'The Bee'8 Bringing Up -W.-X WEATUnr, J -7 m,r- r FAIR . :ri m .rsss-TSr hi ' ,zr,,n i i '- i - : n , n , - n j ILJ1 ' I momewi ' JS"" eta, U BSE 1 n 1 1 k f 1 1 !L.: :',.- -. 1 1 11 r ' -LJ1 i . - I JS., i VI : V. II . , Jan.-. ' , . ; 11 , v, .... . . y .iff r ' " 11 Bf "WILLIAM F. KIIUC. A woman la easy to understand; This Is the secret, second-hand: .-When you pat -her on the cheek . With your e.nvelopo oachvreok, ? Saying, "Here's tho money, dear," , . ? An youpiaca uor When she show'ru you with caresses, Planning on new ha'ta and dresses ,WJiea,Bhe calls you ..Though you know you have va poa, -She's happy. 51" When she meets you at the door ' la the morn at three or four. Trying with small fists to hit you, Threatening to pack and; qultyo) 'Clear across, tho room 'at .you, When aha swlhcs-and 'fibt in Vflln - Witif your -tfey..wMUif1"e ;' - Bhe's out - A .woman is. easy Ity "WINNIPItED BLAtilt I nad 'a. brilliant tory by a, brilliant wrltM the tother day. I!4 yovr happw to , h 7 A WOMAN NEXT DOOR-; , , I iii- " - , - J , rtTad Mi too? 's 1iVYaabut a woman who lived down ;V behind th,e tyaeks," in a -pounlJCj Ctorftu She . ; VTB.B a woinn who ' flaunted tMa-streots In .ft EPaoua hat and txpenalve gowna, She wor - bangl brtceleu that 'Jingled and iparkla. and. high-heeled-Bllpper? and , "opettwor . i ed" stocklnsa. and tho row BTlnned hepl8hly hsn nho posted, and . nudged each other, r and tho women ' looked tho . other .--way and pretended s they didn't eytry see her. ' Ono day tho woman from "behind tho ?, traek,,v bought, a htw9 uptown and moved Into U- neat, pretty llttlo houee, with a garden and trees, .nd ahe dug In '' the flower beds and watered tho lawn and"pttf. out, hanslSar bajketi, and eh , went'ld-WrSet In a little cheeked slnar " ham, ondhoj-'looued wistfully over tho . fence whenupe neighbor went by, lut nobody erer Fko to her at all. One night a baby waa taken lck. in ih. n.itrhhnrhnnd- and tha. woman from "behind ihe-Hra'kaMl iivM lW"itlfe . Th J ' next day ahc artood out on her porcn ana w4tedvto eeeVfte bby rooiuer 'go by. ' And'UM baby's "mother went by hd did not e the woman from "behind tho .tracW at all. nd the wproan from ,bo hlnd the tracks" went and sold her llttlo . new. house and tho garden and all, and went back "behind th Uabke" tb Uvo and all (he people In the village ' pursed their llp arid a?d, '-She's gone back lUey alwara do." Oood atory, wasn't It, and a good !ap H ins narrow-minded little mother, who wouldn't' maae rnencs with tho woman whfr h'al ave1 baby's 'life? Wnod a few such slaps aa that. w omenj -and yet . I wonder what the woman from "be hind tho tracke" expected when he bought the pretty llttlo hoaeo and tho garden, and. went to live among decent XopteT Pid h think they would get Out the band and meet ,her at tho doorsteps, or jrhatt You' choose your friends because you tlko them, and like their kind not bo ;ause'mbody'' else thinks you ought to ike thTfri ' If tho woman .from "behind tho tracks" bad come to the village from somewhere iIm e.nd nobody knew a thing about her, lo you think the neighbor women would sav uked her anyhow I don't She wain't thtlr Wndi never was, never eouldybi. She belonged to a different World, and every time sbe turned her ov&fblcnded. head and every time she opened her fcood humored, too easily pleaded mouth, and every time ehe laughed her rather coarse laugh, she Father : PAROor. RE COUNT .JUVT WOMAN huoii - iihu ai , . v " her Greek god, ft v of sorts. . ; x to understand. ! . would have, told what oho was, and .no woman of any fineness of perception could have beet mistaken In her for a mlnuta. No, I jlon't mean .what she bad been. That ls.nt Wha would concern a kindly woman who was" trying to aeclde whether she wanted her for a neighbor or not. I mean what she is, A gingham, dress doesn't change the heat of at woman's heart; a garden boo doesn't turn her frOm a coarse, easy-going, blunthearted, person to a gentle, delicate, lovely woman, does ItT I don't believe It. Once I had a maid a strange, silent, stubborn girl with -blue ayes, so hard that- they were like flint 6he had a strange measured walk, and a strange. controlled voice, and she always acted as if the thoiight some on was watching her. On day I saw her a blue print dress, of peculiar out and shade, and Iknew she1 was a reformatory girt. I'd -seen her before, at the reformatory. , A X didn't say a word. I treated her x actly nu I had always treated her, but one day she was gone, and she left a letter for me. In It she said many things. One of them was this; "Ton know me; don't youT I believe you do. I thought I could be different, but I can't Tou've been good to me, but I ain't happy here. I ain't comfortable, so I'm going," .and gone sho was, bock to the peopjo with, whom she was- "comfortable," poor thing. Duck to the people who' were like her, and who had her ways and her point of view. I was sorry, but I didn't go after her or try In any way to reach her. Perhaps I should have I've often won 'dorud and -yst there were the children. Would it hare; been exactly safe? Selfish jrotsCUng my children at tho expense of p. poor thing who was tryjng to make bersolf over. Perhaps; but those children are mine. They are my business. It Is my affair to keep them safe as long as. I can. My own doorstep I must keep olean. and then it I have time and-strength I may help .my neighbor ahout tier's, That's the way It looks to roe. I wonder If I am right or wrong? The poor thing from "behind the tracks" didn't belong in the neat little trt up town. 8he was no more In place with her loud laugh and her bleached hair than the timid little woman .who lived beside her would be in place In Ihe ranks of a marching army. I don't blame th neighbor women for looking the other way. Honestly, now, I dpn't And the high-heeled, expensive slipper and the openworked stocking and the gorgeous hat and flashing rlnga-he had all these thing while UU1 neighbor turned her blue cashmere and trlmmetj It with black velvet one year and ' with cream colored lace the next, trying to mako herself look pretty to the one man lw loved. How could t'he. poor thing from "behind the tracks" think she would never have to pay for ail that? After all, though, It Un'S.what you used to be tha touut. it Isn't what yon would like to be, either; but what you really are, and no change. In dres or in homing or any thing else Will chance that I wish It would. How pitifully I wish it would. k luiiiff r? 4 ii I s mm ii i (twit...... i THE BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, JULY Copyright. iiX IntornattonalNews Service. Freaks Of Fashion S ....... ii ii j... i, .'-V' " ' t slssss ' mrm 1 ' ' ? fey r tefe .. i"sssswsf cmsbf V -. . - ' tSSSiBBSSIHKm.e iT "STT ' JZJbC-J&Vm ISSB P SSSSSSBSSJ WSSJiiBllSIIII a iSSSSSSSSSS BiSJJJJJJJJJIJSJJJJJJJJJJ PpjBp jjjjjjE rjjjjtjjf'' "tjjf In Paris extremes of costume are seen more. frequently than they are here. These three were cpapped" by n foreign correspondent for the llearst nowpapers recently. When our fashion expert was asked to' describe them she immediately complained of feeling -faint and went borne. Therefore any of our women renders who feel "freakish." will have to solve these fashion puzzles for themselves, & Effect of Light on Plant Growth By EDO Alt LUCIEfi LAIUU.V. "What power, If any, ho light arti ficial or natural, on the forced growth of vegetation, compared with heat, arti ficial or natural?" This question open up "a rare field for discussion. Doth heat and tight are required foi Plant development Which has the grentui jforce is difficult to decide, fbut a plant would live longer In total darknes wjth. ! out heat than In cold absolute,- but In j tight The problem of white light shining on plants Is a very ancient one; but the dls 1 perslon Of white, sun or electric arc light ' Into a long spectrum, where the coiv stltuent colors are separated out and then allowed successively to fall on plants, l. .modern, of great Interest and by no means yet fully understood. Suppose that we have plant that car. jrcove, not fixed by roots. Thus, wliut ever bacteria are, whether Plants or anl mala, they are perhaps more nearly re lated to the vegetable than to the animal kingdom. And this point Is not clearly determined; the line of division Is so ir regular that It Is not fully located, Some bacteria ore very active ana others comparatively stilt Somo havt cilia delicate, halrllke appendages arfc these enable them to move. The micro scopic , objects move and live and havt their being in a drop of water. Place a drop on a thin glass plate, lay another plate on this, flatten tt)e drop, put the glasses under a high-power microscope and view all In range ot U!on with white light direct from sun or arc. All will be normal, Now place a rrlsm between sun or oro In the beam of light, separate it Into a long band ov colors and allow these to fall on tb rltyful of moving inhabitants. Some Wilt not change, but they are mostly white. Others contain a purpl coloring matter 12, 1013, a 2,1 n Drawn for The Bee by George McManus Momtrotitie from These react to light, absorb carbonlo aco gas and emit oxygon. Placed In tho darkness this process stops'. Cut off light from the drop, admit a tiny ray, then the bacterlawlll leave tho darkness and cluster In the light Out they have no eyes, nerves or organs. Behold tht mystery. They become aware of the existence of the light by means unknown ta science. The wonder I this: I light a chemical? Cut oft the lighted area and they all swim away. This all In while light. Now turn on the spectrum- At once there 1 a hurry Ing toward the bright red; they do not atop, they enter dull red. No rest there; they pass beyond and congregate In the infra-red in a region of radiant energy Invisible to tho human eye. But great numbers collect In the, yet low.orange part of the band of color. Few go to green and blue, and none to violet or beyond. Careful research showed that in those e HORROR,' WHITE OVER.AUb! Paris Boulevards beyond the red more carbon was stored and oxygen liberated than In those In the orange-yellow. Beyond the red, then, enorgy wBfves invisible to human eye can be "seen," or sensed, or utilised, by tneafl bacteria. But u tra-vlolet waves. also Invisible to humohs, make Imprint on snver molecules, and thu photograph, uworopnyji is tnexgreen coloring mat' ibt.ui piartu. run is aciea upon In a remarkable manner by light energy stimulated into greater production and liberation of oxygen. But cell In the, larger , Wants all liberate oxygen; there fore, in these bacteria udder the micro cope the observer peers into nature' labyrinths. No clue a tq what life 1. however. has been detected. But since nature dbe not break up light into these gor geous color ot tho spectrum, but use White light, the growth of Plant appear to depend mainly on energy waves that we caniioj see. 11 FATHl?fJ VHATS the MATTER. VITH too? Independence Day By I1KATIUCE FAIRFAX The hour: Nine in tho evening. The dayt The Fourth of July. The, year:. That, is Immaterial, . since the story tPd $Bt night is always young. ' "' - . The personnel! A young roan of t and a girl ot . The scone i A secluded corner of fc-poroo. step. .Around this young man and woman were other young men and women who wero showing their patriqtlsm with fire crackers, torpedoes, sprockets and other Illuminating and noisy means; The lat skyrocket h'nd proved a fUsla and there was some delay In starting another. Un der tho cover ot the darkness, and un heard by the others In ther merriment, the young man wWPr- ,ln t!if9 sirt' ear, "I lQyj.ypu.".'end she replied, "And I love you." It was their first- avowal ot effeaMon, .and some years later, the gtrU ho had. becorno a matron, sighed and ,bmjJi"Tou I know. I, Ip-t my$ independence,, .In- , Every, one Who loves and t loves); Idscn ainensure 'of InMpendenco, aS, this woman wag suehtjat clinging .helpless creature, that She lost all sh had Per haps that, was .because she heard her llttlo love etorV on a day, when girls were taught that to be happy sweet hearts and wives they must W lema suffering and submissive. She made no reservation of her af fection, and their courtship proti a stormy one, lie flirted, there wot soil ness, heat anger, love, Indifference, lrt patlenoe, cruelty or klndnesa prsonlhe& a the mood suited him. .Through ever) Ohange in him she remained the same par tlent, grateful, loving girl, always with, arms outstretched to welcome him wH ho deigned to turn her way, She .put herself, beneath hi Wet ltftr excessive humility, and after .ther wiVa married he saw to it thai she rematriea there. She had put her own prlcemetrk on herself. We all dot He looked at the raws, ana smw mi it rosomniosAtnet .tag public opinion Jul many Mntttriee.age the worm. Naturally, -througV all - their- narried life he'treated Aer'as If she were a 'worm. There is an independence ot nsttetM. and an independence of individuate, s the former depends on the later. .$, nation is free f Itet cltlsen are beujv. The men are Independent and free. Tile Women are gradually achieving an, 'In dependence thai U give them every right enjoyed by the men. It I a great ihlng, but not enough, t want an Independence for every girt who love, and which eh, and she alone, mutt seoure. 1 want her to hold her little head and heart high nd jrjvj,hr love and JlSe to no man who will treat them lightly. I want her, .wheht Vhe' says oy you," to add. ."but mV'Urpfteir. my usefulness, my weil-bethg, do n&t 'do. pond on 'becoming the Wife 'of anf 'meu.- Then he will Jovn horv .pnepUU ie and want her all the more - .., i. Advice to the Lovelorn By BEATRICE FAIRFAX Yon Are is ZToalUh Boy. Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been pay ing attention to . ujy th hom not In love, hut I think she love me.! she always wants mo to call on her. Shi Is CO ywtre cf g, at ; , & Bt1t , worth HO.000. Do vou think It Is rtghl for me to coll regularly and see her? If .you .have any .lf-respec utt you will never call egalm If the woman liked you as a son, and you regarded her as. you would a friend of' your mother, your Intercourse would be mutually pleasant and profitable. But the manned In which you speak of her proves this Js'notthe case. ; Op to work with your hands and brain to make your own fortune, and wheriyou talk of love let It be in connection vth a girl suitable to be your wife. Quit Telling; Her. f Dear 74lss' Falrtaxl I am S3 yeewl.oM and have had an acquaintance wl$s girl of 08 years for the last nine months. I am deeply In love with her. but. scma how, she does not seem to appreciate the same,' Now, what I would ilke to knew t there any way I could bring hen to understand the true feeling I nave,' for her? ' o.;v Vou have given her nine months devo tion that, she doesn't seem to appreciate. 'the story ot your love sm to have become old and stale. Quit telling jt Awaken her Interest by giving .her pes eason to doubt yt