Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 9-B, Image 19

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Has an Idea of Salesmanship Which
; is Making Good.
:V .
Firm In IteorpanUed, 1th Ilelm its
President Add. Srvlco Station
to Ills VInnt, with Two
Men Alwny. on Duty.
ThS organization of. the local Cadllta
company by George Kelml now president
Of the concern, marked an epqch in auto-.
mobile salesmanship. Mr. Holm's idea ot
successful salesmanship was distinctly an
Innovation In Omaha.
After making a study of the automo
bile Industry during the many years ha
had been connected with it he came to
ttrr conclusion that the logical way to
tell. cars And to retain the good will ot
the purchaser was to handle ono moke
ott machine exclusively.
. tAt'the time Mr. Relrn came to this con
clusion' the Cadillac people announced a
rw- style of car. replete with Innovations
the way of Comforts and conveniences.
, lir. Helm Immediately secured the agency
for this machine In Omaha, He opened
jtarage and started selling Cadillac cars
ftclufllv.iily, although ho was advised that
6-coUld not mako a success ot It.
'.R$lm did not' agree with the dealers
Who assorted that It you can't sell a man
one. car, sell him. anothof. He maintained
tljat a salesman could not dorrionatrato
tfie points of advantage ot more than
6ho- cat without making ono of the othoi
puffer by comparison.. "If you talk
one car to a' man he knows that jou be
Ifevo In that one car and that you be
ilevo that, ono car to be the best buy in
Jits' market, no matter the Jprlco,"
eald Mr. Helm, and ho clearly Illustrated
by his . success that his reasoning was
from th'e very beginning It has been the
polfcy of the Cadillac 'company to ioolt
lifter every ' cat 'it . sells and co-operati
with, thet owner In every posslblo way so
fhat he may get the maximum ot service
lit the lowest coat ot upkeep. i -
i'Thls year Mr. Helm has .decided to make
an addition in his service system to
badlllac owners. It Is Helm's intention
lo care for each owner's automobile by
-maintaining a monthly Inspection system
whereby each and every Cadillac will be
inspected free ot cost. In addition two
service men will be .employed to answer
' telephone calls ot Cadillac owners who
have encountered accidents on the road.
Thesemen are export mechanics, schooled.
in tne intricacies or uaainac cars, ana
'.. will' be at the .disposal ot customer until
,H p m. each' day In order that the motori
w . Jit who1'enJoys'eve'ntnK drives may bene
Vsured ot 'repairing any breaic'that he may
, , . experience. r 4
J , ;The new 19H mddei of the Cadillac jvlll
r -shortly be. seen on the streets of Omaha.
. , . regarding the m'achlria
, will be published .la'the 'Saturday Even
V: Ing Post and, be Omaha Bee In the very
near future., - V . . ..
. , , The machine Is to contain all the pres
.V en ;3AallaA,fere .as. .tfOftfl!
Mtf etartibg and lighting system-. 4besupch'
''. ' " -equipment, et) ahd Also is to Jiavsc a'ddl
Jt '-'.tlojhaV -features that 'add to the efficiency,
'luxury land .economy of motoring,
-A system Whereby every team with cax
In 600-mlle races at the speedway may
i&rvfc;rp accurate fand instant track pf the.
position ana time or. an tne cars in. tne
?aco Is 'buszlng" Jn t)ie head of George
3d'. Dickson, 'general manager of the Na
tional eompany.
; Dickson claims that In a race, such as
i.HQ.s mjlea. where the cars must go 200
' times around the track, it is Impossible
'fdrthe drivers to Keep track ot their ppsl-
; tlono, let alone their time. Ho alio says'
v. that a race Is won largely from the pits,
where men areetatloned who .signal the
,Jlrlvers,-. and, who, tell them where they,
' are, when to' go faster, when to slow
djwn and all "such' thlnga that engineer'
airace. But Dlckeon say's that it. In also
hktd for the pit man to keep "up to
-Cila1V';pn the time, plckson wonders it
yA- a " scheme cannot be devised whereby
there Vlll be a telegraph operator, or a
ucKer.j.m every ph inui wtu siyo me
managers tne time as tne race progresses
justaV rapidly arf Ut W .recorded in-the
judges' stand where the official timers
workt Dickson believes such a scheme
Is. possible and believes that experience
al the track has taught the necessity ot
tt. He says: "There Is no fault to be
found with tho timing system as operated
in the Judges' stand this year. I belUw-s
however, it could be carried further to
advantage, as by the time the pi; men
'eeqtKa figures on.'th . scoreboards, or
; hear them announced, many things can
hapren to shift the positions of the cars
on thH track. In other words, the pit
men "need the time instantly, and tot a
few minutes or a few laps behind." "
Bud Fisher Buys -:
aLozier Oar for
His Mutt an&sJeff
Bud Fisher, whose brain-children,' Mutt
and Jeff, have delighted thousands -jot
rjewspaper readers in the last Sew years,,
has Joined the ranks of motoring '.Car
toonists. Mr, Fisher's choice.-is a oler.
:Ltfrht six-, which he purchased, from
lUrry.B. Houpt, New York dealer tor
the -Lorlor company.
FlsherS originality found expression
both In tho way his car is decorated and
the manner In Which it wals shipped from,
the factory at Detroit: Bo anxious was
the caftoonlBt to receive hid machine, that
he ordered it sent by express. Once it
arrived In the big town, the' newspaper
artist tried his hand at mural decorat
ing on the two rear doors of the car. A
small miniature of Mutt now adorns one
tonneau door with a counter portrait
ot Jeff on the other door. Thus will the
car announcer at the' theaters recognize
the Fisher family when thsy arrive to
put on their act.
Unique Truck Built
for Oiling Roads
Tq spread oil on roads tor a distance ot
twenty miles or. more, from the starting
pplnt and to spreajl Ui-oit- a heat of. 2W1
oesreea or rrjpra jYqym seejQ o 50 aiv,e--,
tremeiy--'difficulty unaertajyng requiring
a lot Of apparatus, and a' lot of men, But
by the ingenious use ot-a- Peerless five-'
ton ' truck tho road po'mmissioners. of
Los Angeles county accomplished it with
one man and cne. piece ot mechanism.
.The truck is. fitted with 'a i,000-gallon.
oil tank, and this tank is covered with a
coating i asbestos' two -inches thick to
retain the heat'Oy la run. Into the tank
350 degrees fahrenhelt. Thanks m to tho
asbestos 'protection and the -speed the
truck can make, it is possible to make a
trip p'f.; thirty-five to forty miles -before
the oil j gets too cold for. use.
Air . pressure, ' of sslxfy 'pounds - to the
square-linen Is maintained Inside the tank
byvsn-alr compressor- operated by tho
sme, mechanism used to actuate a' dump
ing bod.y, for sand(and gravel.
Ieatypm.'r . exhaust Is used
to. keep tha oil spreader worm so that
Se stuff wilt not thicken and clog up
ere. The truck travels fifty miles a
jlay and the. driver says that In 2,030
miles only two Involuntary stops were
necessary on the road both caused by
dirty gasoline stopping up the fuel line.
"One ot the entertainment features pre
pared for tha members of tha Society
of Automobile Engineers and their British
guests, who recently gathered In Detroit,
.was a novel moving picture show which
'- proved to be not only umque. but also,
one "of th most Interesting of the many,
event arranged for tho visitors. The
' films displayed consisted of moving pjc
fx ' tures, taken In London, ot the famous
""l!s!ature Cadillac roadster built to carry
two ennaren, ana wnicn is now in me.
possession Of the little Prince O)aot
A This tiny car was constructed under
C t,hedjrection of V. S, Bennett, the Cad
' lla .dealer in London. It Is an exact
rcproaactlpn,. of the larger Cadillac- ex
cept that Its power plant, consists of
r .the Delco electric cranking device which
,, i ft' regular feature ot the big car. Wjth
the jower 'of tlie cranking device the little
, fm4chine will travel fifteen miles on pns
J , bSttery charge. '
. The little car was old to tho Dowager
Queen Alexandra, who presented It to
fej 'avorl,e grandchild, Prince Olaf.
. ' Beforti the car. was shipped to Norway
i It, made a trip through the crowded
-' traffic of "London an- the unique mov
Ing plctuea shown. th visiting engineers
were reproductions ot this curious ex-
' curslon.
Jtfpbody la Too Old
to learn that the sure way to cure a
cough, cold or sore lungs Is with Ta
xing's New Discovery. Wo and tt For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.-Advertisement.
These are the days of"' the Sunday
school picnic and it any perplexed teacher
Is wondering how he is goln? to solve
the transportation problem successfully
let him tRke a tip irom 8am Crotts, ot
Hutchinson Kan,
Mr. Crotts decided that he and his
class needed an outing. As there were
twenty-seven people in the class, not
ncluding himself, he was for some time
puzzled as to the best way ot getting
he class to the picnic grounds. Mr.
Crotts' Bolved the ,problam by borrowing
a huckster's wagon, putting seats down
the sides of tt and hitching the wagon
behind his, twenty-flve-horso power
I-n-t-T car, "With this tio.vel trailer
arrangement the party hiked to the plcnlq
grounds with the twenty-seyen joyous
scholars aboard the wagon and Mr.
Crotts at the wheel of the car. Although
the K-Ril-T Is two years old, It did Its
Work splendidly and low gear was used
only once when a little patch ot sand,
was struck. . ,
Yale Yfinaem Jisuri r-ijw ", - H
.irtst weoK jieuuen uecnier i rtmu
City, O.. took a frjend ,of his with him $
Columhut, Several days later they got
word that business required their pres
enc at home, ' j
Bechtel mounted hlq Yale, and withJils
friend on the -tandem 'seat, made Tfor
Plain City. ','.'
The roads were in fair condition, vfcut
even Jn the bad spots JJechtef found 'it
easy to handle his machine at high' speed.
,m'aking the twenty-three miles in forty
five minutes. ' '
As Bestel made one stop of two min
utes, the trip was made at a gulfof
forty miles per hour.
Jrtltrr Vtierm Gathrr.
Forty-eight employes of the Jeffery clr
ganttatlon. Whose terms of service with
tne company aggregate 8ST yer, made
new and decidedly progressive
development in motor car construc
f tion will distinguish the 1914
' 1
i '
i , . J 'i ,
'f. ,
."fSa - ...... . . .. 11. :
5 -3'
Thtre iWve lieen three important epochs in the development of th motor car;
I'hey were, the three important epochs in the development of the Cadillac.
Tiie history of the Cadillac is tke history of motor car progression.
tfh First Epoch
,Elovbn yci8-a'gi6 tlio Cadillao Company produced ,tlip
X 'l:"p''5y-,8ferAi and durabla.motor car in largo r
. rf; jfr, H6w.pradaMt was: how durable it was, tlib w
. 7.w,na Knoe, since uiobo eleven year om uaauiacs
arestill iaafcommiBsion. ,
of tho cars as clean, as honorable to day as tho day;
thoy "worobuilt. , ' , .
The Third Epoch:- ?
Two years ago tho Cadillao Company first made pOBsi
bloa realization of 'the motorist's dream of an auto
matic electrical cranking and lighting system which,'. s
banished to oblivion forever tho -awkward crank and
tho inefficient illumination.
, , The Second Epoch ,
-'rv,, - ijUve yoar agotlie Cadillao Company, by massed pro- Thus, three times havo Cadillao policies and Cadillao
duotionr sciontifio standardization and advanced principles left an indelible imprint upon the inolor
i-. manufacturag methods, was tho first to demonstrate cat industiiy. ' ,v
that it wsb possible to produce a high grade, power- Threo times has tho Cadillac Company accomplished
'.. "ful motor car -to, selLf or less than $2000. that which was proclaimed impossible.
'''Kt.v'! $1Tif?filpy mtficent results o that demonstration are Threo times has Cadillao progrbssion:set a pattern t on
. - vt "4.)oxmai wnbrevor motor oafs ore driven: the record almost universal adoption. H '- ; . , : ,'-
now a :fourth;epQcnt a fourth period oi progression as important as those
preceding it is soon to be inaugurated. .''c V" ; H . ' ;,. '
The Cadillac i$ about to endow the motor car with: .
A new element of efficiency
A new quality of luxury
A new source of economy.
''".zj-; A Tho Cadillao Company is not, as you know, given to It will bo
, 'jr :f " ' TKi8 development, like its predecessors is des-"';v''.-
1 J'$ inflnonco the Jtrend of the entire industry. '
: . 'v,..t,'Ph6lio 'mdbrsement of Cridillab development has al-
' ,",v v. ways been more emphatic than our own claims or
u-i-Jlf' assertions concerning that development. ' . .'
The Fourth Epoch
f i'
't -;
so in this instance.' Your roootrnition of th0s9 1
now nrlvnnf.JicrnH will Tin imTnnrlintn .
Our next announcement will contain .'particulars., .
Any expectations which (Ms may arouso fa your mind',
will, wo feel sure, fall sort of your enthusiasm when
you know the facts, ' ' f
1"' .
, Distributors
2054-56-58 Trnuxi Street,
Geo. Ti KeimA Pres.
Phone DooflM 4226."
J I K f j ' . ' '
1 .11 ' . ' ' t' ." . . . , '. u
. V I f'mmmiM m Li,. 1.- -"-'--' .Minn M. n ,n 1 P.W.L1. rm fn
1 1 "" " ' iiimi iMinnniniiwiMMwrariviniiiMiiiiniiiii i i u n n mwmmmwwmmwbmmi I
Galyeston to Stage
Big Auto Raoes on
. Beaoh There in July
.GA-VESTONi Tex., July 6. No
aooner was the announcement made of
the big automobile races to be held on
fiia fast Galveston beach, July ?8, ., ,
,han a number ot drivers who 'partlcJ
pated in tbe Eoo-mile race at Indianapolis,
made known the tact that they were
anxious to enter the meet, which Is tho
only beach event scheduled for tbts sea
son. The fact that 15.000 in cash Is of
fered to the placed drivers Is one of tbe
events, a JOO-mlle race, on the program Is
an Incentive to drivers and manufactur
ers In July for the meet, which Is to be
a part of the Cotton carnival, The Qal
vetton Automobile club and the Tcxai
State Automobile association are pro
moting; this eriranttc affair, and no ex-
pense is being; sparea to maxe tne event
a memorable one.
Captain X W. Munn, chairman ot the
racing: committee, Interviewed drivers and
team managers at Indianapolis and sv
eral o fthem said they would enter tbelr
machines ahd go after tho beach record
now held by txyls Dlsbrown in hla Sim
plex Zip. It will be remembered that at
the gathering- at Galveston last year pis
brow won three races fifty, seventy-ftve
and 109 mile eventswith the Simplex.
The races he won were the feature of the
up a party ot old time, blcycj' me.n and j three-day meet. The prosperous business
plopoers la the manufacture of aulomo- outlook In the south helped a arreat deal
biles which was banqueted In Kenosha, j ust In Interesting manufacturers to fur.
Wis., the pther nlttot. Tho "banquet was ther their Interest In that part of Jh
given In honor' of Assistant Hupertnten J country by competition. Is Was estimated
dent M, Mittsoh, who, ot! July 1, after that the carnival last year attracted cloi
serving: twenty-three years, severed' hU I to 1.000,000 people, and this number will
direct connection with, the Jeffery .organ
Izatton to become a itl.eman farmer
and Jeffery dealer1 lt south central
j undoubtedly be increased this yeah
Persistent Advertising is the Iload to
JjPlg Beturua.
The Aplco Electric Bystem,
specially designed and con
structed for Inter-State cars,
' Operated, regulated, ahd
controlled through switch at
driver's left. Five lights.
6-pylinder, 45 H. P.r 132-inch Wheel Basd "
The later-State six-cyllndor, model 45 possesses high efficiency of motive power, simplicity, safety aixd strength
of construction, comfort and completeness In appointments, good taste and .beauty in design, . .-V
The Inter-State includes every desirable feature,
of the latest and best motor car practice.
Inter-State Automobile Co.
Factory: Muxcit, IndianR.
310 South 18th St., Omaha, Neb.