The Omaha Sunday Bee PART ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN VOL. XLin.-NO. 4. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, JULY IS, 15)13 SIX SECTrONS-FlFTY-TWO PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE GENTS. THE WEATHER. Pair f THREATSTO BLOWUP AMEBIC EMBASSY ARE SENTTO WILSON United States Ambassador at Once Sends the Anonymous Note to Mexican Foreign Office. STUDENTS PLAN DEMONSTRATION Energetic Protest Made Against Meeting Called for Today. ANTI-AMERICAN FEELING GROWS Newspapers. Print Highly Sensa tional Articles. EL PAIS HINTS AT WAR SOON It Saya Contest Slnut Come, but Ad 'Tlaea People to Ketp Unlet and I lift TJnItea States Begin Hostilities. MEXtqGCtTY, July 12.-The American ambassador protested energetically to the Mexican government today against per irilttlng another anti-American demon st'ratlon. An anonymous letter containing threats to blow up he United ' States embassy was received by Ambassador Henry Lane WHson today and Immediately re ferred to the Mexican foreign, office tot Investigation. As an Indication ot the fervor of pat riotlain that has been aroused in Mexico the Department of tho Interior an nounced today that representatives- re port 30,600 workmen had appealed to the government for military instructions in order that they might be ready to fight for 'tho national existence. Tire newspaper Ul Pals' saj's It has been visited bjf a committee of women school teachers who offered' to enter the ranks of the army and fight In caso of an In ternatlonal conflict. Student Call Mas Meeting.. The student of tho federal capital are organizing a meeting for Sunday In which they have Invited the worklngmen and all other classes '.to participate. Al though the organization has cautioned those who will participate to keep order, there Is grave fear, on the part of con servative .Mexicans and also among:' the American colony that the demonstration will provoko serioUs . troublo. In splto of the protests of Ambassador WllBon In regard to the attitude of the newspapers, especially of El Pals, that journal devotes it first page to the anti American movement, Its articles' being hlrhiv sensational. In As editorial" col- umiVJt, eautfojls srudefceei W Utters a war and- to leave the responsibility .to the United States. Jt declares that a "great wive of patriotic -enthusiasm has been aroused tlirdughoUt the country." Three Americana Released. LAREDO, Tex,, July 12.-Perwnptory. demands .by American authorities today obtained the release of three remaining American, prisoners held by constltu tlonallst at Hidalgo, Mexico. Two Mex'. can .cowboys who who had been taken with the, Americana were freed. r Tho party was escorted to the border by United States Consul Garrett of Neuvo Laredo, It was said the constitu tionalists held the party for KO0O ran som. The Americana released today were the elder Ilaselrlgg, William Randolph and Isaac Cade. EAGLE PASS, Tex., July 12. American Consul Luther Ellsworth at Pledraa Negraa today received Instructions to- de mand tho release of L. 1 D&vl and John Rives, American prisoners of constltu tlonallsu near" Monterey. Their place of residence, is not known. Hebelft Loit Apicrlcan Jllnea. GUADALAJARA. Mexico, July 12.--Rebels tdday, looted and burned the camps of tho Boca Ancha Mining com pany, a Chicago concern; and of the Gold Standard Mining company, a Philadelphia concern, In the Parnaso .district of , the state of Jalisco. The buildings of the Gold Standard" company were destroyed and thosa of the Boca Ancha company badly damaged. The American officials escaped from the place before-the arrival of the rebels. B. C. Johnson, the English owner of tho Alclhustal Haccienda, in the Autland dla triot of .Jalisco, was driven off the place by the rebels and is hiding with his wife in the mountains. Orders have been sent to the nearest droops to attempt to rescue them, Rebels cut off the fingers of the Mexi can owner of art adjoining ranch with a chisel because ha was unable to produce $2,000 which they demanded, Diaya A Uncle on Jnares. EL PABO, Ten, July 12, Juarez of flciala received a message from Chihua hua today stating that the relief column Of pascual Orozco. advancing, from the south and repairing the railroad Into Chi huahua, bad repulsed the rebels at Ma puto, near Chihuahua, killing, 170. Federal authorities stated that Venus tlano Carranva, leader of the constltu tloiuillsts In northern Mexico, had or dered Pancho Villa net to attack, Juarez for fear of causing American Interven tion. . NEW; MARRIAGE LAW IN , . WISCONSIN IS A' FARCE KEEN AH. Wis., July 12,-The new Wisconsin marriage law. providing that, at least one of the contracting parties to every marriage roust have the consent of one of the parents, caused trouble yesterday" when Mrs. Elizabeth Shants mann, W years old, a grandmother, (ought to marry Fred Wellard of Apple ton, IS years old. The local, justice re quired that tha new law be enforced. Mrs. Schatxmann brought her mother, Mrs. Phlllplna Thebe, 81 years old, Into court to consent to the marriage. SEVEN MEN KILLED BY EXPLOSION OF BOILER PARIS. July It Seven men were killed and nlnet Injured by a holler explosion In a, brickyard at CbjUenayvjo the; Seine this morning. M ... in. m.tlAM that tlia tlrrlA la nftl I t rj "VZr" .Z .ikr rK Trfcrpreentatlve controlling; - the Voter! ?,f!!lJJft must ' Inevitably bo States.' titMVLto 6t W fa w .-.iL,, -to--Ure state for ltstlf In the position ot navjnff proyoKe LINCOLN PAYSF0R NAMES So Asserts Colonel A. D. Fetterman in Letter to Lincoln Paper. UNIVERSITY MEN HELPING Pettermnn Wan til to Know Why Lin coln la So Worried Over Uxpen Uture for nn Armory at Nehrnnlm City. Colonel A. D. Fetterman, Inspector general of tho Nebraska National Quard, comes back onco more .with a pronounce ', ment on the armory target, making the charge In a Lincoln paper that refcren dum petition circulators in Omaha are being paid 2V4 cents a name, the opening for his statement: "It Is not Omaha men. who aro paying this money, If I may rely upon the state ment of Prof. L. B. Tuckerman of tho state university, to the effect that the. money for this project woa raised In Lincoln, and that he was Implored by W. L. Locke, editorial writer ou tho State Journal, to come to Omaha to or ganize tho campaign here. Instead, it Is quite apparent that tho whole dastardly attempt to injure the Nebraska National Guard has been or ganized at Lincoln, as a list of tho execu tive council ot the Voters'- Legislative League ot Nebraska, maae public In Omaha for the first time this week. In dicates that L. B. Aylsworth, A. L. Weathterly, W. L. Locke and A. W. Richardson, all of Lincoln, are among Its members, and again relying upon Prof. Tuckerman, Its actlvo managers. Why Are They Worried t Why. permit me to ask, are these four gentlemen of Lincoln so much worried about JIO.OOO being npeht elsewhere than In Lincoln? Does not Lincoln, fattening Upon the enormous, appropriations made for the support of tho state university, tho penitentiary, one of tho three asylums for the Insane, the state capltol, the state fair and perhaps a few more Institutions feel that Its share of the state funds Is sufficient? "Why this Insane Jealousy of Nobraska City and of other cities that may later ask for armory appropriations t Why raise a slush fund and dragoon uni versity .professors into their service to Injure others? "It cannot be with a patriotic motive, elHe they would not rely largely upon the Industrial Workers of the World and other enemies of law and order, to flit their petttlqns. It cannot bo to rebuke log rolling, else. their voices would be raised In- protest against every appro priation for a Lincoln institution. It cannot be In the cause of .progress, else they would not run counter to tro spirit and practice of the most progressive states of the .union In the matter of armory building. It cannot be for the introduction of tho referendum, because the, opponents ot the workmen's oompen eatlen ia.w,are Invoking It "it these -referendum jPetltldns are per knitted to be' filed Lincoln, through Its its, envious and. .unpatriotic attack upofi the cltitetv soldiers of Nebraska to pro mote .its ,owni selfish' ends." Teachers Meet at St. Paul Next Year SALT LAKE CITY, July 12. After a stormy session St Paul as the 191t con vention city of the National Educational society was selected by the board of til rectors here today. The board also rec ommended that next year's board of directors name Oakland as the 1915 con vention city. The -board unanimously recommended that an International congress ot educa tion be held In connection with the Panama-Pacific exposition in San Fran cisco. A commission of thirty-four lead ing educators of the 'United States, under the chairmanship of P. P. Claxton, United States commissioner of education, was selected to have general charge of the congress. The board meeting was, the last busi ness of the convention In this city. A large delegation of teachers left for Yel lowstone park today. Billion Eggs on Ice in New York NEW YORK, July 12. More than 1,000. 000,000 eggs are on Ice, according to the. report of forty-five public refriger ators In the United States, Just issued. Tho figures account for 2,fiS2,S0a cases In storage, with thirty1 dozen eggs to the Case, as compared with 3,330,600 cases last year at this time. With storage eggs priced at $7.26 a .case these early July holdings this year are worth 2,411,126 at wholesale. The average consumption eggs in Greater New York la 3,000,009 dozen a week. BROOKINGS WOMAN IS' BURNED TO DEATH MITCHELL, 8. D;. July 12.-SpeclaI.)-Mw. Otio'Arneson was fatally burned at tierhome In Brooking. Rising In th morning be went Into the kitchen to prepare breakfast, and In some way her clothes caught from tho gasoline stove, Mr. Arneson heard her cries and took a blanket and followed his wife Into the yard-4t. was two or three minutes be. fore" he cpuid catch her. as she was running wildly around' and was frenzied wUh the pain. The clothes were entirely burned from her body, and the flame burned deep Into the flesh, especially on the upper part or her body. She was re moved to the hospital and lived until lata in the evening. Mrs. lArneson wa Ci years of age, and lived In the vicinity of Haytt. a for 35 years, and where Lshe was burled. Or cut Contrast In Sklrta. SHENANDOAH, la., July 12.-Specta!.) -Or. "and "Mrs. W. C, Williamson of Clarlnda, recently celebrated their forty, fifth wedding anniversary. Pr. William son Is pastor of the United Presbyterian church arid 140 members ot the congre gation surprised them. Mrs. Williamson. In the spirit of the occasion, dragged from tho depths of a trunk her brocaded wedding gown, with hoops, and wore It gaily. JIr skirt was six yards around and her daughter's, beside her, fifty-six inches, showing the laughable contra. t between tho Old styles -and tha new. IS ASKET OF THE WORLD Big Crops o; Year RAILBOADS REPORTS Lilies that Serve This Part of Country Gathering Data. HARVEST OVER IN SOUTH Territory Below Platte River Proves Up Earlier Reports. BETTER THAN ' ESTIMATED Arera(te Yield Over Many Dlatrlcta thnt Wt-e Klrat Reported .Gloom lly Show Surorlalngly Heavy Arcraffca Per Acre. Acting under Instructions from tho general managers, agents of tho Bur lington and Northwestern aro tolegruph lng to - headquarters - Information rela tive to the Tvheat yield In Nebraska; Tho reports arenow. coming In rapidly and give conditions of tho territory around tho stations where tho respective agents aro located. These reports Indi cate that this year Nebraska Is going to be tho bread' basket of the world and that tho wheat It Is producing Is of a quality unexcelled, Avelghing out from K to 63 pounds per bushel. The reports received by tho two rail roads, up to date, mostly come -from the portion of the state south of the Platte river. In that section tho harvest Is starting, and while ' little threshing has been done, Indications are that the wheat yield will bo fully up to that part of tho state farther south. ' f Actual llr'aulta. Agents at stations on the Burlington report tho following" yields: ; Stations. Buslu.peracrrC' Flattsmouth to Li ncoln ....... . . ivRs l Greenwood to Lincoln aji4V TiS? Dunbar' to Lincoln .Tj7.,f...i.'"a. Poru to Gruff ytA'ai&S Tecurftseh to Roca.. ,....fl.f4..,.nySBll Sutton to Llncon "'A'iua?l Hanvard to Inland f?....iil6, Hastings and vicinity ,...,. .."Was Juniata to Kencsaw ., lj Lovcll to Kearney 1 Trumbull to Glltncr 21 HolcOmb to Columbus.............. 37 Seward to Waco..... 31 York and vicinity.., , liushton and vicinity.............. Northwestern yields are estimated as follows: Stations. . Bush, peracre. Ccreseo and vicinity Geneva, and ylclulty Greaham and vicinity,...- i Harvard and Vicinity-.'.... .. J9 Bruno and vicinity.,.. i,"? l.n.r.n nrtA i ot 111 f V 25 Scribnir and Vlclnliy'.H'.'o-"?- jJ -CVnlihif nnil vielnltv 88 , better T.han PreaDeofa.; T The .stations reporting are widely scat tered aridtvre said td pretty well Wprc sent'tulljr tho whole of" the south halt of tho state. ' . In Burington territory where tho iold Is . reported at .t' and 15 bushels p.jsr acre, two weeks ago. It was -aid that the wheat would hardly pay for cut Early In tho season, vout arOund Red Cloud on the Burlington, Jt was said, tho yield would bo very light. Indications now are that while it will not bo a bum per crop In Webster county. It will be far above the average, so far ' as wheat Is concerned. Ci J, Piatt, living a few miles south of Red Cloud, has threshed two fields of wheat. One went.thlry and the other thirty-six bushels per acre. James Mc intosh, living north of town has finished his 'threshing and his 100-acre field aver aged ) twenty-six bushels to the acre. Tho agent at Red Cloud writes that after . talking with farmers he Is con vinced that the average wheat yield In Webster county will be eighteen to twenty bushels per acre. Saturday la always a dull day on tho Omaha Grain exchange, but today close to sixty cars of new wheat, came to mar ket, a large portion of which waa con signed direct. One hundred cars are looked for Monday. Will Give Poison to Grasshoppers dodge- CITY, Kan- July 12. Fanners Aft MW of western Kansas planned to begin a campaign today to exterminate the mvriads of grasshoppers, which, for sev eral days, have threatened to destroy the growing crops. A carload, of bran mixed with 2.C00 pounds of poison has been distributed among tha farmers. This mixture will too scattered over every r-.n field in which the oests are found. Two state etomologists are here to su perintend me worn. MITCHELL ROMANCE WILL CUUMINATe IN BOLIVIA MITCHELL. S. D., July 12.-(Speclal.) -Miss Bessie Dunn left the city todaj for a long Journey to South America, and will locate at Cochobamba. Bolivia, where ahe will accept a position in the Methodist Missionary college. Miss Dunn graduated from Dakota Wesleyan uni versity In June, and received her appoint ment to the foreign missionary field at the hands of tho Methodist Board of Eduction. At the first South American port Mlsa Dunn will be met by Frank Beck, and the young people will be mar. -a and continue their Journey on to Cochobamba. Jr. BecU also graduated jrrom uauota weaieyan, and the romance of their Uvea -which be gan In college will bo consummated In far off South America, INVENTS AEROPLANE THAT WILL NOT UPSET NEW YORK. July i2.--Chrfatopber J. Lake, one of the Inventors of the. "overt keel" subroartno boat" ua-d In the United States navy ha reported to the Aero Club of America that he and his son. Hlmon Lake have evolved a type ot aeroplane which, . tested by being in. verted at an altitude of elxty'feet, easily r-rcovered Its balance and made a. cafe and easy descent. NEBRASKA BREAD Octavia vand' Vlclnrty-r.imiJJ; Nora and vicinity....,. ."A?t 4 Goehmo and ivlclnity.., f-h''Jl These i,p3wrifor The Bee -by Powell. MULHALL TELLS OF . PIGHTIHGSE(lTOeS Says Manufacturers finascei Sfettle Against McCo 1XI?S PAID MIS XCEKTAT '' rich MMVLtttteHetCaatlWt ' Xahor Leaa'tor tor Polit ical Work. .i . .WASHINGTON, July l2.-Wth Mftrtin Mulball, one-time chief lobbyist for the National Association of Manufacturers, as ,th prhte, the senate and house lobby Investigators continued, their contest to day for first testimony from tho star wit ness. The senate won. Surrounded by gUarda to ward off subpoena servers from the house, Mul hall continued his story before the senato committed, reciting details of tho fight he alleges the manufacturers financed to beat Representative Hughes of New Jer sey, now a senator; to re-elect Nelson W. Aldrich as senator from Rhode Island and re-elect former Representative Little field of Maine. Mulhall talked of "Inside" work and "outside" work; of a bookkeeper at the American Federation of Labor, whom he charged with later becoming a paid spy for the Manufacturers' association, and of N. Carroll Downes, private" secrotary to former Senator McComas of Maryland, who he alleged was taking pay from the Manufacturers' association when it was trying to beat McComaa1 because ot his eight-hour labor bills, liulhall's testi mony may cover several days. The house- committee, meanwhile foiled In lis attempts to get first testimony from Mulhall. made formal demand on the sen ate committeo for Its list of witnesses yot unheard and planned to meet later today to discuss further action. Slanufaoturera Want Representative Mulhall finally resumed the stand and took -up the Identification of his letters which he began at last night's session, Before he -could begin, however. Janus A. Emery, counsel for tho Notional As. toclatlon of Manufacturers, made a formal request upon the committee for the right of the association to be repre ssed by an attorney, Robert McCarter, former attorney general of New Jersey, was presented as the. attorney. Chairman Overmun aald the committeo would decide later whether Mr. McCarter should have the general privileges of any attorney for the association. Mulhall Identified more letters showing his relations with Marshall Cushlntf, sec retary of the association of manurao turers. He testified he had an under- standing with Cunning that he was to receive $100 a week and ftO a week for expenses lor "general field work ana lobby work in Washington" his ar rangement with Cushlng began in the summer pf loot and he understood It to be permanent, although he had nothing in writing to bind the association. Senator Secretary Bought. Mulhall testified further of how he worked to defeat the late Senator Mc Comas of Maryland, although he pogod as the aenators friend. He eald he had received WO letters from Cushlng directed against McComas. "I turned Ihem over to Carroll Powns, secretary to McComas,' he added. "Bo you mean you delivered these let ter against McComaa to his secretary?" djynsunded Senator Reed. " "Carroll Down waa In the pay of Cushlng," replied the witness, who went on 'to explain that he quarreled with Cushlng because he was "buying out" the secretary of a senator. A letter to Senator Foraker September 19, 1KS4, referred to a suggestion that Mulhall gq to Rhode Island to help Ben ator AlUrich In his campaign. He tefrti fled he went later at the request of At drlch. He asked me to get Into touch with (.Continued on Page Two.) 1 Good Old Tournament L """ ' mi I . II I i" Serious Riot Marks Start of Orangemen's Festival at Belfast BELFAST, Ireland, July U Somewhat serious rioting occurred here early this morning at the -opening ot the celebra tion of the Twelfth, the Orangemen's, July festival IMan windowa v6re .broken and a number ot potyMinen .anU .etyUliW were' .Injured, two of them.Vo tseverely t1iatKihey.:hfLa''.to bekR!JvToBJ6Bltal.' 1st first fought eaah other furiously and then when a laffc-o body of police ap peared and endeavored to separata them Joltied forces and attacked the Police men. The fight raged along the streets for an hour arid a half. Sticks ware freely Used by tho civilians, who also threw ebowora'-j ot stories, accompanied by revolver ahots. The policemen drew their Clubs arid charged and hand-to-hand fighting went on till 6 o'clock, when the crowds dis persed. OnV one arrest was made, t Jack Johnson's Diamond Necklace is Sold at Auction CHICAGO, July 12. The diamond neck, lace, composed of fifty-five atones weigh ing from U to ITi carat, which belonged to Jack Johnson's former white wife, Etta Duryea, waa sold to a Jeweler today for 12.100 at oabllo auction In the office ot tho United" States marshal.' Govern ment officials appraised the- necklace at $3,0(0, although' Johnson bought it in London for tl.te) at tho time, of the coronation-of King George V,, Johnson's wife wore the necklace at a Qarty soon after their return to the United States. It unusual brilliance .ex cited comment and custom official In Chicago investigated. Johnson waa tin able to show that he had paid the duty of (1.000 and tho necklace was seized. The fighter claimed that his wife had smuggled the necklace into this country without hi knowledge. Becker is Denied Another Trial NEW YORK, July 11 Charles Becker application for a new trial on the charge of murdering the gambler, Herman Ros enthal, waa denied by Supreme Court Justice Gotf today. Counsel had sought to reopen the case on the ground of newly discovered evidence. Justice Goff. who Waa the trial Judge la tho Becker case' and In the caea ot the four gunmen also cinvlcted, held that the former police lieutenant had had a, fair trial before him and denied the plea. If relief comes to Becker now It must bo through tho higher courts. For months ho has been In the death house at Sing Sing. EIGHTEEN JH0USAND A YEAR TOR RECEIVERS ST. LOUIS, July It-Unlted States Clr. cult Judge Sanborn today filed an order i- . i. r-nnrt flzinir the salaries III Ml" of W. McNlxon. and William Riddle, new receiver of the St, Louia & Ban ran. clsco railroad at J1S.0CO a- yew. The National Capital Saturday, July 13 tOltt, The Senate.. Not In session, meets Monday. t iV., rnmmitin heard testimony of Martin M. Mulhall The lloune. .... - . anil OHAllmA1 H t 1 ' f jaai uvuu -- - ... a noon Tuesday. ReVrativtaUvo Henry Jntroduc-d a, res. oluUoa to renew money trust Inquiry. j Days IN ROASTS ONE OF HOWELL'S RULES Board Member mo ii- te CUlt scales .Out in Opeu Meetisf. '$!'' Not like iet Kear the Boaeal While "Uttaer Flre' May Soon, tarda oh Hw.fti. ' At what will probably be tho last meeting of the Water board in whloh he will participate D. J. O'Brien, who resignation is In the hand ot the watet commissioner, told R. Beeoher Howell and his colleagues where to head -In at a meeting yesterday afternoon. One of O'Brien' .frjends, whose' name ho did no wish to make public, had been hard hit by one of tho Water board fool rule. Under one of the regulations tnado by Water Commissioner R. B, Howell, tenant cannot have water turned on until tho owner ot the premises slgne on security for water bills. This friend of O'Brien' rented a house from a men who Is now In Europe. As wa to have been expected, under the Howell rulings the man was 'rofusod water until tho owner ot the place signed a security. In anger tho roan catted on O'Brien and with little less anger than hi friend O'Brien marched up to tho water offices' and ordered the water On, but he had to' glvo his own word that he would pay the tenant')blll It the tenant should ever refuse to pay. "There is no Justice In such an Iron clad rule a this," O'Brien told tho water obard. "It works an undue hard ship on water users. I see the necessity of some rules, but this one Is too string enf Illatnea Wchafer. "Attorney Webster made this ruling about a year ago and it has been in cf pot Blncer" mildly remonstrated a wa ter, boarder. ."What If he did make It?" snapped O'Brien. "Webater hasn't been always right- He told u certain suit wero com ing out thus and so and they didn't" Wile no action was taken to remedy the gross injury which result from this regulation, O'Brien Insisted on remedial regulation and tho matter is being con aidered by the water commissioner, al though action may be delayed until after O'Brien' resignation takes effec', whlon will be wjthtrt the next few days, it Is up. derstood. O'Brien ha frequently voiced bis de termination to resign, but owimr tn tha flg'ht for lower water rate he eald he hated to quit under fire for fear of being called a "wolsher." Now that the Water board haa forced the water commissioner to make two slight reductions of rate O'Brien Is ready to quit. W. If. Buchols will follow O'Brien, hi resignation having been unofficially an nounced several tlmoa recently. He, too, decided to "stick under fire," but he hastened the action "ST the board In lowering rates so he could get out from under the Howell yoke. He aald he was aorry he had ever accepted a position on the board, Vincent Astor Gives Picnic to the Poor NEW YORK. July 12,-Vlncent Astor began today to spend some of hla millions In helping the women and children of the tenement districts to an putlng. At his expense a steamboat took 5.000 ot tha poor for a sail to Bath beach today under direction ot the Children' Aid society, for a luncheon and frollo at the seashore. It I the first of a series of outing which Mr. Astor plans to extend throughout the summer. TROOPS FIRE ON MOB IN BULGAR CAP1TAU MANY PERSONS SLAIN Government Offices at Sofia Are Rex ported Stormed by Anjjry Populace. PALACE IS ALSO SURROUNDED Rumors of Tumult Telegraphed to) London from Vienna; NEWSPAPERS ARE SUSPENDED War Office Continues to Give Outj Cheerful Bulletins. PEOPLE SEPT IN IGNORANCE Inhabitant Knew Nothtnir Until Friday NlRht of Action Tnfcrn by Rumanian Array tn Croa ! tuaf frontier. LONDON, July 12. Rumors of tumults tn Bofla are telegraphed by tho Vienna correspondent of tho Central News, who reports that a mob stormed tho govorrv mont oftlcea and came into contact with tho troops, who fired a volley killing many people. It la also rumored that the royal palace In surrounded. A later mensajTO from Sofia, Kays that, tha populace of the Bulgarian capital It In Ignorance of tho actual military anal political altuatlon in thd Balkan. Thq government ban suspended the newH papern so as to prevent nows of tha spreading while) tho war office continues to Issue reports ot tho success of tho But' garlan armies In tho field. Until last evening tho inhabitants ot Sofia knew nothing ot tha action taken by Rumania, whoso troops have crossed! the Bulgarian frontier and occupied com sldembla territory. Automatic Cigar Cutter is Unsanitary WASHINGTON, July It-Warning to tho pubilo against the use ot the auto matlo cigar cutter on the ground that it Is. an agency tor the spread of disease Wa Issued today by tho United States pubilo health sorvlco. Tho statement points out that many smokers on pum chasing a cfgaf and before clipping oft the end place It between their lips whtta paying for the purchase. "This would oeem," the same declare, "to be a very offecitve method of brtng ing about the ntorchaha;a kioUtk soore-t!dn'-and poslbl.ihe.jsprei of Infect J!on.It la.- tligROsted i th4:thAU3ot audi au'tdmatte Clipper ahouW-Keavoled' the ptiplle on account ,otpbseiDllity thas, diaeo muy bo epretufby them by reason of tho nature and manner of theij use." BANKER WHO HELD SERVICES IN BANK EACH DAY IS DEAD. CHICAGO, July 12,-Samuol A. Kean, for years a banker and bond dealer In LaSalle street, known for his practice of holding a brief religious service In hla bank at the opening ot each buslneat day, died yesterday at hla homo in, Evanston, a suburb. Hid firm waa prominent In the city'; business life twenty -year ago. iEach morning, up to tlie time of hi retirement from banking, Mr. Kean'u first act upon entering hi bank, was to summon all employee to hi privato office. He an nounoed the number of a hymn, led th Inglng, made an Introductory talk and had employes take turn In reading the day' lesson. Then ho itnerpreted It for them, " Mr. Kean waa 78 year old. 4 j JURY0F LAWyERS WILL ' PASS ON DIVORCE CASE . NEW YORK. July 12.-A Jury cor posed entirely of lawyers, although law yers are ordinarily exempt from Jury duty, will be tho novelty In the trial jier next week of a suit for separation be gun by Ida, Gabcl, a leading woman la Eaststdo theater, against Max Gab, an actor. Gabel has also entered acouni ter claim for divorce! Supreme Court Justice Goff, finding nearly fifty lawyer In h court yesterday ready to or sua motions, took the unprecedented step of appointing twclvo of jthem to hear evi dence In the divorce suit. The twelve: chosen agreed to act, AMATEUR AVIATOR FALLS TWO HUNDRED FEET, CHICAGO. Julv li B. Wfl!(r .n amateur aviator, fell 200 feet when hq attempted to fly yesterday from SU i-nanea to isigin in a oipiane which ha built himself. He will recover. Walters had flown six mile when a puff of wind turned his machine completely over iq the air. STANLEY DENIES CHARGE ' MADE BY DAVID LAMAR WASHINGTON, July li-Representa-tlvo Stanley of Kentucky, chairman ofi the former Steel trust Investigation com mlttee. today denied on the floor of tha house testimony of David Lamar that he (Lamar) had originated the resolo tlon which resulted in tho inquiry. Stan ley also denied that Henry B. Martin ot the so-called antl-truet league had any thing to do with It. OMAHA POLICE ASKED TO FIND DEAD BABYS PARENTS BLAIR, Neb., July il (Special)- Sheriff Oompton haa aaked the Omaha police to - assist him In locating the. parents of the 3-dayold baby found, dead beside the Northwestern tracks) near Arlington Thursday evening. Tho body waa fuond wrapped In a. blanket marked with the letter IX It must h&rc been thrown from the west bound train. Tha inquest haa been continued, until Monday.