Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 8-B, Image 18

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    8 B
The Busy Bees
i M lxtv of 11,0 Busy Boos are spending their vacation days in the
JF country, or by somo 'pretty Httlo lake. And some- ot ub aro
jrl I staying homo. Helen Turklngton is now enjoying a trip in
ono oi ue iako Doata, me rortn Liana, one is not bo ousy,
however, that she has forgotten her little friends at home,
for sho has written a story for tho Busy Bees this wcok.
Another Interesting story Is written by Alice Crandell of
Chapman, Neb. Sho tolls of picking cherries and what fun tho children
who live In tho country aro having picking fruit this summer. I hopo that
all Busy Bees will not forgot tho animals this summer; you know that they
can stand tho hot weather so much better if wo sco that thoy havo nico,
clean water to drink and good food. Then, too, tho little birds need a cool
drink, and if a dish of clean water is placed in tho yard each day it will bo
n ploasuro to seo our llttlo friends accept the kindness and soo how happy
thoy aro when they havo had their drink, It will not tako them long to
learn that you care for them if you show such conslderutlon for their com
fort during tho warm weather. If you havo a dog, remember that ho, too,
needs a cool drink moro often during the warm weather than ho does in
the winter tlmo. It is so much better for us to think of others and do for
them than it Is for us to worry about how warm it la.
Little Stories by Little Folk
(First Prise.)
How We Spent the Fourth in Mexico.
By Charles Clayton, Ajred 11 Years, 2340
Sumner Street, Lincoln, Neb.
I am solnc to toll you how wo spent
the Fourth in a little mining- camp in
Northern Mexico, There were only about
thirty Americans In camp, but we de
(elded to cclebrnto the Fourth by bavins
a picnic. Ono morning a few days later
soma of the men pot horse and found
a. place for tho picnic. They liad a hard
'time, for trees are scarce In northern
(Mexico, unless you go to the mountains.
The. plaee they selected was In an aroya,
(Where there was a grove of black wal
nut trees. It was dry because the rainy
season had not begun yet.
On the Fourth early In the morning
somo men went down and started tho
barbecue. About noon the rest ot the
party went down In the carryall. When
we (got tliers the meat was almost done.
Tils' ladles spread out a tablecloth' and
many good things to est Then they
fried bacon and made coffee. By tho
time the meat was done wo sat down to
eat. first looking under all the stones to
see If any centipedes or scorpions were
around. After supper wc played games
while tho men shot at targets. As It
Krew dark Uie men built a large camp
fire and wo sat around It singing songs
till we saw some clouds rolling up rapidly.
tWe all hurried to the carryall and horses,
becauso when It docs rain In Mexico It
.Imply pours and If we had stayed In
the aroya we would have been drowned.
(Second PrUe.)
The Little Caterpillar.
By MoUIe Carenman, SOS Bouth Seventh
Street, Omaha, Neb.
One day while I was looking at my
garden. I saw a little brown caterpillar
eating the leaves from my morning
glories. It ato so much that I thought
It would cat them nil, but it didn't. I
watched It every day and at last it
stopped eating. It was doing something
else. It was making a cocoon. Ono
morning X didn't see the caterpillar and
I wondered where It was. I then asked
my father If ho could tell me and he
aid: "Why, don't you knowT It la In
side of tho oo coon." I was very much
surprised to hear this, and he told me
to watch It every day and seo what '
Would happen. While I was watching
It one day, all of a sudden a magnificent,
white butterfly flew out of the cocoon.
It was very beautiful. It mult have
thought to Itself, "how much more beau
tiful a butterfly Is than a caterpillar."
And I think It la right, don't yeUj
(Honorable Mention.)
The Unwise Fish.
By Lester Anderson, Aged 10 Tears, .055
Bouth Thirty-fourth Street, Omaha,
Neb. Blue Side. A
Once upon a time there was a little
fish that lived In a lake with Us mother.
Many a time had this little fish been
told not to blbble at any worms ho saw
In the water. Years went by and the
little fish grew. old. Ono day he saw a
worm squirming about In the water, and
lie was very curious about knowing why
his mother didn't want him to nibble at
the worms. Bo ho thought he'd just take
a little to seo what would happen, so
lie nibbled, but oh, he was caught and
he tried to get away, but In vain, he could
not Bo this little fish was tnught a
How I Got lost
By Iluth Williams. Arcadia. Neb., It F.
D. No. 2. Blue Side.
I was VA years old when I got lost1
1. Writs plainly on one side of
the paper only and number, the
a. Vn pen and ink, not pencil.
3. Short and pointed articles
will fee given preference. So not
nss over 850 words.
4. Original stories or letters
only will b mt H.
8. Writs your name, ags and ad
dress at taa top of the first page.
rirst and avsoond prises of books
will be given for the best two oon
trttrattatui to hia page each week.
Address all communications to
Omana Bee, Omaha, Keb.
My papa went to shuck corn In the
month of November.
It was Just getting dusk. When he was
coming In from the field he saw some
htlng standing by the side of the fence.
He got off of his wagon and he, saw that
It was mo.
He. picked me up and set me In the
wagon and took me home.
I tell mamma I am glad he found me.
P. S. I am a now Busy Bee.
A New Busy Bee.
Helen McEvoy. Aged A Mondamln, la.,
July 25; 1013.
Dear Editor: I should like to Join the
Busy Beo page. I want to bo on the
blue side. I am going to write about
The Search for the Ileal Princess."
Thero was once a prince and he
wanted to marry a real princess. He
went all over tho world In search of one,
but always there was something wrong
with every ono he met, so he came home
Ono stormy njsht a beautiful maiden
came to the castlo and sold she was a
real princess, though she did not look
like one with her clothes streaming with
rain. The mother of the prince deter
mined to try her.
She went Into a bedroom, and laid a
pea on .the mattress and then put twenty
mattresses on top of the pea, and thou
put twenty feather beds on the twenty
mattresses, and In tho morning askod
her how she. slept "Horribly," said the
Every evening In fair weather, John
Thomas Swift, 3H years old, son of
Thomas F. and Genevieve Swift 3SG1
California street drives the "Irish Mall"
between Thlrty-eifihtli and Fortieth
streets, delivering such dandy bursts of
speed as a clear track permits. Young
Swift's dally run serves to keep Colonel
Andrew Traynor In touch with old times.
The colonel's home station is on the line,
and If the youngster could bo Induced to
couple a baggage car to tho "Irish Mail."
the colonel might easily imagine himself
bock "on the Job" at the transfer.
princess." Heaven knows what was In my
bed." I hardly closed my eyes all
night long. Thero was .something bard
In that mattress. This morning my
hack Is black and blue bruises.
The mother of tho prince know at once
that tho maldon was a real princess, She
had felt a pea through twenty mattresses
and twenty feather beds. Nobody but
a real princess could have such very
tender skin. The prince married her In
great Joy, and tho pea was carofuly
placed In the castlo where It may still
be seen If nobody has stolen It
Ella's First Birthday Party.
By ISthllnd Lewis, 2718 D street, South
Omaha, Neb., Aged 13 Years.
Ella Is a doll. When she was six years
old her mother promised her sho couM
have n party. Her birthday came on a
Saturday. It was a great deal of work
for tho mother to get ready for a party
and Ella's mother was busy for several
Ella Invited a doll named Florence and
another named Ruth, and their mothers,
of course, camo too. They all came at
3 o'clock and the little mothers talked
for about an hour ot the tlmo, when
Ruth, Florenco and Ella all had the
measles. At i o'clocek a bell rang
and they all went Into tho dining robm
where they had a nlcd lunch. Each per
son had a plate of lco cream and cake
And a little basket ot candy. The dolls
Their Own Page
r. f
- r I
SUNDAY, JULY 20. "This Is the day wo cclcbrato."
Year. Namo and Rcsldonce. School.
1907 Clarence M. Alexander, 2312 Spring St ' Vinton
1901 Arthur Bahmko, 2002 South 9th St.... Bancroft
1905 Muriel Bell, 2723 Jackson St : Farnam
1901 Anna Bevan, 1430 South 17th St Comenlus
lfil8. .Burton F. Bingham, 1311 South 31st St..'. Park
19QG Earl Boehmo, 3010 South 9th St Bancroft
;i'06 Marguerite Bowman, 2558 Pierce St Mason
19 OC Vera M. Cassel, 2914 Lake St Howard Kenned.
1907 IouIbo Catania, 920 South 13th St Paclfl
1903 William Cutler, 529 South 31st 8t. Farnam
1908 Margaret Cunningham,' 832 South 19th St St. Philomonr
190C. . . , . .Kathorino Loretta Doll, 3101 Miami St Howard Kenned
1900 Frank Dunham, 3528 North 28th St Lothrop
1S97 Amelia Edquiat, 802 North 42d St Saunderr
1900 Isaiah Fish, 901 Jackson St Pacifi
1900 Blanche Gardlpoo, 1424 South 17th St......'. ComenluF
1905 Herman Gorbor, 849 South 24th St Mason
1901 Hugh Eugene Hale, 313 North 21at St Central
1808 Rose Harris, 1122 North 20th St. Kellom
1899 Benton Holler, 116 North 33d St - Farnam
1901 Geraldlno Huntoon, 2516 Bristol St Lothrop
1903 Thorwald Jacobsen, 816 South 61st St Heals
1902 John Jenkins, 5S10 North 27th St Miller Park;
1902 Harry Edwin Johnson, 4723 Parker St Walnut Hill
IDO'6..-.. .Elizabeth Lambort, 722 Dorcas St Train
1901.,... -.Ralph Nordell, 561C North 24 th St. , ... Saratoga
1902.. ..Evert Peterson, 3429 Patrick Ave Franklin
1906.. .Esther Poland, 3816 Miami St .'.."..-......Clifton Hill
1901....-.JamoB V. Roney, 124 South 37th St. ............. .Columbian
190B.... Caroline Rosenbrook, 4839 Franklin St .Walnut Hill
1895.... .Loland Smith, 900, South 33d StI ....Columbian
1899...... Payl Start, 2206 Harnoy St ., Central
1903., ....Jack Traynor,. 513 North 36th St St. Cecilia
1907 Milton Uhllr, 1732 South 14th St........... Comenlus
1905 Anthony Young, 2708 South 13th St Bancroft
Housework Drudgery !
Housework is drudgery for the weak women. She brushes, dusts and sera hi, 0
is oo her feet all day attending to the many details of the household, her bsok cb
In, her temples throbbing, nerves quivering under tho stress of. pain, possibly dizzy
feeling's. Soraetimeirctt in bed is not refreshing, becauso the poor tired neres do
not permit of refrebio sleep. The real need of weak, nervous women is satisfied
by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and as Mrs. Brings and others testify :
It Makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Well.
Thla " ' Preacrlptlen" removes the eanae of women's neakneaaee,
hernia Inflammation ana ulceration. It trantmllUea the nerves,
eneouraiea the appetite and Induces restful sleep.
Dr. Pierce is perfectly willing to let everyone know what
his " Favorite Prescription" contains, a complete list of in
gredients on the bottle-wrapper. Do not let any druggist
persuade you that his unknown composition is "jail as gnd"
in order that he may make a bigger profit.
Mas. Hhazilt, Bntoos, of 529 N.Washington St., Dclphos,
Ohio, writes: "Hnvlng taken your 'Favorlto Prescription,
for ,a bad com of Intestinal disease and constipation with
woman's Hit, for which 1 was almost unable to do any-
Uu BMCca.
health, and thank Dr. Plerco for his wonderful medicines
which havo dono mo a world of good."
Dr. Pierce's Plssnt Pellets regulate liver and bowels.
had never seen a birthday cake with
candles on It before, and so they were
very pollto and never Bald a word. Thu
cako hold six pink candles. Ella had
some pretty birthday presents. Her
mother gave her a pink parasol. Ruth
gavo her a white embroidery apron and
Florence gave -her a pink silk dress.
Before 6 o'clock the guests went homo
and Ella's mother put her to bed saying,
I'm glad you had a nlco time, my dear,
and it has been such a success that wo
will .have another party soon.
P. 8.: I am a new Busy Bee and would
like to Join the Blue side.
A Visit to an Ostrich Farm.
By Mildred C. Clllmore; Aged IS Years.
Gibbon, Neb.
One day early last fall wo visited an
ostrich farm. When wo got off the car
we could see nothing but a high board
fence with a building which gave en
trance to the park whore the ostriches
were kept. We entered a room of this
building and saw ostrich feathers of dif
ferent colors and sizes, and large ostrich
eggs. After looking at those tilings we
went out into the park.
Thoro were a lot of pens with ostriches
In them ' of different sizes.
The ostriches.' liayo long legs and pecks
with no feathers on them. The fcathors
on the bodies of the female birds were a
dull gray' and those, ot tho male, black
with white plumes on their wings and
There was one ostrich that was about
seven or eight feet tall. When It saw us
It started straight for Us. Wo wore told
they were not very tame. They tried to
reach over the fence and pick our hats.
We were also told how they get the
plumes from the ostriches.
Some feed Is put on the ground under
the fence When the ostrich goes Jo
pick it up a big Is slipped over Its head.
They aro .then driven Into V shaped pea
and the plumes are clipped off. An os
trich never kicks backwards.
They commence to clip the feathers
when the birds are about eight months
old and are clipped every nine months.
The feathers are cut off near the body
and the quills are left to be pulled out
a few weeks later, when the operation
is painless.
The Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper. Advertising Is tho Road to
Business Success.
And Cutlcura Ointment will care for
your skin. They do ao much to clear
the akin of sunburn, heat rashes,
redness and roughness, and do it' so
quickly and economically.
GetMuni Bmb asd Olstnot sold ttroozhout Us
o4. LBMcal aampl of aata uaDnl Iim. iu
Jl-P, book. 44rtM "Culltwa." JH. Hi, Kuuw,
aarMta N abar sad t baa poo vita CuUcura
w U 1 Uat in sua art seals.
The Best of Friends Must Part
-rimmm m- mam
What's the Best Line?
How often wo hear that question when
anyone has to travel!
Wo can't speak for all. destinations, bnt
for St. Paul and Minneapolis it's tho Great
It's the up-to-date line, most recently
constructed, at the greatest expense, and ITS
Night train leaves Omaha 8:10 p. m., and arrives
St. Paul 7:80 a. m., Minneapolis 8:05 a, m.
Day train leaves Omaha 7:44 a. m., and arrives
Bt. Paul 7:20 p. m., Minneapolis 7:60 p. m.
Ask P. P. BONOItBEN, O. P. Ss T.
1022 Farnam Street, Omalia, Neb,
PSione Douglas SOO.
Me&lfli arKd Beauty Mints
Katie: I advise you to uso this form
ula for a hair-tonic, because to my per
sonal knowledge It does more for the hair
and scalp than anything eiBe and is easy
to make: Into li pint alcohol pour 1
ounce qulnzoln and add 'A pint water.
This qulnzoln tonic qulckiy stops tho
Itching and' cures tho dandruff and lu
soothing to a eoru or tender sculp. The
regular uso of this inexpensive tonio cor
rects dry, scaly conditions or excessive
olllncss, becauso It makes the scalp and
hair-sacs healthy; and to dull, brittle,
faded hair will give a brilliance and
softness, as well as restores the former
color.'1 For best results it Is well to
shampoo with canthrox. (bee answer to
Lydla: Yes, rubbing pyroxln on eye
brows will induce tnem to grow thick
and glossy. Apply pyroxln at lash-roots
with thumb ana loretlnger and thoy will
grow long, silky ana curly. This treat
ment Is unfailing, but be careful not to
get any pyroxln where hair is not wonted.
Mabel P.: A thick pasto mode of dela
tono and water and applied to those hairs
for 2 or 3 minutes wil entirely dissolve
them. After tho oelatone is removed tho
skin should be washed and anod. This
is quick, harmless and in no way mars
the daintiest complexion. You must,
howover, be sure It is delatone you get.
Bertha: Yes, exorcise and dieting some
times reduces your weight. An easier
and better way is to dissolve the unnec
essary fat-tissues with the aid of the par
notls treatment. This reducer Is made
by adding 4 ounces Parnotls to VA pints
hot water. When it cools take one table
spoonful three times each day. Keep up
the parnotls treatment regularly and in
a short while you will havo gotten rid ot
the annoying fat and your figure will be
gracefully plump and rightly propor
tioned and the skin will bo tight and
I .aura: Your dull eyeo will- tako on a
delightful sparkle and. expression whoa
2 or 3 drops of a crystos tonic ore put in
them daily tor awhile. It Is an old-fashioned
and very economical remedy which
also soothes the burning and relieves the
aching after one or two applications. It
Is simply flno for granulated lids. To
prepare, dissolve an ounce In 1 Pint cold,
clear water and it Is ready. It Is abso
lutely harmless under all conditions.
Leila: In a case Uko yours where the
scalp Is so sensatlvo I should use canth
rox. Get from your druggist an original
packago and dissolve a teaspoonful In a
cup of hot water and your shampoo Is
ready. You will find canthrox shampoos
very beneficial, because they remove
every trace ot dust, dandruff, excess oil
and leeuvo the scalp and hair-roots
healthy and vigorous. CSanthrox is beno
ncial to uie finest head of hair and to
.uuil, streaky, lifeless or brittle' ho4r
gives a fiuffinesa an well us restores uie
natural color. y
Zoe. Lss of appetite and that bilious
cast 'of your skin plainly Indicate a de
rangement of your liver una kidneys.
X'reparo this excellent and inexpensive
toino and take a tabieupponxui inreo
tunes a uay: into '4 pint ox auxihol put
1 ounce kardetiK (,uo not use whlaayj
and to tills and to cupful sugar, then
hot water to make a quart, 'xnis tonio
will quickly correct liver and kidney
troubles, una as a blood purifier and sys-tem-tomo
it has no equal, it is also
greatly beneficial to yeuplo suffering
trom lack of vitality, and its regular use
will give to a blotchy, pimply skin a rich
color, healthy and delightful clearnoss.
Iorothy: It Is a pleasure to know
that you are so well picas od with quln
zoln us a hair-tonic. X havo great laitn
In a spurmax lotion, because It Is for
superior to powder and will surely over
come tho sniny, "muddy" condition ot
your skin. Just get 4 ounces spurmax
from your druggist and dissolve It in
M pint witch hanel or hot water and add
2 teaspoonluls glycerine. When tho
spurmax lotion Is on It cannot be de
tected, and It lenda an exquisite rose
tint and youthful charm to any com
plexion. Once you try this lotion you
will much prefer It to any powder you
ever used . It is especially nice for taa
and freckles.
Cora H.: To remove wrinkles. I use
this puroly vegetable product which I
make at home. It Is unlike creams con
taining onnlmal fat as it does not grow
hair nor make the flesh loose. Just dis
solve an ounco of almozoln, which you
con get from any druggist. In j4 pint
cold water and add Z tcaspoonfuls ot
glycerine. Stir and let stand for one
day. To remove wrinkles apply a thick
coat of this cream-Jelly and leave 'on
over night. This protects the Bkln and
allows all tho blood action to be used
In constructing new toxture. In tho
morning wash it out of tho pores and
massage thoroughly with more of tho
rrivnm. It mokca tha skin sott and Vel
vety, while It is unequal ed In reducing
large pores.
Read Mrs. Martyn'a bok, "Beauty,"
$5. Advertisement.
Chicago Beach Hoiel
Magnificent bathing beach. Golf; tennis, yachting, canoeintr.
oancin?. xvcngnuui,.cooi rooms, witn or without private Datn.
. IBplendld meals -American or European plan. Shady verandas
1 a3-fi .
Orchestra concerts In evenlntr.
Ten minutes' ride to theatro
and business district.
Write the Manager for rates
ana Dooxiet.
Slst Boulevard on the Lake Shore
Taleaboo Hrd Pub 4809
Comfort Accessibility Moderate Rates
New Weston
Madison AvenuE & 49a Street
One bloc V from Fifth Avenue and within eatr
walxiogdltUGce of Theatres, Shops and Ctubs
175 Rooms with Bath. Restaurant
a La Carte with reasonable charges
Uncle Room . . .
All Outride
Hafts Room with Batb .... tixoTtor
Double Room wUh Bath .... j.ooDar
Parlor. Bedroom with Bath . . ti-oo to JS-oo
Further Reductions for Weekly Oocnpiacjr
S. Q. CLAYTON. Proprietor
Yellowstone Park
Daily Tours via Cody, Scenio
The Holm Transportation Co.,
Cody, Wyo.
Doo't autf.r with tb scat, coo Jola na. WaTra
nt boit'i't. caaoalug, tlahlac. aaarcalaf tor
oraauuae aad Thompaoaltaa, and traaUUat Na
tara'a sureat air at all Umaa. a&4 aa
tama Slwppaar at one. Pack your tear? wrap
ad kur oar ticktt to Dulutb, Ulna., taaa take
Booth Lib toat WrIU for folder.
Cap. B. B. Smith. ToblsU Karboz, SOc.
The Persistent and Judicious Us nt
Newspaper Advertising Is the Ito4 to
Business Success.