THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUIY 12, 1913. RECEIVER FOR SHORT LIKE T ajarow Take Charge of Affairs of Iowa Eallroad. EONDHOLDEES GO ETTO COTJET Wealthy Fnrmtrn II are Content A Judgment for Three Hundred Tbonmtnd Pollare on En dorsed Nates. The Iowa & Omaha Short Line ftatt road company was placed In the hands of receiver yesterday by an order Is sued by Judge Wheeler In the district court In Council Bluffs. August F Datnmrow, cashier of tha Treynor bank, was made receiver and directed to Im mediately tike possession of. all oC the compinrB property. -The receiver was asked for by the bondholder, who hotd alt of the Issue ot first snort bonds, approximating jlM,000, The fact that It has been found t6 trt Impractical to operate the road for the last week or m6re and- that a bond of only tl 9,000 was required to be filed by the receiver. Indicates the great deprecla tlon of the property. The bondholders Include the wealthy farmers who have confessed Judgment in the district court for nearly $300.t00 upon note's endorsed by them tp pay for the construction of the road, which runs from Council Bluffs to Treynor, a distance of twelv ''miles. 'When the fanners secured loans of airaetlcallv tHXj.Wb to take up part of ?hetr paper the' -'entire bond issue was n their possession given as security at the time the endorsed paper was riven. The bonds bear date of June 10, 1900, and nre In series of 200 of 1500 each. To ae. cure their payment b trust deed cover ing all of the property of the road was riven to John J. Qplndler and Ernest n. Hart as trustees. Following Mr, Hart's death 'August F. Dammrow was seleotol to fill the vacancy. Tha suit for a re ceiver by Uplndler and Dammrow la at the direction of ten other bondholders and heavy creditors, all residing near the village of Treynor. The ,LAna Con struction company, W. M. Lapa and Ceorge W, Adams are made defendants with tha Short Une company. The other plaintiffs are William Treda, William Hue, B. Vplken. P. N, Bucks doff, 'peter Kftthmanrt, Mrs, August Olderog, Arthur 3, Baar, Thomas Flood, A. I Ingram and J. Hersch, They ask .Judgment for 1 178, W0 and Interest and costs. The bonds were to draw 0 per cent Interest and to be payable In IS 11., As the road has hover made operating expenses no Interest was ever paid, The Wad connects with the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway oompany'i line to the Iowa School for tha Deaf. There have been rumors that there was a probability ot the street ear company jetting control of the property. BEATRICE TO STRENGTHEN ITS BASE BALL TEAM BBATRJCK, Neb., July lt-fSpestai).- A young twlrler named NeumaMi, who halls from Shlckley, Neb,, wm seat to Tem yoteet,, manager1 of the SeeraM saw bait team yesterday fay the Beatrice man ageenent. wfileh take oyer the elue net .feday. Mfcuman la said to b' e. eemer. eeia.'wtll :to iaVta a txyuL)wHh,th tea... ArfstW rpHthe y- the Mm oClearrkeMek'.kJ sear swes. The HttKewemt 1 fWJo atfetahnFtieVie, h as near me me he,cjKsJ9 before nte seas closes. ' The ilrsi- ) will be ptayeJfyertf with HaUtew MK sm .' It will b a double MAN K FLlED. BY TWISTER' At HERSHEY NEBRASKA HJHSUET, Neb., July lt-(Specita.) A eMail tomato passed over this .portion of (Lincoln county lata Thursday after? jioon, doing considerable damage ;to vil lage and firm property. A, Wtckstlon. an agffl man, was killed by Ilyln; debris. Two hay warehouses and many small building were blown down. K4y to tha Situation Bee Advertising. , CuHsfromtftlffiire Secretary Oarrlftoa w4t start We4ae day m a tour or Inspection of amy poeU in the Unite Mates. - Wsoeei wetMug " sealtieas od vaea tloaa 9 ore ietvelvea I a strike vote, now being taken among the 1,17 tiieejrew aewnor m wnten a clfie lines. Twe seats were pM4 fer sale en the new wc excMMft yeeteMay, Oh u seM i&t m.m. Tivla 1 Uu low est prtee 9 record and le than t& last aaiee Etchi ofrteklii in the Alberta roveriv MieDt kurf titlea ontee at Calvary were meeted yesterday following tha dlsos- jteorosM ef Iotm sums of money durlag a Prua iroin uw u we preseau Gntrovrrt' over the poetoftlce at Oalneevllle. Oa,w was oettted yesterday wnen tne senate connnneu m nomina tion at Mrs. II. W- J. Ham. to suocted Mrs- Helen D. lragstroet widow ot .the ceaf ederate general. Mr. John If. 'Martin, & wealthy widow of New Tork, was robbed in Paris lost evening ot Jewelry valued at 8,030 at hiur ltotsl ott the Place Vendonte. Th $twMwere taken from a table In her tuite while she was dressing for dinner, By a decision of the California rAUroad cemmlssrion made public yesterday the state takes -uUf luelf the power .to reg ulate the rates of steamship companies plying over regular routes from one Cali fornia Port to another, even though the ante maktpe ue tripa traverse the hti sea. The supreme ceurr of Cuba last night found lndlctmenu azainst Qeneral AsberL governor of Havana province and ftepre tentative Arise on the charge of homl aide, aest-oH firearms and reels- Unco to authority. The Indicted men ore held resDonstbte for tha kllllnr of Qeneral Armando .Kivo, ealet of the Cuban na ttonal puUee. A reeolutl4n svovldlng for a commluion 61 twentyvOve mett-bera to uke chargo of raising, by wbsertptton a 5i.G9S.WO en 4owment for a idttional treseareh and ael entitle feundattoa tuBd for dentists was adopted at the annual eonvanUon ot the National Petttal aseociatton at Kansas City yesterday. Chairman -Henry of tie hQueo committee on rules yesterday told a delegation ot woman suffragists, headed by iirs. Helen qardener, the authoress, that the com mittor would g4ve tkem a hearing next December o the question ot adding -a committee en woman suffrage to the Handing eonwnUteea of the house. failing to fix its" own purenoae prieea in Its attent t6 buy Independent film tielMJWM. tne so-called motion metare trust retoHated by caneeUng film euly :ontrabts with thesa. according to evi imtm iatrodueed yeeterday in the gov ernmeat'a dissolution cult osataat tha MetlM Pieture Patents company, aeneral . .sWelee-y '4en of Um Beetartment of XbyteVay eoetfer wj nn ' tenasce of way tmmrM ot western, rail ways -reradb-g tbe inetwMon of th u-sioos etr. tne ending amondwiwa to toe tUimn arWioMlon act Tw now affoeta only em4oyea ootivcly en in tho traMwts)iB of interstate JOHN A. SU'ANSON, Trea. VM. L. HOIiAK, 0?rea8, l Sniashing Reductions-Finest Hand-Tailored Fashionable Suits Men's and Young Men's SUITS From World's Bsst Makers CLOTHING Men's and Young Men's S U rT S-- On Sale at Lpvtrest Frjces r, The New Nebraska's First July Clearance SAL The Signal That Shrewd Buyers Have Waited For . Thousands of Buits taktm from our regular lines are now on sale at extraordinary clearance prices. The best pro ductions of Bochester, N. Y., celobrated wholesale tailors. Evory suit in this sale was made to conform to our high quality standard and represented $5,00, $7.50, $10.00 moro solid value at regular prices han others offer. Wonderful Variety of Suits To Choose From You'll find all sizes in this sale regulars, extra sizes, shorts, stouts, slims. .Immense rango of new Engisl, semi- English, Norfdlks, 2 and 3-button sack.and soft roll styles. ThQ latest weaves, hundreds of now mid-season ideasT Blue serges, cheviots, cassimores, worsteds, homespuns. Hair linos, pin stripes, etc. The greatest selection of strictly now styles you over picked, from at such extremely low reduced prices. Thousands of Suits in Three Great Q roups Conveniently Arranged for Easy Choosing As Follows: 1 Men's and Young M's ! $15 and $18 SUITS I St m m and Young Men's 1 1 Men's and Younr Men's I $20 and $25 SUITS I f $30 and $35 SUITS i 1 1 1 S-4 .75 $30 and $35 SUITS II $-4.75 V w - I II II Share in this exceptional opportunity to securo high class clothes at remarkable reductions. Positively none sold td dealers. 17 VAJyaflrfill BaWsMlAiaWMeftwflrlBV lTfvWI Iwl PfWSwwHwVwII '"'wfffl FIRST JiLY CLEAMR6E GREAT SALE MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ESS Men's Underwear Sale ItXKN'S $1.50 TJJWDEWHAR at 50c Wo have Bssombled In one great lot all our fine Cooper Spring Neeflla Lisle Thread and Mercorlicd Shlrto and Drawers. All sills trimmed and stiictly hand finished. Oar. menu in mis jot sola as high j ae 3.iM a suit. Qiearanoe price, sar garment. Saturday at. .-. 50o and 75 &t 25c All bur staple Rockford and French Balbrlg gan and lisle thread shirts and drawers that sold at SOo and 76c. Plain and fc mm fancy celors. - 'JUIY OLKAS- mJk Bmmi ANQB PRICE at MWtBFv'7 each . .)' v- v , v . 50c n)fJ( TTP fm il 7K TIKIOV STTTTS at i;ot qulole, elearkce we havv placed In one great lot many of out Standard brands o( fine Union Suitsflem or white ribbed Balbriggan hnd lisleja any proporr tioa, long or short sleeves, also extra fine quality of imported gfk. 4 ,a, mm Nainsook. Very sheer and cool fabrics. Stylos that sold at 9s I , 1 Sji Sli50 81.75, Clearance Sale price at w Man's 7Bo Union Suits at 4.0c $125 and $L60 XJnion Suite 85o Saturday we will otter In ono great lot the short ends of our 11.25 and Sl.oO grades o Nainsook:, Poroskntt. Balbrig gan, Hale 'thread UNION SUITS in white and Egyptian, all fj desired styles. and propor- f Q G tiona at. ,',....... w A epocjal lot of men's good quality rib bod lisle ' finished Balbriggan UNION SUITS, mite or Egyptian color. Ath letic cut or half sleeve. m 44 Regular 75c quality. U G nionraneo Halo nrica ,bbT :tJ0c NEOJKWBAR AT ' ytfr havq pieced on ohe counter hundreds of patterns of .oui" regi. ular SOo qualities of beautiful. npoKwear, ;ogetnr wita many new ana exclusive nat- terns. None worth less than 50c Clearance ' cale price. ., , ...... 50c WASH TIES AT 23c 100 dozen men's beautiful new wash able tie. Oat frorn exclusive pat terns front the foremost m manufacturers, all are ha regular SOo dealgns. Clear- jiuu anco Sale prioe 25c NECKWEAR AT 15c All our 250 all silk ties In reversible ana open snapee Juiy 1S 25c 65 c Men's Shirt Sale . MEN'S $1.00 SHIETS at 65c Hundreds of extra fine hand laundered negligee or pleated front French percale shirts made by one of thel fororaost SHIRT MAKERS of the country lURuicr wiia an our oroKen tots 01 STANDARD DOLLAR SHIRTS. Always sold at 11.00; Clearance Bale once KIN'S $1.50 SHUtTS jat 95o All of our Standard brands, f susiner shirts in starched -or London cuffs, negligee and pleated 'fronts; hundreds of beautiful new pat- jsrba mm terns, of the finest materials. Madras, mJk sv A percales, etc. 1.50 qualtJftK re- .SMMm duteii to.- w . MXN'S $2.00and $2.50 SHIKTS at $L35 e We.have placed in tw great lots all of'our beautiful new Excello Monarch, FaulHeas and Empire Bhirts. Pleated or plain fronts, starched and soft cuffs, light and dark colors, 82.50 and 82.00 qualities, at ) ' i n . $1.35 , 11 aBBBBBssm A mmmm II 50o SILK HOjSE at 25o A special ot of men'o puro throad silk hose with double h&els and toea, aUo spliced sole. Black, tan,, navy and Searl. Many fancy designs. Ivery pair good, valua at 50c. Special sale, 4Kb price. A Mttt'i 15cH03ie, IQo Ipeoial lot of Men's good auallty seamJeM cotton and lisle thread hose in black or tan, light sheor weight or the good heavy wearing kind. Regular 15o grades., Sale price. .. I wm Clearance Sale price ....... All Straw and Panama Hats at Reduced Prices 50o BELTS, 25c Flno leather belts, J or tan. In calf, seal, gram ..and Din seal, with fancy rpearl trimmed buckles. Made to sou at 50q. Sole price....,,,,.,.... lie 25c BELTS, 15c All our regular 25c grades of men's godd leather belts, many styles of leather and buckskin. Boys and men's' sizes, two colore. Re- Ci duced to., ......... . S f AH gl.OO Straws.. .. 75c AU $3.50 Panamas $3.75 All $1.50 Straws. .$1.10 . .... AU $5.00 Panamas $3.05 All $2.00 Straws.. $1.85 ' ? : ' All Siraws. .$1.85 AU a' ranamas $4.35 All $g.6 B-aws..$a.l5 AM $7.50 Panamas $5.85 MBBIBaafJPBfV JOHN A SWANSOM.fwcs. WM L rKM.2MAN.TiK a.. EiW.ftfjsTrniuiiBJiiMi CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND BOYS. STORE HOURS: . Aen till;9 P.'M. Sat urday. Closes pther - days at 5 P, M. dtfring July and August. 'Fromf Our Near Neighbor -. WeeBinis Water., j., , A saa was born to Mr. and. Mrs. C. Hansen June & Mrs. La Verne lUehl of Kansas City U vlelUag relatives here. Oyron Baker and wire are vnmnf (wty Dakef a relaUves in 'SVolbaek, Neb. Mtsa Maude MoNamea is visiting hr brother. Arthur, and family in VUs City. Mra. IV E, Bargent Is nUrtaimng rec nelee. Mildred Woodcock ot Dee Moines. Ia. The body of Cortrade A. Beach will arrive from Omiise, Cl, tor burial hera Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mote Card and daughter are vlaltlnf! his parents fir twi weeks in Logan, la. , , Dutlno the tkunder stocm Jast )nnity nteht Hehtnlna billed two hcreea -owned Ijy Jlarry Doty. a j. iias ana -wire 01 uraKmon. no.. have been vUlttni here and In the vUlatty for several days. Mrs, John U Johnson and two sons ot Herman. Neb., are vlslUns her pHrcnl. Pr. and Mrs. Butler, K. SUtnour went to Excelsior fiprLua. Mo.. Thursday lor a few weeks' treat meat for his health. ' X. 1. suiaton was a naeaeno'er 'Wednes day for Anoka, Neb., near which place his raneh Is located. ' Jessie Davis went to Mitferd Thursday, called there on account ot th elcpii.s 02 her son-ln-law. W. V, OcU'. Mrs. F. E. Thome Is enjoying a lltlt from her sister. Mrs. . J. A. . Osbom. of West Point, Minn., srrivinK xutmy. Clark B. Kewlon and sister, Katie, left Tuesday, t&t a ten to. tvelv.week trip liwausn tn woatem swiee w ine oaau 11 r. andfra. Lee Marx hall of Brighton. Ceteu auteed through Nebraska and are vianng his parcnu, Mr. ana t a Marehalt Mrs. W. W, Davis. Mrs. A- H- Jones and Miss Beeeie Vattdenbum left here Wednesday lor Denver. Colo,, to visit relatives and friends for a raw woks. 1. W. Teejmrden lad riaUghttr, Jn ette, Mlf Praee Teecarden, l p. Wol- tamtly enjoying the campanlonehlp ot parents. 'oott and family and Dr. tt, Uhannoa and rainiix leit here. wnufiUY-- noWaPark. Ia.. tor an mUn -X everai ue.ys, 'Aiiey iraveie m uijiH""-" ' TelcamAh. Mrs. Nichols of Chicago Is a uot at the home of her sister, Mrs. Cbarjea Smith. Un Ram Houston returned to her home afpenver Motday, alter a visit ot sev Howard rDooklnss had one ot his fin gers nearly cqoppen oIJ tiie other cay y a hatchet In the hands ot a com. panlon. It. C. Houston went to Minneapolis and Duluth this wk to hava a little outlna alonK with a number ot other trleuda in me lumoer ana coal iraoe. Deputy County Treasurer F. W. IMUen and wife left on Tuesday tor uiaajtton. r. r., ior a six weeics- vim wun rela tives and with the family ot their eldest son, who lives at Tarrytown. A number ot babies have arrived In this vicinity the last week. Including boys to Henry QolU Laban Itoblnson and Will Drury and slrla to Clarence Smith, and Will Drury. Mrs. Charles Petersen and eon ot West Palm Beach, Pla., arrived Tuesday art ernoon for a vlt with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Hancock, and with other relatives. Mr. Petersen expects to coma up a. little later ou to enjoy a look at iiurt county crops. Farmers are very busy this week cut. Unr winter wheat The wheat on the bottoms farms east of Tekamah is somewhat spotted and will not yield ao well as lest year. The wet weather In the spring had a bad effect on that class 01 farm land. Tekamah's Hoard ot Education has en gased Mtsa Bmma Uridses ot Omaha to teach the sixth grade and Miss Thlelke of Omaha to Instruct In music and draw In. WllUbm Richards ot Sloan, la., has been chosen as the teacher In math, matlca in the high school department. O. B. Lwls and wife hava been having a visit from a number ot their children the last week. Their son. Dtft, and family are here from Oakland.. CX. and their daughters from Uncoln and Lyons were also with the local members or the Ulkborn. Joe CStesek waa an Omaha visitor on Thursday and Friday, , - J. P. Bpearman of ' PaplUlon waa In town last Wednekday, J. Mackland and family epent Friday and SatUMay In Omaha, ' Mr. ahd Mrs, X AtOlbb0is Visited-it Benson Sunday and Monday, it Mr. and. Mrs.. Fred Martens are- the parents ot a fine baby born, last week. , Mrs. j. K. Tate and Miss Clara Tate went to Wahoo Thursday in an automo bile. v Mrs. O. H. Baldwin.' Ji, went SatUiuoy to Missouri to visit er relatlvua for irme time. Mr. and Mrs. Uenry Homan billed several daya here lut Wv with rta ttvfcs, Mrs. John Qreggersbn returned Monday from Berlin. Jai, whera she visited the last month. ' ins a.'VUltw lUt Mrs. Clark's, brother cf Alnsworth, $tb. Mr. and Mrs, ylIllam Hauea and taty ot Columbus. Neb.,' visited last tuncy at the Bay and Nolle, homo. Mrs. Anna McOrew :(t Thursday for her old, bonis in renneytnajli, hua ex pects to be away bsat tlx woeks. Ella Doerson returned Thursday from the western part ot the state where she has been employed In a drug store, -.M.r.- Odenrlchs and daughter. Mrs. n imam Foita ot Nebraska. City vleiitd. Jey nome oi 4, v. lous- Mre. B. E. sterrloker. her daughter iiartha, and grandfather gterrleker. Fourth.1 a on the nnd art the fcueats qf Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Bchrettger. Tha Misses Aim. Culver unit' Mvrtla Walker of Council Bluffs were the guests ui cuss Aiuiu iijawig r.aay. , Mr. and Mrs. W, JfTPlammer of Beth lehem, Pa., are the guests ot Mr, C. U. Mohr and other friends this week, N JjlM Fern Marshall of Lincoln Is guest ot Miss Vera McVcy this wee Arti&a-iwp. Mrs. O. X. Pfeiffer was an Omaha pa, senger Monday morning. the week. Dtlmar McCann Mturniid liama Inst weeH from a protracted visit into Mon tana. Mrs. Uoscoe Ludwlg came over from Reek Valley. Is., Saturday and will visit home folks, . Misses Margnret and Bather Fteper ot Loa Angeles, CaL, arrived last Thursday O. K. Lewis.: Who Has Men vlslilnr hli son Is Council JUutfa for a tew weeks, returned hcuno tha first ot, the week. The Mioses Josephine and Ida Dhboze came up from Crete laet week and are the.gyeats Of their sister, Mrs, B. F. Cook. . - . ' Miss Nora Craven departed a abort time ago for her home In Kansas, where she will visit her mother for two or three weeks. Mrs, Mae CoUrell and Miss Louise Smith departed Tuesday for Roseburg, Ore. They expect to be gone about six months. The fountain for the city park ar rived last week and on the morning of the Fourth it was placed In. the basin provided for It and the water turned on. It Is , ot bronze and reprcsenta a stork standing on a pedestal. Its beak forming the nosxlo through w.hloh the pater passes. B H. J. Jungbluth, an old resident ot this place, waa 'killed In an automobile accident last Wednesday afternoon. He and his two sons, daughter and daughter-llV-law ware out riding and in going over a raJlrood bridge eoutheast of town they met a trajn and in turning out went down the embankment With the result that Mr. Junsbluth was killed and tone eon badly hurt, while the rest sustained tillsht Injuries. Mr. Junsbluth waa born in Germany In ISB and came to this country in 1SR. Sprlnsrftlcd. . Charles Thompson of Omaha was In town the first of the week. Frank Compte, Jr.. Is golnr to' Cherry county by motorcycle next Saturday. Springfield is promised electric lights as soon an the Interurban. reaches here. Arch Cockerill came home from Omaha for a tew days to paint his father's house, Mrs. Fred Buckner waa taken to Omaha Sunday for an operation for ap pendicitis. Ross Bates left Tuesday for Boise, Idaho, where he expects to commence tho practice ot law. The eitiscna of Springfield met Tuesday night and mart a arrangements tor their annual picnic in August. The date will o announced later, M N, J. Christiansen returned Jaet week from South Dakota, where he has been tor three months. Roger Oelb and Norman Lovell. who'- aro attending the Peru Normal, were home lor tho Fourth, Misses Wanda and Opal Besack. who are attending the summer school at Uni versity Place, were home over Sunday, W. E. Miller, accompanied by hli grandson. William Miller, left Tuesday by auto for Cherry county to see Ills sons, Gray and John. The farm known as the Lester Anson place sold at auction Thursday, bringing 3 per acre. This tarn sold a year ago tor tfii per acre. Morehead Declares Will Be no Election (From a tSatt Correspondent) LINCOLN, July H.-Spe,clal; While others are worrying- over the question gf whether there will be an election In Nebraska this year, dovernor Morehead rtuletly announces' tba as tar as he Is concerned there' will .be none and that he will Issue no election proclamation, ' Tha old law declares "that'a convention ot the different pollfifcat parties shall be held on the last Tuesday in July pt each year. This wilt fall on the 28th. The new law passed at the last session of the legislature referring to the elec tion ot supreme judges, which Is the office of most Importance which would have been filled this year, says: "At the geaeral election, to 'be held In the year 1SH nd each fix years there after, thereshall be elected a chief Jus tice of the supreme court 1 at the gen eral election to be held In 151S And every six years thereafter there shall be elected tare Judgea ot the supreme court and at the general election In Ult and sis; years thereafter there shall be elected three Judges of the supreme court, all of whom shall hold their office for six yeare, The new law goes Into effect before a convention can be called or ,ati: election held. . : . The Pennsylvania ---railroad bag pur chased a battery Jocqmotive .tor yard work at ita Altoona shops. ' lupiis Worst Fcrai . of Skill Diseases Herd is a Home Treatment that Overcomes even Worst Cases. , ' - &Bpaa or any otJter 8Uk Dlaeaaa rtD co smtklas; Away if .70 ' b 8. B. B. A tiny pimple spreads to the elda ot the face and often covers the cheeks and bridge of the nose it is rery de structive to the tissues ot the skin. No external treatments will overcome It. as the cause of lupus la from Impurities tn tho blood supply. The only known method of cure h to get the blood sup ply under the control of S.-8, a. tha famous blood specific Its action Is o.ulte remarkable, and. has direct Influ ence upon the network of small Hood vessels and glands in the skin. Not one drop of minerals or drugs la used in its preparation. Ask for a a a and insist oipon having it. For Illus trated book on skin diseases write. The Bwlft Bpeeina Co.. 1SS Bwlf t S&l VtH' 1)0 not ow soma jealous clerk to larrup the atmosphere in eloquence over something "just as g" a. a & a Beware otaU .ubs"