THE BEE: 0MA1IA, MONDAY, JILY 21, 1913. 7(3 gee'g Hnp Maga z. 1 re p)age "Am I Not a Boy? Yes, I Am Not!" SSL JttilKJa .te Drawn for The Bee by Nell Brinkley The Ilonorablo Patterns for tho Comfy Affair. Good for Athletic Stun Plenty of Foot Room If You Want to Tel! the Mold You're "Npt at Home." lour You Oan Do Your Morning Beauty Exercise in It. By Nell Brinkley. I know plenty of lucky girls who do .their 'little part of tho world'B work at home, as I do, away from the glare and the courtesy-kHUng violence of the big town. Almost all of thorn work In rigs that are either very pretty or very ugly and pain fully uncomfy, or very comfy nnd ugly. Not one has one both pretty and comfy. Not one has a little outfit that Is feminine yet boyish, pretty, and glvea absolute leeway to young limbs and arms and walsta that must bend over some sort of task. So I, who bond-myHROkr- too--who , Hko to look pretty, too .who need, oh much lo be comfy whllo I scratch for a living and who envy little kids their half-socka and sandals, their bare knees and necks tnd heads, their rompers and lack of petti-skirts, I laid away my sentimental Dtllys and Bettys, who love one another oh, no desperately for one min ute and "drawred" Pica of working clothes. Oh, all kinds I made, I did. Those that were too pretty were too fussy, too I shook my Scandinavian lock and crumpled them up. Those that were too comfy happened to bo either utterly Impractical or alto gether too ugly for any girl to go any farther with. So I ripped them up. Then I fell back on what every girl finds Infinite strange relief in till she's a grandmother my mother. J called her into consultation and to gether with my wild ideas and Insistence on beauty and her genius for understanding the subtle ways of a needle and thread and her smiling Common sense, we evolved a thing of use and beauty and n Jr.y forever. Seems to me moat any man who had his rathers would like to see his sweetheart or his busy house-bird of a mate in a work garb llko this You Can Pick Up Kroner Without Bending Your Knees Which They Say is Most Awfully Good for Yon. rstherlhan in some of tho bibbed frights, tho tie around kind that cut you In two, or that ancient dishonored makeshift some women make do duty all day long tho kimono. And don't you, know men folks are everlasting preachers about their women folks being comfy. This littlo work apron certainly is that. Hero aro facta: I am usually short on those. That's mother's proof that' I am a girl. Turn your Cheshire cat smiles away, Bettys and Billys, and let mo tell how this honorable apron Is made. I've made a faithful pattern from it spread out upon the floor. The real labor ones, where I got good and dirty ink on my nose, grime on my elbows, grubby handB and all that aro made of blue and pink fine checked zephyr gingham. Those that are just a little mora company to loaf about tho houso in these hot days are mndo of cotton, crepe or anything pretty and washable that you like. My Clover Little Mather, Whoso Own Littlo Gowns Aro Pretty and Sensible, Too. Here is tho Apron I Work In. Twenty-seven Inches wide, If you please, the goods must bo; then thero need bo no piecing ,on the sides. And twice twenty-seven inchea Is plenty of foot room. Thero 1b a holo fof your head, very short sleeves, and just the two seams down tho sides. The back is as Innocent of fastening as tho front. Nary n buttonhole or a hook and oyp. That ought to plenso any cynic and nmko 'urn sit up and crow, Just on a lino below tho hip bone thero aro two belt strnps back and front, nnd through these goes a belt a couple of inches wide, fastened with two buttons. On tho humbler ones a bias fold and stitching nbout the nock and arras and a deep hem is all tho decoration thero is. On the niftiest ones there is narrow lace in tho sleeves and neck and a belt of a dlfforent color. Tho bolt fits closely, but' doesn't pinch. That draws tho npron into folds. Theso aro facts. Now for tho beauty and tho joy of it. You wouldn't believe how pretty It is on a girl. For it falls Into every line of her body, gracefully and modestly, too. It has the same stmplo attraction that a little kid's clothes always have. There's tho beauty of it simplicity, good lines and any lovely color, and tho joys of it it goes ovor your head, tho sleeves are a joke, the nock is low, it's as cool an a Lady Constanco Richardson costume in this warm town, comets with it are "taboo," it hasn't even a sash around the waist; you can reach, and catch, and throw a halt to your heart's desire. Under it, if it pleases you, when there Is not going to bo "people," thero are only stockings, chemisette and knickers of China silk or thin muslin and sandals. When there 1b to bo "people," n ono-plec slip has to be addod on -underneath and slippers instead of sandals, if you please. Sounds like a dream, this littlo outfit, but fcqls like a dream, too. rr Ella Wheeler Wilcox Says Real Culture is Not Mere Polish, But Something Deeper and Finer By ELLA WHEELER WILCOX Perhaps there Is no word more fre rjusntly misuued than tho world. cultur. Wo often hear a woman spoken of as highly cultured. Hut In what does her culture con sist? She may speak several languages; she niuy play sev eral instruments; i-.he may be able to talk understand Ingly of the arts and sciences; she may know much of the customs of many lands, but still sho may lack real culture. If sho Is allow ing tit! weeds of ovll temper, evil speaking, selfish- liens and uncharltableness to grow In her nature, she la not cultured. We speak of a piece of land being under high cultivation. That always means that tho earth of that land is carefully tilled, and that ovary weed Is removed; every ugly thing banished, and every beautiful and use ful and valuable thing Is fertilized, dug ubout, encouraged, and helped to grow. f q It Is with the mnd. t'nless ungracious and unlovely traits are removed, and all thn virtues oultl. vated, mere education which coraos from books and travel and tho possession of money can never make a cultured person- What constitutes a cultivated pergonal, ity? What la It that uplifts character and beautifies conduct? HOW ARE YOU FEEDING YOUR CHILDREN? Are you giving them nourishing food food that will develop their muscles, bones and flesh food that is easily digested and cheap? Ever thought about Spaghetti Faust Spaghetti? Do you know that A 10c package of Faust Spaghetti contains as much nutrition as 4 lbs. of beef? Your doctor will tell you It does. And Faust Spaghetti costs one tenth the price of meat. Doesn't that tolve a big item in the high cost of living? You probaly haven't served Faust Spaghetti as often as you should be cause you don't know how many dif ferent ways It can be cooked write for free recipe book today and you'll be surprised at the big variety of dishes you can make from this nu tritious tood. In Sc and lo packages. MAULL BROS. v Loulx, Mo. The answer to both questions can be found In the ndvlce Dudda gave hlspupla 600 years before Christ was bornt "Do nothing to another that you would not havn done to you," and by Christ's Im proved rendition of the motto: "Do unto others as you would ths,t they should do to you." i There is no higher phase of culture, and there Is nothing which beautifies con duct and character like the practical and perpetual use of the golden rule In daily life. The majority of people regard the keep ing of the Ten Commandments aa a literal fulfillment of that rule's obligations;, but oiiii who comprehends Its entire meaning realises that It applies to every trivial act of dally life and necessitates culture as well as morality. The loud, Jarring voice, the uncontrolled temper, the neglect of bodily cleanliness and disregard of dress-all these things break the golden rule, because they are not what we would wish others to do; therefore, we have no right to do them. A "cultivated personality" Includes cleanliness, neatness, a certain conforma tion to the customs of the day, or of art, in dress; a well modulated voice, an at' tentlve manner In listening to others, .- well polsod body, a direct and easy car riage and walk, and a pleasant, agree, able expression of countenance. The haughty, disdainful and cold de meanor is incompatible with culture, really cultured, like the really great souls of earth, are always affable and,Blmple and natural. That quality which most uplifts and beautifies character Is consideration of others and obeyance of one's own high est instincts. The man who is considerate of his ftllowmen pays his debts promptly, does not endeavor to "beat" his neighbor In a bargain, does not haggle over prices, and Is tolerant of others' political and re ligious Ideas. He la Jflnd and affectionate in his fam ily, appreciative of his-wife and children, and patient and thqughtful with those in his employ. All these homely virtues "uplift and beautify character." Without them the most herolo and brilliant deeds cannot make an admirable human being. The woman who wlshts to possess a "cultivated personality" and a beautiful character must keep her engagements, pay her social and financial obligations, shun gossip and harsh criticism, suit her dress and her amusements to her income, keep her home orderly and attractive and herself a pleasure to eye, ear and heart. The path to character building Is a long ope: there is no short cut. It requires continual watchfulness, con tlnual self-control, to travel that path. But It is a way which grows more beau- tlful, and the world seems more interest ing and life sweeter each year as we ad- Favorite Reoipes of Favorite Stage Stars Only tho vulgarian, with an outward vane, when tho goal of a beautiful char veneer of polish, "puts on airs," The ' acter Is our aim. ' Little Bobbie's Pa By WILLIAM V. KIRK We went visiting yesterday evening to a house war they have a perfeot baby, Pa dident want to go. beekau ht was afrode the baby's mother wud be all the time talking .about the perfect child, but Ma coaxed him & me to gp with her, as the peepul was old f rends of hers back houm & hid jest moved east to Brooklyn. Wen I first saw the husband Sc wife I sed to myself what a hansum father & mother, I bet the baby Is a peech. But wen I saw the llttel feller I wm su-prUed, he was the hoomtlest kid I ewer saw. He waa a yeer oald & very big for his age & he waa btlt strong St fine like a prize flter, but his eers was too big St he had a long strate noise that looked like a excl&mashun point & his mouth was strate acrost his face St he had llttel gray eyes Ilk a plr. Oh the deer llttel thing, sed Mr, he looks Jest like his father, doant you think so yureself. Mister Walsh? Mister Walsh sed Yes, but he swal lowed kind of hard wen he sed It Tine baby, sed Pa. bllt from tho ground up, sent he? But I think he looks moor like his mother, sed Pa. Doant you think so yureself. Missus Walsh? Yes, sed Missus Walsh; sum of the nabors sed so. Hut I notlsed she looked Jest as doubtful as the baby's father about the baby looking lke them. - I doant think he looks like eether one of you, I sd. you aro one of the finest looking cuppels which I have evver met & the baby his got a face (Ike comic plcter, I sed. It Is all I can do to keep from lafflng wen I look at him, I toald Mister & Missus Walsh. What is the nam of the deer llttel thing? sed Ma, kind of quick. I cud see that Ma ddent want me to talk any moar & I reellsed that Inated of malklng the baby's pa, ma feel happy I had made them mid, so I went oaver St sat down In a corner. I think a feller is wise wen h has made a bad play to keep still for awhile insted of trying to ex. plain H St malk things worse. Why, sed Missus Walsh, to tell you the truth, we Invent given the llttel deer a nalm at all yet I know that we ihud TOMATp HURPHI8E. select large, not overripe, tomatoes, und slice off tho top at great enough depth to allow the Inside of tho tomato to bo scooped out thor oughly. Drop ono wholo egg raw In each tomuto; then add a Bmall slice of American cheese, butter tho size of a walnut, nnd as seasoning popper, salt and puprlka. Now replace tho tops of tho tomatoes, fastening firmly in place with toothpicks, nnd bake in a inodorato oven until the out side skin crinkles. Serve on lectuco leaves. MASHED POTATOES A IiA BARNES. Even after milk and butter have been added to mashed potatoes, they have not arrived at tb topnotch of their dellclousnesa. To make them as good as possible, try this: Beat an egg until creamy, then pour it Into tho potatoes and whip until flaky. have nalmed hlin long ago, but I am sure that he Is going to do such grate things In this wurd that my husband & J cant malk up our minds what to call him. I wuddont like to nalm him Will yum or Bobble or any silly nalm like that. That nfUde roe kind of mad St I was going to say that they ought to call the baby "What Is It?" like that freak Mister Barnum used to have, but I knew better than to bn Impolite. We were thinking that we wud call him Xerxes, sed Missus Walsh. I thot Xerxes was such a noabel sounding nalm. Sc, of course, you remember the grate r-erahun general that led neerly a mill, yun soljers sggenst Greece. Yes, I reemember, sed Pa, & the Greeks rtldont do a thing to Xerxes, did they? Oh no. If I was you I wuddent call yure baby after a falsa alarm, Pa sed, Why doant you call him Alexander the Oreat? Maybe wo will, sed Mister & Missus Walsh. What do you want to be called, baby treshur darling? Then the freak baby opened his mouth Si sed "Ha Ua," Jest as plain. I hoap thay doant nalm that monkey fac Bobble. Mysteries of Science and Nature Tha tcystertons Properties of Steal, Tin ana OUss flteel If Cooled Slowly Will tfot Take a Ontttnr Hags Qooled Suddenly Zt Becomes Sxoiialnr Bard . J from "the tin disease," The contact of "diseased" tin with bright, hard tin Is capable of setting up the transformation. Glass, Prof. Walton Informs us, la "an under-cooled substance," that Is, It is In a mestable condition. If old glass tubas through which water has frequently passed are heated, the glass crystallse and loses Its transparency. All substances In this state are liable to change, and the change, under proper conditions, may be sudden. Hardened steel la In a similar category. If It were as perishable as tin It ccyild not bn safely used for many purposes for which It is habitually employed. Fortunately stoel exhibits great resistance to change of state after It has been tempered. Trans formation IS retarded or arrested. "Does steel slowly return, to tho stable form and thus grow softer?" asks Prof Walton, and then answers: "That we do not know; we can only say that If such a change does take place, hundreds of years necesaary to bring It about." Tho same ancient Japanese swords, which, when heated, as before described, become soft, retain all their hardness if carefully preserved. It Is evidently of the highest Importance to the praotlcal world that science Is in vestigating these things and discovering the way and the circumstances in which the changes come about, oven If it has not unveiled the underlying mystery of their cause. N By GARRETT P. SERVISS. Hera is a fact, known to everybody, Which s as mysterious as would be tho actual appearance of a ghost, by which I mean that the fundamental explanation, of the phenom enon In about as far beyond our reach In the one case as In, the other. The foot to whlqh I refer Is the pro duction Of tem pered steel b y quenching In cold water. It hot steel is cooled very slowly It becomes roft and cannot takn a cutting edge, but If It Is cooled suddenly It becomes very hard and can be ground Into keen swords, knives and cutting tools, Now why the difference? Have you ever thought about that question? It you have not, many a man of science has, und has been greatly puzxled over It. llero Is another related mystery. If you heat an old Japanese sword, which for centuries has retained Its capacity to slice (iff a head at a blow, or to open a swift passage for the soul of the victim of the harl-karl' mapla, to the temperature of boiling water it gradually softens and loses the keenness that once made it so formidable. It Is the samn steel, but It, too, seepis to have lost Its soul. At a temperature of ISO dqgreos Centigrade the hardened steel commits harl.karl In a few minutes. Surely thero Is something strange In that. Then consider this: At xero temperature water changes from a liquid and suddenly becomes solid. But if you put the water in a vase and carefully protect It from dust, you may cool it as much as twenty degrees below xero, and yet It will not freexe. Due now shake the vase or drop In a bit of Ice, and the water Immediately solidifies. I owe tha collection of these facts to a paper by Prof. James II. Walton, Jr., ot Wisconsin university. The explanation which he gives Is that substances like the hardened steel and tha unfreezing water aro In a state of "suspended change." That accounts for tha phenomena, but. In a certain sense, they remain mys terious. jus.t as )lfe is mysterious. Many substances possess the same cur ious characteristics. Prof. Walton says that if a flask containing sodium acetate; which has been cooled below its natural freezing point without solidifying, Is opened In a room containing dust of tho solid acetate, the fine particles of the latter dropping into the flask will cause the whole contents to solidify, Tin Is a Very strange metal with re gard to this state of suspended change or "merastablllty," A severe winter cold will sometimes cause It to lose Its hard ness and crumble. Objects made of tin often undergo such change and are then said to be suffering RESINOL CURED ITCHING ECZEMA Tears of 8uffwinff..lmmediBte Relief Cleveland. O.. June X 1913-Abouc plght years ago my hands would get very red-then little blisters would come with pub in thm They would Itch and burn so that I could not sleep at all. I used, everything people told me about, and all Wnds of blood treatment, but they did! me no good. I wore out dozens of pair of rubber glove, using them when work ing in water and still the eczema stayed. "Ahout three years ago I read about Beatnal Bop and Keslnol Ointment, and at once bought some at the drug store. They gavo mm Immediate relief, and after using two Jars of Keslnol Ointment and s. caka of Reslnol Soap, I can honestly ay that my hands are cured, it has been throe years already since I am cured, and the ecsema has not returned. I really can't say enough about Reslnol' (Signed) Mrs. Chas. P. Winchester, KOI Carroll Ave. Better proof, even than such a letter. Is to try Keslnol yourself and see how quickly the trouble disappears. Keslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap are sold by all druggists, free trial: limt t.u. UtslnoJ, Baltimore, 110.