V 20 Polly and Her i .. Ijjpajjj l'pr Huuuor. JIlIUM A. ITUndM patonl t HrandeU TWattr Bias. uoug. The Rabw Priutfng CX. BSE BLJPQ,. BNTRNOB OfooWK WATS$inARNitART pty. ca, om- ppuojUAa rtiyitfg Co, xoi ygjB. mi the. PRINTER P. central. CO., Poug.' IE U U. Woltor. U5 frm. Nafc Bit. rvlOO, Minnie. Pnalon. 633 Brandela BU. P. 8to3T VlUU4t,04 Wuml and, hoatljus. Plsuier & Con- yujum St. uoug. . 5JUvt M,olu Wyrkc. Car tor Sheet Metal Work. 110 a 10th. PJBSftS, safes, acaloa, ahowcuijca, ah lng. etc We buy, WO toll, Omaha ITU abelv txtUro vt-ig-Vi xath. p.. am TriiuUs and. Suitcase. FREUNQ & STBtXlUB. KM Farnain St. ivawny Sprlnas beer. Uquors, cii jprs, clfffrs, YUVHWA PAKB wtne, . a Urfio Vot- Uniiurpjo4 cloise. Fiticat quarUri, Vprk. We 6irJ; JToc Iro ijttvwoKUi JuJ mUn at., Omaha. Kob, BOXUB8 CQMUEQH. PAX ANV' IfiqjiT SCIJLOOI,, TUB VAK SANT SCHOOL. xoriiteu ov mid euucaico uiu OAiiuricmmu. jJidlVldiia) auonUon. KVERIt KradimU) aucccudn. vaiAiOKuq rcauy, vumnm USB fiociv aVLK QLOaiNO out !!, ot qur WKh gnulo JUuqto ruijaboMUt' WitA Ufi) for JM, pr -With rubber tlroa for Wj; worth uu to paB. Johhnoft-WJilorU, gov iZartiMa ot I in urn city tt a Pdnorui, iou hlnJn, thp livroat ticK LtrufiUvo nfica, and Jones. ATJTO bifUk Velio doublo-atcA, cor-. rxmto chnan. liarrtey ley. QMR younK, aownfl dtmwt; nora. w oo n. , IlIUE-M BTIlKluT iTwuin atreetcara,' ' Sliwny urUtlcji cba dtxy, nr tre(l In 4, tun cwPfKf,,,, W w wuifn 13 ST- v a lures handbas butwften 13 and C on th Kt.. conUiliUns curd, ouio UI name itra aaarqs. "SrirfHt "r1" " V, rJ?on) lCtK.3j,mrBouUKOW'ft; "nr,ANH fir iftaiWk,8cJolv$Ull'R Blue JUflCe. H, PM on JHcUon W, or,th iind JiqWtfa St. nturn, to lfM llWil Qlf or phono. T?oOBUt 7Q.v HilurdAv mornlns In thu Bran. drift torc, ouo alue to no but QK)W. ioaiV Ions aikln bill UoOK, tontlUulw:. ichn art4 motUtf. RimW. IVatum to IJTK K BJ4IC ohjld'a (IoCi Jftt . 35th BU llWT,lJ, una motniu. P18EA8K8 OK WOMHN. ;wuittu.UuH uiul wMnlnatlon f'e. 3l8outh UU UlrMt, Omdivtt, Npb. ur K, It. Ta.rrv cures rutiua ana lhr rttfMU W a Rna nu nxcy pad utu eurt te fw hook UR. K. H. TAAIt , e JiWK. Qutaha. WONKY mrwlithwl Valwld "poMe, ftul otHCfit Vipon,thflx own ivM. uJl tti.twL Lthal WONKY fa. loan an. dla.v. J. If. MUhea i inc., wi cty j. x r- rK. McvUc, 1 1 ' j - in 1 -J laic unuu. Nk . four M nvaroow apartwi UV Bolra cooVlft;a. Oaa atov refrUwHW-a. 1mU410. modru lauodi KIWI lru Ikuadiv'ln eUrtLu tituiM lift fr$ Uia .f Wait blB. ith. M. yoroal hiB. ItS Klur Owswv corpora. tll.M. GooiB Ilia. JU, roo, looflsrp brjk," A. WjQLI. if. " U. soca, 8oT nwflera t- "1if2i'iUb, gflpwjlake Paata, Qffiaha Pasta Oft Fatputs. HIE 1MB. ne utwvtfauH Pals--You Never Oan Toll About a Headache it. J worn. OK Cwulni W ftor. r moi. ok In, id., only Wl-50. TllU HT UK LINO. UtU ai &L MurVm. Jut two &iaxtmat Uft. 4 attd 5 rooms. IB' MtU. wr, 0.MAHA, $X5 Bo. Uth j!t SHrm Nm'l Jl(tu!t B10. mo SlgM) rooms, tiiodoru. -7 rooujfl, owJi), f roonw, H10Uj9l), &, Bulia, NijlV Bunk. tooip.1, .ttT.W. iKJUt $20. TUB FUKHNTIXI A NO MAUCS Wo ha,Vo xdo ry gbolqo 4-room oport- mtnn m, uwii uno, ouiiuuik; tiiodorii. In ovory rojtpoot Suo toOuy wi; out oj); jwo,vy voo.""?nin1 VAX. SWANBACKi 314 Dtth, ,St.' Poupjaii 433. uont!, 0)iX3Jia'B A COMPANY: 003-33 CXiy Xttt'l BiUlK Sidff. Tliono D. '. it WUR rpottw. Ittrold, S7tA oa, aaoT aon, Btrtqlly moJori), HO. . Bl?i roqn, yinnri" 27tl, anil' Dowy , J JDiNHON. & MYHR8. . Oniivhu. Nn.UonUi l?Anh. BWu. y oppitqiA,'' t i(Ho,aoorir ins with lufiiHt convonloncoK, W, Avo., t. rum PJflTKllfl TRlUST- COMPANY niMnrn; auiUkblo locatJon tfr ofJooa, $il"ty,4.Hcn,ftJ'or J,"nttJunt rooniPi iilo.. n. --t"t f?.. """tintt wit arodern. J and jUrgom inmrtinpj)(i. rent MP&renN npo4nqn tn ot i roqnii ouoX " TIIOS W. HA218K ' .wifiw,in ,npw.Tov Hiwntw, V. ifo. roouia, McontiitotvtMJi strictly mod,; rWorenccs r.- -U"' tLi'CilIr 'Jir'1'.1'!!'. " JUiutor. D0 N'n. 17th 01. A.r nil 'wv, sniiiiiiR, i.r,, 1411 inoO,, JS6. 1CWiai to blli nabool. Stropm, brIoU qj'(ra. Apply At, 7. ,itttanj:. or Janljor. MODELRN mwvriiiioinn. u upi poiorfii-. o. nt'Ar HtubbUia. 1610 qhlcftKo. DPMIHAIIIH 4,itxxxr jntlm CHllfomln. He JtwUtur. tOUB, irt: mVANltjVfllfc Uourdt vuli llooiua. no; aiul room BvftrvtWui modern. COXTRiiB to boara n'lvd rooin' In rlvr r,arutf 1 or atiil " " " i,th V Uouttiuair5. life K. Hr!atv4 ftioiu, WIS, Mi A, KJNO. 4lra to roonttns huuao ouw m TO Om. Hnil Urlr j iaue, cBjrrt aavctaVMUtfMr(4 ad, 1 W . f.Wl tntkMlou. u Jvn kwo AtnUUujyii &io, 1114 , iwiuihmi nonn rc MtVM4lwi. y JONT birBw. gfwuiMi rior, Ttii MWM. nuulArLA KXVMU .... Njnai?f furnUba or- uhi fahod wtj atruttr w.od Btm "i!riv iw rofthjj t(Av j-.-3ci-'u. . 1 -t.. ...... la. aUiaMAU tlUimfiT' uuina. or UU WAV w iiataiiusat 1K08 tnrnWd uomplnto for bQiiwut,juiliiBf xl lent to Rood nartv fnr ilXfh n.,1.v,V,.,.i:' '.w 1X5 wt Vou be Sure, TMW WOiy The My DMR. 'NEVER, MW IHAkl poo& emu.. AH' TvX MVS xiFTfeR. fllM HE rirutativit tluuiuo. PlTnKISHWI' roonw, 7W 80. Tlh Arv wrtUrTl.Y fctodorn rooa. MM tit Mary'a Ave.. 2 tront rooms tor naxt door north A FfioNT uud biiok Potior for Hunt bowHtei "TOW Ujs'WltftP Vd HslT nouakeplug all Hiodtrii 4B So. th Ave. tooma, ' lOt'SBK BKfSTa rooma. 264 iiaiuvy 5rt. VOUSUl OiJU'. COidL liouaekeDjED2 roo'aw. ifii Hilw ftrq By.- Car ofs (tout room, m So, istH. " 3 BOOMS, ohitip. 1W Jakoa ' lUn. V'urulHd Uoua. UHAUTIFUL, tumiahod bonia. Kountse Fiu9, baUincii of auiunier; tuald, will, Uy will), tia.ut It dealrvd; nloe Uwu, Uep lim vowh, eto. fhona V.m Uu(wruUhd Hoouv TKUtpK vnturnlahod rooms; private bath room, WW K Uth. Ouuldo vorob. FOUU unfyi-nlflheil rooms uPs t0.ln no iUjUoh. 9w Ho. Ui Bt. Uarn FOurR ulriilhed, rooiof. 20th A VW fSS." m4 mmir'i iu. ct 1i,o,u1m 1114 .Vya,rtiUieiU. PT . A ' Mouno ot ooolnwa, Hib and Jw-xci. HQWarj, Kah room modorn; oioouio '"J'- Spoobu auniiuor -t K pec week and. up. Tyler 234. POPOJS OTBJ-AOUi Jori). rauaonaDlo. b'uvulabuit. Uuum. WAVnUOMUI.T ftlrnlnhttl hnluo on f 3th cor, lino foe nmaU family. montha; we, T;elt Poi'if. wn, Uuunea nnil CottnAl For Rent A vaft ilniilraSln 7rnm nifidnrtv hniiHO. ion pftvH nuw ana oouipwo &. irivo-rouui ou iuuin noui tivuii tuiti Viimuii Htroot, $33,W. Almost HOW and; vary uuuiniaiu. frrooin brfoK, iprtj nnrt ot city, ; J, Dumont & Co. ahlnPfld, lfith and Jnok.iort Bin. Dquk. lMf. M WARifiX Ht tiqomtl, itiodorn, 6, ? V;,I''!8' 8t" niodom, 0. tiH S. tn Ave.. & rftomo. modom, 0u 5MB. Ski, ftb. 4 rooina,.9c rtor, ; ae lxvh at,, a roommmouorni qpnt tunmao, 111. v st,, gouUi Omaha, 4, rooma, nao oml floor) ti. 2C04.; floor, $pj 2fig j. aw tfL. Woomibuiii;ii!ww, jae. Sjpo Rnrnay flt u roojne, mttdorn ov cent furnuqo, $yi, h AvH' 4 ome, wall, $18, . 38i. J'arlter St.. 6 rooms, hot witter 205IT Centfir 8t,, & roomp, well, $. OARVIN IlltOH.. MJ Omaha Nntloiml ilbnH Bids. 3!ll-'rn,H;' S-r.v iill, inodm flati $40. 20M yir,t, 9.r a modern house. J10, S'J1"" ?n wpm now. $. ?FP,1.'.01 ve- .T" .o ru $Ji.f5v UAl-?.o', c,t'? v S0S Muple. 7.r all modern. $82.00. 541& lllnrtw, S-n. all modern, W. ml H. 82d. M, all modwn. $fS, 4K, Hcwar'ti J-r. all modem, has, sleep-. IntJ twroK sludoa, etc., MS. tji)? nywN im,) COMJ?ANY. PouKlan 20f, 2U. 8, 17th 8t, 7room houau, ivll modw. ' Cprnrr lpt' SftVed atreet, WJ)ln ono block of oarr VftolU m.iv month, Ownor wllli rent tu fn Qalttornla, 4rjo;n lmuae. Olty watnr, Qm for cookf Inf. tollrt ln.baErinonn Uouo. nloely Utc dratedt One blooje t car. $1.00. -room modern house. I!tlt.R,cornr .uMamcAN HOimiv comiahy. BmndoU Theater BldB.. Ground Floor. H. Vft earner 17t)t and Pousla stp. j'imiio ioui!). wax, r!avnSj -Jodc Sit, P-n, mod.. newTrWdants: N, SW, 7,r. mod, .iwSrFdt nt, tn.ta. $4 a. nth fcr, mod. cottagf. tty ft.r. an&rlmuiit In, the (JUj-Irula. m Jt.t and Kwnant, $. WMivMt No- K JfV8 Hurlt. J-r, fur-. 4ijIU Bnejrd oX S481- w r" mi, woo, ex, ntaU Manle St. 7-r,, all moUta .(XX w jSMjp 4'r 'W. at. heat and iS N. htli st. Vr.. C. W. and sag, $W. IPous. 4K4. 4M ilea nidc, MqpWmT" trWri( dweUltuE. with tk flnisU fat off Wariwu St., 31$ ScAJlh, Ave., tii. sinciiir mw ivith sleplng. w P8,yf npottt nt,, $aw. sioAt nauae. : WMSW P'ARNAL room. all modern lioja, ta On)aha Wt retMeptlal dlatrlet. rinely fltaibed. ThM l a exrWlent lvosae tmd must be .ny- ost mtAirA. 'bpne, roUk., iljfe TQandf W8f for rooming huoaeTtllr. Sft, Wv IMPfirjMX. anjl palnttd. new oiv, TTvrr rywu, eiwns, or a. ft m jtON. HllHn oMpANVV j iv Jure . .. IHII HI. HI "UL. .1 ri Mi. is tvwui, nftrnN$4sv .JSPr .tNHs $U4 Hljnt noaeKatmc. uuo MpnK room. 2 rooma fHrnlihed (or $5 or" unlbjmUhwl for 5 tr month. ft Svv NtU. Inquiry m 4lr. am. 1 n. 3SfV- THE OMAHA. SUNDAY BRIO: JULY '.. ujWAiJ.1;; 11 'i 1 " -j Sttiti A c-GOKe. lluuam Hud CuttHKoa. HOU8E3 ANiDCOTTAQES m 80. th St.. S-t , partly modern, til 3335 Maple, 4-r., partly modern. 210 Kv 2Sth, 6-r, partly modern, close In. $15. 3S8 Decatur, i-r.. partly niodtro. JB. Bo. itat 8.t 4. modern except heat, bartculu at 1& i Voppjetyn Ave., r.. partly modern, Oholce leeaUou. iS. tm No. SOth St.. T-r. atrtetly modern detached houae In a cood reeldence dis trict. Bargain at Uft, 423 PoUflaa. a atrtotly modern T-r. at tached house In a good reatdeoee diatrUA, 132.50., FLAT3 1410H No. th, l.t, partly modern. 17. W4J Howard, a. coay 4-r. atrtotly modern St. Louis tla,t..vecy loa In; borsaln. at 219 80. 30th St. a atrtctlv modrn S-r. i.0U! (lat4 within, walking distance. Ain f Jrtr dwcliln In the llanucqm Jarli dlaUlct. only M07 80. 30tK Ave., a beautiful -r.. trlotly modern and up-to-date SU Louis flat In a. very desirable residence dtatrtot. Ktt.50. 2604 St. Mark's Ave., a beautiful -r.. tclotly modern. St Louis flat very cloao In, and in xoo4 realdence diatrtct, HQ. mi Vaolilo., a boauUful. -r., atrletly modern, heated apartment,, In the Plold Club district, 153.50. a! Vacnai, 5-r.. strictly modern and, up-to-date heated apartment; 127.60. sum mor and. I3&.S0 In winter. 630 80, 18th. a cosy 4-r,. strictly modern up-tordate- heated, apartments very olouo in, saa ranso,. ice- box.. Janitor service furnished. We have other. Get our complete printed lint before renting. PATtNJa & SLATER COMPANY; m ; Omaha, Nat't Banlt. Bldg. ' ff-Pi.' itii 'icinmet St, all modern, Ono location, burn for Kar&ge, U0. 8-r., tark AVe., all mod.,, near car, HO. J,r,, i2Ui JTamom, W., alii mod,, rfniip at 7t.. 281 JjJp, 2JUX. St., modv ox. heat.. Ono, lie. rr.,, 2618 No. 81st St, mod. ex. bt, J14. M, 8M4, ov22d. St. Ono cottatfe, JlJ.tA, C-r., near 40th and Hamilton, all mod... an,, Ht, and, UanIItont mod. ex. heat, PB3TliJRS.TU.USX COatPAKY lflgg Kitrnam; HU Poug, 888.- 2810 POl!OL.A. 11 rooms. modernTUO. 2&03. PouKlua, & or S, roqma, 373H, CiUtfonilm 6 roorita, modorii, asoii North. a4U, inodoru (V-roointtSiS; JOiiX H. FRKNglflltj P0U0LA3 BV On omv If n on hill. &r square,, all mod,, 233. O'KBEJTlSfRHlAL KSTATU CO), lulfi Oinohfv Nftt.'l, Poutr. 271f.. EvetilbuikW. S$ or H. 6184,. A COMViLXlfi- list ot vacant bouaes,, apartments and flats, that are ton- rent. This, la a Hat compiled dally and can Tjo een freo ot charge at 308 South 17th St OMAJIA. VAN ANP BTQRAUK CO. Kiohl trrooin brick huUBa; strictly mod ern. jw aneniiun Ave. jiimc hu It, K, LANPERYOlf, " 224. Stnto Bank. Bldir. Tel, Pouglaa 21U.. FOit' ltliNTy AUKimi- 1st, All modern hnino Privnway and Hfvrnse. lua So, 80th Ave. $t&. Telt Jlnr. 3682. CALL andrsk 7-room oottasei modern exuept heat. 3t4 North 2K1, piionu Pouglas TS&t. 8-llQgM nrpdern house, wnlKIni; dig. tanoe, gas and coal raiiguat una lieatorr U S. Central Blvdi Phono tfarnuy fa. ' MAaOARP VAN ANP STORAQIS CO,, packn. moves, stores and ships household gooda and jlanos. Pouglas 14W. AtODURN except- boat, or, and. batli, nice shwlo. lawn,, good! olsternt ono block, to car, niLohloj lit; aftornoonw only. " SUMMlUti'ratesT'a to &-r. houses, rt duced from $ and $8. to $4 and $lk col Paxton block.' e-ROOM modi'ex hrat 2SJ4 llrtBtol St.. K, Ucmla-Cariltere Co 3l0-31t Bmndeia Thrater Building. TWO-SToitis brick, flat i on 2Sth.near California, Crejghton University, poug laa 2XMl. FIVB rooms In htlck flat, ldl.Leaven- worui at. Cl'.NWIAIi. all mod, 4 and 7.r. flats and Iioua unequallrd. Tltard, 220 tf. 23d, ' H 2-ftTi Rtt-tricUy modrrri housoi rUctrlo lights. Phone wobster aoa. " 6-ItOoU, cotlnge." nodeni exctpt htaL C8jl Harney iigt, . TiftobitH anS batlt, All modern, 14 n. 53a; inquire unicago.' jk CBoud fefriS; 'rtJif Tv'mS c a ' . ' H0UH08 JSL" tf' 7. Urelch, 80ns & Co.. Bee Bldb fc-roo cotlage, 1077 a. ad. Doiig. ttc. Stwe. and. Uttloea. NJ5W. centrally, located halt -well equipped tor lodfie. p.urioaea, U08-10, liaiiteV, Three, office, rooms, on third floor 1500 llarncy. Stom 3U S. 15th at. Offices atmr Farnam St, second flon Store at 10 N. Mth St. Btora at HU Harney St, Store l W -N. 24th St. South Omaluu U. O. HHU1CK. U17 PARNAM ST. offlea on ground floor ?J ,?5t Building oeoupied by Tha liaVADS,Whlt. OoU company, Prpntage. on Faxnai St and ooeupylmt about 1X00 Bquara, feet with extra entrance on. the court., of tif building . Large- vaultTVin office, ftxtures. fpr sale. Atpjy N. p. VclX. Bee. Office. Beat vacant atorerooias in city. Beat ndrertlilng point, In city for the. price. Klxa fret, full bakewent 705-7.5 So, lth St Rtnua only a mosih 163 Farnam St Poor, sag, " "OFFJCBaWTflBNT. Pealrable apace In Webster-Sunderland, lUag., ib arol Howard streets. Fiip fur tber Inforniatlon call. ORORaR .V Gqhanv, 0fU. Olty Nat'). Bank IUir Phflne P, 7W.' "(JLOSB 1H SfroluT rooTC COs So, Uth. St, FpaceJlSxlO. To be vacant' In ffw. days. Excellent legation. & us at, once, FjlHap- TRIIST- COMPANY OP QMAIIAi Wl-, Uth St, I"lone. Poua-Ia. lytL xkm irolsk foi a,, dandy, naw. modernstorei. rwrnj, IialPlai,tt. for. mtmrant at 14U Oufsg, alreet. h: a wqlw. 4JS Brandels Wdg, D. 80; '"IP "'" im i 1 "'" ' i . 1 T 20, 1013. ... ',. 1 Drawn I tWl WMI UP5ET V'M'L. pvY Voo JcrTT REMEMBER ytR OFFERED FOR REST. Stores sndOffJcea. II N. Uth. Sx5a brick- store. $80. 7M a 1Mb. E.50, brick store, $30. 10th and PiuKlas. bulldUu;. dxU9. floors, with office, J100. TIlK BYItON HKBO COMPANY. Poula 237. 213 8. ITtll St POU KKN'T Storeroom. MM n ft.. 1210 Jackson St. Kpeneter Cornlee Works. OA11AQK la rear WJ So. ante St. OFFERED tXm SALE V ernttarr. W GAS ranye. SIS. Meyer. Pouslas4sa. tuatcMl Inatrnmeuts. BXECTIUO piano. $XS. 119 N. Bth. neuulnir - JIoum-4 tor Sale. FOR SAZJS-Boardlnjr and roomldls house, close In. PoUitlas 804L Typetrrttere. RENT an I C. Smith 4. Bros, type writer, visible, tats model, back, apace key, guaranteed A-l machine. L. C. Smith. & Bros. Typewriter Co.i 1313 Far nanu Vhone Pouxlae 2213. Remember. this Is new location. REBUILT and allghtly used typewriters rented, and eold otf easy terms. OmaJia fype writer juxenansje. 4U sj, 15th. St (- RENT an Oliver typewrlterSmontlis. H jlub yiiver j.TPewTKec vjo., uouglas al3 Rebuilt typewriters rented, sold; easy terms. Butts Typaw'er Ex. 1806, Farnam. TXPEiWlUTEH for rent. 3 months," jdT CBNTRAL TYPB WRITER EXCHANO E. SllacetlKitevue. t FOR SALE New and. second-hand carom and. pocket: billiard tables and bowllnff alleys and, accessories: bar fu tures off all kinds; easy payments The Brunswiok-BaUto Cullender Co., 407-WJ S, 10th St AT Lake Manawsv 2ft fx launch with top and 10 H, P. Cushman- motor, all In Kood condition, coat over JGQ0, will sell Cor $276. Victor Plot 1214 Farnam. Pour. 3, FIVE carloads of bear bottles for aulu. Quarts, and pints. Nathan Steinberg, 1013 Harney St EMPTX ink, barrels foraalo. Apply Bue Publishing: Co., Uth and Farnam sib. HALUSi safes,, new and ItMianOi Cnrey 4c MoICemslo iftg. Co., 1WT, Harnuy. P. 2644, I SOLID walnut antique-6-foot sideboard, Sid, a No. latiu 1C1WPL1NO-. for sale, this montb only, $3 per largic loai 'National' Box Co. SISVlfij53tOOMMlou8ff atrl972 "Ni 2BUi.HU Q, C. REPlCICrlS17 PARNMiiM- ST. SAFES Overs too kod;, socond-hnnd: ail mnJtoa. J. J Perlght Snfo Co,. 1K12 Farnum. 8x8 air compressor, Q2 S.. lltln Jf SAFES id-bond, Amorfcun Supnly Co. Lumber SIS to $16 m. Urosa Wrecking Co, PERSONAL YOUNG women coining to Omuhu an strangors am invited, tu visit thu Toung Women's Christian association building at lftli and St, Mnry'a Avo.. whom they will be directed to suitable, boarding places or oUiurwiso assisted. Look, tor our travelers' aid at the Union atutioiu THE SALVATION ARMY tuilliiltn rfant. -off clothing; tn tact anything you do not Jieeu. wo collooti repair and sell ut 181 . Htll St, for ooat or colltiotlun, to. the worthy poor. Tel. Pouglas 4li and wagon will call, BRICK, stores, 17th and Uth and Cum ing, $25 to $60. T01OS. W. ILZUN. SffTMoCabuo HlOif, Phono Pouglna 1800. STOIUS ROOM for rantj retail location, near 16th. and HUmam 'Sis. Will loasai W. FARNAM. SaiTH & CO.. U0 Famatn St aUJ'KlU'LUOIJH hair, warts and moles. permanently removed by oiectricity; con aultatlon free and confidential: all; "work. euarantwMl. Mlra Alltndor, 024 Bee Bldg.- Ul HO UTH 16th) Btoam lieat. COO South llth Sti, Drlck. S2&. JOHN H, FRENaiClt PQUGLAH SM. I. WANT the address offriend' who Vroto. me- from Montroaliaoom WJU writu rartloularn then. .Colorado-. LOV1SJQV WKU. & Guaranteed Sewings Machine Repairs. MASS AO 15 MRS. R1TTENHQUHIS. 308 Boaton Store. Eve, and Sum appolut'a. 6J,OAY BLOOP REMEOY. Brxteii Pharmacy. 12th and Podcr. MANKJUllINO Facts scalp and mag nttlo treatment MUa Peban 04 S. 18th. MASSA.GE Swedtah movement! 115 Bee Bide. Pouglas SB72. Masaaso. 1st 'I., r.6. 1728 PodRe. MrevSteele MAUISSTJC H BATING ItSO VINTON. Ml KIhcr, roaa.. bath. elo. treat O. tea. ' BAZJS. OR KXOHAJJGU, ft. R. ' PlratuJaM IrrlRntod land in tUo Qreoly (UetriCt, Colorado, to trade. AVAut Rood, reuidpnea In Oraulia for homo. "Will put land In. at cash value. A. D. StnuUors, 13.08 Far na SU Jt,tX Steek. farm. implements, wagousi buggies and bulMlngs, located In 0)10 of - tlv. beat towns in. Nebraska. Owner wantsa good farm. in eastern Ne braaka, 1480t.U1UI WLL 1MRROVED livjltr county, Nebraska, fami- 4SO aurea., splen did land and taost oft It now la cropsi no bcttfr tand in-itie state. Price. $90 on acrr. Owner will coitalder- otn ifood rreldetHie property for part.- Price, $40 n acre. W. W. MlUhell. Ag.. Bee Bl4g Omalw. Neb. "?0t Stock of Kchernl mereliandUe, cob slstlmc of dry goods, grooerien. elethaag, )adls. garment ujad' notlams, lated tn one of the beat towns-lathe Sjate Rrlee. S13L00O. Loeattd in brlek: Ndr atolSa. 1H sell atoek and rent hu4WiK or will tell both stock aud building, Ijrieo4S70,llOO. H easli and buiaaee. lanor good aeeurltr. T. D. Q14P, 00., 4il llraitUia- Bldg. iHOR Sale or Uxcbaftxe-CaeftPr-140 acres good land 2-nallfia, from railroad lAwtt la Lyesuuv couatr. South Dakota. PlUilY of good water, Would, sell and taVe. good A No, 1 automobile on same or exchatute tor good acre, property near city. Addrras Owner. Ux 17, Pattas. psi tteek ndse.. conaiatiaK of roeerif. Ury goods, and noUawi. looattd.-1 good toruk bide 24x150; apiwt. eWu goods for aalefer cash er tauT al aab PfMe. This ta a bsigala at $1100.00. T. p. Oha fcOiw AujirtAjR MAltar, tnxurnvA f4aak GanndcL. it exchange feaW.acitOO Nebi WR aaa tume. -V T; aBthrie. Nemten. la. yOOR praaenge'r 49 h. p. CSiabserf .0- troJt 18U model; good oonditien. Hairy l Putaats. iTone ttarney ea for The Bee by SALE OR EXCHANGE U. E. FOR sale: or trape. Seven-room pressed brick modern home. 31ft Grant St. Penver. Colo. $2,000 equity In trade for Omaha property; will cut for cash. A. R Parts, 410 Y. M. C. A. FOR - TRAPE. forty town lots, for Omaha residence propert II. H. HARPER. 143-14 City National Bank Btdg. Phone. Pouxlas' 2ESS- REAL ESTATE ..nSTRACTS. OF TITLE. REEP Abstmct Cow oldeat abstract of fice In Nebraska. I0t Brandels Theater. acreage: for sale. 20 acre farm. 2 miles north of Florence. Alt covered with fruit Few hundred a o& trevs. all bearlna: abDles. Blackber- rlM. strawberries, raspberries; over 2 acres In fine erapee; good well and. wind mill,- four-room house. Darn ana rence. Price $.000, half cash, balance long- time. J. B. ROBINSON, Phone P. SfflJT. 442 Bf Bldff. "See C. L. Nethaway. tocal aTt. Flor. 2PV oitv rnuPEurr for. sale. Brick Stucco -' Residence West Farnam 319 North 41st Ave,' This la a well built, attractively de signed residence located right in. the West Faruopi district. The large Uvtnir room with brick fire place opening Inta the dining room with Its panoled wainscoting and wide win dows seat makes a very convenient and attractive ajrangemunt for both dally una and' entertaining; The second floor has S bedrooma., large bath room ami sleeping- parch. Third floor, servants' quarters, storeroom and bath- The finish of the first floor is oak, with whlto enumel on tile second. Largo groundu, with beautiful' shada trees. Im mediate possession. Key at our office. 1-rlCe- $8,700. Very reasonable terms; George & Company Taj. .uU. WmtI Uliy VOJU umufc- 1 2 Fine Bungalows 1 In the Hanscom. parte Olstncc wo na ,beautltul) naw-bungalaw or S rooms un" sleeping, parch, wall built, throughout; splnndldl arrangpmont large living, room und dining- room in oak with benm ceil ings: Uoollceaa podesUilk: dining roum wallB panellod;, nice, conveniently ar ranged! kitchen; good sisad' bedrooms, one having six windows in It. Big, roomy attlu; fine tmmentad' basement with A NO. 1 guaranteed furnace? coal bin, laundry sink, Otu; paved street paving paid; Hod neighborhood, close to both east and; west sltlo oars; two blooks from Hunscom park. Price, $4,C00. Suitublo On the northeast corner of 22d and Fowlnr Avo. wo linvo a very attrnutlvn, well built hungnlnw of 8 rooms; 4 rooms downstairs, consisting at largo don (or bedroom), good sitod parlor, dining, room and kitchen, and' two nloe bedrooms and' hath rcmm untitiill-M: rmlt finish. Ill Hl'lllB 'rooms; colonundit opening; ftill eemuntett basement; fine furnace; launary incut. ttltw, oto.; south front corner lot; paved' street; prntty homes' ond pretty street Prioo. J2.7KI; suitable tonus. SCOTT & HELL Bhono Pouglas 1KB. M7 MfcCague Bldir; Values Slaughtered to Clbse Estate $300 2tC6 Capitol Ave,. 9-r, housei lot 23x122: mortgage. $1(200: rent, $28. S2.500-21S Clark St. 8-n and bath! slato roof: corner lot, 35x182! mortcago. SU0; rent $23. $i,750-2705 Burt St.. larco frnme dwclllnB; 6xl22: mortBage. H.CO0! rent. t. t,0CO70S-10-lt N. 2Stlt Av, fvr. oottnge; G6x68! mortgage, tl.OOO; rnnt. $SS. $2.7a-I0006-79"ll Paul, t-rt cottages; lot 90x40; mortgage, $1,500; rent- SiOw $500-1S10-12H-H-H PIeroe St.. Z cottages and store building; lot 77x10; roortt gage. $800; rnnt. $65. t WILL CON8IOKR SUBSTANTIAL OFFERS. ABTHUIl CAJiOWITZ, 634 Rr&ndelt Theater Blag. Pouglas 4412. Near Shermae Ave. On Sherwood Avo. (JiOO north), Juat east of flhermam Ave., w offer your i-hoiee of two very fine, brand new, well built- dwellings, ox follows! One la a 6-room, strictly modern buns alow, 4 room downstairs, whieh in, eludes dm or bedroom aud two bed-. rooms and bath room upstairs? dinlnr- room. In oaK. with heora celling; book, -aae pedretala In living, mem; panelled wall, plato rail and built. In buffet In dining rooiB. The olhtrr one la a cottage having C nice, largOi rooms, and bath, downatalta aiia two fint large 100 ma- upstairs t lltlng, room and dlnlnis room in uak. colonnade openinc belwrent god sited atoreroois upstairs; large Mteheti. with one Rite enamel sink and drain board. neautlful maple ahade trees r each lot: 'In oeraBttd tmeemtnta. i-ool Ijhts and laupdrj- sinks; fully guaranteed fur, naee. VfA fnrnUlt Uthtlngr. fixtures and rtoaent aUewalka. Either pM.cn can be bought for $1,750 on reaaonablo temaa. WtU be pieased to anew these properties at any, time. Aak to ee there. S005DT & HILL, THoHr Deugias 1000. 307 Met! ague- Rkig. Values, Slaughtered to Close Estate $3.&00-3i0 Capitol Avtv 3.r. hause; lot 3SxU2; mortgage. JIJBOf rent. $3& $600-2t Utark, SU 8 rraa. and bath, state i-oot: corner let 86X182; mortgage $0004 rent $2S. $1SO00 Burt tit, targe- frame dweutagt; 46xI82r mortgage, $1,000; rent $14. , $t.OeO-70- N. 2Sth AVe.. 4. cotUgat, xt reortgaxr. II.CC0: rent tSS. ft.I3s Faut -r. i-ottxgea. lot KH4tl; mortraxei $1,300; rent 4&& K.1 UKW:V-J144 Pierce St. 3 cottages W tere Mag.; lot 77tl32i mort. Race. 8800; rent 818. I WILL OONHIIiHR SUBSTANTIAL OPPBR& Mtnunii. MAuoTm' 081 i awmdeU Tlieater Wtigy Pouglaa 4B3. see odverttaenient under -"wanted. Mate lUipi" tbts paper. - Cliff Sterrett i A, mev Ml!! jfa (pit ME yt h Doctor! REAL ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Dundee $6,000 Stucco House 5140 Burt Street This is a very attractive horn, with south' front lot 56x135. overlooktstg the boulevard and Happy HoHo-w. Large liv ing room arrangement with, fireplace and bookcases, large dining room and kitchen complete, with pantry and twill-In cabi net: 4 nice bedroems, large bath room and sleeping porch. Oak finish ftrst floor, with narrow oak floor. Hot watr heat extra toilet and lavatory first floor. Large attie and complete basement. Ce ment driveway. $2,UC0 cash will handle it. Glover & Spain 310-20 City Nat Bank Bldg: Ooug. SOSt. Bungalow Near 40th .and- Cass $4,000 Just completed six rooms and sleepini? porch, all modern, oalc finish, and floors punellwl walls and beamed celltmra; rooms ore unusually good size; Int bi 31x110. Av dandr house in that growlnir cathedral district. J1.B0O cash will handle It ' Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tylar lid 21iv-l-l State Bnnk frldir. Hanscom Park 8 Rooms $5,500 This la considered the best valun In tile Hanscora parte and Creighton's First , .i.nu.. .11... A ...(....iMtuI Tinnnn .uuuuuu iuau,ii.i. . auuBwiiw. . . well planned, well focated, facing oir the boulevard, ona block to car line, torn good bedrooms and largo sleeping pon-h. Living- room, dining room, kltuheiv and den 'om drat floor. Hot water heat Onlc floorar and hanlwood flnlHh thsmigliout. House rented thlH week: if not sold, ami the pricn,. has been cut tn movo It tti(slt. ,Wq have also .a vacnnb lot lit Ulw samn district facing- oil the boulevard, paving tar.ea all pnid, at 81.175. Owner Ts a non resident and anxluiiB to sl-11. Similar lot In sumo block, iunt sold at $1,650. Glover & Spain Slfl-ao City Nat BUnk Bltlg; Douif. SKf Bemis Park Home $12;Q00 Thorn Ih no prettlor part of Omiibn tltiur Bainlo Park, and Oils particular property Ih surely tlio prettiest in fhn dlstripr. Housu has 0 mama and Is all modern In even dctull. First floor finiBhod in qiiar-ter-aweil white oak. Recently all rooms wore onnvflosed and derornted wltn oil colors at a. cost of over $1,000. Full base munt with laundry and Hot water heat ing pllint. Largo front and sldn porch. Two lots, llOxliil, with no loss than twenty inom shmlo tieo. Gnrago in mnr liirgo enough for tlireo machtnun. I.ocaton on Lincoln boulevard, overlooking- the p-v, For further particulars see The Byron Reed Co. Phono Poug. 297. M So. 17th. Good Dundee Residence SS.S00. for well built. 7-room. 2,torv house in Pundee on California St. near Happy Hollow circle. House flnlfched in oak and blroH; laundry tubs In base ment This house Is only one block from cap line on paved' street. IB prac tically now and has all the conveniences L a' largor houae, such us aleeplug poroh, etc. George &, Company Tel. P. 756. 902-12 City- Nat Bank Bldg.- Dundee $4,9QQ 5117 Davenport St Seven-roem house, three brdrooms arid sleeplm: porch second floor, and living room, dining room and kitchen and mm room on first fiber: oak finish first floor and oak floors throughout: good furnace; neatly dt-eoratod inside and out; lot 80x188; hand)- to sehoel and "ar line. Reason able terms arranged. Investigate at once. Glover & Spain SIJ-80 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Bougu 3098. Dundee Home $3,200-0107 Bnrt St. This la a 7. room houae. 2. full stories with 4 bed rooms, pavement all paid in full; only 2. blocks to car' tine: flnlili on flirt floor is oak. maple on second! oan sell or ttrms of 31A0O cash; balance ftbm 3 to 5. yrp. Arrange with us to show you ttiM" plate-. George' & Comnanv TL P. 78S 36MS Olty Nat. BSIUC Bhig. Cheap) Cottage $100 Down-15 P6r Mbntll 28QT So. Boulevard. Pour rooms,, dp water, gas, electrie light and toHet. Not n. new heae, bttt' ta gooa repair. this tMilC If' you want to start' saviag'i your rent. Only $1,S00. K M. Landeryqm- St state. Basic BWr Omaha, Nb. phone Poagtaa-- St. Clbse Bi Home KX00 far Srooa. all modern honte" o lot 88x112 fret ne&rrSStb and Deweyi ii you are leokmg for sometbhur cloee-ln. In walklag- (Metance aee this. Oarage on t ear ot 'let and plenty of flue large iha4e . U... lAnn.lAn nut . .1,. . George & Companv Tel. Uj 788. Wtttt tMty Nat gfek atdf.1 Chofee Dundfee Eot oh (Japttet Ave., aeeond lotwveat of 4Mh .: otu. Week frem car line: cbotna rrBWenee otatrtet- W qiatek- aale l Vf Hbersl terms. Fteaea: Of flee. Uouglas lit; heme, Harney 210K, GEO. MARSHALL. SOLal AGBNT 1318 Hoard ut Trade Ifldg 1