Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE 1JKK: OMAUA, MONDAY, JULY 21, li)13.
Kntered at Omaha, postofilce a second.
cubs mailer.
Sunday Bee one yenr y-3
Haturdatr Bee. onh year
Dally nee, without Sunday, one year. J
Dally Dee, and Bunday. ontf year.. .w
Krenlng- and Sunday, per month.. -...jw
Bvenlns. without Sunday, per montn.sjo
lly liee, lmjludln Hunday, per rno.jsc
Address all complaint of irrulallU
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? Omaha The Uee bulldlne.
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1 Chlca-o-0l Hearst bulldlny.
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Communications relating to now a ana
editorial matter should be addressee
Omaha Bee, Editorial department.
Btat of Nebraska, County of DourIs,sb:
DwiKht Williams, croult,?n'ftan,tfnI
ct The Bee Publishing company, being
duly sworn, says that the average dally
circulation for th" mnth of Ji"-
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my Presence And sworn
to before mc ihl. M day ofm
tSeaJ.) Notary Public
Hnbscrlbor Icto-ln the eltr
temporarily should tiaro The Ilee
j watted ta them. Address will bo
V changed as often as requested.
c' Thoso heated months seom also to
r tonstltuto the homicidal season.
Congress Is getting to bo Junt one
mad Investigation after another.
. And yet the mercurial precipitation
nan not bo swift as to break tho bulb
i hi tho thermometer.
I .
f It would make most poople sick
- trying to remember all tho pointers
on "How to Keep WelK" .
Colonel Mulhall complains that his
old associates just staro at him as
thoy pass, dlvo him the glassy ayo,
as It were.
Secretary DanielB hits to nail on
tho hoad In saying the red flag has
no place In this land of liberty und
doubt by n6Wi President Wilson
wishes ho. could Btop that tlmo-con-fcuratng
lobby diversion ho Btartod
and got action on his tariff bill,
It "is said that Jim Hill's father
taugtit Jilni tho- habit of Baring
"JJring Vp. a child in tho way Ua,
should go and when ho is old ho will
not depart from it.'1
The movia 'depicting tho fomlnino
lion tamer and tho lady enako
cbarmor proves, however, that it Is
possible for woman to survive her
Innate fear of a mouse,
Joe .Brown, who alternated with
Ilpke Smith as. governor of Georgia
iot a number, of years, now threatens
1 to renew the hlde-and-Bcek game by1
opposing Smith tor tho senate
f But it John Bassett Mooro, the
counselor of tho Stato department,
vera to hlko out for tho chautauquas
then thero might be occasion for un
easiness as to our foreign affairs.
Surprise is expressed by his
enemies that tho state auditor does
not take kindly to tho law that legls
5 latea him out of control of the statu
g Insurance .department. What could
they sxpeetT
The new insurance codo will havo
to run tho gauntlot of the courts to
Xlnd out whether its constitutionality
passes muster. In tho meantime,
while it la hung up, the machinery of
Boy eminent will continue to revolve,
If the modest Colonel Mulhall lost
any opportunity to impress his N. A.
M. superiors with the rare lmpor
tanco and incalculable value of hia
work as a lobbyist, it must have been
because the typewriters wero out of
The most egregious blunder tho
National Association of Manufactur
ers ever made from its own stand
point manifestly was to engago
Colonel M. M. Mulhall as official
fixer and send him forth with u let
ter pf credit,, telling "whom It may
concern" they could place implicit
confidence iu him. -
Not long ago Governor Morehead
expiainea ms raiiuro to maxe a
promised appointment on the ground
that the constitution forbids him to
name a member of tho legislature for
office, and then within a few weeks
appointed another member of the
legislature to a salaried place on the
pardoa board. Now you see it, now
ou don't
A learned opinion trom the attor
ney general's oftico holds that
woman musician is not subject to the
law limiting the hours of woman's
employment unless engaged In the
particular establishment specified
in the law, anfl then not unless di
rectly employed by the proprietor of
the establishment. If thor0 are any
other loopholes, trust the lawyers to
Tlnd them.
Longer Terms Shorter Ballots.
The general tendency everywhere
toward electoral referm Is for longer
terms for public officials and shorter
ballots to permit of more careful
solootlon. Originally tho one-year,
or at most the two-year, term of
offico was the prevailing psrlod, and
few olootive places exoapt those on
the bench oxtended longer than two
years. Of stato and county office
right horo in Nobraska, It has come
about that almost as many now carry
terms of four years or longer, as
carry lees than four yoars. Mem
bers of our now stiite railway com
mission, for examplo, are elected for
six yearn, and in the county the clork
of tho court, register of deeds and
county commissioners have four-
year torras. Tho adoption, of biennial
elections In Nebraskn is Biiro'to be a
forerunner of further lengthening of
official terms. : With lohgor tenure,
nnd fewer elections, tho short ballot
must bo secured by making over
lapping terms, so that only a part of
tho official list Ib renewed at a ttmot
That is not only tho conclusion of tho
best present-day students of govern
biit It is the trond of the t Ilium
all overho country.
Then, All Is Well.
Dr, Jtilcl b'ojcda, formerly vice
minister of finance of Japan and ono
tlmo president of the Industrial
Batik of Japan, in fnct, so big a man
as to bo selected by tho Japanoso
Associated Chamber of Commerco ns
the official representative 'to conio
to tho United States and lnvestlgato
rolatlotiB affecting Japan, li(B spent
six weeks investigating and has fore
casted his roport In u San Francisco
In effoct he finds from a tour of
tho country thai tho only anti-Jnp-
aneso feeling Is In 'California, that
elsowhero Amerlcaus, especially
business mon, are most cordially dis
posed toward tho people of Japan.
Ho admits, novertheloHs, conditions
Just now nro doficato, inasmuch as
tho fooling abtdoa' deep-rooted hero
that Japanese are Ineligible to
American citizenship, that they
would not assimilate with us. Of
coUrso,' they could not, ho retorts,
when denied tho opportunity ns now.
But ho urges his government to
use Its beat efforts to obtain for its!
subjects in tho United States tho
privilege of becoming American citi
zens. Thero Is the crux of tho ques
tion. Thero is whore Japan stands
and ovldontly will stnnd until tho
wholo question of raco Intorcouran
is' disposed of hotter than nt present.
Tho envoy concludes with tho as
sertion that, "I havo told my
countrynton thoy might hopo for Just
and oqultablo treatment at tlfo hands
of 'their American, neighbors," in
jWhloh, ot.cpurBo. liQ.Ts. fight. .Con
cerning tho matter Of .war, ho says
there wllj ,bo nono unless Amoricans
forpo It which .ought, tlionr to sot-
tie that question. "Jnpaii'-'wlll not
fight through Imperialists motive,"
ho nssorts. And tho United States
has no thought of fighting -through
nny motive.
Indecent Fiotion.
The tlmo has como for effective
protest against tho vicious tendency
of 'many fiction writers to woavo
tuelr stories around Immoralities
and, otljor forms of Boclal delin
quency. Thoy do it, of courso, bo
causo it sells their wares and makes
it less diflcult to got publishers. To
What deplorable ends have we-como
if our lltoraturo must stand or fall
solely upon its money-making power,
ignoring not only tho merit of writ
ing, but tho moral lnflucnco as well?
Aro wo hoadod toward tho tlmo whon
salacious Word-palntlnir shall dotor-
mlno tho merits of "best BOllora?"
Tho dofenBO offered,' of courso, is
that immoral characters and phases
of life havo always formed a part of
standard fiction; that aomo of tho
most revered of tho old authors
dealt In them. So they did, but for
a wholly different reason and in n
totally different manner than tho
motlvo and method of today. Tho
old writer mado his villain or Im
morality the pattern of vica to bo
shunned, while tho offending modorn
author makes his a pattern of vlrtuo
and heroism. Tho formor flotlonlat
clothed these characters in hateful
attiro; tho presdnUday writer makes
thom attractive, alluring and to tho
unwary acceptable. The wonder Is
that somo of the lato f Jotion has es
caped exclusion from tho malls in
this Instinctively monitorial ago.
Tho desirable lengtlt of a coutraut
between individuals depends upon
circumstances. It a tenant is leas
ing a building, for example, and is
convinced ho is getting the best of
the bargain, he wants a long Iqase.
If ho thinks tho rent will come down,
or the same money will soon procure
better quarters, be wants a short
lease. In it contract with tho olty
fixing rates tor a public service, the
came rules will govern; Id that case,
however. It Is generally a safo propo
sition that the public interest fares
better with a short contract.
Well, if tho fake reform organ is
willing to approve a gas franchise
running twenty-fivo years, it cannot
find fault with the limitation to
twenty-one years contained in the
home rule charter.
Assuming that 10,000 voters are
registered in Omaha and South
Omaha; that still is less than id per
cent of thoso entitled to be registered.
Lookup BackWard
ITliis DctV itt Oraalia
.h;lv m.
Thirty Yonr Ak -
The fnlon Pacific trussed bats with
the 1. A M.'s and put thetn to rout by
a score of 11 to 1 Handle distinguished
himMf by thirteen putouts.
A Utile Hn of Ocorge T. Cnindoll was"
badly homed by the exploding or a cart
ridge. Morris Hulllvan recently foujid an in
teresting expense book lost by Hotneoile
on St. Mary's avenue, which the owner
can hnvf If be Will call on Morris.
"Antl-mlnopH nro nllvc. nnd so Is
Bpectaofti 8am.' Who haa opened u first-
class clothing store on Purnutn, one door
west of Jnoobson's. his employer for
years. Uo nni seo mm nu jwiwaru uie
son, his partner, and don't you forget It."
Tho speed program for the coming state
fair Is put out under the name of William
Chambers, superintendent of the speed
Dr. Tlldeii has moved his office to tho
Nebraska National bank building,
Twelfth and Ilirnam.
.Mrs. IS. ll. uan, i he nouui icmn rm.ti,
WautH a good girl for general housework.
Mrs. IS. It Clork of Omaha has do
nated a handnonip buggy for llio matron
of the Home for the Krlendless at Lin
coln. . ,
The friends of Prof. Miles H. Carlton
gavo him a surprise party last evening
In i-elebratlffit of- his birthday anni
Twenty Years A go
Congressman and Mrs. I. R. Post with
Mrs. Post nnd 1. f. Post, Jr., were reg
istered at tho Murray.
Miss Coryell Wood, who was gradu
ated with high honors In Chicago, said
sho contemplated a permanent rcsldenco
In Omaha.
Judge Palmer culled a populist pow
wow to order at Knights of Labor hall.
George A, Magney was chosen chair.
man, W. A. .T. Goodwin, secretary, and
1. Clom Ueaver was called on to stato
tho object of tho gathering. In a few
of thoso grand old "well-chosen" words,
Mr. Dcavur ripped off the reasons In fif
teen minutes. They wero to talk over
the political situation from tho populist
standpoint. Among other luminous fig
ures on tho floor were Oeorgo Washing
ton Urowster, Davij Ilowdnn, Allen Root
nnd V. O. Striekior. Tile ocnocs or
utoplun shouts were filling tho hall with
a mighty din wnon sutiucniy someoooy
Ktarted to pass the hat, whereat alt noise
ceased and a silence fell Jtlco a dull thud
upon the assembled multitude.
Mr. reward's residence, 1!16 North
Nineteenth street, Wiui entered by burg
lars, who got nwny with Jewelry valued
ut JJO. Thoy worked In broad daylight.
The now Hoard Of Publlo Works re
organised tho force of Inspectors under
Its control, dropping about half of thoso
on' tho payroll.
Ten Years Aro - '
Frank J. Norton was uppointect anu
confirmed a city obstructor and tltlo
oxamliior1 nnd James Cameron, mastor
plumber, tin a member of' tho plumbers'
examining board.
Ono of tho boldtet bits of thievery ever
perpetrated In this stato was the sale of
a carload of horses on the Mouth Omaha
market. They lutd, been stolen from tho
ranch of Ulshop & Pankonln, a rant, Ncb
loaded and brought to market and soon
after their sale through the ordinary
channqls, word camo to South Omaha,
but thn bold, bad man had fled.
Mrs. Ueorge W. Htovcr of North Twen
ty-fourth street, bitten by a. lap dog and
suffering from hydrophobia, was steadily
Improving undr the doctor's care.
Mrs. a. M. Playton was 111 with typhoid
fever. Iter sister, Mrs. Burfee of Kan
sas City, was vlth her.
Tom Mohammltt, city inspector of
weights and measures, Inaugurated a
srusade against milkmen who were giv
ing short measure to their customers.
Tom, being a good Methodist, believed
tn a full measure and running over.
Omaha tookj tho Western league team
from Peoria Into camp to the merry tune
of 12 to 3. Companion let the Distillers
down with three hits, hardly a good
People Talked'About
Plncua '.ntuioue of New York, a. re
tired shtrtmuker, who Iiqk Just scored a
century of years, tangoed with Prince
Nicotine for twenty-five years. Thir
teen great grandchildren, thirty-four
grandchildren, three sons and two daugh
ters participated tn tho centennial cele
bration and watched his smoko.
Postmaster General llurleson. hearty
son of. Texas, Is tho early riser of tho
administration In Washington. He rtsea
at E, reads papers until 6, breakfasts
and reads teperts' until 0, Works 'at his
department desk until t.'llnys between
6 und 7 and scoots to bed ut S P. lit. The
plo counter Imposes somo work.
Des Moines club womn aro dlscardlnfl
diamonds from tholr shoe buckles. The
glare U too often mistaken for autti
Hoswell Yorko. a New York Jockoy,
Injurpd the other day, blames his disas
ter to his refusal to heed ' a warning
convoyed to him by a girl who dreamed
of Ids fall.
A pusheurt Is the latest addition to the
campaign equipment of the Brooklyn
woman suffrage party. From tho cart
Mrs. Greeley wilt peddle yellow woman
suffrage flowers, saving banks, suffrage
literature and soap.
A ribbon fish, the first .eaught off the
Jersey coast since I860, when Beeeeleys
Point was a rendezvous for naturalists,
has been caught by William U. Davis of
Ocean City. N. J. Tho fish measures
four feet tn length.
Mrs. Adella Wilson was married to
Chatles A. Wilson at Uuxerne. N. Y.,
July 10. This Is the fourth time sho has
bean married, yet she has never changed
Iter name. Her maiden name waa Wil
son and ton years ago she married the
first of feur brothers In a family of
the same name.
Hoc re tan- of Navy Daniels ha ordered
that naval officers on duty tn places
where their uniforms come in contact
with dust, greeee, etc, shall wear over
alls or Jumpers. Secretary Daniels
agrees with Colonel Gocthals, who1 say
that officers are so fussy about their
clothing that they negluct some work-
Humor of tlir Mldillentau,
Brooklyn Bagle.
Coffee ut wholesale la tiiMper by 6 eent
a pound than ou January 1. The solemn
anHoittieement that "It low prices kep
MP fo u month, the drop may mean a
tltuireaw of from 1 to- 3 cent tn price 'to
the cuiuturm-r.' U a humorUm of tht
middleman ea to understand
Twice Told Tales
Unnecessary Xotar,
The young man and the girl were stand
ing outside the front door, having a final
chat after his evening rail. lie was
leaning against the door post, talkfng In
low tonos. pYfatntly the young woman
looked round to discover her father In
the ddorway. elad In a dressing gown.
"Why. father, what' In the world Is Uie
matter?" she Inquired.
"John," said the father, addressing
himself to the young man, "you know I
have never complained about your stay
ing late, and I am not going to com
plain of that now; but for goodness sake,
stop leaning against the bellpush and let
the rest of tho family get some sleep!"'
Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
Mystery Snkretl,
Prof . Urander . Matthews, the eminent
critic, waa talking at Cofumbla university
about tho . i wretched quality of modem
American fiction.
"When I look over our best sellers,"
said Prof. Matthews, "I can't believe that
theso writers are really doing their best,
I believe that they must loathe their
work that they must be ashamed of their
"Uut such work, If It catches on, pays,
while fine work can never pay like a best
seller. And so, I suppose, we must say
of our modern American novelists as of
most .other people:
"They gtvo up what they like to do In
ordor to get what they like to have."
Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat.
ills It tent.
IJat, who was left-handed, was being
sworn In a a witness In the west uldo
court of Denver, Colo.
"Hold up your right hand," said the
Judge. i
Up went Pat's left hand.
"Hold up your right hand," commanded
tho Judge, sternly.
"Bure, and I am, yer honor," declared
Pat. "Me right hand's on me left side."
Woman's Home Companion..
HU Alibi.
"And you say that you are Innocent
of tho charge of stealing a rooster from
Mr. Jones?" asked an Arkansas Judgo of
a meek-looking prisoner. '
"Yes, sir; nnd I can provo it."
"How enn you prove It?"
i "I can prove that I didn't steal Mr.
Jones' rooster, Judge, because I stole two
hens from Mr. Oraston tho same night,
dnd Jones lives five miles from Oras
ton' s."
'.'The proof Is conclusive," said tha
Judge. "Discharge the prisoner." Na
tional Pood Magazine.
An old colored woman on the bonks
of the James river, in Virginia, was
afflicted with ague and rheumatism..
When her physician commanded her to
swallow several large quinine ' capsules
she obeyed, but the operation frightened
her nearly to death. After the doctor
had left, she lay upon the bed and
groaned aloud.
Her daughter, nioveil to: compassion,
finally took down the old woman's clay
plpo from the. shelf, filled it with ' to
bacco and carried It to' her in one hand,
while In the other she held & red-hot
coal with a, pair of tongs, '
"HyuH, ma;" she said, "tight up yoh
pipe, an' ease yohse'f wid a llttl smoko."
"Lawdyl" cried , tha old mammy.
"Don't bring none ob dem live coals so
close to mot Don't you know I Jtst swal
lowed a lot ob cartridges?" Popular
Magazine. '
Around the Cities
Cleveland, Milwaukee, Denver and
Omaha are morlng for modern rail
road depots big enough to handle the
Bt. Joseph (Mo.) club women are de
manding lower street car steps or the
police must shoo the " street corner
rubbernecks. -
Bt. Louis hotels now employ only negro
St. Paul clergymen are protesting
against Sunday river excursions.
Boston has a policeman who scores
100 points tn all examination testa.
Philadelphia expects to secure Ice from
Norway, to come IK ships as ballast.
'Treaty Tree," twenty feet In circum
ference, near Tarrytown, N, Y.. famous
In history, has Just died.
SL Louis yearly pays $1,000,000 to sus
tain its churches, which hold property
valued at $10,000,(100.. .
The Philadelphia, water cops are so fat
they can't swim out to rescue the drown
Ing. No reformer has ever undertaken
to enforce elimination rules for keeping
(he pollco force thin.
Chicago health board offers free typhoid
fever scrum Inoculation to 1,000 citizens
to popularize the Idea.
Louisville, Ky grocers who keep their
stores properly clean are rewarded with
certificates of -merit by .Housewives'
Alaskan purchase from the United
States proper havo grown from $317,000
In 1173 to $9,(44,000 in IKS and to 130,000,000
in 1U2.
Pan Francisco la considering an electric
curfew. Tho scheme la to hayo the elec
tric lights alt over the city give a signal
at 9 o'clock, after which all children must
be oft the streets.
According to an Knglljh parliamentary
committee, tha production of all of Lon
don' electrlo power In a few large sta
tions would nave (.000,000 tons of coal O.
year and greatly lessen, the smoke nui
sance. As a move toward utandardtsing the
United Htates government will require all
electric vehicles purchased for Its de
partment In the fiscal yetr beginning
with July to conform to certain specifi
cations. According to the latest available sta
tistics there are 47,000 lace maker in Bel
glum, all of whom work at their homes.
To this number should be added about
3,000 girl and women in tho, government
and religious schools who aro learning
to make lac. .
Time Work. Miracle.
Brooklyn. Eagle.,
Time works miracles. Who would have
believed at the battle of Gettysburg that
the next meeting of the blue and the
gray on that cite would reut In sending
back Into home all over 'the nation, as is
being done today, a feeling which will
knitr tha nation Into stronger 'bonds than
ever since, It was divided by the great
Here and Tbiere .
Editor's Note A th contro
versial discussion la this oolutnn
on tb aubject of religion, faith, re
ward and punishment iiidi to
have bu carried a far a it use
fulness to our reader would war.
rant, w glv notice that th de
bate will clone with letter bow la
hand. W thank those who hare
oontrlbuUd la this discussion ana
ask then to writ ns on other
An overtax on I'nttetice.
COLUMBUS, Neb., July 19.-To the
Editor of The Bee: 1 wonder whether
Charles .Wooster has got no pity at nh
for the reader of The Bee In giving
them such hot stuff almost dally and
at -over 100 degrees In the shade.
I am sure that the majority of your
readers would be very grateful to him
If he would discontinue writing against
any and all religion "and have printed
in tholr paper,"
If Mr. Woewtter cannot keep It to
himself and must tell the world what
wisdom there Is within his philosophy,
let him hire a hall and charge so much
The great Journalist he is, why not
start a paper and tell all about It? At
any rate, Mr. Wooster, be merciful with
The Bee readers nnd your wooden god
will bo merciful with you.
' (For thirty-five years).
A Prateat to the ftrhool Hoard.
OMAHA, July 19.-To the Editor of
Tho Bee: My attention has. been called
to the recent action of the school board,
demoting Mr. Nathan Bernstein a head
of tho physics department of the high
school. Now I really believe that a
serous error ha been mode and in
discussing this matter with others, find
them of like opinion. Mr. Bernstein, we
know to be on energetic, well educated
teacher, and the testimony of his many
pupils, both Past and present, speaks
well for him. He has been In the Omaha
High school for sixteen years and during
that tlmo nothing but praise has been
heard of him. Many of us feel that so
many years of faithful and succer . i
service deserves promotion and that tne
Board of Education has made a serious
error, which should be Bpeedlly roctificd.
We ask this for the future good ot
Omaha, ns we honestly believe that our
city can ill afford to do anything which
shall harm a good and efficient publlo
2514 Ohio street.
Tha Creed of Materialism.
SOUTH OMAHA, July !. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: Man feared death, so
to relieve himself 'of the apprehension
of his dying hours, ho created nn eternal
"hereafter" tp make the thought of
death more pleasant. And with man's
Imagination he conceived that "here
after" to be equipped with alt the good
things his heart desired. He told him
self: "I must die to live." Conse
quently, when death was at hand, he
felt that Immortality was at last to be
realized. And this belief Is not only ,a
cardinal decree of Christianity, but of
nrftctlrnllv vrv nthr rtAWArftlt rftltsrlnn.
The American Indian had his "Happy
Munting arouna" long ere,, the disciples
of the. Christian religion came to teach
them of heaven and! hell. In such a way
Is tho Innate desire for immortality ex
pressed In every believer of every creed.
Back, long, long years ago, when the
progeny of primitive man scattered .over
the earth, there may havo been a single,
concrete Idea of religion. But, separated
from the Influence of local conditions,
this creed wa gradually evolved Into
several. As time wore on, each of tho
several claimed precedence or age ovor
the others. Possibly the original creed
perished, or it may be retained within
one of the ancient doctrines. But Chris
tianity (Ignoring the delightfully fantas
tical fairy tale of Adom and Eve) couli'
hardly have been more than a result of
these elementary beliefs.
"Where did' the first man inherit hia
religion?" And I would nsk: "Where
did he Inherit his body, hia mind, his
very existence?" The secret of the
world', of man's, creation ha never
been and prpbably never wjh be d.
closed. The first primitive men, what
ever, their origin, did not possess either
the knowledge or the facilities to per
petuate their histories. For centuries.
Perhaps, (scientific men tell us the globe
is thousands of years old) men lived and
died without permanent notation ot that
fact. Then who ball say: "He -was
the first man" and "ho did this?"
If "real Christians know npne of hell"
I sadly fear the pew and pulpit ot most
of our churches and religious Instltu
tlons are filled with bogus Christians!
Why is thero constant allusion to this
mythical Inferno by religious personages
if there be no hell? Or I It slmpy a
'Jolly" in Christianity, something not to
be taken sincerely? Religion should In
all events be lncerel You illusion your,
elf. 'W. T"ln referring td'my -fear"
of hell. I leave that fear to you who
can conceive of a' hejlt
A for Mr. Webster' definition of u
Pagan. Mr, Webster was a Christian
hence his view. Ask a Mohammedan
What Is heterodoxyr and ho will re
Ply. "Christianity." because the latter lr
at variance with hia oWn faith. Bo ,t
depends upon what foot the boot Is upon
And as for Its "application In my case.'
I worship but to the reality of natur
In a Vatican whose floor Is the verdor
graaa of the forests, whose dome Is th
blue of the sky overhead. My cree.
uTru my reuow men as I
would, have. them live toward me-wlth-out
hypocrisy, without animosity, with
out fear. My religion is a. vast a the
world and In It I find contentment I
cannot elsewhere obtain. My Immortal
ity I the privilege of existing now. And
of the mistakes, the sorrow and mtsfor
tunes of the world 1 bear my portion
uncomplainingly, because I believe that
men. not gods work out man' destiny
upon" thi. terrestrial sphere. Such 1 the
creed of materlallsm-the doctrine of In-
cu,0-u! JOHN SOTO.
Tabloids of. Science
An Instrument In the weather bureau
at Washington records every lightning
fla,sh wtthlti 100 miles.
The-surest way to determine the ago of
a painting, according to a London chem
ist. Is to analyse the pigment.
The United Btates la the home of the
heavler-tlnn-alr machines, and yet it
has done less than any of tho other no
tion to develop It
The rounded roofs of modern sleeping
car have been found to provide purer
ulr than .the older styles of decked roofs
with ' wondfews In tho aides.
A portable searchlight, supplied vita
gns from a tank carried on a man's back,
has betn Invented to enable linesmen to
see the tops ot poles at night without
having to climb them.
For testing the germinating qualities
ot seeds quickly an Iowa man has pat
terned a cabinet something like an Incu
bator, warm moisture rising through the
walls and dropping on the seed trays.
A New Yorker has Invented a motor
truck with four rear wheels Instead of
two, so mounted on short axles that the
load I equally distributed among all of
them regardless of the roughness ot a
Hammer Taps
You can always gain a man's friendship
by telling him that he Is working too
A married man Is a big boob who likes
t believe that he Is It and that his
wife Is merely his helpmate. And any
wife who can keep him feeling that way
has cinched a good husband for life.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
"I wonder why Solomon was consid
ered the wisest man In the world?"
asked Mr. Dare's wife.
"Probably, my dear, because he had
o many Wives to give him good advice."
New York Sun.
He The man who offers me a drink.
Insults my manhood.
She Well, that's alt right as long as
you don't follow your usual course and
swallow the Insult Baltimore American.
Old Lady (to beggar at door) WhsV
this soiled paper? You'll hav"3no tell mo
what It says; for I haven't my glasses.
Beggar Please, mum, It says I am deaf
and dumb, and can you spare me a few
cents. Boston Transcript.
The lady visitor from out of town was
being conducted round a famous ca
thedral by a guide.
"Ah. yes, Gothic, Is It not?" she mur
mured with ecstatlo admiration.
The guide regarded her with pity mixed
with horror. "Certainly not, madam," he
replied. "Episcopalian." Now York
"What was the matter In the girls'
room last night? Something happened."
"What made you think so?"
"I heard one cry, 'You are undone!' "
"That was all right. Ella had Just
finished unhooking Mamie's waist In the
back." Baltimore American.
"I wish ter goodness they'd hurry up
an' settle this here question about
Whether I'm to keep the postmastershtp
A Summer Vacation
in New York at
Fifth Avenue and Fifty-nintk Street
is"an ideal one, as the Metropolis offers every
facility for enjoyment, and the Plaza every
comfort and luxury.
It is delightfully located opposite Central Park,
assuring peace and quiet. Summer Terrace
The coolest Hotel in New York. Convenient to
theatres, shopping district and nearby coast resorts.
Special Rates daring the Summer Season
FRED STERRY ... Managing Director
Vacation Questions Answered
"We have collected printed inatyer from
all the northern resorts and can, on a mom
ent's notice, furnish yon free booklets and
information relative to vacation resorts,
quote fares, schedules, hotel rates, etc.
If youaro planning a summer vacation
let me help you that's my business.
Information and booklets free. Call or
write today.
P. F. BONOIU5KN, O. P. T. A.
1522 Forum Stn Onjalia, Xeb. ,
Phone Doue. 200.
Grand Trunk
Goeg through Canada
via the northernmost and
coolest route.
Entering the Dominion
at Detroit or Port Huron,
itpresents a complete pan
orama of Canada, a full
view of Niagara Falls and
Seneca Lake, between which
and New York it passes
through the Seneca, Susque
hanna and Lehigh
i nr nut ' aM I'nr.ii alias. "llolllln' OU :
this wa ez long ez they hev, how am
ier know whether th' administration
goln' f be successful or not?" Harper s
"You can learn anything If you stic'v
to It," chuckled a married man who Ik
not noted for the neatness and elegance
of his habits.
"For Instance?" Inquired his wife.
"Well, the first time I chewed tobnct.ii
It made me dreadfully sick."
"Huh! You're getting even now.''
"What do you mean, getting even"''
"It mnkes everybody else sick.' -Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Mary Blley Smith.
A little elbow leans upon your knee,
lour tired knee that has so much tu
A child's dear eyes are looking lovingly
From underneath a thatch of tangled
Perhaps you do not heed the velvet touch
Of warm moist fingers holding yours so
You do not prize this blessing overmuch,
You ara almost too tired to pray to
night Hut it Is blessedness! A year ago
I did not seo It as I do today
'We are so dull and thankless, and so slon
To catch the sunshine till It slips away.
And now It seems surpassing strange
to me
That while I wore the bodge of mother
hood, I did not kiss more oft and tenderly
The little child that brought mo only
And It some night, when you sit down
to rejit,
You miss this elbow from your tired
This restless curly head from off your
This lisping tonguo that chatters con
stantly; If from your own tho dimpled hand hod
- slipped,
And ne'er would ncstlo in your palm
If tho white feet Into tho gravo had
I could not blame you for your heart
ache then.
I wonder so that mothers even fret
At little children clinging to their gown,
pr that footprint, when the days aro wet.
Arc over black enough to make them
If I could find a little muddy boot
Or cap, or Jacket on my chamber floor
If I could kiss a rosy, restless foot,
And hear It patter in my home once
If X could mend a broken cart today,
Tomorrow make a kite to reach the
There Is no woman in God's world could
8he was more blissfully content than I,
But. ah, the dainty pillow next my own
Is never rumpled by a shining head;
My singing blrdllng from Its nest has
The little boy I used to kiss is dead!,
jW New York
Thrice daily dp throuch Mew York
trains of Pullman sleeping car, dln
logcsrsand day ears lart Chlotrotrct,
for this taesptlonally complete service,
SWw.'r'o'nJUlS One War.
$27.00 Round Trip.
Even those rates art furthtr rtductd
when flcursd Into tbs Qran4 Trunk'
famous Circle Tours", which, betide
New York, Include New BngUnd, (via
boat II desired) Monlrcl, tbe St.
River, and a
stoo at To-
Stnd tat fro)
gmUs tts ta
i i. D. McDonald,
rontt for
''slds trlpo"
to Muskoka
Lakes &lih
Hlcblands of
i ML CUcac. UL I