before hit vole does." Government Bare Carbon Lamps. Cavbon-fJlament, gem or metallzed Car bon-filament lamps are forbidden to be used hereafter in buildings of the United States government All such lumps In Stalled before February 1 are to bo re moved nnd replaced by S-watt Tungsten lamps. Tho supurvltlng architect ot the Treasury department recently Issued uit order to this effect Inefficiency ot any but Tungsten lamps Is given oa the rea uon for their substitution for carbon lamps. Electrlo America. For Wrlr In Nlnaiirit Itlrer. WASHINGTON, D. C, July JJ. After more than ten years' Investigation the International Waterways commisiilon to day, through the president, recommended to congress the construction of a sub merged dam, or weir, in the Niagara river to raise the level of Lake Erie and Its upper waters and result tn extensive Improvements to harbors and docks. The cost of the improvement is esti mated at $3,190,000. The' commission recommended Its location at QUI Creek on the American chore and Hog Island ou the Canadian. Just above Wetland river. Tho commission ajeo report ud that the weir would eliminate any injurious effect up the tako Brie level of diversion of waters at Niagara Pails for water power purposes and would reduce the range of oscillation of Lake Erie H oor cent Diversion of water to tha Chicago drainage canal, to the Erie canal and for power plant purposes at Niagara Falls has considerably reduced the level ot Lake Erie. Uarr iu llrsnne from Shcxik. In dealing with persons suffering from electrical shock, If the vtctim remain in contact with the circuit his body must not be touohed by the rescuer, but the latter may pull him out of contact by hauling on the clothing, or he may take off his own coat, Insert his hand In the sleeve and then handle the victim with little or no risk. Airoosi any article or Clothing or material may be used, provided It Is dry and of moderate thlcknese. Dr. Morton points out that death from electric shock Is only an apparent dtath at first, and that there is practically always a time which It ! possible to resuscitate the victim by artificial respiration. Wireless on' Philadelphia Cbtirnb A wireless outfit has been Installed In the Firth Street Methodist temple ot Phil adelphla by the pastor. The antenna la mounted over the apex of the roof and consists ot four wires, span elxty-flvo feet long and eighty-five teut abov the level ot tha street I The Best Known Washer in Omaha Nerr Hauge Una Qlnss Door. The electrlo range with a glass door Is, a late Innovation' which many housewives tiro enjoying. It Is quite, a' teaturo ot con venience to bo able to see; ljjhy'tlfo. ex tents of the oven are progressing Without having to open the door to Investigate. When you nre buying somothing that docs not go out of style, it pays you to get tho best. It means econo my for you in tho cost of operation, upkeop and length of service. That is why there are. more than 1,200 USERS OF THE "1900" ' Electric Washer IN OMAHA READ OUR OFFER: Wo placo our Self-Working Washer In your homo ai iiAYU' PlUbSiu TllIAIj without any exponuo to you. o auk. uo cash tn ndvnnco nor any security whatever. Whether you keop tho wnnhar or rotum It, thoro will bo no charge for tho ubo of It during tho trial period. Tako tho outfit do two big- wnishlngs with It. If It won't do nil we nay It will, notify ua and wo will call and got tho machlno without a cent of risk or oxpenso to you. We will even holp you got Btnrtad right and also aid you in tho future It occasion arises.. Order ono now and bo convinced (Either Cash or Easy Payments) 1900 Washer Company Tyler 1011. 308 South 18th St. E. B. Williams, Mgr. Also Water, Gasoline and Hand Power Switchboard Those young women whose voices you hear calling "Number?" are important personages in telephone affairs. It is the patient, cour teous "Central" girl who makes it possible to in crease the joys of living, facilitates the. activities of business and who sum mons help in cases of extremity. A Human Element It is the operator who applies intelligence to a machine that never stops the Human Element that acts to control the wires as they summon aid in times of disaster, calls the doctor in, illness or ac cident, or connects sub scribers for a friendly, social chat. Courtesy and consider ation in dealing with these girls will make it easier for them to give better service to all. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY THE E. I. CO. Wireless Outfits And other specialties are now for sale here THE ELECTRIC SHOP 1810 Farnam WOLFE ELECTRIC CQ. Tyler 1414 Sole agent for the Edison Co. BBS BENNETT ELECTRIC CO ros BAFE AND RELIABLE! WIRING it PAYS to PLEASE 101 Omaha Wat. Baa Bldg. p sola Omaha Electrical Works Electric Elevator Repairs and Westinghouse Motors loa-lfl XT. lit Bt. Fhona Sour. lint. New families ai;e constantly coming to Omaha who want rooms.,... If you hava an57 rooms apartments or houses to , rent, you should let theso newcomers know and the way to tell them is through the Bee classified pages, , People who come into Omaha always read the Bee first. It has a national reputation and everybody looks to it for information. Better put your "for pent" 4 ads in The Bee right now. PHONE Tyler 1000 "It mutt be great to be a fan." Y. - . - - '