Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    2 A
JMj ojf jlL-ji All f&ncy silk and white Hnoh parasols
' $10.00
Half Price Monday Regular 45c
Broche Pqplin Novelties 224c yd.
Always before, those handsome, part silk
brocho novelty poplins sold over our coun
ter for 45c.
Lovely Fabrics and Colors for tho one
piece dress. Colors are Navy, Brown,Crcam,
Black, Dark Gray, Light Blue, Rose, Alice
Blue, Etc. Your choice Monday, Half Price
22Vo a yard.
Long White Silk Gloves .
EVERY QUALITY to choose from in
Knyser's Make. Long "Wliito Silk Gloves
will look best with your summer frocks; 16
ButtSri Length, at $1,00; $1.25, $1,50 and
$2.00 a pair.
Delegates to Wttimem ( ike Wrli
CoxYcatfe. JUtsin Xot.
mm Wt m. MmtW
fraternal erders.
WooilmcH of-tttff- World Noted.
Fred Xitnko and Schiller camp No. 304
trill pjcnje on Labor day at tho German
Home on South Thirteenth street
Mrs. Emma B Manchester, supreme
guardian or the Wo&drrwin circle, has re
turned to her busy ttfftoo from the su
preme convention at Jacksonville, Flo.
frank A. Kennedy, editor or the West
ern Laborer and a loyal member of
Omaha-Seymour camp No. 18, It looking
vivr 01- Anpp county, couin uokqib,
John Kennedy, etty manager of the
Woodmen of the World, escorted the del
egatea of Uie Dyers and Cleaners' na
tional convention, who were In session at
the Auditorium, through and to the top
of tho Woodmen of the World building,
' Colonel C. I Mather and his live Ben
on camp No. Ms met evtry Tu4ay
tvenln at JBensoa.
The moat talked of incident In the pros
snt growth of the Woodmen of the Wbrld
Is the class of caattdates to b Intro
duced by Omaha-Seymour camp No, IB,
Clerk Guy Fu-rn of OrashaeyrftOHr
cami No, 1 and City Manager' John
Kennedy will we to it that all Interested
jf fleers of i camps within & jurisdiction
fit ;eo .mllea of Omh will have an Invi
tation to "be present at the big event In
perfected1 woodcraft on top ot tho Wood
,tncn of .the World building.
Miss Dora Alexander, supreme clerk ot
the Woodmen circle, hat returned to her
office from the supreme convention at
Jacksonville, Flo.
itoy Cthra of South Omaha carap No.
Ill Is managing sales agent for the
Shield Bros.' Novelty company, Bombay,
Mr. Qsirtc P. Wooloy Is with the
Lo-rals folks, Who are visiting the north
ern lake.
J. & FlUterald, chairman, Kansas
City; -N. M. Maxey, Muskoeoe, OKI.;
JStlsha 13. Lewis, Kingston. N. C; T. E.
CampbU. Isrt Huron, illch.; William
Uuttu, Cleveland( O., and It. T, Wells,
Murray, Ky., the sovereign manager ot
Uie, AVoodwen of the World, .are In se-
CsloKei W. B, Jewell wtl! return la a
Jew days.
i. )., Hestec of York. Neb.i . M. fur
cell of tttromeburs. Neb., and Joseph J.
Brtun of Cowrie, la., are gueeu ot
city Manager John Kennedy thl week.
Mlu Grace Cronin oed Monday
from & few days' trip spent on a iarni
near Nmaha, Neb.
" Jbn T. Yftteei the sovereign clerk of
the Woodmen of Uie World, -na returned
to.hl ba4quarter','ffice afUr an,ex-
ieeaea cotHHcrn .trip, .vrmen, incuuoed ina
Poor Digestion
If ya aetmble4 with defective
-HU and eothlng seems to taste
Just riftt. Wke
aMfy't laVt Malt Wktskiy
lust sefre steate.
k stsjitiitaMs the
in a, aaiurai way.
Wtfy aaatial
lattbsT too,
ad ItatwrUmf to'
Uie t(us kind or.
vaas t b a nutrl-
me it i -teeeseary to
tiielr sasteaano. StSJBB
SB IlllOll lMllitJB laSU. .u MM
.einytt 1 mm rJTvie
nr "
I DmIm iIMi Cat!
Women's Dainty Summer Dresses
at Clearaway Sale Prices
"Wo lmvo sold hundreds and hundreds of pretty dresses his son
son, but tho seasons follow each othor so rapidly that wo liavo to
begin preparations for more- room. ,
"Wo havo so many beautiful dresses wo hardly lmow whero to
begin to mention them. There are tho Dainty Voiles in "White,
and in Fancy Colors; the stylish Epongej tho Pretty Crepes, and
a hundred other fabrics. ' ( ... ,
Every ono ofraFihest High Class Dresses wiU'be marked at
Clearaway jpricos Tomorrow. . ' . .
A 'charge, for alteration willbo mad?. ' v'-
Besides our Ih-ess.Sale, wo also mention that all ourjFine Tail
ored Build, ruTour High Class Linen Suits, and all .our Now and
Fashionable Coats, will bo sold at Reduced Prices during this
Clearaway Salo. '
Th Stora for Shirt Waiats
Clearaway Sale
jPnrasols for
S7.50 tfnrnsols for $0.00
$6 and- $5.75 Parasols for $4,25
5 and $4.50 Parasols for $3.75
Stylish Ratines
Latest Fashionable Shades
Tho Fabrio of tho Hour BATINES
Speoial eh6wing of now shades Monday.
New Pink, Now Nell Boso Now Blues, Now
Tans. Dress Goods Section, Main Floor.
sovereign camp convention In Jackson1
vllle, ina. Mr, Yates enjoyed his vaca
tion. lKte&Btd-iit kOrer t( . OA fellatrm
The Odd Fellows of OmsJ),. South
Omaha, Benson and Florence wilt hold
It basket picnlo at the .City park,' Flort
etic; HfUurday, July M, A splendid
prorrW- ot comvetMve events has been
provided? Induag 'tUJM'-.H1 i-am ee
tween jOrnah iijd Sputhbmaha, The
Omaha..W w the bllame at mo
loJstyear Itfii His1 South Omahan'a haven't
recovers from tho shock yet, and they
havo been pracHeln alt, spring and sum
mer so as to be able to win the game.
Several speakers haVa bean antranil nnA
one hour wilt be given to this part of the
program. Delegations of Odd Fellows nre
expected to, come from all the surround
Jng towns and record crod will be In
Omaha lodae. No. a. win h.v tt.
candidates for the first desrea next1 EVI.
day night
Beacon lodae. No. M. wilt eTmnii-w
the second degree work Tuesday evening.
Tho grand master wu an nnthi
visitor yesterday.
Dannebrog lodge, No. Mfl, will have de
gree work nxt Friday evening.
The degree teams of Wasa lodge, No.
U3, are practicing every Wednesday night
ro as to be in good shape for work nest
Dannebrog lodae. No. Mfi. is
a class of fifty candidates for the first
Friday nlgtt. In Ootober,
Sohm of Herman,
Grand state officers nt itik. -t
- . mn v
Herman will assemble la Omaha Monday
? fcrno for the dlstrlbuUon of money
that is to be given out to members of
the order Who have suffered losses dur
ing the recent tornado. Other business
in behalf of the -organisation wilt alio b
Wra Union Lodge.
Western Ttntnn tn.. n -
luugs, ovum wraiins,
gave a surprise party Friday afternoon
ct'tha hantA a ... . .
. ran. m, j. ravet
of Benson. Those present were Mesdamee
Tisklnhl-a-iSAl a.e
7i. J. . "V"1' uepatKa, KanUky,
Jodlet. Zeleny, Woodring, Vlach. Benak
Peru Benalt, Bwobods, Hoffman. Tutoh,
Ilybtasky, tacina. Bedlawtk, Bperl, Pay.
Ilk. Kratky and Mr. and Mrs. Pavel.
Prttt'nmi Union of America
..JT?ndatn,n Ms No. Ill will hold a
'disss Initiation. Monday evening at Us
hjall, Twenty.fourth and Parker streets.
The degree team Of Banner lodge No, U
will have charge ot the initiation, lie
freshments will be served.
ICnlehts nuit i,n,He ojr gtouriYt
Omaha council No. . 2 Knights and
Xdles of Security, will give a eoclal
Monday 0vning. nt Myrtle halt cornet
Fifteenth and Douglas etr?cts. Refresh
menta. VThHt U Man Worth f
. What valuation -do you rrface on vour
toest Or. what would you take for
f. s'f' w awarded In court KS,m tor
& l? tee At this rati hVr
ten tees would cost the tiuVV rate
AkTr. T'.lT.-U"" T.'.Y?"1?' "u can
i .v. "unwu lor yourseirt
r,l.henafn h.yyaiue or
fT -.u iaicen a peep
tL LZ ,t.hru1 th, knothole Sb
.... "". i ii ceiiar aeie to SD
Mt4, W lft Are. won't
.,,,t!Ut p4r,Jr hd te boot-
fault wJtb them tdh kit xUenc
bAna slttifs. a-vknii.L1
"These i Should suit yQU," he said, tak-
..Still the lady was not WusrfTi n UonTt
11b thle eoit" ths sAlfiT "tliiy have a
lAttufiSV in vat vU'Mdaft . k. .u ... .
. wlif madam." retocfed h exasoer
atsd assistant, petelyi't youT
on Parasols
Monday at reduced prices.
$3.75 Parasols for. . . . . .$2.95
.$2.5f Pwsois for. ... . $1.95
$1,75 and $1.50 Parasols, $1.15
$100 Parasols for ..80o
Men's Shirtings
Not only is thoro a savingbut youll havo
a better looking shirt if you buy Wig ma
terial horo.
Shirting Percales la large variety of styles,
at 12 Hie, 15c, 25o and 3Bo & yard.
Printed Shirting Madras la just tho neat stylos
for shlrtfl at 18o, 2 Co and 35c a yard.
Woven Color Shirting Madras la a most com
plete assortment of colors and stylos, at 15c, 13c,
25o, iJOc, 40o 45c, 50c and 60c a yard.
Wash. Goods Section, In Basement
Qleaa Kartitt Volplanes Seren Kmh
irei Peet im Surry.
nrrmr -wm-u nmtnvmn
$7 " fyUMt"
FMer B-tWiJlll MtiMs la Net
MUSKBC10N, Mich., July tt-Oienn
Martin's steady nerve and perfect con
trol, of his hydro-aeroplane, in which he
is making the Chlcago-to-Detrolt cruise,
probably saved hla Ufa late this After
noon when the machine developed car
buretor trouble and ha wae forced to
make a quick descent into Lake Michi
gan. Martin, with his passenger, Charles
Day, was flying about, seven hundred
feet above .the water when the air valve
dropped from the carburetor. Martin
volplaned to the surface of the lake,
making a perfect landing about two and
one-halt miles from the shore. In e, fow
minutes he succeeded In starting his
engine again and reached the shore un
der his own power.
Machine Not Damaged.
Martin declared his machine was not
damaged and that ho will resume his
Journey toward Charlevoix at 7:30 to
morrow morning. Bockwtth Havens and
Itoy Francis, who reached Pentwater
this afternoon will remain there during
the night, a lowering barometer causing
them to defer their departure until to
morrow morning.
Cull to Continue,
CHICAGO. lit, July ll.-Walter E.
Johnson, whose machine was wrecked
near ftobtrtsdeJe, Ind., Tuesday, failed
to continue In the Cblcatfo-Detrolt hydro
aeroplane cruise today. He declared to
night that If the weather was favorable
he would start tomorrow.
Insurance Firms
Enjoin New Board
LINCOLN, Neb., July It oavoroor
Moron td, Attorney General Martin and
Auditor Howard, members ot the new
Btate Insurance board, which will take
office July IT, were today made defend
ants In an Injunction suit tiled In the
district court here, by the Hoyal High
landers, the Woodmen ot the World and
the Woodmen qrclo. The suit asks to
prevent tho enforcement of the hew In
surance code, to beoome effective July
It as passed by the last legislature.
Other Insurance companies, both fra
ternal and lift, promise to Join the three
companies. The companies ask for the
Injunction ou the ground that the In
surance code, creating the board, was
Illegally passed, and that the hew oode
Is inconsistent with a separate bill re
quiring a referendum vote of the mem
bers of fraternal organisations on any
contemplated change In rates.
Eiagell Wants to
Abolish Fireworks
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb July It Fire tosses
l't Nebraska caused by J SIS Fourth ot
July eraokirs. rockets and nolsemaktrs
amounted to only tlM according to
bulletin prepare by Firo Commissioner
lUdgell- today. There wers Just two fires
a against twty-one last year. The
Improvement leads the state official to
believe that nest year many villages
and towns will pass ordinances prohibit
Inn the sale of all fireworks- The cam
paign to be wd by the department
from now on will have that ead in view
and Commissioner Hldxell bos Wu
promised the aid ot several organisations
Persistent Advertising Is the Boad t
Big Sutures.
Flea for More Democracy in Educa
tion is Made.
riftubnrfth Woman Spraklnir on
Moralltr anil Wan-en Days Ef
ficiency Mast lie Increased na
Employer Will nnlse Pay.
SALT LAKE CITr. Utah. Jy u
With a general session in ,the tabernacle
tonight, the fifty-first annual convention
of the National Education association
and Affiliated societies' came to a close.
Dr. Joseph Swain, pr-wloent-elect. spoko
briefly upon tne program ror the en
suing year.
Thomas Jesse Jones, of the United
States Bureau of Education, pleaded for
more democracy in education. "While
we have prbclalmed our belief In the
education of alt the people with almost
boastful pride," ho said, Vwe have been
clinging with blind tenacity to a form
of education that is both traditional and
aristocratic.' His theme Was one upon
which special emphasis was laid by
speakers at department meetings today.
Bpeaklnc on tho subject of morality
and wages, Irene K. McDermott of
Pittsburgh declared that education must
bo looked to In order to Increase effi
ciency so much that employers would
raise wages voluntarily. Education also,
she said, w6uld prevent .immorality
among girls where a minimum wage
would not.
Tho secondary department elected the
following offlcerst Oliver S. Wcstcott,
Chicago, president I I, M. Allen, Wichita,
Kirn., vice presidents B, C. lioberts,
Everett, Wash., secretary. The muelo
department elected Agnes Benson, Chl-
cngo, president: Lucy K, Cole, Seattle,
vice president; Glen IL Woods, St Lobla.
The department of special education
elected the following officers:
Dr. M. P. Grtfssmann, Plalnsvllte, N
J president John B. Curtis, Chicago,
Vice president; W. E. Taylor, Gooding,
Idaho, sceretnry. The physical dpart
ment elected Baroness Itoso Posse, Bos
ton, president; W. J. Montlan. Univer
sity of Chicago, vice president; Orson
Ryan, MIdvale, Utah, secretary.
It was learned tonight that a poll of the
board of directors, which meets tomor
row morning to select the convention
cltfes for tho next two years, indicated
that St Paul had a, majority ot three
over Atlantic City for tho next meeting
place. Oakland will bo tho unanimous
choice for 1915.
A new department, the classroom
teachers' department was organised to
day and tho following officers elected:
Mary Bosser, Salt Lake City, president:
Mary O'Connor, Buffalo, vice president
and Miss Adklsson, Denver, secretary.
(Continued from Page One.)
labor men there to get their support"
, Letters from C. B. Alden, then secre
tary to Horaker, and-ArOvur B. Shelton,
secretary to AldVloh, showed that Mu
h all's suggestion to go to,. Rhode Island
h4t been the subject pt .some correspond
ence., Alden ana BJielton knew ho, was
employed fay, thi association ,an A he had
not. tried to conceal the source ot'.hli
employment even frotH the labor'' leaders,
he testified.
Mulhal) roaentedf any Implication, that
he hod, tried to . play "a double game" on
tho labpr men such as he frankly testi
fied he played 'oh McComos.
"In lOca I took la paid up union card
and had no further connectl6n with labor
Unions," he said.
Plnht Airalnst Hughes.
A letter ot Identification for Harry C,
Kurten given by the Council ot Allied
Building Trades of, Philadelphia was of
fered In evidence. It was signed by Kur
ten as eecrotary. Kurten was engaged,
Mulhall testified, in the fight against
William HUghes, then a representative
and now a senator from Now Jersey,
"Were you sent to help beat Hughes
by tho National Association of. Manu
facturers?" asked- Mr. Iteed.
"Yes, sir."
"Why did they want to beat Hughesr'
"On account, of his holding a Union
card, being affiliated with the American
Federation of Labor and his activity on
the floor of the houso andi with the labor
leaders In Washington." '
Kurten was given credentials. Mulhall
sold, so he could get .Into union labor
meetings to oppose Hughes.
"The work of this kind was always
secret" said Mulhall. "It was done un
der cover.".
"Did you pose as a, friend ot the labor
organisation;) and thus work against
these organizations from the insider"
asked Senator Cummins.
"Not at that time."
Chairman Overman of the senate com
mittee sent a formal notice to chairman
of the hquso committee at 10:$Q o'clock
that the senate committee would Insist
pn keeping Mulhall as a witness until
they had finished with him.
Chairman Overman , assured the bouse
committee that the senate Investigators
would release Mulhall later, subject to
a house subpoena, and make available
to the house committee's order "any and
alt papers now or which may corns Into
our possession in connection with tola
matter." ' "
JUra T.ahor Leader.-
Mulhal) Identified a, letter from James
J. nidge, outlining work done by nidge
among Rhode Island labor unions In IBM
in behalf ot another's candidacy. Mul
hall testified giving nidge $600, which he
got from, Cushlng. secretary for the man
ufacturers, to help Aldrlch in his cam
paign for re-election. In a letter relat
ing to Ridge. It was said "the senator is
well pleased with the work ot your
Attorney McCarter tried to have tha
committee keep out tesUmony by Mut
halt relating to conversations between
Cushlng a&3 others, which be had not
actually heard. Tha committee Tefused.
Testifying further about the campaign
against Hughes, Mulhall swore he went
to Peterson. N- J-. to aid Hughes' op
ponents. He hired sis: union men to work
against Hughes and paid them altogether
about 11,(00, which came from the Na
tional Association of Manufacturers
through Cushlng.
The union men In the pay of the Na
tionat Association of Manufacturers, Mul
hall said, took possession of cir
culars sent Into the district by tha Ameri
can Federation of Labor to aid Hughes
nd turned them over to the republican
campaign committee. He named toe fol
lowing as the ron he hired to work
against ttughest Miphael Collins of Phil
adelphia, Jacob Casatlear of New York,
William J- Byan of the Electrical VTork.
ers union in New York, and George
Durke ot Faterson.
Mulhall did not yeeail the names of
To make room for Fall Goods. All summer hardware on sale this week. Prices cut
to move the goods quickly. Our annual clearance salogreat money saving on your
household and kitchen needs. . . . -
Como .early if you want any pt
theso goods, as our stock Is low on
some items.
ltcjrnlnr $1.00 Oven will "7Q
go nt I OC
llegulnr $1.50 largo slzo for ono
burner, Bale rt -e 10
price epieiO
Regular $2 Oven for CO
2 burnors go at
Regular $1.75 White Mountain
Freezer, .1 qt. nize, rt -j 0 e
special at ep JL .3D
! Regular $2.25, 2-qt. size S1.73
Regular $2.30 bIzo
Regular $2,60 slzo,
Regular $2,75 size,
WAsir Tuns
Regular C6c Galvanized a
Tub at ffre5C
Regular 75c Galvanized. A r
Tub at 45C
Regular 860 Galvanized
Tub at
& SONS CO. 1 m 1515 HARNEY ST.
two others. He thought Burke was &
deputy collector of Internal revenue.
Zion Baptist Church
Sends Out an Appeal
An appeal is being sent out by the
Zton Baptist congregation for financial
assistance In rebuilding of the church
which was destroyed in the Easter tor
nado. The plans are to erect a structure
that would also answer the need ot tho
community In a general way,
It Is proposed to have a hall for young
men, reading room, gymnasltim and
swimming pool and oil auditorium seating
800 people. Tho cost of the structure is
to be in the neighborhood of $20,000.
Pesstsatst Svrtsurs the Hammer sr
StHcka of Bammef Resort
, 'Tsj three weeks," said the obese
boorderv "I am-Boins awoy on a vaca
tion, and ! -can hardly wait for the happy
day. I am goinfe into the country, far
from the maddingr crowd, and wjll
loaf, and invito my soul for a fortnlRht,
and then como back a giant refreshed."
ITT ... I -i. . . .
'iourj more uKoiy io come dock a
total loss," sold the star boarder. "It
Seems a stronra thing to me that man
can live tq your age and hot realize
that a vicatlbn is merely yahity and
vexation ot spirit, I mean the sort of
vacation you are planning, which in
volves leaving your accustomed haunts
and breaking away from your dally
"You have all the vacation you need
at home. You work eight hours a dav,
and have a vacation of sixteen hours,
to say nothing ot Sunday, which come
every seventh day when the weather is
favorable. That ought to ba vacation
enough tor any human being possessing
reasoning faculties.
"Tho vacation idea Would die of its
own weight if people would only tell the
truth about their experiences, but they
won't do that A man may bo a rigid
and Uncompromising moralist in a gen
eral way, Mrs. Jiggers; his word may be
considered ns good as Ms bond; fie may
even tell the truth when trading horses,
which Is a superhuman achievement; but
when he returns from a vacation he nat
urally splits the truth all up the bock
and throws the pieces away. He can't
help It. so I am not rebuking him.
"People come back from the seashore
with the hide burned oft their counte
nances, and their noses reduced to so
many crisps; And tell about the glorious
time they had. Others come back from
the mountains, whero they tell aver
precipices and broke their legs, and say
their vacations were a- gorgeous success.
They repeat their falsehoods bo fre
quently, and with such enthusiasm, that
people believe them, and make up their
minds to go gallivanting themselves the
next summer; so wo have a constant
procession of feeble-minded people go
ing away for vacations, only to come
back promulgating mora lies.
"tang ogp, before tho years had
brought me wisdom, I decided to go and
spend a fortnight with my TJncle Peter,
who lives in tha country, lor several
weeks before going I bored my friends
with ecstatic stories ot the tun I was
going to have. I made them believe that
my uncle lived in a sort of fairy palacs
la the deep tangled wildwood and that
ha and his family lived on tnllk and'
honey and never did anything but gather
daisies and buttercups I almost believed
this myself, Mrs. Jiggers, for I hadn't
been at ray uncle's since I was a
mere child, celebrated tor my winning
"Before I had been there twenty-four
hours I was sick with longing to be
back in my good old boarding house In
town, but I knew that the boarders
would Josh me Into an early grave It I
didn't stay away for a fortnight Bo
I suffered and endured until the time
appointed for my return, and 1 went
back determined to tell the truth and
perhaps save other misguided mortals
from a, similar punishmont .
"But wheft I got back several boarders
bad, Just returned front their vacations
and they were llelng diligently about the
lovely ttms they bad. and, rather than
L sound a discordant note, I began llelnr.
too. With sueh inspired eloquence tnai
everybody present decided to go visiting
In the country" next year.
"In this way, my dear Mrs. Jiggers, the
vacation mania. U perpetuated, and (he
foolklHer, on his mountain height, un
furls his standard to the air. Walt
Mason In Chicago News-
2 rubber tired wheels, J1 fs
regular; $1.50 special epl.UO
Regular 45c etra good
Broom, at . . .
Rogular 60c extra good
Broom; at
$15.75 Jowet Gas
n:rr.i $25.00
10 discount on all others.
$24.25 Peerless !gt
Refrigerator Pii7aV
$24,50 Peerless (JjOE OA
Refrigerator , ,n . PtOif
Unci. rilnrminl nn nil refrlffAis.
ators, except McCray'a.
$8.00 Quick Meal jjg gQ
15 discount on all others.
$6.00 Quick Meal
$7.75 Quick Meal,
at ..1
Masked Man Attempts to Bob a Hotel
at Manitou, Colo.
Ilobber Escapes to Hills In Dnrknca
and Succeed. In Eluding; Pose
Suspect. Are Arrested.
and Ilelenseil.
A masked man attempted to hold up the
night clerk at the Cliff House, a fashion
able summer hotel at Manitou, twelve
miles west f here, early today, shot and
killed. Night Watchman C. Whitehead
and escaped to the hills.
A ppsse was sent In pursuit, but UP to
9 o'clock this morning had found no trace
ot the man. Beverai suspects were, taken
.Into, custody Jn iho early morning hours,
but nono have been identified as the
Walking, past a number, of guests on the
porch and in the outer lobby, the bandlt,
shortly Before 1 o'clock this morning,
covered Nlfht Clerk Con Cosson and
Night Watchman Whitehead with a re
volver and ordered them behind the
Whitehead mads an attempt to escape
through a cloak room door, but a bullet
from tho bandit's gun dropped him dead.
Tho shots roused the lato guests and
without attempting to secure any money
or valuables, the bandit rushed through
an outer door, Jumped a high porch .rail
ing .and disappeared in the darkness.
Tonrtst from Troplo Seas Points Oat
Hew Amejrtcane Provoke
Johana Brugma, a, prosperous coffee
planter, on his way home to Holland
from Java, said at tho Waldorf-Astoria
thot he was surprised to see tho way
persons dressed in New York for the
tropical weather of summer,
"If we Were to go about in the heat
of the day In Batayiti, hich is tho capi
tal of Java," Mr. Brugma said, "as I
saw men and women doing yesterday In
New York, I believe . everyone would
die. We have great heat and humidity,
but we have learned how to get tho
greatest amount Ot comfort in our dally
lives because there is ho winter there.
Tho stores open in the morning at 8
o'clock and the offices 'at the same hour
or an hour later, and close at noon.
That IS the hour for the 'relss taffel' or
midday meal, which the men sit down
to after they have changed their white
drill suits for comfortable, roomy pa
Jamas. The women folk stay in the
house until 4 o'clock In the afternoon
and wear a loose garment called a
sarong, with a white Jacket and no
stockings. After the 'relfts taffel' every
one rests In a shaded room with lattice
shutters closed and an electric fan going,
or a swinging punkah.
"At 4 o'clock the stores open until C
o'clock and the women drive out In thotr
carriages or motor cars. Before dinner
a cold bath is taken by pouring water
The Laundry With Quality Plu
Our advertisements convey but a
- poor suggestion of the real merits
of pur worth. If you want qual
ity' that puts it over, you should
calL Omaha's Quality Laundry.
A few samples only:
f.0.??:.6!' $10.00
$21.00 Ideal
for .
GES all go at 20 discount
All Go nt SO Of.
Uere are a few;
$3.00 Mower, &Q OA
14-ln. blades, on salo J)3U
$3.25 Mpwer, 16- ( f
inch blades,, on. sale. .ipuiOU
$9.25 Mower, 5 knives, all ball
bearing, high 'd? Af
wheel tj .flU
Regular 13c Rubber -j g 1
Hose go at AUifC
Regular lGc Hose 1 r
at isSC
66c Lawn Sprinkler,
Ring or Elgin
49 c
Mop Wringers, $1.75 J- nn
wringer acd pall . . . jp i &i3
Clothea Baskets, $1.00 7Q
size, special nt ...... n f 5C
$1.75 size, special at....gj,28
All Water Coolers at 15 dis
count. over one's self with a calabash from tht
big tubs which are arranged in tho bath
house, built out in the compound f tne
hotel or hungalow. Java Is not a . bad
place to live In if one can go without
sleigh driving." ' "
Mr. Brugma added that there wsi (jn
thing ho missed when, hd, was away from
Java and that was the sllnj little lizards
which Hvo in tho corners of the white
washed spacious rooms there hear tho
ceiling and cry out "Becky" at frequent
Intervals through the night '
"Strangers ore often irlghtened whes
thoy hear tho tiny cry llko a human
voice in the night and can see no one,"
Mr. Brugma sold. New York Times.'
Tho CllmHcr. '
, Frederick Townsend Martin was tnllt-
Inir At n rahnnranl rtf hta mml&,
about climbers. . , :
"Tt'B n mfatntr n M,1 V. - ... 1.1 ,tT.j
climbers never succeed in getting Into
ni iuuui' Bovjeiyt Aney succeed -very
Often indeed It they've got wealth,, per
severance ind cheek. J
."They must have plenty-ofch'cek. They
must-be like Mrs. Spragg'of iCenter-.City.
" 'That tlsomoTVomanjBtJUr.ketfpa caU-
"Why , dfii't you snubhrt'..a8ked.o
friend. " a
" 'I on." , i- ' y
" 'Wall, th nnrt limn n1l Ar,rtt
f -. win,.y -"
offer her a chair.'
'Dh. I trlMt thnf T rA fcaf In. I
'Weil?' . tJ..
' 'Well, she always brine's a camDstool
now. "Washington Star. ' '
An Alt 'nottna.Sbnke, -.
After General Ballington. Booth., chief
of the Volunteers of America, had deliv
ered an address at the Meridan Street
apolls recently, he was .besieged by -a
his hands at once. General Booth, tow
ering above the Crowd, reached his
hands down to them, and as he did'eo,
h told humorous stories,
"There was a man once who came up
to me like this," he said, as he was
shaking- the hands of ones6f the men,
"and took my hand and,. said:
uerierai, you nave aone a- great deal
for me.'" " '
"'What have r ever done for your I
asked hlra.
"I had given up his hand for that, of
the next gentleman when. J eard him
murmur: . '
wH.avu i J .i.f. It i . I. . ,
National Monthly. . -
To Look and. peel
Bright in Hot Weather
(FrOm Tha Woman Beautiful. '
This Is tho season .when she- who would
have a rose-leaf comnlsxlon. lllv.whlU
neck arid hands, should turn her "thoughts
to mercollzad wax. the firm friend ot the
summer girl. Nothing, so effectually
overcomes the soiling effect ot the sun,
wind, dust nnd dirt. The wax literally
absorbs the scorched, discolored, wither-
pr coarsened cuticio, Drinsnng forth, s
irand new skin, clear, soft and girlishly
beautiful. It also UnciOgs-he P0reuj e
movlng blackheads nnd Increasing th
skin's breathing capnclty. An ounce oi
mercollzed wax, obtainable at any drug
store, applied nightly like col cream, and
washed off mornings, will gradually im
prove the worst complexion.
When depressed by the heat and you
want to freshen up for the evening. bath
tho face In a lotion made by dissolving
an ounce of powdered saxOltte In a hall
pint witch hasel. You'll fiAd-thls mora
rtrresning man an hour s rest- it is line
for smoothing out wrinkles, eyen thsj
ueeper opes. jvuveriiaeineni.