Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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A Final Clean-up Saturday of
Clearaway July. Sales of Women's Coats,
Hand Tailored Suits,
Linen and, Ratine and Eponge Suits
Wo invito your attention to our Serai-Annual Clearing Salo of
High Class Ready-to-Wear Garments. Every -woman knowB wo Boll
only the beat heat In Fabric, best In Stylo and Fashion. Women
who appreciate really now and, up-to-date garments should attend
We eel! a groat many ot thcso famous' garments,
wo offer many styled at very reduced prices.
Special Men's High Grado Wnsh Neckwear at 35c or, 3 for ?1.00.
An elegant assortment of. patterns.
Special Men's Shirts
Pleated and Ncglisoca In a ereat
-juallty, reduced to f 1.15 each.
Men's Department, Main Floor;
Last Session Is Closed with Election
of Officers.
Eastern Membera of tfco Organica-
tioa Inslat on Next Annual As-
. a
aeaaftly em hci wearer
O. A. Schoedsack of Omaha Is vlpe
president of the NaUonar,AioclaUon of
Cleaner Had Pyers. Ha was elected to
that otllcs at the closing ln of their
aixtb, annual contention at the Audi
tortus yesterday afternoon to succeed
W. 1. Stoddard of Atlanta. Oa.
Cedar y.etnt, 0., tH only candidate for
the 11 1 cimVentkm, was successful The
cleaner arid dyers desired ta set th
convention farther back east to appeal
the feeling s of the eastern members, who
ill one man aald, "Are pouting- because
the west has -taken the, convention from
them." ' N
W H, Morirens of Bt Louis was re
elected president of the national two
elation. J I Corley of Bt Louis and
W. XV Reeve of Cleveland were ro
elected general secretary and financial
secretary, respectively. Jf, V. Ermlih ot
Terra Haute, 2nd., remains the treasure!
of the organisation.
The dtectors elected aro W. It. Brace
ot Buffalo, N. Y.J C. V. Hlgby Of Un
coin and D. D. Dempeey of fcedar Rapids,
la. Leo Eoukup was made sergeant-at-am.
The chaplain remains Paul W,
Bryant of New York City.
The convention was brought to a close
at the Home hotel' last night with the
annual banquet. Nearly M8 .cleaners and
dyers attended. Nearly 100 delegates left
Omaha ye5rday afternoon.-
At the banquet Mayor Dahlman bade
tho vlaltdra adieu, extenin again t
Units an invitation to return to Omaha,
Among the other speakers were Roma
Milter, who talked tm co-operation! W,
H. Xorccnal -res!a.t of the national
aaaociaHon, who thanked tha Omaha
cleaners and dyers for the entertainment
they had bad wa-jle in Omaha; Julius
Jtrssteh, the treasurer of the association,
and Jefen.l Corley of St. Louts, the gen
eral secretary.
Mrs. Evelyn Horton again entertained
the delegates with a number of solos,
accompanied on the piano by Miss II. M
Iseabtrg of South Omaha,
Plan Campaign to
Beat Gas Ordinance
At a meeting; held In the rooms ot tht
Douglas County Pioneers last night, the
tontl-ea; franchise prranlsatlon oted to
ca-Tv en . an xienstva. campaign. In nn
attempt to induea the voters t6 detect
the dollar propoaltion. a pommo
ot tbrA It W, Morrow, W- T. Qrahain
ana O. -Hi- Norman, was npp?mtvt to
aaeemble from tte, political an cmmcr
olal orgonlsaUons of .tha city, -ttcu-tire
commltt whieh will make nrranso
menu to acquaint the public with it tc
Hnauenclet. Br. V. P; Ramsey saidt "If ttis Usn
ehfw Is granted the Vrica of $raa will rust
on the political party In power, whkb.
Will, in turn, force the gas comfuity into
pontic tor Its own protection. Ana ta
defeat this we must set together knd in
form the people of this fact Ve must
get the various organisations into tha
flghtt we must see that every rotsr Is
personally informed, and the Only way
to do this ia by mean ot lota ot tin
Harry A. Zimm&n said: "Get the so
pie arquted; th gas company tears only
the people The way to do this con- ,
entted publicity and public speakers. '
fet the committee appoint good speak )
era lo Attend all gthertnga between now
WA the Unse ot elecUon,"
These who teke atralnst the ordinance
were Br. "W. O. Wsnry, E. L llorrow, W, I
f Bearer, C. F. Harritca, W. T. Ora J
haim, a K. Norman aad II. W. Morrow. ,
Jt Mowow wj chairman.
The be c.Jflce at tht Srandetc laaa ber
lmr aince tho aacouacWe&t of tho
tssl va t9g and her caHHty
tm a fitar weeks" Stay ajt that tafcfer
Tka copipauy will reh Oit BuckU) i
a.fnuKin frora MlRMapftlls, will i
Vly Taayeaateet Way" la the evantag, I
All Trimmed
Trimmed Hats that
sold for $12 to $25,
Saturday at $4.75.
Trimmed Hats that
sold for $5.00 to $10,
Saturday at $2.00.
Quting Hats that sold
for 95c to $5.00.
Saturday at 69c,
For Saturday
variety of colors, regular $1.50
n step from either entrance,
the bill to run all week. At the end of
her four weeks Miss Lang will take a
short rett, and then prepare for the win
ter tour that, la already scheduled for
her. She will open at ji out real in Sep
Umber and spend the early part of tho
Winter In Canada.
--s ,
One Lone Female In Cincinnati Zoo
I All that la Lett of '
Five thousand dollars for a pair of
Tea, and more than that, If any one
can readily deliver tha goods.
All that the bird lovers of tha United
States want to see la two genuine slmon
i)re passenger plgeona, male and female,
and th money's" yours on a gold plate.
Once millions upon millions of them
darkened tho skies. Once their for
est nestllnif places wore so crowded that
the noise of the birds was deafening.
Thousands were shipped to market every
week; one hunter, could net or shoot or
club to, death, hundreds a ,dayf atigue or
i i . ... j r . - - .
inability to see the oncoming darkntes
was all that Stopped the day's slaughter.
And tw there is none. Tea, there Is
one. Ehe Is ft poor, lcn female. 31 years
old, In the Cincinnati zoo. Jealously
guarded in her advancing age, cared for
ns tenderly as a, princeling In swaddling-
ciames, per muo any is last arawing to
its close. And then the race of passenger
pigeo'na will have perished from the face
ot the eartlt, not the first Innocent victims
ot the greed of man.
But the Audubon societies, ot the coun
try and bird lovers all stilt cherish hope.
Perhaps a pair Is still allve-somewiere.
Perhaps some hidden nesting placo may
be found. Perhaps th-re n yet soma Soli
tary spot aa yet untrodden by man where
they are dewelilnff peace perhaps.
So tha reward .of J3.00Q. Several
wealthy men have contributed to It. Chief
among them are Colonel Anthony It, Ku-
ser ot Beraaruevtlle, N. J.t Prof. C. T,
Hodge of Clark university, Worcester,
Mass. who gave up hj quest after throa
years search ot North America, and
Colonel John E, Thayer ot Lancaster,
Mass. All they ak Is a pair ot passenger
hrh. 7?.Ci Z duty'-not a word fdr pulr auld Scotland!"
pigeons, that the vanished rac may beJock CQCke1 hik at th2 f,aCT &nrt
propagated and preserved for all time.
A few days ago hope ran high. Appar
ently authentic reports came from Aa.
sonla, Penn., that a pair ot genuine pas-
Central Figures
'vim' jPotzkjp
Suitable Vacation
Our GIovo Stock offers you the
moat satisfactory and sultablo styles
for dress or traveling wear.
Washable Leather.
Long or Short, $1.10 up to $3.00
a pair.
Silk Glovos.
Long or Short, 50c up to $2.00 a
Embroidered Silk Glovos.
In Long Length, $1.50 up to $4.00
a pair.
Ohamoisotto Gloves.
Long or Short, 50c and $1 a pair.
Hosiery Values
Gauze 'Cotton Hoso, wide gar
ter tops and doubld soles, 50c
per pair.
Gauze Lislo Hose, 50c pair.
Gauze Lislo or Cotton Hose,
with white soles, 50c per pair.
' "White Lisle Hose, 35o and
"50c per pair, - ':
Silk Boot Hose, black .or
white, 50o per pair.
Nature's Dandruff Remedy
and Hair Tonic, 50o and $1.00
a bottle.
Wildroot Shampoo Soap, 15o
a cake,
Toilet Goodo Section Main Floor.
ft IE KT
senger pigeons had been seen there one
"I saw them," declared Mark Hauser,
president of the Lehigh Motor club, and
"so did II" reiterated Moses Newhard, by
way of emphasis.
Scores Immediately sought the woods
hard by, where once thousands upon
thousands ot the birds made their nest
ing placeseverybody wanted' to win that
5,000, Every tree biff enough to hide
even as ingle nest WastanxioUsly scanned,
but nary a pigeon, At night tne search
was given up in despnlK The $5,099 la
still awaiting a claimant.
. ''Wo get on an average of two such
reports a weok, from different parts ot
tha country," said Dr. W. T. Horn ad ay,
director ot the New lork Zoological
garde' n. "but they Invariably turn out
,to b laeorrect,' Now Tfork Werl.
Hundred Saleswomen- Wanted.
We require, the srvls ot, Wv-sales-
women ot experience in lace, emoroia
ery, hosiery, underwear and trlmmtim
departments.- Apply at ones o superin
i Advertisement,
No- "Stlramy'anU" (or Jim.
"I think, madam," said the profettaton
ally polite young doctor to the wire of
his first patient In the backwoods of a,
decidedly nonprohlbltlon state, "I think
that your husband needs a good stimu
lant ot soma sort, and I will leave for
him some" .
"No, air!" she said, with, marked deci
sion. "You ain't a-Koln to leave Jim no
stlmmylants like ki-nlne or ttnkaher ot
iron nor that malt stuff some folks takes
nowadays without knowln' what .It'll do
to tneir system: Me and Jim, la notn
down on all stlmmylants. I'm goln to
ns mm up a quart or so o- gooa
whisky to take first thing
an I'll stir him up a good.
rst thing In the mown',
strong wnisuy
effffnos: . at noon, and
gnor at noon, and ' let him have a
t-amtn' hot brandy punch along in th
Iddle o' the afternoon, an' give him a
s o wim grape wine at nignt; nut as
stlmmylants. he ain't, goin' .to .take
ot 'em, long aa I can help If."
Key to the Situation Be Advertising. 1
The deotoh View,
At the battle ot Trafalgat two wots
happened to be stationed near each other
when the celebrated signal was displayed
from, the admiral's ship. "Look up and
read. Jock." said one to the other.
" "England expects every man to do hU
turned to his orony, "Man, Qoordle,
tnat o your senser- ne at Ken. "bcoii
kens well enough that her. balms will
do their duty; that's Just a hint to the
Kniishmen."Detrolt Free 1
in City Tennis Championship Tournament
For the third consecutive year llsrry
Koch and Cub Potter meet In the cham
pionship match pt the city tennis, tournt.
nient. 'Koch beat Potter last year, but
Cub aaserts lhaV he will play a better
game this year and win the title away
from his club mate today. Aadm.
vho was runner-up in the tourney, ja
high school lad and former city junior
ehamrlon Adams ts young and rrogre- j
Dr. McDonald Says it is Conservator
of Vested Interests.
It la Controlled by Comfortable anil
"Wcll-to-Do and Knows Nothing
of the Problem ot Worlt
' ' or yVngt:
tOS ANOELES, CaL,v July ll.-Th
church, controlled by the comfortable and
well-to-do. Is a futile Instrument in th
solution ot the problems created by the
relations of vested Interests and worships
aervator of vsted Interests and worships
the god of things a, they are, and until
tho church re-establishes Christ's princi
ples of social relations human and In
dustrial justice miist remain a mere fig
ure of speech.
in sunstanco this was the declaration
of Dr. J. A. McDonald, editor of vthe To
ronto (Ont) Globe today In the principal
address delivered before tha general as
sembly ot the International Christian En
deavor society.
"From my point of View as a news,
paper man," sold Dr. McDonald, "thq
churches of America, alike In the repub
lic and the dominion, havo In the past
been In danger. of losing the national out
look and becoming mere 'denomination
ot the intellectual and the Well-to-do.
"All over America," continued Dr. Mc
Donald, "thero has grown an Industrial
absolutism more baneful and much mors
arrogant than that-of any. Btuart -queen,
but whero Is the 'Church of John Knox
that will stand atralnst tyranny and op
pression for tho will of Pod and for 'the!
rights ot men?
Ont of Tonrh with Jlumnnftr-
"What does the comfortable church' ot
the well-to-do know about the problem
of work or of wages? How can It hear
tho passlonato cry ot the children ot
America, a million ot them some say
thres millions caught In th cruel wheels
ot our vast, heartless Industrial machine?
How can it measure the agony ot women
whose only alternative Is starvation or
"Why? Because of tho church's social
apostasy. Onco again the church has be
come tho conservator of vestod Interest)
and worships 'the god of things as they
re.' "
As a remedy Dr. McDonald urged a re
turn to the mode of living established by
Christ and practiced by the primitive,
Christians, "when Jews and Bomans,
Greeks and barbarians did live together
happily and did , work, together happily
through all the relation of Industrial
service In every day life."
(Continued from Pas One.)
creased front KO00 to U,C00 per annum
Senator Walsh also fesA nasi Ms
record a letter from "Whitman to former
Bunator Aldrich, written about ten years
ago, urging tha selection ot North as
director of the proposed census bureau
because the speeches of ttfe director ot
that .bureau, Carroll D. "Wright, 'had
bees, "poputlstio and probably prejudicial
In favor of labor."
In another letter praising North" and
suggesting appointment addressee fo en
tnr AllUnti. Whttmaji expressed the
Mew that 'Wright waa biased In. faVor
of labor and that North was not.
Speaker Clark on Stand,
Speaker Clark made a statement relat
Jhg to tha Use ot his name by Doyld
garner and Edward uterbach. lie
testified he had never had anything- to
do with Lswnar, lAUterbach or any, of the
men mentioned by them.
J. P. Morgan, be aaid. ha saw. at a
sridlron dinner In Washington several
years ago. at which former President
Roosevelt and former Benator "floraker
engaged In a Joint debate.
"It was the greatest contest ever heard
In this ooantry," said the speaker.
Speaker Clark put In this statement).
"Ledyard says that Lauterbach told
him that he was in oomtnunlcaMon with
me through Senator Stone, uterbaoh,
who acknowledged on the witness stand
that ha had, lied, said that Lamar gave
Him the Information. Lamar confessed
ike ' whole tale was a Its to force. Mcr
fan & Co, to take Lauterbaeh back Into
their employ. All ot them disclaim any
acquaintance or communication with me.
Never Talked with TKopsmn,
"Senator Stone justly and properly
characterised the Lamar-Lsutqrbach tale
as a He, In which, he waa entirely cor
rect, tie ana never in our iivcb con
versed about or In" any way-- mentioned tq
each other Morgan & CO. or the steel
trust Investigation.
"I never spoke to J, Plerpont Morgan;
or any member ot his, firm In my life
never communicated with htm, or them
Ing and It ia thau8ht.thita will be ai
aupcrlor flayer lo either iJoch or Potter
atter.a few- years. " "
"Honest Reductions"
When Browning, King & Co. announce a reduction,
the price's' of their clothing the public! "know for sutie"
that the reductions are genuine. 1 '
They are not a "mark down from 'inflated'' prices1 made
a week before to allow for a fictitious "sale,"
All our broken lines of men's suits are reduced j, 4 and
in many instances in price and for those who want
to benefit at this July saving we ask to come and see the
splendid values we offer.
Boys' Kbiclcerbockor Suits
iS .
- OnyxA50o-Silk Hoso 35c
AOnyx35c Silk Hose 25c
'Onyx 25c Lislo Hose 20c
' '
Everything (Except Bangkok and Panamas) 33Va. Discount. t
Drowning, king & cot
GEO, T. WILSON Manager. ' "
In any manner whatsoever; never autho
rized anybody elao to do so. I waa to
my bent knowledge and belief, never In
troduced even casually to him or any oy
them. To my best knowledge and belief
I never saw any of them except Mr. Mor
gan, hlmaelf, and that was across the
larae dining room 6f the New Wlllard
at a gridiron club banquet.
"I u several years ago Introduced to
XAUterbach herd In Washington In tho
presenoe bt several gentlemen and
passed the usual salutations with him.
That waa all. I never saw him before
or since and never communicated with
him. In any manner whatsoever about
any business matter whatsoever.
'I had never heard of Lamar and knew
only by seeing his name In the papers
that there la such a man as I wis Cass
Ledyard. It seems to me that when Mr
Xdyard found out that Senator Stone's
name and mine were bolng handled about
by Lamar the pseude Palmer and Lauter
baeh he ought to have let me know."
The sveaker was not sworn and tha
committee, did hot ask htm any question.
. . .1, ' . . L .
jto. ltu ineijoypa, Wion ne iiniinca jeaA'
ing ms statement.
Dr. Air O, TrittV . .
T3CT7MSEH Neb.. July '1L fBDeolall
Word comes to Bterllrig that 'Dr. Alva'
C. Trultt died at the county farm at
Shelbyvllle, m., lato In June, Dr. Trultt
was a native ot Shelby county, Illinois,
and. following his graduation from a
medical college, he located In Sterling.
where he practiced medicine for twenty.
ftvQ years.. Locomotor a,taxta was tbf
cauao ot his death. Dr. Trultt waa U
years old. He was taken back to Illinois
by a brother something over a year ago.
C. W. Watbrldee.
C. W. Walbritige, for stx years a rest
dent ot this city, died Thursday niornlna
at Kansas City, Mo. lie is survived by
one son, P, T, Walbridgei , Marlowe.
Ok!., and three daughters, Mrs, Phelps
and Mrs. 3. W. Dell, 2SQ9 Templeton
street, and Mrs. Olaes, Kearney, Ma The
funeral will be held at I o'clock Satur
day afternoon from C. C. Haynes' ohapel.
Twenty-fourth and, Ames avenue. In
terment In JTorest Lawn.
CALLAWAY, Neb., 4uy l-(3peclaU-Dr.
Wilbur Kern Mylar and Miss Louise
Andrews were married Tuesday evening
at tne oiy Trinity church. Bishop
Beecher of Hastings read the wedding
lines. Dr. Mylar recently graduated from
the Cotner university as valedictorian ot
his class, white the . bride has Just com
pleted her college course at Wolf Half,
juenver, xne orioe was oeauuruiiy At
tired In a gown of ivory satin ana
duqhesa lace with trimmings of pearla
and dainty white rose buds, lilies of the
'and fe
and ferns. After the ceremon.
ollowlns, a rfceptlon. at the home ot
the brlfle'Sj parents, Mr. and Mrs, It. W.
mmsv oxsress
400 pairs Misses' and
Children's Pumps, $8.90
WsaWU SsvjK Hfcaw. VasasaBBBBSBHBBaR B
shbbbbbbIw VBsBsBBaaBrU LIsbbbbbbbbbsbbbbEs
. warra
Made ot fine white
b u c k- and Lawrenoe'a
Nubucki the tnd that
and 11.69 values, maqe
or line Kia ana
and calf
tnat are
leathers, hand
at 14 and
aewea soiea,
all alsea .
ail sixes
20 DiecounU Boys' Straw Hats , 33 ; Discount
All Wash Suits 25 Discount
3 for $1.00.
6 fop $1.40.
3 for 50o.
All broken lines
All broken
All broken
Drug Necessities
at Compelling Prices
Bead over these special prices for Saturday's sell
ing. Your every day drug" wants filled at
far less than the regular prices. , ' - ;
25o ,13romo Sol tser. ..17c
60c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
tor .. ...... , v ... ,29o
25u Mennea's Talcum Powder 10o
$1.00 FbIIowb' Syrup dt Hypo
phosphites .. 04c
?1.0Q Wine ot Cardul 54c
pucHlad'g Honey and Almond'
Cream ...., ac
50o DfMar'B' Benzoin aa Al
rqond Ixstlpn ..,..., ,JSBc
Best tor tan and freckles.
Wnltens and-eooth ea the skin.
6Qc Lambert's Llstsrlne. . . .29o
BOo Hays' Hair Health. . . .29c
Bpb Almozoin aoc
50p CatfthYpr . ...-.;.. ,29o
$1.00 Dolatorje ........... .07c
60s jPpnd's Extract...' 20o
"Follow the Beaton Path" .
Beaton Drug Co.
Farnam and 15th Sts.
Andrews, tha couple left tor their futur
heme In Cheyenne, Wyo.
Miss Xleba BchmledebcrE-, daughter ot
Max Schmtedeberff, aria Mr. Archie
Bmlley, both ot Norfolk, Neb., were mar
ried by Rev. Charles W. 6avd(fe Thurs
day afternoon at o'clock at the home
Of Mrs. Ida McConald,'lBO$ North Seven
teenth street The groom's mother, Mrs.
Sadie Smiley, was one pt the witnesses.
Easily Explained,
Congressman A. TV, Lafferty of 6re
fson declared the other evening- that you
can't lose the man who runs a health
resort, end backed the statement with
an Interesting story,
Some time ago, he said, a woman who
was a litis worn out, but much of ah
invalid, went to wdely-heralded health
resort to recuperate. Half-recllning in a
big1 chair on the pleasant veranda ot ode
ot the hotali. aha addreaned tha trm.
RTletor, who loohlne after the com-
ion 01 ms gueais,
"My doctor, you know," aald the In
valid, In & languid voice, "told me . to
come here, that i might get the benefit
of the south wind. Are the winds- here
aiwars souin wjnosr
"Oh. yea. madam." was the prompt
reply of tha wlae proprietor, "ynu may
the Invalid, "but the flag- on yonder
so i nnve unaerstooo,- weaxjy repuea
Alexander's Is Omaha's
Shoe Bargain Center
100 pairs ladies'
a, auii una b
ent leathers, 1X50
values, small atses
mtartt patewt
500 pairs of tlno
patent colt Button
and Lace Oxfords,
all high toes, $4.00
values, In hand
lowed Goodyear
welts Saturday
maae to sen
Je to sell
SABEr '?
50o Newoar35o 3. f or $1.
lines $1.00 Neckwear 65c.
lines $1.50 Neckwear 95o.
75c Rubber Gloves. .80o
75c large alio'Pompolan ilassago
Cream . , , 48c
3Cc Pxophyjatlo Tooth BruBhes
for : .....84c
50c and 7Cc Mirrors. . . . .aSc
50c Pozzoal's Powder. .524c
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder... ldc
26c Peroxide, of Hydrogen.-. . .60
60c lot of Perfumes, all' odors,
Saturday, per oz, ........ .38a
2.5c De Mar's'Olycerlne, Soap loo
85c Ideal flair Brushes.,?., ,89c
36o bfeXiStiaWdert.' Wt; linen.
' very 'fine, box. . . ... . ..J . . ,14c
Meritol Clothed Cleaner, bot,.9So
Removes all gnesso stains. Best
preparation on the market.
26c Perspl-no ........... .80o
25c Mum ............... .lDc
pole surely Indicates thatv the
wind Is
now comins ronr the, north."
"Tou are
11 ui in nnir-t
Ulte rights madam."
tne easy explanation of, the proprietor.
ovi n ia a, aoi-in wina just tne same
a south wind comlnjr back'Phlladelphia
Dl Not Take. It.
Sandy Maclvor was -ho"-1 eelhV Just
well," so he went to the doctor.
"what.,.jao-ypu drlnkr demanded the
"Whisky." . :.
How much r ,t,i;
"Maybela bottle a day." ' '''f'
"Do yon smoker
"Well, you give Up whisky and tobc
altogether." ,
Sandy took up his cap, and In tore
Steps reached the door.
"Herel" called the doctor, "you have
not paid for my advlcel"
"Anm no taktn It," enapped Bandy, aa
he shut the door behind hl-aAtfowark
Tnuredtea Told in Uendllnea. '
'Husband Tries to Waah "Dinner "Dishes.
Smashes UJ Worth of China."
"Candidate' tor Initiation Thinks Cere
mony Too Hough; He Makes a WVeolt of
Lodge Iioom."
"Man Who Has Sworn Off trdm Smok
ing Wins Six Boxes of Cigars at Rattle."
Chicago Tribune.
Persistent Advertising- la the Road to
Big Returns:
Whlta duck rand
buck boots, hand
sewed .welts, $4
values Saturday
In- all Blue
asssra vxR8
High toe, Good,
year welt pxforda,
made of the fineat
White duck. 14.00
values Saturday
Sarefoet BAsrOA3
150 pairs ot Chil
dren's and Misses'
Barefoot Sandals,
sewed Elk soles,
sizes 6ttto 2,-made
of fine white buck,
?i values aat'day-
I 7 U
3 -w - i