Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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i i i
High Wages Offered Takei Men
City Health ComniUsioner to Cam
from Other Activities.
con Shoes
paign for Poaitiou.
f ' lSssfrgBsaiirvf i
I Plnya. I W l"LLrl III HUUsfll
IfMfcuIj.ty Abandon Tvr Conmroe
tcn Becnnar Htn tlnll to Oo to
Work 1a the IloantUnt
' Fteltls of the State. (
The bumper jrniiUt, grain crop being
harvested In Nebraska and adjoIntnK
states has brought about r strlngencr
In the labor market, especially In cjrcls
Trhtre common labor Is required. As
result every man who ha -wanted to
work has -been able to find employment
at Irom U0 to W.M per day.
Hero In Omaha the express companlei
nave been among the first to feel the
effect of the hlsh wages paid By the
farmers of Nebraska. Around the depots
the express companies employ largo
forces handling freight and trucking. A
couple of days "ago almont the entire la
bor force of one of these companies quit
And hustled off to the harvest fields,
The agent In cbargo of the work thought
It Mi easy matter to fill the places of
the men who had gone harvesting, but
when he wont among the labor agencies
he was unable to find applicants for
his Jobs.
When the express man told the labor
ing men that he would pay $40 per
month and that they would be expected
to work ten to eleven hours per day
and seven' Ski't each week, with nothing
fixtrft Jor tOverUme, they turned down
v Iujb C Ulsta Wages,
Thft fiiir$s& we experiencing'' 'great
ttflculty s4ii teelng their men on the
sections and the lure of the high wages
dn the farms have caused - hundreds of
them to thiwf down the pick and the
shovel and leave for the wheat fields.
However, the railroad officials are not
feeling badly, feeling that while they
-wilt Jssc their men for a time they will
get Ug returns later in the fall when
the grain moves to market,"
The Northwestern has been hiving soma
unique experiences with Nebraska farm-,
el during the last week. A good deal of
the company's Nebraska mileage Is
through the greatest winter Wheat belt
In-the world, When the harvest com.
menced. section men quit In pairs and
quartets. Something had to be done, so
this week officials honr sphered up an
even 100 ablebodled men, moat of them
young fellofla, capable, of doing hard
Tork, They Were Just the kind 0? men
any railroad company would want to
hire. They wero atj furnished with trans
portation and sept out into Nebraska, to
be dropped off at stations when needed.
They got their rides, but dt fo exceed
half a doxen of them are how Working
cn the sfoUona, As soon as the young
fellows got into the country ,tu fields of
ripening grtn looked pretty goa t6 them
and they began to leave the train. In
aoma unknown manner farmers along the
refit had been apprised of the coming
ef tha kawlftf men and at aVeaens of
towns they wera at the .stations waiting
for th-ew.
Met xrMii AilflMiM, (
JPrenldent of the nonrd of Ifdneatlon
Is Sit lil to tie Quietly Contemplat
ing; ttnnnlngr for the
flanir Job.
john zmirfinBRaEn.
Bine Says Charter
is Good and Will Be
t Adopted by the City.
John A. nine, city attorney.' is can-
tinned that the new charter Is admirably
uuBiueu io mo neeus oi me my oi
Omalia, In speaking of the charter, Mr. i
nine says: . .
"There are certain newspaper? which
oppose the home rule, charter olely.Je
cause of the men whVwotelt. It is a
good charter and the 'people will adopt
It in spite of the personalities which
seem to be the vogue with the opponents
of .this charier.
"And ap&klhg of personalities, there
4s always another side , to tho case, nt-
member how- James C. Dahlrnan cams
here and ran for mayor and was acctlseo
of being 'a non-resident, although he haa
lived here. for. four years T
"The same tactics coiild be used In'this
fight If the opponents want. to indulge I
lh parsonalltlesithe''may'feersure' that'
the mud can be returned -with accumula
"For myself, I think .this is a good
charter and ought to pas. -More thaw
that, I believe It wilt
"The talk that It 'Is the work ot on
man is bosh. Nearly every proposition
voted on showed a lively diversity ot
opinion. That sdme of the bigger prop,
osltlons wero carried by a nearly Unani
mous vote, goes to shoW that these Vary
ing opinions were an one when on the
justice of such 'measures."
Or. n. W. Connell. city health commis
sioner, who will go out of office after
the home rule charter Is adopted, this
being largely due to the efforts of hi
earnest professional enemy. Dr. 13. Holo
vtrhlner, president of the nonrd of edu
cation, will' enter ttfe'rfice for election to
the office, he announced today. -
Connell believes Tlolovtchlner will also"
run for the office-, although Ilolovtchlner
denies that he has any design on the M.
"Ilolovtchlner will be In the race, I
absolutely believe," sold Connell, "arid
I'm going In with' him and mako a
strong and stubborn campaign for tho
position, believing I am entitled to It on
the record I have made."
Dr. Ilolovtchlner nnd many others are
of the opinion that it Is next to Impos
sible for a man to be elected health
commissioner after he has served a term
and enforced tho stringent health regufo-:
tmns or the city thoroughly.
Rocheford Inquest
Coroner Crosby will bold an Inquest
over the body of William nocheford,
pioneer conFr'actor, who was kitted In
an automobile and street car collision
inursflay, early In tho coming week In
all probability Tuesday afternoon. Fun
eral arrangements have been postpone
until out-of-town relatives arrive. Ector
nocheford has recovered from his injuries
sufficiently to allow his removal home.
William Jr., Is still confined at the hos
pital, but Is Improving rapidly.
' According to, tt. V,. Wolfe, city smoke
Inspector, two buildings hftvo Installed
smoke consumers, pursuant to the ordi
nance passed by tho city commission to
abate the smoke nuisance, twelve have
arranged for the Installation and five
httvo put in temporary consumers. Wolfe
sfcys the smoke eVlt will eventually be.
wiped out
135" .! n '!' mm
Our Semi-Annual
Begins Tomorrow!
Wo have assembled all tho broken lot of suits .froriTotir regular
BPttson's sclllnR and havo priced them far below their original cost
anu value. n
Even though you may no.nocd a Bult at one It will pay you to
bur one for next season'B wear AS THE SAVINGS ARE GREAT. .
$11 Suits flir $20 Suits
Reiaeel to ... A Q
SI 2 Suits
SIS 'Suits
Rtiisei to .
RadNted to
$25 Suits
$30 Suits
Ridieod to
. . $10
. $125?
Men's Silk,-, Wash
Ties, 25c ' quality
now 12 VSc
Imitation President
Suspenders, 35c val
ues at 15d
rum silk 149I0
Hoso - 1 lgh't
weight and"dut
nble, 85c values
at 12&tf
Fancy Hose, SOo
Clearance salo of
Union Suite, ath
letic styles, mesh
and BalbricRan:
, 75c grade. 45c
Gcnulno Pongeo
Shirts, $1 qual
ity .. i . , . .69fi
Howell Buys Four 4
for Minnelusa Plant
A i soon tha ,ywwir men U
train the fatKMfa Oik .thm Into their
jMtteweWtes awl whWc4 them aWay t
tk trm. waei'e mw axe ,ttlnf
ttMsr MM w- 4nr, thr meat
wn a h4 W4 at AHifct ta ttWm to
the refittlar yts.
Up In Wyewil the BurilatHon ha sue
ptmit trsek H.fg and all construction
em the bRCh belt 'buiK bntwaen Pow
lr JUver and Caaper, he men heard
the call of the harvest fields and simply
auli. There was no, strike, They just
went out into the fields up In the Big
Horn basin country and down into tha
Chuswater and Wheatland districts.
TtothlDK more wtE be done on the track
faying work until tho harvcet is evr
probably not before Septerabtr X
Men going to the han'st fields haa
handicapped the Tutsy Bros., who are
grading the Burllnston 11ns from Cm pet
to Orin Junction, but they have not been
tforced to abandon their work. They have
a targe number ot their men employed by
thfs year aad they have remained on th
Jafe.' Their forces, however, have been
curtailed and, they are working Abort
handed. tmA &aMMra Xeru
In the vicinity at Omaha, tho 3iQuri
raclfio haa Iteea campelied ta abanAtta
ait wrk la mm way ot conatractlatT the
awsai track ef the Belt Hne, Men who
W?e warktac' g tke craeVe, taore than
m wt them hava aH qvtit and o to tha
Rawest tkUm. Wprk will net be rs
we4 until fall, when It m exacted thai
caae Hi34oye at LKm 4ay,
Mere la tewa there l jrctk4iy t
aearcKy in Wen for 'odd Job The
polity ot them reside here, and for a
rear or more they have been dmandn
and nettlnc 95' centa per hour for atatng
common labor. For them harvest wages
havn had no attraction.
Tho number of able-bodied loaferi
around and. through Jefferson- square haa
diminished fully ohe-half, so the police
nay, durtns- the J&st ten days and fha
iiresasspUejt l4 laU hoe Who have gmt
are axvnfi HH.inarrw iipmm aeiuuK ir.eji
5s. to ma. jMyp oayy,
-OMah View Improvement club waa re
orcanlxed at a mec.Mneld. Thursday
evenln at 3M1 Corby street The of.
tlcerk i elected for the ensuing year are
A. H. Vast, president; O. R. Kathhum.
eri&m 6rr- CHrMtophersoR, treaa
urer. The committee that 1. draftlng'tha
coastiWuon and b'Iaw to b presented
at the next mteUnz. is made up of A.
X. Yot, Q. R. lUthbum and W B. Italt
X)kspit to the.Kederatloa. ef Improve-
went Club that will-be held at Twanty
Seunh. aa tieavan worth atrccta next
Tuesday are V?. It. Butts and. A. N.
The club pasted a resolution favoring;
the axtaestaa t street car lln and
acahwt the rewcUoa o(farea. U aUo
teoMWMended that the Harney street line
M astdd Jmwi barker rtt to Mile
m Wsrt Thrty-thlrd stre;
kt tba Artsyfasast aasf ftjuugJiiai
Hm fni ithk for AN iftf.
Four meckknlca.1 etoltara tn Kr ih li ts Far Infant. layak, and Growinff chSckM.
lers. at. the Minnelusa water; plant will PaNtribW,UpbWssf tiwwhokboejye
maiOTBSMlhnniinMsiBiinoHisTandthf narrt
lUw 'lini Hl, WWr " twwdtc WWW
AaHskir IhmIi aMskiMcl 1st a taMtrfaJ
BjnMsnsvs srwPSSFrwa jawFssasrw ssi w flSSFFasaiww
sHssls4 sss) OSsJfcOsfJsAOs esjJOf SassltasJslKJ lS
Mmi Sm Amy MMkTmmt
be iwratiaaea ay' tkt water board at a
tl ceat of K.M6. Vfar ComnriealoMt
K. Bstahar HowsU and Wr. chief. emitaeer
have returned from ChleaRo, rXere they,
arraaed tho purchase of the stokera.
Seventy tons of coal are burned dallv
at the Florence water station. This U
now handled by etfhteea men, bin
stokers and ntna coil passers. The
meehantcaf stokers will make It possible
to do the firing with three or four men.
After a while the water commissioner
will Install mechanical ash removers, the
ashes from the coal consumed blnft R6W
removed by hand,
Chester ilcfclelland, ased S3. lilS South
Twelfth street, sustained a skull fracturej
ana was rcnucreq unconscious as a re
suit of a fall down a night of atatrs. lie
was taken to t. Jpseph'a hospital where
Police fiurfeon Beadles attended htm.
Purafstent AdvertUtar la taa Jtoad ta
Bl IfeturM.
r asatsl
I Ma
i . m m m
it not nlg tm mrrtv at (Ac
th tfU "Mtnrv Van Pyka.
lb pMsrtioBs. lul lMkM Si.
kt ewnrltM tk WklU IImt
Pamlaloa cia! aunt
Urnii roatt to lant,
From Mentrut A QaSa
Lasmat CasuksHsM Ustara
: tnii iNntiHMf
tlTIIMY, JILT 12, 1I1S
1415 Fr?iam Street
Theater haa been loaned for a term of years by an Eastern
Motlon Picture Syndicate.. Only tho beat ot the first run Photo
Plays to be shown. Thousands of dollars have been spent to make
thjs theater the prettiest, coolest and best ventilated Photo Play
Theater In Omaha.
mht,s Kiwis Pkiti Pity Thutir "
Make of Tkis Day A. Jy
fttl Ctoe to tHe Whol rm
ilyA staidly of DILI
OIA IOX 0311AM Will
M&ka You Happy and th
Littl One As WtU; Ask
Them. All Flavors.
Ot courso, therQ Is
Icq cream and Ice
cream, but when It's
GOOD, ice cream is
the mosL nourishing of
foods. Weight for
Weight contains
mtire, nutriment than
any other food. It's
just MADE of nutri
tious lngredienis when
It's made RIGHT t
But that's not all -it
is a highly digestible
food suitable for the
child, tho invalid, the
It should be used as
food, not AS a more
fillip, to the appetite.
It answers the na
' tural craving of the
child as no other food
'You Oak M It At All
Leading Drug Stores
and 0nfeotioBers In
sist Upon DELIGXA.
Cool White Footwear
At Prices to Suit
Every Pooketbook
Hundreds of Stylish Lasts are
here for your inspection.
White Footwear always
feels and looks right
Boots. Pumps and Oxforda in
both White Nubuok and White
Linen stunning models in
every style size and width,
priced up from
less pyGL'AS.
to h
of cheaper competition there
sold every day to wise par
ents of lively boys. Double
servlco is tho reason.
Boys 1 to 6 82.50
Little Gents 10 to
18 82.00
1419 Farnam Street
5 quart battles of M A A
California Port.'.hlHI.
3-star'Brandy,;per A
uart-bottle. ...... .196
Botflo S-year-old leading.
brands of Hye or
-Bbnrbon, fullqt. ,. . .(
Maryland :Bye, ,
'fiill' qt.
ttougks 1889.
109-11 N. 16th, Opp. P. 0.
You Will Wm
Something if
You Fail to
First Kan Pictures
Coavaleiitly iocted.
Oooleat Auditorium,
lioat VenUlated.
f-Plece Oretiestra-S
Also Cabaret' Gangers Sveiy rerfomance. Itemcmber the Open
ingt BatunJay, Hly ISt.
W. SC. 8oM, Uaa latwftat
anmmnum rirfimttrnr ta hnlitajf eAWrt In
wfclete viff last evtr
BsjBSwsPWssaiBts,j(ww W aww j ivwuvsvi Fyf sssa
km Csjsy. ...iNtasa n ar eaatsaHaf- the
mmm- mmm -mm. waiwiaf hk iftty are
)&stast JjftA0 IKsS'Nis Ctty thsj n ns tffiss
r s'wva 4Ma. . fHart KMtlWt
ratlriHMt m Iraqi Kansas City are at
" tnac ta asafig.
a4 wt4 ar kat4r wtttwut aar
Moe4 peiafaisMt. kw ftkWf As
ta -)wa9a war. pfiHf. 'e.
rs mi K Pruc ce. AdveftiM-
34.3T. IASr mw AVK., n.v:
An Hotel of IHfsnctJoG
with Moderato Chargei
Ktw York idl Hotel for thm 9mmmm
Vlakor. Coo)ed with artifieklly chilkd air.
wromi, acn wim dhb.
'JWkxJ-- TisBsisBsttr ftalw ss ssffai Tfnii8 "inl ir- -
"" TBSBBaBsBBBBj iSjsRfsps ss) "PBf HWIJBi 'lkiaBnanBMBfXSSHa wrvji
You Can This Ecesntric Bstd Lsadsr si v
When hi nil his Mlni trdi" tf 35 artisls givs teicerls mtil July
2ith, tvery ifttrien aii miiigif 2:30. 4:39, 3:1 S aii 10:98 p. is.
YouMI M!s a Treat If You Don't See
ftk bpm Hkv mmm mm m W"sv SPs mm
Slg. Francesco CREATORE
And Hear His Famous and Incomparable Sand
IAT1I1I (liw lath liist aii Fin It nh,) I9ATIII, lANCiNt,
(tommm mi tmm) IHI.EI SKATfii, MLLEI MASUI, iKMY II MIIXI,
HM Yaur f(nla at MaHswa f'liM. PsH eraufirfa
, Unquestionably; one' of
the best, if not tho v.ery
best, Pian'o Bargain oppor
tunity, ever offered Orn-
aba buyers. ,
Let's talk Piano
We've too many instru
ments on hand, therefore
we're willing to sacrifice
to make room.
Yom led Oil
and its to your interest to
get the very best instru
ment your money will buy.
We Have Just Such a
Piano Here for "STou.
You'll not find a piano
that will not match qual
ity for quality at a posi
tive saving, of $50 ti $100,
Are You Evn Iatemtwl?
Make Us Prove It.,
Your selection is not
confined here to one or two
makes but you are given
opportunity to select from
28 standard makes of pi
anos to compare them
carefully, - critically, side
by side.
"We're glad to. have you
compare and criticize, not
only as to pianos on our
floor but with others for
we know the more critical
you are thebettex satisfied
you'll be with yout; pur
chase here.
Zvry piano is sold under
9, gnaraatM of absolute
sa,tisf actio.
lira's Sam Jlaips
snPaW SnrV SSFSsl S WPrsi
Steinway . .,. .S25T5
Vosg & Sons .......fl35
Steger .... ?140
BTardman 150
Muo'ller . . . ,w . .:. .l25
Bradford ...... ...,. $00
Peck ,.$75
Peerless .jiilQO
Sterling ...... ...$jfM
Behning $75
Arion .$75
'BehrBros ..$JOO
All Payments Arranged to
Suit Your Oonvenieiice
Hay tien Bros,
Office For Rent
1 ' rr
The large room on ground
floor of Bee Building oc
cupied by the H avails -White
Coal Oo
Nice Farnam street front
age. 'About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault, Extra en
trance from court of the
Fine office fixtures aif of
fered for sale. Appljr to
N. P. Tei), Bee office.