The Omaha Daily THE WEATHER. I Fair I Everybody Roads the dny's happenings every day. If folks don't rond jour store noVB every day, It's your fault. VOL. XLIII-NO. 29. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 22, I'M -TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BULGARIA ACCEPTS CONDITIONS LAID BY Also Agrees to Terms of Peace with Greece and Servia, Says Re port from Bucharest. CABINET NOTIFIES POWERS Sofia Government Announces Will ingness to Stop Hostilities. WANTS FOES TO DO THE SAME Albania Devastated by Three Armies and Many Villages Burned. WOMEN ARE PUT TO DEATH Turkish Commander, Buad rnsha, JtnviiRCB Country to Punish the ' Inhnbltnnts for JlefulnK to Help Illra. UUCIIAREST, Rumania. JUly 21. It is officially confirmed hero that Bulgaria hns accepted the conditions laid down by Rumania and has nlso agreed to the terms of peace with Servia and Greece. f Poivcrs Notified. " LONDON, July 2i. The now Bulgarian cabinet under at. Radoslavoft formerly notified tho European ptfvvors today f Its readiness to order tho cessation of hosltllltles immediately If the powors can Induce Servia nnd Greece to take a similar course. . Albania Ilevnutnted ly Three Armies NEW YORK, July 21. A private mes snge received by the'Rev. Dr. Henry O. Dwlght, secretary of the American Bible society, from an American missionary now making his way from Scutari Into tho devastated regions of Albania, says that the Servians are engaged in what is believed .to be j on attempt to exter minate tho population of several of the Albanian districts. Guards from tho Servian army, the message says, aro patrolling territory definitely assigned to Albania, at a dls- tanco of as much as twenty-five miles from the boundary to prevent anyone getting out of, or going into the scglon. Thousands of refugees are In tho moun tains without shelter or food, expatriated and starving, feeding on roots, gross, bark and twigs. "I found near Leah." the mlsslqnary Bald, "and all the way from Scutari, a great many villages burned and few fields planted. The country has been ravaged by the Servians, by the Mon tenegrins and by tho Turkish army, under Essad Pasha, who thus punished the In habitants for refusing to help him save Aurkcy. At Kroya we heard of four women nrtd forty-eight men who had been wantonly hanged, shot or cut to pieces with swords l)y the Servians. Killed by Train NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. July 21.-J(Bpe-clal Telegram, Agent Westcott of tho Missouri Pacific at Dunbar, was riding a motorcycle north of Uiat place this even ing, attempted to cross the Missouri Pa cific trades and was struck by a pas senger train and killed. ' JOHN CURTIS CHARGED WITH VIOLATING MANN ACT SIOUX PALLS. S. D., July' 2L (Sp .clal.) John Curtis, employed on a farm near Colton,' S. D., was arrested by a. deputy United States marshal and brought to Sioux Falls foe preliminary hearing bejoro United States Commls Bloner Conway on the charge of violating tlte Mann act, otherwise ' known as the white slavery law. Ponding ills prelim inary hearing1 the defendant has been lodged In the county Jail. Complaint in the case was made by a special agent of the government, and charges, that on ' Juno, 23. last, Curtis transported a young woman named Vera Jones from Omaha, Neb., to Colton for Immoral purposes. The girl Is living near Colton and will-be used as a . witness for tho government .against Curtis. It Is said the girl Is under IS years of age. BOY ADMITS THEFT OF TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND LAKH CARLES, La,, July 21,-Herschel Pierce, a 17-year-old express wagon driver, .confessed today that ho stole 122,00) in currency from a Wolls-Fargo chest in a railroad station here fast November, ac cording to the police. His arrest, followed the apprehension of his uncle, A. E. Amy, an Saturday. The police said Pierce told them he hal no assistance in planning or executing the robbery and that voluntarily lie di vided the currency with bs uncle. Pierce appeared to have spent almost nothing of his share. He led officers today to a cacho of (7,000 and $3,000 was found in Amy's gar Bge at Eunice, La. NEW POSTMASTER NAMED . FOR TOWN OF OPPORTUNITY V WASHINGTON, July 21. (Special Tele uratn.) I&vsrett s- Ftort has been ap pointed postmaster at Opportunity, Holt county. Nebraska, vice W. L. Downing1, resigned. ' The Weather For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vlcln Ity Fair warmer. Temperatures ut Oman Yesterday. Hours. G R- m. Ji 6 a, m m. 62 t3::n::: a. m 10 a. m " 11 a. m .. i M m IP-ra tP.ui J 8 p. re ,... p. m.... 2 6 p. m , 83 p. m M 7 p. m 82 i v. xn 80 DOWN RUMANIA Chinese Strike Breakers Attack Captain of Ship NEW OULKANS, July 21.-Mutlny of twenty-five Clilneso on tho steamship Comus, arriving today from New resulted in a panic among tho pi gers, tho'probable fatal shooting of tho mutineers, the wounding others nnd slight Injuries to 3t. L. Proctor of the Comus. fight occurred on tho forw the steamer today. Troctor probably owes his lifo to tho bravery of Mrs. Florence Shaw, ft stewardess, who saved him from being thrown over the rail by tho Infuriated Chinese. Tho officer had orderod all the Chlnes to the hold when tho vessel was about' forty miles from New Orleans. Tho ori entals protested that tho heat was too Intense. When Proctor insisted, six of, them rushed him to tho pall. Then Mrs. Shaw nppeared and battled her way among the Chinese, preventing them from throwing Proctor overboard. Proctor drew his weapon and began firing. Other members of the crow and several passengers rushed Into the melee. Finally the orientals wcro cowed by su perior force nnd were sent to tho hold. The most seriously Injured man Is shot through tho lungs, probably fatally. Tho Chinese wero being brought hero to act as strikebreakers for tho United Fruit company, whoso seamen recently walked out. Bach Is under l&OO bond. Fearing some might try to escape as tho Comus was coming up tho river, tho Chinese wore ordered to the hold. When the boat docked the orientals wero ordered to come on deck, one at a time. With drawn weapons police took the men In charge Their disposition has not yet been determined. Swiss Guards at Vatican Threaten to Go on Strike ROME, July 21. The mutinous Swiss guardsmen at tho vutlcan today pre sented ,to Cardinal Merry Del Val, secretary' of state, a memorial contain ing their grievances and the conditions on which they are disposed to romaln In tho service. The conditions are: First The dismissal of the commander of tho Swiss guards. Second An Increase in Swiss guards from eighty to 100. Third The commander and all officers, to be chosen from among themselves. Fourtn The abolition of tho prohibi tion against the guards frequenting stores on the right bank of tho Tiber and the granting of permission to frequent wine shops. Fifth A return to the original system of military Instruction with, the abolition of, bayonet drill, target shooting and the climbing of rdofs to prqtfct the Vatican from Imaginary assaults. ' ' S'xth Nopuniahments-to oe inflicted in connVoTioiFwitli thn present agittrtlon. Cardinal Merry Del Val afterwards con ferred for a long time with the pop In an -endeavor: to find a satisfactory solu tion of tho Incident. " ' The Swiss guard at tho Vatican bas ex isted since 1E0S, when it was. formed by rope Julius it. Tho men are recruited from the Swiss cantons of Zurich and Lucerne, and they enlist for a term ,of five They must bo at least six ifcet In. height and olV of them belong to famllti in which It litfs become an hered itary custom to servo, at tho Vatican. Missouri Will Have Good Roads Holiday JEFFERSON CITV, Mo., July It.-Gov. crnor Hnrte Issued a proclamation to day setting apart Wednesday and Thurn day, August 20 and 21, as publlc,holldays to bo known as "Good Road days." "Every able bodjed man In the rural dlf trlots and cities of the state is to put in theso days working on the public high ways. 1 The governor asks that all ordinary business bp suspended and -that wherever possible the men put in full time on the permanent Improvement of roads, either dragging, ditching or waking culverts or bridges, or whatever will accomplish the greatest good. The women in rural districts are re quested to aid by furnishing tho-Tolun-teer workers with lunches and encourag ing them with their presence a,nd good cheer. The commercial clubs and the boorter organixatlons are called 011 to render every asslstanco in their power. The governor estimates that work ap proximating more than $1,000,000 In valuo will result. Clarke Presides With Only Half a Shave WASHINGTON, July 21. - Senator Clarke, president pro tern of tho senate, faced that body today with half a shave. Vice President Marshall was out of town, and as the bells -were tingling the calls for assembly Senator Clarke, stretched out in a chair In the barber shop, was warned by pages dashing about In squad that the senate was. without a presiding officer. The senator hurriedly wiped tho lather from his faco and bolted for tl. chamber. Tho republican side saw him clean shaven, but the democrats viewed a day's whiskers. PROPRIETOR OF CAFE AT TAMA IS MURDERED TAMA, la., July SL-Oeorge Taylor, proprietor of a lunchroom here, was shot and kllltid by an unknown person last r.lglit Robbery Is thought to. have been the motive Several hundred dollars Which Taylor carried is missing, SECRETARY LANE WILL MAKE STOP IN OMAHA CHICAGO July 21 Si-crstary of the Interior Lane, accompanied by his wife, rpent several hours in Chicago today en loute from Washington. D. C. for the west, where h will make a trip of In spection through th public lands and !irfcailon states. lis will make atop at Omafco. Denver, ' Spokane and Seattle. CRISIS IN MEXICO IS REPORTED NEAR vices of Extraordinary out to Happen Reach Washington. RMATION IS WITHHELD Fraught with Tremendous Signifi cance to Huerta Government, MARKING TIME IN WASHINGTON Nothing Doing Until Arrival of Am bassador Wilson. LOOK TO HIM FOR THE FACTS At Unities! of Secretary Ilrrnn, Surgeon CJrnerul Hlnr Ordern Qunrantlnr Officer to Iflx prdltc Ills Pmrnntrc. WASHINGTON, July 21. Alarming re ports of an approaching crisis In Mexico have been received hero by high govern ment officials. It was stated today on unlinpcaehnblo authority that the de velopments of the coming two weeks aru fraught with tremendous Importance to the Huerta government. So dcllcato Is tho Information, they con tain that nn Inttmntlon of tho advices becamo known today only with the stip ulation that it was unofficial and that it should not bo represented as being the view of any official of tho United States government. Authoritative publication of tho nature of the advices, It. was said, probably would precipitate tho very crisis the dls patches forecast. The means by which the predicted events wcro to bo brought to pass or whnt was to follow wero not hinted at In the reports, which. s6 far have found no reflection In the military or naval preparations by the United States. Meanwhile tho administration Is mark ing time on the Mexican problem, pend ing tho arrival of Ambassador Wilson rom Mexico City, which Ur expected by Thursday or Friday Ilenl Situation Unknown. President Wilson finds himself In tljo, same state of doubt as to conditions, fn the district as he did wh?n. .hwe of getting at the facts he summoned' the American ambassador to the capital. He realizes that even the Americans scat tered throughout Mexico, Individually aro unable to get a comparative view of tho situation In the wholo country, their judgment being affected by purely local events. From the Mexican jcapltal corns reports that havo turned every engage ment Into a federal victory and so far tho administration has heard nothing ex cept through the' press reports from tho constitutional side oL,tho case. This has ltd to an Intimation that Information of a reliable character from th.t SQurcp would' be" wclcmned ,by tho admlnlalrtignij ' At the request ofSecretary IJcy,fOu9 scon- Genera Bluo of tho public health service has ordered quarantine officers at Havana' and Iey West to expedlto the "passage of Ambassador Wilson Hundred Million Oil Suit is Settled for JEalf Million GREENVILLE, Tex., July 21. The Texas! $102,v3$,QOO oil penalty suit was un expectedly, 'settled this afternoon when the Standard Oil company of New York, one of tho defendants, paid $000,000 In pen alties in the Eighth district court. The penalty waa paid under nn agreed j seuiemeni. uy us terms joun u. Ami bold and II. C, Folgcr, Jr., of New York, Standard Oil men, who are majority stockholders In the Magnollu Petroleum company of Corsicnno, Tex., another de fendant, agreo that their stock Is to bo held by a trustee to be selected by At torney General B. F. Looney. It Is fur ther agreed 'that the, Magnolia and the Corslcana Petroleum company. Die other Texas 9II concern which la k. defendant, sh.aU be operated wholly In the Standard Oil interests. Fukien Province Joins the Revolt "WAHSINGTON, July a.-Fuklen prov ince has seceded from the Clilnese to public, according to a dispatch to the State department today from Consul Fowler at Foo Chow. Fukien borders on Klang Si and Kwang Tung, the two prov. Inces which already have thrown off allegiance to tho Peking government. The legation at Peking reports that the local government of 'Canton in JCwauff Tung province proposes to end 15,009 troops north within a week to engage the government forces. The provincial assembly has confirmed Chen Chtung Ming as .military governor of Kwang Tung province and appointed lilm commander-in-chief of the army, which is to proceed against northern forces. . THEATER BUILDING BURNS; SECOND BLAZE IN PLACE BBAVEIl CITY, Neb., July Sl.-8pe- olal TeleBram.)-Tho BJte theater build- Ing in the center of the buslnesn section burned this mornlne at :J0 o'clock. The building was a total lob and fully In- surea. Harmon & Orr lost their barber shop fixtures In tho basement and tho Ancient Order ot United Workmen lodge all paraphernalia on the second floor, This Is tho second time that this build ing has been on fire and circumstances point strongly toward incendiarism. SINKING PASSENGER STEAMER IS BEACHED POUOHICBBPSIB, N. T., July S!.-The steamer Tremper, loaded with panlo stricken passengers, was beached on the west side of the Hudson river tiers tocUy with the water pourlar through a ilelaftymStioSin' hole In Its bottom. The Tremper, bound from Newburg to Albany, ran on a reof off Esopus island. The boat had settled very low before It reached the main land after an exciting two mUe race. Drawn for The Ueo by PoweU. BRYAN PROPOSAL IS POPULAR Projected Treaty with Nicaragua Gaining Friends. MONROE DOCTRINE IN ADVANCE United States Is to Pny Three Mil lions for Cnnul Iloutr and fravnl llnac mill Mnk Ccrlnln (unrnntees. WASHINGTON, July 21.-Strong sup port has deolopcd In the senate), for President Wilson's policy 'of protection Mta- gnperi-lslwivcrCTJlcnrnguli. "An In. jormai poii 01 me cumnmioa wi minimi relations today Indicated that tho treaty proposed Saturday by Secrotnry Uryun will bo endorsed with a safe margin of votes and come Into tho. senate with the backing of Influential members of both political parties. It became known today that tho pro posal docs not bind tho United States to any obligation for tho outstanding dehtn of Nicaragua. The rehabilitation of tho jits orders on tho ground that the road's republic's finances is expected, to come condition Is similar to that of the Mln about through tho stability that would I neapolls & St. Louis, which tho supremo bo given to future operations through tho-j court exempted from tho new rates, de- control to be exercised by the United States. Nicaragua would agreo to mako no debts in excess of Its current resources, however, and the United States would bo given the right to Intervene with troops nt any tmo to Insure Nicaragua Indepen dence or to protect 11 fo and property. Nicaragua would agree to make no for eign treaties that would threaten Its In dependence and tho United States would pay Nicaragua ta.000,000 for a right to build a canal and a naval base in tho bay of Fonscca. . "The proposed control by the United States over tho financial operations of Nicaragua Is virtually ai enforcement of the Monroe doctrine In advance," said 0110 member of the senate foreign relations comrpltteo today. Senators Hitchcock, (Continucd on Pago Two.) Lancaster Judge Throws Out Suit Involving Election (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 21.-Speoial Telegram.) The case, argued In the Lancaster dis trict court this afternoon , In which nn attempt was made to have declared un constitutional the new law doing away with an election this year wan held by the judge, not of sufficient Importance to warrant a trial and was dismissed. It Is understood, however, that the case will be carried to a higher court. Builders' Strike in Chicago Ends CHICAGO, July 21. Construction of JIO.000,000 worth of Improvements was re sumed today with the return tp work of I W.000 members or the nuiimng iraues unions. They were looked out more than ' a month ago by contractors in an attempt j to S,P t,,e eaWn ot P"V trlkcs which ! frequently tied up worK on large offico buildings. The unions' and contractors' 1 associations have signed an agreement to (arbitrate difficulties. The National Capital Monday, Julr -li 101H. The Uenatc. Met At- noon and resumed debate 011 tariff bUL Senator Ilurton attacked ad valorem rates of tariff. I Lobby Investigating commutes resumed. in executive session. 1 Adjourned at SiSS p. m. to noon tomor row. , The House, Not In seitlon; meets noon Tuesday. 'The Real Racket Now. New Passenger and Freight Rates in Minnesota Effective ST. PAUL, Mini!.. July 21,-The now passenger and freight rates ordered by the United States supremo court In Its recent decision In the Minnesota rato cases becamn effective today. Passecnger rates, aro reduced to 2 cents a mlla and the now freight rates earn reductions, of from S to 40 per cent. The fedpral courts, wore to complete their part 0.1 of Jhc, .Minnesota rato ciiso to-', ,',iny w,on Judgo wTllard.piuoTrMlTrt , motion nc Atiorjiey uenetai nmllll was schcdulod to dismiss tho Injunctions against tho state, which have prevented H since 1911, from enforcing the 3-ccnt passenger rato law. This Is In, accord ance with tho mandate of thn United States supremo court filed Saturday. Attorneys wero to appear In court on behalf of tho Chicago Grcat Western railroad and ask for a modification of elding1 they would he confiscatory. Kxperts are making n valuation of the Chicago Oreat Western railroad property In Minnesota to ascertain whether rats would bo confiscatory- Mrs, Pankhurst is Again Locked Up in the Holloway Jail LONDON, July SL-Mrs. Kmmellue Pankhurst, the militant suffragctto leader who outwitted tho pollco on Sat- urday, was arrested this afternoon , when ,,,..,' , , ..uii ... she 'was entering a public hall to attend tho weekly conclave of tile Women's So cial and Political union. Sho had In tended nt the meeting to issuo another defiant challenge to tho government. De tectives pounced on Mrs. Pankhurst with dramatic suddenness and whisked her away In a taxlcab. A few of the women accompanying Mrs. Pankhurst inodu an attempt to rescue her and in doing so vigorously trounced the detectives with their umbrellas. Six of them wcro ar rested. A big force of uniformed policemen closed up behind Mrs. Pankhurst and hor captors and stemmed the rush ot Infu riated women, whose yells of "Murder ers, assassins," drow great crowds to tho scene, Some of the women used lint pins as weapons ot offense and several person .were badly hurt. When sho arrived at Holloway Jail Mrs. Pankhurst refused to leave the taxlcab and was carried in by detectives. Man Killed in Polo Game Near London LONDON, July 21.-Althgugh polo Is popularly regarded as a dangerous gurne to play, the first fatality In the new gam here, where it has been pluyod regularly since 1871, Is Just recorded. Lieu tenant Harmon died yesterday from in Juries received when his pony throw him' In a match at Wanelagh on Thurs day. There havo been only three other polo fatalities In the entire history ot the game In England. Teaches Sixty-Nine Years in One School PHILADELPHIA, July 2i.-Professor Zephariias Hopper, for sixty-nine years a teacher in tho Philadelphia High school and who Is believed to have taught more boys than any other person in the United States, died at his homo today. Although M years old, Prof. Hopper attended to his work at the sehool until the end ot the term last June. Death was due to old age and tho heat. CORN CROP ISHOT DAMAGED Such is the Opinion of Frank Fowler, Recognized Expert. BURLINGTON REPORT DIFFERENT Nurthrrestern IleportM Corn North of the Pintle io lie In Most Kxcel Irut Condition nt the Prrscnl Time.. With Nebraska wheat out of tho. -way ln,d threshed aro safe p. the shook, cron experts jue .turning-. their.. attention to corn and regardless prtho hot winds aild intense heat of a few days ago, they bold to tha optimistic, rather than the pcsslnilstlo view of the situation. Tho report on the crop situation given out by Frank Fowlor of the Nye-Schnnlder-Fowler Grain company of Omaha Is most oxhnustlve, covering tho entlro corn bolt of the state. It la com piled from the reports of crop experts stationed at more than 100 points In tho Nebraska corn belt. In his compilation, Mr. Fowler says: "Our reports Indicate that no serious damage has boon dono to corn in Ne braska and western Iowa; Indeed, the bulk has been boncfltcd by tho hot weather and after allowing for tho dam age on abnormally early corn, Wo are still ahead by reason of most of our corn not having reached the shooting and las sellng stage. That period Immediately followed by silking and pollenhlng, In the condition of our Nebraska and western Iowa corn today, probably means that our jrreatost exposure will bo during the last week In July, say from July 21 to 31, inclusive. If wo should havo such strenuous weather conditions again dur- tnl. 41. m 41.. ..Ik ll , i "::";;" .1, "uul" uo cr disastrous by reason of tho small amount of molrture In the 'top soil. ' Wo fonl that with ordlnnry weather and moisture conditions frorn now on, our territory can havo as much corn ns we ever raised In. his state." Itallrond Ilcport Different, The HurUngton's weekly crop report Is not lUlte so optimistic as somo of those Issued during tho early part of the sea son, but after hearing from all of his agents Superintendent Allen makes up tno roiiowlng condition table, giving comparisons with ono week ago, basing tho findings on tho ten-year, average; , , Last. Previous, division. Week. Week. Omaha otu lOi Lincoln AIM. !(ki Wymore to 03 Mccook GGVi ta Concluding hla report Superintendent Allen Bars: "In view of tho fact that fanners are the common source of Information for our agents and the fact that farmers. ; as a rule, have a tendency to exug- j gerato their misfortunes, and the lm-' Presslons left by tho extrcmo hot i weather, tho estimates of our agents should be taken with somo reserve "Until corn comes to the llk and tussel stage, it can hardly be damaged In this territory by hot, or even dry weather. The tendenoy of such oxtreme heat when nearing that stugo Is to prematurely bring out the silk and tassel, and that has happened In places to early ' corn. With plenty of rain I think estimates of agents would ho 10 to IS per cent higher 011 tho McCook and Wymore division within 11 week; on tho other hnnd, with continued dry weather and high temper atures corn will bo damuged wherever it Is raised In that district within the next ttfn days except over a small area cov ered by recent rains." North of tho Platte river, In its weekly crop report Just Issued, tho Northwestern estimates the condition ot corn at from W to 100 per cent of a perfect crop. This condition, the report coutonds, maintains all tho way up tho Elkhorn valley and up the Missouri valley from Omaha to Sioux City. Over the entire nprth portion of the state agents report corn growing rapidly and plenty ot moisture, there having been a number ot heavy rains during tho last week. FEE TO PUT THROUGH TARIFF BOARD BILL Mulhall Says Ex-Congressman Was to Get $10,000 in Lump Sum if Measure Passed. RETAINER IS FIVE HUNDRED Lobbyist Does Not Say Who Was to Pay Money. BLACKLIST OF CONGRESSMEN Manufacturers Kept List of Men Who Voted Wrong. ANOTHER LIST OF GOOD MEN Mnlhalt Hnr Aanoclntlon ICept Truck of Itrprrsenlatlveii Who Favored nnd Opposed the La bor Lawn. WASHINGTON. July 31. Martin M Mulhall. lato "lobbyist" for tho National Association of Manufacturers, testified. that former Iteprescntntlve Watson of Indtnna, was employed In 1008 while a momber ot tho houso to help "put through'1 a tariff commission bill nt a retainer of SGOOj fcSO a wook and JlO.O't) If ha got tho measure through congress. Mulhall did not say who waa to pay. Mulhull wrote Hchwcdtmnii on December 19, 1903, that ho had accn Senator Forakcr and that George Cox, "tho Cincinnati boss." was convinced that Charles p. Tnf t could not bo elected senator and that ha Intended to advise Tnft to. withdraw. Fornker seemed certain, Mulhalt wrote, that with tho aid of Cox ho would win. Union Pacific t'hnnKc Denied. A letter from Thomas Gibson, a New Tork financial writer, from whom David Lnmar testified ho got Information to base his charge of an JS2,000,000 forgery on tho books of the Union Pncirie rail road, was put In tho record. Gibson wroto ho did not know Lamar; did not now be llovo thcro was a forgery nnd wns send ing out n retraction to his subscribers. Paul D. Cravath. counsel for tho rail, road, put in a letter from a firm of pub lic accountants, oxplalnlng the appar ent discrepancies on which Lamar based his sensational charge. Mulhall said all hlM accounts were kept by nn oxpert who accompanied him oil his trips, evidently his wife. "Sho wob driven crnxy In tho sixth Now Jersey campaign," said he, "Sho kept all my accounts and Khe was the beat pouticinn I over know." November 3. IMS, two days befora elce tlon, Mulhall wrolo Schwedtmun: MM of "Good" ConirrMinen. "Followlne Is a list of congressmen; I would advise Mr. Van Clove send tele Krnm.Uo who I fcol. ura-'irtil D elected, and who havo been our friends in tho past." Tho list included Sherman. Cunnon, Ilurlelgli, Dalxoll. Donby, Dwlght, Fiiir ohlld, Fassctt, Fordnoy, Hepburn, ICleitt1, Longworth, McKlnloy, Malby, Mann, Moon, Mooro, Parsons, Payne, Italnoy and about forty others. On November i, 1503, Schwcdlmon wroto to MulHall: "So far wo have wired only Mr. Taft, Mr. Shorman and Mr. Cunnon." A Mulhall exponso account dated Octo ber a, 1008, -showed an Item of f3M "paid to William M. Walsh of tho executlvn board In the Tenth, Eleventh and Fif teenth congressional districts of Pennsyl vania to do general campaign work." "I think we mado a pood friend ot Seimtpr Dolllver, nnd ho made me prom ise to call on lilm when we come to Washington," Bchwodtman wroto Mul hall December 1, 1003. Mulhall wroto Schwcdlman: "W ltava secured .In tho person of fjeorgo TU JIalliy, n representative from New York, a man who fills the bill entirely In Judge Jenkins' place when ho finishes bis term as rhalrpian of the Judiciary committee. This lias been entirely satisfactory to Mr, Emery and I think it Is a splendid move." It developed, however, Malby did not Oft tho place. DlnakllM of ConKrensnien. A long1 "blacklist" of congressmen, re publicans and democrats, who had In curred tha enmity of U10 National Asso ciation of Manufacturers and wero to bo opposed when thoy enmo up for re-elec tlon was presented by Mulhall. William Hughes, New Jersey, now scn ator; William D. Wilson of Pennsylvania, now secretary of labor; Thomas D, Nlclw ols of tho Tenth Pensylvonlo, Georgn A. Pearre of the Sixth Maryland and Join L. Durnett of tho Seventh Alabama wcrs described by Mulhall us being on tha "pormarient blacklist" becauso they wcro In favor of labor legislation. "Agains!; (Continued on Pago Two.) Keep in Touch With Your Home Stores II you are gong out of town on a vacation liavo THE BBS sent to your now address ao that you may keep In touch with what tho stores In your homo town aro offering as well as kooplng posted on local news. If there Is anything you need you can easily order by mall and have your purchases sent parcel poet. THE BEE will keep you In touch with what tho varouB Btoroa are offering, and mer chants will bo glad to give your order prompt attention. Newspapers and modern business methods annihilate distance. And Just bocuu.o you aro hours away or even days away from your home town Is no roaxon why you should not patronize, your local stores. By all means order THE BEE sent to you wbllo you are away.