Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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When He Meets Him
Balph Jacobson Given Scholarship
at the University of Chicago.
Pormr llinTratha Illnli School Chief
ExecnttTr Olren Vacannr Iift
br ItlRntlon of Prin
cipal Cnmmlnffi.
Ralph Jacobson, the tionor graduate of
the South Omaha High school last year.
turn been awarded a scholarship In thft
University of Chicago. He received a
letter yesterday from the university tell
ing him of his good fortune. Ho was
chosen from among the honor graduates
of all the high schools of Nebraska.
Each year some college or university,
itsually of the cast, offers a scholarship
to the students of Nebraska high
schools. Tho University of Chicago mode
the offer this year. After looking over
the list of honor graduates In the state
the Judges chose Jacobson for the most
valuable student to be secured for the
big Institution.
S. W. Moore Sevr I'rlnclpnl.
Samne! W. Moore, former principal of
the high school of Hiawatha, Kan., has
been elected principal of the South
Omaha High school to fill the vacancy
left by Principal Cummlngs resignation.
He will begin his new duties August 1,
coming to South Omaha from Uticoln,
where he Is now taking a summer course
at the University of Nebraska to receive
a master's degree.
Mr. Moore was a student of Cornoll
university and taught economics there
for one year. He studied at the Ar
kansas university and later taught In
the public schools of Slloam Springs,
Ark. For the two last years he was
Principal of the Hiawatha High school.
Mr. Moore Is M years old. He Is mar
ried and will bring a family to Bouth
Omaha, Eighteen hundred dollars a year
will be his salary.
Lithuanian Pair Tomorrow.
The Lithuanian fair, to bo given for
the benefit of the parochial residence,
will begin tomorrow night and last
through Saturday. Tho grounds have
en prepared at Thlrty-Becond and S
streets and nearly all the concessions
and booths are in place. There will be
all kinds of entertainment trapeto per
formances, vaudeville and various spe
cial stunt.
Tha fair will be started tomorrow
nlfrht with a speech by Governor Mow
head. He has accepted an invitation
from Father Jonaltas,
To Improve Parks,
Grading of a boulevard through Bprlnp
Lake park will be started within a short
iime, contracts for tho work having boen
awaraea by the park beard. The board
also has ordered a cement walk to the
entrance of M and an park, and will nrnko
further improvements by the Installation
or lights.
Looal Delegates
Return from B'Nai
Walking With Wife j B'Rith Convention
Uelteving Jesse Howard, a fcteeple Jack
living at 161 Cass street, to be the man
that broke up his home, Victor Fuller,
70S North Htxteenth street, shot and
fatally wounded him Saturday night
when ho met him walking vth Uesslo
Fuller, his wife at Fifteenth and Douglas
Howard is Rt St. Joseph hosplUU, his
lungs punctured by two bullets and in
such a condition that death 1 expected
momentarily. Fuller made his encape
after seeing his victim full, but was ar
rested later at eighteenth and Webster
Mrs. Fuller was brought to tho station,
where she calmly told the story or the
tragedy. Hhn sold that she had begun
divorce proceedings several months ago.
and that cruelty was the cause. She
denied that Howard had been anything
except a close friend, but said that her
husband waa Insanely Jealous of him,
"Howard and I were walking up Flf
tcenth street when we saw my husband,"
she said. "He stared at us, and Jesse
said 'Hello Xlft' to him. Ho did not
answer, but Instead pulled out a re
volver and fired three shots into Jesse
before I know what he was about. That's
all there la to it"
Mrs. Fuller Is about 28 years old and
Howard, the man in the hospital, Is
about 23 years of age.
Rumor Steamer Sunk
Brings Many to River
An unfounded rumor that the excursion
steamboat "Saturn" had burned and then
sunk between Omaha and Florence on
the up-trlp Saturday night sent several
hundred persons to the river's edg. In
quiries came to the police headquarters
about half an hour after tho boat left
the shore. After a time the police started
an Investigation.
By 11 o'clock, when the boat generally
returns, a throng of anxious parsons had
gathered on the shoro and street rati-
Charles H. Blrutter and other returning
delegntes from tho forty-fifth annual con
vention of District Grand todge No. i
of the Independent Order of B'Nai D'ltlth,
held at Ottawa lieach, Mich., report a
large attendance and the transaction of)
Important business In tho welfare of the if
The B'Nai B'lllth celebrated Its seven
tieth anniversary last year and is the
lending Jewish organization In America
devoted to general philanthropy and the I
Improvement of the Jews, especially that '
of tho Immigrant.
In the sixth district, comprising ctght
titates, Including Nebraska, among the'
several Institutions supported by the or
der, are the Jewish orphan asylum at
Cleveland, O., and the Denver hospital
for consumptives. Educational and tech
nical schools have been established In a
number of the larger cities, as well as
Immigrant removal, relief and labor
Sylvan E. Hess of St. raul, xMlnn., was
elected president and Charles Aarnns
of Milwaukee vice president. Nebraska
wan well remembered In tho important
offlcos of the order. Morris Friend of
Lincoln was elected associate Justice of
the district court of appeals. Charles S.
RIgutter was named one of the board of
governors of tho Educational league,
which has for Its object the aiding of
worthy Jewish young men and young
women to college nnd vocational training.
Arthur Itosenblum was appointed state
deputy in propaganda for Nebraska,
Look for Site for
Working Girls' Home
Negotiations for a site for a working
girls home, provided for in the will uf
the late Count John D. Crelghton, will
probably begin early this week. John
D, Crelghton and John A. McShanc are
the trustees for the llMMn hMin.ii tr
by tho count for this purpose They are
way bridge. Several mothers, unable to planning to meet their attorney. W. n.
restrain their apprehensions, sobbed aloud. McIIugh, early next week to make some
A half hour later the "Saturn." in a "tart toward securing a site.
blaze of elnctrln llerht find hnmldnd bv
tho ragtlma strains of an orchestra, SIMON BORTS, BENSON
Neither Booth Bauehman nor CaDtaln PIONEER, IS BURIED
Prior could explain the cause of tho ru
mor and both were exceedingly wrathy, The funeral of Ftmon Sorts, one of the
oxpeoially when tho anxious mothers on pioneers of Douglas county, took placo
tho shore seized their offspring and d- Saturday morning at the Methodist church
I In Benson, Mr. Boris, who died at his
late home in Benson Thursday night
was born In Clay county, Pennsylvania,
I In 1837. He settled near Irvlngton in
lm:, whore he resided until four years
ago. when he removed to Benson. Ho
dared that "anyway that boat Is no fit
Tho boat was a little late, and each
minute of tho Unlay caused the watting
crowd to become more apprehensive. It
Is declared that the delay was due to
Plans for. a t-wimmtn. i. ci I the fact that tho boat hung back to I" survived by his widow and three chll
Iako nark ore now In tho minds of the0,,ow tne bartenders and down or more dren. His son Harry live on the old
members of the board. They seo a need waiters to get rja or tne supply of liquor uniwea v irvinugn, one aaugnter,
for a sublta bathlns-nlac. Another f. carried. Hrs. Sadie Merman, lives near Bensbn.
ture for tho entertainment of the publlo At Tenth and Douglas, after the boat ttnd another daughter, Mrs, Minnie Bliss,
Is beJn contemplated for next venr. This I landed, two women, partly Intoxicated. 1 18 a missionary in mma.
is a writs of band concert to be held started ft fight over a man, It is said
through the summer. Patrolman Nichols and Cummlnga ran
West Coast Panamas. I to tho place from hoadquarurs and ar
Wo have Just been advised by 0. Am- rested tho girls, but not before Nichols
alnck & Co., from whom we boy Panama had been stabbed through tho thumb with
hats, that they are shipping us twenty a hatpin wielded by one of tho girls. Frank Sampson, resident of Omaha for
doiert bats to close out at prices far bo-letoctlvea McDonald and lUcb. two plain I the last twenty years, died suddenly at
low wnat they usually bring-at even less clothes men stationed on the boat, came 1 an early hour Sunday near Thlr
money man we coma buy them for car-UD u-t an tho two uniformed men started nlh ftRd Harney street , where ho
Her. Anwlnck ft Co. handle only tho best .tttionward end whisDered something in operates a gambling house. He fell cn
qualiHr west coast Panama hata, and if wi-hnls' ear. The elrla were then turned the Street and waa picked up by several
you llko a good Panama look these over. 1 .. . ,. amv.. who did nnt hrin Won In an automobile, who brought him
You will find lots of other good values Wham to headauarter. to P1!co headquarters. There police
tale day nvsry day all week all oyer the t ,.., TT J flnn 2. that death was due to heart failure, and
nous ana you will have a ohanco to save 1U ULUUO U JULUU1 VCW. LU the body was turned over to tho coroner.
AH t Vi mriAm tlt.a- H..JI I - I tlj.m . ia- -U ht if! .. .
JOHN FIJrNN & CO. JTU.L JjliLL LU UWli illiO nna ' survived by his widow and sov
Mnelc Cttr uosalp. I oral children. Coroner Crosby will
J. D. Courtney, plumber. . Tel. So. 1091 ,.u . - t, i.t autopsy today, and the opera
Miss, Alpha I-ynn left yesterday for L."' . ..... .u. i. tlon probably will bo held late thU
wcw york city,. where sho will visit rela- - afternoon.
Tk nest Medicine la h World.
"My little girl had dysentery very bad.
I thought she would die. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy
cured her, and I can truthfully say that
I think It Is th best medicine In the
r or a casa or .letters oia Age or Gold ty-rourin ana iavenwonn sirecia cany
;.iPr.S; 7??'7?? ivu!Sp'JiWtrr t0 Saturday night and the rear trucks passed
over his body. Ho was pulled out by
John J. Mahoney and several other men
and carried into a nearby drug store,
where ho died a few minutes later.
At tho coroner's office ' KU Turnqulst, world." writes Mrs. William Orvis. Clara.
1017 South Twenty-second street, Monti-1 Mich. For sale by all drugglats-Advor
fled the body as that of a man who tlsement
-Iaj4 tn iimn ttndmfith a. car at Twen- I
Funeral services for L L. Johnson will , rnllr! v.rMm Htrsets. but was Ths Persistent and Judicious Use of
all porta of tho city. Wn. Jetter.
E. O. Abbott, euperlnttindcnt of schools
Rt nossville, HI., fe visiting his uncle. J.
M. Abbott, 13J0 North. Twenty-Uilrd
in ex.
Tfc Infant m 17. . .. Jl V , - It
Schmidt of Fort Crook died yesterday
looming after nine days in the world.
rnirceni win o maao ax ort cai
Fellows. Visions members of the tji1 is known of Burtucola here. He
tXSM .rU'TY,. I had only been employed by tho -treet
car company n biiufi. uutv uitu v vvuiu
not bo lewnodv lsit night whether he
had a family.
Business Success,
Mrs. Qertruda (Wnrnoa'dtiul vliprffv
morntng at 8t Joseph's hospital follow
mc an operation of a few days ago. She
mac 2$ years old. The funeral arrange
ments will not b mode until out-of-town
raiauveo arrive.
The car which endoa tne mtn'n me
was In cnargo ci ioionnwi a. t vi
and conauctor a. a, ?n oa ni-
nloyes of tho company
Street car omctaia wno mvesiimieu
the affair ssld last night that Burtuocla
v.n fiitnir nuoerlv all dav and thev
buValo Tt baThWand TlepTnH Uelleved that the heat of the last few
porens nas ook nwsn on nrst noor; I days was tne cause u
yelow Mna second floor! built-in china I
closet and bookcases. Owner , will be ,..Ani nt OYnnLinCCT UfnMCM
on premise between 1 nnd 8 o'clock d. VVUnLU dd nuiiUMi ifwniuii
m.. Bunoay. rnone south 15T or south nnuium II TU TUC nlRnllQ
Tbs Board of Education will make a
tt.p w uw vwhjim aeiioaiB wuiuitqw. in
SMCtlnr the conditions of bulldlnra
probably several trips will bo mode in
the near future to determine what re
pairs ana improvements are needed.
Largest S&Co
in the;
Ovr400 Skip
ft, U. Crawford and wife of los Angeles,
who left home last April in an autor
mobile on a tour of the country, passed
through Omaha en routo to the Pacific
coast on a train. They shipped their car
home from Chicago, feeling that they
had had enqugh motoring for a time,
having ridden In tho machlno more than i
, miles.
From fos Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Craw
ford motored east along the Southern
Pacific and then through the south to
tho Atlantlo coast, up the coast they
drove their car -to New York and on
the homo lap as far as Chicago. Mr.
Crawford says they traveled by easy
Mages and had a most enjoyable Journey.
He says that except for gasoline and a
et of new tires, 10 will pay the up
keep of the machine on the entire trip.
mobiles is ono of the things named In a
ttw embargo promulgated yesterday by
be chief of police, and tho first suffer-
rs under the new rule were a couplt.
gave their names as Mr. and Mrs.
t a Noble. $ south Twenty-slxth
itreet. They are held on a charge of
lUcrderly conduct, 3. 1L Travis, a taxi
driver who. was operating the machine,
was held for exceeding tho speed limit.
Th Balton family, the strongest
women in tne worm, ww us seen in
Omaha on August I with Barnum ft
Bailey's circus. A A thriller this act la
more kattsfylnc to ah audience than all
tho mechanical contraptions over built
In a circus ring. It haa real dramatic
thrills and genuine suspense and doea not
depend on trrewsome machinery to glvo
It effect.
The clrcua has a new parado three
miles long, a new menagerie with the
only baby giraffe In captivity and the
newly added spectacle of "Cleopatra,"
produced on the biggest open air stage
In the world with a cot of 1.160 char
acters, a grand opera chorus, a ballet
of SCO dancing girls, (SO horses and a
tralnload of special ecenery, costumes
and stage effects. '
Cool breeses at Krug park have mad
the plcturesquo place the most popular
resort about town. It extends to the
picnicker an opportunity to get out Into
the open away from the city and enjoy
the day without discomfort. A basket
lunch Is in vogue, and an Idle moment
will be hard to experience with all the
devices for amusement added to natural
attractions the park affords, "With the
atmosphere of pleasure and recreation
every courtesy le offered to help visitors
have a good Urn. There 1 opportunity to
man everybody tastes, and as a chance
for healthful recreation Us convenience
appeals to all.
World's X.ars'est MUD.
sau rrom new xora
Saturday ..Aug. U . K
utardar. Aur. SO. 0 &. M.
Saturday, Hept. 00, 11 A. X.
and overr 9 weeka taeraafter.
BMktlas Miisw . t UTIV4 It
LONDON i-AMt Stitk a
ia iiaMDuna mtbis a
nooks bow opn for
ItVaaasylvaala July SI, 3 p.m.
Sals'a Aug. via, Aug. s, in
Umperator. August , it a.m.
tiratrtela. .August t, is noon
Amsriks. ..Aug. 81, 11 a, m.
prretorta.,.Aug. si, IS noon
Jfrts. arant Aug. 67, 13 noon
llnpcrator. . ..Avig. 30. a a.m,
XalsH Ag.Vlc. Hept. 3, 10 am.
Vres. XUnoola Sept 14, 12 noon
2nd cabin only, tNew. tllam
burg direct
era. b. r nnjitoia a. a. Pre
tori Skit froa New l'tr tool lit ru.
cvih BrMklrP- AU otbu ultlas in
lll wr.U. from our HbH Pln
etbraltar, anla aad ao.
(JTAll MMt U Ul MTTlO IttTt
fcs HEW rlBR. U4 BU. 8utk
BrookJrn- Tko IXh tU rrrf.
U. a. iiambarg (11,000 toasj
Aug. , 10 a.t&
8. B. Moltk (12,(00 tons)
AUSAlst 88. 11 a. m.
SJUHaubBTff Sept. 17, 10 a.m.
B. B. Koltks. Oct 7. 11 a. m.
tarry LovUon ara at the lival wlill, "r JPar i
-nroute to Colorado. I Is lung hemorrhaga Btop It, and uute !
ry commussoner usn uutier writes I weak lungs, cougna ata colds, with Dr.
KiiUttl.viWrV.V; rv-"! Wng-s New Discovery. Wc and l.W,
V'.," V,i ; ,.-.: aZZZ Yor sale by neaton Urug Co.Advertlse-
iaomm tuts wnsr.n
tfhroogli the Panama Canal
.TanviaM ff ak sa
aooxs ifow orxv
Our TtvlM IMMrtnent utusm
II . . . , ..... 1.
Write for Information.
Js 'm jit. r M
c Aa. rr
You had it last Summer and found it a joy to the palate
and a delight to the stomach. This is merely a reminder
to you not to miss this deliciously wholesome dish
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
and Strawberries
This is a "treat" you owe yourself after the heavy diet
of the Winter months. If you know this rare combi
nation you will thank us for reminding you of it. If
you never tried it you will thank us for telling you how
easily and quickly you can prepare it and how health
ful and nourishing it is.
Heat one or more Biscuits in the oven to restore
crispness; then cover with berries or other fresh
fruit; serve .with milk or cream and sweeten to
suit the taste. Requires no baking or cooking.
More nourishing and more healthful than ordi
nary shortcake.
Make Your Meat
Shredded Wheat
Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y.
, iiriiMinniiaiBBsiiw.
Washingtom tnsps is the ureat
Food for Growing Children
THOUSANDS of American
1 mothers give their young
two or three times a day.
They know that foods made
from com are fine for growing
children and WASHINGTON
CRISPS is one of the most
nourishing and strength-giving
of all. i
Give the little folks more
less meat and other heavy
foods, and you will soon see
the improvement. It is easily
digested and the crisp golden
flakes quickly make rich red
And more than
that WASH
gives you one
half more than
any other cereal
food for 10c.
made from the choicest grains
of the finest white corn thor
oughly steam -cooked and
toasted golden brown.
You can be absolutely sure of
the purity of WASHINGTON
CRISPS. They are made in
spotlessly clean mills by auto
malic machinery, untouched
by human hands!
Order a box from your grocer today. The whole family will . ,
like it better than any breakfast food they ever tasted and ''X'"i
they'll feel better too. Your grocer will be glad to send it K
Washing CRISPS
JQ The BIG Package oi Toasted Corn Flakes 'J Qq